The bastard really fucked up now.

So for all of you people who read my last blog and said I was whining and that my parents aren't that bad, I here have the evidence that my father is a violent bastard.
During dinner my little sister was continuously pokeing me in the chest with her finger. I found this annoying, so I tried to push her arm away, and hit my right hand against the table while trying to do so.
This hurt a lot, since (because of my handicap) my right hand is really sensitive, so I shout "goddammit.
Next thing I know is that my father starts raging, he shouts at me that I'm a bastard, and that I shouldn't shout.
I call him a fat retarded hypocrite, and then he starts to (literally) pull my hair (a lot of which got pulled out of my head), spit in my face and hit me over the head.
Now tell me, am I really a whining, stuck up kid that should learn normal manners or is my father a retard that hits me over the head and pulls my hair out if I don't completely agree with what he says and treat him like he's the motherfucking king?



[quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2794781' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:02 AM'][quote name='Raika' post='2794775' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:57 AM']And did you notice that he was criticizing himself when he called you a bastard? Check the definition of bastard if you don't get it. :P[/quote]bas·tard
1. A child born out of wedlock.
2. Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
3. Slang A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.

Not really insulting yourself when you call your own son a bastard.
Bastard. Most commonly used as a synonym for asshole.
I thought you'd know that.
And no, I'm not trying to be dramatic with my handicap and stuff, it's just to show you why I wouldn't have cursed as loud if I'd hit my left hand.

[quote name='GundamXXX' post='2794049' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:33 AM']Seriously... get over it mate

You said something your dad didnt appreciate. Its HIS house and your HIS son and your eating to food HE worked his ass off for at the table that HE saved up to buy.

I have a kid and if he EVER called me a name Id smack him around. Show some respect to your parent. And if you dont want to thats fine but move out. His house his rules

Your house your rules... simple as that[/quote]
Well thing is, I'm not really old enough to move out yet (at 16 you can't get a job that pays well enough so you can rent a house yet) but trust me, as soon as I'm done with school here (1 or 2 more years, depending on how well I do) I'm gone.
And just imagine yourself in my shoes. you hit your hand against the table, shout goddammit and then your father shouts at you that you shouldn't shout. Would you just be a good boy and let him walk over you like that?
[quote name='#5661' post='2794007' date='Apr 29 2010, 10:13 PM'][quote name='Law' post='2793362' date='Apr 29 2010, 05:43 PM']Maybe try not calling him a "fat retarded hypocrite" at the dinner table and just shutting the fuck up.[/quote]
So being, frankly, beaten-up-a-bit for a regular sort of teenage-rebellious insult is just and fair?
No. You'd suck at being a parent.
@Demonbart: Call for help... or threaten to call for help... or talk to a councillor at school about it and get some suggestions.
If it gets worse and you're in a situation where you can't get help, kick his ass or grab a knife.
I recommend that you have a talk with your family about this. This may sound stupid but if you apologise to you dad he might apologise to you? Maybe :S
[quote name='#5661' post='2794007' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:13 AM']So being, frankly, beaten-up-a-bit for a regular sort of teenage-rebellious insult is just and fair?[/quote]
Wait, calling your father a "fat retarded hypocrite" is "regular teenage rebellious" behaviour?

You spoiled little brat.
[quote name='Raika' post='2794804' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:14 AM'][quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2794799' date='Apr 29 2010, 10:11 PM'][quote name='Raika' post='2794783' date='Apr 30 2010, 01:04 AM'][quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2794781' date='Apr 29 2010, 10:02 PM'][quote name='Raika' post='2794775' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:57 AM']And did you notice that he was criticizing himself when he called you a bastard? Check the definition of bastard if you don't get it. :P[/quote]bas·tard
1. A child born out of wedlock.
2. Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
3. Slang A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.

Not really insulting yourself when you call your own son a bastard.
Eh, my mother told me that bastard means that the father had sex with the mom and had the baby before marriage. D:
Yeah, wedlock. Why is that insulting to the father?
It means that the father is a... a... no-good pimp? :P
He can always say "I won't be like you, you sex-craved monster, I shall get into a serious relationship and marry before having children!" to his father...
lolrandom :P
Except all of this doesn't apply. There's no word like bastard in Dutch.
Lol. Hate on your dad all you want, but without him you would not even be alive to complain about him.. .

Do you think deep down your dad hates you ? -YOU-, his own son ? That as a new born baby, he fed you when you could not feed yourself, bathed you when you could not bathe yourself, protected you from harms way, when you could not protect yourself. Why did he do that, just for fun ?

.. And if you are stupid enough to think your dad was happy about this incident you speak of, think again.. He would want nothing more than for you to do -anything- to show you care and appreciate him, I bet he has done alot for you in life.. So what have you done for him in life? .. (Apart from this thread, which is doing nothing for him in life, what have you actually done for him in life, compared to what he has done for you?)

.. I'll let you answer that.
[quote name='br0br0' post='2795232' date='Apr 30 2010, 03:13 PM']Lol. Hate on your dad all you want, but without him you would not even be alive to complain about him.. .

Do you think deep down your dad hates you ? -YOU-, his own son ? That as a new born baby, he fed you when you could not feed yourself, bathed you when you could not bathe yourself, protected you from harms way, when you could not protect yourself. Why did he do that, just for fun ?

.. And if you are stupid enough to think your dad was happy about this incident you speak of, think again.. He would want nothing more than for you to do -anything- to show you care and appreciate him, I bet he has done alot for you in life.. So what have you done for him in life? .. (Apart from this thread, which is doing nothing for him in life, what have you actually done for him in life, compared to what he has done for you?)

.. I'll let you answer that.[/quote]
When I was a baby my dad was captain aboard ships from a certain company (Spliethof IIRC) so he'd be gone for three to four months, then be home for a couple of weeks, and then he was off again.
And I can't say I ever felt like I missed him.
Things are so much more relaxed when he's not around.
If he's home you really have to watch out cuz he'll starts raging if you say anything he doesn't like.
Also he's always complaining on what a mess it is, yet there he is sitting on the couch scratching his ass.
Lately even my mother and sisters have been like "phew he's gone" as soon as he went to work.
[quote name='br0br0' post='2795232' date='Apr 30 2010, 02:13 PM']Lol. Hate on your dad all you want, but without him you would not even be alive to complain about him.. .

Do you think deep down your dad hates you ? -YOU-, his own son ? That as a new born baby, he fed you when you could not feed yourself, bathed you when you could not bathe yourself, protected you from harms way, when you could not protect yourself. Why did he do that, just for fun ?

.. And if you are stupid enough to think your dad was happy about this incident you speak of, think again.. He would want nothing more than for you to do -anything- to show you care and appreciate him, I bet he has done alot for you in life.. So what have you done for him in life? .. (Apart from this thread, which is doing nothing for him in life, what have you actually done for him in life, compared to what he has done for you?)

.. I'll let you answer that.[/quote]

Well that went wrong considering he beats him now.
He's only a kid give him a break yeah, why should he do anything for his dad if he's being an arsehole.
Well what i elieve is that you should talk with your parents peracefully ;).......
What i mean show them that you grew up and of course don't shout at them because even if you are
right to something they won't understand it :S........

Do as i say.......
I had the same problem not with hair stuf and like that.....The problems that you mentioned in the previous topic....
I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.
[quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:40 PM']It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.[/quote]
For some reason I can't imagine you have a lot of friends.
[quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:40 PM']I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.[/quote]

If anything I would beat the fuck out of you if I ever found you. Your a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to have children, especially since you wouldn't know how to treat them. Yes the kid mouthed off to his dad, that was immaturity on his part, but no matter what that doesn't warrant the dad to be able to physically harm him. What the fuck is wrong with the people on this forum? Probably because your all gamers, you're a bunch of losers that have no idea how to raise a child, considering gamers are a bunch of immature people with no lives.
[quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 06:40 PM']I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.[/quote]
Why don't you just go to bed, you're embarrassing yourself go get some friends.
I'm guessing everyone who says he deserves it was abused.
Which means they think that's normal and even if people say it isn't they'll just brush them off since they grew up with a distorted vision of normal.
And yes, maybe it was normal some time ago but it isn't now.
Incest was commonplace before but it is a crime in LOTS of places now, see?
Times change, and so should parents!
[quote name='TheGreatNeko' post='2795708' date='Apr 30 2010, 01:52 PM'][quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:40 PM']I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.[/quote]

If anything I would beat the fuck out of you if I ever found you. Your a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to have children, especially since you wouldn't know how to treat them. Yes the kid mouthed off to his dad, that was immaturity on his part, but no matter what that doesn't warrant the dad to be able to physically harm him. What the fuck is wrong with the people on this forum? Probably because your all gamers, you're a bunch of losers that have no idea how to raise a child, considering gamers are a bunch of immature people with no lives.

You're not even of legal age to drink, little kid, and you want to pop off to ME? LMFAO. You're talking about raising a child, when you just grew your first pube? Please, son.

If you're really interested, though, I live in Virginia. Let me know when you want your free dental reconstruction, douche.
[quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795719' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:56 PM'][quote name='TheGreatNeko' post='2795708' date='Apr 30 2010, 01:52 PM'][quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:40 PM']I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.[/quote]

If anything I would beat the fuck out of you if I ever found you. Your a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to have children, especially since you wouldn't know how to treat them. Yes the kid mouthed off to his dad, that was immaturity on his part, but no matter what that doesn't warrant the dad to be able to physically harm him. What the fuck is wrong with the people on this forum? Probably because your all gamers, you're a bunch of losers that have no idea how to raise a child, considering gamers are a bunch of immature people with no lives.

You're not even of legal age to drink, little kid, and you want to pop off to ME? LMFAO. You're talking about raising a child, when you just grew your first pube? Please, son.

If you're really interested, though, I live in Virginia. Let me know when you want your free dental reconstruction, douche.

This guy is proving his real age everytime he makes a post. I don't have to say much because he puts himself further and further into a hole.
[quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:40 PM']I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.[/quote]
The fact that you don't have any social contacts at all (only counting real life here, but even people on this forum don't seem to like you) doesn't mean that you shoul call me either a piece of shit or a manpleaser, let alone both of them in the same stupid brainfart. And it is indeed a good thing that we don't know each other, cuz if we did, i'd be beating your dumb ass with a whip until you stop acting like a douchebag.

[quote name='TheGreatNeko' post='2795739' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:08 PM']This guy is proving his real age everytime he makes a post. I don't have to say much because he puts himself further and further into a hole.[/quote]
Yeah and coincidentally his profile says age unknown.
[quote name='TheGreatNeko' post='2795739' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:08 PM']This guy is proving his real age everytime he makes a post. I don't have to say much because he puts himself further and further into a hole.[/quote]
The strange thing is that on his YouTube channel he's just singing some songs, playing guitar and looking as least as old as I am.

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