Gaming Regarding the incident surrounding "PokeAcer"

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2016
Port Huron, MI, USA
United States
I'd like to begin by saying that this post is made regarding the incident that has occurred with a user known best by the name "PokeAcer". If you only wish to reply with hateful comments rather than comments regarding the facts of the situation itself, I ask that all you do is read this post and the comments in the thread and simply not reply. With that out of the way, I suppose it's time to clear up some information that was misunderstood by various other users. They are not at fault for spreading misinformation, do not blame them. They had the community's best interest at heart explaining the information that they were told by a currently unknown source.

On August 1st, 2017, somewhere early in the morning, a Discord user (HeyListen#2685) entered the Sudomemo Discord server and uploaded two files, one being a file named "" and another being a ZIP containing a homebrew tool known as "fwTool" (firmware Tool). I was luckily pulling an all-nighter that night and banned the user immediately, removing the two files alongside the ban. The reason for this is that the "" archive contained a work-in-progress and unstable exploit known in its current working state as "ugopwn", something that most of you may now be familiar with, developed by @shutterbug2000. Not even a minute later, another Discord user (ugopwnUSA#7326) mimic'd the actions of the previous user and I immediately banned this user as well. In a private Discord server, I told the others (who were also the only people who were permitted access to ugopwn) what had happened and we were all lost in what to do. Everyone there has proved their trustworthiness, and for a few days we spent our time discussing the situation and attempting to figure out who could have done such a thing.

Within that same hour of the initial two leak attempts on the Sudomemo Discord, a user on Twitter who goes by "RyanRocks" made a tweet with a direct link to the download for ugopwn and fwTool on a hosting site. Immediately, I and a few others in the private Discord made a DMCA takedown request on shutterbug2000's behalf and also messaged Ryan to remove it, but his responses were in such a way that he did not wish to take it down.

Now, here's the interesting part: During this hour, I was also in contact with PokeAcer who had seen the initial two leaks on the Sudomemo Discord server. He was the one who also showed me the tweet not even a minute after it was made, however I was not following Ryan and could not see the tweet myself (his tweets are protected). PokeAcer was my very first suspect, as he told me that he was in a call with Ryan but would not say anything more other than that he had the ugopwn exploit made by shutterbug2000 and the Flipnote Studio 3D exploit (name undisclosed at this time) made by Nba_Yoh. The issue here was that PokeAcer was not in a private message group where shutterbug2000 originally shared ugopwn or the private server where a channel was made dedicated to ugopwn (where it was also shared to, but we did not realize this until much later when things began to make sense).

An hour or two later (Discord won't tell me the exact message times), a GBATemp thread was made containing download links to the ugopwn exploit and explaining that shutterbug2000 made it - something that no one would have known if they simply stumbled across the file, they'd have had to be in either the private message group or the private Discord server to know this. You might have also guessed that the only reason we found this thread was because PokeAcer sent it to me. We began making DMCA requests on the links as they were edited in or posted, and most of these were taken down successfully. Notably PokeAcer was helping other users with the instructions via his own GBATemp account instead of discouraging users from using it as we asked him to do. Then again, you can't stop the internet.

In a public DSi hacking Discord server a few days after the leak, a user named GovanifY and I got into an argument discussing the legalities of spreading the copyrighted exploit. Eventually we agreed to disagree, however he appeared to have known a thing or two regarding the leak (as I learned a few hours before this argument in the private Discord server) and so I started a private conversation with him. He was unable to tell us who the leaker was due to his morals of keeping his word, however eventually I figured out one thing: He would never directly give us clues, yet he would gladly tell us "no" if we guessed at a certain feature about the person. It wasn't until sometime later that Ryan gave us more direct hints that the leaker had previously made a HackerOne report using his name and was also underage. The name in question used in the HackerOne report was in the style of something PokeAcer would use as well. I began asking GovanifY if the person in question matched these hints and GovanifY would not say "no" to the ones that were about PokeAcer, and eventually when I asked if the person in question was well-hated on GBATemp he explicitly said "PokeAcer", my reply being "Jackpot".

I began privately messaging PokeAcer on Facebook, as he was not responding to my Discord messages. I started in a way that you wouldn't know if I was directly accusing you or if I was simply stating that we knew who it was and were going to make an announcement on it soon. I fudged a lie and said that Ryan directly told us who it was, and PokeAcer responded saying that the leaker may have regretted it or that Ryan regrets it himself alongside the leaker regretting it. After I stated "Apparently the guy also used Ryan's name in a recent HackerOne report", PokeAcer responded with "Joshua why do I feel like I know who it is". I asked who he thought it was and he questioned me asking what the name began with, my response of course being that I could not tell him. When I asked again who he thought it was, he would not tell me and instead said that he did not know who it was. Soon he said "I mean I guess you all think it's me", raising our suspicion a bit more as he denied that he was him with my response saying "Did I say that?" I further acknowledged that he received a Mac out of nowhere but didn't think he'd go through that entire fiasco again, and he responded stating that he sent in his own exploit that he found in something (and swore on his nana's grave). What irked me about that was he said it was in his own name, yet later he admitted to using Ryan's name (under "Pseudonym(TM) (ryanw)"). He then proceeded to say "Joshua I'd prefer not to speak somewhere screenshots are easy af", which didn't make sense until soon after. Following this was "Fuck it. You're all gonna fucking murder me anyways." He would not immediately tell us who it was that he got it from, but he claimed it was Lauren, then Robz8, then Lauren again, before finally admitting that he got it through another method: I, Lauren, and PokeAcer share a VPS, and Lauren had a selfbot on our VPS which contained a login token to her account. PokeAcer used this login token to access her account and browse our private Discord server.

Now, the main point of this post: To clear up some misinterpretations.
1) We are unsure if PokeAcer leaked Nba_Yoh's Flipnote Studio 3D exploit, as the timing simply doesn't line up. We believe he did not, but we make no guarantees. Download the app while you still can if you do not have a primary exploit at this time.
2) PokeAcer did NOT make a BetterDiscord trojan plugin. Instead, he stole the login token from a user in our private Discord server via the source code of a selfbot on a shared VPS. To further this statement, the user he stole the login token from does not use BetterDiscord.
3) All ~15 people who were permitted to use ugopwn are still the only ones who legally are able to use ugopwn, however, as stated earlier, you can't stop the internet. I ask that those who do have the exploit respectfully wait for the official release to not only have a more stable version but also be in more of a legal area.

PokeAcer has been fully removed from the "kaeru:world" Flipnote Studio 3D online homebrew replacement service on the 3DS and has personally left the "RiiConnect24" WiiConnect24 homebrew replacement service on the Wii. He has deleted most of his social media accounts and will more than likely not return under this same username for a long time. We ask that no one bring real harm to PokeAcer, instead simply have good/bad opinions on him that do not manifest into bad actions.

~JoshuaDoes on behalf of Team TWL


The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
As I said in a PM, I hope he never comes back. I don't care if he is the next "big cheese" but he can't be trusted with even a spoon. It's not so much about the leaking (even tho it sucks since they're unstable) rather than claming money for something he haven't made.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
United States
I'd like to begin by saying that this post is made regarding the incident that has occurred with a user known best by the name "PokeAcer". If you only wish to reply with hateful comments rather than comments regarding the facts of the situation itself, I ask that all you do is read this post and the comments in the thread and simply not reply. With that out of the way, I suppose it's time to clear up some information that was misunderstood by various other users. They are not at fault for spreading misinformation, do not blame them. They had the community's best interest at heart explaining the information that they were told by a currently unknown source.

On August 1st, 2017, somewhere early in the morning, a Discord user (HeyListen#2685) entered the Sudomemo Discord server and uploaded two files, one being a file named "" and another being a ZIP containing a homebrew tool known as "fwTool" (firmware Tool). I was luckily pulling an all-nighter that night and banned the user immediately, removing the two files alongside the ban. The reason for this is that the "" archive contained a work-in-progress and unstable exploit known in its current working state as "ugopwn", something that most of you may now be familiar with, developed by @shutterbug2000. Not even a minute later, another Discord user (ugopwnUSA#7326) mimic'd the actions of the previous user and I immediately banned this user as well. In a private Discord server, I told the others (who were also the only people who were permitted access to ugopwn) what had happened and we were all lost in what to do. Everyone there has proved their trustworthiness, and for a few days we spent our time discussing the situation and attempting to figure out who could have done such a thing.

Within that same hour of the initial two leak attempts on the Sudomemo Discord, a user on Twitter who goes by "RyanRocks" made a tweet with a direct link to the download for ugopwn and fwTool on a hosting site. Immediately, I and a few others in the private Discord made a DMCA takedown request on shutterbug2000's behalf and also messaged Ryan to remove it, but his responses were in such a way that he did not wish to take it down.

Now, here's the interesting part: During this hour, I was also in contact with PokeAcer who had seen the initial two leaks on the Sudomemo Discord server. He was the one who also showed me the tweet not even a minute after it was made, however I was not following Ryan and could not see the tweet myself (his tweets are protected). PokeAcer was my very first suspect, as he told me that he was in a call with Ryan but would not say anything more other than that he had the ugopwn exploit made by shutterbug2000 and the Flipnote Studio 3D exploit (name undisclosed at this time) made by Nba_Yoh. The issue here was that PokeAcer was not in a private message group where shutterbug2000 originally shared ugopwn or the private server where a channel was made dedicated to ugopwn (where it was also shared to, but we did not realize this until much later when things began to make sense).

An hour or two later (Discord won't tell me the exact message times), a GBATemp thread was made containing download links to the ugopwn exploit and explaining that shutterbug2000 made it - something that no one would have known if they simply stumbled across the file, they'd have had to be in either the private message group or the private Discord server to know this. You might have also guessed that the only reason we found this thread was because PokeAcer sent it to me. We began making DMCA requests on the links as they were edited in or posted, and most of these were taken down successfully. Notably PokeAcer was helping other users with the instructions via his own GBATemp account instead of discouraging users from using it as we asked him to do. Then again, you can't stop the internet.

In a public DSi hacking Discord server a few days after the leak, a user named GovanifY and I got into an argument discussing the legalities of spreading the copyrighted exploit. Eventually we agreed to disagree, however he appeared to have known a thing or two regarding the leak (as I learned a few hours before this argument in the private Discord server) and so I started a private conversation with him. He was unable to tell us who the leaker was due to his morals of keeping his word, however eventually I figured out one thing: He would never directly give us clues, yet he would gladly tell us "no" if we guessed at a certain feature about the person. It wasn't until sometime later that Ryan gave us more direct hints that the leaker had previously made a HackerOne report using his name and was also underage. The name in question used in the HackerOne report was in the style of something PokeAcer would use as well. I began asking GovanifY if the person in question matched these hints and GovanifY would not say "no" to the ones that were about PokeAcer, and eventually when I asked if the person in question was well-hated on GBATemp he explicitly said "PokeAcer", my reply being "Jackpot".

I began privately messaging PokeAcer on Facebook, as he was not responding to my Discord messages. I started in a way that you wouldn't know if I was directly accusing you or if I was simply stating that we knew who it was and were going to make an announcement on it soon. I fudged a lie and said that Ryan directly told us who it was, and PokeAcer responded saying that the leaker may have regretted it or that Ryan regrets it himself alongside the leaker regretting it. After I stated "Apparently the guy also used Ryan's name in a recent HackerOne report", PokeAcer responded with "Joshua why do I feel like I know who it is". I asked who he thought it was and he questioned me asking what the name began with, my response of course being that I could not tell him. When I asked again who he thought it was, he would not tell me and instead said that he did not know who it was. Soon he said "I mean I guess you all think it's me", raising our suspicion a bit more as he denied that he was him with my response saying "Did I say that?" I further acknowledged that he received a Mac out of nowhere but didn't think he'd go through that entire fiasco again, and he responded stating that he sent in his own exploit that he found in something (and swore on his nana's grave). What irked me about that was he said it was in his own name, yet later he admitted to using Ryan's name (under "Pseudonym(TM) (ryanw)"). He then proceeded to say "Joshua I'd prefer not to speak somewhere screenshots are easy af", which didn't make sense until soon after. Following this was "Fuck it. You're all gonna fucking murder me anyways." He would not immediately tell us who it was that he got it from, but he claimed it was Lauren, then Robz8, then Lauren again, before finally admitting that he got it through another method: I, Lauren, and PokeAcer share a VPS, and Lauren had a selfbot on our VPS which contained a login token to her account. PokeAcer used this login token to access her account and browse our private Discord server.

Now, the main point of this post: To clear up some misinterpretations.
1) We are unsure if PokeAcer leaked Nba_Yoh's Flipnote Studio 3D exploit, as the timing simply doesn't line up. We believe he did not, but we make no guarantees. Download the app while you still can if you do not have a primary exploit at this time.
2) PokeAcer did NOT make a BetterDiscord trojan plugin. Instead, he stole the login token from a user in our private Discord server via the source code of a selfbot on a shared VPS. To further this statement, the user he stole the login token from does not use BetterDiscord.
3) All ~15 people who were permitted to use ugopwn are still the only ones who legally are able to use ugopwn, however, as stated earlier, you can't stop the internet. I ask that those who do have the exploit respectfully wait for the official release to not only have a more stable version but also be in more of a legal area.

PokeAcer has been fully removed from the "kaeru:world" Flipnote Studio 3D online homebrew replacement service on the 3DS and has personally left the "RiiConnect24" WiiConnect24 homebrew replacement service on the Wii. He has deleted most of his social media accounts and will more than likely not return under this same username for a long time. We ask that no one bring real harm to PokeAcer, instead simply have good/bad opinions on him that do not manifest into bad actions.

~JoshuaDoes on behalf of Team TWL

So, is PokeAcer making his return or he's just gone for good. Apparently he's banned here.
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Oct 27, 2015
PokeAcer definitely did it.

I have no evidence to backup my claims and I am a hypocrite.

I just hate the fucker.
If you only wish to reply with hateful comments rather than comments regarding the facts of the situation itself, I ask that all you do is read this post and the comments in the thread and simply not reply.

Billy Acuña

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Ugopwn it's not that unstable, is just not user-friendly neither the whole process of downgrade & another hax install.


Jan 5, 2017
United States
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and I have done the same with Poke. He has helped me several times and has been quick to fix bugs that I have found in projects he has relation to. People are giving him a ton of hate and I feel sorry for him. Poke, if you're reading this I wish you the best of luck with whatever you are up to now.
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