Bullying lead to a girl's suicide


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
Bullies are like pack animals and like any pack there is an Alpha male. If you can identify it and punch him hard enough you can become the Alpha male yourself
Again, you're talking about physical bullying. We're talking psychological bullying here. Walk up to the alpha male (or female) and punch him, and you'll get in trouble because you "attacked" him and he never laid a finger on you. You end up with both the teachers and the bullies on your ass.
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I'm from the fucking future.
Oct 25, 2009
After Earth
too bad for the girl but to be honest i blame her too if from the first day she was pick on them why dint she fight back there lots of ways to do it that will make the bully stop
Yay! We have a moron among us!

^cyberbullying fyi

Fact is: people for some reason behave differently then others *GASP*
Some might think being called a fat-ass is nothing offensive and other will cry themselves to sleep because of it
Some might think that "pwning" or "trollin" someone verbally is nothing to worry about and just harmless but others get depressed because of it

Some might think getting shot is a part of life and to others its awfull

So please.. think before you post

Gunn ;.; fine i went far i guess but cmon dint you also get bully ? i got bully on elementary school
what did i do to make it stop well my dad told me to punch the guy in the face well that what i did i was never bully again in elementary school heck i even ended up been friends with the guy when the whole Pokemon craze hit the west damn those were the days

What're you? Twelve?

i was like 10 or 11 too bad kids today will never experience that

LOL So true, I can remember the craze like it was yesterday.

@s4mid4re: Canada is the shit, bitch.


The Neautral Gamer
May 11, 2011
United States
What Pokemon craze are you talking about :S

I must be confused_hmmmm.

Not sure what anyone is talking about pokemon craze... which makes me confused_hmmmm.

On another note, I blame society

is the time when pokemon hit the west with the anime and games it was huge everyone play it


Apr 2, 2011
United States
@s4mid4re: Canada is the shit, bitch.
Not really something to get so flustered or flammatory about. I've never been to Canada, nor do I know that much about Canada. I was solely talking about America's (or Michigan's, to be specific) approach against bullying. "Anti-bullying law" my ass :lol:

At least Canadians get some decent Anti-bullying laws. :sleep:

P.S. I'm no bitch; I'm a guy.
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I'm from the fucking future.
Oct 25, 2009
After Earth
@s4mid4re: Canada is the shit, bitch.
Not really something to get so flustered or flammatory about. I've never been to Canada, nor do I know that much about Canada. I was solely talking about America's (or Michigan's, to be specific) approach against bullying. "Anti-bullying law" my ass :lol:

At least Canadians get some decent Anti-bullying laws. :sleep:

P.S. I'm no bitch; I'm a guy.

Tell that to your Avatar. :P

Anyway, Canada is taking a more serious approach to bullying. Schools are now investigating cyber bullying and giving swift punishment for all types of bullying.


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States
Edit: Not to say it's not a cruel thing, it is, but it's partially the bullied person's fault, they gave up too easily... People need to grow stronger and face their problems, that's my belief.
True, but if they're afraid to reach out for help, who's gonna help them? And don't say "they need to learn to help themselves", because saying that about someone who believes that they're helpless is a dumb and useless thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
Raleigh, NC
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United States
Yeah it's sad, but it's not that sad. It's not like the bullies killed her. She made the choice to do that herself. Think about an alternate version, where instead of killing herself she killed them instead. Would you still blame the bullies for her actions? I sure hope not. If she couldn't even deal with high school bullies then she probably wouldn't have been able to handle the real world either. The world is often a cold and unfair place and that's a fact, learn to deal with it or gtfo. People who think this is incredibly sad clearly haven't seen the real sadness this world has to offer.

Now go ahead and hate on me for what I said, I know it's coming.


♂ ♥ Gallant Pervert ♥ ♀
GBAtemp Patron
Dec 26, 2008
Steam City
Edit: Not to say it's not a cruel thing, it is, but it's partially the bullied person's fault, they gave up too easily... People need to grow stronger and face their problems, that's my belief.
True, but if they're afraid to reach out for help, who's gonna help them? And don't say "they need to learn to help themselves", because saying that about someone who believes that they're helpless is a dumb and useless thing to do.
No, I won't say "they need to help themselves", but I do say that they need to fend for themselves... Humans have become what they are today by accepting accepting failure, whenever there was an obstacle, humans managed to surpass it, and if they didn't, they died trying... When someone reaches a dead end, that person has two options, to give up, or to continue to look for a way out... Suicide is a cowardly thing to do, no matter the situation... Life isn't something that we should throw away like that, life itself doesnt just belong to that person, it belongs to all those around the person... One's life is not one's alone. There's always another way out... No matter the situation.
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Warn-free Since 2005
Jul 9, 2005
United States
I don't even have any ideas on what they can do to make this problem better...
Smacking the bullies upside the head a few times would be a good start.
Got to agree with this.

Very recently also in Quebec, a 12 year old girl was doused with gasoline by an older teen boy, and two other teen boys tried to set her on fire. Fortunately, she escaped unharmed. The teen boys were later identified on Facebook by their peers, and received death threats. Police do not approve of death threats, of course, but I think it's kind of a good lesson for them. Let them feel a little fear and anguish in their hearts. Maybe they'll learn what is acceptable behaviour and what is not, in our society.

Isn't bullying and murder attempt just straight up different? they should've went to jail and never came back out

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Yeah it's sad, but it's not that sad. It's not like the bullies killed her. She made the choice to do that herself. Think about an alternate version, where instead of killing herself she killed them instead. Would you still blame the bullies for her actions? I sure hope not. If she couldn't even deal with high school bullies then she probably wouldn't have been able to handle the real world either. The world is often a cold and unfair place and that's a fact, learn to deal with it or gtfo. People who think this is incredibly sad clearly haven't seen the real sadness this world has to offer.

Now go ahead and hate on me for what I said, I know it's coming.

Not really much to hate in this post.
Ignorance spawns stupidity, and stupidity spawns posts like yours.

It's common.

Same with the hilarious ignorance of "I wouldn't commit suicide, so she's stupid."
What a dumb argument.
It's not even outside the scope of common sense to realize, not everyone has the same mental stability nor strength. Some people can take the abuse, any abuse. Some can really not handle much of any. Again, that's just common sense.
I'm not defending suicide as a correct and viable option, but trying to belittle people who do commit suicide because "I wouldn't do it" is the stupidest reason you can give.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
United States
What I find particularly disgusting is that the bullies set up facebook pages mocking her death. They need to be punished, severely...


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
If she couldn't even deal with high school bullies then she probably wouldn't have been able to handle the real world either.
You'd be amazed at how often, in the "real world"*, a bunch of random people doesn't gang up on you and terrorize you relentlessly for years. What with all the, you know, rules, societal norms, consequences for extremely antisocial behaviour, laws, stuff like that. In the "real world" it's easier to stop or avoid a ton of situations you can't avoid in school.

The "real world" isn't nearly as bleak and grim as kids who want to sound mature make it to be.

*School is the real world too, you know, it's not imaginary.


Your roms are on another rom site
Apr 17, 2008
Vleuten, The Netherlands
Yeah it's sad, but it's not that sad. It's not like the bullies killed her. She made the choice to do that herself. Think about an alternate version, where instead of killing herself she killed them instead. Would you still blame the bullies for her actions? I sure hope not. If she couldn't even deal with high school bullies then she probably wouldn't have been able to handle the real world either. The world is often a cold and unfair place and that's a fact, learn to deal with it or gtfo. People who think this is incredibly sad clearly haven't seen the real sadness this world has to offer.

Now go ahead and hate on me for what I said, I know it's coming.

Here's another what-if: what if you are the one that was to tell this to the parents of this child that had just had a great loss in their life. The girl meant everything for them and it is shattered by the actions of others. If you, a stranger to them, had the guts to say this to the parents, then you were heading back home with a broken nose or worse. But hey this is the internet, nobody will hear or touch you, don't they? You've got every right to step on fragile souls like the parents by posting this, hell it's even a right to say it! Even better, you're this night elf mohawk you're not even pretending to be one, you are one! You're not that little nerd that ain't bullied all day, oh no, YOU are the most flawless person on earth and you never had any sad moment in your life.

One thing dude, get your ass straight or gtfo of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Visit site
United States
I think you people are over analyzing what I said and thinking I'm implying things that I'm not. I'm just thinking about this logically instead of emotionally like you are. Emotions cloud your judgement in situations like this, it's Psych 101.

Not really much to hate in this post.
Ignorance spawns stupidity, and stupidity spawns posts like yours.

It's common.

Same with the hilarious ignorance of "I wouldn't commit suicide, so she's stupid."
What a dumb argument.
It's not even outside the scope of common sense to realize, not everyone has the same mental stability nor strength. Some people can take the abuse, any abuse. Some can really not handle much of any. Again, that's just common sense.
I'm not defending suicide as a correct and viable option, but trying to belittle people who do commit suicide because "I wouldn't do it" is the stupidest reason you can give.
You're going to call me stupid when you can't even read? I never said anything along the lines of "she's stupid," or belittled her in anyway. All I said was it was her choice to take her life, not the bullies, but humans always want somebody to blame. I have nothing else to say to you because your post has nothing to do with what I said. If I were you, here's there part where I would insult you instead of refuting what you said.

You'd be amazed at how often, in the "real world"*, a bunch of random people doesn't gang up on you and terrorize you relentlessly for years. What with all the, you know, rules, societal norms, consequences for extremely antisocial behaviour, laws, stuff like that. In the "real world" it's easier to stop or avoid a ton of situations you can't avoid in school.

The "real world" isn't nearly as bleak and grim as kids who want to sound mature make it to be.

*School is the real world too, you know, it's not imaginary.
Yes because clearly all the laws and rules in this world are followed by everyone, and it's not like those laws apply to people in high school either because if they did then this would've been stopped. Oh wait, none of that's true so you're arguement is pointless. And I wasn't saying you're likely to be bullied in the "real world," (btw no shit school is real, if you don't know what the phrase "real world," means then you're a dumbass), but life isn't fair and shitty things happen. If you've had a awesome life then you are lucky. I'm not a child trying to sound mature, maybe I'm just unlucky and I've had a shitty life while everyone else in the world is living happy lives all around me. Oh wait, that's not true. This is what I mean by not knowing real sadness; your life must be so great you don't realize/care that there are millions of innocent people out there that get fucked by the world everyday of their lives. I'm not saying I'm one of these people, but those are the people that make me feel sad. Go watch thousands of innocents get murdered in cold blood and then tell me 1 girl who willingly took her own life is as sad as that. They wanted to live but had no choice in the matter, she didn't want to live so she made the choice to take her own life.

Here's another what-if: what if you are the one that was to tell this to the parents of this child that had just had a great loss in their life. The girl meant everything for them and it is shattered by the actions of others. If you, a stranger to them, had the guts to say this to the parents, then you were heading back home with a broken nose or worse. But hey this is the internet, nobody will hear or touch you, don't they? You've got every right to step on fragile souls like the parents by posting this, hell it's even a right to say it! Even better, you're this night elf mohawk you're not even pretending to be one, you are one! You're not that little nerd that ain't bullied all day, oh no, YOU are the most flawless person on earth and you never had any sad moment in your life.

One thing dude, get your ass straight or gtfo of this thread.
I would go and say this to their face but I don't live anywhere near them. You clearly missed the point I was making entriely. The bullies didn't kill her, she made the choice to kill herself. Her parents world was shattered by the actions of their daughter, not the actions of the bullies. Everybody just wants to blame things on someone else, that's pretty much how the whole world works unfortunately. If you want to blame bullies for her actions then I guess you blame bullies for the actions of Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and Seung-Hui Cho? They were driven to massacre people because of the torment they endured. They clearly weren't responsible for their own actions, right? People can't except that the world isn't fair so they try to make it seem fair in their mind by blaming whoever they can. And the part about me never getting bullied and being flawless and never experiencing sadness just made me lol. You know absolutely nothing about me yet you have the audacity to make a comment like that? I did get bullied and overall I've had a pretty shitty life actually but I don't go around crying and complaining about it, because guess what? This is a 2 parter here: 1.)Complaining about life doesn't change a single gaddamn thing, you have to change things yourself. And 2.) There are people in this world that have to put up with a hell of a lot more then I have and a hell of a lot more than she did. Innocent children getting slaughtered after watching as their friends and family are murdered around them, people dying from starvation everyday. These people didn't chose to die, but this girl did chose to take her own life. Those are the kind of things that make me sad. My problems are trivial compared to theirs.

Oh and please explain how one "get's their ass straight," because frankly I have no idea what that means.
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The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
Yes because clearly all the laws and rules in this world are followed by everyone, and it's not like those laws apply to people in high school either because if they did then this would've been stopped. Oh wait, none of that's true so you're arguement is pointless.
Funny thing. First of all, you will never be If someone in your workplace or your social circle attacks you, you can report them to any authority that can control them, be it their supervisor or boss or the police for that matter, and if nothing else your situation will be taken seriously instead of dismissed out of hand. If you say anything about school bullying, it will be laughed off, and you will be told to "man up" and learn to deal with it. And some moron who thinks he's being clever will tell you to get used to it, because "the 'real world' is much worse." Which is of tremendous help to someone who came with a problem, isn't it? "Suck it up, it only gets worse, it will never, ever be better. Oh you thought I would help you? Ha ha ha no, nobody will ever help you, ever. Get used to it."

And I wasn't saying you're likely to be bullied in the "real world", but life isn't fair and shitty things happen.
But it's very rarely so persistently, relentlessly, systematically unfair so it's really no comparison.

(btw no shit school is real, if you don't know what the phrase "real world," means then you're a dumbass)
It means "I think your world is a safe and secluded little slice of Paradise where you are shielded and protected from all the horrible terrible ordeals I, who do not dwell there, must face every day, oh woe is me." It means "I belittle your problems." It means "your problems are trifling and meaningless petty whining compared to mine." But I'm sure you believe it means something else.

I'm not a child trying to sound mature
Yes, you are.

But no, you're right. Suicide is the easy way out. I mean, it's the easy option. "I'm out of milk... THINK I'LL KILL MYSELF" "Went to the toilet, forgot my iPad... MUST KILL MYSELF!" People who take their own life are lazy cowards, amirite? Because killing yourself is a trivial decision. Made lightly, over tea and crumpets. "I think I shall have clotted cream with my scone, and later on I'll go to the movies, or kill myself, whichever I feel like." It's not like you have to be desperate to do it, I mean it's not like it's some sort of ultimate solution, right? "I think I'll kill myself, and if it doesn't work I'll try that other thing." It's not something you're driven to against your will, it's something people do for teh lulz. Dem suicidists's crazy, eh? They'd off 'emselves at the drop of a hat, the sustained psychological torture is just an excuse. People wake up one day and say, "Such a nice day, think I'll go out through the window" and then spend the rest of the day just aching for an excuse. It is in no way the biggest, most drastic, most desperate step anyone can take, nah, it's a lazy and cowardly solution, especially since my 20/20 hindsight and no insight or regard for another person's outlook or mental state offers me (not them) several ways out. Stop me any time this starts sounding like complete and utter bullshit.

A girl was in a situation where, from her perspective, the biggest, most drastic, most desperate step anyone can take, seemed not only like a valid, but the only way out. The people who put her in that situation are responsible. Yes, they are. Yes, it's their fault. They are to blame. "Life isn't fair," but this little aspect of life's unfairness can and should be prevented. It's not a random influence beyond anyone's control, it's a bunch of selfish little cunts that need a timely ding on the head. There's a difference.


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    [uploads TP] :D
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    @BakerMan I bet your mom found out you watching those kind of vids on your 3ds again, and put a limit on you.
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    first of all, i don't watch those kinds of videos, and if i did i'd pull a verbalase 50k but with wizards and wario
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    second of all, i don't even have a 3ds
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    i just want a wizard to stick his wand (whether literal or figurative is up to interpretation, either way it's either freaky or sus, or both i guess) up my ass
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    I'm making Texas sheet cake for first time today, my Nieghbor brought us some few weeks ago and damn that's good, so I got her recipe and gonna try it today.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    mmm, sounds good
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its not a brownie, and its not a cake, so what is it- Texas sheet cake.
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    BBQ'd 🦆
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    also i'm sorry your molten lava cakes failed
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    just looked up a pic of texas sheet cake, and it looks delicious
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    🌋 Science Project?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i think i might need to try making lava cakes for the 4th of july fr
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    I used butter instead of vegetable oil, and think that's why they squirted out during baking, who knows
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    yeah i think oil is the right call
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    plus if you're making brownies or lava cakes for people with dairy allergies, you should use oil instead of butter anyway
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    @BakerMan Make me a space cake plz
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I make rum cake for 4th July every year, I make it a week prior and then soak it in rum in the fridge all week. I flip the cake each day, and add little more rum, it soaks it up everyday, so good.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    sorry, idk what you mean by a space cake, and even if i did, i'm not really taking requests right now, because otherwise people will get mad at me for taking a request but not making a birthday cake for @Xdqwerty (i'm sorry for that btw bro)
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