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Texas abortion law forced women to carry a dead fetus for 2 weeks

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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
I will back this claim up. I believe that women should be able to have an "abortion " up to the point of birth since they are more knowledgeable about their bodies and their situations than anyone.

"Knowledgeable", no. Just because someone is personally affected doesn't mean they know what is happening. It can be pretty terrifying. Making decisions because one is afraid is a recipe for regret. "Abortion" =/= support. Sometimes the best support for a woman is an abortion, but that's only after consideration and consultation.

Abortions are tragic but so is the lack of social and even medical support for women in the world.

Abortions shouldn't be treated as a shortcut to make up for the lack of social and medical support. Maybe one should address those concerns before putting themselves in the position of needing it?

Do you honestly think a perfect world is a place without pain or desire? If so, then it's probably something you need to address with a therapist who enjoys being alive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
"Knowledgeable", no. Just because someone is personally affected doesn't mean they know what is happening. It can be pretty terrifying. Making decisions because one is afraid is a recipe for regret. "Abortion" =/= support. Sometimes the best support for a woman is an abortion, but that's only after consideration and consultation.

Abortions shouldn't be treated as a shortcut to make up for the lack of social and medical support. Maybe one should address those concerns before putting themselves in the position of needing it?

Do you honestly think a perfect world is a place without pain or desire? If so, then it's probably something you need to address with a therapist who enjoys being alive.

Jebus, you're a conceited asshat. Thank you for mansplaining responsibility to straw-women, oh great and wise Tabzer. Without your guidance, I am sure women would dismiss medical advice outright after reading my rebuttal to ill informed men that didn't address medical consultation outright, a prerequisite to obtaining an abortion.

As for the perfect world bit, you're once again dancing about foolishly in your make believe world and I will kindly request you stop making an ass of yourself presuming you know what the objectively correct ideals should be for anyone. I can't speak about your personal life, but you literally add nothing but condescension and unwanted opinions to these threads while getting swatted down repeatedly by your peers, occasionally copying out of context phrases for your signatures. You are literally a loser troll, so maybe no sane person should ever value your opinion on ideals, psychology, or anything since you are worthless here. Just pointing this out for you since you seem unaware.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
What is the difference between a 9 month old fetus and a 1 day old baby besides physical location?

A 9 month old still inside the womb requires the mother to provide everything it needs. A baby no longer attached to it's mother, as such a 1 day old, most likely does not.

...I can actually hold a conversation without insults.

...I know fake because you respond to me like a little girl.

...Leftists can't recognize jokes and they can't meme. They are completely humorless..

You do know what the word "hypocrite" is, yes?


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Jebus, you're a conceited asshat. Thank you for mansplaining responsibility to straw-women, oh great and wise Tabzer. Without your guidance, I am sure women would dismiss medical advice outright after reading my rebuttal to ill informed men that didn't address medical consultation outright, a prerequisite to obtaining an abortion.

As for the perfect world bit, you're once again dancing about foolishly in your make believe world and I will kindly request you stop making an ass of yourself presuming you know what the objectively correct ideals should be for anyone. I can't speak about your personal life, but you literally add nothing but condescension and unwanted opinions to these threads while getting swatted down repeatedly by your peers, occasionally copying out of context phrases for your signatures. You are literally a loser troll, so maybe no sane person should ever value your opinion on ideals, psychology, or anything since you are worthless here. Just pointing this out for you since you seem unaware.

A wise man once told me that if you are not attractive, then you are worthless.

It seems crude, but if I think about it, it is a great wisdom. One could speak succinct truths, but have their message rejected only because it wasn't appealing.

You might have great intentions, grasshopper, but undermining your message by virtue of being "you", your own ego becomes more important than whatever truth you wish to lead people to. "You" becomes your greatest adversary.

It pains me, greatly, that my mythical genitals hinder you. Be assured that they need not matter to you. Acknowledging that the world does have pain and desire is not "make believe". It is acceptance. To willfully, and with calculation, change the world, you must first accept and understand the world.

I am peerless.

Also, you are welcome.
Last edited by tabzer,
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
A 9 month old still inside the womb requires the mother to provide everything it needs. A baby no longer attached to it's mother, as such a 1 day old, most likely does not.

I remember when I was paying rent at 1 day old.

You do know what the word "hypocrite" is, yes?

It's not hypocritical to be able to do something but not do it. Try using brain if you are going to attempt to come off as witty.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
A 9 month old still inside the womb requires the mother to provide everything it needs. A baby no longer attached to it's mother, as such a 1 day old, most likely does not.
So newborn babies just walk on out and finds a job and buys it's own food? :rofl2:
You do know what the word "hypocrite" is, yes?
You do know what uneducated is, right? Reference your quote above.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
So newborn babies just walk on out and finds a job and buys it's own food? :rofl2:

You do know what uneducated is, right? Reference your quote above.
How much does it take for someone like you to endlessly jump through hoops so you can prance around the most logical answer. So you can try to grandstand to look smart.
Let's look at what syphen said.
A 9 month old still inside the womb requires the mother to provide everything it needs. A baby no longer attached to it's mother, as such a 1 day old, most likely does not

If the fetus is removed from the womb. It dies. Near Immediately. The fetus is dependent biologically. Their organs aren't developed enough to exist outside. Even blood circulation. Hence you know. The umbilical cord.

A baby however, outside of the body. Is not nearly as dependent. Hell it doesn't even need the mother once outside. Someone else can care for them. It is objectively less dependent. It's still incredibly dependent as it can't do much on their own. But not so dependent that if the host dies, they die. If the mother where to die, or and the father died. And someone else found that baby. It would still be alive if found in a timely manor.

The mother dies with a fetus, that's it. The fetus is dead.

Fact I had to explain this is really stupid, and already my daily dose of "did I really need to explain how this works to trader"


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
I remember when I was paying rent at 1 day old.

If your mother was forcing you to pay rent the day you were born, maybe she should've been allowed to abort?

It's not hypocritical to be able to do something but not do it. Try using brain if you are going to attempt to come off as witty.

You're right, however it is hypocritical to constantly try to comment on others resorting to insults when you yourself (not you specifically) consistently begin the insult slinging while trying to maintain this platform of somehow being above the action in which you (again, not you specifically) routinely partake in.

Try using brain to comprehend before commenting back please. Save us both some time and some embarrassment for yourself.

So newborn babies just walk on out and finds a job and buys it's own food? :rofl2:

Literally no one in this forum, except for you right now, has made that statement or otherwise implied any part of it as fact. If you don't have a response, you don't have to respond. Take the L for whatever stupid point you were trying to pontificate and get back on subject.

You do know what uneducated is, right? Reference your quote above.

Yes, I do. I guess I just didn't realize it ran so rampant through the conservative Republican crowd.

I wouldn't know firsthand, do forgive my ignorance. Does it hurt to actively be that stupid, or does extra forehead cushioning come with the helmets they give y'all at the RNCs?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
How much does it take for someone like you to endlessly jump through hoops so you can prance around the most logical answer. So you can try to grandstand to look smart.
Let's look at what syphen said.

If the fetus is removed from the womb. It dies. Near Immediately. The fetus is dependent biologically. Their organs aren't developed enough to exist outside. Even blood circulation. Hence you know. The umbilical cord.
At 9 months I can guarantee that a fetus can live outside of the womb. Have you never heard of premature births?

A baby however, outside of the body. Is not nearly as dependent. Hell it doesn't even need the mother once outside. Someone else can care for them. It is objectively less dependent. It's still incredibly dependent as it can't do much on their own. But not so dependent that if the host dies, they die. If the mother where to die, or and the father died. And someone else found that baby. It would still be alive if found in a timely manor.
A baby still needs around the clock care. The only thing that a baby does that a fetus does not is breathe air. Hell, a toddler can't fend for themselves either.
The mother dies with a fetus, that's it. The fetus is dead.
Once again, a fetus can be pulled from the mother by C-section, especially at 9 months.
Fact I had to explain this is really stupid, and already my daily dose of "did I really need to explain how this works to trader"
The only thing you explained is your lack of knowledge of human development inside the womb. This entire comment feels like one giant troll it is so dumb and lacking in any facts. The entire forum is dumber for reading this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
If your mother was forcing you to pay rent the day you were born, maybe she should've been allowed to abort?
You do know that Roe v Wade was just overturn this year, right. And one can assume that I am older than 4 months old. Your snark is retarded.
You're right, however it is hypocritical to constantly try to comment on others resorting to insults when you yourself (not you specifically) consistently begin the insult slinging while trying to maintain this platform of somehow being above the action in which you (again, not you specifically) routinely partake in.

Try using brain to comprehend before commenting back please. Save us both some time and some embarrassment for yourself.

Literally no one in this forum, except for you right now, has made that statement or otherwise implied any part of it as fact. If you don't have a response, you don't have to respond. Take the L for whatever stupid point you were trying to pontificate and get back on subject.
You said that newborn babies are not reliant on their mothers after they are born and now you are getting roasted by multiple people. Take the L bro.
Yes, I do. I guess I just didn't realize it ran so rampant through the conservative Republican crowd.

I wouldn't know firsthand, do forgive my ignorance. Does it hurt to actively be that stupid, or does extra forehead cushioning come with the helmets they give y'all at the RNCs?
Calling other people stupid when you claim that newborn babies are independent is peak projection. Just admit you said something stupid and move on. Here's a primer on human development in the womb. Watch it as many times as you need to fully understand.



As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
You do know that Roe v Wade was just overturn this year, right. And one can assume that I am older than 4 months old. Your snark is retarded.

But yet here you are getting butthurt over a comment that wasn't even directed toward you.

Are you so desperate for attention that you take on other people's conversations as your own in an attempt to validate your own value?

Roe v Wade being overturned isn't going to stop abortions in the same way banning guns isn't going to stop bad guys from getting guns. You're bringing in other points of contention to detract from the fact you have nothing viable to debate.

Are there any other dumbass one liners you wanna spit out to prove relevance or are you going to whine about putting people on your ignore list some more, as if we're all so violently worried about that retaliation.


You said that newborn babies are not reliant on their mothers after they are born and now you are getting roasted by multiple people. Take the L bro.

No, what I said was:

A 9 month old still inside the womb requires the mother to provide everything it needs. A baby no longer attached to it's mother, as such a 1 day old, most likely does not.

... So maybe you should learn to read a little before trying to put on some big boy pants and playing with the adults.

Calling other people stupid when you claim that newborn babies are independent is peak projection. Just admit you said something stupid and move on. Here's a primer on human development in the womb. Watch it as many times as you need to fully understand.

I have a feeling you have no idea what projecting actually means, you just saw it on Facebook or Tumblr and decided to regurgitate it to make yourself sound smart.

Read the quote again. Read the actual post. Again.

I never said newborns were independent. I said:

A 9 month old still inside the womb requires the mother to provide everything it needs. A baby no longer attached to it's mother, as such a 1 day old, most likely does not.

... And have yet to hear any roasts by any other forum member except for the pathetic attempt you've tried, yet again, to put words in my mouth because you, yet again, have run out of arguments.

Please God, reply back with some insults so we can go back to the cycle of you being a hypocrite and me calling you out because God I look forward to this bi weekly anger management session.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
But yet here you are getting butthurt over a comment that wasn't even directed toward you.

Are you so desperate for attention that you take on other people's conversations as your own in an attempt to validate your own value?
You do know that the purpose of a forum is that anybody can respond to anybody, right? You do know of this concept, I hope.
Roe v Wade being overturned isn't going to stop abortions in the same way banning guns isn't going to stop bad guys from getting guns. You're bringing in other points of contention to detract from the fact you have nothing viable to debate.

Are there any other dumbass one liners you wanna spit out to prove relevance or are you going to whine about putting people on your ignore list some more, as if we're all so violently worried about that retaliation.


No, what I said was:

... So maybe you should learn to read a little before trying to put on some big boy pants and playing with the adults.
You act like I'm the only one that called you out. It's a dumb sentence and you're too dumb to take the L.
I have a feeling you have no idea what projecting actually means, you just saw it on Facebook or Tumblr and decided to regurgitate it to make yourself sound smart.

Read the quote again. Read the actual post. Again.

I never said newborns were independent. I said:
What do you think not requiring the mother means? Are you really this dense or are you just trolling?
... And have yet to hear any roasts by any other forum member except for the pathetic attempt you've tried, yet again, to put words in my mouth because you, yet again, have run out of arguments.

Please God, reply back with some insults so we can go back to the cycle of you being a hypocrite and me calling you out because God I look forward to this bi weekly anger management session.
The funny part is you think I'm mad. Why would I be mad when you are the one who is wrong? A newborn baby actually needs more care than a 9 month old fetus does. If you were a parent, you'd know this.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
The funny part is you think I'm mad. Why would I be mad when you are the one who is wrong? A newborn baby actually needs more care than a 9 month old fetus does. If you were a parent, you'd know this.

Funny, if you were a woman (or the least bit empathic) you would know that a fetus is very taxing and demanding of a body's resources. I feel sorry for your wife. Being married to a forum debate masochist without a shred of kindness or intelligence must be tough.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
it is hypocritical to constantly try to comment on others resorting to insults when you yourself (not you specifically) consistently begin the insult slinging while trying to maintain this platform of somehow being above the action in which you (again, not you specifically) routinely partake in.

If that's how you really feel, then you should have led with that. I know it doesn't have as much bite, but maybe you should sacrifice the drama for the sake of accuracy. From what I have seen, @TraderPatTX is capable of having a conversation that doesn't become an edge contest. You are too.

If your mother was forcing you to pay rent the day you were born, maybe she should've been allowed to abort?

That's a whiff. Your comment insinuates that a baby stops being dependent when it is born. Another clumsy attempt at snark. Please stop embarrassing everyone.

Being married to a forum debate masochist without a shred of kindness or intelligence must be tough.

That's coming from a place of empathy for your guy, right?
Last edited by tabzer,
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As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
You do know that the purpose of a forum is that anybody can respond to anybody, right? You do know of this concept, I hope.

Yes but when you personally take the hit meant for someone else, that's something you need to talk to a therapist about, because that's not a forum issue, that's a mommy not loving you as much issue.

You act like I'm the only one that called you out. It's a dumb sentence and you're too dumb to take the L.

You are, and you didn't even call anyone out. Nothing I said was wrong, but here we are duking it out because you lack basic reading comprehension.

What do you think not requiring the mother means? Are you really this dense or are you just trolling?

What do you think "most likely does not" means? A newborn baby most likely does not need to have all of it's requirements met by the host mother. Have you never been around babies before?

The funny part is you think I'm mad. Why would I be mad when you are the one who is wrong? A newborn baby actually needs more care than a 9 month old fetus does. If you were a parent, you'd know this.

No one thinks you're mad. Just a moron.

A newborn baby needs care, but after it's born it no longer needs it's mother as other options for survival become viable.

I'm really having a hard time understanding how you can't grasp basic concepts.

If that's how you really feel, then you should have led with that. I know it doesn't have as much bite, but maybe you should sacrifice the drama for the sake of accuracy. From what I have seen, @TraderPatTX is capable of having a conversation that doesn't become an edge contest. You are too.

I did lead with that. Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it isn't as credible or that i have to leverage any part of my argument for your benefit. As Trader pointed out, this is a public forum so anyone can reply to anyone, but if you don't understand something you don't have to debate it either.

What drama comes with pointing out hypocrisy comes from he who is pointed out. You can call it drama all you want, but how accurate of a stance can one take on anything when their platform is constantly wavering on a faulty foundation?

Maybe instead of focusing on my pointing out of hypocrisy, you should spend some time understanding why people with that trait don't make good debators.

That's a whiff. Your comment insinuates that a baby stops being dependent when it is born. Another clumsy attempt at snark. Please stop embarrassing everyone.

How? Was it when I said the baby was less likely to need to have all of it's requirements met by it's mother? Meaning it can survive from other means?

If you can't read, just say so. Between you two I don't understand how either one manages to operate a computer well enough to make it this to the forum, much less formulate enough drivel to type out.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
I did lead with that

Nah. I had to drag that out of you.

How? Was it when I said the baby was less likely to need to have all of it's requirements met by it's mother? Meaning it can survive from other means?

You said that a baby "most likely" stops having all of its needs provided for by the mother.

Maybe you survived without a mother. So far, most mothers take care of the majority (if not all) of a baby's needs after it is born.

You going to toss a baby out in the wild and hope it becomes Tarzan?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Funny, if you were a woman (or the least bit empathic) you would know that a fetus is very taxing and demanding of a body's resources. I feel sorry for your wife. Being married to a forum debate masochist without a shred of kindness or intelligence must be tough.
I was the one who was caring for my wife during her pregnancies. Cooking meals, taking care of the older kids, driving her to doctors appointments, helping her out of bed, drawing warm baths for her. I feel sorry for you and all of your cats, but mostly your cats.

So in your opinion, what is the difference between a 9 month old fetus and a 1 day old baby. This question was originally asked of you, but for some reason, you never answered it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Yes but when you personally take the hit meant for someone else, that's something you need to talk to a therapist about, because that's not a forum issue, that's a mommy not loving you as much issue.
This doesn't even make sense.
You are, and you didn't even call anyone out. Nothing I said was wrong, but here we are duking it out because you lack basic reading comprehension.

What do you think "most likely does not" means? A newborn baby most likely does not need to have all of it's requirements met by the host mother. Have you never been around babies before?

No one thinks you're mad. Just a moron.

A newborn baby needs care, but after it's born it no longer needs it's mother as other options for survival become viable.
Please describe the needs that a baby can provide on it's own. I would love to hear what you come up with.
I'm really having a hard time understanding how you can't grasp basic concepts.
You could have stopped at "I'm really having a hard time understanding" and it still would have made sense.
I did lead with that. Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it isn't as credible or that i have to leverage any part of my argument for your benefit. As Trader pointed out, this is a public forum so anyone can reply to anyone, but if you don't understand something you don't have to debate it either.
If multiple people are not understanding what you wrote, the problem is not everybody else.
What drama comes with pointing out hypocrisy comes from he who is pointed out. You can call it drama all you want, but how accurate of a stance can one take on anything when their platform is constantly wavering on a faulty foundation?

Maybe instead of focusing on my pointing out of hypocrisy, you should spend some time understanding why people with that trait don't make good debators.
You want to point out hypocrisy, but you don't want people to focus on it. Why point it out in the first place?
How? Was it when I said the baby was less likely to need to have all of it's requirements met by it's mother? Meaning it can survive from other means?

If you can't read, just say so. Between you two I don't understand how either one manages to operate a computer well enough to make it this to the forum, much less formulate enough drivel to type out.
Fun fact, I'm a Cisco certified network engineer with 25+ years experience. I guarantee that I can operate a computer better than you. Know your audience before you look the fool when you attempt to insult them.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Nah. I had to drag that out of you.

No, you had to dissect it because you couldn't understand it and now that it's laid upon the table you want to imply that my argument was convoluted in order to discredit my position.

Try again bud.

You said that a baby "most likely" stops having all of its needs provided for by the mother.

Maybe you survived without a mother. So far, most mothers take care of the majority (if not all) of a baby's needs after it is born.

You going to toss a baby out in the wild and hope it becomes Tarzan?

Or. The father could provide the needs. A guardian. A sibling. Random strangers.

Originally the question was about the difference between a late term fetus and a newborn infant aside from location. I've answered the question and anything you and Trader have referred to in reply to this specific question has all been deflection because the point has been argued and settled and you want to throw tantrums instead of spurring actual debate.

Try again. Harder and with some effort this time.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
This doesn't even make sense.

That's from your lack of education, not my lack of presentation.

Please describe the needs that a baby can provide on it's own. I would love to hear what you come up with.

Considering I never said the baby could survive completely on it's own, I'm not sure why you keep hammering this point.

If multiple people are not understanding what you wrote, the problem is not everybody else.

So far the only one not understanding is you. Tabzer is more concerned with deconstructing arguments than he is actually putting forth a point.

You want to point out hypocrisy, but you don't want people to focus on it. Why point it out in the first place?

No, I don't like to use hypocrisy as a debate point. Stick with your ideals or disregard your own opinion.

Fun fact, I'm a Cisco certified network engineer with 25+ years experience. I guarantee that I can operate a computer better than you. Know your audience before you look the fool when you attempt to insult them.

Oh boy, sounds like someone wants an award.

Question. How should one go about "knowing their audience" in an anonymous online forum riddled with people that know how to use DDoS attacks and such? Don't pretend to be this high and mighty tech wizard with a sense of morality when you continuously show your disregard for women, minorities, gays, the poor, and pretty much anyone that isn't a white conservative Republican male. That isn't a RINO, whatever tf that is. You're a child, through and through, who regurgitates whatever they see in their online Republican echo chamber as fact and throws tantrums whenever they get proven wrong.

Wouldn't you be happier with the rest of your like minded ilk on Truth Social?
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    @BakerMan I bet your mom found out you watching those kind of vids on your 3ds again, and put a limit on you.
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    first of all, i don't watch those kinds of videos, and if i did i'd pull a verbalase 50k but with wizards and wario
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    second of all, i don't even have a 3ds
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    mmm, sounds good
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    Its not a brownie, and its not a cake, so what is it- Texas sheet cake.
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  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    also i'm sorry your molten lava cakes failed
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    just looked up a pic of texas sheet cake, and it looks delicious
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    i think i might need to try making lava cakes for the 4th of july fr
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    I used butter instead of vegetable oil, and think that's why they squirted out during baking, who knows
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    yeah i think oil is the right call
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    plus if you're making brownies or lava cakes for people with dairy allergies, you should use oil instead of butter anyway
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    @BakerMan Make me a space cake plz
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    I make rum cake for 4th July every year, I make it a week prior and then soak it in rum in the fridge all week. I flip the cake each day, and add little more rum, it soaks it up everyday, so good.
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    sorry, idk what you mean by a space cake, and even if i did, i'm not really taking requests right now, because otherwise people will get mad at me for taking a request but not making a birthday cake for @Xdqwerty (i'm sorry for that btw bro)
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    @BakerMan lies, you just want to smoke it

    ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21: @BakerMan lies, you just want to smoke it :rofl2: