Yeah another dream blog...


My Winter...
Sep 2, 2008
I'll try to describe my dream as best as I can and in the order I remember it. Pretty hard to recall it exact but here it goes. I guess this dream happened due to playing a lot of Left 4 Dead 2 and then watching Stargate Atlantis and Walking Dead series lol!

My dream starts off with me thrown into a nightfall setting where it's pretty much around 12am-2am. I dust myself off my feet as I appear that I was lying down in the grass under a carport. I feel groggy and I straighten myself out by slapping my cheek a few times. I glance around and notice I'm at my current house where it's semi built with only the foundations in place and with an underground cellar/crawlspace with plastic wrap covering it to protect from the weather. I looked behind me and there's a few shadowy figures in the distance just walking around slowly, in a uncoordinated fashion. I feel freaked out not knowing what it is so I quietly lift up the plastic wrap and opened the small crawlspace window and slid in. I shut the door and crawled further. Some reason down here it was illuminated until I noticed a girl.

She was roughly in her mid twenties, caucasian, blonde hair tied in a ponytail, thin and she was quite pretty even though she had dirt and dust marked on her face. She was dressed in brown dirty overalls. I assumed she was crawling through this tight space. However there was something strange about her. She had her eyes closed the whole time. People probably be screaming "Witch! Shh..quiet! Kill that light" (lol!) but something about her lured me there. Just that feeling pulled me closer. She quickly faced me with closed eyes still and quickly shuffled towards me. Like a blur she grasped my armed and said,
"Shh... there's these strange things out there," she said in as she trembled with fear.
I thinking in my head "what the hell get off me", I responded with a nod.
"yeahhh well I don't know what's happening and I have no idea what to do..." I was facing her as she still clasped on my arm tightly. I felt a shade of embarrassment growing on my face and I looked away as I found myself staring at her face.
"Yeah that's the thing. I don't know much about it either but we gotta move or we're going to get stuck here," she replied as she nervously tilted her head in the directions we heard slow but heavy footsteps walking around.
"Fine... *scratches head* where we heading then?"
"Take us to where more <i>normal</i> are..away from these <i>things</i>. I really can't see them but judging the way I've killed a few.. I don't think they're human. Anyways you gotta take me to where there's more people around..."
I was like whhhhhaaattt?! Killed a few?! How the f you get this far if you look blind? How vague is the place where more people are? Questions kept growing like cancer as I quickly said,
" *sigh* Well you owe me a lot more then an explanation when we do get out of here...".
She smiled and tilted her head. It appeared she winked at me. I looked away and thought yyeaaaahh okay weird girl.
I shuffled back to the to the window. This time there was a girl outside. She was short, guessing eight to twelve years of age. Except she wasn't even alive by her appearance when she turned around and sensed something was near her. Her eyes were a mix of reddish yellow hue. Her skin was a shade of gray or charcoal black. She had her mouth open...No wait... it was more ripped open and she was drooling.. or whatever that liquid was dripping from her jawless face. I was like aww (&#@, why can't she just do it since she said she's killed a few. I slid the window open and the little girl ran towards me (and so did other nasty looking guys with missing arms and legs). I swiftly moved in and grabbed her by the head, I pivoted my body to the left, moved my torso which generated enough strength to throw the girl into the crowd of weirdos. I turned back and see the girl running the opposite direction and waved a "hurry up!". What a dog I thought. I sprinted towards her... that's when a bright light shone through the area...I covered my eyes as I was still running and this sound like a huge vacuum sucking up dirt was heard.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a military complex. I made that assumption by all the people walking around in brown karki coloured uniforms with officials with medals and badges ordering them around. I was so confused. What the hell had just happened? This isn't making anymore more sense until I heard a familiar voice and I tug at the arm,
" What? So you're going to stand there all day checking out sweaty guys..."
I turn and was about to retort in an immature way when I saw her eyes. Her eyes looked so clear and it was the colour of a green gem which I couldn't remember at the time.
"Now you're staring at me...Come on it's not like you haven't seen me without my clothes either..." she did the same wink as she made fun of me.
I blinked and stepped back. My mouth opened but quickly shut it since I was lost for words. She grabbed my arm as usual and pulled me away from the military guys exercising. I didn't know where I was still. I need to find something that does make sense.


Well that's just the first part of my dream. I would type the rest but I was curious if anyone was interested in reading more lol I don't know I find my dreams mostly interesting at times but the most strangest thing about them, I've had them more than three times in my life. It's like a cycle of the same dreams in the same sequence.
I never had a new type of dream... It's more like an elaboration of the old and new pathways are opened each time I dream of them. Weird huh? Please excuse my spelling and grammar. I haven't checked it completely <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />

So... what did you guys think?



I get dragged off and down a hallway with low lighting. There are rooms and each inside are bunk beds. I'm still getting pulled towards the change rooms and she pushes me in.
"Go get ready okay? We gotta get ready before big headed cap arrives".
She smiles and leaves the room. I'm still speechless until a hand slaps me on the shoulder and a deep booming yet friendly chuckle is heard. Scared the shit outta me. I spin around and see a six and a half feet tall bulky Afro American man who is in his late twenties, dressed in a similar overall to the girl. He places his other hand on the other shoulder and looks at me... I thought he was going to say.. "you're my bitch now". I wasn't relieved when he actually said,
"Ahaha maaannn you musta did somethin wrong to be in our team. This is your home and trust me it aint never safe at night".
His gaze and smirk creeped me out. I didn't know if I should sleep facing my back to the wall or something.
"Anways it s'all good. Here, take this *throws me a pistol* wear this too *throws me a utility harness*".
He watches me struggle to put it on. Unfortunately the bastard kept on laughing when I didn't know where to put the pistol.
"There's a holster on the side... You must be blind with your eyes close all the time" *starts cracking up again*
Man.. such a low blow because I'm Asian. After I was done securing myself, the big man said,
"Now you just look like a fag bahahaha Ok let's go meet the last man on our team. He's over there posing like a girl"
The big man points to the Caucasian male in his thirties, dressed in the same overalls, five point 9 feet tall, medium build and like the big man said...posing like girl in those catalogues (I'll just call him model guy). Model guy looks at me up and down. I felt violated because his gaze was intense. His clear yet strong voice says,
"Are you serious? Looks like we got a human fodder for those zombies."
He looks at the big man. I turned to look and the big man had both his hands as if to say "hey man don't look at me? I did shit yo". He walks away and looks out into the view through the glass. Again with the posing... geez I'm stuck with a bunch weirdos.

Some reason the floors and walls started to shake violently. Green eyes (the girl) runs in and said,
"Security breach. The dead are coming in!"
" Awww shiet... Looks like they're coming to say hi to papa..." The big man loads and readies two AA-12 shotguns. What the (@#*. This guy must be crazy to using TWO of those.
"Tsk. Military complex my ass." Model guy holsters two ivory Colt .45 pistol and a large hunting knife. Finally picks up his p90 when

BOOM! *Emergency sirens go off*

Zombie flush into the room and the big man is shooting sparingly but still laughing his ass off. Geez it's like he never takes anything serious. Model man is constantly throwing zombies into each other and sucker punching any near him as he was jumped while picking his gun up. Green eyes is pretty much taking care of things with grace. Swinging her Steyr AUG to the face of the attackers and then finishing them off with two shots in the head for certain death. Me? I couldn't pull out my pistol in time and I was force to push, shove and kick zombies away before I could reach for my hand to hand weapon which was.... a machete?! What the hell...sterotypical dream...come on!

The air smells like burnt rotten meat with gunfire smoke filling the air. These zombies smelt horrible beyond description. I did anything I could to get them at distance except two zombies latched onto me and were trying to pull me towards the incoming crowd. Their heads exploded. Big man shouts,
"Man... you're more of a fag if you're letting two guys hold you down!"
Oh geez I want to punch him and then run like a little girl. Sure I want to shut the guy up but he's massive. I hear this loud bellow of scream. I pick myself up and look in the direction of where it came. Big man got bit by zombies crawling on the floor and the others are jumping onto him as he's exposed. A zombie bit me but it was on my harness (thank god) so I grabbed its head and slammed it into the ground where I finished it with a heavy stomp to crack its brain out. Gun firing still. I was getting separated as the three remaining in the team forced out way out of the room and into the main floor. We're were getting tired. I was damn exhausted... Each movement started to burn my muscle. Things started to move in slow motion. A different figure in the distance had thrown freshly cut rabbits with blood still oozing from the wounds. Zombies close to us took the bait and ran after it. A few of them sprawling to the ground licking the blood drips.
I ran for it. Green eyes made it to the figure first. I turned as I ran to see Model man completely overrun by zombies still as he somehow was forced into a corner. My teeth gritted hard as I didn't like to abandon people... Another white light crashed into my eyes. I didn't cover it in time...


I'll type head hurts from remembering. There's more to it but I have a feeling it's not that interesting lol but I'll finish it when I can.


Love child of Dry Bones and Yoshi
Mar 16, 2008
Yoshi's Island
You watch too much zombie sh*t dude...
But awesome dream, I would like to hear more about it!
Is it okay if I make some kind of short audio book/animation about it? 'Cause that would be uber cool!


My Winter...
Sep 2, 2008
DryYoshi said:
You watch too much zombie sh*t dude...
But awesome dream, I would like to hear more about it!
Is it okay if I make some kind of short audio book/animation about it? 'Cause that would be uber cool!

Only if you reference me!
Yeah I've been watching a lot recently but hey kills time right

That sounds awesome you want to do that. Could you post a clip when you're done? lol

Cool I'll type up the rest soon. I'm glad you guys are liking it so far. I'm worried it's going to suck when I write down the rest of my dream... Kinda happens in segments because I wake inbetween for toilet. Strange?


Love child of Dry Bones and Yoshi
Mar 16, 2008
Yoshi's Island
Icealote said:
DryYoshi said:
You watch too much zombie sh*t dude...
But awesome dream, I would like to hear more about it!
Is it okay if I make some kind of short audio book/animation about it? 'Cause that would be uber cool!

Only if you reference me!
Yeah I've been watching a lot recently but hey kills time right

That sounds awesome you want to do that. Could you post a clip when you're done? lol

Cool I'll type up the rest soon. I'm glad you guys are liking it so far. I'm worried it's going to suck when I write down the rest of my dream... Kinda happens in segments because I wake inbetween for toilet. Strange?
Ofcourse I will reference you!
It's gonna be hell of a story (i guess)
EDIT: I will probably start making it on Saturday.
You (I) could actually make the 'waking up and go to toilet' scenes seem awesome too!
I can do female voices for no apperent reason BTW!

And how do you pronounce your uername?
Or can I use your first name? (if so send it to me in PM or just put it here)
(I want to use your [user]name in the beginning)


My Winter...
Sep 2, 2008
DryYoshi said:
Icealote said:
DryYoshi said:
You watch too much zombie sh*t dude...
But awesome dream, I would like to hear more about it!
Is it okay if I make some kind of short audio book/animation about it? 'Cause that would be uber cool!

Only if you reference me!
Yeah I've been watching a lot recently but hey kills time right

That sounds awesome you want to do that. Could you post a clip when you're done? lol

Cool I'll type up the rest soon. I'm glad you guys are liking it so far. I'm worried it's going to suck when I write down the rest of my dream... Kinda happens in segments because I wake inbetween for toilet. Strange?
Ofcourse I will reference you!
It's gonna be hell of a story (i guess)
EDIT: I will probably start making it on Saturday.
You (I) could actually make the 'waking up and go to toilet' scenes seem awesome too!
I can do female voices for no apperent reason BTW!

And how do you pronounce your uername?
Or can I use your first name? (if so send it to me in PM or just put it here)
(I want to use your [user]name in the beginning)

WOAH really? Is this like flash kind of thing? LOL the toilet scenes that would be funny. Um... Ice-a-lot? My name so generic. William *sigh* I know, no need to say it.
Wow that's awesome youre taking an interest
Youtube the clip when you're done please! I'm sure the other tempers going to enjoy.


Love child of Dry Bones and Yoshi
Mar 16, 2008
Yoshi's Island
Icealote said:
DryYoshi said:
Icealote said:
DryYoshi said:
You watch too much zombie sh*t dude...
But awesome dream, I would like to hear more about it!
Is it okay if I make some kind of short audio book/animation about it? 'Cause that would be uber cool!

Only if you reference me!
Yeah I've been watching a lot recently but hey kills time right

That sounds awesome you want to do that. Could you post a clip when you're done? lol

Cool I'll type up the rest soon. I'm glad you guys are liking it so far. I'm worried it's going to suck when I write down the rest of my dream... Kinda happens in segments because I wake inbetween for toilet. Strange?
Ofcourse I will reference you!
It's gonna be hell of a story (i guess)
EDIT: I will probably start making it on Saturday.
You (I) could actually make the 'waking up and go to toilet' scenes seem awesome too!
I can do female voices for no apperent reason BTW!

And how do you pronounce your uername?
Or can I use your first name? (if so send it to me in PM or just put it here)
(I want to use your [user]name in the beginning)

WOAH really? Is this like flash kind of thing? LOL the toilet scenes that would be funny. Um... Ice-a-lot? My name so generic. William *sigh* I know, no need to say it.
Wow that's awesome youre taking an interest
Youtube the clip when you're done please! I'm sure the other tempers going to enjoy.
Um... Yeah, I guess I'll just use your username....
Nah, I'm kidding, I guess I would have to use your name during the story.
And I'm not very good at drawing/animation, so I will start with me just telling the story...
EDIT: I made a few crappy recording examples for myself. Anyway, I'm rewriting the story a LITTLE bit, get rid of all grammar related errors ya know.
As I progress, I will send you examples with PM if that's okay with you. If you find it all good, I will post it on Youtube.
Offtopic: I almost have 250 posts!

It's BTW a good possibility that I will get dreams like this too, because I'm watching Death Note ATM. (see my sig)


GBAtemp Time Lord Regenerations: 4
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2009
United Kingdom
Icealote said:
She was roughly in her mid twenties, caucasian, blonde hair tied in a ponytail, thin and she was quite pretty even though she had dirt and dust marked on her face. She was dressed in brown dirty overalls. I assumed she was crawling through this tight space. However there was something strange about her. She had her eyes closed the whole time. People probably be screaming "Witch! Shh..quiet! Kill that light" (lol!)"
That did cross my mind, actually.

Icealote said:
This time there was a girl outside. She was short, guessing eight to twelve years of age. Except she wasn't even alive by her appearance when she turned around and sensed something was near her. Her eyes were a mix of reddish yellow hue. Her skin was a shade of gray or charcoal black. She had her mouth open...No wait... it was more ripped open and she was drooling.. or whatever that liquid was dripping from her jawless face.

QUOTE(Icealote @ Dec 9 2010, 10:02 PM)
picks up his p90
Would that be the Stargate influence showing through?

It's actually an interesting story; shame there's no more Stargate influence showing yet though.


Love child of Dry Bones and Yoshi
Mar 16, 2008
Yoshi's Island
Hey Icealote, you might be wondering what's taking me so long.
Well I kinda forgot about this 'project' as I was busy with other stuff.
Like with all my other projects I am 'probably going to work on it in the near future'.
This has the top priority though, since it's the easiest thing to do on my list (the other two things involve translating).
- DryYoshi

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