Games You SHOULDN'T Buy #3 - Pokémon X and Y


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
Haha, you're telling me to let it go, pssh. Both you and Guild understand how to let things go alright. I bet if I sweeped the golden threads, or the twitter account I'd find several mockeries of myself and others. If that's not hypocritical, I don't know what is.

Chuckling over someone's fanny fury and what you're doing here aren't exactly equivocal. If anything, advice like "Let it go" should only help you advice placement on that list (which has been pretty much defunct for ages anyway).

Even if I am a big fat hypocrite, sure, how does that make my advice any less valid? Good advice is good advice no matter the source.\

Ryu is fine with my criticisms, but it's everyone else who isn't.

BREAKING: People have opinions. More at 11.

This review is an objective 7 or 8, not a TS;DB "Too Shitty; Don't Buy."

The Angry Video Game Nerd does a lot of objective reviews in addition to his lulzy ones. He's a character, and his motto is that "He plays the shitty games so we don't have to." Sounds like this thread's intent.

"You keep using that word," etc. etc.

For the record, my anally mad mode (AMM for you laymen out there) includes cursing and active aggression. I just like replying to people who call me out, and I like to argue. Sue me.

So what, this is just sphincter simmered mode?

Again, this column isn't a review section. We already have that. >.>

EDIT: The bad has to severely outweigh the good for a game to be considered not worth wasting your money on. Seriously, a few subjective niggles and one or two legitimate points does not make X and Y unbuyable. Which IS the column's intent. Again, this is not and shouldn't be a review column.

Why not? This seems like a silly thing to get anal over. It's an opinion piece, the same as his other articles. Your standards of what does and does not merit a purchase are not everybody else's standards. This isn't that hard.

I mean, if this is how you want to be when it comes to Pokemon, well... go ahead. It's not like here could stop you. But, you know, it's Pokemon. Is this really worth it?
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GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
Chuckling over someone's fanny fury and what you're doing here aren't exactly equivocal. If anything, advice like "Let it go" should only help you advice placement on that list (which has been pretty much defunct for ages anyway).

Even if I am a big fat hypocrite, sure, how does that make my advice any less valid? Good advice is good advice no matter the source.\

It's not welcome advice I'm afraid. Sorry to break it to you, but if you can't follow your own advice, it says something about you and not me.

BREAKING: People have opinions. More at 11.
BREAKING: I'm not stupid.

"You keep using that word," etc. etc.

Yes, and so do you. What's your point?

So what, this is just sphincter simmered mode?

No, I'm being reasonable and replying calmly to baity responses. ;)

Why not? This seems like a silly thing to get anal over. It's an opinion piece, the same as his other articles. Your standards of what does and does not merit a purchase are not everybody else's standards. This isn't that hard.

I mean, if this is how you want to be when it comes to Pokemon, well... go ahead. It's not like here could stop you. But, you know, it's Pokemon. Is this really worth it?

Again, no anger. I'm being reasonable. It's an opinion piece in the wrong category. It's false advertising and not what was expected when it was introduced. You can like what you want, but if you're gonna say "Games you shouldn't buy" it better have very few redeeming qualities. But hey, I get that you and others don't like Pokemon, but that doesn't make them terrible games. They're well made and play nicely.

I'd be harping on this if any good game was on the block. Even something like ME3 which broke all kinds of promises, because that was a good game despite all my former criticisms. Take one step back and squint really hard. My point is dangling right in front of your eyes and you know it's right.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
Well, I hope you drew the line at not putting actually good games into this column again. its pretty easy to distinguish good games one just doesnt like from bad games that should never have existed, even though two or three people enjoyed them. Like, personally, I find no shred of fun in fallout 3. from the first second to the very last, i didnt enjoy a single objective or task in this game. yet I know the game itself is pretty good and worth of much praise, even if its simply not made for me. same thing with the original resident evil. i cant play that game without getting annoyed, never could even when it was freshly out, but it did its job well as a zombie themed survival game, using its obvious flaws (controls, cameras, klutzy item and aiming system) to increase tension and the feeling of being in a mostly hopeless situation.
or metroid other m. yes, its not exactly the metroid game the character of samus aran deserved and from a storyline point of view, it had a bunch of weak moments. but from a gameplay point of view, the game was a great action-platformer and the cinematics were very nice too. for the diehard fan, the story thing might be a nogo for whatever reason, but for everyone else, this game is well worth the 3$ it would cost you to get it.

I really wouldn't mind this exact same text in a private blog about games you expected more from, or games you think of as overrated, those would clearly be opinion pieces and while I would still argue against your opinion, it would be a much less of a serious matter.
But this column appeared to try to be more than a simple opinion piece, of which we have way too many out there anyways. Its pretty clear that his wouldn't have generated half the arguments if the title of this was just changed slightly to 'games I think you shouldn't buy', just because it would make clear what type of column this is.

anyways, I'll see what you take from this in your next piece and then decide if im going to keep reading this or not.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
But this game really isn't worth buying, especially at $40. Yes, I bought it. Yes, I played it all the way through. Yes, it is the most lackluster Pokemon game in a long time. Except for making the world pretty and 3D and making the process of battling other people online marginally easier than in previous generations, these games do next to nothing to set themselves apart from other entries in the series. I sold this game without a regret and have no intention of ever buying it again. This game almost felt like a demo of what could be done with Pokemon on the 3DS, and not so much a full fledged Pokemon game. The lack of post-game content after the way too easy story was probably the final nail in the coffin for me. The game just reeks of very little effort on anything but the graphics this go around.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
Well, I hope you drew the line at not putting actually good games into this column again. its pretty easy to distinguish good games one just doesnt like from bad games that should never have existed, even though two or three people enjoyed them. Like, personally, I find no shred of fun in fallout 3. from the first second to the very last, i didnt enjoy a single objective or task in this game. yet I know the game itself is pretty good and worth of much praise, even if its simply not made for me. same thing with the original resident evil. i cant play that game without getting annoyed, never could even when it was freshly out, but it did its job well as a zombie themed survival game, using its obvious flaws (controls, cameras, klutzy item and aiming system) to increase tension and the feeling of being in a mostly hopeless situation.
or metroid other m. yes, its not exactly the metroid game the character of samus aran deserved and from a storyline point of view, it had a bunch of weak moments. but from a gameplay point of view, the game was a great action-platformer and the cinematics were very nice too. for the diehard fan, the story thing might be a nogo for whatever reason, but for everyone else, this game is well worth the 3$ it would cost you to get it.

I really wouldn't mind this exact same text in a private blog about games you expected more from, or games you think of as overrated, those would clearly be opinion pieces and while I would still argue against your opinion, it would be a much less of a serious matter.
But this column appeared to try to be more than a simple opinion piece, of which we have way too many out there anyways. Its pretty clear that his wouldn't have generated half the arguments if the title of this was just changed slightly to 'games I think you shouldn't buy', just because it would make clear what type of column this is.

anyways, I'll see what you take from this in your next piece and then decide if im going to keep reading this or not.

Well, based on this, I think I unfortunately will lose you as a reader, as I actually had Metroid Other M and Final Fantasy XIII and sequels down the pipeline somewhere else. :( It all goes back to trying to please everyone. I can guarantee you that if you were in these shoes and picking games that warrant social suicide to discuss, games that will draw in a breath from the collective crowd, it's going to be a tough decision. ;) Who knows, this column might even be retconned and modified so that it becomes a dissenting opinions column. It'd give me more things to talk about, if anything. I really don't know where the course of the column will proceed but I definitely have ideas rolling around in my head. I always have things going. :P

And there's the idea of misleading people, which again, I've accounted for and didn't realize in the initial write up.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
Well, based on this, I think I unfortunately will lose you as a reader, as I actually had Metroid Other M and Final Fantasy XIII and sequels down the pipeline somewhere else. :( It all goes back to trying to please everyone. I can guarantee you that if you were in these shoes and picking games that warrant social suicide, games that will draw in a breath from the collective crowd, it's going to be a tough decision. ;)

And there's the idea of misleading people, which again, I've accounted for and didn't realize in the initial write up.
That's what I like to see. You're not compromising your beliefs and this article series just so everybody can happily agree and move on with their lives. I prefer articles like this that actually generate debate and conversation over ones that just present collective agreement. I know Other M and FF XIII won't be met with a lot of resistance, but I know they will still generate good conversation and that's precisely what this forum benefits from.

Anybody looking for something they can agree with 100% every time, well, I guess you don't understand how opinion pieces work.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Well that was entertaining and nobody even really had to stoke the fires.

On the series title.... I think I may have been interneting too much as I always read it as hyperbole or as a "now the hype has died down" type series.

As for the game in question... peh it is pokemon. They are really not what I seek in a game (I have previous said things like "it is a training game for computer game skills" and will stand by that) and I would also argue many of its peers, even back on the GBA, took the concept in new and interesting directions where pokemon did little and less. It is probably the mario kart thing all over again -- it is not a terrible game and is actually quite functional, however it is anything but the gold standard for the game style. Given the reigns though you went end up with anything than pokemon.

Alternatively... so the shift to 3d claims another victim by way of game content starvation.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
Well, based on this, I think I unfortunately will lose you as a reader, as I actually had Metroid Other M and Final Fantasy XIII and sequels down the pipeline somewhere else. :( It all goes back to trying to please everyone. I can guarantee you that if you were in these shoes and picking games that warrant social suicide, games that will draw in a breath from the collective crowd, it's going to be a tough decision. ;)

And there's the idea of misleading people, which again, I've accounted for and didn't realize in the initial write up.

Unfortunately, I think FFXIII is worthy of being on the list, but from what I hear, the sequels redeemed the XIII series. Other M is a tossup. It's a poorly executed Metroid game in terms of story, but gameplay-wise it did a decent job. It's worth playing IMO if you can find it decently priced.

When I think of games you shouldn't buy, I think of Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens: Colonial Marines, or Call of Duty: Ghosts. Forever was overhyped, poorly made and the Duke was almost right. A:CM was poorly made, overhyped and just made of lies. Ghosts has gotten better, but the DLC is where it truly shines. If you could get just the DLC, it'd be fine, but that's extra money you shouldn't put into it.

You can find the irredeemable games everywhere, you just have to look.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
Unfortunately, I think FFXIII is worthy of being on the list, but from what I hear, the sequels redeemed the XIII series. Other M is a tossup. It's a poorly executed Metroid game in terms of story, but gameplay-wise it did a decent job. It's worth playing IMO if you can find it decently priced.

When I think of games you shouldn't buy, I think of Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens: Colonial Marines, or Call of Duty: Ghosts. Forever was overhyped, poorly made and the Duke was almost right. A:CM was poorly made, overhyped and just made of lies. Ghosts has gotten better, but the DLC is where it truly shines. If you could get just the DLC, it'd be fine, but that's extra money you shouldn't put into it.

You can find the irredeemable games everywhere, you just have to look.

AHH! There it is, the root of the problem here. Again, I'm a very gray area writer. The column's original goal was to kind of explore these popular titles and maybe go into why they might NOT warrant a purchase. And the problem here was my initial postings on games that kind of were just called out as being "bad." I went from a clearly defined idea to all of a sudden throwing the column into hot water. I wanted to use the first two as a testing ground of sorts to see what I could handle, and then I used this piece as a test as to how far we can go. Great to say that I found my limit. I'm actually really thinking of modifying the column appropriately so I can kind of set out towards my own goals.


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
It's not welcome advice I'm afraid. Sorry to break it to you, but if you can't follow your own advice, it says something about you and not me.

So then, what, you're continuing down a poor road out of... spite? Stubbornness? A bad end's a bad end no matter how you get there.

Again, no anger. I'm being reasonable. It's an opinion piece in the wrong category. It's false advertising and not what was expected when it was introduced. You can like what you want, but if you're gonna say "Games you shouldn't buy" it better have very few redeeming qualities.

Again, according to whose standard? A game could be mediocre and not worth a purchase; hell, a game could be considered good and still not worth a purchase, depending on the circumstances. You're judging a series by an arbitrary standard you made up and getting mad that it doesn't match up.

Again (again), getting mad that "Games You Shouldn't Buy" is applied loosely is like getting mad at Yahtzee for the punctuation in Zero Punctuation. Has he falsely advertised every time a period or comma pops up on screen? Does he have to speak with absolutely no pauses to simulate writing without punctuation?

If you take every title at literal face value, you're asking for a bad time.

But hey, I get that you and others don't like Pokemon, but that doesn't make them terrible games. They're well made and play nicely.

You're projecting harder than the local AMC.

This is not the issue. This has never been the issue. I don't care for Pokemon, but I don't care that people care for Pokemon. The problem comes when people take their love for Pokemon to such an extent that they take any criticism of the franchise as a personal slight, something we see here time and time again. It's a video game. Calm your tits.

A "Games You Wouldn't Buy" article on titles I really like, say, Timesplitters 2/Future Perfect or Metroid: Zero Mission, would be just as legitimate as one about this particular game.

I'd be harping on this if any good game was on the block. Even something like ME3 which broke all kinds of promises, because that was a good game despite all my former criticisms. Take one step back and squint really hard. My point is dangling right in front of your eyes and you know it's right.

You keep going back to this notion that there are objectively "good" games. There aren't. There is no such thing. Every game will have a defender or a fan. If you can't criticize a video game because someone might like it, then you can't criticize any video game. Again, I enjoyed Mass Effect 3, but an article advising people not to buy it would be just as legitimate. So someone doesn't like the same game I do. So that someone recommended people don't buy it. So what?

Just because I disagree with an article's conclusions doesn't mean that the article's very concept is wrong. If you can't handle disagreement, the problem is with you.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
Unfortunately, I think FFXIII is worthy of being on the list, but from what I hear, the sequels redeemed the XIII series. Other M is a tossup. It's a poorly executed Metroid game in terms of story, but gameplay-wise it did a decent job. It's worth playing IMO if you can find it decently priced.

When I think of games you shouldn't buy, I think of Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens: Colonial Marines, or Call of Duty: Ghosts. Forever was overhyped, poorly made and the Duke was almost right. A:CM was poorly made, overhyped and just made of lies. Ghosts has gotten better, but the DLC is where it truly shines. If you could get just the DLC, it'd be fine, but that's extra money you shouldn't put into it.

You can find the irredeemable games everywhere, you just have to look.
The thing is, there's no point in doing an article on a game everybody already knows falls ridiculously below expectations. Duke Nuken Forever, for example, everybody knew by day one that it was not a worthy purchase at almost any price. Aliens: Colonial Marines? Same idea. People are well versed in how poor it is. Call of Duty: Ghosts? In the eye of the beholder, but on here, it would just be a circle jerk of agreement because GBAtemp doesn't like barely changing CoD but adores barely changing Pokemon.

The point of Games You Shouldn't Buy isn't just to tell people "oh yeah, these games were bad back when they released 5+ years ago". Arguably, Other M will fail in this respect, though it is still so controversial even today that I think it will be a fun one regardless. These articles are going to stir the pot a little. That's what will make them good articles. Once again, if you're simply expecting something you can endlessly agree with, that perfectly matches your opinions or barely moves away from them, you don't understand how opinion pieces work.

To Ryu: if you get the chance before too long, maybe consider doing Watch_Dogs, or seeing if somebody would be willing to do a guest piece on it. Although I know it's established that it doesn't meet expectations at this point, it might be nice to get an idea of just how far from those expectations the game fell based on the opinion of a member here, and not just all the professional reviews or five sentence user reviews on metacritic.
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Well, based on this, I think I unfortunately will lose you as a reader, as I actually had Metroid Other M and Final Fantasy XIII and sequels down the pipeline somewhere else. :( It all goes back to trying to please everyone. I can guarantee you that if you were in these shoes and picking games that warrant social suicide to discuss, games that will draw in a breath from the collective crowd, it's going to be a tough decision. ;) Who knows, this column might even be retconned and modified so that it becomes a dissenting opinions column. It'd give me more things to talk about, if anything. I really don't know where the course of the column will proceed but I definitely have ideas rolling around in my head. I always have things going. :P

And there's the idea of misleading people, which again, I've accounted for and didn't realize in the initial write up.

Before you do the article on Other M, do you believe you'd feel the same way about the game if it wasn't a Metroid game, but a completely separate game with it's own universe? It looks like this series is going in the way of games that might not live up to the expectations of the franchise rather than being out-right bad games. I'm not sure it would fit under Dissenting Opinions, either, as there's a pretty strong following of people upset with the game.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
It's also a numbers game. If I talk of a universally dull game people won't care. Evidence? Look at the view counts and discussions here. It's crushed anything that's been created in the past few days.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
To Ryu: if you get the chance before too long, maybe consider doing Watch_Dogs, or seeing if somebody would be willing to do a guest piece on it. Although I know it's established that it doesn't meet expectations at this point, it might be nice to get an idea of just how far from those expectations the game fell based on the opinion of a member here, and not just all the professional reviews or five sentence user reviews on metacritic.

We (Sicklyboy and myself, Ubisoft sent the site copies) do actually have a review on it coming up for the PS3 version, Sicklyboy has already streaming some stuff
I still have more to play before I make a proper call/do the writeup though so I will leave it hanging there.


New Member
Jun 4, 2014
Man... Pokemon, eh? >_>
I think I played just about every one of them, except for the 3DS ones.
I must say, I was quite tempted to get this when it was announced at first, just to play with my other nerd friends...
But then, it came... the knowledge was unbearable...
I finally discovered the truth behind Pokemon games: the grind wasn't only about taking down the other Pokemons, it was about taking down CERTAIN KINDS of Pokemon to raise a specific stat of your own, to make it "the perfect one". The IVs and EVs bullshit. Before I knew it, I was happier D:
Not trying to complain (ok, I already am >_>) or to make people stop playing Pokemon (which they never will).
I just want to take this off my chest. I really have no idea why the developers never thought of a better method of raising Pokemon than EVs... it's just so... boring.
It turns an otherwise fun experience into an unnecessary complex mathematical struggle to see who the new World Einstein is.
The battle system would be fun if at least some variables were in play, but not even that: the Speed stat also dictates who will act first, even with a 1 point difference (except for Quick Attack and the like).
It really doesn't feel like you're playing a game, rather, it looks as if you were making a thesis about which numerical powers are more effective when in play against others.
Man, I liked Pokemon... I really did. >_>
Until some months ago, when this light shone upon my forehead.
Maybe ignorance is a good thing after all.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
So then, what, you're continuing down a poor road out of... spite? Stubbornness? A bad end's a bad end no matter how you get there.

I'm glad you think this is about you. It makes it all the easier to laugh.

Again, according to whose standard? A game could be mediocre and not worth a purchase; hell, a game could be considered good and still not worth a purchase, depending on the circumstances. You're judging a series by an arbitrary standard you made up and getting mad that it doesn't match up.

Again (again), getting mad that "Games You Shouldn't Buy" is applied loosely is like getting mad at Yahtzee for the punctuation in Zero Punctuation. Has he falsely advertised every time a period or comma pops up on screen? Does he have to speak with absolutely no pauses to simulate writing without punctuation?

If you take every title at literal face value, you're asking for a bad time.
*Shrug* If there was no standard than this couldn't be a possibility. Look at any game objectively and you can find flaws. The key is "does the bad outweigh the good?" That's your standard, and I think we can all agree that X and Y doesn't belong here for that very reason.

You seem to be real good at taking everything for face value Gahars.

You're projecting harder than the local AMC.

This is not the issue. This has never been the issue. I don't care for Pokemon, but I don't care that people care for Pokemon. The problem comes when people take their love for Pokemon to such an extent that they take any criticism of the franchise as a personal slight, something we see here time and time again. It's a video game. Calm your tits.

A "Games You Wouldn't Buy" article on titles I really like, say, Timesplitters 2/Future Perfect or Metroid: Zero Mission, would be just as legitimate as one about this particular game.
Jokes on you, I don't actively watch movies in theatres. <- This means I have no idea what you're getting at.

See, you hate the people who like pokemon more than you hate the game. I've yet to profess my love for the series (though it can be inferred), and just because I defend something or attack it does not mean I'm doing it blindly.

I also have no tits to calm, and none of this is being taken as a personal slight like you're making it out to be. Try again.

I've also never played any of those, so I couldn't say either way.

You keep going back to this notion that there are objectively "good" games. There aren't. There is no such thing. Every game will have a defender or a fan. If you can't criticize a video game because someone might like it, then you can't criticize any video game. Again, I enjoyed Mass Effect 3, but an article advising people not to buy it would be just as legitimate. So someone doesn't like the same game I do. So that someone recommended people don't buy it. So what?

Just because I disagree with an article's conclusions doesn't mean that the article's very concept is wrong. If you can't handle disagreement, the problem is with you.


  1. 1.
    (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
    "historians try to be objective and impartial"
You assume I am incapable of being objectively critical in my analysis of games I like. That's why you're wrong here. And yes, games can be objectively good. Just like movies, music, and books can be objectively good and execute their intents well. And again, there's three categories of games: good, bad but redeemable, and ugly. The bottom line is that you're putting the value of zero to a game that objectively has more value. You can have an opinion, but when it moves from opinion to a factual statement like the thread title I get salty.

I'm having polite discourse, and apparently it's something I can't handle. Nice try Gahars, but I can see right through your facade and see your true form.

The thing is, there's no point in doing an article on a game everybody already knows falls ridiculously below expectations. Duke Nuken Forever, for example, everybody knew by day one that it was not a worthy purchase at almost any price. Aliens: Colonial Marines? Same idea. People are well versed in how poor it is. Call of Duty: Ghosts? In the eye of the beholder, but on here, it would just be a circle jerk of agreement because GBAtemp doesn't like barely changing CoD but adores barely changing Pokemon.

The point of Games You Shouldn't Buy isn't just to tell people "oh yeah, these games were bad back when they released 5+ years ago". Arguably, Other M will fail in this respect, though it is still so controversial even today that I think it will be a fun one regardless. These articles are going to stir the pot a little. That's what will make them good articles. Once again, if you're simply expecting something you can endlessly agree with, that perfectly matches your opinions or barely moves away from them, you don't understand how opinion pieces work.

Yes, and you can extrapolate on why they're bad and what people expected when they came out. Otherwise Other M and FFXIII wouldn't be good candidates either. They're 4 and 5 years old respectively. Length of time means nothing in the timeless format of games. Which I get what you mean now by (fail in this aspect".

But if you're gonna put objectively good games on the block, they need convincing reasons why the bad outweighs the good. This article fell flat with mostly subjective musings with a few minor objective flaws.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
United States
Man... Pokemon, eh? >_>
I think I played just about every one of them, except for the 3DS ones.
I must say, I was quite tempted to get this when it was announced at first, just to play with my other nerd friends...
But then, it came... the knowledge was unbearable...
I finally discovered the truth behind Pokemon games: the grind wasn't only about taking down the other Pokemons, it was about taking down CERTAIN KINDS of Pokemon to raise a specific stat of your own, to make it "the perfect one". The IVs and EVs bullshit. Before I knew it, I was happier D:
Not trying to complain (ok, I already am >_>) or to make people stop playing Pokemon (which they never will).
I just want to take this off my chest. I really have no idea why the developers never thought of a better method of raising Pokemon than EVs... it's just so... boring.
It turns an otherwise fun experience into an unnecessary complex mathematical struggle to see who the new World Einstein is.
The battle system would be fun if at least some variables were in play, but not even that: the Speed stat also dictates who will act first, even with a 1 point difference (except for Quick Attack and the like).
It really doesn't feel like you're playing a game, rather, it looks as if you were making a thesis about which numerical powers are more effective when in play against others.
Man, I liked Pokemon... I really did. >_>
Until some months ago, when this light shone upon my forehead.
Maybe ignorance is a good thing after all.
If that's the case this may be the perfect pokemon game for you. Evs can now be gained through mini games, and hoards battles make the old method extremely fast. Some item adjustments made ivs breeding easier too and wonder trade is filled with breeding rejects to give you a better start for iv breeding. All the flaws of the old methods have been streamlined to make it more efficient and reasonable to get your pokemon perfect


New Member
Jun 4, 2014
If that's the case this may be the perfect pokemon game for you. Evs can now be gained through mini games, and hoards battles make the old method extremely fast. Some item adjustments made ivs breeding easier too and wonder trade is filled with breeding rejects to give you a better start for iv breeding. All the flaws of the old methods have been streamlined to make it more efficient and reasonable to get your pokemon perfect

Hmmmm... maybe so, I can't say for sure least I try it, but I don't think this would be enough. I have issues with the whole battle system, not just the raising methods. But I'm glad you said this. Maybe they are finally seeing how boring it was getting after years of games with the same mechanics over and over again. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE O_O


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
Ryukouki: That's good. I'd be fine with an opinionated article column instead of a hard facts spread. In fact, I prefer it to this. It makes discourse easier without having to argue the semantics with people. *Looks at Gahars*

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