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Online Gaming Limited to 3 Hours a Week for Minors in China


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
In a police state like China, I can't begin to imagine how much depression and anger taking away an outlet like gaming might lead to.
I would rather live in a safe police state than in a country in which gangs are paid money not to commit crime and "mostly peaceful protests" look like civil war in the Middle East, i.e. USA.

Chinese society is ultra competitive (esp. since the one child is supposed to look after older relatives). There seems to be a growing number of rich competitive kids who are "blessed" with extra tutoring on weekends (see recent ban) and those who quit the system and give up on studying (comparable to incels in America or the Japanese phenomenon). Both aspects have been created by a growing middle class. This partial online gaming ban could actually decrease depression.
BTW I would dispute that gaming lowers any depression or anger. It is a form of escapism.

Parents still can decide to let them play on one of their phones, by the way. So in the end parents gain more control through this ban!
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,

Deleted member 194275

Edson Arantes do Nascimento
Aug 19, 2009
I would rather live in a safe police state than in a country in which gangs are paid money not to commit crime and "mostly peaceful protests" look like civil war in the Middle East, i.e. USA.

Chinese society is ultra competitive (esp. since the one child is supposed to look after older relatives). There seems to be a growing number of rich competitive kids who are "blessed" with extra tutoring on weekends (see recent ban) and those who quit the system and give up on studying (comparable to incels in America or the Japanese phenomenon). Both aspects have been created by a growing middle class. This partial online gaming ban could actually decrease depression.
BTW I would dispute that gaming lowers any depression or anger. It is a form of escapism.

Parents still can decide to let them play on one of their phones, by the way. So in the end parents gain more control through this ban!
I don't know where you got that quote from me.

Anyway, I don't like governments having word on behaviors that not hurt others, like gaming, fucking, drinking, dressing and so on.

Now if you ask me where I would like to live, I would not be either China or USA, but I already visited both, and in the USA I had two bitter problems, in China none. 15 days is not illustrative of a lifetime but there we go.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I would rather live in a safe police state than in a country in which gangs are paid money not to commit crime and "mostly peaceful protests" look like civil war in the Middle East, i.e. USA.
Oh don't get me wrong (though you did attribute that quote to the wrong person), the US has plenty of problems with its police too. For now though, at least we have the right to protest murders/brutality committed by police without getting permanently disappeared and/or executed, which is a big leg up on China's current level of authoritarianism.

That said: your description of America is not reality lmao, the only places that frame it that way are far-right media outlets with the intention of being perpetual boomer outrage machines.

This partial online gaming ban could be actually decrease depression.
I admit I jumped the gun a bit and glossed over the "applies to online gaming only" part. Not the worst possible thing in that context, though I maintain it shouldn't be the government's place to set such restrictions.

BTW I would dispute that gaming lowers any depression or anger. It is a form of escapism.
Different people game for different reasons, but yes, escapism is one of them. The real world is often stressful, so finding a way to "escape" it can be a de-stressor. Alcohol and drugs would be other alternatives, but not necessarily good ones for obvious reasons.


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
Yes and no. China's government is an oligarchy, so they do operate somewhat similar to a corporation, with a select few on top of the profit pyramid. Conceivably, a large enough bribe could work, and it might even be their end goal for this move. I could see Epic paying them off to keep Fortnite numbers high. :lol:
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Tencent was one of the companies the government was being particularly hard on.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Tencent was one of the companies the government was being particularly hard on.
Yeah it is a limit on online gaming only, so I'm pretty sure that would include all mobile games and nearly all other IPs/studios owned wholly or partially by Tencent. The thing is: the government takes a decent chunk of Tencent's profits, so this could be seen as shooting themselves in the foot, but again, they might just be looking for a lump sum payout from an industry they know is currently doing well.


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
Yeah it is a limit on online gaming only, so I'm pretty sure that would include all mobile games and nearly all other IPs/studios owned wholly or partially by Tencent. The thing is: the government takes a decent chunk of Tencent's profits, so this could be seen as shooting themselves in the foot, but again, they might just be looking for a lump sum payout from an industry they know is currently doing well.
I think shooting themselves in the foot is something they do very well. Look at the fines against sites like Alibaba, they are definitely smacking down tech companies and showing them who's in charge. It doesn't even feel like it's for extortion, it seems they just want everyone to bow down to them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2020
One thing must not be forgotten, China had a one child policy for years, these children mainly men are not able to do any work except on the keyboard. Back then, parents did everything for the children, now the children are grown up and lazy.
Many children are used to not working, which is also a very big problem for the economy and also for reproduction.
In my opinion, it's too late to take the keyboard off.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
That said: your description of America is not reality lmao, the only places that frame it that way are far-right media outlets with the intention of being perpetual boomer outrage machines.
I think I heard about it on ABC or RT, not necessarily far-right media outlets (though I dispute their reporting is any worse than e.g. CNN or FOX). What is wrong about my description? I have seen the summer of 2020 through live footage and it looked like civil war. Again, I am glad China does not allow this. I would feel unsafe. I am sure you feel the same way regarding right-wing protests (see January 6th). And gang members in San Francisco are going to be paid 300$ per month if they stop their criminal behavior. And if they seek life coaching and apply for jobs, that amount even goes up to 500$. Please correct my framing.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
What is wrong about my description? I have seen the summer of 2020 through live footage and it looked like civil war.
Not even footage of riots looked like civil war, they looked like riots. I'm not gonna cry over a few Wal-Marts or McDonalds getting torched as collateral damage, especially if it sends the message that there are consequences for employing/protecting murderous police.

Again, I am glad China does not allow this. I would feel unsafe.
I already feel unsafe around power-tripping police in the US, Chinese police have even more power and even less accountability. Your feeling of "safety" is nothing but an illusion which will only last as long as you're willing to goose-step in line with the government's draconian demands for your personal life.

I am sure you feel the same way regarding right-wing protests (see January 6th).
That was not a protest, it was an attempted insurrection/coup by a mob of fascists. The only reason you don't need to worry about that happening in China is because like-minded (right-wing) oligarchs already have total control of the government, and they profit massively from its corruption.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Not even footage of riots looked like civil war, they looked like riots. I'm not gonna cry over a few Wal-Marts or McDonalds getting torched as collateral damage, especially if it sends the message that there are consequences for employing/protecting murderous police.
Scary. I am glad you are not interested in living in China.

I already feel unsafe around power-tripping police in the US, Chinese police have even more power and even less accountability. Your feeling of "safety" is nothing but an illusion which will only last as long as you're willing to goose-step in line with the government's draconian demands for your personal life.
I do not intend to break laws in a foreign country, so I do not regard them as draconian.

That was not a protest, it was an attempted insurrection/coup by a mob of fascists. The only reason you don't need to worry about that happening in China is because like-minded (right-wing) oligarchs already have total control of the government, and they profit massively from its corruption.
I mean if right-wing riots similar to BLM riots in 2020 had been going on, you would have been for strict use of force (like calling in the national guard; cf. after Jan 6th). We both know it is true. Unlike you, I am consistent and would be for "police brutality" in both cases.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Scary. I am glad you are not interested in living in China.
What's scary is valuing corporate profits over human lives. That mentality also makes it incredibly easy for authoritarians to maintain absolute control over your country.

I do not intend to break laws in a foreign country, so I do not regard them as draconian.
You don't think of them as draconian because you have to live with them every day regardless, and so with nobody pushing back, the laws/restrictions slowly just get worse and worse. Boiling the frog, as it were.

I mean if right-wing riots similar to BLM riots in 2020 had been going on, you would have been for strict use of force (like calling in the national guard; cf. after Jan 6th).
If the right-wing started protesting and rioting over police brutality, they'd no longer be right-wing. Other than white supremacy, worship of authority figures is probably the biggest part of their identity.

So no, I would not be against anyone calling for more police accountability.

Unlike you, I am consistent and would be for "police brutality" in both cases.
Consistency doesn't count for much when you're talking about being consistently lawful evil. Yikes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
What's scary is valuing corporate profits over human lives.
I want riots to be put down because I value human lives. People get hurt and killed in riots, their property damaged, their lives ruined.
If the right-wing started protesting and rioting over police brutality, they'd no longer be right-wing. Other than white supremacy, worship of authority figures is probably the biggest part of their identity.
It does not matter what they are rioting for (think of any example like rising gas prices), you would be for using state force against them. So you are hypocrite. Mainstream media demonized police during the summer but hailed them as protectors of democracy on Jan 6th. You cannot both abolish or defund the police and yet call on them to beat up your political opponents.

it's no use @Xzi even though @UltraDolphin IS doing something illegal by even being at temp (according to chinese law) he has no choice but to conform or face the CCP's wrath
It is not against the law. But if it were, I would stop using this website. You are just assuming things.
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I want riots to be put down because I value human lives. People get hurt and killed in riots, their property damaged, their lives ruined.
Rioting is already illegal, as is damaging property and assault/battery. What you don't seem to understand is that these laws are useless if they don't apply to everybody, and that includes the police.

It does not matter what they are rioting for (think of any example like rising gas prices), you would be for using state force against them.
Of course it matters. Rioting would do nothing to slow inflation or rising gas prices, but protesting for a higher minimum wage can be effective. Alternatively, unionize.

I do not support police acting like an occupying force in any context. Only violent crimes call for a violent response, and even then the first and primary goal should be non-lethal takedown.

Mainstream media demonized police during the summer but hailed them as protectors of democracy on Jan 6th.
During the summer they were on a murdering spree over every little misdemeanor, and on January 6th the Capitol police were the only thing preventing members of Congress from being murdered. Context matters. That said, there were also off-duty police from all over the country who participated as part of the insurrectionist mob, so things aren't so black and white in this particular case.

You cannot both abolish or defund the police and yet call on them to beat up your political opponents.
You realize Trump was still in office January 6th, yes? Nobody "called up" the Capitol police to beat up random right-wingers on the streets, they were on the defensive that day. If all police acted solely to "protect and serve" in that same manner, they wouldn't have to worry about the public turning against them. The problem is cops acting as aggressors, which makes them no better than a well-armed street gang.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Rioting is already illegal, as is damaging property and assault/battery. What you don't seem to understand is that these laws are useless if they don't apply to everybody, and that includes the police.
It does apply to everybody. That´s why there are body cameras for police officers. Sometimes bad police officers get away with crime themselves, but it is a tiny amount compared to the unpunished gun crime which never gets resolved because the African community covers their "own", including gun criminals. There was a birthday party this year in which 9 children got shot but...
"St. John the Baptist Parish sheriffs said over 60 people were at the party, but there were no witnesses." (https://news.yahoo.com/9-children-shot-birthday-party-160525011.html)
If you want police brutality to stop, you actually need much more police enforcement. Cameras everywhere, strict punishment. Then criminals will have less leeway. The fact that scantly clothed drunk women can walk home without fear of being attacked in Chinese mega cities can only have two explanations: a "police state" (as you call it) or people in China are simply being less violent than people in e.g. Chicago or Detroit. I know you cannot mentally accept either. Please give me another explanation. It is not poverty as China was extremely poor until recently.

During the summer they were on a murdering spree over every little misdemeanor
If somebody escapes arrest by suddenly running away and getting in a car, he becomes a danger to the police officers and civilians. He was not shot "while driving" (lol) as the media put it. Context matters indeed. I could go on. Weird how the "killing spree" almost always occurs after resistance to arrest.

January 6th
This was just an example. If there were right-wing riots (e.g. against media censorship) which included whole streets being burnt and looted, you would be FOR police violence because you are a hypocrite. I would be for the use of force in both cases.
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
It does apply to everybody. That´s why there are body cameras for police officers.
A very recent addition for most departments across the US, and now we have to deal with plenty of cops turning off their body cameras before committing a crime.

Sometimes bad police officers get away with crime themselves
Understatement of the century. The phrase is "a few bad apples...spoil the bunch." Officers who report ethical/criminal violations by other officers usually get fired as a favor, whereas officers who commit any crime up to and including murder get paid leave or a transfer. They're rotten right up through the police unions, in America at least. In China I'm sure that stuff doesn't even get a spot on the news due to the population size, officers are just above the law there.

If you want police brutality to stop, you actually need much more police enforcement.
LMAO, "the beatings will continue until morale improves." Nah we need more civilian oversight on police, we don't need a worse version of what we already have.

Cameras everywhere, strict punishment.
FUUUCK that. Our criminal punishments were way too strict for way too long already thanks to the 13th amendment and prison industrial complex. And cameras/mics on everybody's cell phones are bad enough for privacy's sake. The answer in 2021 is not to jump the gun on techno-dystopia.

The fact that scantly clothed drunk women can walk home without fear of being attacked in Chinese mega cities can only have two explanations: a "police state" (as you call it)
Yes, that. In addition to the ridiculous surveillance you just alluded to, you've also got the whole social credit system. I can't imagine having to walk around like I had a stick up my ass all day just to impress the billionaire oligarchs (bosses). Those who don't conform...what? Get disappeared forever or just made slaves like the American system? Also on that note: pour one out for the Uyghurs in China, or however many of them there are left.

It is not poverty as China was extremely poor until recently.
Most crime is driven by desperation rather than pure malice, and nothing builds desperation quite like poverty. You only hear the good stuff because that's all the government wants you to hear.

If somebody escapes arrest by suddenly running away and getting in a car, he becomes a danger to the police officers and civilians. He was not shot "while driving" (lol) as the media put it. Context matters indeed. I could go on. Weird how the "killing spree" almost always occurs after resistance to arrest.
I don't even know what story you're talking about here. I'll just say that in general, US police are too trigger happy.

If there were right-wing riots (e.g. against media censorship) which included whole streets being burnt and looted, you would be FOR police violence because you are a hypocrite. I would be for the use of force in both cases.
See the problem here is that you're never gonna find a right-wing position I agree with. And of course I'd love to see some "Proud Boy" assholes get taken down a peg, that'd be hilarious. However, I'd never advocate for letting cops kill people over a protest that got out of control, no matter how stupid the reason for that initial protest.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
See the problem here is that you're never gonna find a right-wing position I agree with.
Because you have no sense of morality or justice. It will be difficult for me to agree with you on anything, but I would not support violence against you. Nor would I tolerate riots from the "right side".
Last edited by UltraDolphinRevolution,

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