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10 year old killed his mom because she didn't buy a VR set


Self proclaimed Pog champion
Aug 25, 2011
A concrete Igloo
punishment models don't work end of story. plenty of scientific articles about that. as for saudi arabia... japan has less than 1/3 the crime rate of saudi arabia and they arent chopping hands off. it aint the prospect of punishment thats stopping those crimes
Post automatically merged:

also of note after researching this more: kid had serious mental health issues and everybody knew about it and was trying to help him. punishment won't fix this kid for sure and if he was spoiled it was to stop his violent behavior https://nypost.com/2022/12/02/boy-who-shot-mom-over-vr-headset-hears-voices-grandma-said/
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016

In the U.K. there's the shocking horror story of two kids aged 10 (Jon Venables and another piece of shit) who murdered a little boy for fun, his name was James Bulger and he was only 2 years old.

Venables has been found with CP content and yet he'll be eligible to be set free and with a new identity while Bulger was denied to live his life.

Regardless of country, there are lunatics. We just don't recognize them because they don't look any different than "normal" people.

Not sure how these 2 things are even remotely related. Venables was a 10 year old who had grown up in an abusive family and has very obvious signs of mental trauma/disability (not that that's an excuse for what he did but its at least a reason).

This is a spoilt little brat who killed his parent because he didn't get what he wanted.
Edit - Turns out this kid might of also had mental health issues too.

Its kinda like the difference between a patient with schizophrenia going out and killing someone versus a random guy doing the same, both are unacceptable but one has mitigating circumstances.

FTR Venables has been released with a new legally protected identity, breached it himself, been arrested again and AFAIK is once again back in prison.
Last edited by Dungeonseeker,


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2006
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Just wanted to say i hope the media doesn't blame video games again . There will be news like " boy kills sister after playing violent VR game " but those people have mental issues to start with .
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
Just wanted to say i hope the media doesn't blame video games again . There will be news like " boy kills sister after playing violent VR game " but those people have mental issues to start with .
He also had other "episodes" like harming a puppy.

People who start by harming and/or killing animals at a young age shows signs of becoming a serial killer.


Sepatown, my damie.
May 3, 2010
United States
I love the christians practically masturbating each other off over how absolutely normal and well adjusted they are for wanting to physically hurt other people. Ain't no hate like christian love.

You boomers that got beaten in school and at home are some of the most hateful and resentful people on the planet, well behaved in public for optics but absolute garbage behind closed doors or to anyone who you believe is inferior to yourselves.

As for the actual topic, hope the kid gets a full psych evaluation, somehow I doubt the only problem the kid had was being spoiled by his mom. The other problem being why did the kid have access to a gun? Those should be kept safely away from children because even without intentional killings like this accidents can happen and it's better to avoid those by just not providing the opportunity for them.
I love the liberals auto-fellating themselves over how righteous and compassionate they are for wanting to protect criminals above the law-abiding citizenry, and then trying to bash you for wanting violent sociopaths to be held accountable and taken off of the streets. Ain't no mental disorder like liberalism.

You Millennials and Gen Z'ers that got participation trophies for existing are some of the most hateful and ridiculous silly nannies on the planet. Poorly behaved in public, disregarding the optics, and still absolute garbage behind closed doors or to anyone that doesn't believe there are 56 genders and that black Americans are owed reparations for things that happened to people who died centuries ago.

As for the actual topic, I hope the psychopath gets put in jail at least until he is 21 years old, and prevented from ever touching another firearm in his life. He should also be banned from ever going on the internet or using any gaming console that a VR headset could connect to.

Thanks for playing.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
I love the christians practically masturbating each other off over how absolutely normal and well adjusted they are for wanting to physically hurt other people. Ain't no hate like christian love.

You boomers that got beaten in school and at home are some of the most hateful and resentful people on the planet, well behaved in public for optics but absolute garbage behind closed doors or to anyone who you believe is inferior to yourselves.

As for the actual topic, hope the kid gets a full psych evaluation, somehow I doubt the only problem the kid had was being spoiled by his mom. The other problem being why did the kid have access to a gun? Those should be kept safely away from children because even without intentional killings like this accidents can happen and it's better to avoid those by just not providing the opportunity for them.
Why disrespect a religion so carelessly? That's uncalled for. You seem to have some hatred against Christianity and Christians taking your post into account.

As you may know, kids these days are spoiled and cell phones as well as tablets are used as their "babysitter" since the parent(s) are too busy or don't want to spend time with the kid(s), and then they have a shit behavior. Had she controlled him this wouldn't have happened though it's also unfair to blame her since there's something rotten deep in him as he has had rage episodes and attacked a poor, innocent animal.

I grew up in the 90's playing NES, Genesis, OutRun on PC, going to parks with friends, but admittedly the 90's were safer than it is now so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. And now, kids are glued to their phones and tablets thanks to YouTube, TikTok, and parents allowing it.

He needs to be locked up for life and never be allowed outside ever again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016
Why disrespect a religion so carelessly? That's uncalled for. You seem to have some hatred against Christianity and Christians taking your post into account.

As you may know, kids these days are spoiled and cell phones as well as tablets are used as their "babysitter" since the parent(s) are too busy or don't want to spend time with the kid(s), and then they have a shit behavior. Had she controlled him this wouldn't have happened though it's also unfair to blame her since there's something rotten deep in him as he has had rage episodes and attacked a poor, innocent animal.

I grew up in the 90's playing NES, Genesis, OutRun on PC, going to parks with friends, but admittedly the 90's were safer than it is now so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. And now, kids are glued to their phones and tablets thanks to YouTube, TikTok, and parents allowing it.

He needs to be locked up for life and never be allowed outside ever again.
Agree and disagree.

Its 100% a failure of the parents however its also a failure of the system. If this kid really did have mental health issues at such a young age then social services should have stepped in, Doctors should have stepped in and the child should have been dealt with preemptively.

We're supposed to have services in place to deal with this kind of stuff, unfortunately they usually won't/don't or can't get involved until it escalates to the point where its already too late which kinda makes them pointless and a waste of money.

What he needs is to be properly assessed and treated as per his requirements, institutionalisation is rarely the correct answer for severe mental health conditions and doubly so for such a young child. That treatment almost certainly does mean a pretty long stay in a secure facility but you gotta remember, its not exactly his fault his brain works differently to everyone elses and with the right treatment and time recovery is a possibility.

Had his needs been catered for correctly from the start then this probablywouldn't have happened at all. Throughout his life he must have seen various doctors and should have been in the educational system so someone somewhere should have raised a red flag (assuming his parents didn't).
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Life-long Learner
Nov 12, 2015
United States
Proverbs 13:24
I'm genuinely surprised that you would reference Scripture since your current avatar is an iconoclast of the Crucifixion of Christ, a contributory deathwork against Christianity.

I love the christians practically masturbating each other off over how absolutely normal and well adjusted they are for wanting to physically hurt other people. Ain't no hate like christian love.
This is a loaded rhetorical statement. You have defined Christian as anyone that desires physically harming others. You've also conflated the desire to harm with the desire to discipline. You then proceed to define any sort of Christian definition for love to be, in reality, hatred.

I will start by stating that I do believe that there is a line between abusive beating and disciplinary beating. An abusive beating occurs when the discipliner fails to holdback their strength with the intent to inflict harm. This usually results in fractured bones, lacerations, and also burns. I have even heard horror stories of children being starved by their parents as a form of discipline. Abuse is not exclusively physical beatings. Disciplinary beatings or spankings, from my experience, cause stinging red marks that go away within an hour (probably less, though it's been several years, maybe decades now, since I was last spanked and I do not have any children of my own). A lecture regarding the reason for the disciplinary action and involuntary solitary reflection may proceed and/or precede the beating. Involuntary solitary reflection immediately preceding the corporal discipline seemed to have a significant impact on my perception of the severity of the spanking. According to my parents, I would cry sooner with less force and less strikes in this scenario. The embarrassing humiliation of being spanked in public was also a deterrent while I was a child.

Discipline in general is required for individuals to acquire self control. It is very important that this begins in early childhood. I know a lot of people that work in public education and behavior problems are extremely high. Where there were maybe one or two frequent troublemakers in a graduating class of 80-90 students while I was in school, there's now 8-12 per graduation year in the same schools I previously attended. The cause is traced back to a lack of discipline at home, which is usually an indication of a dysfunctional mother-child and/or father-child relationship.

What is hate and love if the following Christian description of love, written by the Apostle Paul, is actually hate?
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" (1 Cor. 13:4-7, ESV).

You boomers that got beaten in school and at home are some of the most hateful and resentful people on the planet, well behaved in public for optics but absolute garbage behind closed doors or to anyone who you believe is inferior to yourselves.
My grandparents are part of that "boomer" generation that were corporally punished at home and at school. They were and are not among the most hateful and resentful people I knew/know. The most hateful and resentful people that I know tend to come from broken family backgrounds usually missing the father and/or exposed to abuse, commonly from either the father, step-father, or boyfriend, and neglect. Exposure to frequent drug use, including marijuana, though most commonly alcohol, at home is another factor I've found in common with those individuals. There is also an utter lack of Christian discipleship in the household. Keep in mind that these are people that I've met in the real world, not the hyperreal meta-reality of the digital ether that I assume informs your perspective.

As for the actual topic, hope the kid gets a full psych evaluation, somehow I doubt the only problem the kid had was being spoiled by his mom. The other problem being why did the kid have access to a gun? Those should be kept safely away from children because even without intentional killings like this accidents can happen and it's better to avoid those by just not providing the opportunity for them.
I have noticed that there is a lack of mention of the father of the child. I'm assuming that there is no father in the picture, especially since statements exist from the sister, aunt, and grandmother. This family dysfunction would also be a significant factor to consider in this case study.
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Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
I like that I described a very specific suit and three separate people took offense that it fits them perfectly.
I love the liberals auto-fellating themselves over how righteous and compassionate they are for wanting to protect criminals above the law-abiding citizenry, and then trying to bash you for wanting violent sociopaths to be held accountable and taken off of the streets. Ain't no mental disorder like liberalism.

You Millennials and Gen Z'ers that got participation trophies for existing are some of the most hateful and ridiculous silly nannies on the planet. Poorly behaved in public, disregarding the optics, and still absolute garbage behind closed doors or to anyone that doesn't believe there are 56 genders and that black Americans are owed reparations for things that happened to people who died centuries ago.

As for the actual topic, I hope the psychopath gets put in jail at least until he is 21 years old, and prevented from ever touching another firearm in his life. He should also be banned from ever going on the internet or using any gaming console that a VR headset could connect to.

Thanks for playing.
It is a pity that the irony of you copying what I said to twist it will be lost on you. But it is a trait of Christianity after all to take everything they can get from other religions and slap their own sticker on it.
Also not surprised you had to pepper in racism and transphobia there.

Nothing unexpected here.
Why disrespect a religion so carelessly? That's uncalled for. You seem to have some hatred against Christianity and Christians taking your post into account.

As you may know, kids these days are spoiled and cell phones as well as tablets are used as their "babysitter" since the parent(s) are too busy or don't want to spend time with the kid(s), and then they have a shit behavior. Had she controlled him this wouldn't have happened though it's also unfair to blame her since there's something rotten deep in him as he has had rage episodes and attacked a poor, innocent animal.

I grew up in the 90's playing NES, Genesis, OutRun on PC, going to parks with friends, but admittedly the 90's were safer than it is now so it's a bit of an unfair comparison. And now, kids are glued to their phones and tablets thanks to YouTube, TikTok, and parents allowing it.

He needs to be locked up for life and never be allowed outside ever again.
I succinctly described a very specific type of person by their behavior, nothing more and nothing less. The fact that this type of person uses a certain religion to push for and validate their agenda is not disrespect on my part.

I also grew up with a gameboy in hand and were basically never without at least one of my electronic devices. And yet the only people I have physically or mentally hurt on purpose were bullies, either of my own person or someone else.
The "electronics bad" is the same cheap excuse as back in the day when you had people sit in front of the TV every waking hour. The problem is a lack of social interactions with other people at large and that parents are generally too overworked to be able to give those interactions to the kids, or have them able to get the kids together with other kids.

I hope the kid gets the help he needs, whether it'll be in prison or in a psychiatric center. If he can still grow into emotional maturity he's going to need that therapy once he's able to comprehend the full breadth of his actions on that day.
This is a loaded rhetorical statement. You have defined Christian as anyone that desires physically harming others. You've also conflated the desire to harm with the desire to discipline. You then proceed to define any sort of Christian definition for love to be, in reality, hatred.
Your first mistake was assuming it was a rhetorical statement, just because I didn't quote the specific people I described. But also I made it slightly broader than the specific individuals in this thread because individuals like what I described aren't exactly rare outside of it either.
I will start by stating that I do believe that there is a line between abusive beating and disciplinary beating. An abusive beating occurs when the discipliner fails to holdback their strength with the intent to inflict harm. This usually results in fractured bones, lacerations, and also burns. I have even heard horror stories of children being starved by their parents as a form of discipline. Abuse is not exclusively physical beatings. Disciplinary beatings or spankings, from my experience, cause stinging red marks that go away within an hour (probably less, though it's been several years, maybe decades now, since I was last spanked and I do not have any children of my own). A lecture regarding the reason for the disciplinary action and involuntary solitary reflection may proceed and/or precede the beating. Involuntary solitary reflection immediately preceding the corporal discipline seemed to have a significant impact on my perception of the severity of the spanking. According to my parents, I would cry sooner with less force and less strikes in this scenario. The embarrassing humiliation of being spanked in public was also a deterrent while I was a child.
There is no amount of beating that is not abusive, unless all involved parties consent to it. That has been settled science for over 60 years. Other disciplinary tactics like just taking away toys or denying rewards / treats until behavior improves are both more effective and less likely to cause lasting trauma.
Discipline in general is required for individuals to acquire self control. It is very important that this begins in early childhood. I know a lot of people that work in public education and behavior problems are extremely high. Where there were maybe one or two frequent troublemakers in a graduating class of 80-90 students while I was in school, there's now 8-12 per graduation year in the same schools I previously attended. The cause is traced back to a lack of discipline at home, which is usually an indication of a dysfunctional mother-child and/or father-child relationship.
The reason for that is that the work hours have exponentially increased since the days of yore, and particularly single parents often have to work 2 jobs or more, limiting their ability to spend time with the kids even more. Better pay, more PTO, and a shorter work week would drastically improve chances kids get in every aspect, not just in how well behaved they are.

There's also likely more effects at play, though, like the rise in CO2 lowering cognitive ability and development, both of which have already been observed in humans and are going to accelerate over the coming decades.
What is hate and love if the following Christian description of love, written by the Apostle Paul, is actually hate?
Lots of people can quote scripture but fail to follow it, in fact I believe there's at least one bible story about exactly that.
My grandparents are part of that "boomer" generation that were corporally punished at home and at school. They were and are not among the most hateful and resentful people I knew/know. The most hateful and resentful people that I know tend to come from broken family backgrounds usually missing the father and/or exposed to abuse, commonly from either the father, step-father, or boyfriend, and neglect. Exposure to frequent drug use, including marijuana, though most commonly alcohol, at home is another factor I've found in common with those individuals. There is also an utter lack of Christian discipleship in the household. Keep in mind that these are people that I've met in the real world, not the hyperreal meta-reality of the digital ether that I assume informs your perspective.

I have noticed that there is a lack of mention of the father of the child. I'm assuming that there is no father in the picture, especially since statements exist from the sister, aunt, and grandmother. This family dysfunction would also be a significant factor to consider in this case study.
And there's another one for the bingo card, no a missing father is not a driving force for misbehaving children, it's the reduction of human contact that is the problem. The father could easily be substituted by other adults (relatives, adult siblings, another mom, it doesn't matter) with absolutely no detriment to the child's upbringing. As said prior the main reason why children of single parents do worse than those with two parents in the picture is the lack of time that can be spend with the children, as well as that single parents generally have to work longer to make ends meet, those are absent even more than they would be if they had another partner to share the work load with.
None of that is conjecture, either, if you look at the numbers emotionally neglected children where both parents are present but simply don't interact with the kids have the same problems, while children of gay couples get the exact same benefits as kids with more traditional families at home.

Your attempt to tell me that only your perspective is valid because you have talked to people in real life is also slightly tainted by the fact that you forgot you're telling me all this online. Whichever part I pick of your text to be true invalidates the other.
Your experiences are certainly valid, though likely weren't exactly examined critically considering you're readily citing drugs as the reason for the dysfunction, when in most cases there are a consequence and only used as a form of escapism from abuse, trauma, or similar.
My own experiences offline paint a slightly different picture, a lot fewer christians in general and the ones that were "practicing" most often only did lip service. They preach one thing and then do another, but since they can ask for forgiveness it's okay that they aren't living up to the standards they proclaim to honor. As a result the kids of those people were generally far less happy than those of atheists, and even as adults these christian offspring have often trouble with being able to talk about their emotions, or just the general substance abuses so popular among neglected children.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Well why not lock up problem kids until they're fixed? Who's gonna pay for that? Is money just gonna magically fall out of the ass of taxpayers without any pushback? What's the alternative? Should bad kids be put to death? What's the point of this post, there's no effort to fix things, it's just yell at bad kid.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2022
Well why not lock up problem kids until they're fixed? Who's gonna pay for that? Is money just gonna magically fall out of the ass of taxpayers without any pushback? What's the alternative? Should bad kids be put to death? What's the point of this post, there's no effort to fix things, it's just yell at bad kid.
He's definitely going to the nut house. His life is over like the one he took regardless.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States

What the fuck. So he murdered her, then the next day ordered it.

I read he'll do 60 years, but screw that, he should be locked for life. Poor woman didn't deserve to die. 😞


If that wasn't bad enough, they wanted to reduce the bail to $100:

I know Boomer politicians will eventually use this to blame video games as the cause of making people violent (it's what they always do).

RIP to this mother.

gee id love to know how the person who suggested the bail reduction votes.


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Apr 30, 2006
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He's definitely going to the nut house. His life is over like the one he took regardless.
it's more complicated than that. He will get sentenced, perhaps institutionalized. But it costs money to house people like that. The system changed, here's the terrible reality of "deinstitutionalization" if you have the stomach for it (and I don't blame you if you don't, complicated problem) https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/special/excerpt.html

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