"Upgrading" to a 360


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
United States
Wow, been a while. Don't know why I haven't been to gbatemp in so long... I see there have been quite a few upgrades! (WARNING: this is gonna be a long entry, I have a long story to share)

Unfortunately, looks like I won't be around much anymore, at least for the Nintendo side of the site. I'm selling my Wii and moving to an Xbox 360!

My old roommate had a friend who wanted to sell his barely used Xbox 360. I normally wouldn't have considered this, but then he offered the price.

$120 US.

3 controllers, headset, free month of Live (two months, counting the month they gave me with my new account
), hard drive, Halo 3, CoD4, everything. He let me borrow it for a couple days to test it out, and it doesn't have RROD or overheating issues or anything!

Other reasons I decided to buy it are that my friends are mostly on Live only, and I never play my Wii anymore, even though I have it softmodded and can sample any game I wish before deciding to purchase them.

Even with the softmodded Wii, though, I never really found any addicting Wii games other than Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy, to name a couple. I purchased those, but there haven't been any truly epic games for years, especially not multiplayer games. The 360, on the other hand, has had many epic games, both multiplayer and singleplayer.

So, I'll put a poster on my dorm door to sell my modded Wii for $150, and sell my retail Wii games for $10 each.

This probably doesn't seem like a big deal to most of you, but I've been a stubborn Nintendo fanboy my entire life! NES to SNES to N64 to GameCube to Wii, nothing but Nintendo!

Then the Gamecube came out. It had quite a few good games, to be sure, but most didn't match the epicness of most of the N64 library, like the breakthrough 3D of Ocarina of Time or Starfox 64 back in their day. The Xbox and PS2 had internet built in, and were focusing on multiplayer more and more. I got a taste of this at my middle school friend's house, where we played Star Wars Battlefront, Halo 1, and Tribes. Not to mention there were quite a few good singleplayer/splitscreen games. Those were the days!

Unfortunately, we didn't have internet back then, so I didn't see the point in getting the Xbox or PS2. That and my mom would've flipped a lid if she saw the games I played at my friend's house (she's wicked religious XD )

then the 360 came out, and eventually the Wii and PS3. The 360 looked awesome (until RROD appeared), the Wii had potential (which was never lived up to, imo), and the PS3 was... expensive... My friends and I never even considered the PS3 when it came out, seeing as how it was so expensive, which we thought also meant fewer game developers since there were so few PS3 owners back then.

My friend that I played PS2 and Xbox with got a 360, and I eventually saved up and got a Wii, being the Nintendo fanboy. Over the years, I began to see shovelware pile up on the Wii, with hardly any good games, unless they were straight from Nintendo or some other big name developer. The 360, on the other hand, kept getting games like Oblivion IV, GTAIV, Halo 3, the CoD games, etc. Wii had CoD, and now Modern Warfare, but they all feel chopped down and half baked to me.

Now, five years after the 360 was released, and 10 years since the original Xbox, I finally own a console that doesn't say "Nintendo" on it.

I'm not looking forward to paying for Live, but on the other hand Live has been a lot smoother and more user friendly than Nintendo Wi-Fi and the Shop channel. I love how many games there are that you can just download to your hard drive, including demos, and the ability to customize your menus and everything.

Also, no lag or anything during multiplayer, even though I'm using my laptop as a wireless bridge! With my Wii, with freaking built-in wifi, games like The Conduit lag no matter what.

Ah, well, it's been awesome being a Nintendo fanboy. I'll probably sell the Wii after I beat Other M... I've been waiting for that game for too long to sell my Wii just days from release o_o

Deleted User

I see you've perfected your avatar and everything. It really is a nice system, especially for those without a gaming PC. I say Xbox Live Gold is definitely worth it as long as you don't buy it directly from Microsoft ($49.99 for 12 month vs Amazon's $39.99).

Also, Halo 3 sucks - don't play it


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
The perfect scenario here really is to have both if you can! One softmodded emulator king Wii console standing proud next to a 360, plugged in to a nice big telly = knockout gaming rig! I just don't have the spare time to do it justice lol!
If that's not an option, well you've had plenty time with your Wii, and probably played the best game the machine will ever have imo (Galaxy 2), so a change is always nice! Who knows, maybe you'll go back to Nintendo when the next console arrives ehh.... One thing that annoys me about certain ex Ninty fans that 'jump ship' is the fact that Nintendo suddenly become some childish shovelware producers overnight and these lads start constantly slagging them off.... I'm sure you'll not be like that from the sounds of things! Enjoy your vacation then!

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Saying it's awesome to be a fanboy of anything is just an oxymoron. Fanboys are close minded, pigheaded fools who care too much about brand loyalty to acknowledge good games when they're out there. Most of the time their hate is misguided and uninformed, just whatever talking points circulate over the web. Oh, the Xbox 360 has a major hardware flaw? Let's ride that point mercilessly to say the Xbox is a terrible console, even though we're ignoring it's entire game library and other features!

But yeah, the Xbox 360 is a good console. I had a Wii for quite a few years until I finally decided to get a HD console and I don't regret it. My Wii doesn't get much rotation any more but I still use it once in a blue moon. I'll probably be booting it up when the flood of games comes this holiday.

Maybe I'm just more of a single player guy but I don't recommend CoD or Halo for multiplayer. They're addictive as hell but not terribly fun. Just a lot of screaming and anger and kids complaining about how it's "not realistic" or "lacks balance". Left 4 Dead 2 is probably my go-to multiplayer game, although Red Dead Redemption works well too.

For the single player side of things I suggest Fallout 3 (Broken Steel DLC is a must but all the other ones are good enough) and Oblivion (GotY edition is really cheap used nowadays) for starters. Fallout 3 is probably more accessible but Oblivion is more "pen and paper" RPG and can grow on you given time. Both games can easily last you hundreds of hours if you're one to go for achievements and do side quests and what not. Mass Effect 1 and 2 should be on every Xbox owner's shelf, both games are absolutely spectacular. Don't buy the second one without the having played and beaten the first though. There's a lot of other fun single player games but unfortunately you usually play them once or twice and don't touch them much.

Other suggestions include Borderlands (awesome FPS/RPG hybrid with lots of loot collecting), Left 4 Dead (the first one is still worth a purchase, even with the second one), Saint's Row 2 (it's really cheap nowadays and it's quite fun), and a few others not coming to mind.


See ya suckers
Oct 15, 2008
Soviet Slyakin
United States
Meh, the 360 in my house is neglected like hell. I hate the damn thing.

Paying for online is probably the worst thing, but it also only has scratchy disks, no wi-fi (100 bucks? Fuck no.), and you have to buy a "Gold" membership. The 360 is a bunch of shit. I don't know what made me buy one. Also, FPSs galore. Is there NO variety?[/rant]

[fanboy]My Wii on the other hand...[/fanboy]

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Slyakin said:
Meh, the 360 in my house is neglected like hell. I hate the damn thing.

Paying for online is probably the worst thing, but it also only has scratchy disks, no wi-fi (100 bucks? Fuck no.), and you have to buy a "Gold" membership. The 360 is a bunch of shit. I don't know what made me buy one. Also, FPSs galore. Is there NO variety?[/rant]

Paying $8 a month is far from "the worst thing". $15 a month for WoW is considered normal but $8 for Xbox Live is "outrageous". I don't get it.

Scratched discs are only for retards. Any sensible person would put their Xbox away from where foot traffic is. As long as you don't move or kick your system while it's playing you'll be fine. My brother has had his Xbox for years and not a single disc got a scratch.

Wi-Fi is retarded but I got an adapter for about $50. Or just buy a new Xbox with built in WiFi.

FPS galore? You're joking me, right? I have about 15 Xbox 360 games and the only "big" FPS game I have is Halo 3, which I touched once and has been collecting dust since. My sig right now with my recent line up of played games has one FPS game. That's not even a standard FPS, that's Left 4 Dead 2. It's got a good collection of games unless you're too stupid to dig deep enough.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Guildy your idea of fanboys is pretty much off.
Fanboyism is just a broad sweeping title for people who enthusiastic about something.
\/ moar details in teh spoiler
They could be total blind morons flinging their money at something because it used to be good, but too strongly embeded into the series to ever see anyone, including themselves, say something bad about it.
Or they could simply REALLY like something FOR A REASON. Shit, i'll openly admit to being a Tales fanboy. But I don't blindly dryhump every game in the series, I can easily admit Tales of the World 1 is complete crap. Among other things.
Fanboyism isn't truly a terrible thing, it's just the fanboy in question that could be terrible themselves.

XBL gold costs around $4 a month. If you buy a year of live, it costs like $50 and includes an EXTRA MONTH with it.
The online system for the 360 is pretty much 100% better and more user friendly. More people play online on a 360 as well, despite it being a pay2use system. You see, most people who own a 360 aren't homeless morons who can't manage to scrape $50 a year to buy XBL.
Even 12 year olds can earn $50 a month.

The population isn't that bad either. There ARE a lot of kids playing, but usually it's like 1 person per 10. They're just loud as fuck. But, mute functions were invented to silence squeakers, so it's a shit complaint.

360 has a ton of FPS, but it still, like Guild said, has a ton of variety.

Plus the playstation controller doesn't have shit on the 360 one, except for fighting games that aren't SoulCalibur.

Oh and unless you intend to buy a fuckton of PS1 games, the XBL market is a lot better too.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Hells Malice said:
XBL gold costs around $4 a month. If you buy a month year of live, it costs like $50 and includes an EXTRA MONTH with it.

Lol, figured I'd just make a quick fix for ya

My idea of fanboys is a few things. First is that through popularity they've become loyal to a brand, believing whatever comes out of that particular brand is good, whilst also believing competing brands are garbage. Then there's those who become deep rooted into a series when it was good and will buy whatever comes from it (see Final Fantasy). Then there's those who are such "hardcore fans" of a series they only believe that it was good back in the day and complain about everything from the series currently (see Sonic). Fanboys vary from person to person.

As per Tales, they also don't shit out shit games most of the time. I'll admit I do like Tales games because most of the time they're pretty good. Other times we get Tales of the World or Tales of Symphonia: DotNW that are just really "ugh".


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
United States
LOL Guild, something tells me you like L4D *looks at sig*

I'm not really "jumping ship" on Nintendo. I still have my DSi, which I use every night to listen to music, and play if there's nothing to do at work or during a boring seminar

I have a computer repair business that I run out of my dorm room which got a lot of attention last semester. Now I know how to repair most 360 RRODs and softmod Wiis, so if I add those to my ad I'll probably get more business. Maybe this'll mean I won't have to sell the Wii?

Somebody gave me a RROD 360 before this one for free, so I did a lot of research and experimenting on how to fix it. Unfortunately I discovered it had a fried motherboard, not a loose processor or anything, which meant I had to junk it

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
chrisman01 said:
I have a computer repair business that I run out of my dorm room which got a lot of attention last semester. Now I know how to repair most 360 RRODs and softmod Wiis, so if I add those to my ad I'll probably get more business. Maybe this'll mean I won't have to sell the Wii?

Somebody gave me a RROD 360 before this one for free, so I did a lot of research and experimenting on how to fix it. Unfortunately I discovered it had a fried motherboard, not a loose processor or anything, which meant I had to junk it

Odds are you'll get a lot of hate for offering Wii modding at a price, that's generally looked down upon here at least (although it's no different then repairing/upgrading a computer software wise with pirated software for a price). Fixing RRoDs though is pretty profitable, especially since a bunch of college kids should probably have Xbox's.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
Guild McCommunist said:
Slyakin said:
Meh, the 360 in my house is neglected like hell. I hate the damn thing.

Paying for online is probably the worst thing, but it also only has scratchy disks, no wi-fi (100 bucks? Fuck no.), and you have to buy a "Gold" membership. The 360 is a bunch of shit. I don't know what made me buy one. Also, FPSs galore. Is there NO variety?[/rant]

Paying $8 a month is far from "the worst thing". $15 a month for WoW is considered normal but $8 for Xbox Live is "outrageous". I don't get it.

Reason for this is simple. Most people who object to the price, object to it on the basis it's p2p. You pay Microsoft to host on your connection or play on someone else's, something that costs them nothing. There's also the fact that live seems to be a two tiered system, USA and rest of the world. USA gets most of the good stuff, everyone else gets the scraps.

I've never really seen anyone claim it's simply too expensive and if it was cheaper they'd get it, most seem to just object to paying to play online or object to paying for p2p.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Guild McCommunist said:
Hells Malice said:
XBL gold costs around $4 a month. If you buy a month year of live, it costs like $50 and includes an EXTRA MONTH with it.

Lol, figured I'd just make a quick fix for ya

My idea of fanboys is a few things. First is that through popularity they've become loyal to a brand, believing whatever comes out of that particular brand is good, whilst also believing competing brands are garbage. Then there's those who become deep rooted into a series when it was good and will buy whatever comes from it (see Final Fantasy). Then there's those who are such "hardcore fans" of a series they only believe that it was good back in the day and complain about everything from the series currently (see Sonic). Fanboys vary from person to person.

As per Tales, they also don't shit out shit games most of the time. I'll admit I do like Tales games because most of the time they're pretty good. Other times we get Tales of the World or Tales of Symphonia: DotNW that are just really "ugh".

I damn well knew a typo was hiding in my post! Couldn't find the bastard.
The properly spelt ones are the hardest to find *squinty stare*

I see where you're coming from with the fanboy thing though, most people certainly make it seem like a terribly bad thing. Buuut, like racial profiling you need to be careful because it IS a broad term, lol.
Also DotNW isn't bad story wise. Just, everything else felt really half assed or incomplete.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
United States
I believe it's selling the programs that's looked down upon, but you may be right.

I know quite a few people around here that shouldn't be around technology at all, but they love messing around with their computers. (Thus my repair business did so well last year xD) I can see them trying to mod a Wii now... *fire alarm goes off*

"Wha- Why were you soldering to SOFTmod a Wii?!" "Um... 'Soft'mod?"

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    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
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    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
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    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
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    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
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