Hacking Can I program for XNA with any mods without going online?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
A few years back I registered as an XNA developer, but unfortunately back then there was no way for me to test out my games before putting them on the market. At least not on the console. I eventually stopped working with it all together because I simply didn't have the resources to properly test gameplay.

Is there anyway, either with a soft mod or a hard mod, to port a game that I program on a PC within the XNA development tools directly to the Xbox 360 to test without having to first upload to Microsoft servers? Completely offline? How difficult would it be as well to share such a game with friends to help test?

On a related question, I purchased quite a few community games. All of which require me to be connected to the Internet with the latest update in order to play any of them, even though most of them are single player games. I never play games online, but the reason why I have never bothered to mod my xbox in any way is because of those games that I might not be able to play anymore. Is there a way to play them offline?

Lastly, while I am absolutely certain that any mods would be detected online and then banned, is there such a thing as a stealth mode or something like that where the mods are disabled with a real disc inserted? I would still like to purchase additional community games even after I mod a console, which is why I ask. Or would I need to have a second console unmodded, and then somehow copy the games between the console?


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Other then getting a devkit, nope.

JTAG/RGH's can fake a live connection, specifically for "community" or Indie games.

Only for Xkey/DVD flashes.
Homebrew enabled consoles cannot ever go online.
Things like XBLStealth, Project Rainbowz and what not is one massive scam.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
United States
You could use the XNA creator's club ($99/yr) to test your game. While developing your game, you are transferring it from the PC to the XBox 360. Microsoft servers are only involved in purchasing and downloading the XNA development app for the 360.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Xkey's are only able to emulate the DVD drive.
They will not ever boot any unsigned code.

The XNA creators club is indeed an option.
But other then that that, you got no other option to either get a Devkit (can't connect to partner net nor XBLive, nor boot normal 360 games), or use a JTAG/RGH machine (which cannot go online either)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
You could use the XNA creator's club ($99/yr) to test your game. While developing your game, you are transferring it from the PC to the XBox 360. Microsoft servers are only involved in purchasing and downloading the XNA development app for the 360.

When did they start doing that? Back when I was into it, the process seemed to involve me having to upload the game to their servers, then wait for approval, and that is a phase well after testing. I called them up on the phone a few times because I had issues with Direct X version conflicts in addition to the computer being under powered with testing on the PC, and they told me that I couldn't test on the console. Will that app allow me to copy the files to a USB stick and walk it to the Xbox with updates, or do I still need to upload it to their servers each and every time I make even a slight edit? What about giving others the opportunity to test my games? Either single player, or with online multiplayer and/or score functionality?

Xkey's are only able to emulate the DVD drive.
They will not ever boot any unsigned code.

The XNA creators club is indeed an option.
But other then that that, you got no other option to either get a Devkit (can't connect to partner net nor XBLive, nor boot normal 360 games), or use a JTAG/RGH machine (which cannot go online either)

So with RGH I can run my own games without going through Microsoft, and I can also backup the Indie games I bought and run them? Can that run from an external hdd?

I'm guessing that my best option, overall, is to buy a second console (maybe one of those on ebay with RGH and XK3y already on it) and use that for testing programs and then, when I am ready to test for multiplayer, save my current console for use with XNA Creators club? In that scenario how easy would it be to copy the contents from the unmodded to modded xbox 360? Including saves, DLC, etc ?

Currently, I am brushing up on my C and C++ before getting back into game design, and I would really like to get into Wii Homebrew, but I would love to be able to officially develop games if possible. I will probably put off the XNA stuff a bit longer though.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
However I personally prefer keeping it internal as you got the option to switch out the HDD for a 2TB one.

Why would you get a 360 that has been hardware hacked and has an Xkey in it?
It almost defeats the purpose of having a RGH then, unless you dual NAND the console, but then you could stick with just your original one.
RGH consoles can run games off off the internal drive as well.
Both 360 and original Xbox games.
Along with XBLA/DLC/indie.

Well, you can't copy content over from a RGH to a regular 360 if it isn't signed by MS.
The RGH would purely be for testing purposes (and or piracy)
Once you finished your game, you'll have to send it to MS to get it signed.
Or whatever the procedure is for developing indie games.

Personally, I think the Wii would be your best shot, it's easier hacked then a 360 as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
However I personally prefer keeping it internal as you got the option to switch out the HDD for a 2TB one.

How would I go about switching out the internal hdd? Is it the same size as a PS3/laptop hdd? Is there a list of working drives, or do they all work of the correct size?

Why would you get a 360 that has been hardware hacked and has an Xkey in it?
It almost defeats the purpose of having a RGH then, unless you dual NAND the console, but then you could stick with just your original one.

Well, I was under the impression that if you mod a console you can't go online with that console. Also, since I am required to update to go online, and required to go online to play community games I bought, I would be surprised if my current console could be soft modded anyway.

With Dual NAND though... how does that work? What would I need for it? Is there a specific item you can suggest? I have an old Phat console (took 3 red ring replacements to get one that works) and it's so far beyond warranty that I really don't mind opening it up. Is it detectable in real NAND mode though? Wouldn't they be able to detect an unsigned game on the internal hdd? And is it possible to configure the fake NAND to never even be capable of going online so that no one in the house accidentally tries?

RGH consoles can run games off off the internal drive as well.
Both 360 and original Xbox games.
Along with XBLA/DLC/indie.

So if I take my old retail discs that I never play online and rip it to a hard drive it will play without those discs inserted? In addition to playing the indie games offline?

Well, you can't copy content over from a RGH to a regular 360 if it isn't signed by MS.
The RGH would purely be for testing purposes (and or piracy)
Once you finished your game, you'll have to send it to MS to get it signed.
Or whatever the procedure is for developing indie games.

Ya, that's the idea. I wouldn't need to copy from a hacked console to an unhacked console since the source code would be on my computer anyway. Unfortunately, I lost my old XNA work in a crash, but 3D environments turned out to be so much easier to work with than 2D environments so it wouldn't be that difficult to get back into it.

Out of curiosity though, if I ever programmed an XNA game that I didn't care about making money from, are there any non M$ sites that I can share games through for other hacked consoles to download from? As in, not warez sites, but freeware sites? It's not piracy if I am the developer ;)

Personally, I think the Wii would be your best shot, it's easier hacked then a 360 as well.

ya, I already hacked my Wii without any problems, although getting the Wii U to recognize any of my external hard drives in Wii mode has been unsuccessful so far.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Normal 2.5 inch HDD yep.
Up to 2TB (parition limit of FATX)

360's can't be softmodded ever.
It's designed to be secure from a software point of view.
Your only option to boot homebrew is by hardware hacking it.

Dual NANDing a console just requires a DemoN chip.
However, Xenons and Zephyrs can't be glitched (Xenons can on 14699 but it's unreliable as fuck, Zephyrs are hard to glitch regardless of dash version)
Both glitch chip and Dual NAND chip gets soldered in and you'll have a switch to chose between the hacked/stock state.

All games (even online ones) can be ripped to the internal HDD.
You'll however won't be able to connect to XBLive with them.
LiNK is a online service but it only works for systemlink games and most people only play COD on it.

The people would then need a hardware hacked console.
If it isn't signed by MS, you can't execute it on a retail console (common knowledge)
As for sites...
Think Temp would do, maybe that godawful sevensins...
Other then that, Homebrew on the 360 is almost non existent, not counting the standard emulators and NAND tools/Quake ports.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
Wait till the CR4 comes out.
R-JTAG is possible if you can obtain a chip that is.

ahh, thanks for that tip! I read that their stuff requires a second hard mod to glitch that has to be bought separately. Is CR4 the glitcher? What specific combo would you suggest for the fastest dual nand solution? How fast is a "cycle" that these appear to be measured in?

Also, I have quite a bit of experience soft modding, but I have never done any hard modding. How risky is it?

EDIT: Also, when talking about a 2 TB internal hdd, are you talking about that hard drive which attaches to the top? Or is there another hdd that is physically inside it? I took a look at this page and it seems to imply that it's either internal, or attaches to the top and I don't appear to have an access point on the bottom of mine, but I'm not sure if maybe there is a space for it on the inside anyway. Either way, nothing is sold for the Phat consoles anymore. I still can't find a vertical stand or replacement case for mine, so I imagine I would have to buy a special enclosure.

Oh, and how many mm does it require? I know the PS3 has to be 9.5mm, but is the xbox 360 the same?

For 9.5 mm the largest I could find is this 1.5 TB internal, but I did some reading about found out that this 2 TB external has a 9.5 mm internal hdd inside it that can be removed. (apparently it has an adhesive though to make it difficult), but it's essentially the same price.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
No idea where you read that but that's false.

If you're going for a Dual NAND solution, let me tell you in advance that you should really know what you're doing.
Do NOT!! boot any homebrew on your Live enabled gamertag, it will ban both your account and your console.
Bans are irreversible, both account and console.

Best would be to keep 1 gamertag for your hacked state + one harddrive and 1 gamertag for your retail state + one harddrive.

It's nothing compared to softmodding, you'll need some soldering skills.
Points on the 360 are tiny (I currently have no idea what the install schematics are of the CR4 so I can't say if it's doable for somewhat less experienced people)
Anyway, for the Dual NAND, you'll need a DemoN chip + CR4 chip (DemoN was 60 quid iirc and I estimate the CR4 to be roughly 40 quid)
Other then that, wires are supplied with the chip, solder with rosin core is needed as well as a low wattage soldering iron (20W or something around that range)

Other then that, Jrunner does everything from writing the EEC to building the hacked NAND.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
No idea where you read that but that's false.

What is false? I thought I needed both the Xecuter DemoN and Cool Runner to get dual nand working? One of the sales sites talked about one being a glitcher or something.

If you're going for a Dual NAND solution, let me tell you in advance that you should really know what you're doing.
Do NOT!! boot any homebrew on your Live enabled gamertag, it will ban both your account and your console.
Bans are irreversible, both account and console.

Best would be to keep 1 gamertag for your hacked state + one harddrive and 1 gamertag for your retail state + one harddrive.

That is really good to know, but there are multiple users in the house. So I would essentially need to create a second user profile for each of them? Or would I copy the profiles to the second larger hdd and just swap it in whenever wanting to play online? If that is possible that would certainly solve the problem of people in the house accidentally going online with a hacked profile, but is there a way to lock the hacked profiles from being able to go online at all in case someone swaps it in and forgets the switch?

It's nothing compared to softmodding, you'll need some soldering skills.
Points on the 360 are tiny (I currently have no idea what the install schematics are of the CR4 so I can't say if it's doable for somewhat less experienced people)
Anyway, for the Dual NAND, you'll need a DemoN chip + CR4 chip (DemoN was 60 quid iirc and I estimate the CR4 to be roughly 40 quid)
Other then that, wires are supplied with the chip, solder with rosin core is needed as well as a low wattage soldering iron (20W or something around that range)

Other then that, Jrunner does everything from writing the EEC to building the hacked NAND.

Given the obvious difficulties, would it be worth paying someone else to do it? Do you know any reputable services that are affordable?


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
DemoN can be used even without a glitch chip.
I dunno why someone would, maybe keeping 2 dashes in case the NAND corrupts?

But for Dual NANDing (and having a hacked NAND), you'll need a DemoN and CR4 (or any other generic glitchchip, but I personally prefer TX products)

Humm, if others are using the 360, I'd suggest just setting the switch to Stock and plugging in the official harddisk for them.
As soon as you need it, you can switch it to Hacked and plonk in your own harddisk.
Keep the hacked things seperate at all times and you'll be good to go.
Only thing that can be locked from online is the hacked NAND (Dashlaunch can apply patches that block MS's DNS adresses) and you could pull the ethernet cord as a preventive measurement.

I'd say yes.
If you're unsure of succeeding then I'd deffo do it.
Head over to the Xecuter forums and search for one there, lots of reputable installers are there.
I unfortunately know none in the US that does it.
Seeing shipping to Europe would cost far to much, sending it to me is also out of the option.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2010
United States
Other then getting a devkit, nope.

JTAG/RGH's can fake a live connection, specifically for "community" or Indie games.

Only for Xkey/DVD flashes.
Homebrew enabled consoles cannot ever go online.
Things like XBLStealth, Project Rainbowz and what not is one massive scam.

Lol, the stealth services that are out there are not a scam; but they are insanely pricey.. So yes, homebrew enabled consoles can go online, but it's going to cost you a pretty penny.. I don't know about Project Rainbowz, but I know that XBLSteah and XBLSE both work and are legit, but cost way too much money to even begin to justify it.

Normal 2.5 inch HDD yep.
Up to 2TB (parition limit of FATX)

360's can't be softmodded ever.
It's designed to be secure from a software point of view.
Your only option to boot homebrew is by hardware hacking it.

Dual NANDing a console just requires a DemoN chip.
However, Xenons and Zephyrs can't be glitched (Xenons can on 14699 but it's unreliable as fuck, Zephyrs are hard to glitch regardless of dash version)
Both glitch chip and Dual NAND chip gets soldered in and you'll have a switch to chose between the hacked/stock state.

All games (even online ones) can be ripped to the internal HDD.
You'll however won't be able to connect to XBLive with them.
LiNK is a online service but it only works for systemlink games and most people only play COD on it.

The people would then need a hardware hacked console.
If it isn't signed by MS, you can't execute it on a retail console (common knowledge)
As for sites...
Think Temp would do, maybe that godawful sevensins...
Other then that, Homebrew on the 360 is almost non existent, not counting the standard emulators and NAND tools/Quake ports.

A. The original SMC hack (JTAG) was pretty much a softmod if you understand how it actually works, but it does require some simple modification of the hardware.

B. Xenons and Zephyrs CAN be glitched; however, Xenons are a pain in the ass to get glitching reliably at consistent times, but with some tweaks, Zephyrs will glich just fine.

C. You technically CAN connect to XBL, read what I said above. Just because you have the weird notion that certain services are a "scam," doesn't mean they're actually a scam. I'd call them overpriced, but they're not a scam at all. That's not to say there are scam "services" here and there, but XBLStealth and XBLSE are completely legit. XBLSE is probably the better one imo.

D. Homebrew isn't almost non-existent, maybe you're just not interested in trying to find anything except for "the standard emulators, NAND tools/Quake ports."

E. I've seen a lot of your posts in the past, and you typically are on the right track about most things 360 related, but you keep misinforming people because either you blindly believe what people tell you, or you are just fail level over 9000 when it comes to researching and confirming shit before you "talk out of your ass."


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Lol, the stealth services that are out there are not a scam; but they are insanely pricey.. So yes, homebrew enabled consoles can go online, but it's going to cost you a pretty penny.. I don't know about Project Rainbowz, but I know that XBLSteah and XBLSE both work and are legit, but cost way too much money to even begin to justify it.

It might be legit, but would you really pay 50 quid per KV to go online for a day or so?
It's just not worth it.
They are scammers, since their the only ones to profit from it.
Unless you've got those scumbag kids that host hacked COD games.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2010
United States
It might be legit, but would you really pay 50 quid per KV to go online for a day or so?
It's just not worth it.
They are scammers, since their the only ones to profit from it.
Unless you've got those scumbag kids that host hacked COD games.

Why don't you actually grab a dictionary and look up the word scam before you throw it around without knowing the meaning? Besides, I have like 10 KVs from my own consoles so I wouldn't have to buy any KVs. Keep in mind that I avoid those services since I have no interest in going on XBL, but I can confirm without a shadow of a doubt that they're legit; albeit overpriced.

Just because YOU can't afford it doesn't mean it's a scam and other people with a ton of money wouldn't mind paying for it.. There are people who like the functionality of a hacked console and would like to go online on said console that are just obscenely wealthy and doesn't care about buying all their games or ripping just what they own for the sake of convenience.

Also, profiting from something isn't exclusive to the positive net gain of money in a financial sense.. For example, being able to go online and play with friends could be considered a profit. Just because you're too poor to afford it or believe that it's a "lolz super bad scam fakeeeeeee" because you wouldn't "profit" from it, doesn't mean it's a scam.

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/scam There's a nice educational link for you since I'm just an upstanding guy.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Why don't you actually grab a dictionary and look up the word scam before you throw it around without knowing the meaning? Besides, I have like 10 KVs from my own consoles so I wouldn't have to buy any KVs. Keep in mind that I avoid those services since I have no interest in going on XBL, but I can confirm without a shadow of a doubt that they're legit; albeit overpriced.

Just because YOU can't afford it doesn't mean it's a scam and other people with a ton of money wouldn't mind paying for it.. There are people who like the functionality of a hacked console and would like to go online on said console that are just obscenely wealthy and doesn't care about buying all their games or ripping just what they own for the sake of convenience.

Also, profiting from something isn't exclusive to the positive net gain of money in a financial sense.. For example, being able to go online and play with friends could be considered a profit. Just because you're too poor to afford it or believe that it's a "lolz super bad scam fakeeeeeee" because you wouldn't "profit" from it, doesn't mean it's a scam.

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/scam There's a nice educational link for you since I'm just an upstanding guy.

Honestly, playing for those services would be foolish.
Especially considering those services won't keep your console online for ever.
Even with wealthy people paying for it.
It still remains a scam as they can easily just give you a banned KV already and not refund you what so ever.
Bye bye 50 quid then.

Like pretty much everyone says, hardware hacked consoles have no business on XBL.
Even from a financial point of view, it's better to just purchase the game and go legit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
Only thing that can be locked from online is the hacked NAND (Dashlaunch can apply patches that block MS's DNS adresses) and you could pull the ethernet cord as a preventive measurement.

That's good to know. In that case, I would likely disconnect the Ethernet cable and block MS DNS and lock up the "official" profile HD. Since I rarely play online anyway, I could just switch back as needed. I don't suppose there would be any way to replace the switch with a key hole to turn instead though?

Oh, and I read that unofficial hard drives have problems playing xbox 1 games? Is that also the case with a hacked 360? and are there any ways to improve compatibility? Also, are there any ways to transfer saves and music from an old xbox to a 360? I have my old Xbox dev hardware in the attic with my old xbox. I can access any of the data on it, but for some reason I was never able to successfully transfer anything between them.

I'd say yes.
If you're unsure of succeeding then I'd deffo do it.
Head over to the Xecuter forums and search for one there, lots of reputable installers are there.
I unfortunately know none in the US that does it.
Seeing shipping to Europe would cost far to much, sending it to me is also out of the option.

Thanks. When CR4 comes out I will look around for someone who can. Of course, if it ends up costing more than a new console, I would be better off risking it myself. lol

Lol, the stealth services that are out there are not a scam; but they are insanely pricey.. So yes, homebrew enabled consoles can go online, but it's going to cost you a pretty penny.. I don't know about Project Rainbowz, but I know that XBLSteah and XBLSE both work and are legit, but cost way too much money to even begin to justify it.

Well, I looked up XBLStealth and all I could find is links pointing to a domain for sale. Even if it is legit, it doesn't matter if the service is defunct. I looked up XBLSE, and it looks like a token sale system. That leads me to believe that it's similar to the market for PS3 console IDs. If someone manages to crack the console IDs for the PS3 they could easily sell them for use until banned and keep turning out more.

A. The original SMC hack (JTAG) was pretty much a softmod if you understand how it actually works, but it does require some simple modification of the hardware.

I probably can't use that. That's probably why the xbox 360 has an update every few weeks that you have to go through to play games you paid for >.<

Like pretty much everyone says, hardware hacked consoles have no business on XBL.
Even from a financial point of view, it's better to just purchase the game and go legit.

I have to agree with you there. I actually own all of my games anyway and am certainly NOT a pirate. (I just like the extra usability of hacked consoles) It's no problem for me to just put a disk in to play online. I would rather spend money on a dual NAND than money on a service like this anyway, especially since, as I said before, my objective is to eventually get back into game programming and I would need official online features for that if I end up doing more work with the xbox.

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