Homebrew RetroArch Switch


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
I do have threaded on. It runs very well. Just making sure there is no way to fix the sound as of yet. I know itll be fixed in the long run, just used to emulators having fixes that need to be implemented by us, the end user.

Have you tried changing the sound latency? I had a similar issue with Dolphin back when my PC was still working (going to have to wait until I return to work next month on that problem), and increasing it fixed up the sound stuttering. Other than that, I've rarely had any sound issues with SOTN.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Missinformation city again. :)

Threaded video is not a speedhack, its - threaded processing of the video variety. ;)


is such an incredible display of daftness, that I'd want to punch everyone in the face for asking others in a "so what would you say - makes the sound improved the best" way - if I hadn't done that already in this thread kind of.

I'll do it once more -

1. Its not our fault that you notice a game not running full speed on sound first. If thats the issue, dont blame "tha sound"

2. If a game runs slow, the sound emulation actually can run as fast as it is supposed to, because sound and gameplay are supposed to sync up. So then its not even the sound emulations fault - its just that the game runs slow. The sound emulation probably even could run faster - but you'd not want an out of sync game.

3. When using threaded video, there could be audio sync issues resulting from that, which also isnt the fault of "tha sound". But those then mostly should be sync issues not distortion issues.

4. If sound emulation actually was "slow" this could be helped "a bit" by increasing audio latency. The thing is - THIS HARDLY EVER IS THE CASE with pcsxrearmed on the switch. I dont know what worked for you on the PC with that dolphin emulator - but increasing audio latency shouldnt do much in this case. Unless in some case it does, and I look like a propper mug here. Increasing audio latency could be seen as something of an undesired "speedhack" because it is.

5. If you are unable to identify any of those scenarios, dont try to fix that with "but what would you do" and "should I try different app". Thats an insult.


Enable threaded video, try to set the audio driver to switch_thread, and play with frame duping and vsync on and off - are only the first four things to do to get improvements in pcsx rearmed.

If you only take the first of those things (threaded video) and forget about the rest - because you cant follow multi part arguments - that on you as well.

The reason why I am this animated, and would like to hit you in the face, when I see people doing this is, that we've explained this probably 10 times in three days in this thread. And there was still enough place for morons to feeeeel that you had to explain it to them personally - just because they were so special.

Now that some tome has gone by - it might be harder to find those posts. But the idea was, that people would pick up on them, and be able to explain that stuff to others, so some of us dont have to do that for the 20th time. But now the result is, that people read the first bullet point, started replicating it - and forgot about the five others.

Also they are still impossibly daft, when it comes to identifying whats causing issues.

If f.e. it should be the case, that "your PC is too slow to run a game", and you end up complaining to your "fix my PC friend" that you hope the developers will fix the games sound soon, he'll think that you are a proper moron. Keep that in mind.

Of course I don't expect people to be able to find the toggle for the fps display in retroarch, but still. Complaining about "bad sound emulation", when you are not even making sure that your game has a chance at running full speed - is one of those things.

Knowing, that sound will sound distorted, if a game runs at 52 fps, but is supposed to run at 60 is also part of that. Only if you can rule that out, can you complain about "bad sound emulation".

Also you know what fixes slow emulation speed? And lets you use Beetle PSX with 8x the original render resolution? Buy a better PC. Complaining that you'll hope it will be fixed soon? Not on the short list of proper solutions.

Also I wrote the first part before. Probably more elequently than I did right now, and with more thought. Look it up if you want to. I remember putting stuff about frame skipping in there as well.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2018
United Kingdom
Seriously, can anyone help me with this? I'm at my wits end. I tried using epsxe on pc, activating the cheat, saving the game and then renaming that save to an srm save that is compatible with retroarch, and that works, but the game cant actually save anymore for some reason when I do that. The only way seems to be to somehow get the cheat to work on retroarch itself. Which seems impossible.

I'm having a ton of trouble figuring out how to use cheats with the ps1 core. I see a cheats folder on my sd within retroarch, and have tried every method under the sun, but I just cannot get any cheat files of any kind to work. If it matters, I'm trying for Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
Sorry for the delay, here you go guys:

I have a 'cheats' folder on the root of my sd card, you just open Notepad (I use Notepad++) and save as .cht and All Files (dropdown). Make sure to follow the rules on that website.


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
Missinformation city again. :)

Threaded video is not a speedhack, its - threaded processing of the video variety. ;)


is such an incredible display of daftness, that I'd want to punch everyone in the face for asking others in a "so what would you say - makes the sound improved the best" way - if I hadn't done that already in this thread kind of.

I'll do it once more -

1. Its not our fault that you notice a game not running full speed on sound first. If thats the issue, dont blame "tha sound"

2. If a game runs slow, the sound emulation actually can run as fast as it is supposed to, because sound and gameplay are supposed to sync up. So then its not even the sound emulations fault - its just that the game runs slow. The sound emulation probably even could run faster - but you'd not want an out of sync game.

3. When using threaded video, there could be audio sync issues resulting from that, which also isnt the fault of "tha sound". But those then mostly should be sync issues not distortion issues.

4. If sound emulation actually was "slow" this could be helped "a bit" by increasing audio latency. The thing is - THIS HARDLY EVER IS THE CASE with pcsxrearmed on the switch. I dont know what worked for you on the PC with that dolphin emulator - but increasing audio latency shouldnt do much in this case. Unless in some case it does, and I look like a propper mug here. Increasing audio latency could be seen as something of an undesired "speedhack" because it is.

5. If you are unable to identify any of those scenarios, dont try to fix that with "but what would you do" and "should I try different app". Thats an insult.


Enable threaded video, try to set the audio driver to switch_thread, and play with frame duping and vsync on and off - are only the first four things to do to get improvements in pcsx rearmed.

If you only take the first of those things (threaded video) and forget about the rest - because you cant follow multi part arguments - that on you as well.

The reason why I am this animated, and would like to hit you in the face, when I see people doing this is, that we've explained this probably 10 times in three days in this thread. And there was still enough place for morons to feeeeel that you had to explain it to them personally - just because they were so special.

Now that some tome has gone by - it might be harder to find those posts. But the idea was, that people would pick up on them, and be able to explain that stuff to others, so some of us dont have to do that for the 20th time. But now the result is, that people read the first bullet point, started replicating it - and forgot about the five others.

Also they are still impossibly daft, when it comes to identifying whats causing issues.

If f.e. it should be the case, that "your PC is too slow to run a game", and you end up complaining to your "fix my PC friend" that you hope the developers will fix the games sound soon, he'll think that you are a proper moron. Keep that in mind.

Of course I don't expect people to be able to find the toggle for the fps display in retroarch, but still. Complaining about "bad sound emulation", when you are not even making sure that your game has a chance at running full speed - is one of those things.

Knowing, that sound will sound distorted, if a game runs at 52 fps, but is supposed to run at 60 is also part of that. Only if you can rule that out, can you complain about "bad sound emulation".

Also you know what fixes slow emulation speed? And lets you use Beetle PSX with 8x the original render resolution? Buy a better PC. Complaining that you'll hope it will be fixed soon? Not on the short list of proper solutions.

Also I wrote the first part before. Probably more elequently than I did right now, and with more thought. Look it up if you want to. I remember putting stuff about frame skipping in there as well.

Yeah, I said that it was a speedhack only because to explain that and how it works to some people around here who think OC/higher clockspeeds = Automatically better performance. "Speedhack" just gets the point across faster than writing a rant. I save those for shit like, "OMG!!! WHY ISN'T OOT AT FULL SPEED!!! OMG, OOT IS TOTALLY THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME, WHY!!!???"

Believe me, I understand there are technicalities involved in everything emulation, particularly on a portable device. The only time I'd engage in technical talk is if it's with someone who definitely knows what they're talking about.

Also, the sound isn't distorted for me on SOTN, though I haven't played on a TV or with headphones on the Switch to really notice because some people unfortunately don't live close to college. (not that I'd want to do so with the college I go to, but that's besides the point)

Not to mention, wanting to punch people in the face ain't getting you any points. There's a difference between being frustrated and angrier than you should be. Either people will listen or they won't. As you say, it's on them, not you. Ignore the ones who don't want to learn, and try to help those who demonstrate a willingness to do new things and solve problems.

Also, "buying a better PC' helps no one. I could be like that, and that doesn't solve any practical issue. Someone wanting to know where the FPS display option is at? We can easily point it to them. People wanting portable GC emulation? About the best we could say is to go for one of the new SBC solutions that have been coming out lately. Personally don't know how much of the GC/Wii library they'll run, but it's worth a shot. For portable stuff? The GPD WIN 2 is definitely the best option I'm aware of, but again, it's a non-solution.

Again, I'm only recommending solutions that don't turn your Switch into a frying pan, and that are practical the moment. The people who expect demanding 3D games, emulated or not, not optimized to run on ARM64 CPUs don't know what's involved in emulation. I know you probably won't see it that way, and that I'm probably some idiot of whom's "misinformation" is leading to more questions, but then again, you're suggesting that you know what's wrong with my PC, or that my PC hardware is weak like you're some omniscient god, so who am I to speak? I'm just some lowly idiot who's trying to help others with practical solutions who's somehow misinforming people on what things essentially do in functions that they can comprehend and relate to, because they'll totally understand that, even with AMD's Ryzen architecture, the IPC (Instructions Per Core) count is still inferior to that of Intel's CPUs. That being said, AMD's desktop (and probably laptop) CPUs aren't the trash that the FX series were, and are perfectly capable of running every emulator that used to be only reserved for Intel CPUs, and even better in some cases with RPCS3's multi-threaded design.

Also, if you really wanted to punch someone in the face, especially yours truly, know that it'd be recorded, and that I'd have evidence to bury you alive in court!
Last edited by Silent_Gunner,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2018
Yeah, I said that it was a speedhack only because to explain that and how it works to some people around here who think OC/higher clockspeeds = Automatically better performance. "Speedhack" just gets the point across faster than writing a rant. I save those for shit like, "OMG!!! WHY ISN'T OOT AT FULL SPEED!!! OMG, OOT IS TOTALLY THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME, WHY!!!???"

Believe me, I understand there are technicalities involved in everything emulation, particularly on a portable device. The only time I'd engage in technical talk is if it's with someone who definitely knows what they're talking about.

Also, the sound isn't distorted for me on SOTN, though I haven't played on a TV or with headphones on the Switch to really notice because some people unfortunately don't live close to college. (not that I'd want to do so with the college I go to, but that's besides the point)

Not to mention, wanting to punch people in the face ain't getting you any points. There's a difference between being frustrated and angrier than you should be. Either people will listen or they won't. As you say, it's on them, not you. Ignore the ones who don't want to learn, and try to help those who demonstrate a willingness to do new things and solve problems.

Also, "buying a better PC' helps no one. I could be like that, and that doesn't solve any practical issue. Someone wanting to know where the FPS display option is at? We can easily point it to them. People wanting portable GC emulation? About the best we could say is to go for one of the new SBC solutions that have been coming out lately. Personally don't know how much of the GC/Wii library they'll run, but it's worth a shot. For portable stuff? The GPD WIN 2 is definitely the best option I'm aware of, but again, it's a non-solution.

Again, I'm only recommending solutions that don't turn your Switch into a frying pan, and that are practical the moment. The people who expect demanding 3D games, emulated or not, not optimized to run on ARM64 CPUs don't know what's involved in emulation. I know you probably won't see it that way, and that I'm probably some idiot of whom's "misinformation" is leading to more questions, but then again, you're suggesting that you know what's wrong with my PC, or that my PC hardware is weak like you're some omniscient god, so who am I to speak? I'm just some lowly idiot who's trying to help others with practical solutions who's somehow misinforming people on what things essentially do in functions that they can comprehend and relate to, because they'll totally understand that, even with AMD's Ryzen architecture, the IPC (Instructions Per Core) count is still inferior to that of Intel's CPUs. That being said, AMD's desktop (and probably laptop) CPUs aren't the trash that the FX series were, and are perfectly capable of running every emulator that used to be only reserved for Intel CPUs, and even better in some cases with RPCS3's multi-threaded design.

Also, if you really wanted to punch someone in the face, especially yours truly, know that it'd be recorded, and that I'd have evidence to bury you alive in court!

No need for a gpd win2 to play psx with pcsx rearmed in fullspeed ,and even in hd resolution, I have a gpd xd first revision, and I play everything in fullspeed, from gameboy to dreamcast, a gpdxd costs 6 times less than a gpd win2, has a better autonomy short my little darling in 3ds format.

Last edited by KHEOPS,
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Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
No need for a gpd win2 to play psx with pcsx rearmed in fullspeed ,and even in hd resolution, I have a gpd xd first revision, and I play everything in fullspeed, from gameboy to dreamcast, a gpdxd costs 6 times less than a gpd win2, has a better autonomy short my little darling in 3ds format.


What I was referring to was people with unrealistic expectations. You know, the people who think that, because Lakka can run PSP versions of the Ys games that RetroArch for Horizon, or that Gamecube emulation is a practical possibility on the Switch. I am aware of GPD's line of products, but if you were to put me back to work after hypothetically failing college, I'd go for the GPD WIN 2 just because of how much it can play in one device.

Thing is, it's just not as streamlined as what the Switch offers, what with a kickstand (even if it is a shitty one that you need Wolverine's claws to open), easy multiplayer and wireless implementation, and something that's more official than a product that, from what I've heard about the WIN 1, had several revisions and other things not covered by reviewers who usually don't review things in the long term to see how things hold up, any potential long-term issues worth knowing about for such expensive investments, and a lot of other things.

Not to mention, I was responding to Mr. notimp, who seems to be getting triggered over the fact that he has to answer questions a lot of the same questions over and over again. It's probably a good thing he doesn't work retail, because he wouldn't last with that attitude!

hippy dave

Apr 30, 2012
United Kingdom
Not to mention, I was responding to Mr. notimp, who seems to be getting triggered over the fact that he has to answer questions a lot of the same questions over and over again.
Funny thing is, he actually doesn't have to. He's a dickhead to people all day every day like it's his job, but it turns out in reality he's under no contractual obligation to do so. Instead of filling these threads over and over again with the same repetitive, profoundly over-long self-indulgent rants, which are actually much more unpleasant to try and read and have a much more negative impact on this place than the same old noob questions that he's made his own personal futile mission to try and stop, he could just sit back and shut the fuck up and let someone else answer. Who'd have thought?


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
Funny thing is, he actually doesn't have to. He's a dickhead to people all day every day like it's his job, but it turns out in reality he's under no contractual obligation to do so. Instead of filling these threads over and over again with the same repetitive, profoundly over-long self-indulgent rants, which are actually much more unpleasant to try and read and have a much more negative impact on this place than the same old noob questions that he's made his own personal futile mission to try and stop, he could just sit back and shut the fuck up and let someone else answer. Who'd have thought?

Are you sure he isn't an alt of someone else? I know there was some dude who was doing the same thing at least 10 pages ago. I don't know if he got banned or not, but he reminds of that guy. Same broken Engrish and everything, too!

"Noob" questions are just the lifeblood of forums for homebrew like this. It's usually pretty simple to set things up for desktop PC emulators, because the only limit is your hardware; you don't have to worry about cooling, battery life, manufacturing defects, and other limitations that come with console/smaller system homebrew, and there's PLENTY of tutorials, videos, and other guides to do what you want with emulators, especially for Windows. Consoles just work differently, and there's going to be questions, requests for clarifications, and a lot of other problems that those with a full powered PC who don't have to adjust the settings for CS:GO will take for granted because with the power of an i7-8700k, 16GB of DDR3/4 RAM (DDR standard doesn't really matter, but you may as well get the most currently compatible version), and a GTX 1080 that I was LUCKY to get from a local Best Buy during the Great Cryptocurrency Shortage of 2017-2018, you can blow through most games with no problem, probably including the ones that support ray-tracing, a new way to render graphics that's exciting to be sure, but like CDs in the early 90's, will take some time before they become a standard to only get replaced by cartridges with the Switch and microSD cards with more storage than a Blu-Ray (at least, the non-4K BD)!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
No need for a gpd win2 to play psx with pcsx rearmed in fullspeed ,and even in hd resolution, I have a gpd xd first revision, and I play everything in fullspeed, from gameboy to dreamcast, a gpdxd costs 6 times less than a gpd win2, has a better autonomy short my little darling in 3ds format.


Can we have ONE post where you don't mention this gpd win2 piece of crap? This is a switch forum, who cares about the toy your mom bought for Xmas 20 years ago...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2015
i have a problem with my games in retroarch 1.7.5.
Many games showing up after scanning but other games dont. I need them choose manuelly to play and that sucks..

examples are that working with scanning
  • Pokemon Saphir
  • Sword of Mana
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Pokemon Prism
  • and other
and examples from games that dont show up
  • Pokemon Gaia
  • Pokemon Glazed
  • other pokemon games
what can i do?


Aug 12, 2016
Hi. I'm not very good at debugging issues, so I'll just say my problem: I can't get Ape Escape 1 (PSX) to load. I am using the PAL version and have the .sbi file required. It loads in PCSX on desktop as well as pcsx rearmed on another device I own. It simply says "cannot load content". I've got a BIOS and enabled threaded video but don't know what else to do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2018
Frankly, stop being angry for nothing, stop making a drama for nothing, relax.
I'm talking about the gpdxd, because it has a hardware lower than the switch cpu and gpu, and that allows me to have a more serious comparison, than to talk about retroarch on pc, if a psx game works at 60 fps on retroarch android (gpdxd) it will work at 60 fps one day on switch, that's for sure.
Rayman works perfectly on retroarch android, core pcsx rearmed in format pbp, why on switch so many users have a problem with rayman? Multitrack games? I'm looking for the dev to answer that....
FanNintendo, mr bellebitte 2000 ,You have won the prize for high spirits

load the Rayman not Wipeout yo ass u dumb ass !
Go just for you FanNintendo my gift today

Last edited by KHEOPS,

hippy dave

Apr 30, 2012
United Kingdom
Are you sure he isn't an alt of someone else? I know there was some dude who was doing the same thing at least 10 pages ago. I don't know if he got banned or not, but he reminds of that guy. Same broken Engrish and everything, too!
Nah that was almost definitely him too, same account. He's been doing it the whole thread, and not only this thread. Doesn't seem to bother him if the mods delete his posts and say to stop doing it, because he's the one who gets to decide how things should be around here, not the staff.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2018
United States
Well in my case I am still on the 10/07 build cause I play daily and when I changed I noticed problems. Bout to make my other switch a guinea pig for the ozone builds hopefully this weekend. Another thing I was waiting for is oc.

Can we please with sugar on top stop what I would describe as disseratations. Keep posts short and sweet and as helpful as possible. The whole over opinionated and negative thing it’s just getting old. Yes you are getting my Kurt cobain look as I put out a cigarette. I don’t even smoke those.

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