[Rant] My opinion about nowdays' shitty practices

People always look at me like I'm a retarded psycho when they get to know that I'm using veeeeeeeeery outdated shit, even though I may have a newer version of it. Let me give a few examples and reasons as for why I'm using outdated stuff.

My biggest annoyance: Android
My old Wiko has been abused so much that it became impossible to use as a phone (until I have figured out that you have to use a hairdryer and burn yourself to open it and repaired it, but it's not important now), and because mom got fed up that I can't read the emails she sends me because I was using a fucking push-button black-green dot-matrix Nokia, she got me a Nokia 2. I was so happy when I tried it out at the store, thinking "yay, 7.1, I can try out new Android features!" up until I got it out of the box and powered it on, and that's when I went from being cheery to absolutely fucking furious.

Sure, most of the setup process was the usual with Gapps-infested devices, but when I got to the final screen, my mood went from not so much to absolutely rage. Why the fuck do I need to approve HMD global to spy on me and send telemetry data to them? Why can I not approve it and STILL use the phone?

Ok fine, I bited the bullet and went to the home screen, them immediately I got bombarded with shit. For fuck's sake, I just want to use the fucking phone, not download useless crap! This shit is so low-end that not only would've it had not enough storage to download all of that crap, BUT IT WOULD'VE LAGGED OUT THE ENTIRE SYSTEM BECAUSE THIS SHIT HAS LESS FREE RAM THAN AN old3DS IN MODE 0! So I had to disable some system apps in order to get rid of these annoying popups. And let's not even get into the rabbit hole of autoupdates via fucking cellural data...

Ok fine, I still wasn't raging enough to do something, but I was more and more annoyed over the weeks I had this fucking cursed piece of shit. Just to name a few: the keyboard crashes every seven seconds and takes almost half a minute for it to recover. Can't open more than one or two tabs in Chrome (because the default Browser - even though it's installed - is permanently disabled with no way to re-enable it), and for bigger websites I even have to close the starting page if I want to open it in a private browsing tab. There's a 15% chance that I can attach an image in Discord without it freezing and crashing due to not enough RAM. And the frustration goes on and on...

Two days ago was when I got completely fed up. I wanted to record some footage for demonstrating a project of mine, but due to me being very tired I always fucked up the recording and had to start all over again. Okay, I have had such bad luck a lot of times, so I didn't get too angry... well I would not have got angry if it weren't for the fucking infestation of Gapps on this phone. For some reason, deleting an image doesn't actually delete it, it moves it to a fucking trash can of some sorts. SERIOUSLY NOW! Why the fuck does it ask for CONFIRMATION if it DOESN'T EVEN GET DELETED?! On all of my previous phones it just asks for confirmation and *poof* GONE. And it's not even smart enough to delete the recordings automatically you recorded today if you run out of storage, nooo! Here you have to wait for the camera app to unfreeze, then exit the camera app, wait for the launcher to load itself into the miniscule amount of free RAM again because it had to be unloaded for the camera to work at all, then launch the Photos app, wait until the popup comes up saying that you must update for the app to work "properly", then go to the trash can section, tap on each of the videos you want to delete, then delete it, then go back to the camera and repeat this all over again.

But this is still nothing compared to the tip of the iceberg which comes right after I freak out and start disabling apps: I tried to disable most of the Gapps stuff (or to be precise: Gmail (it crashes anyways no matter what I do, and the updates just waste extra space), Google app, Play Store (it autoupdates itself ON MOBILE DATA EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT EVEN USING IT), Play Services Framework (disabling this seems to significantly reduce the system-wide lag), and Google Text-to-speech Engine). Ok, everything seems to be fine, no worries, but Discord still crashes when I try to upload an image. The tip of the iceberg happens when I uninstall the update data for the Google Play Services package. Almost all of the open apps start spamming notifications at a rate of ~4-5 a minute saying that I have to update Play Services in order for the application to work *at all*. The notifications just kept coming and coming, and there was no way to disable them, BECAUSE THEY WERE COMING FROM THE ACTUAL APPS THEMSELVES, and most apps were system apps (like the Dialer and Messages). Even Discord sent a notification when I opened it (because it can't spam from the background because there is not enough RAM to keep it loaded if it's not in the foreground).
The weirdest part about this is that I also have Discord installed on my eBook reader, and my Wiko, none of which have Gapps on them, NOT EVEN Play Services! Yet Discord still works without any problems! Also, disabling Play Services made the photo selector in Discord work again, AND IT NOT ONLY DOESN'T CRASH, BUT THERE IS ALSO ZERO LAG! I don't get why they have to lie to the user...

Another thing I'm annoyed about is the freedom to use your device. Once you have bought the device it should be YOURS, because you're not *renting* it, you *BOUGHT* it, and you should be provided methods for unlocking your device, and being allowed to fuck around the system at your own risk, while disabling stuff which may be deemed unsafe by the manufacturer and/or 3rd party provider (like disabling Google Pay if you root your device).
My problem is that HMD global is taking an another shit on the Nokia name by not only giving no method to unlock the bootloader, but also violating open source licenses like TX does... though considering that TX got into no problem, and they are instead growing in popularity, I have zero hopes for them to release the Android or kernel sources, and this phone will always be locked. Trying to root it should trigger a chain of trust break, effectively bricking the phone in Emergency Download Mode (thanks Qualcomm :angry:).

Oh, and let's not even get started on what @smileyhead sent me this monring... :hateit:

This is very obvious and most of you must've seen it coming: Windows 10
I'll just get to the point.... The core feature of this is what ruins it: the forced updates, and how it's done.

I get that these CPU behavior exploits and other shit make internet usage very dangerous, and also considering that not everyone knows what even the internet is, and some people even consider Bacefook to be the internet itself, so it's a requiremenet to built foolsafe measures into the OS to try to minimize the chances of the user being a victim of bad people. But I think M$ doesn't know where to keep the balance, and cross the line very far.

Sure, it's nice that they designed a system which is compatible with most (if not all) modern hardware and requires the manufacturers to provide constant updates to keep everything safe and dandy, but this is where it flops. The problem with these forced updates is that the user has no choice over what updates get installed. Even if you use their whizbang wushowhide.diagcab tool to hide some updates, you get fucked over a month later and you'll have to waste another day or two to uninstall the updates, restore the settings you have set, even going as far as to check a ton of registry entries to restore, and then reinstall the drivers which got uninstalled because they were deemed unsafe and/or incompatible with any of the updates.
Just to name an example: for some reason the Windows 10 update delivery system prefers to install Dolby drivers instead of Realtek drivers. Sure, both are sound card drivers, and work as a sound card driver in general. The Dolby driver is more specialized with some presets to "enchance the listening experience", even only with stereo headphones, whereas the Realtek driver is a very generic just-works driver with only a tiny amount of features. Sure, most people will just stick with what the autoupdater installed, because either they don't care, like it, or don't even know what a computer is. For me the Dolby drivers sound too loud (at 8% it hurted my ears via headphones, when I use my headphones at 20% with the Realtek driver for a normal volume) and muffled, so I wanted to revert to the Realtek driver (becase it sounds better, and has bass boost which the Dolby driver was a pain trying to figure out how their shitty unlabeled equalizer works). I downloaded and installed the driver, rebooted, and wanted to test it with Wii Shop Bling (because that's what I use for bass boost testing), and it worked until at around 18 seconds the audio cutted out. I was VERY LUCKY that Firefox doesn't reinit the audio until you reload the tab, otherwise I would've gotten deaf. Windows Update just casually downgraded the Realtek driver back to the Dolby driver BEHIND MY BACK, which for some reason has magnitudes more volume output than the Realtek driver. I had to fuck around for like three hours to stop Windows Update from reverting back to the Dolby driver. Why is it so fucking difficult to stop it from overriding what the user wants to do?!

As for those who suggest installing Linux: fuck you thanks for the suggestion, but there is an another problem: some devices have a modified firmware to refuse booting a non-Windows efi blob. And even if you can boot Linux, you'll be fucked, because there will be a very high chance that there are no available drivers (open source or proprietary blobs) for most of your devices (except probably the CPU and/or the GPU). And for those who ask why I hate (U)EFI, it's because it's abused as a DRM of some sorts by M$ to prevent the user from using their hardware the way they want to.

Right to repair your shit:
When I got this new laptop, I was still frowning over the block of text which said that trying to open or change anything will void your warranty, AND IT ISN'T EVEN AN APPLE PRODUCT!

I feel like I should have the right to open my device, change some hardware around on my own money, and use it the way I modified it, assuming it doesn't cause any problems (otherwise it'll void the warranty). I'm perfectly fine with the idea that the warranty should be void if the user makes a change which damages the hardware, but they should not be punished for such simple thing as opening up the case and cleaning out the fucking dust out of it with simple dry antistatic microfiber towels without touching any cables or damaging any connectors. I'm so annoyed that there is a vacant SATA port and can't plug in a fucking CD drive because untightening a screw would void my warranty.
Also, nonremovable batteries, because fuck you and fuck the environment.
Android: Google lies too much, Gapps stuff eats too much system resources, not enough RAM, telemetry shit, forced to agree to telemetry EULA in order to be able to use your phone, violation of open source, unrootability, and ads embedded into the Android system

Lose10: user-unfriendly for those who want to alter anything even the slightest bit which can be a victim to automatic updates (drivers, configs, system stability™, updates break more shit than fix), locked bootloaders, lack of support/knowledge for modern hardware outside of Windows 10-only drivers.

Right to repair: user should only be "punished" if they actually fuck up the problem even more, and not void the warranty just because a security screw got scratched from normal use

I wish I would've been more careful with my trash-picked MacBook and would not have shorted the 18V battery pin to a digital 3V data line. Sure, the CPU uses more than the current one, it was a bit slower, had less cores, heated up to 101C in two seconds, the screen got burnt from the constant 101C air due to the retarded cooling, and it was an USA layout one instead of a Hungarian one and I had no í key, but it was still more usable and I was a fuckton more productive than I'm now, because I'm wasting my time trying to find something that is NOT broken, and trying to work around the brokenness of which I have very little or no control over. I'd rather be annoyed by the Terminal size bug in macOS 10.13 than to bear the constant annoyance of fake notifiations spamming me, update nags, system overrides, forced updates, and the degraded performance caused by it.

fuck this shit :angry:
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Sono said:
went to the home screen, them immediately I got bombarded with shit. For fuck's sake, I just want to use the fucking phone, not download useless crap!
Weird. I have a Nokia 7 plus and I haven't had any popups at all. My experience has been exactly the same as with an AOSP ROM. The only two differences I've noticed are the navbar's default colour being white, but that's probably just so the user can notice the screen's rounded corners, and a button in the Recents screen to relaunch an open app in 16:9 mode (useful shit, as the screen is 18:9 and some apps might not like that, but those apps are so rare I haven't found any as of yet).

Sono said:
And let's not even get into the rabbit hole of autoupdates via fucking cellural data...
I haven't had any issues with that either. Nor app updates via the Play Store nor system updates download on mobile data.

Sono said:
For some reason, deleting an image doesn't actually delete it, it moves it to a fucking trash can of some sorts. SERIOUSLY NOW! Why the fuck does it ask for CONFIRMATION if it DOESN'T EVEN GET DELETED?! On all of my previous phones it just asks for confirmation and *poof* GONE. And it's not even smart enough to delete the recordings automatically you recorded today if you run out of storage, nooo! Here you have to wait for the camera app to unfreeze, then exit the camera app, wait for the launcher to load itself into the miniscule amount of free RAM again because it had to be unloaded for the camera to work at all, then launch the Photos app, wait until the popup comes up saying that you must update for the app to work "properly", then go to the trash can section, tap on each of the videos you want to delete, then delete it, then go back to the camera and repeat this all over again.
I'm gonna assume you're using Google Photos, which worked flawlessly on every device I've owned. If you delete something it gets deleted. I have a feeling that update you don't want to install might have something to do with it, but I'm no expert.

Sono said:
HMD global is taking an another shit on the Nokia name by not only giving no method to unlock the bootloader
They've actually started releasing kernel sources back in April, so they should get around to all their devices sooner or later. Not to mention, they are a much bigger company than TX, so they probably care about their image more.

Sono said:
Oh, and let's not even get started on what @smileyhead sent me this monring... :hateit:
Honestly, I don't get why this concerns you. You're not using a Xiaomi device. This is not a change to AOSP. This is Xiaomi's own bullshit you don't have to deal with.

Most of the other problems with your phone seem to be caused by their shitty specs. I get that your mum bought you a Nokia 2 so she probably didn't know how bad it was, but if you get the money, you should definitely upgrade to a Nokia 6.1 or anything above. The 6.1 is probably the bare minimum for a good user experience. (I would say 6, but my mum has it so I've had some experience with it. The performance is acceptable, but it has physical touch buttons instead of a navbar and they are really badly done. They sometimes get stuck, thinking that you're holding them and launching Google Assistant and split-screen mode by accident.)

Sono said:
for some reason the Windows 10 update delivery system prefers to install Dolby drivers instead of Realtek drivers.
Generally, I don't see the point in avoiding updates, they bring new features and stability™, but in this case, I really don't see why Windows 10 wants to decide what drivers to use instead of you. You should email Windows Support or create a thread in the Feedback app about this.

Sono said:
Right to repair your shit
I completely agree with you on this one. Fuck manufacturers who void your warranty for trying to repair shit.

smileyhead said:
Weird. I have a Nokia 7 plus and I haven't had any popups at all. My experience has been exactly the same as with an AOSP ROM.

This is a Nokia 2, not 1, not 2.1, not 3, but just 2 (TA-1029)

smileyhead said:
I haven't had any issues with that either. Nor app updates via the Play Store nor system updates download on mobile data.

You're lucky then, and/or have an option to turn it off. I meant Play Store self-updating, not it updating my apps (though that almost happened, but I luckily interrupted internet just in time).

smileyhead said:
I'm gonna assume you're using Google Photos, which worked flawlessly on every device I've owned.

I can't opt out from using the Photos app, because it seems to be heavily embedded into the current Gapps package. But yeah, that may explain why my other devices don't do that (except one), because those which don't do it don't have Photos installed.

smileyhead said:
I have a feeling that update you don't want to install might have something to do with it, but I'm no expert.

Eh... I'd have to re-enable Play Services to do that, but then that would softlock the entire phone again, which I don't want.

smileyhead said:
They've actually started releasing kernel sources back in April, so they should get around to all their devices sooner or later.

This is Nokia 2... Enough said.

smileyhead said:
Not to mention, they are a much bigger company than TX, so they probably care about their image more.

It doesn't look like HMD global cares so much; they had so many months (or years?) to release the kernel sources already.

smileyhead said:
Honestly, I don't get why this concerns you. You're not using a Xiaomi device. This is not a change to AOSP. This is Xiaomi's own bullshit you don't have to deal with.

Considering how much preinstalled crap came preinstalled along the Gapps package, I'm afraid they could pull out such thing any minute, considering how they have been treating the support for this device and how cheap it is.

smileyhead said:
Most of the other problems with your phone seem to be caused by their shitty specs.

Disabling the Google app, Play Store, Play Services, and Play Services Framework makes the entire phone significantly faster, including Discord's image selector which went from a crash to instantly functional, and the keyboard crashes much less often. Yeah, I don't think it's really the specs, considering I have devices with less RAM, yet they function so much better because they aren't infested with Gapps crap, just only a bare minimum package which can be deleted any time I want with a reboot.

smileyhead said:
but it has physical touch buttons

Which is what I love. Too bad they are backwards on the Nokia :/ (I prefer Samsung's MENU-HOME-BACK ordering)

smileyhead said:
Generally, I don't see the point in avoiding updates, they bring new features and stability™

Because each update just brings stability™ instead of fixing actual stability issues and fixing bugs. They just introduce new ones! They clearly can't hold the balance between securing shit while keeping it usable. They may be patching actual security issues, but they just keep introducing new problems without fixing them, which makes the 1803 update the worst update, despite it adding some really neat features. It also breaks multilanguage support which just annoys me as much as the fake "update Play Services" notification spam.

smileyhead said:
I really don't see why Windows 10 wants to decide what drivers to use instead of you.

They assume that every user is stupid and doesn't even know what a computer is, so they try to prevent stupid users from fucking up their system while fucking over those who know what they are doing.

smileyhead said:
Fuck manufacturers who void your warranty for trying to repair shit.

Exactly. I guess it's to prevent me from trying to uninstall Lose10 :tpi:
Sono said:
Considering how much preinstalled crap came preinstalled along the Gapps package, I'm afraid they could pull out such thing any minute, considering how they have been treating the support for this device and how cheap it is.
On the Chinese model, maybe, but definitely not the worldwide one.

Sono said:
Disabling the Google app, Play Store, Play Services, and Play Services Framework makes the entire phone significantly faster,
Exactly. You need a better phone. Any half-decent phone I've used had no performance issues running Play services.

Sono said:
Too bad they are backwards on the Nokia :/ (I prefer Samsung's MENU-HOME-BACK ordering)
Well... technically, Samsung has it backwards (and one of them shouldn't even be there). The right order is Back - Home - Recents.
To be honest with you, I've always hated physical buttons as navbar replacements. The navbar is dynamic and can change its contents based on what's happening (like the Menu button only appearing when it's needed, or the screen rotation button on Pie) and can vanish in full screen mode, preventing accidentally hitting Recents or Home in a game for example.
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smileyhead said:
Exactly. You need a better phone.

I already have, but the glass is cracked, can't make calls, the kernel crashes after a fixed amount of time, and can't record videos because the camera app just crashes.

smileyhead said:
Well... technically, Samsung has it backwards
The navbar is dynamic and can change its contents based on what's happening

I'd rather have a dedicated menu button instead of a recents button because I hate when I have to hunt down the three dots in every single fucking app, and sometimes it's so badly made that if you don't have a physical menu button then you're fucked because you have no way of accessing the menu.

Also, I use the menu button more often than the recents button (because hell, the recents button can be tied to the double tap of the menu button, entirely defeating the purpose of the recents button).
i understand that
i still use old stuff
sometimes stuff thats oler than me because it was made to last
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While I haven't had that many issues with Android myself I agree with the rest, especially the right to repair bit. It especially sucks when you know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it but you can't do anything because "haha see this sticker? try to BREATHE on it and we'll fuck you right over", forcing you to pay a fortune to do something that could've been fixed with a fraction of that price :glare:
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And even when that's not the case you can still find official and extremely detailed PCB layouts and service manuals (some examples). Try to find them for any modern tech appliance and in basically all cases you won't find them, and for the few ones you'll find I guarantee they won't be nearly as detailed.
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you could just not buy their shit. I dont buy shit i know is gonna break on me in a year. As for windows 10, yeah forced updates suck. I still use windows 7 and xp. I have 10 on 3 laptops but thats just for fun i really dont use them even though they are faster then my wndows 7 machines. I can just remote desktop them if i wanted
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Fair point, I could've researched the phone before buying it. Sadly there is a tiny scratch on the edge of the phone so I can't return it. And I also got a discount on it, so that also instantly revoked my right to be able to return it.

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