Windows 7 gets Direct X 12 support


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2016
United States
Perhaps you can ask that in a less condescending tone, or is that something to say just to be edgy? Hate to say it, but I call bullshit, you know you can disable telemetry right? And all other "spying" aspects? No? Then knock it off.
disable my ass. I've tried to disabled updates and it's impossible. When I use tools that claim to disable updates something breaks. win 10 is spyware heaven.


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States


Small Homebrew Dev
Jan 23, 2016
47 4F 54 20 45 45 4D
United States
not only does MS have total control over your pc with win 10 I think they also allow other software companies to also have control over it. I'll try to demonstrate it in the video i'm working on.
Those are bold claims.

I'm skeptical about both, but if you find concrete evidence for either post it up as a PSA.
Last edited by 8BitWonder,


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
Those are bold claims.

I'm skeptical about both, but if you find concrete evidence for either post it up as a PSA.
Actual, legitimate evidence and not the calls to a certain address, either. I've yet to witness any "control" over the system that is not my own.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
guys, i

dude, i still have a notebook with win8, it's still possible to upgrade to 10?
Yes, and if you know what you're doing, you can do so for free.

Support for Windows 8.0 ended in 2016, and it's highly recommended that you update to something else. You can update to Windows 8.1 for free if you haven't already done so, but support for it ends in 2023.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2019
United States
Sounds more like you can't accept that people like an OS you blindly hate?

No I just can't stand when wannabe "experts" like YOU, run around polluting the internet with your "expert" advice when clearly you don't know WTF you're talking about! Running around defending an OS acting like it's the most amazing OS in the world, when yet all the PROS who do this for a living know different! Hell, not even the PROS, pretty much anyone with access to a Tech or Windows blog knows better! But not you, somehow your Windows 10 is "Special".

Great, nice to see 7 getting some love. Plus, who cares if official support is dropped soon, as there are still plenty of users using XP and 7 and no intention of upgrading to 10.

I still use both and even dedicated win95/98 setups for certain things.

Nice to see someone else who has a brain in here. Thanks for joining us.

I need to get a Win98 boot going.. Official support ending isn't entirely a bad thing. Just leaves the niche crowd to fend for themselves. If you know what you're doing, there's no issue.

OMG that's probably the smartest thing I've heard you say between these two threads we've been arguing in.

If you know what you're doing, there's no issue.

See now why can't you talk NORMAL like this more often?

The bug you're referring to only affected some of the people who manually installed the update, and it was fixed a long time ago. It's not recommended to use an operating system with known security exploits and no security support. What I'm saying isn't controversial.

I never said Windows 10 or Microsoft are perfect, but if you use Windows and your hardware can support it, Windows 10 is highly recommended.

"MANUALLY" as in they clicked on the "CHECK FOR UPDATES" button in the Settings. That's your defense? So Windows 10 users are SAFE to use Windows 10 just as long as they don't "manually" check for updates? LMAO

And what about all the other COUNTLESS BUGS that have occurred since Windows 10's release clear back in 2015? So you claim that it's

"not recommended to use an operating system with know security exploits and no security support"

yet you say it's OK to run Windows 10 when it's bloated, full of bugs, and loaded with spyware and telemetry! Yeah, sounds reasonable.

I stand with @Lacius on this one, extended support for Windows 7 ends in 10 months after that if you want the update on Windows 7 you gotta pay a yearly service fee of $25, $ 50, $100 as the years go by. In a corporate environment, it is deadly and costly to stay on an operating system that is not getting security patches for free.

You only gotta "PAY" if you're too simple to not know how to get them for FREE! These "PAID" updates will available on every corner of the internet when they come out! But reagardless, WHO CARES? I know how Microsoft operates and the reality is, people will probably be better off NOT installing them anyways, because surely M$ will have them filled with all kinds of WINDOWS 10 MARKETING SPYWARE!

I wondered how long it would take to get Dx12 on Win7 but, man it took a really long time. So very few games use dx12 to it's full potential though, so it hasn't been important at all.
I've seen windows 10 kill it self over night on 3 separate machines. All data lost. There are so few things that are Windows 10 exclusive, it makes me wonder why so many people use it. Seems like they blindly "upgrade" for the sake of having "new" software.

If "security" is why you have windows 10 installed, you're not very knowledgeable. I'll gladly take a "loss of support" in 10 months over all the telemetry, driver horseshit, and straight up PC suicide that comes with win 10.

Until the chipset driver hacks to get newer chipsets working with win 7 stop working, I'll be on win7.

Hooray! Someone else with a brain also! I guess there is still hope for humanity after all. Thank You for joining the conversation.

BTW, this was my favorite part of your post.

If "security" is why you have windows 10 installed, you're not very knowledgeable. I'll gladly take a "loss of support" in 10 months over all the telemetry, driver horseshit, and straight up PC suicide that comes with win 10.

And yes you're sooo right about people who "blindly upgrade", they do it because they have "Obsessive Upgrade Disorder" and they MUST have the LATEST VERSION AVILABLE otherwise they feel inferior and won't be able to sleep at night. They Upgrade not because it's "BETTER", but because it's "NEWER". That's the cold hard TRUTH right there!

That's just it, though. You're part of one side. I've seen similar issues in 7 and 8.1.. Playing on the "security" reason doesn't work as it's not much better.

You've seen issues with Windows 7 and 8.1 when? 10 years ago?? LMAO! We're talking about RIGHT NOW! Who the hell cares what issues Windows 7/8.1 had IN THE PAST! Those issues are LONG GONE hence the reason why those OS's are FAR SUPERIOR to Windows 10!

Let's even just PRETEND that Windows 7/8.1/10 were all BUG FREE, Windows 10 still sucks ass because it's still bloated with garbage, and filled with all kinds of telemetry and marketing crap! At least I can admit that Windows 8.1 still has SOME of that crap, but's far easier to mitigate in Windows 8.1 than it is in Windows 10. Windows 7 on the other hand doesn't have ANY of that garbage! It's just a nice clean STABLE OS! PERIOD!

The very idea that Windows 7 is somehow absolutely perfect (no OS is) is absolutely ridiculous. But neither 10 nor 7 are infallible, either.

For the sake of this conversation it doesn't have to be "PERFECT" it just has to be BETTER than Windows 10, and IT IS! Windows 10 still has ALL SORTS OF ISSUES, Windows 7 doesn't have 1/10th of the issues what Windows 10 has, THAT'S THE POINT!!!

The HDDs were fine. All 3 machines still work to this day, just without windows 10. If you think Win10 shitting the bed isn't a common issue, do a google.

Hooray! Someone else with a brain also! Thank You for joining the conversation.

Care to explain why Windows 10 has run far better than Windows 7 did before it shit itself and got corrupted on my machine? Just because it doesn't work for someone, and works better for another, doesn't make it an empirically shitty OS.

Dude, you were just in the other Windows 10 thread whining about how the only reason you switched to Windows 10 from Windows 7 was because it wouldn't let you use the "screensaver or standby without crashing", like seriously, if that isn't an isolated incident then I don't know what is. The problem was sitting in from of your monitor, not Windows 7! I've seen your other posts around here, I'm surprised you even know how to turn your computer on!

If you think 7 and 8 don't, you're just as wrong. 7 killed itself for me after installing a service pack.. And I can't count the amount of reinstalls I've had to do on 8/8.1

Yeah because you're a n00b and tried to install a Service Pack over an already installed OS! If you were a PRO you would have just integrated that SP into the original ISO and did a CLEAN INSTALL! But you took the n00b route and you got served! Any PRO knows that installing Service Packs on top of an already installed OS has way higher risks than doing a CLEAN INSTALL!

Awesome. I think win10 is the biggest POS ever. I'll be making a video soon on why it is so shitty compared to win 7. This is excellent as I'm doing a gaming pc build with i9-9900k with win7.

Hooray! Someone else with a brain also! Thank You for joining the conversation.

I mean, I do personally believe that windows 7 is yes, more stable than windows 10, and yes, doesn't have as many ways to just kill it self. Like yall say, there's no "perfect" os. Does windows 10 kill it self regularly? IDK I've only had the xp on 3/3 machines, but read articles about updates widespread destruction. I spoke with a Dell rep the day after the lady's laptop killed itself, and my rep had delt with the same problem all day, apparently the most recent update had a lot of customers Dells just show the little sad face "your pc cannot boot".

Has this ever happened on windows 7? In like, 10 years? No. The machine has never, ever, taken a update from M$, then immediately after become unusable. I'm allowed to just turn updates off so I don't get them anyway, but it's just never happened. Having a ticking time bomb for a PC just isn't my thing, so I won't be using windows 10.

And that's just the PC suicide stuff. The frequent, inescapable update nags and processes, I just can't get with. Some day, you'll wake up, and your mouse has a new driver. It's a Logitech, but it's using some M$ driver? Even if you implicitly supplied the OS with the driver, they will override your setting with an update.

Beyond that, I mentioned the telemetry and spying that M$ regularly uses your bandwidth for, it's all too much for me.

Like yall say it's all a matter of preference, but, I just don't see how anyone could prefer to get fucked.

EXACTLY! All these damn n00bs act like computers will just cease to function without updates! Like seriously, the reality is the updates now a days typically cause more HARM than GOOD! That's a FACT!

not only does MS have total control over your pc with win 10 I think they also allow other software companies to also have control over it. I'll try to demonstrate it in the video i'm working on.


Talk about a conspiracy...

For someone whose apparently sooooo concerned with "Security" you'd think you'd be a little more conscious about the REALITY of all the telemetry and spyware that comes EMBEDDED in Windows 10. Yet you'd rather just be ignorant and naive instead. Why don't you go do a Google search for "Windows 10 Privacy Tools" and see all the 3rd party utilities that exist to try to COMBAT all the spyware and telemetry that come with Windows 10. You really think all those developers created all those tools because they were just so bored and didn't have anything better to do???

Perhaps you can ask that in a less condescending tone, or is that something to say just to be edgy? Hate to say it, but I call bullshit, you know you can disable telemetry right? And all other "spying" aspects? No? Then knock it off.

Ohh there's that word again "edgy", you and that turd XZi must play COD together.

The fact that you THINK you can disable "telemetry" and "all other spying" in Windows 10 just once again PROVES what a n00b you are.

disable my ass. I've tried to disabled updates and it's impossible. When I use tools that claim to disable updates something breaks. win 10 is spyware heaven.

Truth! And anyone who "thinks" you're wrong should learn to use Google!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
"MANUALLY" as in they clicked on the "CHECK FOR UPDATES" button in the Settings. That's your defense? So Windows 10 users are SAFE to use Windows 10 just as long as they don't "manually" check for updates? LMAO
You might want to read this. It explains how the B, C, and D update weeks work. You might also want to read this, which explains how targeted releases of new Windows 10 builds work. 1809 hit the Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) last November, and 1809 hit the Semi-Annual Channel only yesterday.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not defending Microsoft as infallible. With regard to 1809, they skipped the Release Preview ring, which contributed to the bug. They're not about to do that again. But, the problem you're referring to is small peanuts compared to the problems associated with using a depreciated operating system, particularly when it has been depreciated for awhile and there are known software vulnerabilities. And, as I already stated, the bug didn't affect a lot of people, and nobody received the 1809 update automatically.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
United States
I’m curious to see if they plan on expanding this to Windows 8 and/or 8.1, 7 is nice and all but I can’t see DX12 support getting get very far on it beyond hacky per-game cases due to the ever-growing gap between Win7 and 10’s internal components, 8.1 wouldn’t be to snuff forever either but i’d imagine it’d be far more capable than 7 at this point, it’d probably be able to better withstand modern games designed with the D3D12 API in mind, at least until raytracing is standardized and other rendering methods emerge anyway.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I’m curious to see if they plan on expanding this to Windows 8 and/or 8.1, 7 is nice and all but I can’t see DX12 support getting get very far on it beyond hacky per-game cases due to the ever-growing gap between Win7 and 10’s internal components, 8.1 wouldn’t be to snuff forever either but i’d imagine it’d be far more capable than 7 at this point, it’d probably be able to better withstand modern games designed with the D3D12 API in mind, at least until raytracing is standardized and other rendering methods emerge anyway.
Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 probably won't get this because they have a combined 8.72% market share worldwide (and falling). Windows 7 has a 33.89% market share worldwide.
Last edited by Lacius,


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2019
United States
Never did he say he prefers Windows 10. Maybe he uses MacOS or Linux.

He uses Windows 10 and sometimes lubuntu! Just because you don't follow along in other threads don't mean I don't!

You might want to read this. It explains how the B, C, and D update weeks work. You might also want to read this, which explains how targeted releases of new Windows 10 builds work. 1809 hit the Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) last November, and 1809 hit the Semi-Annual Channel only yesterday.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not defending Microsoft as infallible. With regard to 1809, they skipped the Release Preview ring, which contributed to the bug. They're not about to do that again. But, the problem you're referring to is small peanuts compared to the problems associated with using a depreciated operating system, particularly when it has been depreciated for awhile and there are known software vulnerabilities. And, as I already stated, the bug didn't affect a lot of people, and nobody received the 1809 update automatically.

I don't need to read ANY of that horseshit you posted! I'm WELL AWARE of M$'s ridiculous update channels THAT CLEARLY DON'T WORK! I GET PAID TO KNOW THIS SHIT! The last thing I or ANYONE else should do is take advice from someone like YOU who thinks that BUGS, SPYWAYRE, and UPDATES that DELETE USERS PERSONAL FILES are "small peanuts". How about you go tell all the people who had their PERSONAL FILES DELETED that their problem is "small peanuts"? How shitty and insensitive of you to blatantly disregard peoples PERSONAL DATA like that! I hope to god you don't work anywhere where you're in charge of anyone's well being.

And why do you keep dragging on about the 1809 build like it's the ONLY ISSUE THAT EXISTS? Stop trying to dodge all the other COUNTLESS bugs and issues that have plagued Windows 10 since day one! You sound completely ridiculous trying to claim that Windows 10, which is still basically BETA SOFTWARE, is the more superior alternative compared to other OS's that have had YEARS TO MATURE and are way more polished and stable than ANY Windows 10 release!

Here's just a small look at four of the MANY FOLDERS I have dedicated to doing Windows Installations, Upgrading, Deployments, Tweaking, Activating, Integrating, etc. etc.! I have a copy of EVERY SINGLE WINDOWS RELEASE since clear back to Windows 3.11! I bet you don't even have an ISO for the current build that you have on your system right now do you? So please, feel free to PASS on giving me your "EXPERT" advice!




Last edited by FanboyKilla,

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