George Zimmerman found not guilty of Trayvon Martin murder

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Founder of the Church of Renamon
Oct 31, 2011
United Kingdom
You are saying that a white jury is incapable of being neutral and fair in a trial, that if the jury was predominantly black it would be somehow better for Martin.

My above post was not all that serious but I was just pointing out the hypocrisy and casual racism displayed by a lot of people due to this trial that they are getting away with freely.

If the shoe was on the other foot and I was saying things like "well I am white and Trayvon was black so he was probably a criminal and deserved to die" there would be a shitstorm here. And basically what you are saying is that that was essentially the attitude of the jury.

So stick your opinions up your arse racist.

Actually, all i said is that it was a jury that didnt represent Trayvon.
Said nothing about their ability to make decisions.
Thats assumptions you've created in your head to start a fight i dont care about mate.

But hey i'm racist. So i'm wrong.
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Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Actually, all i said is that it was a jury that didnt represent Trayvon.
Said nothing about their ability to make decisions.
Thats assumptions you've created in your head to start a fight i dont care about mate.

But hey i'm racist. So i'm wrong.

If their ability to make decisions is unaffected then what difference does the race and colour of the jury make in the first place? Why even bring it up?

Im not picking a fight or being serious at all, just pointing out the irony.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Actually, all i said is that it was a jury that didnt represent Trayvon.

That's the thing about juries though - they're not supposed to represent the victim or the defendant, that would make them bias either way. The jury members are supposed to be impartial, so "representing the victim" factor is irrelevant.

I would personally be happier with a mixed race jury myself just so that problems like this don't pop up, but the verdict of this jury still stands.


May 14, 2013
United States
So Trayvon, because he's a young Black man being harassed and followed by a creepy old fat White guy in a state famous for racial tension and hate crimes, can't be afraid for his life and defend himself against potential harm and death?

That situation is the definition of Fight or Flight. Black people have been running for how long. Why can't they stand their ground?

P.S. Zimmerman isn't Hispanic. He's White AND Hispanic.


Future CEO of OUYA Inc.
Jun 25, 2008
Angel Grove, CA
United States
If their ability to make decisions is unaffected then what difference does the race and colour of the jury make in the first place? Why even bring it up?

Im not picking a fight or being serious at all, just pointing out the irony.

It makes a HUUUUGE fucking difference! Unlike the propaganda the U.S. spews out as if this nation is "One America" the fact is, there is an America for well off and rich Caucasians and a America for poor Caucasians and minorities even more so for minorities. A jury here is SUPPOSED to be a "jury of your peers" but ever so often, especially in cases with African American defendants, that jury tends to represent one type of person. Some, "jury of peers" huh? I would rather see a law that forces the courts to ensure that their juries have a male and female from each "major" race in this country. One that is representative of the many different walks of life that this country represents.

In regards to race, while there are many Caucasians here that are able to empathize with other types of people, there are also a fair amount that just don't give a damn and are racially biased beyond belief. They walk around as if they are better than everyone else or that they are entitled to better treatment "just because". Sadly it's the reality of this country. -just had a conversation similar to this with my Wife today. She's Caucasian and I'm Black so you can say that our family is very mixed. I lucked out by having in-laws that "get it". They understand that things just aren't where they should be these days. I can say from experience that the stereotypes the media pushes out are far from truth but as a nation the US really needs some "re-education" on what tolerance really means.

Side note, forget all of this race talk, I can't wait for the day this planet does away with this silly ass concept of "nationalism". That shit isn't going to mean a hill of beans once we start traveling the stars and meeting our interstellar neighbors. How silly will we look stepping onto the interstellar scene as the "Divided Nations of Earth" -food for thought.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
United States
If Trayvon did something wrong, he deserved a trial as guaranteed by our constitution. Bottom line. What he got instead was a perversion of our justice system that rewarded a man for acting as his judge, jury, and executioner.

George Zimmerman was a racist. He was racially motivated and had a violent criminal past. His old Myspace page reveals as much.

For a lot of people this is easy to simply dismiss as 'playing the race' card. Most will never fully understand the frustration of being in this situation. And I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

After George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin he was paraded around the police station like a hero and was eating donuts with the cops. It took six months of activists organizing and campaigning to get charges brought against Zimmerman. That's why there was all the media coverage.

In a bit of good news today, Stevie Wonder announced he will no longer be performing in Florida until they retract the 'Stand you ground' law. Even a blind man can see that it's unfair.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
United States
People still seem to be discussing "evidence" as if there was any actual evidence for either side in this case. There wasn't. George Zimmerman was not proven innocent. He just wasn't proven guilty. There were no witnesses who saw the altercation begin. It was Zimmerman's word against Martin's as to who threw the first punch or who approached who...and dead men tell no tales.

Trying to piece together a fist fight from some grass stains and scratches on the back of someone's head is a joke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
United States
"Can you imagine feeling like you're being followed? Everyone just assuming you're a criminal? If I were him, I'd wear something to hide my face."



Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
It makes a HUUUUGE fucking difference! Unlike the propaganda the U.S. spews out as if this nation is "One America" the fact is, there is an America for well off and rich Caucasians and a America for poor Caucasians and minorities even more so for minorities. A jury here is SUPPOSED to be a "jury of your peers" but ever so often, especially in cases with African American defendants, that jury tends to represent one type of person. Some, "jury of peers" huh? I would rather see a law that forces the courts to ensure that their juries have a male and female from each "major" race in this country. One that is representative of the many different walks of life that this country represents.

The defendant was not white or black he was Hispanic, he was tried by a jury who was apparently predominantly not of his ethnic group, gender or age group. Going by your reasoning the jury should have been biased against him, instead they found him innocent because there was a reasonable doubt in their minds that he did not intend to kill Martin.

Small things like the fact that he was on a prolonged 911 call asking the police to attend the scene before he even had any contact with Martin caused a reasonable doubt in their minds. Things like his injuries which show he had suffered a prolonged violent attack before the gun was used also casts a reasonable doubt as to his intent to murder Martin.

But no the jury was white therefore inherently biased towards the victim. We can say that sort of thing because even though we only know one major fact about them, that being the colour of their skin, knowing the colour of their skin is the only fact we need to know to come to a conclusion about them.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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United States
George Zimmerman was a racist. He was racially motivated and had a violent criminal past. His old Myspace page reveals as much.

Do you have proof of the bold? By the way, Trayvon Martin also got into fights, had been suspended from school, was talking about buying an illegal firearm, possibly committed burglary, and there was evidence that he used drugs (marijuana and "Lean.") He was not the innocent twelve year old little boy that the media portrayed him as.

See, two people can play the character assassination game. What does any of that have to do with the incident? Also, for the record, I don't care what Martin used on his own body. He had a right to use whatever he wants on his own body, although it could be important with regard to the incident with Zimmerman.

It took six months of activists organizing and campaigning to get charges brought against Zimmerman. That's why there was all the media coverage.

No, the only reason that charges were ever brought was because the racist/race-baiting mainstream media decided to blow this whole thing out of proportion, and was trying to start a race war. The investigators never thought that there was anything that Zimmerman could be charged with. Even the lead investigator stated under oath that he thought Zimmerman was telling the truth. Former prosecutors were laughing at how weak the prosecutions case was.

In a bit of good news today, Stevie Wonder announced he will no longer be performing in Florida until they retract the 'Stand you ground' law. Even a blind man can see that it's unfair.

Oh noes...

Anyway, this is not a "Stand your Ground" case. Zimmerman had no option of retreating because Martin was on top of him.

People still seem to be discussing "evidence" as if there was any actual evidence for either side in this case. There wasn't. George Zimmerman was not proven innocent. He just wasn't proven guilty. There were no witnesses who saw the altercation begin. It was Zimmerman's word against Martin's as to who threw the first punch or who approached who...and dead men tell no tales.

Trying to piece together a fist fight from some grass stains and scratches on the back of someone's head is a joke.

Nobody is ever found "innocent" in a criminal trial in the United States. It is always "Guilty" or "Not Guilty," even if you really are innocent. Either you have been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, or you haven't been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Also, the defense doesn't have to prove anything. All they have to do is create a reasonable doubt with the jury.

And I agree, it would be nice to have Martin's side of the altercation, but unfortunately, we don't. With regard to the evidence that we do have, it is consistent with what Zimmerman is saying.

Just wanted to point out that George Zimmerman's dad is white. Not that I care.

Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was white. Just curious, but when is the media going to start referring to Obama as a "white man?" That's not directed at you, just an observation of the obvious media bias with regard to this case, and referring to Zimmerman as a "white man."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
United States
Do you have proof of the bold? By the way, Trayvon Martin also got into fights, had been suspended from school, was talking about buying an illegal firearm, possibly committed burglary, and there was evidence that he used drugs (marijuana and "Lean.") He was not the innocent twelve year old little boy that the media portrayed him as.

See, two people can play the character assassination game. What does any of that have to do with the incident? Also, for the record, I don't care what Martin used on his own body. He had a right to use whatever he wants on his own body, although it could be important with regard to the incident with Zimmerman.

The proof of the bold is in his Myspace page statements. The info is out there. That is correct, he was 17. Not 12. Also, I for one do not correlate the use of marijuana as criminal behavior. I know I'm not alone on this.

I'm not playing a character assassination game. I just stated facts. If what George Zimmerman stated on his Myspace page is true, then he has done all character assassination needed for himself. If it's not true then he is a liar. I'm sure his feelings towards towards minorities has plenty to do with thinking a guy is committing a crime just because he was black and walking down the street in the rain with his hood up. I could see if Trayvon was looking in people's car windows or messing around people's houses but he was doing nothing to arouse suspicion but being black and walking in a gated community. I'm also sure his violent criminal history could also have special significance when it comes to future violent confrontations.

No, the only reason that charges were ever brought was because the racist/race-baiting mainstream media decided to blow this whole thing out of proportion, and was trying to start a race war. The investigators never thought that there was anything that Zimmerman could be charged with. Even the lead investigator stated under oath that he thought Zimmerman was telling the truth. Former prosecutors were laughing at how weak the prosecutions case was.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I think the whole situation was provocated because of George Zimmerman's actions. It shouldn't have taken all the action it did to get charges brought against him.

Oh noes...

Anyway, this is not a "Stand your Ground" case. Zimmerman had no option of retreating because Martin was on top of him.

Yes, I am well aware. I watched the trial. Zimmerman waived the 'Stand your ground' defense clause before it even started.

Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was white. Just curious, but when is the media going to start referring to Obama as a "white man?" That's not directed at you, just an observation of the obvious media bias with regard to this case, and referring to Zimmerman as a "white man."

I dunno...I just call him the president. Not the 'black', 'white', or even the 'half-black' president. It's a gift I suppose, to be able to see people and not see them as a color. I know what you mean though. I'm not naive, I am aware that race baiting exists. I just don't think you can toss every case aside as a simple 'playing the race card' case. Especially this one.

Ray Lewis

Dec 30, 2012
United States
I forgot, you should not cry about alleged profiling while beating up joggers, Mexican men, etc saying. "This is for Trayvon.". You can but how stupid does this look? Few guys died in drive by; had a "Free Zimmerman" bumper sticker. Profiling? Cannot be victims and commit thise
Yeah, I apologize if I was a bit jumpy with my arguments.

Just so we're clear, though, I'm not saying that Zimmerman made no mistakes and is the perfect embodiment of justice (that's /pol/). I think this was just a case of two men making a series of rash decisions that ultimately resulted in a horrible, tragic outcome. Unfortunately, it seems that many media outlets tried to twist this into something it wasn't, callously exploiting this teen's death for the sake of a narrative. That's beyond reprehensible. I can't imagine what Trayvon's family must be going through, or Zimmerman's for that matter, and I'm absolutely sure putting them under constant media scrutiny has made it no easier.

Perhaps if the story was treated the tact, dignity, and respect it deserved, discussions on the matter wouldn't be so inflamed. Perhaps there wouldn't be people rioting in the streets and calling for blood. Perhaps we could actually accomplish something and move forward.

It would be nice, wouldn't it?
I want to add one part. You are being too nice in saying narrative. DOJ pushes race issues, Holder involved with NAACP. Caught funding some rallies I believe it was--taxpayer dollars. I need to research that part more. It was from trusted radio show (to me). Used to bring up gun control again. BO gave speech on it, said Trayvon looked like his son. All political and race baiting, imho.

To go further, it distracted from IRS scandal, Syria, Russia, Israel, China, Benghazi, 9% congressional approval rating, etc. Everyone talking about guns, self defense, stand your ground, racial profiling, etc. Lets be very honest, the initiated, as Bane would say, know mainstream media does what they are told. Think Hastings was suspiciously killed...after calling reporters to war against government; to stop illegal activities media covered up. Cannot prove, but it is suspicious. I can tell about 90% on here watch CNN, msnbc, fox news.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
...there was evidence that he used drugs (marijuana...
What!? Merry-Goanna??? Well, then he definitey deserves to be shot in the face multiple times, especially if he's tryin' to runs away! No pot-head gonna be runnin' 'way from this here hot packets 'o justice! Now, where's that Bob Dylan fella, I beens wantin' shoot him for the longest times, bye and bye. If only Bob Marley wasn't dead alreadys, I'd shoot him in the face too. Lousy pinko pot-head commies...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
United States
Nobody is ever found "innocent" in a criminal trial in the United States. It is always "Guilty" or "Not Guilty," even if you really are innocent. Either you have been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, or you haven't been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Also, the defense doesn't have to prove anything. All they have to do is create a reasonable doubt with the jury.

And I agree, it would be nice to have Martin's side of the altercation, but unfortunately, we don't. With regard to the evidence that we do have, it is consistent with what Zimmerman is saying.

That's precisely what I was saying... Being found "not guilty" does not make one innocent.

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