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Weight Loss Is Positive, Being Overweight Isn't - One Man's Amazing Comeback


Kid Icarus Uprising connoiseur
Aug 29, 2010
Somewhere in this Earth
Harvard would like to have a word with you. Genetics aren't the entire picture. But they still influence a fuck ton (what I'm saying is your missing the entire picture). I am not saying calories have no role, because they do. But genetics arguably have a larger factor.
I am not saying that Genetics do not have a factor. Thyroid glands are one of the exemples.I just don’t think that it is a valid excuse for not losing weight.


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
If you go to a poor neighbourhood your chances of being able to find more than processed salty fat laden crap in shops there is hard, and poorer areas tend also to mean lesser profits
While I agree with this statement about poverty stricken areas having less access to fresh produce, there are still workarounds to find better sources of food than processed junk food. I'm sure they can find access to rice/oats/grains/etc. They could even start a little community garden in an open lot or even grow plants on their window ledge. Just don't load up on junk food to keep you from getting fat and control how much you eat while exercising to stay healthy.

Now if you ascribe to the world view that leads to the reparations nonsense you could plausibly blame racism.
I don't think you could "plausibly" blame racism in this case as you'd still be blaming something else for your problems. Thinking that another race is keeping you fat because slaves from 150 years ago didn't get their 40 acres and a mule is not what I'd consider "plausible".
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Your friendly neighborhood idiot
Sep 29, 2016
United States
I was always confused by all the "stop fat-shaming, that's just who they are" hub-bub. I know that shunning someone because of their weight isn't okay, but sometimes tough love (from a loved one) is what you need to have a long and healthy life. Proud of this guy and what he accomplished


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
While I agree with this statement about poverty stricken areas having less access to fresh produce, there are still workarounds to find better sources of food than processed junk food. I'm sure they can find access to rice/oats/grains/etc. They could even start a little community garden in an open lot or even grow plants on their window ledge. Just don't load up on junk food to keep you from getting fat and control how much you eat while exercising to stay healthy.

I don't think you could "plausibly" blame racism in this case as you'd still be blaming something else for your problems. Thinking that another race is keeping you fat because slaves from 150 years ago didn't get their 40 acres and a mule is not what I'd consider "plausible".
Hence the nonsense part of the quote and the part following. If you do have a generational deficit though (processed crap came in in a big way during the 70s really, so if a generation is going to be 20 something years...) then while a community self directed effort would be wonderful to see then pragmatically (or if you prefer see what most intelligence outfits and foreign aid outfits spend 90% of their time doing -- happy people don't rebel and all that) some outside intervention to correct for said deficits yield quicker and better results.

Similarly there are alternatives but it is hard and requires some education, and even the baseline stuff I have seen from US schools for decades now is laughable in its inadequacy (it almost makes the abstinence only courses look effective in comparison). Also probably requires a culture too (the sugar, fast food, drive through and convenience culture making things hard here, to say nothing of the favoured meats -- I love steak as much as anybody but plain muscle meat does not have what you need compared to organs and connective tissues, yet trying to get most people there to eat even something as cheap, tasty and easy to prepare as liver...), or going another way I have spent protracted periods in the US, I can cook, I know the science and I practice both in my everyday life (I have the time anyway but I will also make it regardless) but I found it a challenge there, and this was mostly in richer food producing areas for that matter.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2008
The Netherlands
I was always confused by all the "stop fat-shaming, that's just who they are" hub-bub. I know that shunning someone because of their weight isn't okay, but sometimes tough love (from a loved one) is what you need to have a long and healthy life. Proud of this guy and what he accomplished

You're totally right. I never even thought about the fact that I'm fat. But now that someone has said something, I will magicly start losing weight. *sarcasm*

If fat shaming worked, nobody would be fat. Fat shaming however has a lot of negative side effects. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-018-1116-5

Stop judging somebodies health. Why should you care anyway about the health of a stranger? Why care if someone is fat?

There is more judgement on fat people than there is on people who drink alcohol and smoke. I guess that is because losing weight makes some organisations rich, but drinking and smoking less loses organisations money.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
You're totally right. I never even thought about the fact that I'm fat. But now that someone has said something, I will magicly start losing weight. *sarcasm*

If fat shaming worked, nobody would be fat. Fat shaming however has a lot of negative side effects. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-018-1116-5

Stop judging somebodies health. Why should you care anyway about the health of a stranger? Why care if someone is fat?

There is more judgement on fat people than there is on people who drink alcohol and smoke. I guess that is because losing weight makes some organisations rich, but drinking and smoking less loses organisations money.

It might not work in some cases but does that mean it is a net negative? Any psychiatrist will tell you different approaches work for different people. I can well see some people react negatively to being called out for being fat but there are others that will use that as the cue to do something about it. Now whether it should be the default concept is a different matter entirely.

Strangers? Do it or don't. My friends, (potential) employees, family members if you care about such a concept and other such things is a different matter entirely as their actions impact mine.

Is there more judgement? Opinions on smoking among the young these days are interesting, also is that drinking alcohol to excess or just drinking?


Your friendly neighborhood idiot
Sep 29, 2016
United States
You're totally right. I never even thought about the fact that I'm fat. But now that someone has said something, I will magicly start losing weight. *sarcasm*

If fat shaming worked, nobody would be fat. Fat shaming however has a lot of negative side effects. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-018-1116-5

Stop judging somebodies health. Why should you care anyway about the health of a stranger? Why care if someone is fat?

There is more judgement on fat people than there is on people who drink alcohol and smoke. I guess that is because losing weight makes some organisations rich, but drinking and smoking less loses organisations money.
If I was fat and I didn't want to do something about it, and somebody told me I was fat, it would be the perfect rude awakening to push me in the right direction. I didn't even say strangers should be the people saying it, nor did I say fat-shaming was the solution. There is a difference between "You've gained a lot of weight" and "You're worthless you fat pile of crap". Please read my post next time.

Why can't we just be happy for this guy?


Active Member
Dec 27, 2008
The Netherlands
If I was fat and I didn't want to do something about it, and somebody told me I was fat, it would be the perfect rude awakening to push me in the right direction. I didn't even say strangers should be the people saying it, nor did I say fat-shaming was the solution. There is a difference between "You've gained a lot of weight" and "You're worthless you fat pile of crap". Please read my post next time.

Let me rephrase that: just stop judging people on weight. Weight says 0 about a person. Gaining, losing... just say nothing.

I've not talked to a fat person, who wasn't aware of the fact that they're fat. Every fat person has had many 'perfect rude awakenings' from everybody around them. If a person who weights +150kg would lose weight every time somebody commented on their weight, they would end somewhere in the negative thousands.

Why can't we just be happy for this guy?

I'm happy for this guy that he reached his goals. The reason I dislike the article is because it plays to all stereotypes when it comes to fat people.

And not to be negative, but a lot of people who lose weight, also regain it within 5 years. Simply because our biology goes into protective mode.
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Active Member
Jun 19, 2015
United States
There's a huge number of factors that contribute to obesity. Genetics, medicinal side effects, illnesses, diet, motivation, psychological, social/societal issues, etc. My father was an extremely fit and athletic man. About 40 years ago, he had thyroid issues and had surgery for it. After the surgery, he continued to maintain the same diet and same level of exercise, but he gained a ton of weight. This was before my time, and my father died a little over a year ago, so I can't ask him more, but that just shows there's far more in play than just eating too much. I will admit I'm definitely way overweight. I'm sure it's 99% my fault and 1% factors out of my control. I've lost about 40 pounds just playing Beat Saber and watching what I eat a little more closely. Also, @billapong, I'm definitely a liberal/left leaning democrat. That has absolutely nothing to do with an article about weight loss. Stop bringing politics into everything you post.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
So what about the 10% of women in the world that have PCOS which a side effect of it is uncontrollable weight gain? Is it their fault they were born with something that makes them heavier than women that don't have it? Is it their fault that scientific studies state its upto 4 times harder for someone with PCOS to lose weight?

So it effects 1 in 10 of women that can bare children? After a quick search it seems that managing your weight while having this condition (which goes away with age) is quite possible with the correct diet an exercise. It seems there's some specific stuff you should and shouldn't eat. I wonder how Atkins would effect these people? Regardless, if you have PCOS it seems you just have to work a little harder to control your weight, but it's not impossible. The same thing can be applied to people with slow metabolisms; they just have to eat less and work out more. PCOS doesn't prevent you from losing weight and it doesn't make you obese as long as you're managing it correctly. Searches produced hundreds of results of how to manage your weight successfully while having PCOS.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

While I am not going to cry racism there is something to that.

If you go to a poor neighbourhood your chances of being able to find more than processed salty fat laden crap in shops there is hard

There's one thing about available healthy foods and not being able to afford them. If healthy food is far away and you don't have a car then get a cart and start walking. If you're on food stamps then I could understand not being able to purchase healthy foods, which means you will need to get as healthy as you can and then work out more to adjust to your calorie intake. If you can afford fast food which is hella more expensive then fresh food then you simply need to adjust your life style. Can't cook? Learn.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I was always confused by all the "stop fat-shaming, that's just who they are" hub-bub. I know that shunning someone because of their weight isn't okay, but sometimes tough love (from a loved one) is what you need to have a long and healthy life. Proud of this guy and what he accomplished

Well, it's one thing to walk up to a random stranger and insult them over their weight and another to simply talk to someone about their weight and the negative impact it's having on themselves and others. The Left wants you to think that saying anything that could be perceived negative or could hurt someones feeling is fat shaming, thus wrong. Well, it's not. I have talked to some friends and family and told them they are getting fat, don't look as good and it's hurting them in various ways. Not all of them took it that well, but my intentions weren't to simply talk shit.

You can't just sugar coat everything. Not only is sugarcoating dishonest, but it doesn't do the person who you're addressing any good. Sure, they might feel better in the short term, but in the long term, if you're trying to not die early or have all sorts of problems that are caused by being obese, is what matters. Plus, people are too worried about how they feel as regards to actual outcomes. The last time I checked you're going to feel much better if you drop the fat, get out more, have a daily exercise routine and get off of any unnecessary medications that you were on because of being obese (like blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetic, depression, anxiety, etc...).

It's like people on this forum that see me talking negatively about the Left in this instance and think "troll". Well, my motivations are to open peoples eyes. If I were a troll I'd be posting 5 word replies with links to youtube videos (I think two of the forum users who've had their posts deleted in this thread by harassing others are prime examples of actual trolls). I'm not trolling, but I can understand how people that are going around trying to justify being fat would take offense to me telling other people that it's not justified and they are being lied to.
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Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
it seems the usual straw man arguments are popping up, nobody is saying it should be acceptable to just walk up to a random person on the street and shout "your a big fat lazy smelly piece of crap who needs to loose some weight or die" this is one of the most common purposeful mis-interpretations i see when it comes to these debates, just don't expect people to smile as you take up half their seat on an airplane, or not have an adverse reaction if you stink of sweat when you walk past them

its one thing to choose to not do something about your extra weight its another thing to demand everyone pretends the side effects dont exist, if a skinny person was rubbing up against me on a plane i would equally not be happy and ask them to stop, but when its a larger person you get all the little violins out about fat shaming

look if you have a genuine health condition its one thing, but at this point people seem to be grasping at " X exists and causes Y, so ALL Y must be considered X", nope i know a few larger people and a couple of them jumped on the its my "metabolism", its not my fault, yet its painfully obvious to everyone that knows them they are simply over eating and not doing any exercise
Last edited by gamesquest1,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
There's a huge number of factors that contribute to obesity. Genetics, medicinal side effects, illnesses, diet, motivation, psychological, social/societal issues, etc. My father was an extremely fit and athletic man. About 40 years ago, he had thyroid issues and had surgery for it. After the surgery, he continued to maintain the same diet and same level of exercise, but he gained a ton of weight. This was before my time, and my father died a little over a year ago, so I can't ask him more, but that just shows there's far more in play than just eating too much. I will admit I'm definitely way overweight. I'm sure it's 99% my fault and 1% factors out of my control. I've lost about 40 pounds just playing Beat Saber and watching what I eat a little more closely. Also, @billapong, I'm definitely a liberal/left leaning democrat. That has absolutely nothing to do with an article about weight loss. Stop bringing politics into everything you post.

I'm glad you realized that even though there are some factors out of your control that you took steps to work harder to deal with your weight. Not everyone on the Left is lazy and doesn't eat right, but I bring up the Left media because their agenda includes telling people it's okay to be fat and there's nothing they can do about it. There's a hell of a lot of fat ass Republicans, but the Right side of the media isn't trying to justify the fact their reader ship is obese. These types (being obese is okay) of news articles are frequently posted on various Left leaning sites all of the time.

It's not solely about politics, but when you have such a large volume of lies being told by the Leftist media it's something that needs to be called out and the light shone on. I think that no one should be trying to justify being obese for the general population. The obesity epidemic is a new thing. It's not like everyone's genetic makeup suddenly shifted in the last 30 years. Back then you'd walk into a grocery store and 1 out of 50 people would be obese, now it's 1 out of 50 that aren't. That's not a result of genetics gone awry. I agree with you there's lot of contributing factors, but obesity, for 99% of people is a curable disease.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

You're totally right. I never even thought about the fact that I'm fat. But now that someone has said something, I will magicly start losing weight. *sarcasm*

If fat shaming worked, nobody would be fat. Fat shaming however has a lot of negative side effects. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-018-1116-5

Stop judging somebodies health. Why should you care anyway about the health of a stranger? Why care if someone is fat?

There is more judgement on fat people than there is on people who drink alcohol and smoke. I guess that is because losing weight makes some organisations rich, but drinking and smoking less loses organisations money.

I think there's a constructive way to address people and their weight and unlike the Left says doing so isn't shaming. You do realize though that according to the intolerant left that tobacco shaming is okay (which is funny, because marijuana is worse on the lunges then tobacco, but it's okay to smoke it). I'm not trying to deviate into a drug legalization debate, just pointing out that the Left has no problem shaming people in certain cases. Personally, if there's something wrong I would want someone to let me know and if someone tells me I need to lose weight because I'm obese (which, I'm not) I'd simply thank them for doing so.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
There's one thing about available healthy foods and not being able to afford them. If healthy food is far away and you don't have a car then get a cart and start walking. If you're on food stamps then I could understand not being able to purchase healthy foods, which means you will need to get as healthy as you can and then work out more to adjust to your calorie intake. If you can afford fast food which is hella more expensive then fresh food then you simply need to adjust your life style. Can't cook? Learn.

As far as learning to cook then... we have had libraries for longer than most have been alive and my encyclopedias from the 1930s and such are fascinating tomes. Despite that people from those times and more recently are still not massively learned despite every opportunity. This is to say you have to beat learning into people.

As for fast food vs fresh with fresh being cheaper. Not in the US it isn't. Burger and chips there from a basic fast food place if you make use of the offers is comparable if not cheaper than a basic stir fry, and a box of hamburger helper easier to grab and sort than doing things properly. If you can stump up the cash to buy in bulk that gets a bit easier but you still have to think quite hard about it, and put the effort into preserving things.

"get a cart and start walking"
That might be easier said than done. Last year I was in surburban western Washington state and had no car at the time so went walking. In the UK I live in a village of maybe 50 people with no shops and also no car at this point, I also have a large dog I put serious distance on (if you want miles then every time I leave the door it is going to be 5, possibly cross country at points, and frequently around 10, pretty much every day and often twice at that which is to say I am no stranger to distance, and often come back with fairly heavy stuff I find or get when out). In the US it was hard going to get to even a basic QFC, and if I wanted something better like a Safeway then I noted it by the time I got back, much of which there was no pavement/sidewalk for. It has been a bit longer since I went to the other states but repeating the experiment in my head for those then about the same problem in those too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
Let me rephrase that: just stop judging people on weight. Weight says 0 about a person. Gaining, losing... just say nothing.

I've not talked to a fat person, who wasn't aware of the fact that they're fat. Every fat person has had many 'perfect rude awakenings' from everybody around them. If a person who weights +150kg would lose weight every time somebody commented on their weight, they would end somewhere in the negative thousands.

I'm happy for this guy that he reached his goals. The reason I dislike the article is because it plays to all stereotypes when it comes to fat people.

And not to be negative, but a lot of people who lose weight, also regain it within 5 years. Simply because our biology goes into protective mode.

Using science for excuses is simply just making excuses. It's indeed harder to keep weight off then it is to initially lose it, which is why it's a life time thing that you are constantly working at. There's no magic pill. It's a lifetime commitment. As you get older it gets harder and so does everything else.


Your friendly neighborhood idiot
Sep 29, 2016
United States
So it effects 1 in 10 of women that can bare children? After a quick search it seems that managing your weight while having this condition (which goes away with age) is quite possible with the correct diet an exercise. It seems there's some specific stuff you should and shouldn't eat. I wonder how Atkins would effect these people? Regardless, if you have PCOS it seems you just have to work a little harder to control your weight, but it's not impossible. The same thing can be applied to people with slow metabolisms; they just have to eat less and work out more. PCOS doesn't prevent you from losing weight and it doesn't make you obese as long as you're managing it correctly. Searches produced hundreds of results of how to manage your weight successfully while having PCOS.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

There's one thing about available healthy foods and not being able to afford them. If healthy food is far away and you don't have a car then get a cart and start walking. If you're on food stamps then I could understand not being able to purchase healthy foods, which means you will need to get as healthy as you can and then work out more to adjust to your calorie intake. If you can afford fast food which is hella more expensive then fresh food then you simply need to adjust your life style. Can't cook? Learn.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Well, it's one thing to walk up to a random stranger and insult them over their weight and another to simply talk to someone about their weight and the negative impact it's having on themselves and others. The Left wants you to think that saying anything that could be perceived negative or could hurt someones feeling is fat shaming, thus wrong. Well, it's not. I have talked to some friends and family and told them they are getting fat, don't look as good and it's hurting them in various ways. Not all of them took it that well, but my intentions weren't to simply talk shit.

You can't just sugar coat everything. Not only is sugarcoating dishonest, but it doesn't do the person who you're addressing any good. Sure, they might feel better in the short term, but in the long term, if you're trying to not die early or have all sorts of problems that are caused by being obese, is what matters. Plus, people are too worried about how they feel as regards to actual outcomes. The last time I checked you're going to feel much better if you drop the fat, get out more, have a daily exercise routine and get off of any unnecessary medications that you were on because of being obese (like blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetic, depression, anxiety, etc...).

It's like people on this forum that see me talking negatively about the Left in this instance and think "troll". Well, my motivations are to open peoples eyes. If I were a troll I'd be posting 5 word replies with links to youtube videos (I think two of the forum users who've had their posts deleted in this thread by harassing others are prime examples of actual trolls). I'm not trolling, but I can understand how people that are going around trying to justify being fat would take offense to me telling other people that it's not justified and they are being lied to.
You're absolutely right. I was listening to Ben Shapiro the other day (I know that depending on who I talk to, quoting Ben Shapiro either makes me lose all credibility or enforces it. Either way I don't care), and he said that people need to learn how to open up to conversation instead of just spouting opinions. I'm guilty of just talking to talk, so I can see how important this is. It doesn't matter if you're right or left. If you're not willing to have discussion, and evaluate what is being told to you, you've gotta step back and ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
As far as learning to cook then... we have had libraries for longer than most have been alive and my encyclopedias from the 1930s and such are fascinating tomes. Despite that people from those times and more recently are still not massively learned despite every opportunity. This is to say you have to beat learning into people.

As for fast food vs fresh with fresh being cheaper. Not in the US it isn't. Burger and chips there from a basic fast food place if you make use of the offers is comparable if not cheaper than a basic stir fry, and a box of hamburger helper easier to grab and sort than doing things properly. If you can stump up the cash to buy in bulk that gets a bit easier but you still have to think quite hard about it, and put the effort into preserving things.

"get a cart and start walking"
That might be easier said than done. Last year I was in surburban western Washington state and had no car at the time so went walking. In the UK I live in a village of maybe 50 people with no shops and also no car at this point, I also have a large dog I put serious distance on (if you want miles then every time I leave the door it is going to be 5, possibly cross country at points, and frequently around 10, pretty much every day and often twice at that which is to say I am no stranger to distance, and often come back with fairly heavy stuff I find or get when out). In the US it was hard going to get to even a basic QFC, and if I wanted something better like a Safeway then I noted it by the time I got back, much of which there was no pavement/sidewalk for. It has been a bit longer since I went to the other states but repeating the experiment in my head for those then about the same problem in those too.

There's no debate. A single fast food meal is around $7 - $15 in most states. It's much more expensive to eat fast food then it is to purchase healthy food and cook it. If you're eating out at even the cheapest places (McDonalds, Burger King, In And Out) you're still spending a lot more than it would cost you to buy and make your own food. Fast food is more expensive than buying your own food, but buying your own healthy food is more expensive then buying cheap processed foods. Fast food is the most expensive solution to eating, plus it's not healthy.

The entire "get a cart" thing wasn't supposed to be taken literally. It meant to get off your ass and find a way. I grew up in a town that was a good 30 miles from a grocery store, but my mother had a garden and we traded food with neighbors who also had gardens. And I'll tell you that fruit and vegetables that you grow yourself are a lot better quality then what you will find in the super market, plus they cost a lot less. Basically, if there's a will there's a way. Unless you're in a wheelchair, don't own a car, can't take care of yourself and live off of food stamps there's little to no excuse why you can't go buy your own food and cook it. Though, I agree, that it's about impossible to eat healthy off of $200 of food stamps per month and I think that people should be given at least enough to eat healthy, especially if the Government is telling them to do so.

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You're absolutely right. I was listening to Ben Shapiro the other day (I know that depending on who I talk to, quoting Ben Shapiro either makes me lose all credibility or enforces it. Either way I don't care), and he said that people need to learn how to open up to conversation instead of just spouting opinions. I'm guilty of just talking to talk, so I can see how important this is. It doesn't matter if you're right or left. If you're not willing to have discussion, and evaluate what is being told to you, you've gotta step back and ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish.

I've never heard of Ben Shapiro, but I generally don't listen to talk show hosts (I like pure news and like interpreting it myself, talk shows are just entertainment, they aren't news). If anything I'm posting because (1) I'd like people to realize that losing weight is healthy and completely under their own control (2) It's not good to be pushing fat acceptance on people. If the Left gets a bad image due to this than that's just a side effect of pushing a bad agenda on people. If the Right was trying to justify being obese I'd have zero issue stating they were doing so.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
There's no debate. A single fast food meal is around $7 - $15 in most states. It's much more expensive to eat fast food then it is to purchase healthy food and cook it. If you're eating out at even the cheapest places (McDonalds, Burger King, In And Out) you're still spending a lot more than it would cost you to buy and make your own food. Fast food is more expensive than buying your own food, but buying your own healthy food is more expensive then buying cheap processed foods. Fast food is the most expensive solution to eating, plus it's not healthy.

The entire "get a cart" thing wasn't supposed to be taken literally. It meant to get off your ass and find a way. I grew up in a town that was a good 30 miles from a grocery store, but my mother had a garden and we traded food with neighbors who also had gardens. And I'll tell you that fruit and vegetables that you grow yourself are a lot better quality then what you will find in the super market, plus they cost a lot less. Basically, if there's a will there's a way. Unless you're in a wheelchair, don't own a car, can't take care of yourself and live off of food stamps there's little to no excuse why you can't go buy your own food and cook it. Though, I agree, that it's about impossible to eat healthy off of $200 of food stamps per month and I think that people should be given at least enough to eat healthy, especially if the Government is telling them to do so.

A fast food meal as you or I might order it as either a treat or team easy night but doing the properly economising approach (or, worse, family meal approach) and it gets comparable or less.

As far as gardens go then assuming you have one (most new houses these days I could fall out the back door and faceplant into the fence, or shake hands with my neighbour from) they make great supplementation but as any kind of sustainment then that gets far more involved and requirements shoot up. Don't know if I ever saw any kind of allotment setup in the US.

I agree it is possible but I seriously doubt it will happen at all organically, and you would also likely be going up against some fairly vested interests too.

There's no magic pill.

There are but the side effects make it difficult in the longer term, and there certainly could be one in the future (and not just crazy future nanotech even or active resistance clothing).

As far as "I've not talked to a fat person, who wasn't aware of the fact that they're fat."
I have, many occasions even. You get someone that has a change in lifestyle (active to sedentary job), injury that prevents them from doing sports, breakup, bout of depression, some kind of poor diet enabler... and the gradual addition of weight or loss of health can really sneak up on them, even more so if they weren't in that great a condition to begin with.

Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
Avoid carbs and sugars, (carbs = sugar with an extra step) you need some carbs but I found I could cut like 90% of the carbs out of my diet and not even flinch....

If I do sneak a fry or tot in these days it's literally like 4-5 of them not a large order anymore.

If I eat bread I try my best to make sure it's some sort of whole wheat or multi grain thing. (best not to eat bread at all but if you must avoid white bread.)

Probably lost like 60 pounds over the past year or so, nothing extreme but I feel better and find walking like 2 miles a day for my job a lot easier lol

I say probably because I don't weigh myself, I don't use that metric to how I feel about myself.

No junk foods, no soda, try to avoid diet stuff... It's just bad for you. Eat veggies and meats, if you do eat something crappy try to eat less of it than you normally would. It's not magic, it just requires some will power and saying "I will do this." say what your going to do then do what you say.

One thing I noticed since ridding my diet of most sugar (I do cheat and eat a fun sized candy bar here and there.) is that I don't eat until I am full anymore. I eat until I am satisfied... Sounds almost the same but it is not.

Edit: Also another pro tip, is to really study the ingredients of the stuff you buy at the store... Holy hell there is 20 ways to label sugar and that's just the tip of the ice berg lol

Edit 2: Google everything you put in your mouth, if you do not expressly understand an ingredient look it up. Knowledge is power!
Last edited by Psionic Roshambo,


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
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Dec 27, 2008
The Netherlands
Using science for excuses is simply just making excuses. It's indeed harder to keep weight off then it is to initially lose it, which is why it's a life time thing that you are constantly working at. There's no magic pill. It's a lifetime commitment. As you get older it gets harder and so does everything else.

"Using science for excuses is simply just making excuses. It's indeed harder to keep not fall back down quickly to earth after jumping, which is why it's a life time thing that you are constantly working at. There's no magic pill. It's a lifetime commitment."

This will be my last post in this topic. If all you have is your opinion, but can't back it up with validated reliable research, what is there to discuss.

As for left and right, please note that the world is larger than the USA. I can imagine it's quite difficult, but left-right is not the same all over the world. And political opinion should never be an excuse for scientific ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
"Using science for excuses is simply just making excuses. It's indeed harder to keep not fall back down quickly to earth after jumping, which is why it's a life time thing that you are constantly working at. There's no magic pill. It's a lifetime commitment."

This will be my last post in this topic. If all you have is your opinion, but can't back it up with validated reliable research, what is there to discuss.

As for left and right, please note that the world is larger than the USA. I can imagine it's quite difficult, but left-right is not the same all over the world. And political opinion should never be an excuse for scientific ignorance.

Fire is hot. How do I know? I touched it. I don't need a PHD or require a scientific explanation in order to know something is real or not. It's not like science has all of the answers anyway. I don't cling to science like the Bible nor do I need to jump to use it to justify obesity, because that's what you're using it for, so in this case you're using science in a bad fashion.

Plus, the research may or may not be valid, but it's use is clear. It's being used to make excuses. There's no excuse for being obese. I don't personally depend too much on science when it changes like the seasons. Eggs were bad, now they aren't. Fat was evil and now it's good. Not to mention how science has been used in dire predictions on how the world is going to end with a new date being set each year. I'm not saying the science is flawed, but what we know now might make change down the road and the way the science is being presented and used is flawed as there's no excuse. It's common knowledge that it's harder to keep weight off then it is to lose it. I don't need a scientist to dig deep into why to know that's just how things are. It's also common knowledge that when you age it also gets harder. I don't need to know why the fire is hot when I know that if you touch the fire it's going to be hot. Plus, the reason why would eventually change anyway. In the meantime people should be focused on losing weight instead of making excuses why they can't.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Quite clearly says here and on every other website I have checked that PCOS is a life long condition and the symptoms do not go away with age.


Yeah, you're right. You can possible get it during your childbearing years and it doesn't go away. Regardless, with a proper diet and exercise it's completely manageable. Having PCOS might contribute to obesity, but it's not an excuse. It just means you need to manage your weight better. Sorry, since my biological birth sex isn't female and it's not a common thing and I've never had a girlfriend or relative with it it's new to me. Just seems like any other condition that requires some extra effort to control. The older you get the more of these things will effect you. It's just a matter of making weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight a priority. No one said it's easy.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Weight loss can reduce insulin and androgen levels and may restore ovulation. Ask your doctor about a weight-control program, and meet regularly with a dietitian for help in reaching weight-loss goals.
  • Limit carbohydrates. Low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets might increase insulin levels. Ask your doctor about a low-carbohydrate diet if you have PCOS. Choose complex carbohydrates, which raise your blood sugar levels more slowly.
  • Be active. Exercise helps lower blood sugar levels. If you have PCOS, increasing your daily activity and participating in a regular exercise program may treat or even prevent insulin resistance and help you keep your weight under control and avoid developing diabetes.
Last edited by billapong,

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