Ni No Kuni (US) Save Modification

I wanted to report my findings and get a thread going to see if other people are interested in the inner workings of Ni No Kuni. Ever since dabbling with Pokemon I've been fascinated by save file editing and what you can do. In this thread I will talk about what I've figured out on my own and hopefully there are others out there willing to pitch in to figure out the structure of the Ni No Kuni save files.

To begin, let me acknowledge that this requires absolutely no modifications to the PS3, or other third party products. It has been done on my completely vanilla set up with a fair amount of ease. I will be as detailed as possible so it's easy to follow.

  • Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Should work on NA and EU versions)
  • FAT32 formatted USB drive for transffering saves
  • A PC running Windows (I have not found software that works on other systems)
  • Bruteforce Save Data 2.3.4
  • Basic knowledge of hex editing
  • Make sure to create back ups of your save so you have something to fall back on if things go wrong
I have only used one program in editing my save, and that is the wonderful Bruteforce Save Data found on Aldostools. Get the latest version from their site here, or download the version I'm using via this mediafire mirror (only doing this for posterity in case in the future the tool is hard to find.)

Note about installing Bruteforce Save Data: When you unpack the rar containing the installer, it will have a warning below the installer saying something like, "IMPORTANT - You must add your console_id to global.conf". You can safely ignore this for the purposes of this guide, decrypting should work either way.​

Getting the Save Ready
Step 1. Get your saves on the PC for editing. This is done very easily, as long as you have a FAT32 formatted thumb drive for your PS3. As I found out, PS3s apparently don't read NTFS thumb drives - I could be wrong, but formatting it to FAT32 fixed this for me, so you're going to need to make sure you have one properly set up or you're out of luck.

Plug your thumb drive into your PS3, go to Games > Saved Data Unity on XMB, select your Ni No Kuni save and hit Triangle, then go to Copy and from there select your USB drive. Once finished, eject your USB drive and plug it in to your computer.

Step 2. Your save should be located within PS3 > SAVEDATA inside a folder that looks something like BLUS30947_0000X. We're going to need the entire BLUS30947_0000X folder, so copy it. Make a back up of it for safe keeping somewhere far away from your working folder. Once backed up, paste the save into an empty folder on your computer. For reference, my hierarchy looks like this:


Step 3. Load up Bruteforce Save Data, and point it to your working folder.


Now we need to get the Key for the save file. To do this, right click the save and go to 'Bruteforce...'


From here, we need to decrypt the save file to make it editable, so select your save, then go to Decrypt PFD > Decrypt All Files


Click 'Yes' if prompted. The area on the lower left should now be green, this means that it's ready to go.

Step 4. To edit the file, double click on SYS-DATA in the green box.


This should open the file for editing in a portable version of HxD. If you prefer to use your own hex editor, you can open SYS-DATA in that program now. Otherwise, if you haven't already, follow the prompts to allow HxD to run as a portable application. When finished you should be presented with the HEX to edit.
Making Changes

I haven't done much poking around yet, I will update this thread as I learn more. For now, here are some pointers and structures I've worked out (forgive me if the information is presented in a novice fashion).

Note about offsets: Offsets are not always static. The following should be taken as loose pointers and NOT absolute offsets. It's best to have some knowledge about hex editing before proceeding.​
Save Structure

The save structure is set up in blocks. The blocks begin with the hex delimiter 0xFFFE, followed by a unique one byte identifier that determines what the block contains, and end at 0xFEFF. The blocks are sometimes nested within each other.

The first block begins immediately at 0x00, and all followed blocks are nested within this one. After the first block there appears to be a bunch of junk that I haven't figured out the significance of yet.

I haven't discerned each block type yet, but here's what I know so far:
  • 1B - Inventory
  • 0A - Non-Familiar Character
  • 0D - Familiar
  • 04 - Not entirely sure, but contains Guilders

The guilders offset starts 24 bytes before the sequence FE FF FF FE 80. To find it, do a search that looks like this:


Hitting OK should take you to the sequence. This sequence should only appear once, so it's a safe bet to look for it. You should now be looking at this:


From here, count 24 bytes backward. Note: Length is in hex, so 18 is actually 24 in hex.

The next 4 bytes are your guilders, as highlighted below:

Guilders is 4 bytes long, capping at 05F5E0FF (99999999G).


Oliver's Name: 0x00017D35
Oliver's Level: 0x00017D5A (byte)
Oliver's Experience: 0x00017D55 (4 bytes - I believe)
Oliver Current HP: 0x00017D5B (2 bytes)
Oliver Max HP: 0x00017D5D (2 bytes)
Oliver Current MP: 0x00017D5F (2 bytes)
Oliver Max MP: 0x00017D61 (2 bytes)
Oliver Attack: 0x00017D64 (byte)
Oliver Defense: 0x00017D66 (byte)

Note about experience: Experience is reset to 0 on level up. If you set your experience to something really high, you'll only ever level up one level at the end of a battle. You'll still get the experience from the battle, but the excess experience you had before vanishes.​

Character Structure

For lack of a better name, the character structure is what holds information on non-familiars. They are stored in 846 byte structures (not including block begin/end delimiters). More appear to be added to the save as the game progresses, not all the characters are available in the save immediately.

0x00 - Block ID (always 0A for character)​
0x0E-0x11 - Character ID​
0x12-? - Name (not entirely sure how long at the moment, null terminated)​
0x32-0x35 - Experience Points​
0x37 - Level​
0x39 - Current HP​
0x3B - Max HP​
0x3D - Current MP​
0x3F - Max MP​
0x41 - Attack​
0x43 - Defense​
0x45 - Magic Attack​
0x47 - Magic Defense​
0x49 - Evasion​
0x4B - Accuracy​

Familiar Structure

Familiars are stored in a 430 byte structure (not including block begin/end delimiters).

0x00 - Block ID (always 0D for familiar)​
0x0A-0x0B - Position in Bag​
0x0C-0x0D - Order Caught (?)​
0x0E-0x11 - Familiar ID​
0x12-0x22 - Name (null terminated)​
0x32-0x35 - Experience Points​
0x37 - Level​
0x41 - Attack​
0x43 - Defense​
0x45 - Magic Attack​
0x47 - Magic Defense​
0x49 - Accuracy​
0x4B - Evasion​
0xA2-0xB9 - Currently Set Skills (4 bytes per skill ID, includes Attack and Defend)​
0xBA-0xC4 - Stats of familiar during metamorphose (before being reset to 1, 2 bytes for each stat)​
0xC6-0xD0 - Grow 1 Stats (2 bytes for each stat, affects how much a stat increases on level up, the higher the better)​
0xD2-0xDC - Grow 2 Stats (same as above)​
0xE2 - Sign​
0x106-0x107 - Fullness​
0x10C - Familiarity​
0x10E-0x?? - Learned Skills (4 bytes per skill ID)​

It's easiest to locate the data relative to the name of your familiar. Start by searching for the name of the familiar you wish to edit, in plain text. I've highlighted the values for each familiar below.


Note about experience: Experience is reset to 0 on level up. If you set your experience to something really high, you'll only ever level up one level at the end of a battle. You'll still get the experience from the battle, but the excess experience you had before vanishes.​

Fullness works in thousands (decimal), starting at 0 (empty). Each thousand represents one face. The values are as follows:
  • 00 00 - 0
  • 03 E8 - 1,000
  • 07 D0 - 2,000
  • 0B B8 - 3,000
  • 0F A0 - 4,000
  • 13 88 - 5,000
  • 17 70 - 6,000
  • 1B 58 - 7,000
  • 1F 40 - 8,000
  • 23 28 - 9,000
  • 27 10 - 10,000
If you want your familiar's fullness to be empty, set it to 00 00. Familiarity ranges from 00 - 05, 05 being full hearts and 00 being none.

Inventory Structure

I have a loose understanding of this, but thanks to the help of a Japanese wiki for the Japanese version of the game I have at least managed to work a few things out.

The Inventory starts at 0x00007D08 as far as I can tell. The structure is as follows:

4 bytes - Item Type (ID)
3 bytes padding
1 byte - Position of Item in Category
1 byte padding
1 byte - Number of Item in Inventory

To illustrate this:


Below is a list of all the items with their proper English names, including the important items such as the Wizard's Companion, etc.. This list is provided by Supercool330 from later in this thread, so give thanks to him when you can:

Important Items:
67 93 4B 8E - The Wizard's Companion
4C BE 18 4D - Locket
1A E4 BF CB - Proof of Wits
03 FF 8E 8A - Proof of Friendship
28 D2 DD 49 - Proof of Strength
31 C9 EC 08 - Peculiar Pot
B6 51 F0 C7 - Cauldron
AF 4A C1 86 - Giant Cheese Wedge
7F 4A 10 F8 - Portrait
66 51 21 B9 - Letter of Passage
4D 7C 72 7A - Piece of Art
54 67 43 3B - Skeleton Key
1B 26 D5 FC - RIP Pass
02 3D E4 BD - Bronze Ticket
29 10 B7 7E - Silver Ticket
30 0B 86 3F - Golden Ticket
B7 93 9A F0 - Platinum Ticket
4F 3A CC 23 - Dragon Horn
56 21 FD 62 - Map of the Stones
19 60 6B A5 - Serpent Key
00 7B 5A E4 - Sun Stone
2B 56 09 27 - Star Stone
32 4D 38 66 - Moon Stone
B5 D5 24 A9 - Wings of Xanadu
AC CE 15 E8 - Piece of Holy Wood
7C CE C4 96 - Piece of Carved Holy Wood
65 D5 F5 D7 - The Clarion
04 F6 26 56 - Alicia's Pendant
4E F8 A6 14 - Flower of Youth
57 E3 97 55 - Flower of Faith
18 A2 01 92 - Flower of Hope
1D ED 17 17 - Name Tag
01 B9 30 D3 - Philmobile Key
2A 94 63 10 - Cherub's Wing
33 8F 52 51 - Heart of the Muse
B4 17 4E 9E - Blossom of the Bard
AD 0C 7F DF - Hog's Cog
79 81 D2 13 - Gyro-Grappler
60 9A E3 52 - Cad's Clasp
4B B7 B0 91 - Riddle Rivet
55 A5 29 0C - Mirror of Truth
7B 60 E8 7F - Spirit of the Woods
2D 3A 4F F9 - Spirit of the Glade
1F 0C 2D 7B - Spirit of the Temple
81 8F 00 F5 - Spirit of the Flame
48 94 E0 CA - Spirit of the Storm
7A A2 82 48 - Spirit of the Snow
E8 F1 DC D9 - Red Earring
C3 DC 8F 1A - Lovers' Lunch Basket
DA C7 BE 5B - Turmeric Root
95 86 28 9C - Pinch of Spicy Seeds
8C 9D 19 DD - Bowl of Sheikh's Special Spices
A7 B0 4A 1E - Rainbow Leaf
BE AB 7B 5F - Slapstick
39 33 67 90 - Feel-good Fungus
20 28 56 D1 - Broken Booster
F0 28 87 AF - Brand-new Booster
E9 33 B6 EE - Snazzy Swimsuit
C2 1E E5 2D - Hometown Flower
DB 05 D4 6C - Cold Compress
94 44 42 AB - Set of Cat's Whiskers
8D 5F 73 EA - Traveler's Diary
A6 72 20 29 - Traveler's Diary
BF 69 11 68 - Traveler's Diary
38 F1 0D A7 - Traveler's Diary
21 EA 3C E6 - Traveler's Diary
F2 6E 39 F6 - Traveler's Diary
EB 75 08 B7 - Traveler's Diary
FA 44 73 37 - Lumberwood Ticket
D1 69 20 F4 - Relixx Ticket
C8 72 11 B5 - Dinoceros Ticket
87 33 87 72 - Idler Ticket
9E 28 B6 33 - Tin-Man Ticket
B5 05 E5 F0 - Mandragorer Ticket
AC 1E D4 B1 - Draggle Ticket
2B 86 C8 7E - Mite Ticket
32 9D F9 3F - Drongo Ticket
E2 9D 28 41 - Hurly Ticket
FB 86 19 00 - Sapdragon Ticket
D0 AB 4A C3 - Flutterby Ticket
C9 B0 7B 82 - Griffy Ticket
Consume Items:
87 79 21 FE - Loaf of White Bread
AC 54 72 3D - Sandwich
B5 4F 43 7C - Fishburger
FA 0E D5 BB - Cheeseburger
E3 15 E4 FA - Tonic
C8 38 B7 39 - Bowl of Tikka Mahala
D1 23 86 78 - Bottle of Pixie Dew
56 BB 9A B7 - Bottle of Sprite Dew
4F A0 AB F6 - Bottle of Iced Coffee
9F A0 7A 88 - Cup of Strong Coffee
86 BB 4B C9 - Cappuccino
AD 96 18 0A - Espresso
B4 8D 29 4B - Bottle of Nostrum
FB CC BF 8C - Vial of Sage's Secret
E2 D7 8E CD - Vial of Great Sage's Secret
C9 FA DD 0E - Vial of Wizard King's Secret
95 CC 8E 10 - Phoenix Feather
BE E1 DD D3 - Phoenix Tear
A7 FA EC 92 - Pouch of Phoenix Breath
2D 70 E9 75 - Poison-Be-Gone
06 5D BA B6 - Nix-Be-Gone
1F 46 8B F7 - Confusion-Be-Gone
50 07 1D 30 - Sleep-Be-Gone
49 1C 2C 71 - Stone-Be-Gone
62 31 7F B2 - Curse-Be-Gone
7B 2A 4E F3 - Blindness-Be-Gone
FC B2 52 3C - All-Be-Gone
Sweets Items:
45 0F 34 C8 - Bar of Chocolate
47 49 8A 91 - Bar of Milk Chocolate
6C 64 D9 52 - Bar of Fairy Chocolate
75 7F E8 13 - Handful of Chocolate Bonbons
3A 3E 7E D4 - Handful of Snowdrop Bonbons
23 25 4F 95 - Princess Chocolate
6E 22 67 0B - Flan
08 08 1C 56 - Creamy Flan
11 13 2D 17 - Babana Flan
96 8B 31 D8 - Frosty Flan
8F 90 00 99 - Fruit Flan
5F 90 D1 E7 - Fantastic Flan
77 39 56 4A - Cake
46 8B E0 A6 - Carrot Cake
6D A6 B3 65 - Carnation Cake
74 BD 82 24 - Breeze Cake
3B FC 14 E3 - Patty Cake
22 E7 25 A2 - Hot Cake
38 78 C0 8D - Sundae
09 CA 76 61 - Sour Sundae
10 D1 47 20 - Wildflower Sundae
97 49 5B EF - Toadstool Sundae
8E 52 6A AE - Sarsaparilla Sundae
5D D6 6F BE - Knickerbocker Glory
0A 4E A2 0F - Slice of Pie
0B 8C C8 38 - Slice of Sweetie Pie
12 97 F9 79 - Slice of See-Through Pie
95 0F E5 B6 - Slice of Game Pie
8C 14 D4 F7 - Pie on the Bone
5C 14 05 89 - Slice of Golden Pie
21 63 F1 CC - Ice Cream
44 CD 5E FF - Salted Ice Cream
6F E0 0D 3C - Ruby Ripple Ice Cream
76 FB 3C 7D - Soft Scoop Ice Cream
39 BA AA BA - Snow-White Ice Cream
20 A1 9B FB - Tutti-Frutti Ice Cream
55 FC 25 7F - Sundrop
7E D1 76 BC - Stardrop
67 CA 47 FD - Moondrop
28 8B D1 3A - Planetdrop
31 90 E0 7B - Jumbo Sundrop
1A BD B3 B8 - Jumbo Stardrop
03 A6 82 F9 - Jumbo Moondrop
84 3E 9E 36 - Jumbo Planetdrop
13 1B AC 12 - Fling Flame Gem
38 36 FF D1 - Firewall Gem
21 2D CE 90 - Spire of Fire Gem
6E 6C 58 57 - Heat Ray Gem
01 AE 03 FC - Water Bomb Gem
2A 83 50 3F - Bubble Bath Gem
33 98 61 7E - Snowball Gem
7C D9 F7 B9 - Snowblower Gem
B9 12 64 99 - Thunderspark Gem
92 3F 37 5A - Thunderstorm Gem
8B 24 06 1B - Whirligig Gem
C4 65 90 DC - Whirly Whirlies Gem
24 C5 5C 20 - Healing Tear Gem
0F E8 0F E3 - Healing Rain Gem
16 F3 3E A2 - Purifying Pulse Gem
59 B2 A8 65 - Light Relief Gem
9C 79 3B 45 - Darkness Beckons Gem
B7 54 68 86 - Dark Cloud Gem
AE 4F 59 C7 - Drowsy Drops Gem
E1 0E CF 00 - Leech Gem
8E CC 94 AB - Roly-Poly Gem
A5 E1 C7 68 - Pebble Pelt Gem
BC FA F6 29 - Earsplitter Gem
F3 BB 60 EE - Poison Pinch Gem
36 70 F3 CE - Blunt Gem
1D 5D A0 0D - Slow Poke Gem
04 46 91 4C - Soulshield Gem
4B 07 07 8B - Hocus Focus Gem
52 1C 36 CA - Rise and Shine Gem
79 31 65 09 - Tricksy Nixy Gem
Material Items:
99 9F 2B DE - Plainswort Flower
B2 B2 78 1D - Piece of Supple Leather
AB A9 49 5C - Bottle of Springwater
E4 E8 DF 9B - Bunch of Booster Shoots
FD F3 EE DA - Baneflower
D6 DE BD 19 - Glowcap
CF C5 8C 58 - Piece of Shadowglass
48 5D 90 97 - Emberstone
51 46 A1 D6 - Bundle of Slumbernot Leaves
81 46 70 A8 - Rings-a-Bell
98 5D 41 E9 - Wetstone
B3 70 12 2A - Sturdy Shinbone
AA 6B 23 6B - Gnomebeard
E5 2A B5 AC - Angula
FC 31 84 ED - Sprocket
D7 1C D7 2E - Lump of Raw Steel
CE 07 E6 6F - Rumblenut
49 9F FA A0 - Drill Screw
50 84 CB E1 - Bass Bell
83 00 CE F1 - Fogdrop
9A 1B FF B0 - Jade Marble
B1 36 AC 73 - Gustplume
A8 2D 9D 32 - Blizzard Bloom
E7 6C 0B F5 - Piece of Tealwood
FE 77 3A B4 - Snowflake
D5 5A 69 77 - Coldstone
CC 41 58 36 - Drakestone
4B D9 44 F9 - Iron Diamond
52 C2 75 B8 - Bunch of Sour Grapes
82 C2 A4 C6 - Powerstone
9B D9 95 87 - Bubble Pipe
B0 F4 C6 44 - Tachestone
A9 EF F7 05 - Handful of Crownberries
E6 AE 61 C2 - Big Babana
FF B5 50 83 - Meteorite Fragment
D4 98 03 40 - Blowpipe
CD 83 32 01 - Star Pearl
4A 1B 2E CE - Pair of Black Wings
53 00 1F 8F - Bunch of Old Oak Leaves
87 8D B2 43 - Ritestone
9E 96 83 02 - Handful of Seeds of Discord
B5 BB D0 C1 - All-Seeing Eye
AC A0 E1 80 - Kaleidostone
E3 E1 77 47 - Clump of Troll's Tears
FA FA 46 06 - Glowstone
D1 D7 15 C5 - Pair of Angel's Wings
C8 CC 24 84 - Evil Eye
4F 54 38 4B - Scroll of Truth
56 4F 09 0A - Jar of Bumbler Honey
86 4F D8 74 - Dumpty Egg
9F 54 E9 35 - Head of Crispy Lettuce
B4 79 BA F6 - Crunchy Carrot
D0 15 7F F2 - Bowl of Yogurt
AD 62 8B B7 - Hunk of Tender Beef
E2 23 1D 70 - Bunch of Babanas
FB 38 2C 31 - Bottle of Creamy Milk
C9 0E 4E B3 - Plate of Fluffy Rice
4E 96 52 7C - Dumbflounder
57 8D 63 3D - Glowshrimp
D2 53 C1 AB - Bunch of Green Grapes
CB 48 F0 EA - Black Truffle
4C D0 EC 25 - Handful of Caramels
55 CB DD 64 - Snow Radish
85 CB 0C 1A - Sun Crystal
9C D0 3D 5B - Star Crystal
B7 FD 6E 98 - Moon Crystal
AE E6 5F D9 - Planet Crystal
Weapon Items:
49 52 6F 86 - Old Stick
3E 55 5F 10 - Old Stick
7B 64 0D 04 - Magic Wand
62 7F 3C 45 - Mornstar
1B A3 84 E1 - Mornstar
55 A1 CC 77 - Imperial Scepter
50 49 5E C7 - Astra
06 13 F9 41 - Sky Tree Wand
70 CA 93 AB - Timeworn Harp
5B E7 C0 68 - Heart-Winning Harp
42 FC F1 29 - Herald's Harp
0D BD 67 EE - Muse's Harp
14 A6 56 AF - Bard's Harp
C8 76 F4 CE - Pickpocket's Pistol
E3 5B A7 0D - Rogue's Revolver
FA 40 96 4C - Highwayman's Handgun
B5 01 00 8B - Cad's Cannon
AC 1A 31 CA - Masterthief's Magnum
E8 F5 B5 D9 - Oliver's Clothes
EE 3E 77 32 - Set of Traveler's Clothes
E6 E6 E4 61 - Bathing Suit
E7 24 8E 56 - Suit of Hamelin Armor
D4 D0 86 E3 - Set of Winter Clothes
FC 8B D8 DC - Esther's Clothes
F4 53 4B 8F - Bathing Suit
F5 91 21 B8 - Suit of Hamelin Armor
C6 65 29 0D - Set of Winter Clothes
44 37 BF B9 - Shabby Coat
4C EF 2C EA - Bathing Suit
4D 2D 46 DD - Suit of Hamelin Armor
7E D9 4E 68 - Set of Winter Clothes
D9 E0 87 00 - Fairy Suit
D1 38 14 53 - Bathing Suit
D0 FA 7E 64 - Suit of Hamelin Armor
E3 0E 76 D1 - Furry Suit
61 5C E0 65 - Set of Regal Attire
69 84 73 36 - Bathing Raiment
5B B2 11 B4 - Set of Winter Vestments
A2 1B 4D B1 - Wooden Sword
BB 00 7C F0 - Well-Worn Sword
90 2D 2F 33 - Bone Sword
DF 6C B9 F4 - Burning Blade
ED 5A DB 76 - Roc Feather
89 36 1E 72 - Soldier's Sword
6A C2 C7 B9 - Clockwork Cleaver
A3 D9 27 86 - Black Blade
C6 77 88 B5 - Pirate's Cutlass
BA C2 16 C7 - Hero's Sword
91 EF 45 04 - Bluster Blade
73 D9 F6 F8 - Champion's Sword
C7 B5 E2 82 - Blazing Blade
88 F4 74 45 - Greatsword
F5 83 80 00 - Lost Sword
6B 00 AD 8E - Radiant Blade
EC 98 B1 41 - Sainted Sword
DE AE D3 C3 - Night Blade
72 1B 9C CF - Skyfall Sword
A1 9F 99 DF - Celestial Sword
93 A9 FB 5D - Nazcaän Longsword
B8 84 A8 9E - Primordial Sword
8A B2 CA 1C - Soppy Slapstick
B0 AE E2 5F - Kitchen Knife
82 98 80 DD - Flint Dagger
9B 83 B1 9C - Sickle
A9 B5 D3 1E - Candle Cutter
D4 C2 27 5B - Shadowglass Knife
CD D9 16 1A - Sacred Dagger
FF EF 74 98 - Witch's Thorn
E6 F4 45 D9 - Divine Dagger
83 5A EA EA - Kiss of Death
B1 6C 88 68 - Woodsman's Knife
A8 77 B9 29 - Ice Shard
9A 41 DB AB - Flitwing
D5 00 4D 6C - Sorcerer's Soul
CC 1B 7C 2D - Planet Splitter
08 12 85 3A - Spiral Horn
23 3F D6 F9 - Whalefish Tusk
3A 24 E7 B8 - Poisoner's Horn
6C 7E 40 3E - Dragon Tusk
11 09 B4 7B - Beetle's Horn
5E 48 22 BC - Icewyrm Tusk
75 65 71 7F - Lazy Bone
47 53 13 FD - White Stag's Antler
2D 79 DA E6 - Woodcutter's Ax
34 62 EB A7 - Iron Ax
49 15 1F E2 - Watchmaker's Ax
06 54 89 25 - Guardsman's Ax
62 38 4C 21 - Clockwork Ax
E5 A0 50 EE - Grand Ax
FC BB 61 AF - Giant's Ax
2C BB B0 D1 - Demon's Ax
35 A0 81 90 - War God's Ax
1F 4F B8 64 - Ogre King's Ax
3F CC 75 08 - Wooden Mallet
26 D7 44 49 - Massive Mallet
0D FA 17 8A - Tower Toppler
14 E1 26 CB - Hammer of Justice
5B A0 B0 0C - Tomte Whomper
42 BB 81 4D - Ninnyhammer
69 96 D2 8E - Steam Hammer
70 8D E3 CF - Meteor Mallet
F7 15 FF 00 - Mom's Favorite Pan
87 70 12 6D - Sharpened Stick
E3 1C D7 69 - Hoarfrost Harpoon
9E 6B 23 2C - Flint Spear
B5 46 70 EF - Pig-Iron Pike
D1 2A B5 EB - Gale Spear
4F A9 98 65 - Dryad's Spear
AC 5D 41 AE - Soldier's Spear
FA 07 E6 28 - Lightning Bolt
56 B2 A9 24 - Royal Spear
86 B2 78 5A - Bee Sting
C8 31 84 AA - Champion's Spear
B4 84 1A D8 - Deadeye Spear
9F A9 49 1B - Crystal Spear
E2 DE BD 5E - Rainbow Lance
FB C5 8C 1F - Dragon Lance
AD 9F 2B 99 - Glorious Lance
D0 E8 DF DC - Giant's Spear
C9 F3 EE 9D - Longshank
4E 6B F2 52 - Lullaby Lance
67 AF 65 5E - Set of Crude Claws
03 C3 A0 5A - Set of Bullhorn Claws
7E B4 54 1F - Set of Knucklebone Claws
55 99 07 DC - Set of Woodland Claws
B6 6D DE 17 - Set of Haunted Claws
31 F5 C2 D8 - Set of Tainted Claws
4C 82 36 9D - Set of Gaudy Claws
1A D8 91 1B - Set of Steel Claws
28 EE F3 99 - Set of Giant's Fingernails
66 6D 0F 69 - Set of Six Wind Claws
AF 76 EF 56 - Set of Crucible Claws
7F 76 3E 28 - Set of Snow Witch Claws
54 5B 6D EB - Set of Ice Queen Claws
02 01 CA 6D - Set of Ice Crystal Claws
30 37 A8 EF - Set of Blackwyrm Claws
29 2C 99 AE - Set of Cat King's Claws
1B 1A FB 2C - Set of Griffin's Talons
AE B4 85 61 - Set of Dragon King's Claws
B7 AF B4 20 - Set of Star Eater's Claws
4D 40 5C AA - Set of Werewolf Claws
64 2B B1 30 - Set of Flawed Claws
Armor Items:
52 5A C0 56 - Suit of Leather Armor
60 6C A2 D4 - Suit of Rugged Armor
4B 41 F1 17 - Iron Breastplate
79 77 93 95 - Suit of Toughened Armor
1D 1B 56 91 - Suit of Scale Armor
04 00 67 D0 - Suit of Grunt Armor
9A 83 4A 5E - Suit of Bone Mail
36 36 05 52 - Suit of Mirrored Armor
83 98 7B 1F - Suit of Gale Armor
37 F4 6F 65 - Suit of Pure Steel Armor
61 AE C8 E3 - Suit of Champion's Armor
78 B5 F9 A2 - Suit of Inferno Armor
4A 83 9B 20 - Suit of Royal Armor
53 98 AA 61 - Suit of Stout Armor
2E EF 5E 24 - Suit of Enchanted Armor
05 C2 0D E7 - Suit of Knight's Armor
2F 2D 34 13 - Suit of Dress Armor
1C D9 3C A6 - Suit of Night Armor
9B 41 20 69 - Suit of Enigma Armor
82 5A 11 28 - Suit of Boarlord's Armor
51 DE 14 38 - Suit of Armor of Justice
48 C5 25 79 - Suit of Brilliant Armor
35 B2 D1 3C - Suit of Nazcaän Armor
63 E8 76 BA - Suit of Celestial Armor
7A F3 47 FB - Suit of War God's Armor
40 EF 6F B8 - Set of Rustic Garb
59 F4 5E F9 - Set of Merchant's Garb
72 D9 0D 3A - Hallowed Habit
6B C2 3C 7B - Rubber Robe
24 83 AA BC - Fine Frock
3D 98 9B FD - Soldier's Smock
16 B5 C8 3E - Misty Shroud
88 36 E5 B0 - Set of Noble Attire
91 2D D4 F1 - Champion's Tunic
41 2D 05 8F - Sasquash Pelt
0F AE F9 7F - Magic Cloak
58 36 34 CE - Set of Dead Man's Duds
73 1B 67 0D - Starspun Tunic
6A 00 56 4C - Set of Wizard's Robes
F8 53 08 DD - Set of Mist Robes
E1 48 39 9C - Set of Flame Robes
CA 65 6A 5F - Set of Gale Robes
9C 3F CD D9 - Set of Ripple Robes
D3 7E 5B 1E - Set of Mystic's Robes
85 24 FC 98 - Robe of Restoration
B7 12 9E 1A - Set of Sorceress's Robes
AE 09 AF 5B - Goddess's Gown
65 84 30 64 - Wooden Shield
57 B2 52 E6 - Leather Shield
7C 9F 01 25 - Shinbone Shield
4E A9 63 A7 - Iron Shield
01 E8 F5 60 - Scale Shield
2A C5 A6 A3 - Grunt Shield
AD 5D BA 6C - Shadowglass Shield
64 46 5A 53 - Champion's Shield
4F 6B 09 90 - Avenger's Shield
B4 46 8B 2D - Holy Shield
56 70 38 D1 - Tundra Shield
00 2A 9F 57 - Mystical Shield
32 1C FD D5 - Shield of the Pure
19 31 AE 16 - Goddess's Shield
2B 07 CC 94 - War God's Shield
18 F3 C4 21 - Shiny Shield
AC 9F D0 5B - Pretty Parasol
DD 38 57 01 - Wooden Helmet
C4 23 66 40 - Pointy Hat
EF 0E 35 83 - Soldier's Helmet
B9 54 92 05 - Champion's Helm
A0 4F A3 44 - Blessed Helm
8B 62 F0 87 - Helm of Hamelin
15 E1 DD 09 - Nazcaän Helm
92 79 C1 C6 - War God's Helm
97 EE E8 B9 - Leafy Mantle
8E F5 D9 F8 - Snakeskin Cloak
A5 D8 8A 3B - Cloud Cover
F3 82 2D BD - Sea Breeze Cloak
BC C3 BB 7A - Stripy Cloak
D8 AF 7E 7E - Breezy Cloak
5F 37 62 B1 - Caghoul
96 2C 82 8E - Eagle Eye Cloak
D9 6D 14 49 - Cyclone Cloak
46 2C 53 F0 - Green Man's Cloak
8F 37 B3 CF - Champion's Cloak
BD 01 D1 4D - Aurora Cloak
EB 5B 76 CB - Dusk Mantle
A4 1A E0 0C - Phantom Mantle
C0 76 25 08 - Beast-Hide Cloak
F2 40 47 8A - Necromancer's Mantle
5E F5 08 86 - Heavenly Mantle
EA 99 1C FC - Diva's Mantle
Accessory Items:
66 0A D8 92 - Giant's Tooth
54 3C BA 10 - Set of Beast Fangs
4D 27 8B 51 - Poisoned Fang
02 66 1D 96 - Soretooth Ring
29 4B 4E 55 - Set of Piercing Fangs
7E D3 83 E4 - Devil's Fang
30 50 7F 14 - Skullfang Ring
B7 C8 63 DB - Dragonstooth Ring
AE D3 52 9A - Soulfang Necklace
67 C8 B2 A5 - Set of Wolf Fangs
4C E5 E1 66 - Crimson Fang
03 A4 77 A1 - Fiend's Fang
1A BF 46 E0 - Set of Griffin's Teeth
31 92 15 23 - Harrowfang
B6 0A 09 EC - Star Eater's Fang
1B 7D 2C D7 - Set of Nix Gnashers
55 FE D0 27 - Wyrmfang Ring
28 89 24 62 - White Stag's Tooth
74 BF 77 7C - Sturdy Scale
5F 92 24 BF - Stalwart Scale
46 89 15 FE - Set of Steel Scales
10 D3 B2 78 - Shadowglass Scale
09 C8 83 39 - Set of Storm Serpent Scales
22 E5 D0 FA - Salamander Scale
3B FE E1 BB - Deep Blue Scale
A5 7D CC 35 - Set of Shining Scales
BC 66 FD 74 - Wyrm King's Scale
FE 35 72 9B - Medal of Strength
B1 74 E4 5C - Medal of Dexterity
83 42 86 DE - Medal of Fortitude
A8 6F D5 1D - Medal of Agility
CC 03 10 19 - Medal of Valor
9A 59 B7 9F - Medal of Steadfastness
E7 2E 43 DA - Medal of Impunity
07 8E 8F 26 - Bravado Badge
80 16 93 E9 - Braggart's Badge
99 0D A2 A8 - Battler's Badge
49 0D 73 D6 - Adamant Badge
2D 61 B6 D2 - Fire Seal
63 E2 4A 22 - Avenger's Badge
50 16 42 97 - Bracer Badge
34 7A 87 93 - Water Seal
1F 57 D4 50 - Storm Seal
1E 95 BE 67 - Ironclad Badge
62 20 20 15 - Hot-Blooded Badge
51 D4 28 A0 - Brinkman's Badge
35 B8 ED A4 - Bastion Badge
7B 3B 11 54 - Hardheaded Badge
2C A3 DC E5 - Barrier Badge
7A F9 7B 63 - Berserker's Badge
06 4C E5 11 - Omniseal

If someone is willing to fix these lists so the names are the proper North American names, I would appreciate that very much.

Getting the Save Back on the PS3
Step 1. Save your modified file.

Step 2. Switch back to Bruteforce Save Data, and re-encrypt your save by clicking Encrypt PFD > Encrypt All Files


Step 3. The green box on the left should be white again if everything went OK. The file is now encrypted again, ready for the PS3. Go to your working folder and copy the entire save folder


Paste it back on to your USB drive in the PS3 > SAVEDATA folder, overwriting the one already on there.

Step 4. Go back to your PS3, put in the USB drive. Go to Games > Save Data Utility > USB Drive, go to your modified save and press Triangle, then go to Copy. It should warn you about over writing the existing save, so again, make sure you have a backup. Over write the existing save with your modified one.

Step 5. Load Ni No Kuni and verify the modifications have taken effect.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
United States
now i just need more complete familiar ID
the one i got now is very lacking >_<

Ask and you shall receive:

4C 85 EA 97 - Mite
4D 47 80 A0 - Mighty Mite
4F 01 3E F9 - Dynamite
4E C3 54 CE - Mermite
5E 30 45 79 - Drongo
5F F2 2F 4E - Strongo
5D B4 91 17 - Fluorongo
5C 76 FB 20 - Electrongo
E6 8C 22 1C - Hurly
E7 4E 48 2B - Burly Hurly
E5 08 F6 72 - Hurlcules
E4 CA 9C 45 - Hurlabaloo
7B 5B 1A A5 - Toko
7A 99 70 92 - Tokotoko
78 DF CE CB - Tokotocold
79 1D A4 FC - Docotoko
1C 48 7B 24 - Minor Byrde
1D 8A 11 13 - Major Byrde
1F CC AF 4A - Firebyrde
1E 0E C5 7D - Thunderbyrde
B6 41 B3 AF - Ruff
67 83 08 E6 - Ruff
B7 83 D9 98 - Ruffian
B5 C5 67 C1 - Gruffian
B4 07 0D F6 - Scruffian
2B 96 8B 16 - Rhinosaur
2A 54 E1 21 - Rhinosnore
28 12 5F 78 - Rhinobore
29 D0 35 4F - Rhinosaw
93 2A EC 73 - Monolith
92 E8 86 44 - Megalith
90 AE 38 1D - Paleolith
91 6C 52 2A - Neolith
39 23 24 F8 - Danglerfish
38 E1 4E CF - Stranglerfish
3A A7 F0 96 - Manglerfish
3B 65 9A A1 - Spanglerfish
D9 FC 53 CB - Little Bighorn
D8 3E 39 FC - Bighorn
DA 78 87 A5 - Batterhorn
DB BA ED 92 - Splatterhorn
99 94 35 F1 - Crowhawk
98 56 5F C6 - Mohawk
9A 10 E1 9F - Prohawk
9B D2 8B A8 - Snowhawk
33 9D FD 7A - Jabber
32 5F 97 4D - Stabber
30 19 29 14 - Stabberwocky
31 DB 43 23 - Jabberguppy
8B 21 9A 1F - Taddlywink
8A E3 F0 28 - Tadolescent
88 A5 4E 71 - Tadabout
89 67 24 46 - Tadorable
AE 4A C5 C3 - Sunshine
AF 88 AF F4 - Grandsun
AD CE 11 AD - Wayward Sun
AC 0C 7B 9A - Godsun
BC FF 6A 2D - Baatender
BD 3D 00 1A - Baabarian
BF 7B BE 43 - Baabie
BE B9 D4 74 - Baarndancer
04 43 0D 48 - Oroboros
05 81 67 7F - Chloroboros
07 C7 D9 26 - Obscuroboros
06 05 B3 11 - Fluoroboros
E4 9C 7A 7B - Sore Boar
E5 5E 10 4C - Crashing Boar
E7 18 AE 15 - Hyperboar
E6 DA C4 22 - Full Boar
74 3D 87 AA - Lagoon Naiad
75 FF ED 9D - Sea Naiad
77 B9 53 C4 - Lesser Spotted Naiad
76 7B 39 F3 - Greater Naiad
CC 81 E0 CF - Lumberwood
CD 43 8A F8 - Limberwood
CF 05 34 A1 - Umberwood
CE C7 5E 96 - Wildwood
43 E3 77 98 - Worker Bumbler
42 21 1D AF - Drone Bumbler
40 67 A3 F6 - Soldier Bumbler
41 A5 C9 C1 - Queen Bumbler
A3 3C 00 AB - Bubbud
A2 FE 6A 9C - Sponge Bubbud
A0 B8 D4 C5 - Lotus Bubbud
A1 7A BE F2 - Tropical Bubbud
5B E8 01 F4 - Floret
5A 2A 6B C3 - Flummox Floret
58 6C D5 9A - Horrid Floret
59 AE BF AD - Florid Floret
49 5D AE 1A - Whippersnapper
48 9F C4 2D - Trapper Snapper
4A D9 7A 74 - Snaptrap
4B 1B 10 43 - Claptrap
6C 36 F1 C6 - Ice Maiden
6D F4 9B F1 - Ice Queen
6F B2 25 A8 - Eldritch Empress
6E 70 4F 9F - Sinister Sovereign
D4 8A 96 A3 - Bougie
D5 48 FC 94 - Boo-Bougie
D7 0E 42 CD - Bougie-Woogie
D6 CC 28 FA - Bougieman
C6 3F 39 4D - Spitoo
C7 FD 53 7A - Spitooligan
C5 BB ED 23 - Lickety-Spitoo
C4 79 87 14 - Sniper Spitoo
7E 83 5E 28 - Sprog Cog
7F 41 34 1F - Hot Cog
7D 07 8A 46 - Supercogductor
7C C5 E0 71 - Cogdenser
26 E0 4E 7E - Green Buncher
27 22 24 49 - Yellow Buncher
25 64 9A 10 - Underripe Buncher
24 A6 F0 27 - Overripe Buncher
E9 C8 DD E4 - Rabbot
E8 0A B7 D3 - Jackrabbot
EA 4C 09 8A - Whackrabbot
EB 8E 63 BD - Hackrabbot
FB 7D 72 0A - Hubber Blubber
FA BF 18 3D - Blubber Bubbler
F8 F9 A6 64 - Prince of Whales
F9 3B CC 53 - Lone Shark
43 C1 15 6F - Airhead
42 03 7F 58 - Beachhead
40 45 C1 01 - Fountainhead
41 87 AB 36 - Thunderhead
74 1F E5 5D - Dinkey
75 DD 8F 6A - Turnkey
77 9B 31 33 - Master Key
76 59 5B 04 - Don Key
94 C0 92 6E - Whambat
95 02 F8 59 - Wishing Whambat
97 44 46 00 - Whampire Bat
96 86 2C 37 - Captain Whamtastic
6C 14 93 31 - Relixx
6D D6 F9 06 - Electrixx
6F 90 47 5F - Medixx
6E 52 2D 68 - Angelixx
C6 1D 5B BA - Mandragorer
C7 DF 31 8D - Pandoragorer
C5 99 8F D4 - Mendragorer
C4 5B E5 E3 - Tundragorer
7E A1 3C DF - Tyke
7F 63 56 E8 - Spike Tyke
7D 25 E8 B1 - Psych Tyke
7C E7 82 86 - Pike Tyke
E3 76 04 66 - Fluvius Maximus
E2 B4 6E 51 - Tempestus Majora
E0 F2 D0 08 - Igneous Supremus
E1 30 BA 3F - Celestius Primus
5B CA 63 03 - Teeny Bopper
8A 08 D8 4A - Teeny Bopper
5A 08 09 34 - Big Bopper
58 4E B7 6D - Duck-Billed Bopper
59 8C DD 5A - Unibopper
F1 C3 AB 88 - Seed Sprite
F0 01 C1 BF - Sprout Sprite
F2 47 7F E6 - Sweetpea Sprite
F3 85 15 D1 - Sugarplum Sprite
11 1C DC BB - Purrloiner
10 DE B6 8C - Cutpurrse
12 98 08 D5 - Puss in Bouts
13 5A 62 E2 - Puss in Boats
81 BD 21 6A - Lightshade
80 7F 4B 5D - Sunshade
82 39 F5 04 - Starshade
83 FB 9F 33 - Nightshade
A4 D6 7E B6 - Inphant
A5 14 14 81 - Psychophant
A7 52 AA D8 - Triumphant
A6 90 C0 EF - Hierophant
1C 6A 19 D3 - Tin-Man
1D A8 73 E4 - Iron-Man
1F EE CD BD - Steam-Man
1E 2C A7 8A - Beam-Man
56 BC A6 6B - Wisp
57 7E CC 5C - Ghost Wisperer
55 38 72 05 - Kill-o'-the-Wisp
54 FA 18 32 - Wispula
BC DD 08 DA - Girlfiend
BD 1F 62 ED - Ex-Girlfiend
BF 59 DC B4 - Phantasma
BE 9B B6 83 - Grandamned
99 B6 57 06 - Shrimpaler
98 74 3D 31 - Impaler
9A 32 83 68 - Grimpaler
9B F0 E9 5F - Hymnpaler
33 BF 9F 8D - Clinketyclank
32 7D F5 BA - Clinketyclank Mk. 2
30 3B 4B E3 - Clinketyclank LX
31 F9 21 D4 - Clinketyclank DX
D3 60 E8 BE - Potty
D2 A2 82 89 - Jackpotty
D0 E4 3C D0 - Crackpot
D1 26 56 E7 - Hotpot
94 84 57 80 - Magmoiselle
95 46 3D B7 - Magmadame
97 00 83 EE - Magmadonna
96 C2 E9 D9 - Magmadiva
B1 EF 08 5C - Turbandit
B0 2D 62 6B - Turburn
B2 6B DC 32 - Turban Myth
B3 A9 B6 05 - Turban Legend
09 53 6F 39 - Idler
08 91 05 0E - Wild Idler
0A D7 BB 57 - All-Seeing Idler
0B 15 D1 60 - Evil Idler
A9 E4 7E 30 - Bonehead
A8 26 14 07 - Bone Ranger
AA 60 AA 5E - Bone Brigadier
AB A2 C0 69 - Bone Baron
11 58 19 55 - Pom Pom
10 9A 73 62 - Pond Pom
12 DC CD 3B - Pompeii
13 1E A7 0C - Pomagranite
BB 51 D1 DE - Naja
BA 93 BB E9 - Najalisk
B8 D5 05 B0 - Mahanaja
B9 17 6F 87 - Najapatra
8C 8F 21 EC - Fightingale
8D 4D 4B DB - Knightingale
8F 0B F5 82 - Paladin Partridge
8E C9 9F B5 - Bushido Bantam
34 33 46 89 - Hog-Goblin
35 F1 2C BE - Gobfather
37 B7 92 E7 - Gobspeed
36 75 F8 D0 - Gobforsaken
6C 50 56 DF - Earth Ogrrr
6D 92 3C E8 - Water Ogrrr
6F D4 82 B1 - Ice Ogrrr
6E 16 E8 86 - Fire Ogrrr
22 60 6E EF - Collum
23 A2 04 D8 - Doric Collum
21 E4 BA 81 - Ionic Collum
20 26 D0 B6 - Auric Collum
E7 D4 46 00 - Zombo
E6 16 2C 37 - Zomboatswain
E4 50 92 6E - Cap'n Zombo
E5 92 F8 59 - Mumbo Zombo
1F 00 47 5F - Clubber Cub
1E C2 2D 68 - Lubber Cub
1C 84 93 31 - Adamantiger
1D 46 F9 06 - Elegantiger
28 DE B7 6D - Sillymander
29 1C DD 5A - Slamander
2B 5A 63 03 - Pyromander
2A 98 09 34 - Petramander
3A 6B 18 83 - Splisher
3B A9 72 B4 - Splasher
39 EF CC ED - Snapper
38 2D A6 DA - Snipper
82 D7 7F E6 - Plessie
83 15 15 D1 - Messy Plessie
81 53 AB 88 - Stressy Plessie
80 91 C1 BF - Blessy Plessie
58 A0 3D 8F - Small Fry
59 62 57 B8 - Deep Fry
5B 24 E9 E1 - Firefry
5A E6 83 D6 - Flash Fry
F2 A9 F5 04 - Thumbelemur
F3 6B 9F 33 - Dumbelemur
F1 2D 21 6A - Aye-Aye Sir
F0 EF 4B 5D - Aye-Aye Catcher
4A 15 92 61 - Flutterby
4B D7 F8 56 - Forest Flutterby
49 91 46 0F - Midnight Flutterby
48 53 2C 38 - Midday Flutterby
6F 7E CD BD - Hooray
6E BC A7 8A - Hip-Hooray
6C FA 19 D3 - Grimray
6D 38 73 E4 - Springray
C5 77 05 36 - Sasquish
C4 B5 6F 01 - Sasquash
C6 F3 D1 58 - Papa Sasquash
C7 31 BB 6F - Mama Sasquash
CF C9 DC B4 - Fug
CE 0B B6 83 - Dusty Fug
CC 4D 08 DA - Smoggy Fug
CD 8F 62 ED - Grubby Fug
EA A2 83 68 - Magimech
EB 60 E9 5F - Manic Magimech
E9 26 57 06 - Magimech Sentry
E8 E4 3D 31 - Magimech Master
40 AB 4B E3 - Griffy
41 69 21 D4 - Greater Griffy
43 2F 9F 8D - Griffurnace
42 ED F5 BA - Griffrigerator
A0 74 3C D0 - Sleepeafowl
A1 B6 56 E7 - Hippeafowl
A3 F0 E8 BE - Grumpeafowl
A2 32 82 89 - Wimpeafowl
18 C8 5B B5 - Fuddy-Daddy
19 0A 31 82 - Big Daddy
1B 4C 8F DB - Grand-Daddy
1A 8E E5 EC - Baddy-Daddy
52 3C 86 FA - Dinoceros
53 FE EC CD - Destroceros
51 B8 52 94 - Demoliceros
50 7A 38 A3 - Catastroceros
F8 35 4E 71 - Boggly-Boo
F9 F7 24 46 - Bigger-Boggle
FB B1 9A 1F - Hoggle-Boggle
FA 73 F0 28 - Moggle-Boggle
65 E2 76 C8 - Tu-Whit
64 20 1C FF - Tu-Whoo
66 66 A2 A6 - Sharp-Hooter
67 A4 C8 91 - Hooting-Star
DD 5E 11 AD - Kipper
DC 9C 7B 9A - Red Napper
DE DA C5 C3 - Sweet Bream
DF 18 AF F4 - Siestar Fish
CF EB BE 43 - Sapdragon
CE 29 D4 74 - Flapdragon
CC 6F 6A 2D - Scrapdragon
CD AD 00 1A - Napdragon
DE 16 2D D6 - Draggle
DF D4 47 E1 - Dragette
DD 92 F9 B8 - Dragamuffin
DC 50 93 8F - Bedraggle
A9 A0 BB DE - Hullaballoon
A8 62 D1 E9 - Balloonatic
AA 24 6F B0 - Hot-Air Balloonatic
AB E6 05 87 - Water Balloonatic
6B DC 8F DB - Auroralynx
6A 1E E5 EC - Umbralynx
68 58 5B B5 - Astralynx
69 9A 31 82 - Dualynx
9E 3A 8E 02 - Incy
9F F8 E4 35 - Wincy
9D BE 5A 6C - Web Master
9C 7C 30 5B - Weaver Diva
BF B7 56 56 - Shellraiser
BE 75 3C 61 - Shellfire
BC 33 82 38 - Shellshocker
BD F1 E8 0F - Shellmet
0D B5 E8 B1 - Sparkee
0C 77 82 86 - Wattee
0E 31 3C DF - Acee
0F F3 56 E8 - Deecee
90 62 D0 08 - Eggroll
91 A0 BA 3F - Scrambled Eggroll
93 E6 04 66 - Humpty Bumpty
92 24 6E 51 - Eggyptian
D7 C2 AA D8 - Napcap
D6 00 C0 EF - Duncecap
D4 46 7E B6 - Madcap
D5 84 14 81 - Nightcap
65 C0 14 3F - Shonky-Honker
64 02 7E 08 - Sharper-Parper
66 44 C0 51 - Trumpy-Pumper
67 86 AA 66 - Honky-Tonkerzz
Gold Familiars (I think):
51 80 DA 2F - Mite
50 42 B0 18 - Mighty Mite
52 04 0E 41 - Dynamite
53 C6 64 76 - Mermite
43 35 75 C1 - Drongo
42 F7 1F F6 - Strongo
40 B1 A1 AF - Fluorongo
41 73 CB 98 - Electrongo
FB 89 12 A4 - Hurly
FA 4B 78 93 - Burly Hurly
F8 0D C6 CA - Hurlcules
F9 CF AC FD - Hurlabaloo
66 5E 2A 1D - Toko
67 9C 40 2A - Tokotoko
65 DA FE 73 - Tokotocold
64 18 94 44 - Docotoko
DE E2 4D 78 - Draggle
DF 20 27 4F - Dragette
DD 66 99 16 - Dragamuffin
DC A4 F3 21 - Bedraggle
CC 57 E2 96 - Teeny Bopper
CD 95 88 A1 - Big Bopper
CF D3 36 F8 - Duck-Billed Bopper
CE 11 5C CF - Unibopper
74 EB 85 F3 - Inphant
75 29 EF C4 - Psychophant
77 6F 51 9D - Triumphant
76 AD 3B AA - Hierophant
2C 88 95 A5 - Tin-Man
2D 4A FF 92 - Iron-Man
2F 0C 41 CB - Steam-Man
2E CE 2B FC - Beam-Man
94 34 F2 C0 - Hog-Goblin
95 F6 98 F7 - Gobfather
97 B0 26 AE - Gobspeed
96 72 4C 99 - Gobforsaken
D4 5C 94 FA - Shonky-Honker
D5 9E FE CD - Sharper-Parper
D7 D8 40 94 - Trumpy-Pumper
D6 1A 2A A3 - Honky-Tonker
Note that there are 390 things listed as familiars in the game code. The duplicates near the end are all the gold ones (I think), but there are a few first form duplicates as well. Also, a lot of the bounty targets are on the list as well, I'm not sure if they will actually work or not.

Edit: There are actually 40 more familiar ids that have no data as far as I can tell. Here are the ids:

19 A8 65 A8
6E AF 55 3E
6C E9 EB 67
1A 2C B1 C6
1F 63 A7 43
68 64 97 D5
1E A1 CD 74
1C E7 73 2D
6B E0 43 BB
1D 25 19 1A
16 79 5E 27
61 7E 6E B1
F8 77 3F 0B
17 BB 34 10
A0 D6 68 FA
A1 14 02 CD
D6 13 32 5B
A3 52 BC 94
A2 90 D6 A3
A7 DF C0 26
A6 1D AA 11
A4 5B 14 48
A5 99 7E 7F
AE C5 39 42
D9 C2 09 D4
AF 07 53 75
B2 63 C7 14
B3 A1 AD 23
C4 A6 9D B5
B1 E7 13 7A
B0 25 79 4D
B5 6A 6F C8
B4 A8 05 FF
B7 2C D1 91
BC 70 96 AC
0A DF A0 71
I have no idea what would happen if you tried to use one of these.

Edit 2: OK, here is the list of the 356 normally obtainable familiars which will actually work properly (have skill data):

TO BE CLEAR, this is the good one
4C 85 EA 97 - Mite
4D 47 80 A0 - Mighty Mite
4F 01 3E F9 - Dynamite
4E C3 54 CE - Mermite
5E 30 45 79 - Drongo
5F F2 2F 4E - Strongo
5D B4 91 17 - Fluorongo
5C 76 FB 20 - Electrongo
E6 8C 22 1C - Hurly
E7 4E 48 2B - Burly Hurly
E5 08 F6 72 - Hurlcules
E4 CA 9C 45 - Hurlabaloo
7B 5B 1A A5 - Toko
7A 99 70 92 - Tokotoko
78 DF CE CB - Tokotocold
79 1D A4 FC - Docotoko
1C 48 7B 24 - Minor Byrde
1D 8A 11 13 - Major Byrde
1F CC AF 4A - Firebyrde
1E 0E C5 7D - Thunderbyrde
B6 41 B3 AF - Ruff
B7 83 D9 98 - Ruffian
B5 C5 67 C1 - Gruffian
B4 07 0D F6 - Scruffian
2B 96 8B 16 - Rhinosaur
2A 54 E1 21 - Rhinosnore
28 12 5F 78 - Rhinobore
29 D0 35 4F - Rhinosaw
93 2A EC 73 - Monolith
92 E8 86 44 - Megalith
90 AE 38 1D - Paleolith
91 6C 52 2A - Neolith
39 23 24 F8 - Danglerfish
38 E1 4E CF - Stranglerfish
3A A7 F0 96 - Manglerfish
3B 65 9A A1 - Spanglerfish
D9 FC 53 CB - Little Bighorn
D8 3E 39 FC - Bighorn
DA 78 87 A5 - Batterhorn
DB BA ED 92 - Splatterhorn
99 94 35 F1 - Crowhawk
98 56 5F C6 - Mohawk
9A 10 E1 9F - Prohawk
9B D2 8B A8 - Snowhawk
33 9D FD 7A - Jabber
32 5F 97 4D - Stabber
30 19 29 14 - Stabberwocky
31 DB 43 23 - Jabberguppy
8B 21 9A 1F - Taddlywink
8A E3 F0 28 - Tadolescent
88 A5 4E 71 - Tadabout
89 67 24 46 - Tadorable
AE 4A C5 C3 - Sunshine
AF 88 AF F4 - Grandsun
AD CE 11 AD - Wayward Sun
AC 0C 7B 9A - Godsun
BC FF 6A 2D - Baatender
BD 3D 00 1A - Baabarian
BF 7B BE 43 - Baabie
BE B9 D4 74 - Baarndancer
04 43 0D 48 - Oroboros
05 81 67 7F - Chloroboros
07 C7 D9 26 - Obscuroboros
06 05 B3 11 - Fluoroboros
E4 9C 7A 7B - Sore Boar
E5 5E 10 4C - Crashing Boar
E7 18 AE 15 - Hyperboar
E6 DA C4 22 - Full Boar
74 3D 87 AA - Lagoon Naiad
75 FF ED 9D - Sea Naiad
77 B9 53 C4 - Lesser Spotted Naiad
76 7B 39 F3 - Greater Naiad
CC 81 E0 CF - Lumberwood
CD 43 8A F8 - Limberwood
CF 05 34 A1 - Umberwood
CE C7 5E 96 - Wildwood
43 E3 77 98 - Worker Bumbler
42 21 1D AF - Drone Bumbler
40 67 A3 F6 - Soldier Bumbler
41 A5 C9 C1 - Queen Bumbler
A3 3C 00 AB - Bubbud
A2 FE 6A 9C - Sponge Bubbud
A0 B8 D4 C5 - Lotus Bubbud
A1 7A BE F2 - Tropical Bubbud
5B E8 01 F4 - Floret
5A 2A 6B C3 - Flummox Floret
58 6C D5 9A - Horrid Floret
59 AE BF AD - Florid Floret
49 5D AE 1A - Whippersnapper
48 9F C4 2D - Trapper Snapper
4A D9 7A 74 - Snaptrap
4B 1B 10 43 - Claptrap
6C 36 F1 C6 - Ice Maiden
6D F4 9B F1 - Ice Queen
6F B2 25 A8 - Eldritch Empress
6E 70 4F 9F - Sinister Sovereign
D4 8A 96 A3 - Bougie
D5 48 FC 94 - Boo-Bougie
D7 0E 42 CD - Bougie-Woogie
D6 CC 28 FA - Bougieman
C6 3F 39 4D - Spitoo
C7 FD 53 7A - Spitooligan
C5 BB ED 23 - Lickety-Spitoo
C4 79 87 14 - Sniper Spitoo
7E 83 5E 28 - Sprog Cog
7F 41 34 1F - Hot Cog
7D 07 8A 46 - Supercogductor
7C C5 E0 71 - Cogdenser
26 E0 4E 7E - Green Buncher
27 22 24 49 - Yellow Buncher
25 64 9A 10 - Underripe Buncher
24 A6 F0 27 - Overripe Buncher
E9 C8 DD E4 - Rabbot
E8 0A B7 D3 - Jackrabbot
EA 4C 09 8A - Whackrabbot
EB 8E 63 BD - Hackrabbot
43 C1 15 6F - Airhead
42 03 7F 58 - Beachhead
40 45 C1 01 - Fountainhead
41 87 AB 36 - Thunderhead
74 1F E5 5D - Dinkey
75 DD 8F 6A - Turnkey
77 9B 31 33 - Master Key
76 59 5B 04 - Don Key
94 C0 92 6E - Whambat
95 02 F8 59 - Wishing Whambat
97 44 46 00 - Whampire Bat
96 86 2C 37 - Captain Whamtastic
6C 14 93 31 - Relixx
6D D6 F9 06 - Electrixx
6F 90 47 5F - Medixx
6E 52 2D 68 - Angelixx
C6 1D 5B BA - Mandragorer
C7 DF 31 8D - Pandoragorer
C5 99 8F D4 - Mendragorer
C4 5B E5 E3 - Tundragorer
7E A1 3C DF - Tyke
7F 63 56 E8 - Spike Tyke
7D 25 E8 B1 - Psych Tyke
7C E7 82 86 - Pike Tyke
5B CA 63 03 - Teeny Bopper
5A 08 09 34 - Big Bopper
58 4E B7 6D - Duck-Billed Bopper
59 8C DD 5A - Unibopper
F1 C3 AB 88 - Seed Sprite
F0 01 C1 BF - Sprout Sprite
F2 47 7F E6 - Sweetpea Sprite
F3 85 15 D1 - Sugarplum Sprite
11 1C DC BB - Purrloiner
10 DE B6 8C - Cutpurrse
12 98 08 D5 - Puss in Bouts
13 5A 62 E2 - Puss in Boats
81 BD 21 6A - Lightshade
80 7F 4B 5D - Sunshade
82 39 F5 04 - Starshade
83 FB 9F 33 - Nightshade
A4 D6 7E B6 - Inphant
A5 14 14 81 - Psychophant
A7 52 AA D8 - Triumphant
A6 90 C0 EF - Hierophant
1C 6A 19 D3 - Tin-Man
1D A8 73 E4 - Iron-Man
1F EE CD BD - Steam-Man
1E 2C A7 8A - Beam-Man
56 BC A6 6B - Wisp
57 7E CC 5C - Ghost Wisperer
55 38 72 05 - Kill-o'-the-Wisp
54 FA 18 32 - Wispula
BC DD 08 DA - Girlfiend
BD 1F 62 ED - Ex-Girlfiend
BF 59 DC B4 - Phantasma
BE 9B B6 83 - Grandamned
99 B6 57 06 - Shrimpaler
98 74 3D 31 - Impaler
9A 32 83 68 - Grimpaler
9B F0 E9 5F - Hymnpaler
33 BF 9F 8D - Clinketyclank
32 7D F5 BA - Clinketyclank Mk. 2
30 3B 4B E3 - Clinketyclank LX
31 F9 21 D4 - Clinketyclank DX
D3 60 E8 BE - Potty
D2 A2 82 89 - Jackpotty
D0 E4 3C D0 - Crackpot
D1 26 56 E7 - Hotpot
B1 EF 08 5C - Turbandit
B0 2D 62 6B - Turburn
B2 6B DC 32 - Turban Myth
B3 A9 B6 05 - Turban Legend
09 53 6F 39 - Idler
08 91 05 0E - Wild Idler
0A D7 BB 57 - All-Seeing Idler
0B 15 D1 60 - Evil Idler
A9 E4 7E 30 - Bonehead
A8 26 14 07 - Bone Ranger
AA 60 AA 5E - Bone Brigadier
AB A2 C0 69 - Bone Baron
11 58 19 55 - Pom Pom
10 9A 73 62 - Pond Pom
12 DC CD 3B - Pompeii
13 1E A7 0C - Pomagranite
BB 51 D1 DE - Naja
BA 93 BB E9 - Najalisk
B8 D5 05 B0 - Mahanaja
B9 17 6F 87 - Najapatra
8C 8F 21 EC - Fightingale
8D 4D 4B DB - Knightingale
8F 0B F5 82 - Paladin Partridge
8E C9 9F B5 - Bushido Bantam
34 33 46 89 - Hog-Goblin
35 F1 2C BE - Gobfather
37 B7 92 E7 - Gobspeed
36 75 F8 D0 - Gobforsaken
E7 D4 46 00 - Zombo
E6 16 2C 37 - Zomboatswain
E4 50 92 6E - Cap'n Zombo
E5 92 F8 59 - Mumbo Zombo
1F 00 47 5F - Clubber Cub
1E C2 2D 68 - Lubber Cub
1C 84 93 31 - Adamantiger
1D 46 F9 06 - Elegantiger
28 DE B7 6D - Sillymander
29 1C DD 5A - Slamander
2B 5A 63 03 - Pyromander
2A 98 09 34 - Petramander
3A 6B 18 83 - Splisher
3B A9 72 B4 - Splasher
39 EF CC ED - Snapper
38 2D A6 DA - Snipper
82 D7 7F E6 - Plessie
83 15 15 D1 - Messy Plessie
81 53 AB 88 - Stressy Plessie
80 91 C1 BF - Blessy Plessie
58 A0 3D 8F - Small Fry
59 62 57 B8 - Deep Fry
5B 24 E9 E1 - Firefry
5A E6 83 D6 - Flash Fry
F2 A9 F5 04 - Thumbelemur
F3 6B 9F 33 - Dumbelemur
F1 2D 21 6A - Aye-Aye Sir
F0 EF 4B 5D - Aye-Aye Catcher
4A 15 92 61 - Flutterby
4B D7 F8 56 - Forest Flutterby
49 91 46 0F - Midnight Flutterby
48 53 2C 38 - Midday Flutterby
6F 7E CD BD - Hooray
6E BC A7 8A - Hip-Hooray
6C FA 19 D3 - Grimray
6D 38 73 E4 - Springray
C5 77 05 36 - Sasquish
C4 B5 6F 01 - Sasquash
C6 F3 D1 58 - Papa Sasquash
C7 31 BB 6F - Mama Sasquash
40 AB 4B E3 - Griffy
41 69 21 D4 - Greater Griffy
43 2F 9F 8D - Griffurnace
42 ED F5 BA - Griffrigerator
A0 74 3C D0 - Sleepeafowl
A1 B6 56 E7 - Hippeafowl
A3 F0 E8 BE - Grumpeafowl
A2 32 82 89 - Wimpeafowl
18 C8 5B B5 - Fuddy-Daddy
19 0A 31 82 - Big Daddy
1B 4C 8F DB - Grand-Daddy
1A 8E E5 EC - Baddy-Daddy
52 3C 86 FA - Dinoceros
53 FE EC CD - Destroceros
51 B8 52 94 - Demoliceros
50 7A 38 A3 - Catastroceros
F8 35 4E 71 - Boggly-Boo
F9 F7 24 46 - Bigger-Boggle
FB B1 9A 1F - Hoggle-Boggle
FA 73 F0 28 - Moggle-Boggle
65 E2 76 C8 - Tu-Whit
64 20 1C FF - Tu-Whoo
66 66 A2 A6 - Sharp-Hooter
67 A4 C8 91 - Hooting-Star
DD 5E 11 AD - Kipper
DC 9C 7B 9A - Red Napper
DE DA C5 C3 - Sweet Bream
DF 18 AF F4 - Siestar Fish
CF EB BE 43 - Sapdragon
CE 29 D4 74 - Flapdragon
CC 6F 6A 2D - Scrapdragon
CD AD 00 1A - Napdragon
DE 16 2D D6 - Draggle
DF D4 47 E1 - Dragette
DD 92 F9 B8 - Dragamuffin
DC 50 93 8F - Bedraggle
A9 A0 BB DE - Hullaballoon
A8 62 D1 E9 - Balloonatic
AA 24 6F B0 - Hot-Air Balloonatic
AB E6 05 87 - Water Balloonatic
6B DC 8F DB - Auroralynx
6A 1E E5 EC - Umbralynx
68 58 5B B5 - Astralynx
69 9A 31 82 - Dualynx
9E 3A 8E 02 - Incy
9F F8 E4 35 - Wincy
9D BE 5A 6C - Web Master
9C 7C 30 5B - Weaver Diva
0D B5 E8 B1 - Sparkee
0C 77 82 86 - Wattee
0E 31 3C DF - Acee
0F F3 56 E8 - Deecee
90 62 D0 08 - Eggroll
91 A0 BA 3F - Scrambled Eggroll
93 E6 04 66 - Humpty Bumpty
92 24 6E 51 - Eggyptian
D7 C2 AA D8 - Napcap
D6 00 C0 EF - Duncecap
D4 46 7E B6 - Madcap
D5 84 14 81 - Nightcap
65 C0 14 3F - Shonky-Honker
64 02 7E 08 - Sharper-Parper
66 44 C0 51 - Trumpy-Pumper
67 86 AA 66 - Honky-Tonker
51 80 DA 2F - Mite
50 42 B0 18 - Mighty Mite
52 04 0E 41 - Dynamite
53 C6 64 76 - Mermite
43 35 75 C1 - Drongo
42 F7 1F F6 - Strongo
40 B1 A1 AF - Fluorongo
41 73 CB 98 - Electrongo
FB 89 12 A4 - Hurly
FA 4B 78 93 - Burly Hurly
F8 0D C6 CA - Hurlcules
F9 CF AC FD - Hurlabaloo
66 5E 2A 1D - Toko
67 9C 40 2A - Tokotoko
65 DA FE 73 - Tokotocold
64 18 94 44 - Docotoko
DE E2 4D 78 - Draggle
DF 20 27 4F - Dragette
DD 66 99 16 - Dragamuffin
DC A4 F3 21 - Bedraggle
CC 57 E2 96 - Teeny Bopper
CD 95 88 A1 - Big Bopper
CF D3 36 F8 - Duck-Billed Bopper
CE 11 5C CF - Unibopper
74 EB 85 F3 - Inphant
75 29 EF C4 - Psychophant
77 6F 51 9D - Triumphant
76 AD 3B AA - Hierophant
2C 88 95 A5 - Tin-Man
2D 4A FF 92 - Iron-Man
2F 0C 41 CB - Steam-Man
2E CE 2B FC - Beam-Man
94 34 F2 C0 - Hog-Goblin
95 F6 98 F7 - Gobfather
97 B0 26 AE - Gobspeed
96 72 4C 99 - Gobforsaken
D4 5C 94 FA - Shonky-Honker
D5 9E FE CD - Sharper-Parper
D7 D8 40 94 - Trumpy-Pumper
D6 1A 2A A3 - Honky-Tonker


Feb 8, 2013
tested some bounty familiar ID.

good news is, its successfully replace the familiar in the roster with it.
and it run well on battle screen at first glance.

bad news is, the familiar become unable to lv up (it receive no exp after battle), cannot be equip with standard weapon/armor/acc and some ID have 0 stamina after replace...
also the stat and skill inherited the previous familiar it replace and its prone to freeze (like when non sword user familiar use cut loose animation, sometimes it freeze the game)

ill try to see the other 40 no data familiar but i have feeling its just give me blank slot after replace...
we ll see.

oh and thanks for providing the familiar ID Supercool330 :)

hmm strange, some normal familiar ID was different with what i have and resulted in blank page.
ill try to double check later after work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
United States
Ya, try the ones in the third list. It appears that there is duplicate data for some of them, with a bunch of missing info. The 356 real familiars I expected to see (300 + 16 Special (griffy, flutterby, draggle, and snapdragon) + 40 golden) are in the last list. These 356 are the only familiars with complete information. I can also say with almost 100% confidence that there are 3 Japanese only familiars that don't have any data on the disk.


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
United States
Ask and you shall receive:
4C 85 EA 97 - Mite
4D 47 80 A0 - Mighty Mite
4F 01 3E F9 - Dynamite
4E C3 54 CE - Mermite
5E 30 45 79 - Drongo
5F F2 2F 4E - Strongo
5D B4 91 17 - Fluorongo
5C 76 FB 20 - Electrongo
E6 8C 22 1C - Hurly
E7 4E 48 2B - Burly Hurly
E5 08 F6 72 - Hurlcules
E4 CA 9C 45 - Hurlabaloo
7B 5B 1A A5 - Toko
7A 99 70 92 - Tokotoko
78 DF CE CB - Tokotocold
79 1D A4 FC - Docotoko
1C 48 7B 24 - Minor Byrde
1D 8A 11 13 - Major Byrde
1F CC AF 4A - Firebyrde
1E 0E C5 7D - Thunderbyrde
B6 41 B3 AF - Ruff
67 83 08 E6 - Ruff
B7 83 D9 98 - Ruffian
B5 C5 67 C1 - Gruffian
B4 07 0D F6 - Scruffian
2B 96 8B 16 - Rhinosaur
2A 54 E1 21 - Rhinosnore
28 12 5F 78 - Rhinobore
29 D0 35 4F - Rhinosaw
93 2A EC 73 - Monolith
92 E8 86 44 - Megalith
90 AE 38 1D - Paleolith
91 6C 52 2A - Neolith
39 23 24 F8 - Danglerfish
38 E1 4E CF - Stranglerfish
3A A7 F0 96 - Manglerfish
3B 65 9A A1 - Spanglerfish
D9 FC 53 CB - Little Bighorn
D8 3E 39 FC - Bighorn
DA 78 87 A5 - Batterhorn
DB BA ED 92 - Splatterhorn
99 94 35 F1 - Crowhawk
98 56 5F C6 - Mohawk
9A 10 E1 9F - Prohawk
9B D2 8B A8 - Snowhawk
33 9D FD 7A - Jabber
32 5F 97 4D - Stabber
30 19 29 14 - Stabberwocky
31 DB 43 23 - Jabberguppy
8B 21 9A 1F - Taddlywink
8A E3 F0 28 - Tadolescent
88 A5 4E 71 - Tadabout
89 67 24 46 - Tadorable
AE 4A C5 C3 - Sunshine
AF 88 AF F4 - Grandsun
AD CE 11 AD - Wayward Sun
AC 0C 7B 9A - Godsun
BC FF 6A 2D - Baatender
BD 3D 00 1A - Baabarian
BF 7B BE 43 - Baabie
BE B9 D4 74 - Baarndancer
04 43 0D 48 - Oroboros
05 81 67 7F - Chloroboros
07 C7 D9 26 - Obscuroboros
06 05 B3 11 - Fluoroboros
E4 9C 7A 7B - Sore Boar
E5 5E 10 4C - Crashing Boar
E7 18 AE 15 - Hyperboar
E6 DA C4 22 - Full Boar
74 3D 87 AA - Lagoon Naiad
75 FF ED 9D - Sea Naiad
77 B9 53 C4 - Lesser Spotted Naiad
76 7B 39 F3 - Greater Naiad
CC 81 E0 CF - Lumberwood
CD 43 8A F8 - Limberwood
CF 05 34 A1 - Umberwood
CE C7 5E 96 - Wildwood
43 E3 77 98 - Worker Bumbler
42 21 1D AF - Drone Bumbler
40 67 A3 F6 - Soldier Bumbler
41 A5 C9 C1 - Queen Bumbler
A3 3C 00 AB - Bubbud
A2 FE 6A 9C - Sponge Bubbud
A0 B8 D4 C5 - Lotus Bubbud
A1 7A BE F2 - Tropical Bubbud
5B E8 01 F4 - Floret
5A 2A 6B C3 - Flummox Floret
58 6C D5 9A - Horrid Floret
59 AE BF AD - Florid Floret
49 5D AE 1A - Whippersnapper
48 9F C4 2D - Trapper Snapper
4A D9 7A 74 - Snaptrap
4B 1B 10 43 - Claptrap
6C 36 F1 C6 - Ice Maiden
6D F4 9B F1 - Ice Queen
6F B2 25 A8 - Eldritch Empress
6E 70 4F 9F - Sinister Sovereign
D4 8A 96 A3 - Bougie
D5 48 FC 94 - Boo-Bougie
D7 0E 42 CD - Bougie-Woogie
D6 CC 28 FA - Bougieman
C6 3F 39 4D - Spitoo
C7 FD 53 7A - Spitooligan
C5 BB ED 23 - Lickety-Spitoo
C4 79 87 14 - Sniper Spitoo
7E 83 5E 28 - Sprog Cog
7F 41 34 1F - Hot Cog
7D 07 8A 46 - Supercogductor
7C C5 E0 71 - Cogdenser
26 E0 4E 7E - Green Buncher
27 22 24 49 - Yellow Buncher
25 64 9A 10 - Underripe Buncher
24 A6 F0 27 - Overripe Buncher
E9 C8 DD E4 - Rabbot
E8 0A B7 D3 - Jackrabbot
EA 4C 09 8A - Whackrabbot
EB 8E 63 BD - Hackrabbot
FB 7D 72 0A - Hubber Blubber
FA BF 18 3D - Blubber Bubbler
F8 F9 A6 64 - Prince of Whales
F9 3B CC 53 - Lone Shark
43 C1 15 6F - Airhead
42 03 7F 58 - Beachhead
40 45 C1 01 - Fountainhead
41 87 AB 36 - Thunderhead
74 1F E5 5D - Dinkey
75 DD 8F 6A - Turnkey
77 9B 31 33 - Master Key
76 59 5B 04 - Don Key
94 C0 92 6E - Whambat
95 02 F8 59 - Wishing Whambat
97 44 46 00 - Whampire Bat
96 86 2C 37 - Captain Whamtastic
6C 14 93 31 - Relixx
6D D6 F9 06 - Electrixx
6F 90 47 5F - Medixx
6E 52 2D 68 - Angelixx
C6 1D 5B BA - Mandragorer
C7 DF 31 8D - Pandoragorer
C5 99 8F D4 - Mendragorer
C4 5B E5 E3 - Tundragorer
7E A1 3C DF - Tyke
7F 63 56 E8 - Spike Tyke
7D 25 E8 B1 - Psych Tyke
7C E7 82 86 - Pike Tyke
E3 76 04 66 - Fluvius Maximus
E2 B4 6E 51 - Tempestus Majora
E0 F2 D0 08 - Igneous Supremus
E1 30 BA 3F - Celestius Primus
5B CA 63 03 - Teeny Bopper
8A 08 D8 4A - Teeny Bopper
5A 08 09 34 - Big Bopper
58 4E B7 6D - Duck-Billed Bopper
59 8C DD 5A - Unibopper
F1 C3 AB 88 - Seed Sprite
F0 01 C1 BF - Sprout Sprite
F2 47 7F E6 - Sweetpea Sprite
F3 85 15 D1 - Sugarplum Sprite
11 1C DC BB - Purrloiner
10 DE B6 8C - Cutpurrse
12 98 08 D5 - Puss in Bouts
13 5A 62 E2 - Puss in Boats
81 BD 21 6A - Lightshade
80 7F 4B 5D - Sunshade
82 39 F5 04 - Starshade
83 FB 9F 33 - Nightshade
A4 D6 7E B6 - Inphant
A5 14 14 81 - Psychophant
A7 52 AA D8 - Triumphant
A6 90 C0 EF - Hierophant
1C 6A 19 D3 - Tin-Man
1D A8 73 E4 - Iron-Man
1F EE CD BD - Steam-Man
1E 2C A7 8A - Beam-Man
56 BC A6 6B - Wisp
57 7E CC 5C - Ghost Wisperer
55 38 72 05 - Kill-o'-the-Wisp
54 FA 18 32 - Wispula
BC DD 08 DA - Girlfiend
BD 1F 62 ED - Ex-Girlfiend
BF 59 DC B4 - Phantasma
BE 9B B6 83 - Grandamned
99 B6 57 06 - Shrimpaler
98 74 3D 31 - Impaler
9A 32 83 68 - Grimpaler
9B F0 E9 5F - Hymnpaler
33 BF 9F 8D - Clinketyclank
32 7D F5 BA - Clinketyclank Mk. 2
30 3B 4B E3 - Clinketyclank LX
31 F9 21 D4 - Clinketyclank DX
D3 60 E8 BE - Potty
D2 A2 82 89 - Jackpotty
D0 E4 3C D0 - Crackpot
D1 26 56 E7 - Hotpot
94 84 57 80 - Magmoiselle
95 46 3D B7 - Magmadame
97 00 83 EE - Magmadonna
96 C2 E9 D9 - Magmadiva
B1 EF 08 5C - Turbandit
B0 2D 62 6B - Turburn
B2 6B DC 32 - Turban Myth
B3 A9 B6 05 - Turban Legend
09 53 6F 39 - Idler
08 91 05 0E - Wild Idler
0A D7 BB 57 - All-Seeing Idler
0B 15 D1 60 - Evil Idler
A9 E4 7E 30 - Bonehead
A8 26 14 07 - Bone Ranger
AA 60 AA 5E - Bone Brigadier
AB A2 C0 69 - Bone Baron
11 58 19 55 - Pom Pom
10 9A 73 62 - Pond Pom
12 DC CD 3B - Pompeii
13 1E A7 0C - Pomagranite
BB 51 D1 DE - Naja
BA 93 BB E9 - Najalisk
B8 D5 05 B0 - Mahanaja
B9 17 6F 87 - Najapatra
8C 8F 21 EC - Fightingale
8D 4D 4B DB - Knightingale
8F 0B F5 82 - Paladin Partridge
8E C9 9F B5 - Bushido Bantam
34 33 46 89 - Hog-Goblin
35 F1 2C BE - Gobfather
37 B7 92 E7 - Gobspeed
36 75 F8 D0 - Gobforsaken
6C 50 56 DF - Earth Ogrrr
6D 92 3C E8 - Water Ogrrr
6F D4 82 B1 - Ice Ogrrr
6E 16 E8 86 - Fire Ogrrr
22 60 6E EF - Collum
23 A2 04 D8 - Doric Collum
21 E4 BA 81 - Ionic Collum
20 26 D0 B6 - Auric Collum
E7 D4 46 00 - Zombo
E6 16 2C 37 - Zomboatswain
E4 50 92 6E - Cap'n Zombo
E5 92 F8 59 - Mumbo Zombo
1F 00 47 5F - Clubber Cub
1E C2 2D 68 - Lubber Cub
1C 84 93 31 - Adamantiger
1D 46 F9 06 - Elegantiger
28 DE B7 6D - Sillymander
29 1C DD 5A - Slamander
2B 5A 63 03 - Pyromander
2A 98 09 34 - Petramander
3A 6B 18 83 - Splisher
3B A9 72 B4 - Splasher
39 EF CC ED - Snapper
38 2D A6 DA - Snipper
82 D7 7F E6 - Plessie
83 15 15 D1 - Messy Plessie
81 53 AB 88 - Stressy Plessie
80 91 C1 BF - Blessy Plessie
58 A0 3D 8F - Small Fry
59 62 57 B8 - Deep Fry
5B 24 E9 E1 - Firefry
5A E6 83 D6 - Flash Fry
F2 A9 F5 04 - Thumbelemur
F3 6B 9F 33 - Dumbelemur
F1 2D 21 6A - Aye-Aye Sir
F0 EF 4B 5D - Aye-Aye Catcher
4A 15 92 61 - Flutterby
4B D7 F8 56 - Forest Flutterby
49 91 46 0F - Midnight Flutterby
48 53 2C 38 - Midday Flutterby
6F 7E CD BD - Hooray
6E BC A7 8A - Hip-Hooray
6C FA 19 D3 - Grimray
6D 38 73 E4 - Springray
C5 77 05 36 - Sasquish
C4 B5 6F 01 - Sasquash
C6 F3 D1 58 - Papa Sasquash
C7 31 BB 6F - Mama Sasquash
CF C9 DC B4 - Fug
CE 0B B6 83 - Dusty Fug
CC 4D 08 DA - Smoggy Fug
CD 8F 62 ED - Grubby Fug
EA A2 83 68 - Magimech
EB 60 E9 5F - Manic Magimech
E9 26 57 06 - Magimech Sentry
E8 E4 3D 31 - Magimech Master
40 AB 4B E3 - Griffy
41 69 21 D4 - Greater Griffy
43 2F 9F 8D - Griffurnace
42 ED F5 BA - Griffrigerator
A0 74 3C D0 - Sleepeafowl
A1 B6 56 E7 - Hippeafowl
A3 F0 E8 BE - Grumpeafowl
A2 32 82 89 - Wimpeafowl
18 C8 5B B5 - Fuddy-Daddy
19 0A 31 82 - Big Daddy
1B 4C 8F DB - Grand-Daddy
1A 8E E5 EC - Baddy-Daddy
52 3C 86 FA - Dinoceros
53 FE EC CD - Destroceros
51 B8 52 94 - Demoliceros
50 7A 38 A3 - Catastroceros
F8 35 4E 71 - Boggly-Boo
F9 F7 24 46 - Bigger-Boggle
FB B1 9A 1F - Hoggle-Boggle
FA 73 F0 28 - Moggle-Boggle
65 E2 76 C8 - Tu-Whit
64 20 1C FF - Tu-Whoo
66 66 A2 A6 - Sharp-Hooter
67 A4 C8 91 - Hooting-Star
DD 5E 11 AD - Kipper
DC 9C 7B 9A - Red Napper
DE DA C5 C3 - Sweet Bream
DF 18 AF F4 - Siestar Fish
CF EB BE 43 - Sapdragon
CE 29 D4 74 - Flapdragon
CC 6F 6A 2D - Scrapdragon
CD AD 00 1A - Napdragon
DE 16 2D D6 - Draggle
DF D4 47 E1 - Dragette
DD 92 F9 B8 - Dragamuffin
DC 50 93 8F - Bedraggle
A9 A0 BB DE - Hullaballoon
A8 62 D1 E9 - Balloonatic
AA 24 6F B0 - Hot-Air Balloonatic
AB E6 05 87 - Water Balloonatic
6B DC 8F DB - Auroralynx
6A 1E E5 EC - Umbralynx
68 58 5B B5 - Astralynx
69 9A 31 82 - Dualynx
9E 3A 8E 02 - Incy
9F F8 E4 35 - Wincy
9D BE 5A 6C - Web Master
9C 7C 30 5B - Weaver Diva
BF B7 56 56 - Shellraiser
BE 75 3C 61 - Shellfire
BC 33 82 38 - Shellshocker
BD F1 E8 0F - Shellmet
0D B5 E8 B1 - Sparkee
0C 77 82 86 - Wattee
0E 31 3C DF - Acee
0F F3 56 E8 - Deecee
90 62 D0 08 - Eggroll
91 A0 BA 3F - Scrambled Eggroll
93 E6 04 66 - Humpty Bumpty
92 24 6E 51 - Eggyptian
D7 C2 AA D8 - Napcap
D6 00 C0 EF - Duncecap
D4 46 7E B6 - Madcap
D5 84 14 81 - Nightcap
65 C0 14 3F - Shonky-Honker
64 02 7E 08 - Sharper-Parper
66 44 C0 51 - Trumpy-Pumper
67 86 AA 66 - Honky-Tonkerzz
Gold Familiars (I think):
51 80 DA 2F - Mite
50 42 B0 18 - Mighty Mite
52 04 0E 41 - Dynamite
53 C6 64 76 - Mermite
43 35 75 C1 - Drongo
42 F7 1F F6 - Strongo
40 B1 A1 AF - Fluorongo
41 73 CB 98 - Electrongo
FB 89 12 A4 - Hurly
FA 4B 78 93 - Burly Hurly
F8 0D C6 CA - Hurlcules
F9 CF AC FD - Hurlabaloo
66 5E 2A 1D - Toko
67 9C 40 2A - Tokotoko
65 DA FE 73 - Tokotocold
64 18 94 44 - Docotoko
DE E2 4D 78 - Draggle
DF 20 27 4F - Dragette
DD 66 99 16 - Dragamuffin
DC A4 F3 21 - Bedraggle
CC 57 E2 96 - Teeny Bopper
CD 95 88 A1 - Big Bopper
CF D3 36 F8 - Duck-Billed Bopper
CE 11 5C CF - Unibopper
74 EB 85 F3 - Inphant
75 29 EF C4 - Psychophant
77 6F 51 9D - Triumphant
76 AD 3B AA - Hierophant
2C 88 95 A5 - Tin-Man
2D 4A FF 92 - Iron-Man
2F 0C 41 CB - Steam-Man
2E CE 2B FC - Beam-Man
94 34 F2 C0 - Hog-Goblin
95 F6 98 F7 - Gobfather
97 B0 26 AE - Gobspeed
96 72 4C 99 - Gobforsaken
D4 5C 94 FA - Shonky-Honker
D5 9E FE CD - Sharper-Parper
D7 D8 40 94 - Trumpy-Pumper
D6 1A 2A A3 - Honky-Tonker
Note that there are 390 things listed as familiars in the game code. The duplicates near the end are all the gold ones (I think), but there are a few first form duplicates as well. Also, a lot of the bounty targets are on the list as well, I'm not sure if they will actually work or not.

Edit: There are actually 40 more familiar ids that have no data as far as I can tell. Here are the ids:
19 A8 65 A8
6E AF 55 3E
6C E9 EB 67
1A 2C B1 C6
1F 63 A7 43
68 64 97 D5
1E A1 CD 74
1C E7 73 2D
6B E0 43 BB
1D 25 19 1A
16 79 5E 27
61 7E 6E B1
F8 77 3F 0B
17 BB 34 10
A0 D6 68 FA
A1 14 02 CD
D6 13 32 5B
A3 52 BC 94
A2 90 D6 A3
A7 DF C0 26
A6 1D AA 11
A4 5B 14 48
A5 99 7E 7F
AE C5 39 42
D9 C2 09 D4
AF 07 53 75
B2 63 C7 14
B3 A1 AD 23
C4 A6 9D B5
B1 E7 13 7A
B0 25 79 4D
B5 6A 6F C8
B4 A8 05 FF
B7 2C D1 91
BC 70 96 AC
0A DF A0 71
I have no idea what would happen if you tried to use one of these.

Edit 2: OK, here is the list of the 356 normally obtainable familiars which will actually work properly (have skill data):
4C 85 EA 97 - Mite
4D 47 80 A0 - Mighty Mite
4F 01 3E F9 - Dynamite
4E C3 54 CE - Mermite
5E 30 45 79 - Drongo
5F F2 2F 4E - Strongo
5D B4 91 17 - Fluorongo
5C 76 FB 20 - Electrongo
E6 8C 22 1C - Hurly
E7 4E 48 2B - Burly Hurly
E5 08 F6 72 - Hurlcules
E4 CA 9C 45 - Hurlabaloo
7B 5B 1A A5 - Toko
7A 99 70 92 - Tokotoko
78 DF CE CB - Tokotocold
79 1D A4 FC - Docotoko
1C 48 7B 24 - Minor Byrde
1D 8A 11 13 - Major Byrde
1F CC AF 4A - Firebyrde
1E 0E C5 7D - Thunderbyrde
B6 41 B3 AF - Ruff
B7 83 D9 98 - Ruffian
B5 C5 67 C1 - Gruffian
B4 07 0D F6 - Scruffian
2B 96 8B 16 - Rhinosaur
2A 54 E1 21 - Rhinosnore
28 12 5F 78 - Rhinobore
29 D0 35 4F - Rhinosaw
93 2A EC 73 - Monolith
92 E8 86 44 - Megalith
90 AE 38 1D - Paleolith
91 6C 52 2A - Neolith
39 23 24 F8 - Danglerfish
38 E1 4E CF - Stranglerfish
3A A7 F0 96 - Manglerfish
3B 65 9A A1 - Spanglerfish
D9 FC 53 CB - Little Bighorn
D8 3E 39 FC - Bighorn
DA 78 87 A5 - Batterhorn
DB BA ED 92 - Splatterhorn
99 94 35 F1 - Crowhawk
98 56 5F C6 - Mohawk
9A 10 E1 9F - Prohawk
9B D2 8B A8 - Snowhawk
33 9D FD 7A - Jabber
32 5F 97 4D - Stabber
30 19 29 14 - Stabberwocky
31 DB 43 23 - Jabberguppy
8B 21 9A 1F - Taddlywink
8A E3 F0 28 - Tadolescent
88 A5 4E 71 - Tadabout
89 67 24 46 - Tadorable
AE 4A C5 C3 - Sunshine
AF 88 AF F4 - Grandsun
AD CE 11 AD - Wayward Sun
AC 0C 7B 9A - Godsun
BC FF 6A 2D - Baatender
BD 3D 00 1A - Baabarian
BF 7B BE 43 - Baabie
BE B9 D4 74 - Baarndancer
04 43 0D 48 - Oroboros
05 81 67 7F - Chloroboros
07 C7 D9 26 - Obscuroboros
06 05 B3 11 - Fluoroboros
E4 9C 7A 7B - Sore Boar
E5 5E 10 4C - Crashing Boar
E7 18 AE 15 - Hyperboar
E6 DA C4 22 - Full Boar
74 3D 87 AA - Lagoon Naiad
75 FF ED 9D - Sea Naiad
77 B9 53 C4 - Lesser Spotted Naiad
76 7B 39 F3 - Greater Naiad
CC 81 E0 CF - Lumberwood
CD 43 8A F8 - Limberwood
CF 05 34 A1 - Umberwood
CE C7 5E 96 - Wildwood
43 E3 77 98 - Worker Bumbler
42 21 1D AF - Drone Bumbler
40 67 A3 F6 - Soldier Bumbler
41 A5 C9 C1 - Queen Bumbler
A3 3C 00 AB - Bubbud
A2 FE 6A 9C - Sponge Bubbud
A0 B8 D4 C5 - Lotus Bubbud
A1 7A BE F2 - Tropical Bubbud
5B E8 01 F4 - Floret
5A 2A 6B C3 - Flummox Floret
58 6C D5 9A - Horrid Floret
59 AE BF AD - Florid Floret
49 5D AE 1A - Whippersnapper
48 9F C4 2D - Trapper Snapper
4A D9 7A 74 - Snaptrap
4B 1B 10 43 - Claptrap
6C 36 F1 C6 - Ice Maiden
6D F4 9B F1 - Ice Queen
6F B2 25 A8 - Eldritch Empress
6E 70 4F 9F - Sinister Sovereign
D4 8A 96 A3 - Bougie
D5 48 FC 94 - Boo-Bougie
D7 0E 42 CD - Bougie-Woogie
D6 CC 28 FA - Bougieman
C6 3F 39 4D - Spitoo
C7 FD 53 7A - Spitooligan
C5 BB ED 23 - Lickety-Spitoo
C4 79 87 14 - Sniper Spitoo
7E 83 5E 28 - Sprog Cog
7F 41 34 1F - Hot Cog
7D 07 8A 46 - Supercogductor
7C C5 E0 71 - Cogdenser
26 E0 4E 7E - Green Buncher
27 22 24 49 - Yellow Buncher
25 64 9A 10 - Underripe Buncher
24 A6 F0 27 - Overripe Buncher
E9 C8 DD E4 - Rabbot
E8 0A B7 D3 - Jackrabbot
EA 4C 09 8A - Whackrabbot
EB 8E 63 BD - Hackrabbot
43 C1 15 6F - Airhead
42 03 7F 58 - Beachhead
40 45 C1 01 - Fountainhead
41 87 AB 36 - Thunderhead
74 1F E5 5D - Dinkey
75 DD 8F 6A - Turnkey
77 9B 31 33 - Master Key
76 59 5B 04 - Don Key
94 C0 92 6E - Whambat
95 02 F8 59 - Wishing Whambat
97 44 46 00 - Whampire Bat
96 86 2C 37 - Captain Whamtastic
6C 14 93 31 - Relixx
6D D6 F9 06 - Electrixx
6F 90 47 5F - Medixx
6E 52 2D 68 - Angelixx
C6 1D 5B BA - Mandragorer
C7 DF 31 8D - Pandoragorer
C5 99 8F D4 - Mendragorer
C4 5B E5 E3 - Tundragorer
7E A1 3C DF - Tyke
7F 63 56 E8 - Spike Tyke
7D 25 E8 B1 - Psych Tyke
7C E7 82 86 - Pike Tyke
5B CA 63 03 - Teeny Bopper
5A 08 09 34 - Big Bopper
58 4E B7 6D - Duck-Billed Bopper
59 8C DD 5A - Unibopper
F1 C3 AB 88 - Seed Sprite
F0 01 C1 BF - Sprout Sprite
F2 47 7F E6 - Sweetpea Sprite
F3 85 15 D1 - Sugarplum Sprite
11 1C DC BB - Purrloiner
10 DE B6 8C - Cutpurrse
12 98 08 D5 - Puss in Bouts
13 5A 62 E2 - Puss in Boats
81 BD 21 6A - Lightshade
80 7F 4B 5D - Sunshade
82 39 F5 04 - Starshade
83 FB 9F 33 - Nightshade
A4 D6 7E B6 - Inphant
A5 14 14 81 - Psychophant
A7 52 AA D8 - Triumphant
A6 90 C0 EF - Hierophant
1C 6A 19 D3 - Tin-Man
1D A8 73 E4 - Iron-Man
1F EE CD BD - Steam-Man
1E 2C A7 8A - Beam-Man
56 BC A6 6B - Wisp
57 7E CC 5C - Ghost Wisperer
55 38 72 05 - Kill-o'-the-Wisp
54 FA 18 32 - Wispula
BC DD 08 DA - Girlfiend
BD 1F 62 ED - Ex-Girlfiend
BF 59 DC B4 - Phantasma
BE 9B B6 83 - Grandamned
99 B6 57 06 - Shrimpaler
98 74 3D 31 - Impaler
9A 32 83 68 - Grimpaler
9B F0 E9 5F - Hymnpaler
33 BF 9F 8D - Clinketyclank
32 7D F5 BA - Clinketyclank Mk. 2
30 3B 4B E3 - Clinketyclank LX
31 F9 21 D4 - Clinketyclank DX
D3 60 E8 BE - Potty
D2 A2 82 89 - Jackpotty
D0 E4 3C D0 - Crackpot
D1 26 56 E7 - Hotpot
B1 EF 08 5C - Turbandit
B0 2D 62 6B - Turburn
B2 6B DC 32 - Turban Myth
B3 A9 B6 05 - Turban Legend
09 53 6F 39 - Idler
08 91 05 0E - Wild Idler
0A D7 BB 57 - All-Seeing Idler
0B 15 D1 60 - Evil Idler
A9 E4 7E 30 - Bonehead
A8 26 14 07 - Bone Ranger
AA 60 AA 5E - Bone Brigadier
AB A2 C0 69 - Bone Baron
11 58 19 55 - Pom Pom
10 9A 73 62 - Pond Pom
12 DC CD 3B - Pompeii
13 1E A7 0C - Pomagranite
BB 51 D1 DE - Naja
BA 93 BB E9 - Najalisk
B8 D5 05 B0 - Mahanaja
B9 17 6F 87 - Najapatra
8C 8F 21 EC - Fightingale
8D 4D 4B DB - Knightingale
8F 0B F5 82 - Paladin Partridge
8E C9 9F B5 - Bushido Bantam
34 33 46 89 - Hog-Goblin
35 F1 2C BE - Gobfather
37 B7 92 E7 - Gobspeed
36 75 F8 D0 - Gobforsaken
E7 D4 46 00 - Zombo
E6 16 2C 37 - Zomboatswain
E4 50 92 6E - Cap'n Zombo
E5 92 F8 59 - Mumbo Zombo
1F 00 47 5F - Clubber Cub
1E C2 2D 68 - Lubber Cub
1C 84 93 31 - Adamantiger
1D 46 F9 06 - Elegantiger
28 DE B7 6D - Sillymander
29 1C DD 5A - Slamander
2B 5A 63 03 - Pyromander
2A 98 09 34 - Petramander
3A 6B 18 83 - Splisher
3B A9 72 B4 - Splasher
39 EF CC ED - Snapper
38 2D A6 DA - Snipper
82 D7 7F E6 - Plessie
83 15 15 D1 - Messy Plessie
81 53 AB 88 - Stressy Plessie
80 91 C1 BF - Blessy Plessie
58 A0 3D 8F - Small Fry
59 62 57 B8 - Deep Fry
5B 24 E9 E1 - Firefry
5A E6 83 D6 - Flash Fry
F2 A9 F5 04 - Thumbelemur
F3 6B 9F 33 - Dumbelemur
F1 2D 21 6A - Aye-Aye Sir
F0 EF 4B 5D - Aye-Aye Catcher
4A 15 92 61 - Flutterby
4B D7 F8 56 - Forest Flutterby
49 91 46 0F - Midnight Flutterby
48 53 2C 38 - Midday Flutterby
6F 7E CD BD - Hooray
6E BC A7 8A - Hip-Hooray
6C FA 19 D3 - Grimray
6D 38 73 E4 - Springray
C5 77 05 36 - Sasquish
C4 B5 6F 01 - Sasquash
C6 F3 D1 58 - Papa Sasquash
C7 31 BB 6F - Mama Sasquash
40 AB 4B E3 - Griffy
41 69 21 D4 - Greater Griffy
43 2F 9F 8D - Griffurnace
42 ED F5 BA - Griffrigerator
A0 74 3C D0 - Sleepeafowl
A1 B6 56 E7 - Hippeafowl
A3 F0 E8 BE - Grumpeafowl
A2 32 82 89 - Wimpeafowl
18 C8 5B B5 - Fuddy-Daddy
19 0A 31 82 - Big Daddy
1B 4C 8F DB - Grand-Daddy
1A 8E E5 EC - Baddy-Daddy
52 3C 86 FA - Dinoceros
53 FE EC CD - Destroceros
51 B8 52 94 - Demoliceros
50 7A 38 A3 - Catastroceros
F8 35 4E 71 - Boggly-Boo
F9 F7 24 46 - Bigger-Boggle
FB B1 9A 1F - Hoggle-Boggle
FA 73 F0 28 - Moggle-Boggle
65 E2 76 C8 - Tu-Whit
64 20 1C FF - Tu-Whoo
66 66 A2 A6 - Sharp-Hooter
67 A4 C8 91 - Hooting-Star
DD 5E 11 AD - Kipper
DC 9C 7B 9A - Red Napper
DE DA C5 C3 - Sweet Bream
DF 18 AF F4 - Siestar Fish
CF EB BE 43 - Sapdragon
CE 29 D4 74 - Flapdragon
CC 6F 6A 2D - Scrapdragon
CD AD 00 1A - Napdragon
DE 16 2D D6 - Draggle
DF D4 47 E1 - Dragette
DD 92 F9 B8 - Dragamuffin
DC 50 93 8F - Bedraggle
A9 A0 BB DE - Hullaballoon
A8 62 D1 E9 - Balloonatic
AA 24 6F B0 - Hot-Air Balloonatic
AB E6 05 87 - Water Balloonatic
6B DC 8F DB - Auroralynx
6A 1E E5 EC - Umbralynx
68 58 5B B5 - Astralynx
69 9A 31 82 - Dualynx
9E 3A 8E 02 - Incy
9F F8 E4 35 - Wincy
9D BE 5A 6C - Web Master
9C 7C 30 5B - Weaver Diva
0D B5 E8 B1 - Sparkee
0C 77 82 86 - Wattee
0E 31 3C DF - Acee
0F F3 56 E8 - Deecee
90 62 D0 08 - Eggroll
91 A0 BA 3F - Scrambled Eggroll
93 E6 04 66 - Humpty Bumpty
92 24 6E 51 - Eggyptian
D7 C2 AA D8 - Napcap
D6 00 C0 EF - Duncecap
D4 46 7E B6 - Madcap
D5 84 14 81 - Nightcap
65 C0 14 3F - Shonky-Honker
64 02 7E 08 - Sharper-Parper
66 44 C0 51 - Trumpy-Pumper
67 86 AA 66 - Honky-Tonker
51 80 DA 2F - Mite
50 42 B0 18 - Mighty Mite
52 04 0E 41 - Dynamite
53 C6 64 76 - Mermite
43 35 75 C1 - Drongo
42 F7 1F F6 - Strongo
40 B1 A1 AF - Fluorongo
41 73 CB 98 - Electrongo
FB 89 12 A4 - Hurly
FA 4B 78 93 - Burly Hurly
F8 0D C6 CA - Hurlcules
F9 CF AC FD - Hurlabaloo
66 5E 2A 1D - Toko
67 9C 40 2A - Tokotoko
65 DA FE 73 - Tokotocold
64 18 94 44 - Docotoko
DE E2 4D 78 - Draggle
DF 20 27 4F - Dragette
DD 66 99 16 - Dragamuffin
DC A4 F3 21 - Bedraggle
CC 57 E2 96 - Teeny Bopper
CD 95 88 A1 - Big Bopper
CF D3 36 F8 - Duck-Billed Bopper
CE 11 5C CF - Unibopper
74 EB 85 F3 - Inphant
75 29 EF C4 - Psychophant
77 6F 51 9D - Triumphant
76 AD 3B AA - Hierophant
2C 88 95 A5 - Tin-Man
2D 4A FF 92 - Iron-Man
2F 0C 41 CB - Steam-Man
2E CE 2B FC - Beam-Man
94 34 F2 C0 - Hog-Goblin
95 F6 98 F7 - Gobfather
97 B0 26 AE - Gobspeed
96 72 4C 99 - Gobforsaken
D4 5C 94 FA - Shonky-Honker
D5 9E FE CD - Sharper-Parper
D7 D8 40 94 - Trumpy-Pumper
D6 1A 2A A3 - Honky-Tonker
damn i really wish i knew how to use those codes to edit the savefile in order to get all the familiars :(


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
United States
A question.

What happens if I try to add an amount of items I don't have?
Say I have no jade marbles in my inventory. I use your program to add myself 50 of them.
What happens in game? Does it add them to the end of my inventory list? Might it overwrite another item?

Can I basically give myself items I don't have access to yet?
Yep, you will have 50 of them at the end of your inventory list in the Ingredients section. It took me a long time to get this right - in one of my earlier test versions, I managed to overwrite the indices used to reference the weapons that Oliver/Esther/Swaine took into battle, so they ended up having invisible wands/harps/guns in the game. Oops. =P

I'm working on expanding my tool to do some other things (e.g. guilders/familiars/character stats), but glad to see the inventory stuff is working for people. =)


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
United States
Yep, you will have 50 of them at the end of your inventory list in the Ingredients section. It took me a long time to get this right - in one of my earlier test versions, I managed to overwrite the indices used to reference the weapons that Oliver/Esther/Swaine took into battle, so they ended up having invisible wands/harps/guns in the game. Oops. =P

I'm working on expanding my tool to do some other things (e.g. guilders/familiars/character stats), but glad to see the inventory stuff is working for people. =)

Hey gimmestuff02, awesome work on the editor!

Question for you though, when I added Items to my Inventory it ended up doubling up on some items essentially replacing slots that would've been used for something else. is that a bug in the program by chance?


New Member
Feb 13, 2013
United States
Yep, you will have 50 of them at the end of your inventory list in the Ingredients section. It took me a long time to get this right - in one of my earlier test versions, I managed to overwrite the indices used to reference the weapons that Oliver/Esther/Swaine took into battle, so they ended up having invisible wands/harps/guns in the game. Oops. =P

I'm working on expanding my tool to do some other things (e.g. guilders/familiars/character stats), but glad to see the inventory stuff is working for people. =)
question how's come I keep getting a win32 error when trying to run your program?


New Member
Feb 13, 2013
United States
Any reason why the program from gimmestuff keeps saying it's not a valid win32 application? is it because im running on Xp?


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
United States
Yep, you will have 50 of them at the end of your inventory list in the Ingredients section. It took me a long time to get this right - in one of my earlier test versions, I managed to overwrite the indices used to reference the weapons that Oliver/Esther/Swaine took into battle, so they ended up having invisible wands/harps/guns in the game. Oops. =P

I'm working on expanding my tool to do some other things (e.g. guilders/familiars/character stats), but glad to see the inventory stuff is working for people. =)
I would love to see familiars aqdded to your tool, thanks for that btw!


Feb 7, 2013
United States
suppose all creature in familiar compendium have their own ID.
we can swap the ID in the familiar structure for monster A to be monster B.
probably even for bounty/boss monster, since those was listed on familiar compendium.

the problem was figuring where the location of the creature ID on familiar structure.
and the lack of familiar ID list.

im gonna look at the trend on the familiar structure once more later.
i hope i find something.

yea, but you can't obtain the Guardians, you get them as summons


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
United States
Hey gimmestuff02, awesome work on the editor!

Question for you though, when I added Items to my Inventory it ended up doubling up on some items essentially replacing slots that would've been used for something else. is that a bug in the program by chance?
Yeah, that's probably a bug. Can you tell me specifically what you were doing and what happened so I can fix it? Thanks!

Lord Blade

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2013
The editor so far is amazing.

I would love it if you could get a section added for editing familiars.
I really want to just be able to edit the stats of the ones in my current party, but I'm afraid to do the hex editing myself as I figure I'll screw something up.

Always better to let someone make an editor and blame them. ;)

For a suggestion for the familiar part of your tool, maybe just have it set up so that you can select familiars 1 to 12 (1-3 being Olivers, 4-6 are for the second PC, 7-9 for the third, and 10-12 being the reserves).
It should be easy enough for people to select who they need and change things (I know what familiars I have in each slot after all).

Having a list of fields showing name and stats and all that we can edit (much like editing item amounts currently) would be a simple to use interface.
Now, a skills list might be tricky.


Not-so-new member
Mar 22, 2010
United States
Thank you. this is making editing my inv a hell of a lot quicker.

If you could, could you make it so it re-organizes/writes a badly made item? I have a bunch of tickets that I added to my inv that show up in the editor as having one of them, but in the game it shows I have 0. I feel stupid for making the mistake but I'm not sure how to manually fix it.

To be clear I hex edited the tickets in.. must've done something wrong related to how it's organized.


New Member
Feb 9, 2013
United States
If you have a save from before, with all the important items you have now, you can just replace all the code under your items start line in the save you messed up,
with the code from the good save. Using the editor, that fixed it for me.


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
United States
Does anyone have any other tricks to try to get Bruteforce to work? I'm having the same problems as a few people on the first two pagers did where it always tells me that "Bruteforce cannot be performed" and under key it says unreadable.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled both versions of the program a couple times. I played a little more of the game and used that save game. I created a second save and tried using that save game, and none of it works. I'm also positive I'm the administrator of the PC, since I saw posted that this was a fix for some.

I would really like to not have to grind this game and simply enjoy it therefore I really want to be able to modify it a bit. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


Feb 15, 2013
United States
Does anyone have any other tricks to try to get Bruteforce to work? I'm having the same problems as a few people on the first two pagers did where it always tells me that "Bruteforce cannot be performed" and under key it says unreadable.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled both versions of the program a couple times. I played a little more of the game and used that save game. I created a second save and tried using that save game, and none of it works. I'm also positive I'm the administrator of the PC, since I saw posted that this was a fix for some.

I would really like to not have to grind this game and simply enjoy it therefore I really want to be able to modify it a bit. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

I was facing same problem, tried out many different thing but nothing worked. Finally, was able to get it to work. This is what I did:

1. Assuming yours is an x64 system with Win7 like mine. Right Click on "My Computer" > Properties. In "System" > System Type it will show 32 bit or 64 bit operating system.
2. Uninstall Bruteforce if haven't yet.
3. Next go to Control Panel > Programs and Features [aka Add Remove Programs in older Win OSes] and scroll down to something like "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 xxx"
4. If you don't see "2010" then it isn't installed. IF you do and it says "2010 x64" you got the wrong version. Uninstall it.
5. Now google up Microsoft Visual ++ Redistributable 2010 x86". It should be on same site where you got x64 from. Install it.
6. Now install Bruteforce. When done, make sure you right click and "Download Latest Database".
7. Press refresh to make sure Bruteforce is picking up latest library if it wasn't already because of earlier installation.
8. You should now be able to use it.

Note that I still haven't used it to play with a modified save as I am looking to plat the game before I go around mucking with it, but since it decrypted my save file and information within matches with that in this thread, I think it would work.

Problem is that 64bit systems install x64 library by default while Bruteforce requires x86 even on 64bit systems. It uses 2010 redist so make sure that aonly 2010 redist installed is x86 version. You can still have 2012, 2008 etc. but 2010 must be x86 only.

Hope this helps.

Jose d

Feb 15, 2013
can any help me change two familiars celestial sign? i am trying to change whambat and purrloiner to double sign but i i cant seem to do it. i tried to search for 11 1C DC BB - Purrloiner and 94 C0 92 6E - Whambat but it does not find it. if someone can do it for me or teach me how to do, i would really appreciate it.


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
United States
wreckem thank you so very much! Works perfectly now. Aggravating when it turns out to be an easy and quick fix after a ton of time trying to get it to work. Thanks again!

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    Shit talker
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    i just get out of the shower, it slides right out when my ass is lathered and i don't need to wipe
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Pro tip: Girlfriends love when you shower together, you leave a tootsie roll in shower for her. Instant Love level +100
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, what if she eats it?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Then she's a keeper
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    ^^ This :rofl2:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Deeze nuts
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    i didnt feel very well in school cuz there was too much noise for me to handle
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    also im gonna redownload touhou 8 bc the other day i accidentaly deleted it (and also try to beat it with other characters and harder difficulties)
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Sensory overloads suck.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    I totally get that.
    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: I totally get that.