Riot Games faces gender discrimination charges in employee lawsuit


Riot Games, known most for having developed League of Legends, has faced allegations of sexism in the workplace in the past few months, with reports of at least 28 employees describing Riot's workplace as "toxic". The company addressed the complaints by stating that they're working on making for a better working environment for all of its team. These allegations began in August, with the official statement from Riot following nearly a month thereafter. Now, as of November 5th, it appears that two workers, one former and one current, are in the process of suing Riot Games on the grounds of gender-based discrimination through unequal pay, bias, and harassment. Plaintiffs Jessica Negron, an ex-employee, and Melanie McCracken, still employed, are looking to receive compensation for improper treatment during their time at Riot, with the following stories describing their greivances.

Negron's claim is that she was hired onto the company, but once her manager left shortly after her hiring, she was forced to take on all of her superior's duties, but was not promoted to the job title that she was filling in for, or paid more for her extra work. She says that despite asking to be promoted, three other men were hired in succession, who all ended up quitting after a time. When she tried to ask for the promotion to the job, she instead was given the workload of the role, but without the title or pay that it came with.

McCracken states that for the past five years that she has worked for Riot Games, she was also denied promotions, which she ascertains are due to her gender, and not her capabilities. When she felt that Riot's COO had acted inappropriately, she had contacted the HR department, only for the HR worker to break confidentiality, and "leak" her comments to her supervisors. In another supposed incident with her COO, Scott Gelb, McCracken was told by Gelb to "cover up" assorted rumors about his actions at a dance club. After reports had broken about inappropriate behavior at the company, McCracken says the male workers blamed her for it, and she was moved to another building, away from the main team.

After the lawsuit, Riot Games made the following statement:

Riot Games said:
While we do not discuss the details of ongoing litigation, we can say that we take every allegation of this nature seriously and investigate them thoroughly. We remain committed to a deep and comprehensive evolution of our culture to ensure Riot is a place where all Rioters thrive.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
If you sneeze near a woman in 2018 it can be considered harassment.

Don't hire women with dyed hair, tattoos or piercings and you'll reduce lawsuits and shit like this by 4000%
If you can't differentiate harassment from sneezing, it's your problem.
I don't see the relation with dyed hair, tattoos and piercing either, you are totally off topic.
Moreover, this kind of misogynistic opinion has nothing to do on this forum or anywhere else. Go cry elsewhere if you can't figure how to interact with human being from another gender or with different hair, skin, accessories.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I fixed that to common sense for you. ;)
What is the problem with tattoos ? What do you define as unnatural colors ? And what is the problem with piercing too ?
As long as an employee fits its scope of work and works professionally, he can have whatever hair color or tattoos, I don't see any relation with skills or competencies, I don't see the issue.
In fact, discriminating employees or candidates for the above is punishable by law in most of the countries in the world.


Well-Known Member
GBAtemp Patron
Jul 27, 2015
United States
Can't speak for the second one, but the first one sounds like an unfortunately common situation more so than gender discrimination. Just hang out on work-related subreddits long enough and you'll see dozens of similar stories happening to both men and women. It could be that, of course, it just doesn't strike me as that unusual. The second one is less clear-cut. Tales of people being retaliated for whistle-blowing are a dime-a-dozen, but it looks like it could be more directly tied to gender than the first one. Hopefully the lawsuit will shed some light on the truth of the matter. Those are some pretty shitty company practices even disregarding the gender discrimination claims.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
United States
What is the problem with tattoos ? What do you define as unnatural colors ? And what is the problem with piercing too ?
As long as an employee fits its scope of work and works professionally, he can have whatever hair color or tattoos, I don't see any relation with skills or competencies, I don't see the issue.

Unnatural colors is pretty trivial to define--that which does not occur in nature. The rest, the point is that at least in some positions there's a feeling that having "unprofessional" markings or piercings also means you will behave "unprofessional" when it comes to adhering to and arguing about policy. There's also the point that those things are in fact considered generally unprofessional in many locations, so if the person has any public relations be it to a client, a possible lender, etc, it could be perceived as negative to the image of the company. Finally, I imagine that at least in the US the fact that many business people presume other business people are conservative, the result is a desire that everyone else be conservative because of a bias against liberals; one could argue the same about being overly religious being frowned upon.

In fact, discriminating employees or candidates for the above is punishable by law in most of the countries in the world.

And in the US most (if not all) States do allow discrimination based upon appearance except in very narrow scope. Fundamentally that it is legal and tolerated is probably the largest reason it happens, much more than any "sense" that can be argued for it. It happens as early as public schools and continues throughout adult life, with the notion that unless you're a rock star you're required to conform at least on skin deep things or you suffer negative career effects. Right or wrong (I think it's stupid except where it actually matters for safety), that's basically my understanding of it.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
If you can't differentiate harassment from sneezing, it's your problem.
I don't see the relation with dyed hair, tattoos and piercing either, you are totally off topic.

The first was pretty clearly hyperbole or an attempt at humorous exaggeration as there have been some rather eye opening cases of late.
The latter. Go find some video from various US based protests concerned with what are typically deemed left wing issues. You will soon find many screeching loudly with dyed hair, tattoos and piercings, and it is so well observed these days it has become a trope of sorts. If you avoid hiring those sorts of people that find themselves screeching at protests about not a lot or imagined slights then it follows that your life will be easier as you don't have them in your midst -- someone outside the company bringing a lawsuit is harder, someone that is/was inside is easier. You might get some false flags or have to learn more so as to distinguish between them, punks, various "scene" type kids, bikers and certain aspects of computer cultures, or maybe just include questions to figure out the people you are dealing with.

Anyway I have still yet to look up documents for this case. The first claim can be a hard one from what I have seen in the past to bring forth, the latter is not easy either but I have seen more of those end in favourable outcomes for the accusers if you can paint a picture (though of course direct evidence does help immensely).


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2013
United States
I just think it's ironic that a company with such a harsh stance on player toxicity is itself described as having a toxic workplace.
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2017
United States
I mean, the first one was such a bad worker she was given her superior's workload but not its payment. The second one was such a bad worker she is still employed at the company.

First one: a claim you blindly accept as fact
Second one: lol she won't be employed after this is done


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
The first was pretty clearly hyperbole or an attempt at humorous exaggeration as there have been some rather eye opening cases of late.
The latter. Go find some video from various US based protests concerned with what are typically deemed left wing issues. You will soon find many screeching loudly with dyed hair, tattoos and piercings, and it is so well observed these days it has become a trope of sorts. If you avoid hiring those sorts of people that find themselves screeching at protests about not a lot or imagined slights then it follows that your life will be easier as you don't have them in your midst -- someone outside the company bringing a lawsuit is harder, someone that is/was inside is easier. You might get some false flags or have to learn more so as to distinguish between them, punks, various "scene" type kids, bikers and certain aspects of computer cultures, or maybe just include questions to figure out the people you are dealing with.

Anyway I have still yet to look up documents for this case. The first claim can be a hard one from what I have seen in the past to bring forth, the latter is not easy either but I have seen more of those end in favourable outcomes for the accusers if you can paint a picture (though of course direct evidence does help immensely).

This is so biased and full of cliche, it doesn't even make sense in the end.
"You will soon find many screeching loudly with dyed hair, tattoos and piercings, and it is so well observed these days it has become a trope of sorts." WTF is that supposed to mean ? And mostly, what does it have to do with professional people working ? What is the relation with political opinion ? When you go to work, your belief and personal opinion shouldn't matter for the job you do.
So as far as I understand your point of view, you base all your judgement business wise on how people look and on what they do outside business hours ? That's really impairing your ability to have an educated and unbiased opinion in managing your workforce and your company.
No one should suffer discrimination based on their appearance. Period.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2008
Republic of Ireland
If you can't differentiate harassment from sneezing, it's your problem.
I don't see the relation with dyed hair, tattoos and piercing either, you are totally off topic.
Moreover, this kind of misogynistic opinion has nothing to do on this forum or anywhere else. Go cry elsewhere if you can't figure how to interact with human being from another gender or with different hair, skin, accessories.

Umm.. You sound very bigoted. You can't handle that I have an opinion you disagree with and are saying I shouldn't be entitled to it and shouldn't be posting on this board. You seem very intolerant. Bigotry is not ok.
Last edited by Purple_Shyguy,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
This is so biased and full of cliche, it doesn't even make sense in the end.
"You will soon find many screeching loudly with dyed hair, tattoos and piercings, and it is so well observed these days it has become a trope of sorts." WTF is that supposed to mean ? And mostly, what does it have to do with professional people working ? What is the relation with political opinion ? When you go to work, your belief and personal opinion shouldn't matter for the job you do.
So as far as I understand your point of view, you base all your judgement business wise on how people look and on what they do outside business hours ? That's really impairing your ability to have an educated and unbiased opinion in managing your workforce and your company.
No one should suffer discrimination based on their appearance. Period.

It means as I said.
Go find some left leaning protest types, those protests happening in North American colleges, or the left counter protesters to right wing protest types (there are endless hours of footage available of all those if you want) and their typical dress code/appearance is as was described and used as a shorthand here, albeit a shorthand you seem to have problems with.

You could not have got further from my personal point of view actually. I will spare us the personal description of me and my life thus far bit just to avoid another cliche but suffice it to say it would form a strong rebuttal here. Indeed it is not even their appearance that is of concern in and of itself for me -- as long as my customers are not little scared old ladies and you prefer to come dressed as stripper version of a surgically altered lizard princess I don't care as long as you can do the job. I am also happy there are still employers which do care about such things as it means I end up with a nice supply of talented people. It is the mindset that people which dress like those under discussion that I would seek to avoid -- I have had the dubious pleasure this last few years to see some of the things coming out of the mouths of such people and if I thought it really stood a chance of taking over and lasting I would be terrified. The constant victim mentality, the endless bollocks about oppression, the constantly shifting standards/double standards, in many cases the lies, the lack of logic... if you can keep that away from me and my business I will probably pay you handsomely for the service.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Umm.. You sound very bigoted. You can't handle that I have an opinion you disagree with and are saying I shouldn't be entitled to it and shouldn't be posting on this board. You seem very intolerant. Bigotry is not ok.
I totally respected (and still respect) the fact that you have different opinion on this topic. I just explained that you should be able to differentiate harassment from other form of normal interaction with others.
You reductive and ironical statement comparing sneezing to harassment is what is disturbing me. If you consider people with whom you interact as equal, and respect their own self space and consciousness, then there is no reason for you to be worried to be charged of harassment.

It means as I said.
Go find some left leaning protest types, those protests happening in North American colleges, or the left counter protesters to right wing protest types (there are endless hours of footage available of all those if you want) and their typical dress code/appearance is as was described and used as a shorthand here, albeit a shorthand you seem to have problems with.

You could not have got further from my personal point of view actually. I will spare us the personal description of me and my life thus far bit just to avoid another cliche but suffice it to say it would form a strong rebuttal here. Indeed it is not even their appearance that is of concern in and of itself for me -- as long as my customers are not little scared old ladies and you prefer to come dressed as stripper version of a surgically altered lizard princess I don't care as long as you can do the job. I am also happy there are still employers which do care about such things as it means I end up with a nice supply of talented people. It is the mindset that people which dress like those under discussion that I would seek to avoid -- I have had the dubious pleasure this last few years to see some of the things coming out of the mouths of such people and if I thought it really stood a chance of taking over and lasting I would be terrified. The constant victim mentality, the endless bollocks about oppression, the constantly shifting standards/double standards, in many cases the lies, the lack of logic... if you can keep that away from me and my business I will probably pay you handsomely for the service.

I actually perfectly understood your message, even more so with this second one confirming the first.
So you are actually saying that you can find out the political opinion of a person just by looking at how they dress ? You are saying that tattoo and/or piercing and/or different hair color means a certain political bias ? So you just rule out people based on what they look like in your eyes ?
We seem to agree on one point at least: "Indeed it is not even their appearance that is of concern in and of itself for me"
Just trying to emphasize that you cannot make generalities based on the loudest minority.

kevin corms

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
Umm.. You sound very bigoted. You can't handle that I have an opinion you disagree with and are saying I shouldn't be entitled to it and shouldn't be posting on this board. You seem very intolerant. Bigotry is not ok.
Social Justice Warriors are some of the most bigoted people I've ever met. They honestly treat everyone who disagrees with them as enemies.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Social Justice Warriors are some of the most bigoted people I've ever met. They honestly treat everyone who disagrees with them as enemies.
Social justice, or any form of justice is what we shall all seek. Doing otherwise doesn't make you an "enemy".
Tolerating misogyny or discriminating people based on their appearance is not acceptable to my standards, if it is for you, that's entirely your right to have a different opinion.
That's why we are debating, it's ok to to not agree.

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    @SylverReZ, i was already believing that was the reason it was down
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    @Xdqwerty, The response from the page said it had too many connections. So perhaps, flooded traffic?
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    @SylverReZ, it didnt say that for me
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    @Xdqwerty, It only shows that if you do 'View Source', right below that it'll tell you the SQL response query. I feel like a nerd lol.
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    @BigOnYa, she said it only said "too many connections" when you view the source
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    btw gonna try to actually beat touhou 6
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Have fun.
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    @SylverReZ, i recall playing some hard undertale fangames way before playing touhou, like the genocide asgore fangame or the mettaton neo 2.0 one
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    so atleast im already kinda used to bullet hell games
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and yea i played both undertale and deltarune too although those are a piece of cake compared to any touhou game
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    aaaaaaannnnnnd i already lost all my continues
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    cuz of score
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    i think i first should focus more on beating the game rather than obtaining a high score
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
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    Sorry, here ctrl-Z
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    Ctrl u 2 u
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    Damn, that turned my tv channel, you got powers
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    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: The fbi will be knocking on your door soon