Lethal injection

We have this cat we found outside a few months ago. He wasn't in such a good shape but he seemed to get better after we took him in. But now he is obviously very sick and in pain. We have to put him out. There's no other option. That's a fact. But our financial situation does not allow for a lethal injection by the vet, which costs about a 100 bucks here. My parents can't really pay for it and they don't care enough to make it a priority to pay, with the risk of having to declare personal bankruptcy a little too close. But the cat is suffering and I can't sit here and do nothing. So I decided I would make the injection myself. I bought these and decided to induce extreme Hyperkalemia by injecting a lethal dose of potassium chloride(KCl), which is what's used to give the death penalty in the US. It seems to be the most humane and clean way to do it. I would like to sedate him or give him a powerful painkiller before the injection, but I don't seem to have the necessary resources to get my hands on some. If you would know about one that is easily available, it would mean a lot. Otherwise, it just makes me feel a little better to talk about it.


[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838375' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:12 AM']And @Jeffrey you wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, would you?[/quote]
At a vet's, those are registered and protected drugs.

I still fail to see why you do not call a veterinarian.
[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838375' date='Aug 17 2011, 10:12 AM']And @Jeffrey you wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, would you?[/quote]

I do not. Unless you are a doctor, you can not get your hands on this stuff. Even owning it would be illegal ( in most countries ). This stuff is always kept behind locked doors.
Call some vets. There is bound to be a good one.
But what is the illness the cat is suffering from?
[quote name='Jeffrey88' post='3838385' date='Aug 17 2011, 05:24 AM'][quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838375' date='Aug 17 2011, 10:12 AM']And @Jeffrey you wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, would you?[/quote]

I do not. Unless you are a doctor, you can not get your hands on this stuff. Even owning it would be illegal ( in most countries ). This stuff is always kept behind locked doors.
Call some vets. There is bound to be a good one.
But what is the illness the cat is suffering from?
The question was mostly rhetorical. I already knew I would be impossible to get my hands on that stuff.
I have made a list of vets to call ASAP, but it's currently 5 AM. If they won't do it today or early tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to bear watching the poor thing any longer.
As for the disease, I don't remember the name, but it involves the digestive track in some way. I'll look through my stuff to tell you exactly what it is.
[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838414' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:54 AM'][quote name='Jeffrey88' post='3838385' date='Aug 17 2011, 05:24 AM'][quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838375' date='Aug 17 2011, 10:12 AM']And @Jeffrey you wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, would you?[/quote]

I do not. Unless you are a doctor, you can not get your hands on this stuff. Even owning it would be illegal ( in most countries ). This stuff is always kept behind locked doors.
Call some vets. There is bound to be a good one.
But what is the illness the cat is suffering from?
The question was mostly rhetorical. I already knew I would be impossible to get my hands on that stuff.
I have made a list of vets to call ASAP, but it's currently 5 AM. If they won't do it today or early tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to bear watching the poor thing any longer.
As for the disease, I don't remember the name, but it involves the digestive track in some way. I'll look through my stuff to tell you exactly what it is.

Again, why you don't give a call to this people in your city?

They probably can do something to help your cat and "help" doesn't necessarily mean "kill". I still think that trying to save a life should always be the 1st option to consider...
[quote name='DDJM' post='3838417' date='Aug 17 2011, 03:02 AM'][quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838414' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:54 AM'][quote name='Jeffrey88' post='3838385' date='Aug 17 2011, 05:24 AM'][quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838375' date='Aug 17 2011, 10:12 AM']And @Jeffrey you wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, would you?[/quote]

I do not. Unless you are a doctor, you can not get your hands on this stuff. Even owning it would be illegal ( in most countries ). This stuff is always kept behind locked doors.
Call some vets. There is bound to be a good one.
But what is the illness the cat is suffering from?
The question was mostly rhetorical. I already knew I would be impossible to get my hands on that stuff.
I have made a list of vets to call ASAP, but it's currently 5 AM. If they won't do it today or early tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to bear watching the poor thing any longer.
As for the disease, I don't remember the name, but it involves the digestive track in some way. I'll look through my stuff to tell you exactly what it is.

Again, why you don't give a call to this people in your city?

They probably can do something to help your cat and "help" doesn't necessarily mean "kill". I still think that trying to save a life should always be the 1st option to consider...

You don't understand how the average vet works, do you? Pets aren't people and vets don't work like hospitals. They aren't obligated to treat your animal whether you have payment or not. If you don't have payment, you can get right the fuck out with your animal. When they are obviously dying, the first thing that is going to be recommended is that the animal is granted death. I have never been to a veterinary clinic that was happy to treat my dying animals regardless of my poor financial situation.

Pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I don't give a shit if you're a member of PETA (PITA?), you don't need to preach. The cat was given a diagnosis and that diagnosis is that the disease is untreatable.
[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838465' date='Aug 17 2011, 12:47 PM']You don't understand how the average vet works, do you? Pets aren't people and vets don't work like hospitals. They aren't obligated to treat your animal whether you have payment or not. If you don't have payment, you can get right the fuck out with your animal. When they are obviously dying, the first thing that is going to be recommended is that the animal is granted death. I have never been to a veterinary clinic that was happy to treat my dying animals regardless of my poor financial situation.

Pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I don't give a shit if you're a member of PETA (PITA?), you don't need to preach. The cat was given a diagnosis and that diagnosis is that the disease is untreatable.[/quote]

Hospital? Vets? Huh? Did you open the link I posted?
[quote name='DDJM' post='3838473' date='Aug 17 2011, 03:53 AM'][quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838465' date='Aug 17 2011, 12:47 PM']You don't understand how the average vet works, do you? Pets aren't people and vets don't work like hospitals. They aren't obligated to treat your animal whether you have payment or not. If you don't have payment, you can get right the fuck out with your animal. When they are obviously dying, the first thing that is going to be recommended is that the animal is granted death. I have never been to a veterinary clinic that was happy to treat my dying animals regardless of my poor financial situation.

Pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I don't give a shit if you're a member of PETA (PITA?), you don't need to preach. The cat was given a diagnosis and that diagnosis is that the disease is untreatable.[/quote]

Hospital? Vets? Huh? Did you open the link I posted?

I don't care if you posted the cure to all pet ailments. From the get go, you've been acting like vets will do everything they can to treat your pet regardless of if you can pay. You act like there are shelters out there begging for your dying animals so they can be treated. His cat isn't just sick, it is dying. DYING. There is obviously not help for this, or the first thing jumped to wouldn't have been to euthanize the animal. You've been acting like there are infinite cures, that there is always help, that hope is never lost. Guess what, doesn't work that way. Animals are not viewed as people, they will not be treated the same way, and without cash, the average veterinarian will do fuck all for you because they need to stay in business.

Now, I don't support what he was initially trying to do. It's why I didn't post, as it would have just been another "wtf are you doing" situation. You have been unnecessarily preachy and honestly, not really helpful. "I LOVE ANIMALS DON'T KILL IT GET HELP FOR IT" over and over again isn't exactly great advice. Anybody that has owned pets knows that situations can spiral out of control quickly, and animal sicknesses aren't researched to the degree that human sicknesses are. For common, minor things, a veterinarian should have you covered. Once it comes down to diseases though, you either get lucky and it is a human one where medications work in animals as well as humans, it is actually researched and has medicine for it, or you get unlucky and your animal gets a shit prognosis as it begins to circle the drain.

I love my animals as much as the next person, but if it came down to euthanizing it or watching it suffer to death, I certainly wouldn't choose the latter.
[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838476' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:01 PM']I don't care if you posted the cure to all pet ailments. From the get go, you've been acting like vets will do everything they can to treat your pet regardless of if you can pay.[/quote]

Here in Italy it works like this, vets are doctors and the goal of a any kind of doctor is first of all *TRY TO CURE*. Euthanasia is the last possible option. There are hospital for animals too where they can stay recovered even for months if necessary (of course you need to pay).

[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838476' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:01 PM']You act like there are shelters out there begging for your dying animals so they can be treated. His cat isn't just sick, it is dying. DYING.[/quote]

It's dying because not even trying a possible cure. Every sick people die if doctors don't cure him.

[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838476' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:01 PM']There is obviously not help for this[/quote]

Oh and who told you this? Did you visit the cat to make that statement?

[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838476' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:01 PM']Guess what, doesn't work that way. Animals are not viewed as people, they will not be treated the same way, and without cash, the average veterinarian will do fuck all for you because they need to stay in business.[/quote]

Again, in Italy it doesn't work like this and animals are threated exactly like people. My father years ago spent 1000 euros to remove a stomach cancer from his dog and the dog survived. A USA vet maybe would have killed him because "more easy". Sad to know that in USA pet hospitals work so bad... And I know many vets here who cure *FOR FREE* animal in street just because they love them.

[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3838476' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:01 PM']You have been unnecessarily preachy and honestly, not really helpful.[/quote]

LOL, actually I was the only one in this thread who care to spend some minutes on Google to give the man a link of a non-profit organization in Montreal who take care of cats. If this is "not really helpful", fine.
To the poster above me, NO ONE DAMN CARES WHAT HAPPENS IN ITALY. He's in Canada, so please, stop preaching so much. It's not helpful to the situation that you keep pointing out what wonderful animal care Italy offers.

If you've read the statements, the cat has already been diagnosed by a doctor that there was no possible cure and that the only option was euthanizing it. He has no money and thus has no method of asking a veterinarian to do it, and DON'T damn respond to this with "well, there's surely some bla bla bla", because there isn't anywhere IN HIS AREA that allows it. Didn't you even stop to think that maybe due to the fact that Montreal is the second biggest city in Canada, that the place you mentioned might not be in his general area?
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3838517' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:31 PM']If you've read the statements, the cat has already been diagnosed by a doctor that there was no possible cure and that the only option was euthanizing it.[/quote]

So since this man "has no money" to take the cat to a vet it's a good choice killing the cat by himself? Are you all joking or what? Even if the cat has be diagnosed by a good vet and there's really no cure, euthanasia is still a medical thing that needs a doctor. Period. What he wants to do is just stupid and wrong (and maybe illegal too, I don't know Canada laws). And this could cause even more pain to the poor animal.
[quote name='DDJM' post='3838525' date='Aug 17 2011, 07:39 PM'][quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3838517' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:31 PM']If you've read the statements, the cat has already been diagnosed by a doctor that there was no possible cure and that the only option was euthanizing it.[/quote]

So since this man "has no money" to take the cat to a vet it's a good choice killing the cat by himself? Are you all joking or what? Even if the cat has be diagnosed by a good vet and there's really no cure, euthanasia is still a medical thing that needs a doctor. Period. What he wants to do is just stupid and wrong (and maybe illegal too, I don't know Canada laws). And this could cause even more pain to the poor animal.
If you have a better solution, please, go ahead and say it. I believe everyone was pissed at you because your idea of helping is boasting your country's amazing animal care services, preaching about how he should find a cure, and how he's bad for not looking for a vet to cure it. (which he, by the way, pointed out in the first post)

Seriously, if you have a more effective solution, go ahead. Otherwise, this might be the only appropriate way out, provided that he knows the methodology and he has the appropriate materials. You don't have to be a doctor to know how to do something involving medicine. I'm not condoning his method, but goddammit, if this is the only way, then go ahead with it. If you don't think it's right and he should let the cat suffer for days upon weeks, then so be it.
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3838544' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:51 PM']If you have a better solution, please, go ahead and say it.[/quote]

Like I already said, for me a possibile solution is looking for one of those non-profit organization who take care of animals (and survive thanks to donations). Often there are vets working with them in their spare time and probably his cat can have a cure/euthanasia for free (or surely more cheap than a "normal vet"). Or he could just try to sell something to make the needed money... I don't know. The only thing that I know is that he needs a vet for this kind of things. Absolutely.

[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3838544' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:51 PM']Otherwise, this might be the only appropriate way out, provided that he knows the methodology and he has the appropriate materials. You don't have to be a doctor to know how to do something involving medicine.[/quote]

Read the previous posts in this thread written by some guys who study vet. It's not an easy thing to do and has a high chance of failure... I think the last thing this man wants is to see his cat suffer. Well, with this home-made euthanasia he could make him suffer even more.
Just to make this topic a bit cleaner and try and stem the flames a bit: Veterinarians are not bad people and yes they run a business, but they are also most definitly the ones always on the front lines when it comes to animal welfare. Any veterinarian I know, be it in Holland or otherwise will always help an animal in need; if the animal needs to be put down and normal costs cannot be met (and truly not met and there is a genuine veterinary ground for it) he or she will most certainly try and help in anyway. Even if that means spending his or her time and practice on the patient and even his or her own money. Generally the first reason people become vets for is to help animals in need. If a cure is what is available and required: it shall be given within al reason. If euthanasia is the way to go, it will be done. That is why I stated that doing a call round to a few vets explaining the situation will in all likelyhood result in the animal being helped.

The OP will refrain from killing it in the method he had initially planned (subcutanious injection of potassium chloride) which was a horrible idea. The effort put fort by the OP is admirable of course and not going forward after listening is also very good. Now a few veterinarians will be called / visited and the animal will be helped, don't worry. If not, please think of better methods to help the creature (for one, don't try being a home docter.... the best thing to do then would most possibly really be a shovel.. just make sure the first blow really kills it). You can ALWAYS ask a veterinarian what would be the best thing to do even if, and I find this highly unlikely, they are unwilling to assist you.

P.S. Might also be a good idea to check your legislation, especially if it isn't your cat you could be in violation of several laws ;).

Bottom line, as DDJM also pointed out most of my above written statements: Let's wait and see if the OP has called a vet and has found one willing to help, which I am sure will happen.
TBH...I'd think you maybe doing more harm then good to the cat by doing this on your own.

I agree with DDJM, I would see if any vet in your area would like to help in any possible way. This isn't the only option you have here.
Im really sorry to hear about your cat.
I would give you one of my kittens to make you happy.
[quote name='KirbyBoy' post='3838597' date='Aug 17 2011, 02:38 PM']TBH...I'd think you maybe doing more harm then good to the cat by doing this on your own.

I agree with DDJM, I would see if any vet in your area would like to help in any possible way. This isn't the only option you have here.[/quote]
Yarly...... thank you for your 2 cents, let's just wait for the OP to see what happened calling a vet.

[quote name='AlanJohn' post='3838599' date='Aug 17 2011, 02:39 PM']Im really sorry to hear about your cat.
I would give you one of my kittens to make you happy.[/quote]
Love the sympathisation, hate the fact that you are offering a cat to someone who at this point does not have money to provide for it....... the thought is of course sweet but might not be a great idea ;).

Anyway, again, let's just wait for now. OP, if you wish (I won't be on my regular computer so I won't check gbatemp a lot), you can PM me if you need any more help and I will continue to try to be of help anyway I can.
[quote name='tagzard' post='3838174' date='Aug 17 2011, 04:41 PM'][quote name='Hells Malice' post='3838162' date='Aug 17 2011, 12:04 AM'][quote name='tagzard' post='3838139' date='Aug 17 2011, 05:48 AM']Hey buddy. Listen please don't kill the cat. You would never live with yourself. Just cuddle with the cat. Make it feel good. Give it some pain killers. Don't kill it yourself.[/quote]

Yeah don't kill the cat, just let it suffer and die a slow, agonizing death like this moron suggests. Don't worry, cuddling it makes all the pain and suffering go away.
Honestly, maybe I should cut off your arms and rub salt in the wound and see if cuddling you makes you feel any damn better.

If the cat is already suffering, do you really need to put a huge emphasis on painkillers before putting it down yourself? It might just be more sensible to let the poor thing RIP as soon as possible.
I'm speaking from pure ignorance here since I have no idea what a legal injection feels like, obviously.
Listen buddy not many peolle know but i'm a animal freak.
Yeah, a lot of us are too. It's sick that you'd rather let this thing suffer than put it out of it's misery, speaking from experience. I regret having my dog put down, but I now it was for the best and there was nothing we could do.
Do what you gotta do, OP.
Long [and rather pissed off] rant follows...

[quote name='DDJM' post='3838255' date='Aug 17 2011, 02:58 PM'][quote name='Shinigami357' post='3838247' date='Aug 17 2011, 08:48 AM']Wow... Far as I can tell, they took the cat in when it was sick, it got better for a while and now it's gotten worse. The chances it would die are quite high, which prompted not just him, but also his parents to decide that it should be put down. Except they don't have cash.[/quote]

Again, there are *DOCTORS* for this, there are doctors who take care of animals and choose what's better to do for their life. Is he a vet? Obvioulsy not, so he has no right to do *ANYTHING* on the poor cat. I understand this is GBAtemp but medicines are not a game that everyone can play for free (or maybe this guy think he's playing Trauma Center on the Wii?).

[quote name='Shinigami357' post='3838247' date='Aug 17 2011, 08:48 AM']Now I'm not sure how these home-made euthanasia attempts work out, but he seems more than confident he knows what he's doing, and I'm not one to judge intelligence. I'm assuming he understands what he is doing.[/quote]

OMG, are you joking too? Home-made euthanasia what?! Kill animals is illegal. Period. He's not a doctor and he can't do a shit. And then what if the poor cat can still be saved? How the hell you know that he "has to die"? Maybe a good vet can still cure him and save his life. But just because the man "has no money" the poor cat has to pay with his life? Yeah right... so if tomorrow this man wakes up and "look sick" we all go to buy euthanasia and kill him right?

[quote name='Shinigami357' post='3838247' date='Aug 17 2011, 08:48 AM']Yes, obviously the police in Italy can go to Canada to get him, huh?[/quote]

I was obvioulsy provocating. But still what this man is going to do is illegal and you can't do that in any civilized country of this world.

Yes. Obviously, the bleeding-heart man knows no boundaries to his BS.

1. I did not say I was in any way for or against this procedure. I was saying they've looked into it, they've decided a course of action [derailed by lack of funds, which you obviously seem to ignore altogether].

2. Home-made euthanasia: not a real term, I used it because there is no available term and the description fits. Now I understand English prob isn't your first language, but it isn't mine either.

3. Yes, killing animals is illegal. I am now confessing the act of killing thousands of mosquitoes, ants etc [I claim self-defense,
though]. Horse owners regularly put down steeds that break their legs. Just because one man steps forward and says something does not mean you can crucify him.

so if tomorrow this man wakes up and "look sick" we all go to buy euthanasia and kill him right?
I sincerely hope your father considered condoms. I don't know how low the literacy rate of the internet is supposed to be, but the OP pointed out that the cat was found already in this state, got better, then degenerated into this state of health. Nothing goes into remission and then gets worse suddenly if it wasn't already critical. The fact that it did so is certainly more than just "looking sick".

Also,I don't know what you're trying to achieve or who you're hoping to impress with such a childish metaphor in the first place. Being in a considerably incurable condition [and the patient's consent if it can be had] is the only grounds at all for euthanasia, especially in humans. That you're clearly trolling by suggesting murder like it was funny is frankly retarded.

5. That you blindly parade around waving it in our collective face that your oh-so-great country has a humane pet society in seemingly every street corner adds nothing whatsoever to the topic. As is your incessant belief that if it was taken to a "DOCTOR" that a cure will suddenly arise from nowhere to save it, even after the OP pointed out quite clearly that he has indeed had it looked at.

You even suggest a cat shelter [that clearly has a "strict no kill policy" which wouldn't help him much; perhaps you should make it a habit to read your links yourself?] when it's abundantly clear [seriously, do people even read any more?] that the OP had himself taken the cat in and tried [unsuccessfully, true, but some things are out of our control] to nurse it back to health and that the cat is dying, one way or the other.

6. The two tempers who are vets [or vets-in-training] aren't quite as inflammatory as you, and are rather sympathetic toward his situation. The OP is taking their advice seriously [which disproves what seems to be your unending belief that the OP is some cat murderer or something] and is even re-considering his methods. Clearly, you [and your perfect pet-loving country] have never gone through his position where he is left with no choice, and though some of his choices and decisions might be questionable, he is at least trying to find something he can do and a way to do it. Whereas you say the same damn BS every friggin post.

7. Finally, [and again more proof that you either weren't taught how to read properly or are inept in English] the OP isn't killing the cat "because he has no money". Such thinking makes me lament at how shallow some people deem their fellows to be. Again, the cat is in pain and is dying. He wanted to give it safe euthanasia, but there simply wasn't a way that he can afford it. The fact that he didn't have money is why he was driven to this lose-lose choice of letting it die a protracted and painful death or try to do something instead. If he had a better alternative, he would have gone for it.

In fact, if I had any money whatsoever, I would have donated it to him just to shut you up.

I also don't quite get what you mean by "obviously provocating". Is that a way to say you want to pick a fight? More trolling perhaps?

Rant over.

I only just got back to the temp now. Judging by the time stamps on these posts, you've probably finished it, one way or the other [I do hope you got professional help, but then life is not nearly as ideal as we wish it to be]. Again, sorry for your loss.
This made me sad. Cuddle with your cat. Don't kill it :(

Edit: This has made me sick to my stomach...

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i don't care either, even if i'm american
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    truth be told, i agree with psi, i dislike both candidates, but i'd probably vote trump simply because the economy was better during his presidency
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    Just be careful, if trump ends up winning and using project 2025 America might really change...for the worse.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    anything that offers trump an opportunity to become an actual dictator
    is bad in my book, i could care less if it wasn't for that...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Canada: America's Russia
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Why so serious!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @BakerMan, yeah that's about the only reason I would vote for Trump over Biden.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    In my opinion on all other factors they are pretty much the same.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Economy was better under Trump, according to Fox News.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    I don't give a fuck about what happens to America but I would like it if your shit didn't spill out on the rest of the world, thank you.
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    A Far Right news service company
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    I give a fuck about what happens to America but I would like it if our shit didn't spill out on the rest of the world, thank you.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @Veho, didn't need any news. Just going to the store and buying groceries is a constant reminder.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    A reminder that all corporations reported record profits these last few years?
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Reminded that every single price gouging law was blocked by republicans because "muh gubmint overreach"?
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Won't somebody please think of the corporations?!?!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    The problem with X party blocked X bill that would have prevented X is that yes the bill probably would have worked great, buuuttt they put XYZDCBG in said bill as an attempt to sneak things in that tend to be completely unrelated to the original bills intent. It sucks because if they would just do a single thing they could probably get something done...
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    But congressman X needs to have government funding for his cousins unicycle business
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    It's a sad state of affairs
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: It's a sad state of affairs