Boutta quit school

Yeah, fuck this.
I can't handle it anymore, it's too much pressure, too much anxiety, too much people that I dislike.
I have literally no friends and I talk to no one, but somehow people still manage to fuck with me, why? I don't get it. And I can't ask them to stop, because it gets worse.

The classes themselves are not hard, I'm actually having a lot of fun with some subjects like Physics, the equations and stuff are really really fun to do. But I can't handle school itself anymore.

I don't know what I'll do in the long run, we have a test that you can take after you're 18 to skip high school, and I'm thinking of doing that, I'd still graduate in the same year as all my other friends which would be nice and I'm pretty sure that I'm more than capable of passing that test. But something still feels weird, it's like the very idea of not going to school goes against me as a person, it seems like the only logical solution for me right now, to get rid of this anxiety, but it also seems wrong to do.

It's like breaking up with someone whom you know you don't like but you're afraid of being alone if you do so. I just want to be able to have some time to figure things out, school is pushing me too hard.

I'm on first year of high school, only 2 years left, but that makes it into a even less worse idea, because it would be easy to recover.
I guess I'm looking at life as if it was a race, a race that no one wins in the end, but a race nonetheless, I'm trying to change that view, I just want to enjoy life, but school and the pressure that comes along with it and living in such a society is bringing me down; fear of not being successful; fear of not being accepted socially; fear of being poor, but amidst all those fears, I forgot to be afraid of sadness.

Help me.
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Don't do this. You are near your objective. I went through the exact same phase, and the best way is to find somewhere where you can talk about your problems. You can not leave now and fuck up your entire future.
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@StarTrekVoyager That is debatable, as I said, we have a test you can take that skips high school, and it's pretty easy stuff.

All that I'd be losing would be 2 years of school, wouldn't fuck up my entire future, I know many people that did this and are just fine today. My dad for example, didn't even finish second year of high school and now has a well paying job and a beautiful family... that's all I need, and I know I can do that.
I just don't want school anymore, it feels bad for me. It's like something is crushing my heart when I get there, bus rides to school are like long walks to hell.
Hang in there. It's a cliché, but please, hang in there. I thought everything was going down the shitter during high school, but in senior high things got a lot better, as people would tell me they would be. I am a good student just as you are, although not a very "talkative" person. This isn't going to last and I guarantee that.
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My friend graduate the high school and graduate the college with his major degree. He didn't find any jobs for 4 years for his major. He regret went to college and now he got hired to be substitute teacher. He was disappointed and shocked. That is not the answer to everything. Well, that's sucks. Why waste time ? Sighing.
I had a very hard time in school for a while, but fortunately, I was 19 at the moment. But I went into depression, failed my 1st year, tried again, got depressed again and I quit. Now I'm regretting it.

I wasn't bullied or nothing, but I had 1hr of train and bus to go to school, had no real friends, and the only people I was hanging with quit the school before me, or changed class, and the few ones left were racist douchebags... One time I remember doing something on one of those guys computer, then another one came and tell : "Look! There's a ni***r on your computer!" And they started laughing. It was like that all the time... But this time I snapped and told them that it was the last time I was hearing them calling me a ni***r and they stopped. Even if ut wasn't all good, I really regret my choices now, and I'm paying the price for it... And now I'm going back to school heh.
Just think about it as training yourself on how to deal with people and problems. It'll come in handy once you're an adult - going with the real world and facing adult responsibilities. In the long run, it'll make you a better person. Improve yourself especially dealing with people.
Wait you're in highschool? Come on suck it up. I don't want to sound like a dick but making it to junior/senior year is all worth it. Shit when I was in Highshcool I went through separation of my mom and step dad. My brother leaving the house, Kicked out or rather evicted from my home for wrong reasons. Was in the shelter to the end of my junior and all of my senior year. I had no money and i barely made it to the ending of my graduation ceremony. This was all last year and i made it. Constant problems kept happening but I stayed on point and focused on what makes happy so what can make you happy and continue is what you should proceed to do. You can always make a recovery even if it's not full.
You can make through I promise that.
Also it's normal to be afraid of all of this, I'm 27 and still afraid of that... But seriously, don't give up. It can be waaaay worse, trust me. And every effort you put now is an effort you won't have to make after, and again, trust me, you don't want to make any effort while being an adult :P

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As other have said, suck it up. Unless you're planning on going into manual labor work for the rest of your life you're better off having the fact that you passed highschool on your resume, especially at this day and age. If you're scared of being poor you're going to be a hell of a lot more poor when you're having trouble finding work. I mean jesus, I have my highschool diploma as well as several certificates and I'm having trouble finding basic employment. People with university degrees are in the same boat as me too. Think how worse-off you'll be.

By the way, your dad did well leaving school early because it's likely when he was your age, finding work was much simpler and didn't require too much. My dad's the same.
Everyone just says the same thing, "keep going."
I don't think I can keep going anymore guys... I'm really thankful for all the responses, but this isn't really an option for me.

No one is in my position right now, besides me, so I can't really express how bad stuff is going, it's all in my heart.
I think everything will be ok... I just need some time away from school because it makes me want to die. I literally think of killing myself constantly because of this bullshit, and I hate doing so because it makes me feel even more retarded.

There's been days where I've taken random meds to try and calm me down because of how nervous I was, ended up sleeping for 16 hours and could barely walk and talk properly... It was worth it, because I was able to completely shutdown, I guess that's what death is like?
Everyone is wrong. The "Keep going" is not the answer and can keep things worse. They are not in your shoes, Pacheko,

I understand your feeling and it is your decision o make if you think is happy. I know that school is very evil because of stupid students and stupid teachers aren't doing anything.
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It seems like the only thing holding you back at this point is the fear of going against the norm, right? It's my belief that school is awful for the psyche, for all the reasons you listed and more. Self education is so much more viable with the internet being what it is, and the quality most often surpasses what I've seen in high schools (because the of the way the system is set up, but that's an entirely different issue). If the only downside is being judged by others, then fuck 'em. The quality of your life and happiness is so much more important than some idiot sneering at you for not following some arbitrary dogma that they didn't have the wherewithal to question in the first place. People jeering at you because of the way you think or act should mean nothing if you know what you're doing is what you should do. If you can pass that test and get out of school, the sooner the better, and if anyone looks down on you for doing so, have confidence in yourself.

As an addendum, I'll say that college was completely different from any other form of school I had been in, and it was actually beneficial to me. My degree was actually in Physics, and while I don't think college was necessary to learn the things that I did, I retroactively appreciate the community of people I was around. I took it for granted at the time, but talking every day with people with physics doctorates was a huge load off my mind, in that I was around people I could trust and respect. It really fucked with my baseline expectations for human intelligence, actually. Interacting with most people outside of that world puts a heavy pit in my stomach, and makes me more angry than anything. You spend four years in that world, and once you get out everybody will seem like a fucking concussed child, and then you begin to realize they actually run the outside world, and that's something that can drive you fucking insane to watch, but I digress.

In summary, pursuing what you love, even if it's something traditionally academic like physics, is not impossible without schooling. Get out of highschool while you can, as the only lasting impact it has is on your psyche, trust me, but do consider college if it seems like it's something you'd like. Hell, you can feasibly skip college and go straight into graduate school by self educating if you knock the GREs out of the park. For physics grad school in particular, if you get accepted, you actually get paid monthly stipends to get your education. Not a cent out of your own pocket. ;D

Anyhow, while I've never been to graduate school, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about what college is like, if physics is something you're thinking about pursuing.

EDIT: As much of a vendetta I have against public schooling, don't make any decision without first researching the consequences. Find out how a GED is looked upon, take the SATs and see how you do, etc. I think leaving highschool is a good idea, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you not to just act immediately on what someone tells you. :D This is also something you should probably be discussing with your parents.
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As someone who did wind up actively skipping all of soph-senior years of school due to crap, and as much as everything must suck right now, this isn't something to take lightly. Once you stop going, it's hard to ever start going again, no matter what you tell yourself. If you quit school, for this skip-auto grad-test, you might just let everything slide. Sure, you can vow you won't, but once you're given that freedom, it's harder to actually stick to studying. The older you get, the harder it is to learn, so if you do take that risk and don't follow through with studying just as hard without school, you're only hurting yourself once you need to go to college. It's a lose-lose choice. Your best bet is to at least power through one more year, and if you just cannot handle it, if it's actively hurting your emotional state and things get dire, maybe then put that plan back on the table. But for now? Try to stay in school.
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Let's just say if it doesn't work out like you currently think it might you're going to look back and always question your decision. Two years are pretty much nothing in the grand scale of things, whereas having no real education/qualification will just make life harder for you in the long run and will definitely be noticeable.

Also, it really doesn't sound like you have a plan lined up for life after school. So, you quit school, then what? Life won't get any easier. As long as you're in school your parents have to care for you, I wouldn't expect that to continue. Even if it does, you're mooching off your parents then, not necessarily something to aspire to. And if you won't it means you start to work. Let me tell you, pressure of real life is nothing compared to what you're going through right now.

Really, just grow a pair and soldier through these two years of high school. Don't throw away the life on easy mode you have right now.
@Meteor7 I do plan on going to college, but I'm stuck beetwen computer engineering, physics or language studies.
But it will be easy to choose eventually, it's not really my biggest problem, I'm fine with anything as long as it's something I like, and I just like studying... just hate school.

@Chary You have a point, but I'll keep studying at home and I already know what to do after taking the supplementary exams; take the national high school exam and get into a uni. It's often that easy and out of school, I'll be able to focus a lot more on what I actually want to do and a lot less on shit that I couldn't care less about ( like Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Arts, etc ).

@enarky As I said, I'll go to college. I know not everything will get easier, but I'll keep on learning, I'll keep on being myself, just without school and the people that go there in the way. I'll still be a succesful person, many have done this and many have achieved it.
I'd much rather have harsher times in a place where I can live properly, then good "easy" times on a hellhole.

And harder times creates stronger men, I guess I'm just not strong at all right now.
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It gets worse outside of school.
You can tell that school teaches you both formal knowledge, and some behavior related informal knowledge, both of great importance.
This second part, regarding learning how to deal with many people your don't get along with, and to deal with the anxiety of needing to get a job, then needing to get the job done in time, and deal with workmates to get it done in time, deal with clients and other companies, look for better jobs, go further in your career, pay the rent, get to know people, get backstabbed by people, learn to find trustworthy people, move forward, etc., etc., etc.
Well, you don't learn about that staying inside your home, if you don't have something else to play that role, then you will be unprotected when you go out into the jungle.
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Pacheko17, be aware that in the college is like in high school. Bullying, hatred, gossip, and hurtful are exist in college too. Beware and be aware of surrender. Dangerous is out there in high school and even in College too!
High school sucks. Plain and simple. If you are able to take an exam to skip it, then more power to you. However, I would caution you that what you do with the time you're not in high school will become paramount. The longer you are away from school the more difficult it becomes to get back to the grind. Have you thought about what you would do if you didn't go to high school? Would you grab an internship, would you work? How would this prepare you for the career you want for yourself in 4, 8, or 10 years from now?

Notice I'm not saying "job" but rather "career". Universities and career track positions will want someone with experience and a record of commitment to a field. Being in high school, while it is annoying and terrible in many ways, buys you time to put all this stuff in line. If you drop out and even take a test to "skip" it, you are now going to be stuck with years of time you will need to fill with something productive and then later be able to show on a resume/CV how that time was spent. Something to think about before you take that step.

Also, it sounds like you are under a ton of stress from social sources. Have you thought about taking time to speak with a professional (ie. counselor or psychiatrist)? The fact that you say you've taken random medications to calm yourself is very concerning. This is a high risk behavior and you may inadvertently end up hurting yourself.
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Well, you will have to show real determination if you want to follow that path. It's not impossible, but take advice from someone who took this road, it's very hard, way harder, but not impossible. Whatever is your decision, I wish you all the best for the future :)

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