Video Game Characters Solve the Oil Spill Crisis


ヽ( 。 ヮ゚)ノ
Apr 10, 2010
Somewhere near monkat
United States
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->There are almost 500 Pokémon in the world, and that's a lot. With so many unique and varied pocket monsters out there, it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff and determine which creatures are the best. Of course, if you're smart and hip with the kids like I am, then you already know the answer. In fact, the answer was in the very first Pokémon games ever made.

Obviously, Ekans is the best Pokémon.

Ekans is absolute. I cannot stop thinking about Ekans. Some of you might think that this is a ridiculous forced meme that is being beaten into the ground, but it's more than that. I believe in Ekans, and I want you to believe as well. If you do not agree that Ekans is the best Pokémon, I will prove it to you, right here and right now. I need you to understand what I am saying here.


<b>Ekans is Snake backwards:</b>

Ekans blows your mind every time you hear its name. Did you know that Ekans is Snake backwards? Of course you didn't, but once you discover it, it's like cracking the Da Vinci Code. In fact, I'm fairly certain that Ekans is part of some secret Holy conspiracy. It's just that great. Ekans is a puzzle within a conundrum within another puzzle, its name a portal into another world. How many other Pokemon have a name that shares genetic similarities with a Pink Floyd album? If that last sentence didn't make sense, you're not thinking about it hard enough. Or thinking about it too hard.

The very word Ekans is a restructuring of the way we view the world. You won't perceive reality in the same way once you come to accept the truth that Ekans is Snake backwards. In fact, some never come out of the other side intact, as the weak-minded become insane once they comprehend the secret behind Ekans' name. In Vietnam, soldiers would torture prisoners of war by spelling Ekans' name backwards, giving their enemies a glimpse of something so inconceivable that it shatters their frail psyches.

Ekans is Snake backwards? Who knew? How long was this happening, right under our very noses, before we stumbled blindly upon the truth like newborn babes attempting to understand the empty vastness of the universe? I am still on medication since first working out that Ekans is Snake backwards. I may never recover.

And that is amazing.

<b>Ekans is purple:</b>

Purple is the best color, and is it a coincidence that Ekans is purple? Evidently not! Ekans is the color of win, and his coloring puts him in the same league as many other wonderful things that are also purple. For instance, Prince, the man who invented funk, is famous for the color. The Purple Heart, that medal they give to old people for some reason, the rock band Deep Purple, and of course, Grimace from McDonalds, all share the trait, and are all brilliant things.

It is a good color, and it goes really well with yellow, which Ekans also has. Very few Pokémon have such wonderful color co-ordination, which distinguishes Ekans as a most excellent and stylish Pokémon that looks good no matter what the occasion.

<b>Jessie from Team Rocket has an Ekans:</b>

Jessie from Team Rocket uses an Ekans, which is proof positive that it is the best Pokémon since I want to have sex with Jessie from Team Rocket. She has massive norks sticking out the front of her and wears really short skirts even when it's cold which means she knows she is sexy and is showing off because she is a minx. There are these sites you can go to where you can see Jessie with her wobblers out and sometimes she is getting one right up her. I don't like the ones where she is having sex with Meowth but if you squint a bit you can pretend Meowth is not there and still manage to knock one out.

There is one where Ekans is sticking its tail up her and that is very sexy and not weird at all even though I definitely didn't touch myself while looking at it. The very fact that Ekans could be used as a makeshift dildo like that in the first place is yet more evidence of the Pokémon's brilliant versatility. It's not only a cool pocket monster, it's an indispensable household tool as well!

<b>Ekans is a Poison Pokemon:</b>

Poison Pokémon are the best ones. Koffing, Muk, Seviper, the list of top-notch poisoners are too numerous to name. They are considered one of the superior defensive Pokémon types in the game because of their type resistances and ability to inflict status ailments. Put short, a Poison Pokémon will fuck up your day and they'll be more than justified in doing so.

Ekans is a proud member of this noble type, making it a required addition to any Pokémon trainer serious about his work. I can't imagine there are any Poison Pokémon better than Ekans, since Poison Pokémon are among the best, this basically means that Ekans is the strongest Pokémon in the entire game. I have reached this conclusion using logic, and if you try to argue with me on it, you'll look like an idiot. Just ask any journalist that's tried to make me look bad and undermine my opinions. They'll tell you what that did for their careers.

So, don't try to argue me on this. Ekans is a Legendary Pokémon and that's the end of that.

<b>This picture:</b>
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<b>Ekans evolves into Arbok:</b>

Arbok is an absolutely fantastic Pokémon. It's a giant purple cobra and doesn't afraid of anything. It also shouts "CHARBOK" in the cartoon in a really funny voice and that makes me laugh incredibly loudly whenever I think about, even if I'm at a funeral which really upset my Aunt Gladys. My stupid Aunt didn't understand it when I explained that I was thinking of Arbok though, which is probably why her husband killed himself in the first place!

Now, I know what you're thinking. If Arbok is so great, and Ekans is great because it can turn into one, why isn't this article about Arbok instead, and why am I so hung up on Ekans when clearly Arbok is sounding like the better deal? That's very simple. Ekans is great because it allows you to become Arbok. Arbok isn't Arbok on its own. It needs an Ekans. Meanwhile, an Ekans does not need anything. It is just Ekans.

If that's not a good enough explanation for you, then it is because of good reasons. That is why Ekans is so great.

<b>Ekans has the best fan site in the world:</b>

I am clearly not alone in my assessment of Ekans. Just check out this <a href="" target="_blank">amazing fan site</a>, full of facts and trivia about everybody's favorite Pokemon. You get to learn fun facts, like Ekans being 2 meters long and weigh 6.9 kilograms. All the cool kids hang out there, because Ekans is the best Pokémon. Obviously.

<b>Ekans eats Pidgeys:</b>

Really, who likes Pidgey? Stupid, bland, weak, worthless bird Pokémon that gets in your way on all the early routes in the games and never buggers off. Pidgeys are a waste of space, and they fact they bother Pokémon trainers so much is evidence that the population needs trimming down. Ekans does us all a favor by eating this rubbish bird Pokémon and keeping them out of our hair. If anything, Ekans deserves a medal for what it does, but it would not accept such an honor because it is humble and honorable.

Stupid Pidgey eggs get owned by Ekans on a daily basis, which is more than can be said of any other animal. Pidgey is a shit name, as well. It's Yegdip backwards. What the Hell does Yegdip even mean? Just what the Hell was Nintendo even thinking with that? It sounds a bit like egg dip but even if it was egg dip I don't think egg dip is a real thing! I hope Ekans eats every Egg Dip in the world.

Stupid Egg Dips.


Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans.

Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans.

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->In case you've been living with Buddhist monks in the mountains of China for the past few months, there's a clusterf*ck down in the Gulf of Mexico involving an underwater oil well erupting and polluting the water. Experts are having difficulties stopping it, but never fear, celebrities like John Cusack and Oprah are working around the clock in a secret underground base to save us all. Even James "I'm King Of the World" Cameron has an idea -- he suggests fixing the problem by stuffing a few billion dollars he got from Avatar DVD sales into it, then pray to the Tree of Souls and wait for the rhinos charge the evil oil tycoons and their army of oil mechs. Anyway, it's a long story, so just click here if you've been out of the loop. Everyone else, read on.

Since everyone seems to have an idea on how to stop the massive leak, I figured, why not ask a few video game celebrities if they would like to throw in their two cents?

Kirby's Plan

I'll go underneath the ocean, put my mouth over it, and suck in the rest of the oil. I'll then lap up the rest of oil in the Gulf, as well as the oil that's covering the animals. Once I've got all the oil I'll go over to King Dedede's palace and won't that fucker be surprised. Meta Knight will then come at me, but I'll swallow some of the oil and spit globs of it at him. Not so badass when you're covered in dinosaur sludge, are you?

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Kratos' Plan

I'll start out by taking a fleet of ships with a thousand men into the Gulf. I shall then descend into the heart of darkness itself, killing any oil soaked fish demons who get in my way. There is a chance I may find the dreaded Black Oil Humpback whale, but do not be afraid -- by using the head of Medusa I can turn them to stone and break them easily. Once I reach the dreaded gusher of Hades himself, I shall trap it in Pandora's box and unleash it upon those responsible. No longer shall the ocean be stained with black sludge. It shall instead run red with the blood of those who have defiled her, and the blood of the cursed ducks and baby seals I had to slaughter. Alas, I shall not find peace. Therefore I will drown in the blood ocean myself, so that the memories of my family's death will cease to haunt me.

Also, at some point I have a threesome with two Florida University student volunteers.

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Mario's Plan

I'm-a thinking I can-a use some Goomba carcasses to fill up the opening. Then me and-a Yoshi can swallow all the animals and-a shit them out clean, providing they-a don't suffocate. Then I-a take a break -- union-a rules. I use-a annoying talking water cooler to clean ocean of-a sludge, and then kill-a all the squids who be-a polluting water. Peach can stand-a by on shore and pick some of those-a freaky turnips with faces we can eat afterward. And-a Luigi can... uhhh... play-a second player. Also, this-a gonna cost you twenty hundred red coins, plus extra for the-a rubber bands, gum, and-a paper clips I used.

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Ekans' Plan

[Note: Please use Google translation to read this part of the post. Pokémon is located between Arabic and Gopher.]

Ekans Ekans, Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans-- Ekans Ekans -- Ekans Ekans. Ekans, Ekans Ekans Ekans, Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. EkansEkans Ekans. Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans: Ekans, Ekans Ekans, Ekans Ekans, Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans, Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. EkansEkans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans, Ekans, Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans.

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Wrex's Plan

We Krogan live for hundreds of years, so I've seen hundreds of spills in my life and a few of them were oil. I can't swim, but I could jump into the ocean and sink to the bottom. Then I can eat all of the animals, I don't mind if they're covered in oil, that just makes them slip down the throat easier. In fact, whenever I eat an Asari, I like to put a little oil all over her body and then lick up the excess so that she gets nice and tender. Oh, wait, that sounds dirty, sorry. Anyway, I might be able to plug up the leak with some Drell. Hey, Thane, you got a sec?

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Dr. Gordon Freeman's Plan

I could whack it with this crowbar. Or maybe I could use the Zero G something, something Gun? Oh, I know, we could... Awww who am I kidding. I'm not a scientist, I'm a fraud. I got this degree online, oh God Lamarr hold me!

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Bobby Kotick's Plan

If BP buys three thousand Guitar Hero game/controller packs (Guitar Hero games now ranging from only $59.99 to $60!) they can use them to plug the hole. However, there will be a monthly subscription required for continual use, about $15 a month. We can then station modern soldiers to guard the oil well, that too will cost $15 a month, plus a few dollars to keep the soldiers alive. Remember, Activision supports our men and women in uniform. Hey, Mike, how much food do our brave defenders of freedom need to survive? That much, huh? OK then, cut that in half and tell the senators to have them out tomorrow. Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, let's build a Tony Hawk skate park so the poor animals and volunteers have a place to hang out and relax. There will be a $20 entrance fee, plus $10 for the optional exit fee. So what do you say? How about we sign the contract now.
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>


Sep 23, 2008
Why would you care?
Uuuuuh......I like ekans the most =D Ekans Ekans, Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans-- Ekans Ekans -- Ekans Ekans. Ekans, Ekans Ekans Ekans, Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. EkansEkans Ekans. Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans: Ekans, Ekans Ekans, Ekans Ekans, Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans, Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. EkansEkans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans, Ekans, Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans. Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans Ekans.

Overlord Nadrian

Jul 28, 2008
Haha, that's pretty cool.

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