Hacking Discussion [PSA] SX OS Banwave is here!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
If he is bogus or not that is no reason to insult him.

Its very possible that he did upload it on ReSwitched lots of people have posted there that haven't posted here, that is after all the official Atmosphere, and pretty much hacking hub. Scries is there, is Scries here? If someone is going to find a way to stop bans, it will be the people on that Disc, so arguably its more important to post it there than here.
He is a new user with no post, he says that posted the pics somewhere, doesnt tell where, its all lies man,

My switch is banned, got a code

What is the code?

I dont have my switch here but its a ban

Some pics?

I put them somewhere else and I dont feel to upload them

well anything else?

Dont use TX you will get banned, my switch is 110% banned I am truly legit, you must believe me even though I gave 0 proof


He is a new user with no post, he says that posted the pics somewhere, doesnt tell where, its all lies man,

My switch is banned, got a code

What is the code?

I dont have my switch here but its a ban

Some pics?

I put them somewhere else and I dont feel to upload them

well anything else?

Dont use TX you will get banned, my switch is 110% banned I am truly legit, you must believe me even though I gave 0 proof

Your leaving out quite alot, like the fact he said 2 times, that he posted it on ReSwitched Discord.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
Your leaving out quite alot, like the fact he said 2 times, that he posted it on ReSwitched Discord.
Do someone checked it was him?
where is the proof that he did it there?

he is a total bogus until proven otherwise, even in the posts he sounded like a scam artist

he could download the pic and put it here to at least have 1% credibility, but he is lying
Last edited by kamesenin888,


Do someone checked it was him?
where is the proof that he did it there?

he is a total bogus until proven otherwise, even in the posts he sounded like a scam artist

That may be, but like I said, again, calling him a liar is not productive or necessary. Voice your concerns to him, and see if you can come to a resolution or disregard his post and move on.

SX OS online hasnt give a confirmed ban, the people banned used layered at some point before getting the sx os, only 2 cases that I already mentioned, there is no confirmed cases of people getting banned offline and being careful, some even play online and no ban as of yet

Do you work for TX lol? People are getting banned that have no ever used layeredFS, the OP never used Layered lmfao. Have you read this thread? Have you seen the other 2? You are living in denial.

Your attack on that guy makes alot more sense when you are trying to deny anyone has been banned that hasn't used LFS, you are showing serious bias, especially when multiple people have provided proof and stating not using LFS.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
That may be, but like I said, again, calling him a liar is not productive or necessary. Voice your concerns to him, and see if you can come to a resolution or disregard his post and move on.


Do you work for TX lol? People are getting banned that have no ever used layeredFS, the OP never used Layered lmfao. Have you read this thread? Have you seen the other 2? You are living in denial.

Your attack on that guy makes alot more sense when you are trying to deny anyone has been banned that hasn't used LFS, you are showing serious bias, especially when multiple people have provided proof and stating not using LFS.
I am targeting him because he hasnt proven anything, and people are like YOU ARE THE GOD OF TRUTH, you are amazing, thats sad, its just that they want to believe in santa so much, but santa doesnt exist unless we get proof, " I dont feel like it :(" , " no problem you are amazing we believe you" its so sad people trying to focus on a lie


I am targeting him because he hasnt proven anything, and people are like YOU ARE THE GOD OF TRUTH, you are amazing, thats sad, its just that they want to believe in santa so much, but santa doesnt exist unless we get proof, " I dont feel like it :(" , " no problem you are amazing we believe you" its so sad people trying to focus on a lie

I get that you dont believe him, but once again the blanket statements of "SX dont get banned only layered" when that is completely not true aint helping your case.

Once again, there is a more productive way to go about it.

You dont believe his ban, you could have said, can you post a message on Discord so we know who you are and can see the info of your ban you have already provided?

@TheLastOfUs Can you please do that, I dont not believe you nor do I believe you, I dont really care if you are lying or telling the truth, however seeing the more info you provided on Reswitched would be helpful. My name on ReSwitched is Cyber Locc, if you want to ping me.
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If you want to take that approach so be it, for me he is just a liar

Well I guess now we will see right :).

remember everyone in the first 2 pages called OP a liar too, and that quickly led to them regretting it.
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I was thinking about phones so its legal for them on what i can find right now. I would take the time to find the other stuff but I am to sleepy but Just know that its legal but running backups such as games you don't own is and always will be illegal but its legal so long as your using it for homebrew and or development. if it was illegal for them to be hacked/modded then the admin would have added that to the rules of things for us not to be able to do as we can not link to page's with backups.
@Costello would be able to help on the info that we don't have and are lacking.

Yes it is legal for phones, cars, tvs, ect, pretty much everything EXCEPT Game Consoles and Ebooks.

It has nothing to do with Backups, one again.

"You're still not allowed to jailbreak e-readers, handheld gaming devices, or laptops and desktop computers. Video game consoles are also off limits, as the Library of Congress found that, "as in 2012, opponents provided substantial evidence that console jailbreaking is closely tied to video game piracy."

The exemptions also include bypassing copyright protection methods for legally obtained video games that require authentication with a server that is no longer online. Without developer support, both customers and game historians have been unable to easily play or preserve a title with such protections in a museum or for academic study. You cannot circumvent these game protections with massively multiplayer online games, the Library of Congress confirmed, as those games tend to contain material stored directly on a company's server."

You can go deeper and read here,

"1201(a)(2). The Register also confirmed that the exemption for gamers should not extend to jailbreaking of console software because such jailbreaking is strongly associated with video game piracy."


You can say its legal to your blue in the face, it isnt, the laws are very very clear.

Reverse Engineering a game console is Illegal.

Jailbreaking a Game Console, is Illegal,

Running CFW on a Game Console is Illegal

Modifying game data, without the express permission of a the Game developer is Illegal, unless the game is no longer supported or servers no longer accessible under certain circumstances.

these are not opinions or things I think, they are fact right there in black and white.

I can't believe I have to go over this again. Modifying your own personal hardware, regardless of any EULA is completely defensible, and legal in any courtroom setting due to Constitutional and consumer rights. Do you know why Apple and Sony never won a case against Geohot? Because they settled without compensation due to the unforeseen PR nightmare of attempting to tell a customer what they HAD to do with a piece of equipment they paid 300$+ for. Why would you think, gaming consoles, of all things that could be hacked would take precedence for an "exception to an exception," when hacking a phone possibly compromises communications and financial infrastructure. Hacking a console makes....piracy possible?!? The article you've quoted is nothing more than a biased piece of outright false claims, and no manufacturer has gone after a console hacker in a very long time. If this 2015 ruling is such a game changer, why is this site still up?
Obviously your claims are bogus. Piracy is whats illegal. Not hardware modification. This is like saying that it's illegal to put a turbo on your car because you "may" speed.

Hardware Modification is legal, you are 100% correct. What I posted above is not.

CFW, TX OS, Atmosphere, Fusee Gelee, those are not hardware modification, they are Software mods brought on by Reverse Engineering (Also illegal) and are known to lawmakers as "Jailbreaking" taking a devices software and allowing it to do things out side of its scope. They are all Illegal, they have zero to do with hardware modding.

You can argue all you want, your still wrong, its right there in the law, in black and white, read it and stop spreading false information.

Also Apple and Sony case ended because Hotz fled the country. Not becuase they were going to lose.

Furthermore here is this, this happened later, and precidence is set on later trials.


"Ars spoke to Jennifer Granick, the Civil Liberties Director of the Electronic Freedom Foundation to find out. The news was bad. "With hardware, you can do pretty much anything you want with it. There are very few rules that apply. You buy it, you own, you can take it apart, and that's perfectly fine," she explained. The problem is that no one simply modifies the hardware. "It becomes complicated with modern hardware because it's combined with firmware, the embedded software."

The infamous DMCA states that you can't circumvent any software protection to get at the copyrighted work it protects. If you're using a software exploit or installing a mod chip, you're disabling that protection to allow yourself to run homebrew code, and you're running afoul of the DMCA. "Thou shall not circumvent," Granick told Ars, counting the two ways to break the law. "And thou shall not provide tools to others"."

Crippen did get the case dismissed due to illegal manuevers by the customs agents, an illegal video tape, and a fair use argument. The DMCA dropped the case, however they appened the law to cover their bases in the future.

As has been pointed out, do we as users risk jail time, no not likely. Can we be sued for millions? Yes, yes we can, will we win a fight of them bricking our illegally modified console, no, no we wont. However people like Scries, They are risking serious jail time, and you should praise them for doing so without even making a profit.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
United States
Yes it is legal for phones, cars, tvs, ect, pretty much everything EXCEPT Game Consoles and Ebooks.

It has nothing to do with Backups, one again.

"You're still not allowed to jailbreak e-readers, handheld gaming devices, or laptops and desktop computers. Video game consoles are also off limits, as the Library of Congress found that, "as in 2012, opponents provided substantial evidence that console jailbreaking is closely tied to video game piracy."

The exemptions also include bypassing copyright protection methods for legally obtained video games that require authentication with a server that is no longer online. Without developer support, both customers and game historians have been unable to easily play or preserve a title with such protections in a museum or for academic study. You cannot circumvent these game protections with massively multiplayer online games, the Library of Congress confirmed, as those games tend to contain material stored directly on a company's server."

You can go deeper and read here,

"1201(a)(2). The Register also confirmed that the exemption for gamers should not extend to jailbreaking of console software because such jailbreaking is strongly associated with video game piracy."


You can say its legal to your blue in the face, it isnt, the laws are very very clear.

Reverse Engineering a game console is Illegal.

Jailbreaking a Game Console, is Illegal,

Running CFW on a Game Console is Illegal

Modifying game data, without the express permission of a the Game developer is Illegal, unless the game is no longer supported or servers no longer accessible under certain circumstances.

these are not opinions or things I think, they are fact right there in black and white.

Hardware Modification is legal, you are 100% correct. What I posted above is not.

CFW, TX OS, Atmosphere, Fusee Gelee, those are not hardware modification, they are Software mods brought on by Reverse Engineering (Also illegal) and are known to lawmakers as "Jailbreaking" taking a devices software and allowing it to do things out side of its scope. They are all Illegal, they have zero to do with hardware modding.

You can argue all you want, your still wrong, its right there in the law, in black and white, read it and stop spreading false information.

Also Apple and Sony case ended because Hotz fled the country. Not becuase they were going to lose.

Furthermore here is this, this happened later, and precidence is set on later trials.


"Ars spoke to Jennifer Granick, the Civil Liberties Director of the Electronic Freedom Foundation to find out. The news was bad. "With hardware, you can do pretty much anything you want with it. There are very few rules that apply. You buy it, you own, you can take it apart, and that's perfectly fine," she explained. The problem is that no one simply modifies the hardware. "It becomes complicated with modern hardware because it's combined with firmware, the embedded software."

The infamous DMCA states that you can't circumvent any software protection to get at the copyrighted work it protects. If you're using a software exploit or installing a mod chip, you're disabling that protection to allow yourself to run homebrew code, and you're running afoul of the DMCA. "Thou shall not circumvent," Granick told Ars, counting the two ways to break the law. "And thou shall not provide tools to others"."

Crippen did get the case dismissed due to illegal manuevers by the customs agents, an illegal video tape, and a fair use argument. The DMCA dropped the case, however they appened the law to cover their bases in the future.

As has been pointed out, do we as users risk jail time, no not likely. Can we be sued for millions? Yes, yes we can, will we win a fight of them bricking our illegally modified console, no, no we wont. However people like Scries, They are risking serious jail time, and you should praise them for doing so without even making a profit.
Again, how am I wrong when Letterbomb is still up? No one is going to jail. You’re making a claim that’s so unsubstantiated it’s absurd. You think they settled because he left the country? The Pirate Bay duo lived in Sweden and still ended up behind bars. If it was illegal, there would be precedence for its prosecution. Instead, we have the Apple and Sony rulings. Obviously Constitutional and consumer rights best out DMCA rulings in the eyes of an American judge.

Edit: that case you quoted, iirc, ended up being thrown out. That’s why you could find an arrest article and no conviction one. Stop cherry picking.
Last edited by brickmii82,


Again, how am I wrong when Letterbomb is still up? No one is going to jail. You’re making a claim that’s so unsubstantiated it’s absurd. You think they settled because he left the country? The Pirate Bay duo lived in Sweden and still ended up behind bars. If it was illegal, there would be precedence for its prosecution. Instead, we have the Apple and Sony rulings. Obviously Constitutional and consumer rights best out DMCA rulings in the eyes of an American judge.

Edit: that case you quoted, iirc, ended up being thrown out. That’s why you could find an arrest article and no conviction one. Stop cherry picking.

Once again, the law is quite clear right there in black and white.

The Pirate Bay was charged and locked up in Sweden not the US. They also were not arrested for running the site, they were arrested for robbing banks.

I said twice actually that as users we won't go to jail, most likely. We can be sued.

That's all irrelevant the point was is it legal, it's not, the law is right there for you to read I provided it.

All you have done is provide your opinions to argue with facts.

When you have some facts I would love to read them, till then keep your opinions to yourself, as that is all they are, the fact it is Illegal.

Also it was thrown out due to mishandling of the case, that even happens with murders.

Just because a few people never went to jail for a crime doesn't make it not a crime lol. Thousands of people commit murder every year and get it away with it, does that make murder not Illegal?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
United States
Once again, the law is quite clear right there in black and white.

The Pirate Bay was charged and locked up in Sweden not the US. They also were not arrested for running the site, they were arrested for robbing banks.

I said twice actually that as users we won't go to jail, most likely. We can be sued.

That's all irrelevant the point was is it legal, it's not, the law is right there for you to read I provided it.

All you have done is provide your opinions to argue with facts.

When you have some facts I would love to read them, till then keep your opinions to yourself, as that is all they are, the fact it is Illegal.
The fact is no one has gone to jail for hacking a game console retard. Lmao you literally just said these folks risk going to jail. But why? Because it’s not illegal. You’re really bad at shilling and trolling. Work on that.
Last edited by brickmii82,


Sep 18, 2013
Yes it is legal for phones, cars, tvs, ect, pretty much everything EXCEPT Game Consoles and Ebooks.

It has nothing to do with Backups, one again.

"You're still not allowed to jailbreak e-readers, handheld gaming devices, or laptops and desktop computers. Video game consoles are also off limits, as the Library of Congress found that, "as in 2012, opponents provided substantial evidence that console jailbreaking is closely tied to video game piracy."

The exemptions also include bypassing copyright protection methods for legally obtained video games that require authentication with a server that is no longer online. Without developer support, both customers and game historians have been unable to easily play or preserve a title with such protections in a museum or for academic study. You cannot circumvent these game protections with massively multiplayer online games, the Library of Congress confirmed, as those games tend to contain material stored directly on a company's server."

You can go deeper and read here,

"1201(a)(2). The Register also confirmed that the exemption for gamers should not extend to jailbreaking of console software because such jailbreaking is strongly associated with video game piracy."


You can say its legal to your blue in the face, it isnt, the laws are very very clear.

Reverse Engineering a game console is Illegal.

Jailbreaking a Game Console, is Illegal,

Running CFW on a Game Console is Illegal

Modifying game data, without the express permission of a the Game developer is Illegal, unless the game is no longer supported or servers no longer accessible under certain circumstances.

these are not opinions or things I think, they are fact right there in black and white.

Hardware Modification is legal, you are 100% correct. What I posted above is not.

CFW, TX OS, Atmosphere, Fusee Gelee, those are not hardware modification, they are Software mods brought on by Reverse Engineering (Also illegal) and are known to lawmakers as "Jailbreaking" taking a devices software and allowing it to do things out side of its scope. They are all Illegal, they have zero to do with hardware modding.

You can argue all you want, your still wrong, its right there in the law, in black and white, read it and stop spreading false information.

Also Apple and Sony case ended because Hotz fled the country. Not becuase they were going to lose.

Furthermore here is this, this happened later, and precidence is set on later trials.


"Ars spoke to Jennifer Granick, the Civil Liberties Director of the Electronic Freedom Foundation to find out. The news was bad. "With hardware, you can do pretty much anything you want with it. There are very few rules that apply. You buy it, you own, you can take it apart, and that's perfectly fine," she explained. The problem is that no one simply modifies the hardware. "It becomes complicated with modern hardware because it's combined with firmware, the embedded software."

The infamous DMCA states that you can't circumvent any software protection to get at the copyrighted work it protects. If you're using a software exploit or installing a mod chip, you're disabling that protection to allow yourself to run homebrew code, and you're running afoul of the DMCA. "Thou shall not circumvent," Granick told Ars, counting the two ways to break the law. "And thou shall not provide tools to others"."

Crippen did get the case dismissed due to illegal manuevers by the customs agents, an illegal video tape, and a fair use argument. The DMCA dropped the case, however they appened the law to cover their bases in the future.

As has been pointed out, do we as users risk jail time, no not likely. Can we be sued for millions? Yes, yes we can, will we win a fight of them bricking our illegally modified console, no, no we wont. However people like Scries, They are risking serious jail time, and you should praise them for doing so without even making a profit.

PPL are not cool 2018 lol. It´s not illegal to jailbreaking a Game Console. Comeon man. Fucking just comeon dude


PPL are not cool 2018 lol. It´s not illegal to jailbreaking a Game Console. Comeon man. Fucking just comeon dude

Yes it is......

It's litteraly there in black and white on a US law Docket can you not read? 2018 and people still don't know how to read...........

Or you can read, but US law Dockets are wrong, because you know better, yep that's it. Freddie for President he knows everything.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
United States
Yes it is......

It's litteraly there in black and white on a US law Docket can you not read? 2018 and people still don't know how to read...........

Or you can read, but US law Dockets are wrong, because you know better, yep that's it. Freddie for President he knows everything.
You're still trying? Letterbomb. Thats really the only thing that needs to be said to completely nuke your argument and show how biased and immature you're being.


You're still trying? Letterbomb. Thats really the only thing that needs to be said to completely nuke your argument and show how biased and immature you're being.

The only one biased and immature here is you. There is an Official US law document right there, telling you it is against the DMCA copyright laws to jailbreak a game console.

And yet here you are still stating "no bro, your wrong". You crack me up, for real.

Letterbomb means NOTHING, the only thing that decides what is a US law, is the US law, of which I linked to you the LAW right there, written out for you in plain English there is no disputing that.

The US DMCA is telling you it's illegal, that makes it Illegal, period, they are the ones that make the damn laws.

But alas,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
United States
The only one biased and immature here is you. There is an Official US law document right there, telling you it is against the DMCA copyright laws to jailbreak a game console.

And yet here you are still stating "no bro, your wrong". You crack me up, for real.
And here you are, again, cherry picking an argument to suit your narrative. Again...illegal? Laughable. Letterbomb. 8 years later... or maybe it's 10 years later, the hallmark of the work of Team Twiizers, Letterbomb. Still going strong. I'm glad I make you laugh. I like to make people feel good when they're feeling down about being completely wrong.
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And here you are, again, cherry picking an argument to suit your narrative. Again...illegal? Laughable. Letterbomb. 8 years later... or maybe it's 10 years later, the hallmark of the work of Team Twiizers, Letterbomb. Still going strong. I'm glad I make you laugh. I like to make people feel good when they're feeling down about being completely wrong.

Cherry picking what argument? The facts? You have to be trolling me.

I give up.


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