Lethal injection

We have this cat we found outside a few months ago. He wasn't in such a good shape but he seemed to get better after we took him in. But now he is obviously very sick and in pain. We have to put him out. There's no other option. That's a fact. But our financial situation does not allow for a lethal injection by the vet, which costs about a 100 bucks here. My parents can't really pay for it and they don't care enough to make it a priority to pay, with the risk of having to declare personal bankruptcy a little too close. But the cat is suffering and I can't sit here and do nothing. So I decided I would make the injection myself. I bought these and decided to induce extreme Hyperkalemia by injecting a lethal dose of potassium chloride(KCl), which is what's used to give the death penalty in the US. It seems to be the most humane and clean way to do it. I would like to sedate him or give him a powerful painkiller before the injection, but I don't seem to have the necessary resources to get my hands on some. If you would know about one that is easily available, it would mean a lot. Otherwise, it just makes me feel a little better to talk about it.


[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838175' date='Aug 17 2011, 05:11 AM'][quote name='Schlupi' post='3838169' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:06 AM'][quote name='Pyrmon' post='3838150' date='Aug 16 2011, 11:57 PM']We also need to pay 70 bucks to leave it at a shelter. And they take your info and charge you for the injection if they have to keep it.[/quote]

That's strange; places like Anti-Cruelty you can drop off pets anonymously and not pay anything for its upkeep.
The place I have available around me don't quite work that way sadly.
So its not a charity then? There must be an animal charity around somewhere that you can take it and explain the situation. I would seriously say DON'T TRY TO DO IT YOURSELF! Seriously. You could do more harm than good. Try and find an animal charity in your area that will take a look at it. Explaining you found it as a stray and it seems to be in trouble. Possibly leave out that you kept it for a few months. I know in the UK there's the RSPCA which does exactly this: Takes care of stray animals found by people. Whether it means putting them down or trying to re-home them all on donations. I googled something and there's an SPCA shelter in Montreal (where your location says you are, I know its a big city but seriously) since its a charity organisation against cruelty to animals they might take it in given that you found it as a stray.

Just a little aside. Recently a cat shelter opened near my town. Apparently its now at full capacity. There's a lot of things like this that happen.
hey pyremon did you do the "deed"

i know what it's like to loose a beloved animal

i have lost a cat to feline aids, i lost a cat hitching a ride(not dead(hopefully happy)). i lost a puppy to hypoglycemia(low sugar count like a diabetic). so i guess i can empathize or at least sympathize. if you got any questions i guess i can help(not with the euthanasia). i support you putting it down and understand fully that you want to get it put down by a pro. but you don't have the money and want its suffering to end
[quote name='Sheimi' post='3838922' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:19 AM']This made me sad. Cuddle with your cat. Don't kill it :(

Edit: This has made me sick to my stomach...[/quote]
Read the post by Tagzard, and then some of the replies, then put your flame shield up.
[quote name='Sterling' post='3838946' date='Aug 17 2011, 04:39 PM'][quote name='Sheimi' post='3838922' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:19 AM']This made me sad. Cuddle with your cat. Don't kill it :(

Edit: This has made me sick to my stomach...[/quote]
Read the post by Tagzard, and then some of the replies, then put your flame shield up.
I think the people supporting Pyrmon in doing this are waaayyyy out of order on this entire thing. You can't just make a really dangerous cocktail of chemicals up and use it on another animal. I'm not sayign it doesn't need to be put down but it DEFINITELY shouldn't be done on his own. The fact that he's even considering it grosses me out a bit. I, personally, couldn't do it myself even knowing it needed to be done. I definitely wouldn't even consider doing it untrained though.
[quote name='Sheimi' post='3838922' date='Aug 17 2011, 06:19 PM']This made me sad. Cuddle with your cat. Don't kill it :(

Edit: This has made me sick to my stomach...[/quote]

What the hell would cuddling do? It's torture to be left dying. >_>
I'm an animal freak and I love my pets. I know the cat is dying, but I just don't like the way he is going.
[quote name='Sheimi' post='3839011' date='Aug 18 2011, 04:47 AM']I'm an animal freak and I love my pets. I know the cat is dying, but I just don't like the way he is going.[/quote]
Hypothetical situation:
You're being torn apart inside and are going to die soon. You're in agonizing pain and just want it to end.
Would you rather be hugged and suffer for a week or two or go out the easy way?
If I were poor to the bones and my cat really needed a vet, I'd go to the nearist vet and even if they asked for payment I'd probably bring them to tears with the right words and they'd do it out of their own pocket. If they don't they are heartless bastards who should have never became a vet. Failing that, I'd go to the next vet and so on. It will work eventually.

Failing that I'd start asking everyone I knew to borrow/have some money to have my cat put down.

As for home euthanasia, While I'm not too happy about the idea of it... If you can get a hold of chloroform (it's pretty easy in the UK) you can sedate him before you use whatever method to do the deed. I wouldn't want to list methods of killing the poor thing, I'm no expert.
[quote name='The Pi' post='3839622' date='Aug 18 2011, 12:51 AM']If I were poor to the bones and my cat really needed a vet, I'd go to the nearist vet and even if they asked for payment I'd probably bring them to tears with the right words and they'd do it out of their own pocket. If they don't they are heartless bastards who should have never became a vet. Failing that, I'd go to the next vet and so on. It will work eventually.[/quote]

Actually most vets will turn you away, hell the first thing they'll teach you when you get your vet training is: No cash, no help.
If you need to sedate him I would suggest giving him Diphenhydramine (aka Benadryl), but at the same time I would not suggest that you euthanize your cat yourself, unless you wanna do something really brutal like break it's neck, killing it instantly, but I highly doubt you would wanna go through with that.
[quote name='nasune' post='3839632' date='Aug 18 2011, 12:58 AM'][quote name='The Pi' post='3839622' date='Aug 18 2011, 12:51 AM']If I were poor to the bones and my cat really needed a vet, I'd go to the nearist vet and even if they asked for payment I'd probably bring them to tears with the right words and they'd do it out of their own pocket. If they don't they are heartless bastards who should have never became a vet. Failing that, I'd go to the next vet and so on. It will work eventually.[/quote]

Actually most vets will turn you away, hell the first thing they'll teach you when you get your vet training is: No cash, no help.
Which you know how? The level of economic education is relatively low within veterinary medicine, in case you are wondering. The only education even getting close on the point of economics (including price of treatment) is in Holland anyway an optional course provided in the second or third year. In the master there is also one course covering practice management. I think the comment you make has never been made in my current 3 year education, aside from myself saying it as a starting point for a great ethical discussion on animal welfare, costs and the right people take when it comes to animal keeping or non-keeping. And that sais quite a lot seeing as I personally am very interested in economics and have taken every possible course of action to increase my knowlidge of the subject.

Even if *YOU* are a total ass, the animal in question cannot help having an owner that is such and any veterinarian will try to the best within reason to help. Especially in Holland I know this to be true, so I have NO clue where you got this information from. In case you are wondering the veterinarian is even obligated by law to to so. AKA, GTFO or feel free to state your real name to let me check if you ever had any veterinary education to speak of on university level (which is how you become a veterinarian).

@The Pi: If you are truly and fully completely broke then arrangements will probably always be made. You should of course however also remember that you decided to take a pet you apparently can't take care of. Expecting someone else to then cover for you is of course a little silly. Regardless this is a life we are talking about! Euthanasia because of pure economic reasons I can safely say is not something the profession would ever accept! Such a problem could of course also have come after, taking a pet and then getting hit by the economic resession for example. In that case maybe your pet is all that keeps you going. Generally even when you have absolutely no money a veterinarian will help you, but maybe suggest only doing so if you accept to end your ownership. There are many other options of course and in the Netherlands I know of various clinics who work especially for minimal incomes (which means nonething to very much nothing) working at cost price. A vet isn't a welfare institution but generally all of them, including me have also become veterinarians because we actually care about animals and their happiness.

Regardless this has become a flame topic on euthanasia and Pyromon clearly isn't replying, if a mod could please close it?
[quote name='Scorpei' post='3841035' date='Aug 18 2011, 08:33 PM'][quote name='nasune' post='3839632' date='Aug 18 2011, 12:58 AM'][quote name='The Pi' post='3839622' date='Aug 18 2011, 12:51 AM']If I were poor to the bones and my cat really needed a vet, I'd go to the nearist vet and even if they asked for payment I'd probably bring them to tears with the right words and they'd do it out of their own pocket. If they don't they are heartless bastards who should have never became a vet. Failing that, I'd go to the next vet and so on. It will work eventually.[/quote]

Actually most vets will turn you away, hell the first thing they'll teach you when you get your vet training is: No cash, no help.
Which you know how? The level of economic education is relatively low within veterinary medicine, in case you are wondering. The only education even getting close on the point of economics (including price of treatment) is in Holland anyway an optional course provided in the second or third year. In the master there is also one course covering practice management. I think the comment you make has never been made in my current 3 year education, aside from myself saying it as a starting point for a great ethical discussion on animal welfare, costs and the right people take when it comes to animal keeping or non-keeping. And that sais quite a lot seeing as I personally am very interested in economics and have taken every possible course of action to increase my knowlidge of the subject.

Even if *YOU* are a total ass, the animal in question cannot help having an owner that is such and any veterinarian will try to the best within reason to help. Especially in Holland I know this to be true, so I have NO clue where you got this information from. In case you are wondering the veterinarian is even obligated by law to to so. AKA, GTFO or feel free to state your real name to let me check if you ever had any veterinary education to speak of on university level (which is how you become a veterinarian).

Regardless this has become a flame topic on euthanasia and Pyromon clearly isn't replying, if a mod could please close it?

Well I did go to Utrecht one year for my education and that is what they told me there (granted the teachers who told me that were assholes but still).

edit: it might have been my mentor, and she was a bitch.
@Nasune: Then you had a bad experience. Although I have to agree as I already said a vet isn't a welfare institution (per se ;)), you are again obligated by law to help. I am wondering who your mentor was ;). Also in the third year (and second) there is various education geared to the ethical points of such statements, many veterinarians actually struggle with problems such as this. Either working for nothing and saving as many animals as possible, until the practice dies because there is no income (and thus no animals will be helped) or charge a normal fee and making the occasional exception and actually helping the animal (by for example making certain the animal will be able to get healthcare on a regular basis by changing the ownership). The depression percentage and suicide count is actually pretty high in our profession...
Yeah, but that whole year was pretty terrible (no money for books (all they told me was borrow it, I live in an area where the only people who have money are criminals, not the kind of people I want to deal with) , and whenever I tried to get into contact with anyone for help there (missing a test due to train delays etc.) I was ignored, that kind of stuff) that's why I quit.
Still you're probably right, it was probably just that bitch.
Hm... you should have been first year in 2006? That was C2001, different educational content but mainly the same professors.... really wondering who your mentor could have been :). Anyway it really sounds like you had a bad experience, too bad really as it is a great profession. You even got in even though the chance if that happening on itself is rather slim.

But hey, now we are highjacking this thread :). Mods, please close ;).
Pyrmon, as a fellow animal-lover and as someone who has had to perform the grisly task of "putting down" some of my own animals I absolutely sympathize with you.
I hope you've been able to adequately 'solve' your problem.
Wish I could advise you on how well your plan would work. (I was always expected to use the "Old Yeller" method, for lack of a better euphemism. )

This does seem to be a hot-button issue among a percentage of 'tempers.
As it's only been a few hours since Pyrmon was online, I don't feel it's necessary to close this thread yet.
But I do ask that people refrain from derailing it.
He's gone.
I did it.

I had found a vet willing to help and was getting ready to go when he just ran out from an open door and got hit by a car. Sadly, it didn't kill him. He would have had to wait for his blood to run out before death finally came. And it was gonna take it's time. So I shaved his leg, found a vein and injected. Died within a few seconds. Better than if I had let him there.
I still can't believe it happened.

Been mourning since the last few hours. Just came online.
[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3841369' date='Aug 18 2011, 03:06 PM']He's gone.
I did it.

I had found a vet willing to help and was getting ready to go when he just ran out from an open door and got hit by a car. Sadly, it didn't kill him. He would have had to wait for his blood to run out before death finally came. And it was gonna take it's time. So I shaved his leg, found a vein and injected. Died within a few seconds. Better than if I had let him there.
I still can't believe it happened.

Been mourning since the last few hours. Just came online.[/quote]

It's disappointing that it had to happen that way, but you did nothing but put it out of its misery at that point.

Here's to hoping you feel better in good time. Losing a pet is terrible, and I would hate to have to do it the way you had to. The cat doesn't have to suffer now though.

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