Hacking Official 3DS Piracy Discussion Thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Wilson, NC
United States
DigitalDeviant said:
totalnoob617 said:
that is laughable .look back at all systems every sigle on of then allowed piracy , an only slightly less than 1% of wii's have been hacked , do you really thinkk that ninty or any of its 3rd party developers are going to decideo to start making 4hity games or or not make games at all becaue that less than 1% of hacked consoles owners MIGHT pirate them? NO FFS people are so dumb ,and they buy into this BS media propaganda, stop making the scene out to be what it is not , it dont account for $hit,people dont have any idea what a scant minority peolple like us really are , we are nothing in the scheme of thinkgs, and nintendo has always followed the same pattern , in fact the wii had atleas 2 major mario titles , besides the nes ,name me one other console from nintendo that did ,none , and they are developing skyward sword still ,grant it its the 1st and only zelda title for the system but, besides 64 and nes no other system from nintendo had 2 zelda titles for it,and some people dont even consider majoras mask ,as the same as a major zelda title,think about it , all consoles ever have only had a few really good must have titlles and the rest of it is all $hit shovelware ,it is nothing new ,nor is piracy, the original famicom in japan had the disc system and anyone could take a disk and go into a store in japan where ninty had kiosks ,and download any game on to that disk from nintendos own kiosk
its like ninty gave people the games and the means to pirte them for free right from day 1 and i would hardly say that that killed the nes or nintendo or their descision to bring it here,nintendo only became the biggest game company of all time ,even though people were pirating their games from day 1,this is all nonsense ,dont you realize that when a company goes public it is no longer about them being a profitable busniess? it is about "beating the street"it means ti be listed on a public stock exchange you have o continually earn more more money quater after quater ,no excuses ,its not sustainable , and it is not based on anything ,it like the mafia, no matter what you have to keep earning ,or your finished
its all greed driven, if piracy went up 5000% tomrrow these companies would still be making a killing ,just not enough to be public,thats why they chase every last penny,
just remember that every console ever made has hd piracy, the wii is the most hacked console of all time and not even 1% of the userbase has a hacked console,piracy is so trivial to the industry it is not even worth mentioning,the only people that give a rats ass are greedy corporate scum who could earn all the money in the world and it still wouldnt be enough,there is no such thing as enough
go download full rom sets for all the consoles that have emulators on the pc, in each one you will find 100's or 1000's of games and out of those maybe like 10 of them ,if that will even be playable , the rest suck so bad its not even funny, it has nothing to do with piracy

would it kill ya to punctuate?



I need something to do.
Aug 12, 2010
United States
That is laughable. Look back at all systems, every single one of then allowed piracy , and only slightly less than 1% of wii's have been hacked , do you really think that ninty or any of its 3rd party developers are going to decide to start making 4hity games or not make games at all because than less than 1% of hacked consoles owners MIGHT pirate them?

NO FFS people are so dumb ,and they buy into this BS media propaganda, stop making the scene out to be for it is not , it don't account for $hit,people don't have any idea what a scant minority people like us really are , we are nothing in the scheme of things, and Nintendo has always followed the same pattern , in fact the Wii had at least 2 major Mario titles , besides the nes ,name me one other console from Nintendo that did ,none , and they are developing skyward sword still ,grant it its the 1st and only Zelda title for the system but, besides 64 and nes, no other system from Nintendo had 2 Zelda titles for it,and some people don't even consider majoras mask ,as the same as a major Zelda title,think about it , all consoles ever have only had a few really good must have titles and the rest of it is all $hit shovelware ,it is nothing new ,nor is piracy, the original famicom in japan had the disc system and anyone could take a disk and go into a store in japan where ninty had kiosks ,and download any game on to that disk from nintendos own kiosk.

Its like ninty gave people the games and the means to pirate them for free right from day 1 and i would hardly say that that killed the nes or Nintendo or their decision to bring it here,Nintendo only became the biggest game company of all time ,even though people were pirating their games from day 1,this is all nonsense , don't you realize that when a company goes public it is no longer about them being a profitable business? it is about "beating the street" it means it will be listed on a public stock exchange you have o continually earn more more money quarter after quarter ,no excuses ,its not sustainable , and it is not based on anything ,it like the mafia, no matter what you have to keep earning ,or your finished.

Its all greed driven, if piracy went up 5000% tomorrow these companies would still be making a killing ,just not enough to be public,that's why they chase every last penny.

Just remember that every console ever made has had piracy, the Wii is the most hacked console of all time and not even 1% of the userbase has a hacked console,piracy is so trivial to the industry it is not even worth mentioning,the only people that give a rats ass are greedy corporate scum who could earn all the money in the world and it still wouldn't be enough,there is no such thing as enough.

Go download full rom sets for all the consoles that have emulators on the PC, in each one you will find 100's or 1000's of games and out of those maybe like 10 of them ,if that will even be playable , the rest suck so bad its not even funny, it has nothing to do with piracy.

That should be more readable.

But OT: I'm just gonna wait if any sort of cart comes out.


Drops by occasionally
Sep 4, 2009
The Courtroom
United States
KirbyBoy said:
That is laughable. Look back at all systems every single on of then allowed piracy , an only slightly less than 1% of wii's have been hacked , do you really think that ninty or any of its 3rd party developers are going to decide to start making 4hity games or or not make games at all because that less than 1% of hacked consoles owners MIGHT pirate them?

NO FFS people are so dumb ,and they buy into this BS media propaganda, stop making the scene out to be what it is not , it don't account for $hit,people don't have any idea what a scant minority people like us really are , we are nothing in the scheme of things, and Nintendo has always followed the same pattern , in fact the Wii had at least 2 major Mario titles , besides the nes ,name me one other console from nintendo that did ,none , and they are developing skyward sword still ,grant it its the 1st and only Zelda title for the system but, besides 64 and nes no other system from Nintendo had 2 Zelda titles for it,and some people don't even consider majoras mask ,as the same as a major Zelda title,think about it , all consoles ever have only had a few really good must have titles and the rest of it is all $hit shovelware ,it is nothing new ,nor is piracy, the original famicom in japan had the disc system and anyone could take a disk and go into a store in japan where ninty had kiosks ,and download any game on to that disk from nintendos own kiosk

Its like ninty gave people the games and the means to pirate them for free right from day 1 and i would hardly say that that killed the nes or Nintendo or their decision to bring it here,Nintendo only became the biggest game company of all time ,even though people were pirating their games from day 1,this is all nonsense , don't you realize that when a company goes public it is no longer about them being a profitable business? it is about "beating the street"it means ti be listed on a public stock exchange you have o continually earn more more money quarter after quarter ,no excuses ,its not sustainable , and it is not based on anything ,it like the mafia, no matter what you have to keep earning ,or your finished.

Its all greed driven, if piracy went up 5000% tomorrow these companies would still be making a killing ,just not enough to be public,that's why they chase every last penny.

Just remember that every console ever made has had piracy, the Wii is the most hacked console of all time and not even 1% of the userbase has a hacked console,piracy is so trivial to the industry it is not even worth mentioning,the only people that give a rats ass are greedy corporate scum who could earn all the money in the world and it still wouldn't be enough,there is no such thing as enough.

Go download full rom sets for all the consoles that have emulators on the PC, in each one you will find 100's or 1000's of games and out of those maybe like 10 of them ,if that will even be playable , the rest suck so bad its not even funny, it has nothing to do with piracy

That should be more readable.

But OT: I'm just gonna wait if any sort of cart comes out.
Well now that you've deciphered it I'll give my opinion on his comment.

I disagree.


I need something to do.
Aug 12, 2010
United States
machomuu said:
KirbyBoy said:
That is laughable. Look back at all systems every single on of then allowed piracy , an only slightly less than 1% of wii's have been hacked , do you really think that ninty or any of its 3rd party developers are going to decide to start making 4hity games or or not make games at all because that less than 1% of hacked consoles owners MIGHT pirate them?

NO FFS people are so dumb ,and they buy into this BS media propaganda, stop making the scene out to be what it is not , it don't account for $hit,people don't have any idea what a scant minority people like us really are , we are nothing in the scheme of things, and Nintendo has always followed the same pattern , in fact the Wii had at least 2 major Mario titles , besides the nes ,name me one other console from nintendo that did ,none , and they are developing skyward sword still ,grant it its the 1st and only Zelda title for the system but, besides 64 and nes no other system from Nintendo had 2 Zelda titles for it,and some people don't even consider majoras mask ,as the same as a major Zelda title,think about it , all consoles ever have only had a few really good must have titles and the rest of it is all $hit shovelware ,it is nothing new ,nor is piracy, the original famicom in japan had the disc system and anyone could take a disk and go into a store in japan where ninty had kiosks ,and download any game on to that disk from nintendos own kiosk

Its like ninty gave people the games and the means to pirate them for free right from day 1 and i would hardly say that that killed the nes or Nintendo or their decision to bring it here,Nintendo only became the biggest game company of all time ,even though people were pirating their games from day 1,this is all nonsense , don't you realize that when a company goes public it is no longer about them being a profitable business? it is about "beating the street"it means ti be listed on a public stock exchange you have o continually earn more more money quarter after quarter ,no excuses ,its not sustainable , and it is not based on anything ,it like the mafia, no matter what you have to keep earning ,or your finished.

Its all greed driven, if piracy went up 5000% tomorrow these companies would still be making a killing ,just not enough to be public,that's why they chase every last penny.

Just remember that every console ever made has had piracy, the Wii is the most hacked console of all time and not even 1% of the userbase has a hacked console,piracy is so trivial to the industry it is not even worth mentioning,the only people that give a rats ass are greedy corporate scum who could earn all the money in the world and it still wouldn't be enough,there is no such thing as enough.

Go download full rom sets for all the consoles that have emulators on the PC, in each one you will find 100's or 1000's of games and out of those maybe like 10 of them ,if that will even be playable , the rest suck so bad its not even funny, it has nothing to do with piracy

That should be more readable.

But OT: I'm just gonna wait if any sort of cart comes out.
Well now that you've deciphered it I'll give my opinion on his comment.

I disagree.
It wasn't hard to fix, just some spelling and grammar errors, and fixed the format so it looked a little nicer.

Also, to the original poster of that comment, feel free to replace that with the fixed one.


Grey Knight Inquisitor
Feb 28, 2010
The Forge
tom10122 said:
i don't think piracy hurts too much i think most don;t have the money to buy the game

Thus shouldn't they just wait for a while to get more money and then buy the games? Games aren't something you have to have. They're something that would be nice to have. After saving money for a game, you'll be able to buy it. If you don't have money to buy it, working to get money is a good option.



New Member
Aug 29, 2011
United States
There was a rumor that the Nintendo 3DS might be rendered useless if you use flash cards, or basically do stuff that Nintendo doesn’t want you doing with their hardware. And now we seem to have proof, as the back of Ridge Racer 3D’s box has quite a clear warning:


> Important! Read the Nintendo 3DS operations manual before setup or use of your system. This product contains technical protection measures. Use of an unauthorized device or any unauthorized technical modification to your Nintendo 3DS system, will render this game and/or system unplayable.

And boom goes the dynamite.

**Update:** People have pointed out that similars warnings have existed before. But neither the DS or the Wii are so focused on using features such as SpotPass, nor did Nintendo make such a big deal about anti-piracy as they have done recently. I think this warning could have more weight this time around. But I guess we’ll see.

**Update #2:** This was sent in by my friend Franco for some clarification: “On the DS and Wii warning it doesn’t mention the system and on the 3DS warning it does. Also, on the 3DS warning it uses the more forcefull “will render” whereas the Wii and DS one uses the more forgiving “may render.”

Also, flash carts are working on the 3DS at the moment. But the whole point of this anti-piracy system is that the bricking happens after a system update that will come at some unknown time. And I bet Nintendo will package these bricking updates in with the most exciting features like the eShop and messaging system.(pic below)


Ambassador of Ooo
Aug 1, 2011
The Land of Ooo
United States
I think piracy is good for console sales but it kills game sales.

I am a pirate but I honestly have more retail games then I have roms on mu Ak2i.
I mostly have homebrew or ROM hacks.

I like that consoles are virgins for a good amount of time as to not kill the consoles game sales to the point where no more good games come out. Then again I highly doubt more than 30% of consoles that are bought are hacked or pirated in any way.


The Bacon Lover
Mar 9, 2008
Columbia Station, Ohio
United States
It depends......hacking on the PSP pretty much killed the system. But the DS did pretty well despite being widely hacked too.

I truthfully hope the 3DS doesnt get hacked for a while, so that we can see a steady stream of good games.

I do it myself, but at the same time, i like supporting developers (Especially ones that look out for thier fans, or games of niche genre's like SRPG's and such).


Jul 3, 2011
Southern California
United States
i have kind of a weird point of view on piracy i think the weaker hardware is for a system the more people should pirate on that system because it can be easily emulated on modern day hardware. just like how people will run a nes, snes, arcade, and even a ps2 emulator on their computer and not think twice about it.

EDIT: added an a


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2007
New Jersey
Visit site
United States
I'm hoping it doesn't happen any time soon.

I don't want it to effect the handheld's sales at all, and I actually want to support the devs more for once.

What I do hope happens is at the end of its lifespan, or when the next handheld comes out it gets hacked. For homebrew purposes. And I guess piracy... to catch up on games that maybe I thought about getting but figured it wasn't worth the $40.


a real gril
Dec 18, 2009
United States
The average person isn't going to pirate anything, no matter how easy it is, because of the FCC & all their lies. I don't know the statistics but I'm sure that with all forms of piracy, only a very small minority of people do it.

If anything, piracy helps the sales of a system, taken from wikipedia; "As of December 31, 2010, all Nintendo DS models combined have sold 144.59 million units, making it the best selling handheld game console to date, and second best selling video game console overall, behind the PlayStation 2."; IIRC, the playstation 2 is also very easy to pirate on?

The 3DS sales have been bad. I know half a dozen people that would buy one if a flash cart was available.


The majority of pirates wouldn't buy the game/software/program/movie if they couldn't pirate it, so the company loses nothing, they only gain a consumer.

tl;dr, piracy helps sales.


Aug 25, 2011
United States
Haloman800 said:
The 3DS sales have been bad. I know half a dozen people that would buy one if a flash cart was available.

Fastest selling Nintendo console in their history.

I generally agree with what you're saying, just needed to point this out.


Wherever the light shines, it casts a shadow.
Oct 2, 2010
San Miguel
United States
Haloman800 said:

tl;dr, piracy helps sales.

That works in theory. But what if after a flashcart/hack was developed, software developers pull a "PSP" and not develop many/any games for the 3DS? Nintendo makes only a handful of games and most of my library isn't Mario/Donkey Kong/Pokémon/Zelda Remakes, Rehashes, or whatever. 3DS would be successful IF there was good games and an extensive library such as the DS's. In short, people aren't worried piracy will hurt Nintendo's profits, people are worried the software library will go the PSP route if something came out this early.

EDIT: But I'm not against a CFW for the 3DS allowing themes, homebrew games/apps (not loaders), and maybe a version of Linux.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
United States
DiscostewSM said:
Haloman800 said:
tl;dr, piracy helps sales.

Of hardware, not software. Nintendo isn't making any more profit from the 3DS hardware.
they were selling it for at least 80 bucks extra a while ago
+ its highly unlikely they are selling it at cost to their suppliers
so they would be making a profit on sales of the console

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