Your top overhated games


GBATemp's 3rd Favorite Transgirl
Aug 24, 2014
Fort Gay, West Virginia
United States
What are your top overheated games? In by that I mean games you felt were treated to harshly and got undeserved hate. Also overhated=/= underrated. Example earthbound is often cited as underrated but not overhated.

My 5

GameCube Pokemon games
Personally I kinda dig the whole concet of purifying shadow Pokemon and battling the groups. Like wise I feel the story is very compelling and better than most Pokemon games. Also I think it has to be the 3rd best region after hoenn and johto (remake version)

Mega man games post 6 (excluding 9,10 and spinoffs)
Honestly I feel 7 and 8 are way better than 4-6 likewise the legend games are IMO very underrated platformers and legends on n64 is easily a top 20 n64 game for me.

PAC Man (2600 edition)
Sure the game looks nothing like the great arcade game that we all love but consider the fact that the 2600 system was like 3 years older than the cabinet and was by far less powerful. Likewise you can see that regardless making a truly faithful port to the 2600 was basicly impossible due to the specs

Other M.
Not as good as the prime games but still better than 90% of wii games and holds great reviews yet still gets a load of hate although it may be a bad game in terms of metroid standards it isn't really a bad game overall

3d sonic games
Pretty much all of them are better than what people say. For example unleashed,secrets of the rings and black knight IMO are all good games despite there issues probably about 7/10 which isn't really bad. Heroes and Shadow the hedgehog are very underrated and I'd give them both 8/10s despite their reputation. Most people agree 4, generations, and colors are all consider great by most gamers. Likewise I feel personally that most people are way to hard on the pre 06 games as I'd easily put them in my personal favorite sonic games (sa2&1,shadow the hedgehog are in my own personal top 5 sonic games). Also sa1 and 2 both have aged better than many 3d platformers imo yet are too often bashed as the first bad sonic games but personally I can say the pre 06 games are all pretty great in there own way


Aug 22, 2013
Away from this shithole
United States
I don't know anybody who hated Colosseum/XD. PBR got much hate as it didn't have any story and the game itself wasn't challenging enough. I've never thought it was THAT terrible though.

I don't think E.T. for the Atari 2600 is the worst game in history. It's an average game for a very old console. If this was called "Alien Escape" and if some people didn't spend years saying how terrible this is (*cough*avgn*cough*).

The yearly hipster hate for CoD games became old in 2010. We get it, you are too kewl to like very famous games. Now shut the fuck up. I don't like the game, but I don't go around shouting "LEL STILL BETTER THAN COD". Same with football games. They are football games, it's one whole category, like "2D platformer" or "action puzzle-game". You don't like "football" game? Then what's stopping me from going around shouting LEL STRATEGY GAMES SUCK XD?

Many people hate Smash Bros. Brawl because "it's not competitive". I see, so literally THOUSANDS of people were selling their mothers' blood to enter in Melee tournaments? A bunch of people say it sucks, then everyone else must say the same because they want to appear as the kewl competitive players, even if all they do is use the C-Stick. Yes, the game was one step down from Melee in terms of competitive games, but it was still fun to play with. And it had more content than Melee, just as you'd expect from a sequel. You don't have to spit on a whole game just because your online friend says there's a 5% chance of random tripping.

I agree with Other M. It's clear enough that many people who hate the game so much didn't play it, and keep shouting THE BABY LEL THE BABY everywhere.

But I condemn every dickhead behavior over stupid games overall, especially the new maymay of praising shitty games.

Lord Coolman

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Buenos Aires.
My 5

GameCube Pokemon games
Personally I kinda dig the whole concet of purifying shadow Pokemon and battling the groups. Like wise I feel the story is very compelling and better than most Pokemon games. Also I think it has to be the 3rd best region after hoenn and johto (remake version)

Shit is plain boring. I had a retarded friend that would come home and play them. I never understood how coulded he enjoy them.

Mega man games post 6 (excluding 9,10 and spinoffs)
Honestly I feel 7 and 8 are way better than 4-6 likewise the legend games are IMO very underrated platformers and legends on n64 is easily a top 20 n64 game for me.

Dude, what the hell has got your pot? Just... try to grow your own weed. Gosh.

PAC Man (2600 edition)
Sure the game looks nothing like the great arcade game that we all love but consider the fact that the 2600 system was like 3 years older than the cabinet and was by far less powerful. Likewise you can see that regardless making a truly faithful port to the 2600 was basicly impossible due to the specs

It doesn't deserve any hate. Sure, it's ugly and sucks big donkey balls.

Other M.

Not as good as the prime games but still better than 90% of wii games and holds great reviews yet still gets a load of hate although it may be a bad game in terms of metroid standards it isn't really a bad game overall

That... kind of hurts, actually. God, Wii can look like a shovelware only container at times.

3d sonic games
Pretty much all of them are better than what people say. For example unleashed,secrets of the rings and black knight IMO are all good games despite there issues probably about 7/10 which isn't really bad. Heroes and Shadow the hedgehog are very underrated and I'd give them both 8/10s despite their reputation. Most people agree 4, generations, and colors are all consider great by most gamers. Likewise I feel personally that most people are way to hard on the pre 06 games as I'd easily put them in my personal favorite sonic games (sa2&1,shadow the hedgehog are in my own personal top 5 sonic games). Also sa1 and 2 both have aged better than many 3d platformers imo yet are too often bashed as the first bad sonic games but personally I can say the pre 06 games are all pretty great in there own way

Black Knight sucks. In fack, it sucks so much that you don't really know if it's really a game or a bionic hooker with a vacuum instead of a mouth. Shadow the Hedgehog sucks too, but not that badly (Giving it an 8 is kind of pushing it, A LITTLE). It's kind of sad that Lost World was average, or just barely good at best, and it's depressing how much Boom sucked to the point Sega wouldn't provide review samples, for the sake of sales.

So, uh... my personal top five? In no particular order: Dark Souls, Zelda Skyward Sword, Mass Effect 3, Paper Mario: Sticker Star and... Sonic Boom.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Other M was a great game, i dont care what all the cool kids say. It was tons of fun and I think the story was an honest atttempt and wasn't really that bad at all.

How fun were those I Spy sessions? And hours of bland cutscenes? And that button mashing gameplay?

Other M receives a lot of hate, and all of it is deserved.


GBATemp's 3rd Favorite Transgirl
Aug 24, 2014
Fort Gay, West Virginia
United States
Shit is plain boring. I had a retarded friend that would come home and play them. I never understood how coulded he enjoy them.

Dude, what the hell has got your pot? Just... try to grow your own weed. Gosh.

It doesn't deserve any hate. Sure, it's ugly and sucks big donkey balls.

That... kind of hurts, actually. God, Wii can look like a shovelware only container at times.

Black Knight sucks. In fack, it sucks so much that you don't really know if it's really a game or a bionic hooker with a vacuum instead of a mouth. Shadow the Hedgehog sucks too, but not that badly (Giving it an 8 is kind of pushing it, A LITTLE). It's kind of sad that Lost World was average, or just barely good at best, and it's depressing how much Boom sucked to the point Sega wouldn't provide review samples, for the sake of sales.

So, uh... my personal top five? In no particular order: Dark Souls, Zelda Skyward Sword, Mass Effect 3, Paper Mario: Sticker Star and... Sonic Boom.

personally when i meant excluding 9 and 10 i mean i do not think they are overhated and likewise i feel 4-6 arent really that special though it could just be me... Sonic games well i think that a good game is between a 6.5 and 7.5 while anything above 8 is really good. likewise i stand by giving shadow an 8 but that could be the nostalgia talking. pokemon gc titles honestly i see were you come from but i just feel they are better than the weaker pokemon regions like unova also i think that generaly that overhated =/= good or underrated.

Lord Coolman

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Buenos Aires.
personally when i meant excluding 9 and 10 i mean i do not think they are overhated and likewise i feel 4-6 arent really that special though it could just be me... Sonic games well i think that a good game is between a 6.5 and 7.5 while anything above 8 is really good. likewise i stand by giving shadow an 8 but that could be the nostalgia talking. pokemon gc titles honestly i see were you come from but i just feel they are better than the weaker pokemon regions like unova also i think that generaly that overhated =/= good or underrated.

Funny that you mention it, because since your first post you were mentioning games which aren't even hated. You're treating those like some kind of underrated titles shadowed by their popular entries. Megaman 7 was okay, and 8 sucked... I mean, these aren't BAD games, but as Megaman games they do suck, and a lot. Pokemon GC titles are above average, but aren't remotely near as good as main titles. Shadow the Hedgehog isn't even on my top 5 worst Sawneek gaemz, but it's still a weak entry in the series as a whole.


GBATemp's 3rd Favorite Transgirl
Aug 24, 2014
Fort Gay, West Virginia
United States
Funny that you mention it, because since your first post you were mentioning games which aren't even hated. You're treating those like some kind of underrated titles shadowed by their popular entries. Megaman 7 was okay, and 8 sucked... I mean, these aren't BAD games, but as Megaman games they do suck, and a lot. Pokemon GC titles are above average, but aren't remotely near as good as main titles. Shadow the Hedgehog isn't even on my top 5 worst Sawneek gaemz, but it's still a weak entry in the series as a whole.

Looking back I see you were right in a sense on the megman games.

As for the Pokemon GC games is I think a lot of fans of Pokemon had dissed them due to their departure from the traditional gameplay style and like wise I feel that hate really isn't deserved.

As for shadow that game is generally hated by the sonic community as most put it in their top 5 worst sonic games (generally its 06, shadow, unleashed and two other games) when their are many much more crappy sonic games like Genesis (referring to the GBA port of sonic 1 which lags like all hell, heck IT isn't even a port its actually an emulator) and 3d blast (really I hate that game)

Ultimately I think that a overheated game really can just depend on someone own definition...


Aug 22, 2013
Away from this shithole
United States
How fun were those I Spy sessions? And hours of bland cutscenes? And that button mashing gameplay?

Other M receives a lot of hate, and all of it is deserved.

Oh no, pixel hunting was boring! Sure it covered like 5 minutes of the whole game, but fuck it, worst game ever!
And the gameplay wasn't different from other 2D Metroid games. And the cutscenes were great. Have you played the game or all your hate comes from the cool reviewers of the web?

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Oh no, pixel hunting was boring! Sure it covered like 5 minutes of the whole game, but fuck it, worst game ever!
And the gameplay wasn't different from other 2D Metroid games. And the cutscenes were great. Have you played the game or all your hate comes from the cool reviewers of the web?

It was different from other 2D Metroid games because it wasn't 2D. Everyone says "Well it's a throwback!" when it plays nothing like the old games except having some rough form of nonlinearity.

The cutscenes were full of horrible VA and a story that is entirely half baked. The whole "Deleter" (which by the way is just lazy localization) plot is introduced, means nothing, and doesn't even have a resolution. You just kinda have to extrapolate from the people who died who the "Deleter" actually is and realize he has no point except for killing the other marines, who really have no purpose in the plot anyway. The only relevant people are Samus, Adam, and that black guy, who isn't even that relevant outside of saving Samus from an uncharacteristic PTSD episode.

I played the entire game. I sat down and watched the movie afterwards. It's shit.

Lord Coolman

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Buenos Aires.
As for shadow that game is generally hated by the sonic community as most put it in their top 5 worst sonic games (generally its 06, shadow, unleashed and two other games) when their are many much more crappy sonic games like Genesis (referring to the GBA port of sonic 1 which lags like all hell, heck IT isn't even a port its actually an emulator) and 3d blast (really I hate that game)

The worst Sanic games list would be like this: Spinball>Unleashed>Lost World>3D Blast>the Hedgehog 4>Boom>Genesis (GBA port)>Black Knight>06 (Rider series doesn't count)
3D Blast was my first Genesis game and also my first Sonic game. I was like a girl losing her virginity: I wasn't expecting nothing so I didn't really get dissapointed like many who knew and played the 2D ones. I really liked it, talk about guilty pleasure... but the gameplay sucks, it reeeaaally sucks.


GBATemp's 3rd Favorite Transgirl
Aug 24, 2014
Fort Gay, West Virginia
United States
The worst Sanic games list would be like this: Spinball>Unleashed>Lost World>3D Blast>the Hedgehog 4>Boom>Genesis (GBA port)>Black Knight>06 (Rider series doesn't count)
3D Blast was my first Genesis game and also my first Sonic game. I was like a girl losing her virginity: I wasn't expecting nothing so I didn't really get dissapointed like many who knew and played the 2D ones. I really liked it, talk about guilty pleasure... but the gameplay sucks, it reeeaaally sucks.

Love the whole virginity part it was funny.

Anyway I agree on your sonic rankings although labyrinth should be on there but I think conversations like this are what I love about gaming because we all love games but disagree certain aspects which lead to interesting conversatuons.
Also I do agree that the nostalgia really does affect my view of sonic specifically my love for sa1-shadow the hedgehog


Perfectly Normal
Apr 28, 2012
I agree with the 3D Sonic part. I enjoyed Heroes quite a bit.

I personally think the older CoD titles are a bit overhated. I still enjoy 4 a lot and it still has many functional servers and mods. CoD on PC did start sucking a bit after MW2 though after they removed dedicated server support.

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Also somebody is remaking it
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, the other game where I found newgrounds is new york shark
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Spoke to Tom Fulp the other day, if he can find his old Newgrounds site content like the mini Flash animations from the 2000's that played on the portal.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    So far no response, but he did say that he'll find them. Wayback Machine doesn't have em.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, atleast the 1999 versión of pico's school is avaliable (the difference between it, the 2006 versión and the 2016 versión is that the speed of the game depends of the speed of your computer and that it had the og soundtrack)
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Another being Pico VS Bear, the original 1999 version before Jim Henson filed a DMCA takedown.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    The 2006 versión was made when the flash portal was made
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Many people thought it was lost, but was discovered that he hid it on the same page.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, although the "secrets" system where the game was has been removed. Also pico vs uberkids had a netplay versión that was shutdown, although the swf file has been found
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Nope. There are two download buttons on the same page, where you can download the original under a file called "bear.exe". "bear2.exe", however, is the updated game in a Flash projector. P.s. this was on the archived Pico page from 2000.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, That's been there for a long time, too. People who search for lost media don't look hard enough lmao.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, also the pico 2 demos used to be only for the newgrounds patrons but they are on internet archive too (
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Iirc the demos were removed from newgrounds in 2022
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, or well only the demo with mindchamber's style was on newgrounds
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Fun fact @SylverReZ: iirc one of the goals on the fnf Kickstarter stated that pico 2 would be finished but the Kickstarter didnt get enough money for that goal to be fullfiled
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, FNF sucks, their community is toxic as hell.
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @SylverReZ its a single player game
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @The Real Jdbye, Yea but it has a shitton of mods with their own songs and stuff
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @The Real Jdbye, and quite a lot of people involved in those mods get cancelled
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Newgrounds wasn't the birth of FNF; rather, it was games where you beat up celebrities and parodies.
  • a_username_that_is_cool @ a_username_that_is_cool:
    FNF was born from Game Jams
  • a_username_that_is_cool @ a_username_that_is_cool:
    Specifically Ludum Dare 47
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, and Sonic fights a la dragón ball z
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @SylverReZ, and Sonic fights a la dragón ball z