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[POLL] U.S. Presidential Election 2016

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I find it rather funny that shortly after trumps audio clip was released, the "grab them by the pussy" clip, a bunch of women come forward claiming sexual assault. The strange thing is, women that are usually gold diggers on things like this will haapily settle out of court on these type of claims and receive lots of money from the person that they accuse.
There's nothing wrong with a healthy level of skepticism, but each accusation should be taken seriously. To say flatout that these women are lying is to cross a line. It's as bad (if not worse, since Donald Trump has admitted to being able to do this kind of behavior) than blindly accepting these accusations as fact without evidence.

It is so strange that all these women wait until now to make these claims when they could have potentially made millions. And we all know women wont delay on being money grubbers when given a chance. Ok, some women might wait, but certainly not all of them.
It could be that money is irrelevant because the accusations are true. While it doesn't prove anything, it arguably lends credence to their claims.

Of course, not one of these women are actively pressing charges against trump for these alleged actions, probably because lying under oath is a punishable offense and they dont want to be anymore in the hotseat than they already are.
Emotional trauma and statutes of limitations are two reason off the top of my head why one wouldn't press charges. You also know that in actual cases of sexual assault, women often don't report it and/or don't press charges because they don't want to deal with scrutiny (e.g. people calling them liars) or victim-blaming, right?

I don't believe you thought your post through.

I can't wait to see a dysfunctional government after whoever wins this election.
Clinton has demonstrated that she's more than capable of being as effective a president as someone like President Obama. I'm much more worried about the gridlock and dysfunction of Congress.
Last edited by Lacius,


I love me
Jan 21, 2012
United States
Clinton has demonstrated that she's more than capable of being as effective a president as someone like President Obama. I'm much more worried about the gridlock and dysfunction of Congress.

Agreed. She's as effective as your professional trolling.
Unfortunately the American voter is obvlivious to professional trollers and their deflections on technicalities and morals.
They go mostly with a gut feeling and not logic or facts.
So after this election we are going to see professional liars like Hillary against a disorganized Republican Party and congress make government work. It's going to be beautiful, especially the trolling on who's to blame after.


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
This is the very first post that i have ever made in my life on anything political and it was only towards one thing. I could devulge into how claims against clinton are unfounded, but sadly many of these accusations have been brought into a court while many other are obvious smearing bs.

Your points are valid, for the most part. Trump only said what he would like to do, not what he has done, so he did not admit to any actual actions.

Also, many of these accusers stories have proven to have major holes in them, whether that is just the other side making up even more bs or not, who freaking knows. It is just a huge mud slinging fest from both parties which is unprofessional and both of them didnt gain any respect from me.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Agreed. She's as effective as your professional trolling.
Unfortunately the American voter is obvlivious to professional trollers and their deflections on technicalities and morals.
They go mostly with a gut feeling and not logic or facts.
So after this election we are going to see professional liars like Hillary against a disorganized Republican Party and congress make government work. It's going to be beautiful, especially the trolling on who's to blame after.
First, I'm neither a troll nor a professional. Second, Clinton lies less than most politicians and much less than Donald Trump.

This is the very first post that i have ever made in my life on anything political and it was only towards one thing. I could devulge into how claims against clinton are unfounded, but sadly many of these accusations have been brought into a court while many other are obvious smearing bs.
Whether or not a case has been brought to court is irrelevant when assessing its truthfulness.

Trump only said what he would like to do, not what he has done, so he did not admit to any actual actions.
All I said was Trump has "admitted to being able to do this kind of behavior." We're not in disagreement.

Also, many of these accusers stories have proven to have major holes in them, whether that is just the other side making up even more bs or not, who freaking knows. It is just a huge mud slinging fest from both parties which is unprofessional and both of them didnt gain any respect from me.
It is not fair to blame the Clinton campaign for the release of Trump's video and the aforementioned Trump accusers. It's Trump who brought Bill Clinton rape allegations into this and is hypocritically trying to make this campaign about sexual misconduct. To say the two are comparable is complete BS.



I love me
Jan 21, 2012
United States
First, I'm neither a troll nor a professional. Second, Clinton lies less than most politicians and much less than Donald Trump.

Sure. Tell that to your other professional trolling friends who are interested in towing a party line instead of a national interest while everyone is disgusted with both parties this year.

I'm not sure what make professional trolls go to work, some link it to childhood issues but it's irrelevant at this point. Professional trollers are professional tacticians in deflecting questions by dissecting letters and commas instead of answering questions.
Believe it or not you have more in common with trump but you don't connect with him because you have intentional long term goals instead of knee jerk reactions. Hence, professional troller.
Last edited by Engert,
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Sure. Tell that to your other professional trolling friends who are interested in towing a party line instead of a national interest while everyone is disgusted with both parties this year.

I'm not sure what make professional trolls go to work, some link it to childhood issue but it's irrelevant at this point. Professional trollers are professional tacticians in deflecting questions by dissecting letters and commas instead of answering questions.
Believe it or not you have more in common with trump but you don't connect with him because you have intentional long term goals instead of knee jerk reactions. Hence, professional troller.
I am responding to misinformation in order to correct the record and participate in entertaining and intellectually stimulating discourse. A troll intentionally tries to incite a negative emotional response. Because the latter is not my intent, I am not a troll. I don't get paid for this, and it's not a job, so I am not a professional either.

Sure. Tell that to your other professional trolling friends who are interested in towing a party line instead of a national interest while everyone is disgusted with both parties this year.
I think a Hillary Clinton presidency and liberal policy positions are objectively far more conducive to the well being of the nation than a Donald Trump presidency and conservative policy positions.

What's funny is your slight about childhood issues is what's trolling. Nice try though.
Last edited by Lacius,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
I can't wait to see a dysfunctional government after whoever wins this election.

i guess you're too stupid to notice your government has been continuously more dysfunctional in many regards for as long as i can remember. a good 20 or so years.
but not because of whoever was in office, but because you guys feel its a good idea to put both your stupid parties in charge simulatneously all the time.
democratic senate and republican president, republican senate and democratic president.
and while a democratic senate has, at all times, been less obstructive during policy making, in both cases, many policy changes have been prevented by these setups, many of which translated into overall worse living conditions for the american people.

yet, you can make the situation worse by electing an incompetent politician (and businessman) like trump, who's going to throw a tantrum the second he doesn't get what he feels he deserves and will probably step back after two years, once he realizes that being a president isn't half as fun as he or most people imagine.

I find it rather funny that shortly after trumps audio clip was released, the "grab them by the pussy" clip, a bunch of women come forward claiming sexual assault. The strange thing is, women that are usually gold diggers on things like this will haapily settle out of court on these type of claims and receive lots of money from the person that they accuse. It is so strange that all these women wait until now to make these claims when they could have potentially made millions. And we all know women wont delay on being money grubbers when given a chance. Ok, some women might wait, but certainly not all of them.
Of course, not one of these women are actively pressing charges against trump for these alleged actions, probably because lying under oath is a punishable offense and they dont want to be anymore in the hotseat than they already are.
And honestly, a mojority of those women are butt ugly, even one that is an old hag. The guy is a billionaire and he could easily have any woman with questionable standards which is most women. He certainly doesnt need to settle with ugly broads. Just being real here.

The other party is getting desperate and is willing to do whatever it takes to ruin trump in the last minute for the imbeciles that will believe anything.

I am not a trump supporter. I generally stay out of politics and i dont vote. If anything, the country would be better off if I was president with as much of a fuck up as I am.

These are just my observations about this bologna.

as for you, you realize that in any other situation, trump would have denied everything and an army of expensive lawyers would have worked hard to make the whole deal too expensive for the accuser to be able to keep going, right?
it doesn't matter if you could gain millions in court if you have to somehow shoulder 5 years of legal fees first.

and they usually dont happily settle out of court. they do that for exactly this reason. that team of expensive lawyers makes an estimate about how long they'd need to be paid for the accusing side to run out of money. the accused then realizes, 'if i offer just 1/5 of that money in return for the accuser to never ever bring that stuff up again, I still come out ahead'. an then they make that offer, adding that, if the accuser doesn't take the deal, they'll still never get their justice because by the time a verdict in their favor comes near, they'd have to have paid countless thousands in legal fees already.

so its out of court or nothing for most people in most cases. tell me, what would you chose?

now, this time (and not unlike the cosby case), trump all but admitted he did these things. so everyone suddenly has something that equals hard evidence. and not only that, now these people can actually band together, drastically reducing the money needed to get through all the legal instances. in addition to that, with the evidence trump himself presented, a bunch of lawyers will be more than willing to take these cases basically for free, since a victory is all but ensured and they get their payout when trump has to pay.
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I love me
Jan 21, 2012
United States
I think I'm in the best position to know why I'm voting for a particular candidate.

There's just one thing you forgot here tho which you may wanna use later in in your professional trolling career. You wanna keep things close to your chest like Hillary, so the hundreds of professional trolling comments cannot be used against you.
Hillary learned about this tactic in her younger days in Arkansas.
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Jun 21, 2016
United States
I find it rather funny that shortly after trumps audio clip was released, the "grab them by the pussy" clip, a bunch of women come forward claiming sexual assault. The strange thing is, women that are usually gold diggers on things like this will haapily settle out of court on these type of claims and receive lots of money from the person that they accuse. It is so strange that all these women wait until now to make these claims when they could have potentially made millions. And we all know women wont delay on being money grubbers when given a chance. Ok, some women might wait, but certainly not all of them.
Of course, not one of these women are actively pressing charges against trump for these alleged actions, probably because lying under oath is a punishable offense and they dont want to be anymore in the hotseat than they already are.
And honestly, a mojority of those women are butt ugly, even one that is an old hag. The guy is a billionaire and he could easily have any woman with questionable standards which is most women. He certainly doesnt need to settle with ugly broads. Just being real here.

The other party is getting desperate and is willing to do whatever it takes to ruin trump in the last minute for the imbeciles that will believe anything.

I am not a trump supporter. I generally stay out of politics and i dont vote. If anything, the country would be better off if I was president with as much of a fuck up as I am.

These are just my observations about this bologna.

you of course have the right to your own opinion. and its consistent with what main part of the society thinks. however it is not true that women who come out against sexual assaults by men with authority, that 1st reason for this is money. because 1st reason, most of the times, is fact that they (women) can't stand the fact that other women, now younger and even more voulnerable than they, are still exposed. they feel that, this is the only thing that they can to contribute toward stopping more sexual assaults from this man and potentially others. this is what they tell in interviews and has been established by doctors. if indeed they decide to come forward, because rape is a rape, causes shame and pain and coming forward after the fact is not easy, and its already easytimated that most cases of rape are going to be unreported.

there is no major reason to believe otherwise. for anyone who has been harmed by someone or by some defective part of the society, number one thing is to prevent this thing to happening again to other person. sometimes its about adults who want to protect their children, sometimes its about some trivial thing that friends want to warn about. anyone can just test and ask themselves. when something bad happened what he or she would think would be best to do after the fact they are no longer able to reverse the harm. this is the compassion part, and part of the society we live in and rules we agree to go by.

claim that most of the times these are quick ways to make big money for women is also incorrect, because most of the times those court cases last for a very long time. just for example how long Bill Cosby's lasted or is still going.

women are clearly more vournelable than men in relationships and this is a fact ... just take mariage for example, if husband rapes the woman, outside anyone knowing anything, the only way to verify claims by each side is by: who's claims we want to believe. other than that, who has better lawyers - but i dont see how this could benefit women more. so if husband turns out to be not a person he suppose to be, when arguments of physical strength arise its obvious who is at a disatvantage.

i hope my explanations make sense and you possibly could change your mind in the future. the thing that it doesn't matter, for the most part. i dont think your view here is extreme in any way.
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100th degree asskicker
Dec 25, 2015
Alberta , Canada
Damn, you are delusional.
You're the classic crazy person in any hospital screaming "IM NOT CRAZY".
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