[Rant] Nintendo Switch, quarantine, and why deving takes ages

It's funny to preface this blogpost with the fact that the reason it took me to long to make it is because I didn't have time between work and sleep to be able to do anything, which is quite ironic considering the quarantine :P

Let me start with my experience with the Nintendo Switch.

As some of you may know, I was (still am!) against the Switch due to its price, build quality, "lack of games", and because it's 64bit ARM which I really hate from a dev standpoint.
A few months ago one of my workmates entrusted (this is the right word to use in my case) me with his Switch for a while so I could try out Rocket League. Welp, not gonna lie it's much smaller than it looks in the commercials. It's just the worst size they could've chosen. It's too small to use the kickstand (and also the fact that Rocket League has no DPI scaling, because everyone can read 3mm text from 80cm amirite?!), but too big to hold comfortably. Also don't get me started on how flimsy the Joy-Cons felt, I was insisting on using undocked mode because I was afraid of snapping the Joy-Cons out of place >.<

Fast forward to march, when I get bombarded with ACNH just a week or so after restarting my ACNH savegame I left off at 2018/jul (ouch). Thanks to @smileyhead for just casually dropping that the Switch Lite has mushy buttons (because I was pretty open about my disgust that my workmate's Switch had Joy-Cons so bad; the buttons felt like stiffer yet mushier GBA SP buttons (which I really hate due to the strength required to press them), and the ZL/ZR buttons are even worse in that regard!), which was the "kick" in my mind to convince me to opt-in for a Switch Lite. I was already pretty much fully convinced, but still decided to ask a few questions, and despite my negative reaction towards them, I was 100% convinced to buy a Switch Lite, and the next day I did so (which is when I got my building permit in ACNL, big RIP).

Luckily the game shop of my choice is literally 2 floors below my workplace, so I was able to just travel there by train (which was not a good idea risking my life, but luckily I'm still alive). They had a yellow display model* on stock with a ~30€ price drop, and that's what I went for (the price drop was also a factor in fueling the will to buy this). The surprise was (indicated by the * star symbol in the previous sentence) is that only the box was on display, so basically I got a brand new yellow Switch Lite (but still managed to mess it up!).
Despite the lack of Joy-Con chargers anywhere, I still bought a pair of purple-orange, a Pro Controller (which I'm still really happy about, the Taptic Eng-- I mean HD Rumble feels really great!), a "dock" (which is definitely worth it, it feels much better than the kickstand on the regular Switch), and two boxed games (because I was afraid that Ninty could withdraw my rights to redownload the games I would purchase for prices slightly higher than the boxed versions). Obviously ACNL had to be the exception, not only because it sold out, but also because who the hell would wait more than half a year (or longer?!) for any cart to be in stock?! C'mon :ohnoes:

Considering how much fun I've been having with ACNH, and the fact that I had to get it digitally, I decided to check out the eShop. Oh my... I could describe my experience being similar to content creators when Youtube replaced the old comment system with Google+, except my experience was slightly worse. Like, you'd think that they'd put effort into the place where they hope people would spend most of their money... I was wrong. This is so far the worst eShop NIntendo has ever created. It has features stripped compared to previous iterations (where is my purchase history?), it's even slower, it always freezes, it's so damn slow that the touchscreen basically doesn't even work (the touchscreen responsiveness is comparable to ACNH when playing in-game... yeah).
Also the game selection. Now I have realized why I thought there is a "lack of games". It turns out it's the lack of cartridge-based games. It seems like most of the games are just cheap shovelware (is this the Wii again? lolno, the Switch seems to have a higher shovelware percentage than the Wii), usually some anime girl titles (and sometimes BIG TIDDY anime girl titles, I'm surprised Ninty allowed LotChecking that in), and then the super-expensive football games which are the exact same game but with the date code changed.
But I don't really care much about the shovelware games, as you can just scroll past them (assuming you have the patience to painstakingly scroll past them at like 3FPS). The fact that I'm really surprised about is how some of the 1st-party games have some quality degradements. The screenshots for Harvest Moon look like they are from a super low-budget ad-ridden game! And also based on my progress in Mario Maker 2 story mode, it seems like they have the same issue. It also looks like some low-budget game with the models replaced with higher-quality versions. At least the main game is actually really nice, it's only this part where you should barely spend time anyways (as in, in the "story mode hallway").
Edit, but not really: just before I ragequited the eShop, I thought to myself "I'll be angry at the overabundance of anime girl (tiddy) games because there is no Nekopara". Welp, upon calming down I decided to search for it just for the keks, and... they are all there for 8.99GBP each... Too bad it's 100% these are the censored cut-down versions.

For those who are wondering, I won't hack/homebrew my Switch because I don't want to risk being banned, having spent so much money (and other reasons I'm not going to include), but one thing is really tempting: the Youtube app is so bad. It has touchscreen support, but you can't scroll. That's okay, I can live with it, I always just accidentally click on an unwanted video. This would be fime if the second row weren't always "Important news" and "COVID-19 news" scaremongering garbage with disgusting clickbait thumbnails, the worst part being that you can't get rid of this section due to how crude the interface is, and that once you accidentally open one video, it'll take months to years to be able to get rid of recommendations because of this one mistake (because the "I don't want to see this recommendation" button doesn't function since the new design was introduced, and the same is the case with "Don't recommend this channel to me anymore" option).

tl;dr of the above section:
  • I hate Switch
  • I hate ARM64
  • Joy-Cons are cheap overpriced garbage with no quality control
  • I hate GBA SP buttons, and Joy-Cons' buttons are a worse iteration of those
  • Switch Lite rulez :toot:
  • RIP my ACNL save (2018/jul - 2020/mar)
  • RIP my wallet
  • Switch eShop is a slow cut-down disgrace, it's an insult to the 3DS version of eShop to be even called eShop, let alone the WiiU's really good eShop with a lot of "features"
  • Too much shovelware
  • Too much big tiddy anime girl games (too much as in, bigger than zero count (but who am I to judge *shrug* it's Ninty's fault they didn't add age restriction filters to the search))
  • The Switch release of Nekopara are 100% likely the censored and cut-down version

As for the quarantine, I have really surprised myself.

As a backstory (yet again, yay), I have actually had a really bad cold just a week before most countries were aware of this thing, which lasted more than a week (I was sick from mar/06 to mar/16). After having recovered, I noticed that my health has started to drop.
Well, it turns out that simply just walking 15m + 10m + 6m + 12m each day and eating two small pizzas (which approximately add up to a small full-size pizza), one 2.25L cola, one beer, and two filled milk bars were enough to more-or-less sustain a "healthy" lifestyle, and have your health be actually positive, and have a more-or-less good work performance. Unless you have some digestion problems (in which case my method doesn't work, sorry!) or allergies (of which I have a lot, so unless your allergies are fatal, this might work for you), this very unhealthy "lifestyle" is actually healthy enough to stay alive and be able to work ^_^

Now, it's important to know (but only for the points mentioned in this wall of text above and below) that I really hate exercise. Not because I'm so lazy (which I am), but because of the painful (and possibly fatal) side-effects physical straining causes for me. Well, it turns out that the beforementioned "exercise" played a really big role in helping to keep my health. So if you have experienced health lost (which is not caused by your mental health affecting your body) then it's most likely the lack of walks. It's important to very regularly get up from your seat, walk all around without straining yourself too much, and only then you're allowed to sit back. This is not as effective as taking a nice walk in (the hopefully) clean air, but at least it's still one step further from being a rotten couch potato :)

tl;dr of the above section:
  • Even if you can't go outside, it's important to do light exercise, totalling to at least 30m for the day, otherwise you'll experience bad side-effects which will lead to your health degrading
  • Eat!
  • Walk!
  • Don't be a rotten couch potato :)

And for the last section, the reason why I'm so slow at working on homebrew, and why my promises why sometimes take literal ages (example) to complete: bad health and/or bad time management.

Yet another backstory: at my previous workplace I have worked from home before. It's not good.
First of all, if you're sick, stay in the damn bed (learned this the hard way)!
Second, if you don't have your life "pre-planned" as much as I do then it'll affect your health negatively to the point where you'll be barely able to work 2-3hrs until you pass out, let alone working full 8hrs each and every workday. It's physically impossible. If going on for too long, your health can drop to the point where you have to be taken to hospital to be able to start a recovery process.
Currently I'm falling into the same pit again, except that I don't really have the "luxury" of being able to just go to work, so I'm forced into home office, and I don't like it. This is the current main reason as for why I'm so slow at working on homebrew. I physically can't do more work. I can't even keep up with the 8hr shift, not even close.

But the reason before the quarantine was (and still is) is that I'm really bad at time management. Like, no grasp of the subject at all.
People who suffer from this almost always have these side effects:
  • prefers to spend time on youtube
  • too tired to work on projects
  • too tired in general
  • has an inconsistent sleep schedule, sometimes as extreme as spending 36hrs awake and sleeping 10-13hrs afterwards, every "day"
  • depression higher than usual
  • bad health
  • "I don't have free time" syndrome
I'd say kick off the recovery process with these, in this order:
  1. You know your problem, and you know how to fix it. This is the hardest step. If you can start it, you're past the hardest part! :hrth:
  2. Start to fix that bad sleep schedule. Just sleeping 1hr less or more has huge effect! It varies, but it's usually good to sleep between 7hrs and a bit less than 9hrs. Anything outside that range is highly unhealthy.
  3. Fix the sleep schedule. Slowly but surely keep pushing the sleep schedule towards a specific time window. This can be hard depending on your situation. Even the pros (like me) can barely make any progress, so this takes the longest time. Once you found a sweet spot, strive for going to sleep in time! If something doesn't work out, retry after sleep! You have no idea how many hours I wasted attempting things tired which I solved after a good sleep...
  4. Go for walks! Screw sports! If you walk at least a total of 30m a day then you should already feel your health starting to recover
  5. Eat! The reason this is after the walks is because you won't (or perhaps can't) eat more if you don't go for walks. Unless eating junk food is endangering or lethal to you, you're allowed to eat junk food during the recovery period. You'll end up healthier in the long run if you put less barriers in front of you and thus recover faster.
  6. Plan out your time. Here you should already feel better and less depressed. Magically every day you started to have 20-40-60-90mins of free time out of nowhere, and you've been actually using it to work on your projects :D Here is where you should plan out your time a bit more precisely. By planning I mean making a timetable, and naturally sticking to it. Most will just get super depressed when trying to stick to "deadlines". Play around with the timeplan to see what is good for you. You'll know if the timeplan is working because your whole body and system will adjust to it in some time, completely naturally! It's also important to keep in mind that the timeplan is just a guide, it's not the law. Deviations are allowed, but don't let yourself fall off.
  7. Plan ahead for the unexpected. Even though I barely managed to get to the previous point, I know very well what I *should* do to get back on the right track. I have never been at this point, but it's something everyone should do. If you're just recovering, you'll eventually notice that any slight deviation messing with your schedule will throw you off from a cliff, and you'll have to spend a lot of effort to be able to climb back and not fall off. This is why you should plan ahead, think what could mess with your schedule, and try mitigating those as much as possible. You'll most likely have to alter your timetable to be able to accomodate these possibilities, but it's just to ensure that you could live a more normal life :)

It's amazing (and very terrifying) that I have homebrew which I've been developing for ages, but because of the above mentioned things they are still unreleased! And there are actually quite a few of them, and not even all of them are 3DS-related, or not even Nintendo-related, or not even a homebrew at all! I have even made original content many many years ago which are still sitting on my 80Gig HDD, most likely bitrotting away at this point, which could've been release-worthy with just an extra few days worth of work "if I had time"...

tl;dr of the above section:
  • It's literally said above the spoiler...
  • Well, it's actually not mentioned in the line above the spoiler: quarantine is bad for my health, and just don't have enough strength to maintain 8hrs of work performance, let alone homebrew
  • I'm bad at managing my time, and thus I "never have time" for making homebrew
  • If you suffer from bingewatching videos, lack of motivation, tiredness, inconsistent sleep schedule, depression, bad health, and never having time, you're probably suffering from bad time management. Plan your time, and there is a high chance you'll feel better. Start by fixing that bad sleep schedule! :)
  • If you're having the problems mentioned in the above point then I actually recommend reading the text instead of just this exerpt.

I'm no Louis Rossmann, but I hope there was something useful hidden in between the rants and self-cries, and I hope you learned something :sp:
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> You know your problem, and you know how to fix it. This is the hardest step. If you can start it, you're past the hardest part!
It is indeed the hardest step. You are right in that.

> Magically every day you started to have 20-40-60-90mins of free time out of nowhere, and you've been actually using it to work on your projects :D Here is where you should plan out your time a bit more precisely. By planning I mean making a timetable, and naturally sticking to it. Most will just get super depressed when trying to stick to "deadlines". Play around with the timeplan to see what is good for you. You'll know if the timeplan is working because your whole body and system will adjust to it in some time, completely naturally! It's also important to keep in mind that the timeplan is just a guide, it's not the law. Deviations are allowed, but don't let yourself fall off.
I wish it were that easy. I constantly get distracted. In fact, instead of doing school work, I'm responding to this

But yeah, you don't need to rush out new updates every 5 days with homebrew stuff. Just keep to yourself and the schedule that you like.
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Sono said:
Rocket League has no DPI scaling
You should definitely report this to the devs. A game should not have text optimised for TV mode in handheld mode. It's a huge accessibility concern.
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  • I hate Switch
  • Joy-Cons are cheap overpriced garbage with no quality control
  • Switch eShop is a slow cut-down disgrace, it's an insult to the 3DS version of eShop to be even called eShop, let alone the WiiU's really good eShop with a lot of "features"
  • Too much shovelware
  • Too much big tiddy anime girl games (too much as in, bigger than zero count (but who am I to judge *shrug* it's Ninty's fault they didn't add age restriction filters to the search))

    -i agree with all of these, the "lack of games" is an issue, it seems like nintendo would rather let third party devs fill the library up. I hate how theres constant mobile ports or just ports of games i already have instead of new ones. now, one could say "dont buy them then", no the issue is when the these ports make up a majority of the library, and instead of developing new games, they take up time and new games barely come out.
    -joycon drift is an issue, a serious issue, but that has been talked to death
    -switch eshop is a mess with no organization or music
    -i agree with the big tiddy anime girl games, they dont appeal to me lol, but since im banned, at least i dont have to see anything when i go into the eshop
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Many things could be said but how the hell is the eshop slow for you? It feels incredibly snappy compared to how much of a painful slog the 3ds eshop was.
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@jt_1258 try scrolling down search results, or anything which would yield more than a page worth of search results, it'll lag. If you want to get a headache, try searching by category, that page can easily get <1FPS...

@catlover007 it had some changes and feature removals which I really liked in regular ARM, and that is a dealbreaker for me
@catlover007 it had some changes and feature removals which I really liked in regular ARM, and that is a dealbreaker for me
what exactly? I assume you don't write assembler, except maybe for neon (because intrinsic code generation is still not optimal, though it's decent) and neon got a lot better, so the instruction set hardly matters. If you have to write assembler the removal of conditional execution of all instructions can sometimes be a bit annoying, but csel/csinc does the job as well and e.g. the barrel shifter is stil there. Double the amount of registers + the new bit manipulation instructions (ubfx, bfi, etc.) sure make it up for it, that simply would not have fit while wasting 4 bits already on the condition field which is going to be the same 90% of the time anyway.
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@catlover007 I actually do write ARM and/or Thumb by hand sometimes due to timing or size constraints :P
I sadly don't know as far as NEON, because I only know the instruction set up to the 3DS' (ARMv6K, no T2). I admit that sometimes T2 bit processing instructions would be nice, but the data processing instructions available can still do some neat things.
You'll be surprised, but I actually use the 4bit conditionals in ARM mode, because you can write some really compact yet efficient code with it (a tradeoff between Thumb's limitations and size). The only downside of this approach is that "unexecuted" instructions still take a cycle.
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compact and efficient looking for humans != compact and efficient on out of order processors with deep pipelines. It's not like you can't write assembler these days (I do it too), but you have to be really careful and as I said it's usually not worth it, unless you're using neon instructions. The whole conditional execution scheme just messed with branch predictor designs, back when it was invented it was a good idea, but now it's more of a hinderance.

Recommended read: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topi..._A57_Software_Optimization_Guide_external.pdf

And of course the ARMv8 reference manual, but you probably already use that one.
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I don't have NEON on the 3DS, only data and "media" processing instructions.

Also, in most cases I can't just use a C compiler, because it doesn't use instructions which could make the code smaller and faster. Also, code patching, and custom code. There is usually almost always no space for your code, so hand-crafting is essential.
Example: https://github.com/SonoSooS/TWPatch_a/blob/master/data/trainer.S
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Sure if you do low level stuff where you directly interact with the hw you need to use assembler. I was talking about writing applications on the switch.
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Ah. I'll never make Switch homebrew, I want to keep my Switch Lite stock.
I'll stick with 3DS and WiiU homebrew :P
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"If you suffer from [...] plan your time, and there is a high chance you'll feel better." You're describing my life since the fuckin start.

Rn I feel like I'm not even able to do it, pandemic sucks terribly. But in less extreme circunstances I'll have to take that step, even to try and see if it works.

I feel so... miserable, to say the least. I can't get to do even things that I like. Be it simple or hard things. A total flop.

Thanks for your rant... it's hard to live. Not feeling so alone helps to not give up.
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What do you do for time management? I work at a warehouse job that is easily the best "real" job I worked out of the three that I have until now. The only problem is that it's an hour there and back, and I might be away from home for 5 days a week for up to 12 hours! And that's not including the hour it takes for me to get all cleaned up first thing, eat breakfast, get dressed, and go out the door and try to stay alert for an hour rush to a job that, if it wasn't for the travel time there and back, I'd be much happier right now than I am. Not that I'm in the doldrums or anything, as it's thanks to this and another job at a distribution center before I got this one as I had applied to my current warehouse job right as the lockdowns started and they stopped hiring for a good 6 months before hiring opened back up that all of my bills going into this whole mess are paid off.

And on an unrelated note, the Joy-Cons that @Milenko are recommending are easily better as long as you don't mind not using motion controls, Amiibos, or any of the other crap that Nintendo likes to push in their games that honestly is money that they're wasting that could be spent on better Internet infrastructure, better build quality, and more powerful hardware to be more competitive with other consoles and to try and get all of the third party games onto their hardware as opposed to whatever limited woo-ing they did of third parties for their last three mainstream consoles.
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I can't believe it was ME of all things to make this blog post. I completely forgot I ever made this, and reading it made me cringe, because I once managed to crawl above the "just living" line for a short while, but I'm currently suffering again from all the things mentioned in the excerpt...

@BETA215 Yeah, it's extremely difficult to keep your health in these shitty times, especially if you also have job/school to keep up with. Not to mention that access to necessities like food is much more limited now due to the closure of shops and the overload of the post system. And here in Hungary we're trolled even more, as the toll office saw financial opportunity to profit by taking a toll on us (pun intended in both meanings) in the worst possible time, so all shipments are delayed by around a week instead of just a few hours.

@Milenko That looks like a Pro Controller cut in half. Too bad the right stick and buttons are not swapped, as I prefer the WiiU Gamepad layout more.

@Silent_Gunner I still don't have time management. Even though I can save a lot of time by not traveling, I was happier and healthier when I was traveling. I was playing Lazer Kitty Pow-Pow during the train travel, and I walked to work instead of taking the tram for a single stop. Even though I ate shitty fries at McDonalds, I was somehow healther than I am now, even though I eat real healthy food at home.
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@Sono Life can be like that. There'll be times when the hills get higher, they dip down, and times when the hills become straight plains. The key is to try and be strong and skilled enough to navigate these changes in your life path.
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  • Even if you can't go outside, it's important to do light exercise, totalling to at least 30m for the day, otherwise you'll experience bad side-effects which will lead to your health degrading
Such as? The last time I did any major amount of walking was back in 2019, when I could actually go to uni; walking from the train station to the lecture rooms or tutorial rooms in separate buildings in the city. Ever since 2020 happened, I haven't done much physically, and I don't notice anything wrong.
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