ROM Hack [Project] The Great Ace Attorney Fanslation

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Head Nurse
Oct 21, 2015
Storm Border
How funny would it be if this was released the same time as the anime or Ace Attorney 6? It'll be a tough decision between playing Great Attorney or 6.


Active Member
Feb 29, 2016
United States
Guys, I am starting a last unified effort to get this going. We have too many people who have shown considerably excellent work scattered about. I have created a thread that will be the main hub for this project. Let me know we still want this to happen.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I am not sure if this project is still happening. If it is please bring your team over to my thread where I am compiling all workers on the project and all work into one place. I am not sure that this is still going to happen and that is why I have created this. if anyone is still doing this please visit my thread


Head Nurse
Oct 21, 2015
Storm Border
Guys, I am starting a last unified effort to get this going. We have too many people who have shown considerably excellent work scattered about. I have created a thread that will be the main hub for this project. Let me know we still want this to happen.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I am not sure if this project is still happening. If it is please bring your team over to my thread where I am compiling all workers on the project and all work into one place. I am not sure that this is still going to happen and that is why I have created this. if anyone is still doing this please visit my thread

This IS the main thread for this project and I see no reason to move it. Also, don't double post. You can just edit your last post if there's anything you forgot to say.


Active Member
Feb 29, 2016
United States
"This IS the main thread for this project and I see no reason to move it. Also, don't double post. You can just edit your last post if there's anything you forgot to say."

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. (About the double posting)

The reason I ask that it be moved to my thread is because I created it under the impression that the project was in limbo. If you are still working on it that is fine.
I didn't know that this was the main thread for all work. There are literally tens of threads all with the same topic and excellent progress.

The reason I created mine is that I felt there was a terrible lack of organization in that the people working on it had yet to be in a single, unified thread. As this is something very important to me, I created the thread to help give a sense of unity and a main hub of sorts where we could all be in the same place to ensure that we weren't doing double work.

It's fine if we keep using these other threads to showcase the work as we have been doing. The purpose of mine is to simply create a place where everyone is in contact with one another.
My main concern was that the project was in limbo with very few still making an effort. I only wanted to help fuel the project by giving some sense of order and hierarchy as much as I could.

If you guys are willing to not move to my thread but use it as a main hub where we are all in contact with each other, I feel that would greatly speed up the process and also make it a great deal easier.

In no way is any of it meant to take any credit from you skilled individuals, but my purpose is only to help and unify.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
We have a pretty good organization, thank you very much. As said before, what is keeping us from moving forward is tech problems, that we are working on. But till we say otherwise out translation is happening and PLEASE WAIT TILL WE TELL YOU OTHERWISE.
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Active Member
Aug 29, 2015
United States
Our organization exists within the (private) network we work on online. Yes, there are plenty of threads. There's also plenty of dead threads. I can see the meaning behind your thread, but all you're really doing is just adding even more clutter. We don't need a "main hub" because we have one - on Skype. Besides, we already have a structure set up. I'm not pointing fingers, but it sounds like you really just want to take control of the project over anything.


Active Member
Feb 29, 2016
United States
Well as I said before, it seems like production is little to none. I created my thread in an effort to stop having so many hopeful fans asking all about the place.

I've already stressed many times that my goal is not to take any credit whatsoever but to just provide some infrastructure. If you already have something set up, then you should let the community know that you do and keep us updated on what work is being done. This is perhaps the main reason why there is so much clutter and confusion, because everyone is in the dark except those who have decided to take over all work.

I have no idea how I could possibly take over. If you read my thread then you would know that the point is to have everyone contributing so that work is done faster. It may sound a bit misleading because at the time I was under the impression that we had given up. I am already in the process of correcting that.

Again the point is to keep everyone interested in the know and make it so that everyone is able to contribute rather than having a select "clique".

Perhaps the reason why we are stuck is because others are discouraged from contributing.
Last edited by AceAttorney524,


Active Member
Aug 29, 2015
United States
Well first of all your thread clearly stated that you would be the leader, so "taking control" seems like a proper statement. And we have let you guys know. We're still working on the technical parts. I suppose it might help to mention we basically have the entire game translated already, it needs to go through checking and editing.
Finally, if you want to talk about clique, we used to have open admission, it's since been changed to simply messaging a member of the team. Looking at your "infrastructure" thread, it would feel much more like a "clique" - you set unattainable requirements (even the best of us translators are generally all semi-fluent), or a VA audition process? Why not just take everyone? Also, it's been mentioned that the reason we're stuck is because Capcom's pointers in the files are custom. Our coders either can't do it or have been busy, so it's taking some time. Otherwise, the entire game, as stated above, just needs checking and editing.
Last edited by luyairis,


Active Member
Feb 29, 2016
United States
Even if I said that I would hopefully be leading those individuals, that didn't mean that I'd be singlehandedly taking over the project. What I was supposed to do was just get everyone back and guide them in the areas where I felt we were having problems. I made sure to give as much credit as possible to the entire community, not just myself. Again, this was under the impression that the people who had some work done had fallen through. Earlier it was that you were stuck on an issue and now it's that the whole game is "basically" done. And the idea that I was supposed to set up some kind of unattainable goal with or some hard to get into group is ridiculous. I explicitly stated that anyone who wanted to help could help. The "auditions" via Skype weren't normal auditions per se, but just anybody who wants their voice in the game can talk to me through Skype and I'll give suggestions on who I think they would be good for. In no way was I going to Judge anything. Anybody who wanted to help could. The thread was still in the midst of editing and nothing was final. I've already made several changes.

I honestly don't understand why we are arguing about this. We all want the same thing don't we? I dont't feel it necessarily "belongs" to someone. I think that everyone should be able to enjoy it. I think that everyone should be able to help if they want as long as they can actually do the work. The most I was hoping to accomplish was to get in contact with the team who was still trying to forge ahead and merge with whoever I as able to recruit or wanted to be a part of this. I don't want to argue with you or anyone else. I respect the work that you and everyone has done to accomplish this. I don't want to take it as my own. I don't want my name plastered on the title screen or in the credits. I whole heartedly understand any concern you had about someone trying to take over your work, and I can honestly assure you that was never my intention. All I care about is this game getting made available for western users. I don't care if I get any sort of recognition and I don't need people to know who I am. What I do need is for us to be able to enjoy this game, and I want to offer my assistance in any way I can.

Again, I don't take credit for anything except the work that I am doing on my own which I hope the community as a whole will decide to accept. The game doesn't belong to me. The translation isn't mine. I just wanted an easier way for more people to fuel the process. I don't want to fight you you, or anybody else. Honestly all I want is to play a good game. And I think everyone deserves that opportunity.
Last edited by AceAttorney524,


Active Member
Aug 29, 2015
United States
Well I'm not gonna bother arguing much more but have some points:

1. I don't "own" the translation, but I do happen to be one of those in charge of the team that's currently doing it.

2. I guess we should thank you for trying, but it's unnecessary as of now. Making another thread is just going to clutter it up. However, if people outside our team see that as useful, they can use it. We won't.

3. If you want to organize, why don't you join this team (or the others you spoke of) and test out your talents? I'd be happy to let you take control if ever for a while (because Team If members in this group have another occupation at hand).


Active Member
Feb 29, 2016
United States
Well am I very happy that you understand what I was trying to do. I was concerned that I'd be taken the wrong way. And I don't want to argue with anybody or make people feel the need to.
If you feel that my attempt is cluttering, I can take it down if nobody is going to use it. I've already posted the link to this in an edit.
Yes, I would love to contribute what I can to the game in the hopes that it will make it better for US users. While my skills do not lie in coding or hacking, I have quite a few talents and ideas that I think could make the game a more enjoyable experience. On top of that I do have some associates that may be able to help with coding issues.

As a musician, I am in the process of designing pieces that I hope can be implemented into the game. In Chapter 1 of the game, which takes place in Japan, you'll notice that the soundtrack feels very much influenced by Asian culture. I feel that this is very appropriate in that it uses traditional Japanese overtones, melodies, and other familiar chord structures. The problem I have with it is the jump into England. The soundtrack for Cross Examination, Court Opening, and other such melodies are the same. I feel that this hurts the players absorption in the game. I think that instead the OST could feature more English compositions, such as the work of Beethoven. (Of course none of this would be any sort of major change from each original piece. Perhaps the biggest thing would be a "remix" of sorts, similar how to Dual Destinies uses the Objection! them from T&T, but with different instrumentals and slightly tweaked melodies.)

As I stated before I have associates who are able to code and translate. To what extent I don't know, but from what I have seen they should be able to help.
I'd also be happy to beta test the game and give insight to what I feel could be changed, such as English Characters still having Japanese names. (Prosecutor Auchi is clearly the Ancestor of Payne. I am quite confused to this change as last names do not change throught generations. The English prosecutor is also clearly and ancestor of Edgeworth, and I think that name should be used rather than the translation of the Jap version.)
If I it's possible for me to help out, then I would be much obliged to do so as well as find others who can solve issues beyond my spectrum of abilities.
Last edited by AceAttorney524,


Oct 13, 2015
United States
Well am I very happy that you understand what I was trying to do. I was concerned that I'd be taken the wrong way. And I don't want to argue with anybody or make people feel the need to.
If you feel that my attempt is cluttering, I can take it down if nobody is going to use it. I've already posted the link to this in an edit.
Yes, I would love to contribute what I can to the game in the hopes that it will make it better for US users. While my skills do not lie in coding or hacking, I have quite a few talents and ideas that I think could make the game a more enjoyable experience. On top of that I do have some associates that may be able to help with coding issues.

As a musician, I am in the process of designing pieces that I hope can be implemented into the game. In Chapter 1 of the game, which takes place in Japan, you'll notice that the soundtrack feels very much influenced by Asian culture. I feel that this is very appropriate in that it uses traditional Japanese overtones, melodies, and other familiar chord structures. The problem I have with it is the jump into England. The soundtrack for Cross Examination, Court Opening, and other such melodies are the same. I feel that this hurts the players absorption in the game. I think that instead the OST could feature more English compositions, such as the work of Beethoven. (Of course none of this would be any sort of major change from each original piece. Perhaps the biggest thing would be a "remix" of sorts, similar how to Dual Destinies uses the Objection! them from T&T, but with different instrumentals and slightly tweaked melodies.)

As I stated before I have associates who are able to code and translate. To what extent I don't know, but from what I have seen they should be able to help.
I'd also be happy to beta test the game and give insight to what I feel could be changed, such as English Characters still having Japanese names. (Prosecutor Auchi is clearly the Ancestor of Payne. I am quite confused to this change as last names do not change throught generations. The English prosecutor is also clearly and ancestor of Edgeworth, and I think that name should be used rather than the translation of the Jap version.)
If I it's possible for me to help out, then I would be much obliged to do so as well as find others who can solve issues beyond my spectrum of abilities.
I'm not involved with the project or anything, but I really don't think changing the soundtrack is a good idea.
It would just anger a lot of people who just want to play the game as it was originally intended. Which should be the goal of a fan translation in the first place.

EDIT: Also, this is unrelated, but has anyone seen this?

Dowolf has already translated the entire game. Albeit lacking proper proofreading, it seems like a pretty significant accomplishment.

EDIT2: Nevermind, just realized somebody already mentioned that :P
Last edited by xdsh,


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2015
United States
I'd also be happy to beta test the game and give insight to what I feel could be changed, such as English Characters still having Japanese names. (Prosecutor Auchi is clearly the Ancestor of Payne. I am quite confused to this change as last names do not change throught generations. The English prosecutor is also clearly and ancestor of Edgeworth, and I think that name should be used rather than the translation of the Jap version.)
If I it's possible for me to help out, then I would be much obliged to do so as well as find others who can solve issues beyond my spectrum of abilities.

Actually, names do change through generations, especially when emigrating to other countries! For example, the German name Jaeger was rewritten as Yeager in the early 1900s. A lot of Chinese and Japanese names were also badly romanized, although it seems to have mostly fixed itself in recent years.

I think it was in the other thread before this one that I actually commented on the names, and I think a mix of both Japanese and pun names might be good rather than anglicizing all of the characters. One example I gave was possibly changing Naruhodo to Raito, which is both a Japanese name and comes from the English word "right" and brings the pun full circle while still keeping Ryunosuke's ethnicity as implicitly Japanese, and since the official translations for the AA games have been confirmed to be a more Japanese-centric version of Southern California because of localization, it would work out fine as a way to imply the characters eventually emigrated to California from Japan.

@AceAttorney524 You're overestimating a fanation. We will not edit any of the VA or OST. The only things that are being edited are the scripts and the artifacts with Japanese.

The OST part I can understand not changing since the OST shouldn't really be edited by fans for a translation patch, but the fan translation for Investigations 2 actually used voice actors to dub the cut-in voices, so I don't think suggesting that is out of turn. I don't think they're overestimating a fan translation so much as overestimating the amount of work this group is willing to do for this translation.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2014
Actually, names do change through generations, especially when emigrating to other countries! For example, the German name Jaeger was rewritten as Yeager in the early 1900s. A lot of Chinese and Japanese names were also badly romanized, although it seems to have mostly fixed itself in recent years.

I think it was in the other thread before this one that I actually commented on the names, and I think a mix of both Japanese and pun names might be good rather than anglicizing all of the characters. One example I gave was possibly changing Naruhodo to Raito, which is both a Japanese name and comes from the English word "right" and brings the pun full circle while still keeping Ryunosuke's ethnicity as implicitly Japanese, and since the official translations for the AA games have been confirmed to be a more Japanese-centric version of Southern California because of localization, it would work out fine as a way to imply the characters eventually emigrated to California from Japan.

The OST part I can understand not changing since the OST shouldn't really be edited by fans for a translation patch, but the fan translation for Investigations 2 actually used voice actors to dub the cut-in voices, so I don't think suggesting that is out of turn. I don't think they're overestimating a fan translation so much as overestimating the amount of work this group is willing to do for this translation.
AAI2 fanslation only had the shout voice clips, but this one has fully voiced cutscenes, which would require some seriously professional voice actors, not just some random fans shouting "Objection!".
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Margen67 Supporter
Jul 7, 2013
Glorious Nippon
Why even ruin the original experience with fandubs? I personally prefer to play the game as it was created without any unnecessary modifications. Replacing the dialogue and menus with english text is enough imo.

Keep it up! :3
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