Homebrew ModMii for Windows (Wii Entry -- PC Software)


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
<div align='center'><a href="http://modmii.googlecode.com/files/ModMii%20Installer.exe" target="_blank"><!--sizeo:6--><span style="font-size:24pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>ModMii for Windows<u></a>
<!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>by XFlak</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<!--coloro:#000080--><span style="color:#000080"><!--/coloro--><b>This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/33xbjb7.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<a href="http://modmii.googlecode.com/files/ModMii%20Installer.exe" target="_blank"><!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->Download ModMii Installer for Windows Here<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></a>

<a href="http://modmii.googlecode.com/files/ModMii%20Installer%20%28Italian%29.exe" target="_blank"><!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->Download Italian ModMii Installer Here<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></a>

<a href="http://modmii.googlecode.com/files/ModMii%20Installer%20%28French%29.exe" target="_blank"><!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->Download French ModMii Installer for Windows Here<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></a>

<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><span style="color:#FF8C00"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->PLEASE DO <u>NOT</u> MIRROR MY DOWNLOAD LINKS.

<div align='left'>
<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Introduction: What is ModMii?<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->
ModMii, formerly known as NUS Auto-Downloader, is able to download all the files needed to modify ANY Wii (4.3U/E/J/K and Below); it can generate custom guides based on your Wii's specifications, and save the files to your SD Card in their appropriate locations for easy offline softmodding.

Literally run the program <i>once</i>, let it download,
and you have all the files you need on your SD card to modify your Wii<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->What can ModMii do?<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><ul><li>It can download all the files necessary to Modify, Upgrade & Downgrade your Wii System Menu</li></ul><ul><li>Download individual IOS/cIOS files, cIOS & cMIOS installers, Official Wii Channels, System Menus, Multi Mod Manager, YAWMM, Dop-Mii, both versions of Bannerbomb, Hackmii Installer etc.</li></ul><ul><li>Install patched IOSs without an wifi connection on your Wii</li></ul><ul><li>This includes an easy to follow Custom guide to setting up a USB-Loader (including how to format/partition your external hard drive)</li></ul><ul><li>Install SNEEK, build SNEEK NAND dumps, and Batch Extract Wii Games for use with SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI</li></ul><ul><li>Customize Bootmii, Wad Manager and MMM start-up settings using ModMii Configurators to create a custom config files</li></ul><ul><li>This is also capable of downloading 000000**.app files for <a href="http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=205511" target="_blank">Sneek </a>and <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/completesg/system-hacks/Mymenuify" target="_blank">MyMenuify </a></li></ul><ul><li>Provides solutions for the upside-down homebrew channel and the HackMii installer No Vulnerable IOS problems</li></ul><ul><li>Advanced Custom Downloads Feature will allow you to easily patch and change the slot/version of IOSs/cIOSs (only use this feature if you know what you are doing!!)</li></ul><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>How to Use ModMii</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><ul><li>Download and use the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/modmii/downloads/list?can=3&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+Size+DownloadCount" target="_blank">ModMii Installer</a></li></ul><ul><li>Run the "ModMii.exe" (make sure your firewall or proxy is not blocking the program from accessing the internet)</li></ul><ul><li>Choose an activity from the list on the Main Menu to begin (see screenshot below for options). Note, a custom guide will only be generated when "ModMii Wizard (W)", "HackMii Solutions (H)" or "USB-Loader Setup (U)" are selected.</li></ul><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>How to mod your Wii</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><ul><li>Run ModMii, from the Main Menu enter "W" to start the ModMii Wizard</li></ul><ul><li>When asked if your Wii is a virgin, you can answer yes "Y" even if your Wii is not a virgin in order to re-hack your Wii and update all your Wii's softmods. You should only answer no "N" if you know specifically what softmods need updating or if you only want to change your system menu version.</li></ul><ul><li><!--coloro:#4B0082--><span style="color:#4B0082"><!--/coloro-->Answer the questions ModMii asks about your Wii, it's very simple, so I won't even go into the details, but here's a video tutorial made by Pepxl based on v4.0.1. Later versions work much in the same way, so its still a great tutorial even if you are using a newer version.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></li></ul><ul><li>Wait until the program is done working, verify that all the files downloaded successfully, then (if you didn't change the drive letter to your SD card) locate the newly created folder called "COPY_TO_SD". Copy everything inside this folder to the root of your SD card (merge folders if it asks).</li></ul><ul><li>Now just follow the generated guide.</li></ul><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><ul><li><b><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Lastly, please don't forget to vote in the official poll and provide feedback.<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></b></li></ul></div><div align='center'><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaA3sjFF8NA&fmt=22" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaA3sjFF8NA&fmt=22</a>
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IaA3sjFF8NA&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IaA3sjFF8NA&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>Snapshot of Main Menu</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/s2t89d.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/73cu4w.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/72aumg.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/2n9hzy0.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i51.tinypic.com/1eutqg.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Note: The files available for Advanced Download can be patched and have their version/slot numbers changed.
User Defined Custom Downloads can get ANY IOS (and optionally patch it), MIOS, or System Menu.
<img src="http://i51.tinypic.com/28u1jx4.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->*Any changes you make to the Options can be saved (settings will be retrieved the next time the program is started)<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/29px8ox.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i33.tinypic.com/ulwl2.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i34.tinypic.com/4jt4py.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<img src="http://i54.tinypic.com/nqpnkj.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<b><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->Some Examples of Custom Generated Guides<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></b>
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Note: These guides will differ based on the answers you provide
Also note that these are examples only, and may be outdated,
you should only use guides that ModMii custom builds for you<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></div>

[title:Download Wizard Guide: 4.3 U Virgin to 4.1 U Modified]
ModMii 4.4.4 Custom Guide
Generated on 15/12/2010 - 0:40:05.51
Check for updates at tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow

This Guide was generated using the following parameters:

* Wii is currently a virgin (un-modified)
* Current firmware is 4.3U
* Desired firmware is 4.1U

* Download Photo Channel
* Download Internet Channel
* Download Weather Channel
* Download News Channel
* Download Mii Channel
* Download Shopping Channel (and IOS56)
* Download Wii Speak Channel

* Download Extra Brick Protection
* Install Dark Wii Red Theme
* Do not update active IOSs

This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.



*This guide does NOT require a Wifi connection on your Wii.
*An SD card formatted to FAT(32) required (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above).
*If you get errors during any of the steps reformat your SD card as FAT or FAT32
*Turn off WiiConnect24 and take out all gamecube memory cards/controllers when modding the Wii (unless instructed otherwise).
*If your Wii ever freezes, hold the power button on the Wii for 5 seconds to power it off then try again.
*Don’t ever accept a new Nintendo update without first googling to see if it’s safe. The last update (to 4.3) was released in late June 2010 and is NOT safe to accept. If you accept an official Nintendo update after modding the Wii, you may lose some or all of your modifications.
*Never uninstall a system menu or IOS
*Do not install untested wads/themes without Bootmii or Priiloader installed.
*This custom guide is great start, but Wii modding is always evolving. Check for updates online, and remember, google is your friend.
*If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here: <a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk</a>


You only need to perform ONE of the following exploits

Note: if this Wii was previously modified, and it has either the HBC, BootMii as Boot2, or a Forwarder Channel installed, you can use that instead of an exploit (as it does not require physically owning a specific game).

If using BootMii as Boot2 to install the HBC, copy the 'BootMii' folder from your previous BootMii install to the root of your SD Card (or download it using ModMii). Then boot your wii, BootMii will load, go To the SD menu, load bootmini.elf. This will load the Hackmii Installer allowing you to reinstall the HBC.

If using a Forwarder Channel, just save the boot.elf/dol from the app you want to load (ie. SD:\apps\hackmii_installer\boot.elf or SD:\apps\MMM\boot.dol) to the location used by your SPECIFIC Forwarder Channel (ie. SD:\apps\usbloader\boot.dol). Then start the channel and the Hackmii Installer will load allowing you to reinstall the HBC. Note, if your forwarder channel only loads dol's and not elf's, launch MMM's boot.dol, then use its "App Manager" to load the Hackmii Installer.


REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "Super Smash Brothers Brawl"
* A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)

Insert the Super Smash Brothers Brawl Game.

Launch the game withOUT the SD card in your wii, create a save file if you don't have one already,
Then go into the stage builder and delete all the stages. Then exit the game.

Afterwards, insert your SD Card, start the game and go to the stage builder,
it should launch the boot.elf/dol file saved on the root of your SD card.

If you forgot to delete the stages, you will experience an annoying but harmless crash.


REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of LEGO Indiana Jones
* A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)

A. Load the LEGO Indiana Jones game at least once
(otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).

B. Backup your personal LEGO Indiana Jones save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):

a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.
b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii
c) Find your Indiana save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.
d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.

C. Copy the files from the COPY_TO_SD to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii

D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card
then copy over the "Indiana Pwns" save that corresponds to your region.

E. Play the Lego Indiana Jones game. Load the new save file.

You will be in the Main hall, walk towards the camera,
enter the first door on the right (Indy's left) and go into the 'Courtyard'.
Walk to the end and enter the 'Art Room', you will see a podium with 2 characters on it, talk to the left one.

Hit left twice (scrolling through his items) to choose the switch option (Black silhouette with a white arrow to another black silhouette)
Hit A to launch the boot.elf/dol file saved on the root of your SD card.


REQUIREMENTS: * A copy of "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's"
* A non-SDHC card (SDHC cards don't work)

A. Load the Yu-Gi-Oh game at least once
(otherwise you won't be able to copy over the hack).

B. Backup your personal Yu-Gi-Oh save file before copying the files to your SD Card (if applicable):

a) Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.
b) Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii
c) Find your Yu-Gi-Oh save, click on it, click "Copy", and click Yes. Now erase the save file from the Wii.
d) Put your SD card in your computer, and copy the "private" folder from the card to a safe place. Alternatively you can temporarily rename it.

C. Copy the files from the COPY_TO_SD to the root of your SD card (if you haven’t already) and insert it into your Wii

D. Go into Wii Options - Data Management - Save Data - Wii - SD Card
then copy over the "Yu-Gi-Oh" save that corresponds to your region.

E. Start the Yu-Gi-Oh game. The exploit is launched after continuing past the opening menu.

This runs the Hackmii Installer (and silently/automatically installs BootMii as IOS). Use the installer to install the Homebrew Channel (HBC) and Bootmii as Boot2 if possible. If you cannot install BootMii as Boot2, you also need to 'prepare an SD Card' for BootMii (as the 'BootMii' folder is required to launch BootMii as IOS or Boot2).

Note: If you get a 'no vulnerable IOS' error message, run ModMii again and this time select the 'Hackmii Solutions' option instead of 'ModMii Wizard' and follow the new instructions before continuing this guide.

After you exit the hackmii installer, you will be taken to the HBC.
Hit the home button. In the top right corner you will see the IOS used by the HBC.

If the HBC is using an IOS other than IOS58 or your homebrew channel is upside-down, make a note of it as it applies later in the guide (you will have to reinstall the HBC).

If it is using IOS58 and your HBC is not upside-down, you can skip the Reinstall The Homebrew Channel step when you get to it.


While inside the Homebrew Channel, load BootMii by pressing home and clicking Launch Bootmii.
Press the power button on the wii 3 times to get to the last option, then press the reset button. [You can also navigate with a Gamecube controller]

Press reset to choose the first option, then follow the directions on the screen to make your NAND backup. [Bad blocks are no problem.]

Backup the Bootmii folder, NAND.bin, and keys.bin elsewhere and erase from the sd card (or rename it). You'll need these in case of emergencies, so don't lose them.
Go back to The Homebrew Channel.

Note: if Bootmii was installed as boot2, then it will show up as soon as the Wii is turned on AS LONG AS it finds the bootmii folder (mentioned above) on the root of the SD card.


Start the Homebrew Channel.

In the Homebrew channel, if you do not have a working internet connection already set up, you will see an icon flashing in the bottom right corner of the screen indicating its inability to initialize the network. You MUST wait for the icon to stop flashing OR let it flash for 30-60 seconds before proceeding otherwise these apps will error shortly after being launched. If you encounter this harmless error, power off the Wii and repeat this step from the beginning. To increase your chances of success, add a working internet connection to your Wii via the official Wii Settings Menu, but be sure to say "No" when asked to perform an update.

You only need to perform ONE of the below methods.

Method A: Using IOS236 Installer

After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, launch "IOS236 Installer v5 MOD".
Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work properly.

It should say "IOS236 installation is complete!" and return to The Homebrew Channel.

If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.
If you continue to experience errors you can try using Simple IOS Patcher instead.
Once either method successfully installs IOS236, you can move onto the next step.

Method B: Using Simple IOS Patcher

After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, launch "IOS236 Installer".
Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work properly.

Choose "IOS36" (already selected by default) and push A,
Select "Install IOS to slot" and choose 236,
Select "Install patched IOS36" leaving the 4 patches set to "yes" and press A,
Choose "Load IOS from SD card".

Confirm your choice with the A button,
When prompted, push A to continue the installation.
When the installation is over you'll be back at the Main Menu,
Then push B button to exit.

If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.
If you continue to experience errors you can try using IOS236 Installer instead.
Once either method successfully installs IOS236, you can move onto the next step.


Load Multi-Manager Mod (MMM) via the HomeBrew Channel.
If IOS236 is not already loaded, select "Load another IOS", then select IOS236

Note: If this step fails with error -ret 2011 or other, you may need to retry patching IOS236. If the Wii was previously softmodded, you can try loading cIOS250 (or others like 202,222,223,224,236,249)

In Multi-Manager Mod's main menu, go down to select "WAD Manager".

Install the following WADs from the WAD folder (this list of WADs is unique to how you answered the Wizard's questions).

Be careful not to install any additional wads that may have been previously saved in this folder (they may be safe, but I cannot say for sure).

Hold + for 2 seconds to select all the WADs in the folder. Then Press A twice to install them all.
If any files fail to install properly, they will remain marked for installation, so just retry installing those files.

Your unique list of wads to install are as follows:

* IOS11v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])
* IOS20v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])
* IOS30v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])
* IOS50v14889(IOS50v4889[FS-ES-NP])
* IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP])
* IOS70v16687(IOS70v6687[FS-ES-NP])
* SystemMenu_4.1U_v449_DarkWiiRed
* cIOS202[57]-v5
* cIOS223[37-38]-v4
* cIOS222[38]-v5
* cIOS224[57]-v5
* cIOS250[57]-v20
* cIOS249[56]-v20
* RVL-cmios-v4_WiiGator_GCBL_v0.2
* Mii-Channel-NUS-v6
* Photo-Channel-1.1-NUS-v3
* Shopping-Channel-NUS-v20
* Opera-Internet-Channel-NUS(U)
* Weather-Channel-NUS-v7(U)
* NEWS-Channel-NUS-v7(U)
* Wii-Speak-Channel-NUS(U)
* IOS56-64-v5662
* IOS58-64-v6176
* USBLoader(s)-ahbprot58-SD-USB-v3-IDCL
This is a forwarder channel that will load the first file it finds from the following list:
Note: IOS58 is required and it can launch files off an SD Card, a FAT32 Hard Drive
and/or an NTFS Hard Drive. It also supports meta.xml arguments and is able to
launch apps with direct hardware access.
You should always have at least one forwarder channel installed on your Wii,
that way, in the event of accidental update, you will be able to rehack your Wii without relying on a disc based exploit

Note: Whenever you install a new System Menu, Priiloader is uninstalled. So be sure to reinstall it afterwards (especially if you do not have bootmii as boot2)


Launch "Priiloader 236" via the Homebrew Channel

After the Priiloader Installer loads, press + to install it.

You may get an error for "loader.ini" and/or "password.txt" simply ignore these.

After successfully installing Priiloader, access it by powering off the Wii,
then powering it back on while holding reset until you see the Priiloader menu.

You should install some system menu hacks now (by going to System Menu hacks option).

RECOMMENDED HACKS: Block Disc Updates, Block Online Updates, Replace Health Screen, Auto-Press A at Health Screen, Region-Free Everything, remove no copy save file protection, and Move Disc Channel.

The priiloader menu is white by default, you can change it to black in the Priiloader settings if you prefer.

One of the special functions of Priiloader is that it can autoboot any app/file instead of the system menu. Some apps (like crazyIntro) can't be used without it.
For details on how to do so, visit <a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/system-hacks/priiloader" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/system-hacks/priiloader</a>


Earlier you should have checked what IOS is used by the Homebrew Channel (HBC). If the IOS used by your HBC is IOS58 and your HBC is not upside-down, you can skip this step.

If the HBC is using an IOS other than IOS58 or your HBC is upside-down, you should reinstall the HBC.

Launch the HackMii_Installer via the HBC.
Use the Hackmii Installer to fix/re-install the HBC. Once you've successfully reinstalled the HBC, you can move onto the next step of the guide.

If the HBC is failing to load the HackMii_Installer (just blackscreens), instead launch the Hackmii Installer using the method described in the First Step


After you are done modding your Wii, you can optionally delete any unnecesarry files
by using ModMii's "File Cleanup" Feature.

At this point you're practically done.
Now you should be downloading the latest homebrew applications and setting them up on
your SD Card (or FAT32 USB Hard Drive) so they can be launched via the HBC.

For playing your backups off a USB hard drive, run the USB-Loader Setup feature from ModMii's Main Menu

For downloading applications, you should:
* Check out ModMii's batch download pages as it has many popular apps available for download.
* Download Homebrew Browser via ModMii to get many popular apps, but this is an online only Wii application (http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/how-to-use/hbb)
* For those without internet on their Wii, check out this list of Homebrew applications (wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_all_homebrew).
Another great resource is webrewwii.blogspot.com

After getting whatever apps you want, you should get a boot.dol file and possibly a icon.png and meta.xml.
For HBC to read your SD/USB correctly, your card must be structured SD:/apps/application name/boot.dol
If you have a *.dol not named boot.dol, rename it boot.dol, otherwise it will not be recognized by the HBC.
(optional: the icon.png and meta.xml should be saved in the same place as the boot.dol)




CHECK OUT MY TOP CHANNELS HERE (tinyurl.com/topchannels)

CHECK OUT MY CRAZY INTRO VIDEOS HERE (tinyurl.com/crazyintro)

ModMii 4.4.4 HackMii Solutions Guide
Generated on 15/12/2010 - 0:48:40.36
Check for updates at tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow

This Guide was generated using the following parameters:

* Current firmware is 4.2

This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.



*This guide does NOT require a Wifi connection on your Wii.
*An SD card formatted to FAT(32) required (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above).
*If you get errors during any of the steps reformat your SD card as FAT or FAT32
*Turn off WiiConnect24 and take out all gamecube memory cards/controllers when modding the Wii (unless instructed otherwise).
*If your Wii ever freezes, hold the power button on the Wii for 5 seconds to power it off then try again.
*Don’t ever accept a new Nintendo update without first googling to see if it’s safe. The last update (to 4.3) was released in late June 2010 and is NOT safe to accept. If you accept an official Nintendo update after modding the Wii, you may lose some or all of your modifications.
*Never uninstall a system menu or IOS
*Do not install untested wads/themes without Bootmii or Priiloader installed.
*This custom guide is great start, but Wii modding is always evolving. Check for updates online, and remember, google is your friend.
*If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here: <a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk</a>

1) LAUNCH Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)

Start the Homebrew Channel (HBC) and load Multi-Mod Manager (MMM). Once you've loaded MMM, move onto the next step.

If you are missing the HBC or it is failing to load any apps (just blackscreens), you will need to launch MMM using another method.

Run BannerBomb v2 by selecting the SD Card Button on the main system menu screen and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf
Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit <a href="http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/" target="_blank">http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/</a> for more variations of either version of bannerbomb.

2) INSTALL IOS58 USING Multi-Mod Manager (MMM)

In Multi-Manager Mod's main menu, Go down to select "WAD Manager".

Now install IOS58v6176.
Navigate to the wad and hit A twice to install the IOS individually.

Be careful not to install any additional wads that may have been previously saved in this folder (they may be safe, but I cannot say for sure).

Make sure the file installed properly.
Only move onto the next step after successfully installing the wad, but do NOT exit MMM.


In MMM's main menu, select "App Manager" and then select the HackMii_Installer.
Use the Hackmii Installer to fix/re-install the HBC. If you haven't done so already, you should also install BootMii as Boot2 (if possible).
Once you've successfully reinstalled the HBC, you are finished with this guide.

If you already exited MMM, you can load the HackMii_Installer from the Homebrew Channel.

If the HBC is failing to load any apps (just blackscreens), instead launch MMM using the method described in Step 1, then in MMM's main menu, select "App Manager" and then select the HackMii_Installer.

This will launch the HackMii Installer, use it to reinstall your Homebrew Channel.

After you are done modding your Wii, in order to avoid having your Wii freeze when accessing the SD Card Menu, you should either delete the 'aktn' folder where bannerbomb is saved (SD:\private\wii\title\aktn), or rename the entire 'private' folder.




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ModMii 4.4.4 USB-Loader Setup Custom Guide
Generated on 15/12/2010 - 0:49:01.09
Check for updates at tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow

This Guide was generated using the following parameters:

* External Hard Drive to be Formatted as FAT32
* Download Configurable USB-Loader
* USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to USB Hard Drive

This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.



*cIOS(s) required to use USB-Loaders, if you are missing cIOS(s) run the ModMii Wizard function to softmod your Wii before setting up your USB-Loader and/or external Hard-Drive.
*cIOS249 rev18 or higher required to use Hard Drives Formatted as FAT32 or NTFS (cIOS222 rev4 or higher also works, but you would need to download the 222 version of configurable usb-loader or modify your config.txt file for configurable USB-Loader)
*Not all external hard drive's are compatible with the Wii, for a list of which USB Hard Drive's are compatible, see this webpage: <a href="http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List" target="_blank">http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List</a>
*If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here: <a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk</a>

1) FORMAT THE HARD DRIVE (if applicable)

First check if your drive needs to be formatted by checking the current Format\File-System of the drive.
Open 'My Computer', right-click the external hard drive you want to use, then select 'properties'.
Make note of the Drive Letter of the external hard drive as this will be important later.
If the 'File-System' is already FAT32, you can skip this step.

If you have anything saved on the hard drive, you should back it up now as all the data will be lost once you format it.

Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:

At the top of the WiiBackupManager window, navigate to: Tools--Format Drives...
Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to the partition you want to format as FAT32.
Make sure the file system is set at FAT32 and the cluster size is 32KB, then click start.


Copy everything inside the COPY_TO_USB folder to the root of your FAT32 hard-drive\partition.


Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:

You can use this program to manage/transfer your electronic backups of Wii Games.
It is very simple to use, but a detailed tutorial on using Wii Backup Manager can be found here:
<a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/backup-launchers/iso/wbfs-managers/wii-backup-manager" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/backup-...-backup-manager</a>

Note: Original Wii Disc's cannot be read/copied by using a computer (unless you have one of the rare LG Drives that is capable of doing so)

To copy ORIGINAL Wii Disc's, insert the disc into your Wii and...
- Launch Configurable USB-Loader, and hit the plus sign '+'.


To Configure/Customize your USB-Loader, use the Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader found here:

Optional: additional themes can be found here:
<a href="http://wii.spiffy360.com/themes.php" target="_blank">http://wii.spiffy360.com/themes.php</a>


Two potentially dangerous features have been locked:
1) The ability to remove/delete games
2) the ability to format a hard drive.

To unlock these features, while in the configurable USB-Loader menu, hold '1' for 5 seconds, then enter the password to unlock these features. The password is 'AAAA', you can change the password/settings by using the Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader. Hold '1' again for 5 seconds to lock the USB-Loader again (or it will lock automatically again once you exit the USB-Loader).




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CHECK OUT MY CRAZY INTRO VIDEOS HERE (tinyurl.com/crazyintro)

ModMii 4.4.4 USB-Loader Setup Custom Guide
Generated on 15/12/2010 - 0:49:59.28
Check for updates at tinyurl.com/ModMiiNow

This Guide was generated using the following parameters:

* External Hard Drive to be Formatted as Part FAT32 and Part NTFS
* Download Configurable USB-Loader
* USB-Loader Settings and config files saved to USB Hard Drive

This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.



*cIOS(s) required to use USB-Loaders, if you are missing cIOS(s) run the ModMii Wizard function to softmod your Wii before setting up your USB-Loader and/or external Hard-Drive.
*cIOS249 rev18 or higher required to use Hard Drives Formatted as FAT32 or NTFS (cIOS222 rev4 or higher also works, but you would need to download the 222 version of configurable usb-loader or modify your config.txt file for configurable USB-Loader)
*Not all external hard drive's are compatible with the Wii, for a list of which USB Hard Drive's are compatible, see this webpage: <a href="http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List" target="_blank">http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/USB_Devices_Compatibility_List</a>
*If you have questions, a more detailed guide can be found here: <a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk</a>


If you have anything saved on the hard drive, you should back it up now as all the data will be lost once you complete this step.

Right-click 'My Computer' and select 'Manage', a new window will open, on left panel click 'Disk Management'.
Right-click the drive you want to partition (make sure you select the right drive!), then select 'Delete Volume...'

On the lower half menu of the window, locate the unallocated space, right-click it, and select 'New Simple Volume...'
Enter the 'volume size' you want your FAT32 partition to be, and click 'Next'.
Choose a Drive letter for this partition, and click 'Next' (Make note of the drive letter, as it will be needed later)
You will likely not be able to change the file system to FAT32 (it will only be an option if the volume size is under 32GB)
If FAT32 isn't an option, select 'Do not format this volume', and click 'Next'
(it doesn't matter if you format the volume, you are going to format it using 'WiiBackup Manager' later on)

On the lower half menu of the window, locate the remaining unallocated space (for the NTFS partition), right-click it, and select 'New Simple Volume....
Click 'Next' (to format the all remaining space on the drive).

Choose a Drive letter for this partition, and click 'Next'.
Ensure the file system is set to NTFS then name the partition/volume,
You may optionally uncheck the 'Perform a quick format' box, click 'Next', then click 'Finish'.

If you managed to format the first partition as FAT32, then you can skip the remainder of this step.

Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:

At the top of the WiiBackupManager window, navigate to: Tools--Format Drives...
Make sure you select the drive letter corresponding to the partition you want to format as FAT32.
Make sure the file system is set at FAT32 and the cluster size is 32KB, then click start.


Copy everything inside the COPY_TO_USB folder to the root of your FAT32 hard-drive\partition.


Launch WiiBackupManager.exe saved here:

You can use this program to manage/transfer your electronic backups of Wii Games.
It is very simple to use, but a detailed tutorial on using Wii Backup Manager can be found here:
<a href="http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/backup-launchers/iso/wbfs-managers/wii-backup-manager" target="_blank">http://www.completesoftmodguide.tk/backup-...-backup-manager</a>

Note: Original Wii Disc's cannot be read/copied by using a computer (unless you have one of the rare LG Drives that is capable of doing so)

To copy ORIGINAL Wii Disc's, insert the disc into your Wii and...
- Launch Configurable USB-Loader, and hit the plus sign '+'.

Warning: Ripping to NTFS is VERY unstable, it is highly recommended to only add games to an NTFS hard drive using your computer.


To Configure/Customize your USB-Loader, use the Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader found here:

Optional: additional themes can be found here:
<a href="http://wii.spiffy360.com/themes.php" target="_blank">http://wii.spiffy360.com/themes.php</a>


Two potentially dangerous features have been locked:
1) The ability to remove/delete games
2) the ability to format a hard drive.

To unlock these features, while in the configurable USB-Loader menu, hold '1' for 5 seconds, then enter the password to unlock these features. The password is 'AAAA', you can change the password/settings by using the Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader. Hold '1' again for 5 seconds to lock the USB-Loader again (or it will lock automatically again once you exit the USB-Loader).




CHECK OUT MY TOP CHANNELS HERE (tinyurl.com/topchannels)

CHECK OUT MY CRAZY INTRO VIDEOS HERE (tinyurl.com/crazyintro)

<div align='center'><!--coloro:#0000FF--><span style="color:#0000FF"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Donations can be sent via paypal to [email protected]</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->If you make a donation, send me a PM or an email (at the same address)
and as my way of saying thanks for your donation,
I'll reveal to you a <i><u>functional</u></i> Easter Egg hidden in ModMii
guaranteed to be helpful every time you use ModMii<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></div>

<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><u><b>Credits:</b></u><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<!--coloro:#2E8B57--><span style="color:#2E8B57"><!--/coloro--><b>Special thanks to</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> the following people, who have gone out of their way numerous times to help me when they didn't have to<ul><li><!--coloro:#2E8B57--><span style="color:#2E8B57"><!--/coloro--><b>DeadlyFoez, cwstjdenobs, Leathl, Violator, WiiCrazy, Giantpune, WiiPower
diddy81, DaMysteryMan, pepxl, ChokeD, longtom1, tj_cool, mauifrog and xzxero</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></li></ul><ul><li>Thanks to my cuz, Violator, who first got me into the Wii scene.</li><li>DeadlyFoez for always being there to bounce ModMii ideas off of.</li><li>tj_cool, xzxero and burritoboy9984 (aka. Erik) for their awesome Guides.</li><li>Team Twiizers for creating the revolutionary HackMii Installer.</li><li>Waninkoko for creating CIOS and other excellent apps like WAD manager.</li><li>davebaol, xabby666 and XFlak for creating d2x cIOSs - a mod of waninkoko's rev21 cIOS</li><li>Hermes for creating his efficient CIOS 222/223/224.</li><li>Comex for creating the heavily utilized bannerbomb exploit.</li><li>Crediar, phpgeek and daco taco for brick protection via Priiloader.</li><li>cwstjdenobs for creating the YAWMM, my personal favourite WAD Manager.</li><li>Arikado and the Dop-Mii team for Dop-Mii and the Fakesign Restorer.</li><li>WiiWu and the Dop-Mii team for MMM.</li><li>Leathl for libwiisharp, patchios, nusfilegrabber, showmiiwads etc.</li><li>WB3000 for creating the first incredible NUS Downloader.</li><li>WiiNinja for creating the command line version of nusd.</li><li>WiiPower for Neogamma and much more.</li><li>WiiCrazy for Crap (Forwarder Channel Maker) and Crazy Intro.</li><li>Wiigator for creating his Gamecube Backup Launcher.</li><li>oggzee, usptactical, gannon and Dr.Clipper for Configurable USB Loader.</li><li>Giantpune for USB Loader GX and much more.</li><li>Fig2k4 for Wii Backup manager.</li><li>Wiimm for Wiimms ISO Tools.</li><li>diddy81 and symular syn of the Wii Theme Team for their amazing themes.</li><li>Narolez for his NForwarder code and FIX94 for helping me compile it.]</li><li>pepxl for his awesome graphics work (including the icon for this app).</li><li>mamule(F), xav91(F), ketufe(F), Wasabi(I) and Step(I) for translating ModMii.</li><li>Wii.py devs: Megazig, Omega, Xuzz, SquidMan, Matt_P and The Lemon Man</li><li>Daeken for writing Struct.py and marcan for his LZ77 code</li><li>qwertymodo for helping me make ModMii GPL compliant</li><li>All my beta testers!</li></ul><b><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><u>Supporting Programs/Files Bundled With ModMii:</u><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></b><ul><li>NusFileGrabber.exe (by Leathl) - requires libwiisharp.dll (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/libwiisharp/source/browse/#svn/branches/NusFileGrabber" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>patchIOS.exe (by Leathl) - requires libwiisharp.dll (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/libwiisharp/source/browse/#svn/branches/patchIOS" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>WadMii.exe aka WadMiiIsh (by cwstjdenobs) - requires libwiisharp.dll (<a href="http://www.mediafire.com/?bogjind5oe3" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>libWiiSharp.dll (by Leathl) (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/libwiisharp/source/browse/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>nusd.exe (by WiiNinja, original GUI code by WB3000) (<a href="http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=153341" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>wit.exe (by Wiimm) (<a href="http://wit.wiimm.de/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>ShowMiiWads_Sneek_Mod.exe (by Leathl, Mod by RetroHead) (Source included with ModMii's Source)</li><li>settings.exe (by cwstjdenobs) (Source included with ModMii's Source)</li><li>wget.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>7za.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>UnRAR.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li><strike>AutoIt3.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</strike> No Longer Bundled With ModMii since v4.5.7</li><li>nircmd.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>sfk.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/swissfileknife/files/1-swissfileknife/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>fvc.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/fileverifier/files/fileverifier/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>jptch.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/jojodiff/" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>hy.exe (freeware) (<a href="http://www.milletre.net/software/hypatia/index.htm" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>Waninkoko's cIOS Modules (<a href="http://github.com/waninkoko" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>Hermes cIOS v4 Modules (<a href="http://mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/wii/cios_mload_source_install_3.6.rar" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>Hermes cIOS v5 Modules (<a href="http://mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/wii/cios_mload_source_install_4.0.rar" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li><li>d2x cIOS Modules (<a href="http://gbatemp.net/t277659-ciosx-rev21d2x-v2-yet-another-hot-fix" target="_blank">LINK TO SOURCE</a>)</li></ul>ModMii source code available for download <a href="http://b1091c49.miniurls.co" target="_blank">HERE</a>.
If you would like to contribute to the project, or have ideas, please send me a PM and we can discuss it further in private.

<u>4.5.7 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Autoit is no longer bundled with ModMii, instead it will downloaded
and saved to the temp folder in order to build s/uneek.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.6 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>All d2x cIOSs (even beta cIOSs) are now signed with descriptive info so
loaders can more efficiently detect what cIOSs are installed.
</li><li>ModMii now builds s/uneek using the latest compiled modules on the
sneeky-compiler google code webpage.
</li><li>Modmii can now beat the games you have trouble with!
Just sit back and relax with Modmii's new superior gaming skills.
Currently only supports Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.5 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Updated d2x cIOSs from v3 to v4. Warning: WiiFlow currently needs to be
updated in order to use v4 d2x cIOSs to download covers. However, the
v4 d2x cIOSs are already perfectly compatible with Configurable USB-Loader.
</li><li>After verifying downloads, if a "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_SD" or a "CUSTOM_COPY_TO_USB"
folder is detected where ModMii.exe is saved, users will have the option to
copy the contents of the folder to its respective device. This is useful for
more advanced users who want to customize and automate how ModMii configures
their devices by quickly copying over additional apps, wads, or other files.
</li><li>Laughing gas available upon special request.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.4 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>ModMii's NAND builder can now install cIOS rev 14 to emulated NANDs.
This is the only cIOS confirmed working on s/uneek with SaveGameManagerGX.
cIOS rev14 was also added to Download Page 4.
</li><li>Support added for base IOS53 and base IOS55 for d2x cIOSs and rev 21 cIOSs.
</li><li>Added cMIOS v65535 (v10) by WiiGator and WiiPower to Download Page 4.
It is ModMii's new recommended cMIOS.
</li><li>Added an option to enable\disable the ModMii Wizard's cMIOS installion.
The default setting is disabled.
</li><li>If .NET Framework 3.5 is not installed, ModMii will now download it
and launch the installer before loading ModMii's Main Menu.
</li><li>Fixed bug where building cMIOS-v4 Waninkoko rev5 would either fail or
build cMIOS-v4 WiiGator GCBL v0.2 by mistake.
</li><li>ModMii's s/uneek installer now uses v0.6c of the official Sneek Installer.
Also added a way to update the official Sneek installer without requiring
a full ModMii update.
</li><li>Warning: Not for human consumption.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.3 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Added switch2uneek and multiple emulated Nand support when building emulated
Nands for uneek/uneek+di.
</li><li>switch2uneek r7 (by Conanac) updated to r7 Mod1 (Mod by XFlak).
It now loads bootmii @ IOS (IOS254) when launching uneek instead of resetting
the Wii. This allows even Wii's without bootmii @ boot2 to launch directly
into uneek. It was also compiled using newer libraries for greater USB
compatability and stability.
</li><li>Added option when building emulated nands for uneek/uneek+di to download
JoyFlow and install a JoyFlow forwarder channel to the emulated Nand
(and Priiloader forwarder dol if applicable).
</li><li>Added option to install the Homebrew Filter channel to emulated Nands.
</li><li>Added some downloads to download page 2 to support the above functions.
</li><li>Optimized time spent installing system menu themes to emulated Nands.
</li><li>Drive settings are now checked each time you load the Main Menu.
If the drive has been removed then default drive settings are loaded instead.
</li><li>Brewery updated to version 2.0; it now supports Pilsner.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.2 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>ModMii's emulated NAND builder now gives users the option to install
Priiloader (and hacks.ini) to the emulated NAND.
</li><li>In order to support JoyFlow naming conventions, ModMii's Sneek Game Bulk
Extractor now extracts games to folders according to their "TITLEID" instead of
"TITLE+[TITLEID]". It will automatically rename folders previously saved under
ModMii's old naming convention to the new naming convention. It also generates a
csv file with a numbered list of your games with columns for Title and Title ID.
It also creates a batch file on the root of the hard drive that users can run by
itself at any time to update the list. This will come in handy to update the game
list when copying pre</li><li>converted games from one drive to another.
</li><li>Added a new setting in ModMii's options to set the "PC" Programs Save Location.
Currently only two downloads are effected by this option: WiiBackupManager and
FAT32 GUI Formatter. If this option is set to "Local", PC apps will be saved to
your homedrive (ie. C:) and shortcuts on the Start Menu and Desktop will be made.
If set to "Portable", they will be saved to portably according to Drive settings.
The default setting is "Auto", which will use "Local" settings if ModMii is
installed to the homedrive and "Portable" settings otherwise.
</li><li>Added Eri HaKawai Exploit for "Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World"
for USA\PAL\JAP Wiis.
</li><li>Fixed bug when using the Bootmii config builder; if opted to download the
"bootmii" folder ModMii would exit after building the config file but before
downloading the "bootmii" folder. The "bootmii" folder was and still is also
available on download page 2.
</li><li>ModMii is now able to occupy your girl so you have more free time to play Wii.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.1 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Added Dark Wii Green System Menu Themes for 4.1/4.2/4.3 firmwares of all regions
(available in wad and csm forms).
</li><li>Completely changed how ModMii constructs s/uneek. It now uses the official
sneek installer and should work for everyone.
</li><li>ModMii's Sneek Game Bulk Extractor now only gives a warning if it detects
there isn't enough free space on the target drive. Now users with uncommon
language settings can utilize the Sneek Game Bulk Extractor even if it
incorrectly identifies that the drive doesn't have enough free space.
</li><li>Updated DarkWii Red KOR system menu themes to their new and more stable versions.
</li><li>Updated Homebrew Browser to v0.3.9c.
</li><li>d2x v3 cIOSs version numbers changed to 21003 (ModMii v4.5.0.1 Database Update).
</li><li>WiiFlow updated to r304 (ModMii v4.5.0.1 Database Update).
</li><li>ModMii can now order you pizza and beer.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.5.0 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Added Smash Stack exploit for PAL and Korean Wii's.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this exploit, especially giantpune.
</li><li>JAP users can now also choose to use the Return of the JODI exploit
as it has been recently re-released to work properly.
</li><li>ModMii's HackMii Solutions now instruct users to install IOS30-IOS36
in addition to IOS58 in order to prevent the HackMii Installer from
freezing under certain conditions.
</li><li>d2x cIOSs have been updated to v3 and now also support base IOS58.
</li><li>Added d2x beta cIOS support.
Constructing beta d2x cIOSs will be a lot easier going forward.
</li><li>Added a means for ModMii to partially update its download database without
requiring an entirely new version of ModMii to be released.
</li><li>Simple IOS Patcher updated to v1.12 and other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.4.9 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash when building guides including the Return of the JODI exploit.</li></ul>

<u>4.4.8 Changelog</u>
<ul><li>Updated d2x cIOSs to v2.
</li><li>Added Return of the JODI exploit for USA and EURO Wii's. Exploit for JAP Wii's
is included in the download but in it's current form it doesn't work.
</li><li>Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.8 build 60.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.4.7 Changelog</u><ul><li>Added cIOS249[XX]-v21d2x for IOSs with bases 37/38/56/57. cIOS249[56]-v21d2x
and cIOS250[57]-v21d2x are the new ModMii recommended cIOS 249 and 250.
Thanks to davebaol and xabby666 for working with me to create these cIOSs.
</li><li>Added BATHAXX exploit for LEGO Batman, big thanks to Team Twiizer and Lewurm.
</li><li>Corrected oversight in Wizard, now Japanese users can also select the
Indiana PWNS as an exploit to hack 4.3 Wiis.
</li><li>Fixed bug in Advanced downloads where some files were not being constructed.</li></ul>

<u>4.4.5 Changelog</u><ul><li>The ModMii Wizard now includes the USB-Loader setup guide
so users don't need to run ModMii twice. Users can choose
not to set up a USB-Loader via the Wizard and instead do so at a
later time using the USB-Loader setup guide option from the Main Menu.
</li><li>WiiBackupManager is no longer recommended for formatting hard drives.
Instead FAT32 GUI Formatter is used to format hard drives as FAT32
and Windows Disk Management to format hard drives as NTFS.
</li><li>cIOSs/cMIOSs moved from Download Page 2 to Download Page 4.
</li><li>WADs for cIOS 249/250 rev21 base 37/38/56/57/58 added to Download Page 4.
</li><li>Drive settings automatically saved for future use.
</li><li>NAND builder optimized, it will now perform much quicker than before.
</li><li>USB-Loader forwarder channel updated to v8.
</li><li>Fixed bug where IOS236-v5-Mod folder was not deleted when using
ModMii's File Cleanup Feature.
</li><li>Fixed bug where non-virgin wii's running the ModMii Wizard were unable
to download the IOS236 Installer or Simple IOS Patcher.
</li><li>Fixed bug where non-virgin wii's running the ModMii Wizard were unable
to download a new System Menu if they chose to skip individual prompts
to download extra apps.
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul>

<u>4.4.4 Changelog</u><ul><li>Fixed bug causing ModMii to sometimes freeze after successfully patching IOSs.
</li><li>IOS60 is no longer downloaded repeatedly when getting Extra Brick Protection IOSs.</li></ul><u>4.4.3 Changelog</u><ul><li>Fixed bug causing ModMii to crash after successfully downloading NeoGamma.</li></ul><u>4.4.2 Changelog</u><ul><li>Priiloader is now launched using a forwarder to automatically reload
IOS236 as opposed to having to use MMM to launch using IOS236
</li><li>IOS236 updated to v5 MOD to install IOS236 quicker and without prompts
</li><li>Renamed System Menu WADs to begin with an "S" instead of a "#"
so they will always be bulk installed after its System Menu IOS.
Existing files in "temp" will be renamed during updates.
</li><li>Updated USB Loader Forwarder Channel to v3. It can now launch apps
with meta.xml arguments and also off of a Hard Drive formatted as NTFS
</li><li>Updated Wii Backup Manager to v0.3.6 build43
</li><li>Fixed bug in NAND Builder where themed System Menu's were sometimes
not being installed to the emulated nand.
</li><li>Fixed bug when installing SNEEK without building a NAND where
it would fail if a "temp" folder did not already exist.</li></ul><u>4.4.1</u><ul><li>Fixed bug where *.app files for MyMenuify were not being copied
to SD:\MyMenuify_themes
</li><li>Fixed bug where NANDs built without the Dark Wii Red Theme did
not include a system menu at all.
</li><li>Fixed bug where configurator for configurable usb-loader was not
being extracted properly. This error resulted from a change to
the configurator update file hosted by the configurable team.</li></ul><u>4.4.0</u><ul><li>ModMii is able to create Custom System Menu Themes (*.csm files)
which can be installed using MyMenuify. Alternatively, ModMii can bundle
themes into System Menu WADs for easy installation using a WAD Manager.
The Dark Wii Red Theme by the Wii Theme Team is the only supported theme
on 4.1/4.2/4.3 firmwares of all regions. When using the ModMii Wizard or
the NAND Builder, users will be asked if they want to install a theme or not.
</li><li>Added offline support to ModMii.
A temp folder saves a copy of all downloads (except Auto-Updating Downloads)
so that ModMii will never need to download the same file twice.
The Save Zip option has been replaced by ModMii's offline support.
</li><li>ModMii Wizard now recommends users beginning on a 4.3 System Menu remain on 4.3.
ModMii Guides now instruct users to install a patched IOS236 using
either IOS236 Installer or Simple IOS Patcher.
Recommended cIOSs now include cIOS250v20[57] instead of cIOS250v20[38].
</li><li>The USB-Loader Set Up guide offers Users the choice to download
Configurable USB-Loader, WiiFlow or both. The latest Official/Full release
of Configurable USB-Loader is now downloaded instead of the latest beta release.
WiiBackupManager is now used to format drives instead of FAT32 GUI Formatter.
</li><li>NAND Builder now includes IOS41,43,45,46,48, BC and a Dark Wii Red Theme option.
</li><li>"ModMii Updater 1.0" updated to "ModMii Installer v2.0"
Can perform local installations (including shortcuts on desktop\start menu)
and it still offers the traditional portable installation option.
This will be the only download link listed on the ModMii webpage from now on.
</li><li>Updated NusFileGrabber to v1.3 in order to download various files listed below.

<u>New Downloads</u>
<blockquote> +cIOS249/250v20[57]
+Simple IOS Patcher v1.11
+WiiFlow 2.2beta (249)
+000000**.app MyMenuify files for 4.3U/E/J/K, 4.2K and 4.1K
+0000000c.app for people who want to build their own DIOS MIOS enabled SNEEK
+WiiBackupManager (WBM) updated to 0.3.6 beta 1
-Removed FAT32 GUI Formatter since WBM can format drives as FAT32/NTFS and WBFS</blockquote></li></ul><u>4.3.5</u><ul><li>Further fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor only effecting
some users with non-English language settings causing ModMii to
ALWAYS tell you that you don`t have enough free space to continue.
</li><li>Updated the USB Loader Forwarder Channel to v2, which offers much
faster loading times (requires IOS58).
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul><u>4.3.4</u><ul><li>Fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor only effecting users with
non-English language settings causing ModMii to ALWAYS tell you
that you don`t have enough free space to continue.</li></ul><u>4.3.3</u><ul><li>Fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor causing ModMii to crash when the
target directory had a space in it.
</li><li>Fixed bug introduced in v4.3.2 where the Download Wizard did not download
a handful of files if the user specified their Wii is NOT a virgin.
</li><li>Drive-letter/Folder settings now accept inputs with or without quotes.
Previously ModMii would crash if the user inputted setting with quotes.
It also performs a check to make sure the Drive-letter exists.
</li><li>The ModMii Wizard will now ask users currently on 4.3 if they would like
to download active IOSs. Most 4.3 Wii's should not need to update its IOSs
as they should already be up to date. However, if a 4.3 Wii has DarkCorp
installed or has problems playing original games via the Wii System Menu,
it will now be able to update its active IOSs using the ModMii Wizard.
</li><li>ModMii is now also available in French. The French version will receive
its own unique French updates. French updates will probably lag slightly
behind English updates. Thanks to xav91 and ketufe for doing the majority
of ModMii's French translation.
</li><li>Removed Unrar.exe from ModMii as it has not been used since v4.2.8.</li></ul><u>4.3.2</u><ul><li>Fixed bug in SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor causing ModMii to crash.</li></ul><u>4.3.1</u><ul><li>Fixed bug in HackMii Solutions feature where the Hackmii Installer's boot.elf
was being saved to the root of the SD Card instead of MMM's boot.elf.
</li><li>WiiXplorer is now saved to apps\WiiExplorer instead of apps\WiiXplorer
to be more compatible with the Homebrew Browser. Downloading WiiXplorer
now also creates an empty folder ("config\WiiXplorer") in order to
allow WiiXplorer to save user settings.
</li><li>Other minor Changes.</li></ul><u>4.3.0</u><ul><li>Can now build wads for Wanin's cIOS rev20 with IOS56 and IOS38 bases.
Recommended cIOS249/250 changed from cIOS249[57]-v19 and cIOS250[37]-v19
to cIOS249[56]-v20 and cIOS250[38]-v20.
</li><li>SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor now checks if enough free space exists in
the destination folder before beginning the extraction process.
</li><li>Updated Pros and Cons of USB-Loader Options.
</li><li>Removed cIOS202[38]-v5 and cIOS202[37]-v5 from Download Page 2.
These files can still be downloaded/created by selecting their cIOS222/223
counterparts from the advanced download page and changing their slots to 202.
</li><li>Other minor Changes.</li></ul><u>4.2.9</u><ul><li>SNEEK Game Bulk Extractor was rewritten to use WIT instead of discex.
Now supports ISO, CISO and WBFS files instead of only ISO files.
Also reports detailed info on games such as title, size and progress indicator.
Instead of naming game folders by their 6-digit title ID, they are now named
in the following format: "Title [titleid]" (Maximum of 23 characters)
</li><li>Added two more options to the USB-Loader Setup Guide (option #4 and #5):
4) Drive is currently formatted as WBFS and I don't want to change
5) Drive is currently partitioned as FAT32/WBFS and I don't want to change
</li><li>Updated Multi-Mod Manager download from v13.3 to v13.4.
AHBPROT/no_ios_reload is disabled in the meta.xml by default.
</li><li>Updated MD5 of Accio Hacks to version 1.0.
</li><li>Other minor Changes.</li></ul><u>4.2.8</u><ul><li>The ModMii Wizard Guides will now install Priiloader as early as possible.
If a system menu is NOT being installed, the "Priiloader Installation" step
occurs before the "Install Wads" step as opposed to directly after it.
</li><li>Changed the IOS236 Installer instructions in the guides to increase
its success rate for offline users.
</li><li>SmashStack for JAP Wii's is now supported.
</li><li>Replaced the need for Loadmii with an elf version of Multi-Mod Manager (MMM).
Now ModMii's "HackMii Solutions" Guides launch MMM directly via an exploit
(or the HBC) instead of requiring to use Loadmii as an intermediary.
</li><li>Changed version numbers of patched IOSs.
Instead of being the stub version +1, its now the original IOS version +10,000.
ie. IOS60v6401(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]) becomes IOS60v16174(IOS60v6174[FS-ES-NP]).
This will help sys check reports make more sense in the future.
</li><li>Added IOS236v65535(IOS36v3351[FS-ES-NP]).wad to the download database.
</li><li>Updated Multi-Mod Manager download from v13.2 to v13.3.
</li><li>Other minor Changes.</li></ul><u>4.2.7</u><ul><li>Support for Nintendo's new alternate versions of the same IOS.
</li><li>Improved verbose output of 'error reduction technology'.
</li><li>Added YU-GI-OWNED PAL exploit (by ichfly).
</li><li>Removed Global Log. Download/Custom Logs are still available.
</li><li>Other minor Changes to ModMii and to its guides.</li></ul><u>4.2.6</u><ul><li>Updated Active IOSs to their "4.3B" versions.
</li><li>Shopping channel v20 is now downloaded with IOS56 instead of IOS61.
</li><li>Other Minor Changes.</li></ul><u>4.2.5</u><ul><li>Updated IOS236 Installer from v3 to v4 (and slightly modified guide accordingly)
</li><li>Restored Priiloader to v0.4 from v0.5 (as v0.5 had a bug)
</li><li>Other Minor Changes.</li></ul><u>4.2.4</u><ul><li>Updated IOS236 Installer from v1 to v3 (and slightly modified guide accordingly)
</li><li>Updated Priiloader from v0.4 to v0.5 (and slightly modified guide accordingly)
</li><li>Updated HomeBrew Browser from v0.3.8 to v0.3.9
</li><li>Modified Drive Selection options to discard trailing backslashes.
This will prevent accidentally entering some invalid entries.
</li><li>Default options changed to include IOS36 when updating active IOSs.</li></ul><u>4.2.3</u><ul><li>Name Change from NUS Auto Downloader to ModMii
</li><li>Added YU-GI-VAH Exploits for USA and JAP Wii's,
Allowing even virgin 4.3 JAP Wii's to be softmodded (by WiiCrazy and ichfly)
</li><li>Replaced all methods of installing a patched IOS36/236 with using
"IOS236 Installer" by Dr. Clipper. This is especially easier than the
4.3 modding method of installing IOS41. This app requires to be launched
via the HomeBrew Channel v1.0.7+ in order to work properly.
</li><li>Some changes to guides according to the above.
</li><li>Change to disclaimer, now you only have to wait the first time
you start (or update) ModMii before being allowing to type "I AGREE".
</li><li>Fixed bug in SNEEK Nand Builder where Mii Channel wasn't being
downloaded or installed
</li><li>Added choice in Wizards to download All Wii Channels, Some, or None.
You will only be asked about each Channel individually if you choose "Some".
</li><li>Added\Removed the following files to the Download Database:<ul><blockquote></li><li>IOS236 Installer (this replaced Trucha Bug Restorer v1.13)</li><li>Removed Waninkoko's cIOS249rev17 Installer (v17b Wad install is better)</li></ul></blockquote></li></ul><u>4.2.2</u><ul><li>Cheat Code Downloader now gets cheats for ALL consoles (not only Wii console games).
In NUSAD's options you can select which consoles to download cheats for.
You can also choose where to save cheats:
1) to txtcodes folder, 2) to location expected by Accio Hacks, or 3) to both.
</li><li>Improved download verification for Auto-Updating Downloads. These downloads will
now be verified by checking versions numbers (found in meta.xml) are up to date.
Version information is also reported in the download logs.
</li><li>Added\Updated the following files to the Download Database:
<blockquote><ul><li>Locked apps Folder for HBC (Categorii). Just move apps you want to lock to
the 'apps_locked' foler, then access 'Locked Apps' folder in your HBC.
Default password is "UDLRAB" on wiimote, change it by editing its meta.xml)</li><li>Accio Hacks (replaced Cheat Manager v0.3)</li><li>WiiXplorer (Auto-Updating Download)</li><li>SaveGame Manager GX (Auto-Updating Download)</li><li>Removed Ocarina App (NeoGamma is better)</li></ul></blockquote></li><li>Minor changes to guide.</li></ul><u>4.2.1</u><ul><li>Updated hash for the new HackMii Installer (v0.8) to avoid false 'Invalid' errors
Altered the Download Wizard and HackMii Solutions to install the HBC to IOS58.</li><li>Added the option to select what region of cheat codes to download.
You can choose from: all, USA, PAL and JAP (all is the default).
Previously, only USA codes were downloaded.</li><li>Added\Updated the following files to the Download Database:
<blockquote><ul><li>Ocarina (an alternative to NeoGamma to launch discs with cheats)
Ocarina comes with a Cheat Code Manager for Windows</li><li>Cheat Manager v0.3 (Wii alternative to CFG Loader to create GCT cheat files)</li><li>Dop-Mii Updated from v12 to v13</li></ul></blockquote></li></ul><u>4.2.0</u><ul><li>Added SNEEK Installer and SNEEK NAND Builder for all 4 forms of SNEEK.
Added option to build SNEEK with verbose output and choose alternate font.bin.</li><li>Fixed bug in Sneek Game/ISO Bulk Extracter when an ISO had a space in the title.
Updated DiscEX Download and Usage to v0.5. Added options to enable verbose output</li><li>Added Cheat Code Bulk Downloader to Batch Download Page 2.
Added option to overwrite codes instead of only downloading missing files.</li><li>Improved duplicate detection when downloading auto-updating files
(ie. WiiMC, CFG USB-Loader). They're now set to download its most recent release,
NUSAD will now determine what version is already installed (if any),
and skip downloading it if you already have the latest version.</li><li>Added NUSAD verbose option to start wget and discex maximized when in use.</li><li>Added the following files to the Download Database:
<blockquote><ul><li>Neogamma Backup Disc Loader - Most recent release</li><li>WiiMC (Media Player) - Most recent release</li><li>FCEUGX (NES Emulator) - Most recent release</li><li>SNES9xGX (SNES Emulator) - Most recent release</li><li>VBAGX (GB/GBA Emulator) - Most recent release</li><li>Wii64 beta1.1 (N64 Emulator)</li><li>WiiSX beta2.1 (PS1 Emulator)</li><li>Homebrew Browser v0.3.8</li><li>Cheat Codes-txtcodes (more info in bullets above)</li></ul></blockquote></li><li>Renamed cMIOSs so their names are more descriptive and consistent with DarkCorp.</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul><u>4.1.9</u><ul><li>Download Wizard now supports upgrading to 4.3 (but still not recommended).</li><li>Download Wizard now supports non-virgin Jap and Korean 4.3 Wii's (Virgin 4.3 Jap and Korean Wii's are still

unsoftmoddable)</li><li>Added 'HackMii Solutions' support for 4.3 Wii's of all regions.</li><li>Added a SNEEK Game/ISO Bulk Extractor to facilitate transferring an entire folder of Games/ISOs to your

SNEEK+DI or UNEEK+DI enabled FAT32 Hard Drive.</li><li>File Cleanup feature added to assist those wanting to delete un-needed files after mod completion.</li><li>Bootmii.ini builder/configurator added. It can build/customize the bootmii.ini file, as well as download the

ppcboot.elf and armboot.bin, all of which are required to launch bootmii (these files are also saved to the SD

Card when bootmii is manually installed).</li><li>Added the ability to save your Wizard Settings for future use or redistribution. When starting the Download

Wizard, if Wizard_Settings is detected, it will ask you if you want to load the saved settings or continue with

the Download Wizard like normal.</li><li>All IOSs/MIOSs are now ONLY saved to the WAD folder unless you enable the new 'Root Save' Option to Save

IOSs\MIOSs to root instead of the WAD Folder (does NOT affect Download Wizard and only applies to IOSs\MIOSs).

This is useful for Wii Apps that require IOSs\MIOSs saved to Root (also useful in combination with the option to

save the 00000001 folder, as some Wii apps also require IOSs/MIOSs saved to the 00000001 folder).</li><li>When saving Download Queue's, 3 settings now also will be saved to the queue (Root Save, Keep 00000001 Folder

and Save Zip). When this Queue is loaded, it will use the settings saved in the queue (and notify the user what

they are and if they differ from your overall settings).</li><li>Active IOSs have been updated to their most recent releases (post 4.3 update versions). Stub IOSs have been

removed entirely as there is no good reason to support them.</li><li>Reorganized the 3 Batch Download Pages and also made them directly accessible from one page to the next,

allowing you to add files from multiple pages to a single Download Queue.</li><li>Added more error-reduction checks when building a cIOS. Now the base wads will also be verified and

deleted/re-downloaded if corrupt somehow.</li><li>Updates checks now download a *.txt file instead of a *.bat file, which should fix the update error one user

reported having.</li><li>Multiple enhancements to the custom generated guides (especially for 4.3 Wii's).</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul><u>4.1.8</u><ul><li>Fixed bug where IOS15v1031 was saved only to the wad folder instead of the wad folder AND the root of the SD

Card</li></ul><u>4.1.7</u><ul><li>Fixed bug where IOS15v527 was downloaded instead of v1031 when modding a virgin 4.3 Wii</li></ul><u>4.1.6</u><ul><li>Added Support to Modify Virgin 4.3U and 4.3E Wii's (Virgin 4.3J/K Wii's cannot yet be modified)</li><li>Added "Advanced Custom Downloads" feature (and moved "User-Defined Custom Downloads" from the main menu to

this page).
This is for more advanced users, and is capable of patching IOSs, and changing the version/slot numbers of

I also improved a lot upon "User-Defined Custom Downloads".</li><li>Added Support to Modify Wii's under System Menu Version 2.2</li><li>Added a USB-Loader Forwarder Channel to extra brick protection (this will allow you to launch homebrew without

using an exploit in the event of accidental update)</li><li>Removed the option to download Stub IOSs from the download wizard</li><li>Fixed bug in the download wizard where IOS30 was not downloaded when installing System Menu 3.2</li><li>Fixed bug in MMM Configurator, now it writes "AutoloadIOS=" (instead of "ciosversion=", which is the term used

in the Wad Manager config file)</li><li>Due to popular demand, I've set up a PayPal account. If you want, you can send donations via PayPal to

[email protected] (just think of what I could do if I had something better than notepad to program with!)
If you do make a donation, PM me on gbatemp or send me an email (at the same email address), and as a way of

saying thanks, I will reveal one of NUSAD's functional Easter Eggs to you.</li><li>Added the following files to the Download Database:
<blockquote><ul><li>Twilight Hack</li><li>Smash Stack</li><li>Indiana Pwns</li><li>LoadMii v0.3 (Twilight Version)</li><li>Trucha Bug Restorer v1.13</li><li>USB-Loader Forwarder Channel</li><li>IOS41v3091 (on archived downloads page)</li><li>Added a new Priiloader hacks.ini (to replace the previous 3) that has ALL the Priiloader hacks in it for all

System Menu's</li></ul></blockquote></li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul><u>4.1.5</u><ul><li>Added "USB-Loader Setup" Feature, which will generate a custom guide and download all the files needed to

set-up your hard-drive, customize your usb-loader (configurable USB-Loader) and manage games (using Wii Backup

Manager). Based on your answers, it will add some custom lines to the config.txt file used by configurable

USB-Loader.</li><li>Added 'on-the-fly error reduction technology'. Files are verified after they are downloaded, if files are

missing or fail MD5 Hash checks, the file will be deleted (if applicable) and Re-Downloaded. Existing files are

now only Skipped if they are successfully verified, otherwise, they too will be deleted and Re-Downloaded. Note,

that each file will only attempt to be downloaded 2 times, if it fails MD5 hash checks twice, it will move on to

the next file in the cue (this is to prevent never ending loops in the event of real changes to the hosted

files).</li><li>Files that used to be hosted on myfail.net (ie. Priiloader hacks.ini) are now hosted elsewhere. This will

solve the 'Priiloader Hacks Missing' problem.</li><li>Updated MD5 hash database (since many files changed after the 4.3 update), this will stop false-positive

errors from occurring.</li><li>Updated diff files for cIOS creation (this was necessary since the base wads changed on NUS servers)</li><li>fvc is now used instead of sfk to verify downloads (sfk was not listing errors when NUSAD is in exe form)</li><li>On the Verify/Download Log page, the window size will increase automatically to fit all the text (removed the

+/- options to increase and decrease window size). Also on this page, added an option to Repeat Download (this is

useful to fix any errors that may have occurred in the download).</li><li>When changing the Drive Letter, to Continue using Current Settings, leave the selection blank and type enter

(instead of old method of having to type 'C')</li><li>Replaced lines consisting only of a single period '.' with a real blank line in the Custom Generated Guides.</li><li>Renamed "Support" Folder to "modules" (modules folder required for fvc.exe to work properly, so rather than

having both Support and modules folders, I just chose one)</li><li>Added/Updated the following files to the Download Database:
<blockquote><ul><li>Wii Backup Manager v0.3.5 beta1</li><li>FAT32 GUI Formatter</li><li>Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 249 version)</li><li>Configurable USB Loader (Most recent 222 version)</li><li>'USB-Loader' Folder (Most recent version for Configurable USB-Loader)</li><li>Configurator for Configurable USB-Loader (Most recent version)</li><li>Shop Channel's updated to version 19 (latest version)</li><li>IOS58v6175 (this was not available on NUS prior to the 4.3 update)</li><li>IOS61v5661 (IOS61 updated to latest version - required to use shop channel)</li><li>IOS70v6913(IOS70v6687 Patched) (changed the version number to be 1 greater than IOS70 Stub IOS so that it will

survive official updates)</li><li>IOS80 (4.3 SM IOS)</li><li>IOS80 patched (4.3 patched SM IOS)</li><li>IOS80v54321(IOS60Patched) (4.3 patched SM IOS that will protect Region Changed formerly Korean Wii's from 003

errors in the event of an official update)</li><li>STUB IOS70 (normal IOS70 still available for download, both patched and non-fakesigned)</li><li>STUB IOS254 updated from version 260 to version 65280</li></ul></blockquote>
</li><li>Other minor changes.</li></ul><u>4.1.4</u><ul><li>Added an optional "Extra Brick Protection" feature which will protect Wii's from accidentally changing to a

system menu without having the IOS for that system menu already installed. NUSAD can grab many non-stubbed SM

IOSs for the following system menu IOS slots (11,20,30,40,50,52,60). For system menu IOSs slots below 40,

IOS60v6174-patched is installed in order to protect LU64+ wii's from using older incompatible IOSs. All of these

IOSs have a version number that is equal to the Stub's version number plus 1 (so they will survive an official

update). The normal IOS30-patched is still available for download in the batch download page.</li><li>Fixed IOS70v54321(IOS60v6174-patched).wad for Korean Wii's, it used to download IOS70 instead of IOS60v6174,

but now it grabs the right IOS.</li><li>Removed option to patch system menu IOSs. Now they are always patched when using the wizard function.

Non-patched IOS30, 60 and 70 are now instead available for download in the "Archived Downloads" page.</li><li>Proper handing of stub IOSs in the Download Wizard. Now it will only download stub IOSs that should be present

on your wii's specific firmware and region (ie. If I am installing SM4.1, it will not download any of the stubs

that were released with v4.2). Stub IOSs for slots 200 and up will not be downloaded if your wii is either a

virgin or you've selected to download recommended cIOSs. Stubbed System Menu IOSs will not be downloaded if you

answered Yes to "Extra Brick Protection".</li><li>Fixed Hash check when MMM's boot.dol is saved to the root of the Drive (ie. "COPY_TO_SD"). This only affected

the HackMii Solutions Feature and the Download Wizard but only for Korean Virgin Wii's (or any Korean Wii

installing the HBC).</li><li>Some other minor changes.</li></ul><u>4.1.3</u><ul><li>Replaced fvc with sfk to support 32bit systems again (hash checks in v4.1.2 only worked on 64 bit systems).

Also, now if you get errors, the text will be in red</li><li>Fixed Hash for the Euro News Channel</li><li>Renamed "modules" Folder back to "Support" (modules folder no longer required since fvc.exe was removed)</li></ul><u>4.1.2</u><ul><li>Replaced FSUM with fvc in order to comply with GPL (edit: this broke hash check support in 32bit systems)</li><li>Renamed "Support Folder" to "modules" (modules folder required for fvc.exe to work properly, so rather than

having both Support and modules folders, I just chose one)</li><li>Source code of supporting apps/files now available for download in one convenient bundle</li><li>Added more people to credits who were previously accidentally overlooked</li></ul><u>4.1.1</u><ul><li>Fixed Hash Check bug causing the check to fail when the USA Weather Channel was downloaded</li><li>Uses a newer version of WadMii (cwstjdenobs' 2nd WadMiiIsh mod), it works exactly the same at the last one,

but with some code cleaned up and no verbose output</li><li>Fixed the spelling of tj_cool's name in the credits (previously spelled incorrectly as TJ_Cool)</li></ul><u>4.1.0</u><ul><li>Added the ability to create cIOSs and cMIOSs in wad form for easy batch installation via a wad manager.
<blockquote><i>Note: that this is done legally, any copyrighted nintendo files are downloaded from their servers

directly. The custom cIOS (or cMIOS) modules bundled with NUSAD (made by Waninkoko, Hermes and WiiGator) are open

source and legal to share under GPL. The diff files bundled with NUSAD do not contain any nintendo code, but

instead they only store the differences between the unencrypted base wad modules and the unencrypted cIOS modules

(so it only stores/applies the same changes the cIOS/cMIOS installers make to the base wad in the first place).

All credit for these cIOSs/cMIOSs go to Waninkoko, Hermes and WiiGator, all I did was reverse engineer their work

and repack it into a wad (which still wasn't easy). Also note that these cIOS/cMIOS wads work exactly the same as

if you were to install the cIOSs using an official installer -- it has been tested extensively. FYI, I spoke with

Waninkoko and he gave me his consent to do all of this.</i></blockquote></li><li>Download Wizard and Guide now install cIOSs & cMIOS using wads, not the installers. Note that the installers

and base wads are still available for download in batch download page and archived download page.</li><li>IOS61 is downloaded 100% of the time when downloading the HackMii Installer via the Wizard.</li><li>The guides now use Multi Manager Mod v13.2 (MMM) instead of YAWMM and Dop-Mii. Some other optimizations to the

guide.</li><li>Changed the entire "hackmii solution" option from the main menu, now it downloads bannerbomb (v1 or v2), the

HackMii Installer, MMM, IOS34 and IOS61, and it will print out a GUIDE for fixing the upside-down homebrew

channel or no vulnerable IOS problems (including methods to fix it if you are missing the HBC).</li><li>Added the ability to select common groups of files to the batch download page.</li><li>Download confirmation page now automatically extends to fit the amount of text on screen (so if you have a

massive download list, you wont need to press + or - to expand or shrink the window anymore). </li><li>Download Cues can no longer be saved/loaded on the batch download page. Instead, they can be saved on the

download confirmation and download verification pages (before and after executing a batch download), and they can

be loaded from the main menu (note, the option to load a download_cue only appears if a download_cue has been

saved)</li><li>Added the ability to not only save the download_cue (S), but also to add the new cue to an existing download

cue (S+) -- this could come in handy especially now that I have 3 different download pages.</li><li>Added an Archived/Outdated Downloads page to download outdated files (all Stub IOSs can be downloaded from

here)</li><li>hackmii installer now also saved to SD:/apps/HackMii_Installer/boot.elf in addition to SD:/boot.elf</li><li>Added mmmconfig configurator (for Multi-Manager Mod)</li><li>Changed color scheme (modeled after the ever-nostalgic BSOD, lol)</li><li>Added scam warning/disclaimer at program start-up (hopefully this will prevent people from reselling this free

application)</li><li>Added another <i>functional </i>Easter egg, now there are two <i>functional </i>Easter Eggs. Don't ask me what

they are.</li><li>other minor changes</li></ul>4.0.1<ul><li>Added an auto-update feature (this can be disabled in the options menu, if you disable it, I strongly

recommend regularly checking for updates manually on the options page, or <a href="http://tinyurl.com/nusauto" target="_blank">this

webpage</a> [<a href="http://tinyurl.com/nusauto" target="_blank">tinyurl.com/nusauto</a>]). Note that I will be updating this

program with updates for IOSs/apps/cios installers/guides/etc. as they are released.</li><li>Added more download options to the download wizard if you answer your wii is NOT a virgin (ie. hackmii

installer and bannerbomb)</li><li>If in the download wizard you answer your wii is NOT a virgin but you want to download a cIOS Installer, all

the base wads will also be downloaded and saved in the right place (previously only the installer was

downloaded--but it always downloaded base wads in the past if you answered your wii is a virgin)</li><li>Some other minor changes</li></ul>4.0 (aka 3.3beta)<ul><li>added Download wizard with custom guide generator</li><li>it can now download apps, including the hackmii installer using wget. Zip files are extracted using a command

line version of 7zip (7za)</li><li>added Wad Manager Configurator (builds custom wm_config.txt files)</li><li>No longer uses Enfis_SFV check, instead an md5 hash check is performed using FSUM</li><li>Now included NusFileGrabber 1.1 by Leathl, which now gets 0000000e.app from IOS70v6687 and 00000001.app from

IOS60 v6174 for use with SNEEK. It also no longer requires the common-key (so makekeybin has been removed from

the supporting exe's)</li><li>uses the original version of Leathl's libwiisharp.dll again (new patchios.exe does not timestamp patched wads,

so modified libwiisharp.dll is no longer needed - this allows for consistent hash checks of the patched system

menu IOSs)</li><li>patchios upgrade to v1.1 by Leathl, which does not time-stamp wads (making consistent hash checks possible),

it also is capable of changing the IOS slot and version number of a wad</li><li>Supports upgrading Region Changed Korean Wii's (downloads IOS60, and on the fly it patches it, changes its

slot to 70 and its version to 54321 - this will prevent 003 errors)</li><li>Batch mode, added ability to deselect individual files, select all and deselect all</li><li>Added ability to save and load custom download cues (I got this idea when gameking66 suggested loading

download cue's from the download log)</li><li>Added credits page</li><li>A lot of other minor changes (I think I covered everything major)</li></ul>3.2<ul><li>system menu IOSs are patched on the fly, this can be disabled in the options (having a patched system menu IOS

has many uses/benefits)</li><li>includes a modified version of Leathl's libwiisharp.dll that does not timestamp patched wads (this allows for

consistent hash checks of the patched system menu IOSs)</li><li>settings are loaded differently, now the app will not crash while loading previously saved settings if the

filename has been changed (from "NUS Auto Downloader.exe")</li><li>added a <i>functional</i> Easter egg (don't ask me what it is!)</li></ul>3.1<ul><li>fixed bug in batch mode ("S" was the command to mark the Shopping Channel for install and it was also the

command to Start downloading, now the command for the shopping channel is "SH")</li><li>French translation of v3.1 by Corenting is now available</li></ul>3.0<ul><li>I basically rewrote the whole thing in v3, the source code is finally organized, so it will be easy for me to

update when/if new files become available in the future.</li><li>Most noticeable changes include the Options page and a new activity which downloads the required files to use

the Fakesign Restorer (or trucha bug restorer).</li><li>v3 has a lot of new features and I'm not going to explain them all, check out the pics or play with the

program for a better idea of what's new.</li><li>I am not going to make a new youtube video as the general usage between v2 and v3 has not changed much.</li><li>German translation by MechMK1 should also be available soon</li></ul>


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late submission, but I just got confirmation from the gbatemp staff that ModMii is elligible for this competition!
If anyone wants to see the script/code itself, send me a PM and I'll tell you how to view it (or just download the source and read the readme file).

ModMii does so much, that I encourage anyone and everyone to play with all its features before judging it. Enjoy!

PS. plz also note that ModMii was released in Italian just recently (


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
ModMii for Windows
Version 4.5.6 Released!

by XFlak[/color]]XFlak

Download ModMii Installer Here

Download French ModMii Installer Here

French version FINALLY updated!
Thanks goes out to mamule who spent a lot of time perfecting the translation,
it now includes the proper French accents.

Download Italian ModMii Installer Here

Italian version not updated yet, it's still at version 4.5.5.
Step is working on it and it will probably be finished shortly.

See first post for more info.

4.5.6 Changelog
  • All d2x cIOSs (even beta cIOSs) are now signed with descriptive info so
    loaders can more efficiently detect what cIOSs are installed.
  • ModMii now builds s/uneek using the latest compiled modules on the
    sneeky-compiler google code webpage.
  • Modmii can now beat the games you have trouble with!
    Just sit back and relax with Modmii's new superior gaming skills.
    Currently only supports Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess.
  • Other minor changes.

edit: also note that I reuploaded v2.3 of the French ModMii Installer, it's the same as the previous version but with corrections to the translation


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
United States
Oh I hope this wins. I adore ModMii. It makes such simple instructions to give to my less than smart friends so they can hack their Wii's and I don't have to.


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
ModMii for Windows
Version 4.5.7 Released!

by XFlak[/color]]XFlak

Download ModMii Installer Here

Download French ModMii Installer Here

French version FINALLY updated!
Thanks goes out to mamule who spent a lot of time perfecting the translation,
it now includes the proper French accents.

Download Italian ModMii Installer Here

Italian version not updated yet, it's still at version 4.5.5.
Step is working on it and it will probably be finished shortly.

See first post for more info.

4.5.7 Changelog
  • Autoit is no longer bundled with ModMii, instead it will downloaded
    and saved to the temp folder in order to build s/uneek.

thx to Omega for helping me keep ModMii 110% complaint with its licenses


Jul 1, 2011
United States
WiiNintendo is now NintendoFuse! Same people, same vibe, new name. We wanted an all inclusive name to encompass all Nintendo devices. Please excuse our appearance for the time being.


Still here.
Mar 16, 2004
United States
AVG is reporting this as "probably unknown NewHeur_PE" maleware virus.
I'd assume its a false positive but I wanted to be sure.

Downloaded the French version just to check.
French version doesn't get the same reading.

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    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: https://youtu.be/LZ_NvaV5HGE?si=p4H94YGObqOeX23X this brought me joy +2