First-party Xbox games to cost $70 starting 2023

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As reported by IGN, Xbox plans to hike the prices of its first-party titles in the new year. Titles like Forza Motorsport, Redfall and Starfield will cost $69.99 USD at launch in 2023. While there might be differences in regional pricing, Xbox didn't provide the details for other countries.

"This price reflects the content, scale, and technical complexity of these titles," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "As with all games developed by our teams at Xbox, they will also be available with Game Pass the same day they launch.”

In October, Phil Spencer hinted at such a price hike and we now have a confirmation; at least when it comes to first party Xbox games. For the time being, the pricing for Xbox's other offerings such as Game Pass has remained unchanged and will be the case until the end of the year.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2015
Much like when Sony did it, I never bought a game at 60 so I sure as hell ain't going to start at 70. Let's face it, MS is really only doing this because Sony did it and haven't had to backpedal, regardless of how they spin it.

There is always somewhere willing to sell for less than RRP even on release day, unless you are one of those who got a digital only console, then you're screwed until a sale comes around or stuck with a subscription.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
All this says to me is that I'll be paying more for the next Obsidian game, should I decide to get it on release. Which is roughly 2 years after what they'll claim to be the "release" date.

That said, Pentiment was rather smooth sailing, so maybe that Microsoft acquisition is serving them well after all.

The increase will start hurting once the studios they gobbled up start releasing games people may actually get excited for.


Sepatown, my damie.
May 3, 2010
United States
I guess there are fewer and fewer gamers as the years go on who remember that MANY Super NES games retailed for $70 at launch. Final Fantasy II. Super Street Fighter II. All of the Mortal Kombat games. Donkey Kong Country.

In the early '90's.

The same games would retail for almost $150 each if released today.

A decent open-world game will give you at least an hour of fun for every two bucks you spend, even at that ratio. Think about how many games you play that you've put literally hundreds of hours into, like fighting or racing games.

Video games are still arguably the best value in entertainment, dollar-for-dollar.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Replace "expensive chips" with modern R&D and higher employee costs. N64 games were made by a handful of people, some of these modern studios employ dozens of people working on a single game for multiple years. The $70 price point complaint is pretty weak unless it's a really shitty shovelware/indie title. Artists/Voice Actors/Motion Capture/3D modeling isn't cheap.
I have to say, that's all excuses. Do you know who created those expenses? The companies producing these games and continuing to push the notion that we need someone to animate a horse taking a shit. Games don't actually need all of that shit to be good, they just need to be fun. I know this is subjective but how much fun has been gained seeing all of the hair on Mario's mustache? It's a neat thing to have there but if it means paying more for the games, then why not roll back some of the production? Games really don't need to be so overproduced in order to be fun. I think the fact that we are seeing so many indie games succeeding, while AAA games have become nothing more than passive income for higher-ups kind of shows that this isn't about these studios making better games and moving the cost onto us. It's about moving the cost onto the customer so executives can continue to make higher paychecks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2017
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Im quiet down with the Gamepass, last time i played GOW Ragnarök on the PS5 and in some stores here it was crazy 79.99€ :o .. Got it then for 69.99€ .. Played 25 hours (till the end) and now i sold it again for 60€ .. i guess i will continue like that.
Because most of the console single player games i never touched after i finished them.. for collecting i dont like DVD / BR boxes..

That MS also raise the prices i dont wonder, but as long as they continue to put AAA Games in the Gamepass, no issue :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2020
United States
I guess there are fewer and fewer gamers as the years go on who remember that MANY Super NES games retailed for $70 at launch. Final Fantasy II. Super Street Fighter II. All of the Mortal Kombat games. Donkey Kong Country.

In the early '90s.

The same games would retail for almost $150 each if released today.

Exactly. Facts are a game from 1991 adjusted for inflation today would be $150. A game from 1994 would be $140 and 1999 would be $125. Another fun fact is the minimum wage was $4.25 in '91, calculate how many more hours one had to work to buy that $70 game as compared to today.

Video games are still arguably the best value in entertainment, dollar-for-dollar.

Absolutely. A modern $70 title adjusted in reverse would have been $35 back in '91, no major brand-new title ever sold that low especially so close to the launch of a new system. Gaming today is a lot cheaper than what we grew up with, people don't realize modern purchasing power.

We used to rent games before buying them on sale, 2-3 games easily cost $15 to rent from Blockbuster/Hollywood Video and had to be returned in 3 days. How much is GamePass again?
Last edited by raging_chaos,


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Visit site
Exactly. Facts are a game from 1991 adjusted for inflation today would be $150. A game from 1994 would be $140 and 1999 would be $125. Another fun fact is the minimum wage was $4.25 in '91, calculate how many more hours one had to work to buy that $70 game as compared to today.

Absolutely. A modern $70 title adjusted in reverse would have been $35 back in '91, no major brand-new title ever sold that low especially so close to the launch of a new system. Gaming today is a lot cheaper than what we grew up with, people don't realize modern purchasing power.

We used to rent games before buying them on sale, 2-3 games easily cost $15 to rent from Blockbuster/Hollywood Video and had to be returned in 3 days. How much is GamePass again?
Back then you used to buy complete games

Let’s not kid ourselves the $70 game or even the $60 game of the last decade and a half to two decades Has been littered with DLC, micro transactions, pre-order bonuses. Etc.
Often Locking such content behind some kind of Paywall even though it’s on the disc physically (meaning you’ve literally already paid for it, you on the contents of that disc, imagine if a car company sold you a car but dictated the roads you could go down or wouldn’t let you turn on the AC unless you pay the subscription that’s the garbage they get away with nowadays in the entertainment industry)

they can claim it because of increased R&D and all that crap but let’s be real we can look at their financial statements, ost of these are publicly traded companies we can see the $60 game isn’t bankrupting them.

that tenner isn’t the difference between being in the red and being in the black.

don’t give me wrong I like to be greedy too, but at least I can admit to it unlike these scumbags.
I’ll grant you at least Microsoft is putting their first party titles on game pass right away which is more than I can say for Sony, but we all know how much true ownership you have with digital purchases let alone digital subscription services so technically we’re paying for basically nothing.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Let's see if the physical price increases and they plot to make digital cheaper in the way to force their original ogenda to be digital only.

They have CoD thats already been forcing this shit and getting away with it, charging shit loads for digital shit even when you purchased its physical copy.

But sheep today still blindly buy into it.

Next attempt to dominate complete ownership over gamers will be claiming to have a zero carbon footprint and that physical copies of games are bad, digital only is good.

But it comes as no surprise, each new gen we see game prices increase. But there has to be a point where it has to stop.

Games, yes are getting more complex to make in a sense, but these days devs are lazy and will opt to use a third party engine to do all the leg work for them, like unreal.

We see less quality testing and more bug riddled games because of this and they think its ok to charge more for a lesser product and its ok, they can fix it later or crap out a massive day one patch update rather than apply it to the final build before it goes to production.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
Next attempt to dominate complete ownership over gamers will be claiming to have a zero carbon footprint and that physical copies of games are bad, digital only is good.
Interesting you mention that.

CBDC is coming (I absolutely hate when it's released) and those who buy too many games will eventually reach their limit, so to bypass what could they do? Use a subscription service and keep playing, or just play what they already bought.

Bought too much meat? Wait till next month or buy more credits!
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Idiot machine
Jan 12, 2022
The Tower of pizza
United States
This boils down to intrinsic value vs perceived cost. Now let me remind you my point is that $70 games have been a thing since the N64 days and are nothing new. People will pay whatever they think an item is worth at the time of purchase, simple supply and demand.
What your saying is that 70 is worth it for a half baked mess of a game (Witch is stupid). They get people with hype then give them a horrid mess, Remember Fallout 76? But if you still don't understand, let me explain this to you in a way that you'll understand.

You buy a burger back in 2008 it has all of the condiments, veegees, and the slice you can buy the soda and/or fries for more for a better experience. Now you buy a burger from 2022 and all you get is the bun and the beef paddy, you have to play DLC for all of the cheese, lettice, onions, etc. People want a good buy, not to pay thousands of bucks for a single game
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2020
United States
Back then you used to buy complete games

Sonic 3 and its silly little Knuckles expansion say hello. Oh, want a disc-based example? Final Fantasy X's "X-2" expansion says hello too. Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask? Same game, different name, just shorter. Now think about every single game that has come out that was disguised as a sequel but was really the exact same engine and yet we were still charged full price, or worse a game like Shining Force III that was split across three separate discs instead of being sold as one complete game. How many times did people have to pay for Final Fantasy XI on the PS2 again with each expansion? Oh, that's right full price all the way up through the release of Seekers of Adoulin for every single disc.

Paying multiple times for the same game has existed for a lot longer than people realize. They used to be called short sequels, cash grabs, and expansions. Now they are called DLC.

What your saying is that 70 is worth it for a half baked mess of a game (Witch is stupid).

No, that's you once again trying to manipulate someone else's words into your own opinion which in itself is a stupid way to try and make a point. Try harder to fire back with some actual facts.

What indie game have you released? What costs did you incur? How many people were on your team? How much was the overhead and what was your budget? What did you spend on marketing? Did you develop your own engine or license it from someone else? Who did you pay to create assets or did it come in-house? Who created your modeling and animation? How much did you spend on QA/testing? How much did you pay your sound team? Did they create their own music and are they asking for recurring royalties? How did you recoup your costs and did you break even or make a profit?

Your answer: Burgers... a bunch of nonsense. You're complaining about something that doesn't affect you, you're perfectly happy buying games from 2011 for $20 so why are you bitching? Wait until 2031 and keep playing.

We see less quality testing and more bug riddled games because of this and they think its ok to charge more for a lesser product and its ok, they can fix it later or crap out a massive day one patch update rather than apply it to the final build before it goes to production.

MMOs are to blame. They were the first genre that used its player base as its beta testers and some have even started selling their beta testing as "early access". On release day there's always a huge update but those players turn a blind eye because it's been that way for almost two decades now. If Capcom could figure out a way to monetize its current Street Fighter 6 beta testing without pissing off its player base they would absolutely be doing it too.
Last edited by raging_chaos,
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Idiot machine
Jan 12, 2022
The Tower of pizza
United States
No, that's you once again trying to manipulate someone else's words into your own opinion which in itself if a stupid way to try and make a point. Try harder to fire back with some actual facts.
By googling pokemon scarlet you see BOTH the reviews from IGN and the players say its shit 6/10's and 2.9 out of 5 stars
Fallout 76 had alot of shit when it came out and that was back in 2018, There be some facts (and then your gonna ignore it)

What indie game have you released? What costs did you incur? How many people were on your team? How much was the overhead and what was your budget? What did you spend on marketing? Did you develop your own engine or license it from someone else? Who did you pay to create assets or did it come in-house? How much did you pay your sound team? Did they create their own music and are they asking for recurring royalties? How did you recoup your costs and did you break even or make a profit?
Did YOU ever made a game?

Your answer: Burgers... a bunch of nonsense. You're complaining about something that doesn't affect you, you're perfectly happy buying games from 2011 for $20 so why are you bitching? Wait until 2031 and keep playing.
The Burgers idea was a simple way to put it for idiots, maybe the R&D is just for more money? Coke and pepsi did the same and look at them! there profits increased by alot! get a better agrument coprerate bootlicker
Last edited by sombrerosonic,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2020
United States
By googling pokemon scarlet you see BOTH the reviews from IGN
Your anger towards Pokemon is relevant to the Xbox platform how?

Did YOU ever made a game?

In my early college days I worked for THQ as QA, and they went under a decade after I left. Now are you going to keep answering questions with another question or are you actually going to attempt to answer one at some point?

You're saving an awful lot by buying 10 yr old games, how about sending a $5 donation to your favorite homebrew/indie dev?

The Burgers idea was a simple way to put it for idiots

No, it's not because there are several burger joints that have made their entire business around being able to customize your order and add/remove items as you see fit. Extra patties/cheese/etc are usually a few cents, only an idiot would think they can get an extra patty/cheese or onion ring w/ BBQ sauce on top of a burger for the price of a regular one.

get a better agrument coprerate bootlicker

Those are the words people use when they have no arguments of their own or a foot to stand on. You're parroting reviews from IGN and trying to pass their opinions off as 'your facts'. Those are their opinions, not yours and I'm 100% certain you didn't buy any of the games you've mentioned because you stick to $20 games. Try coming up with some of your own thoughts that you didn't plagiarize from someone else's post online.
Last edited by raging_chaos,
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