Tutorial  Updated

Using Luma3DS + Gateway on B9S

I highly advise against the use of GW on SysNAND-Only Setups.
GW currently DOES NOT support firmwares 11.3//11.4 - B9S does not change that!
If you're on 11.3+ - Don't even try to use GW. Use Luma3DS or any other CFW that has confirmed support for 11.3+ firmwares.

Setting up GW with Luma3DS' chainloader

Requirements: SysNAND or EmuNAND on 11.2 or lower!
Tested and working on B9S 1.2 (Luma3DS 8.0)
  1. Download the v2gw.zip attached to this post.
  2. Extract the "arm9loaderhax.bin" from v2gw.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
  3. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "v2gw.bin" or to whatever you want. However, step 12 will assume v2gw.bin was used, you can edit that reference to meet whatever you decided to name it.
  4. Download GW's ‘arm9loaderhax.bin.zip‘ file.
    • On their main home page. Under the post titled: "GATEWAY 4.0B PRIVATE BETA #2"
    • Or on their openly public Private Beta Program page, on this page it'll be under the "» arm9loaderhax for users with existing a9lh installs" section.
  5. Extract GW's "arm9loaderhax.bin" file from their zip file to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
  6. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "gateway.bin"
  7. Make sure you have the latest GW's Launcher.dat on the root of your SD Card.
  8. This dev-build of BootCTR9: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-the-bootctr9-release-thread.435347/page-3#post-7370533
  9. Extract the "boot.firm" file from the BootCTR9-firmv2.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
  10. Rename that very "boot.firm" you just extracted to "down_BootCTR9.firm" or to whatever you want that is allowed by Luma3DS' payload chainloader.
    - Other button options: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Other-features-and-notes#payload-chainloading
  11. Extract the "boot_config.ini" file from from the BootCTR9-firmv2.zip to the root of your SD Card.
  12. Open the "boot_config.ini" file and overwrite everything with the following:
    key_delay = 1000
    path = /luma/payloads/v2gw.bin
  13. You are now done. If you followed this tutorial, holding DPAD-DOWN at boot time, will load up Gateway Mode.
    - SysNAND-Only Users on 11.2 will be prompted to press 'L+R+SELECT' to boot SYSNAND. DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON PROMPT ON 11.3+
    - GW EmuNAND users will automatically boot into their GW EmuNAND.


Q: How do I boot into the GW Menu?
A: Hold L+Select, as soon as you see the Dragon Logo.

Q: Can I use my GW Blue Card?
A: Yes, but only while using Luma3DS. It will not work in GW Mode.

Q: Can I play online while in GW Mode?
A: Yes, sort-of. But you have to either:

Q: I'm getting a black screen!? HELP!?
A: Multiple reasons for that below:
  • Modified SecureInfo_A - GW does not patch this. You'll need an untouched donor file of this.
  • Using a RedNAND - GW only supports GW EmuNAND, it cannot boot RedNAND. Use the GW Menu or GodMode9 to make one.
  • On SysNAND-Only Setups - Not having properly removed EmuNAND//RedNAND. Use GodMode to properly format your SD Card. But I advise you set one up.
  • Trying to boot an 11.3//11.4 EmuNAND - GW does not support anything higher than 11.2
  • If it's not listed, then who knows. Do you have a modified Home Menu or font? Those might not work at all in GW Mode.


Many thanks to the above lovely people~ <3 ♥
Original posts:
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/using-gateway-on-a9lh-v2.431222/page-4#post-6464898
Link: http://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-using-luma3ds-with-gateway-on-v2-a9lh.431691/page-4#post-6472283
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-booting-gw-with-b9s-and-some-help.471417/

I highly advise against the use of GW for SysNAND-Only setups.

11.3&11.4 Break GW. GW currently DOES NOT support 11.3 or 11.4. You will either brick or lose A9LH. More than likely it seems you will just lose A9LH.

Again, if you attempt to boot GW Mode, on a SYSNAND-Only Setup while on 11.3 or 11.4, you will lose A9LH. It does not matter if you safely updated to this firmware via another CFW that safely protects FIRM.

If you want to use 11.3+, you will not be able to use GW. Don't even try. Only use Luma3DS or other CFW that support 11.3+

If you are a Gateway3DS user, and have recently finished Plailect's A9LH Guide, then you should be on v2 A9LH. Unfortunately, at the time this thread was made, GW's a9lh.bin file is incompatible with Luma3DS' payload chainloading feature while on v2 A9LH.

So one way around this was to either forego using Luma3DS' payload chainloading, and use a boot manager that does work in initializing GW's a9lh.bin correctly. Like BootCTR9. Either you let BootCTR9 handle all payloads, or you set it up to chainload into Luma3DS and from there let Luma3DS do all the work.

Either way, some people might not like BootCTR9 (Big fan of BootCTR9, seriously thing is amazing~!)

So if you don't want to use the BootCTR9 method, then @Hayleia made a very stripped down boot manager that only loads /luma/payloads/gateway.bin. You still need GW's a9lh.bin in addition to this stripped down bootmanager, but that's all you need, these two files! No need for messy configs if you just want to stick with Luma3DS' payload chainloader.

Now on to the damn tutorials already~!

Gateway Logo

1. Download the v2gw.zip attached to this post.
2. Extract the "arm9loaderhax.bin" from v2gw.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
3. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "down_v2gw.bin" or to whatever you want that is allowed by Luma3DS' payload chainloader.
Other button options: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Other-features-and-notes#payload-chainloading
4. Download GW's ‘arm9loaderhax.bin.zip‘ file.
You have to get this directly from Gateway's site. Which is either:
A) On their main home page.
B) Or on their openly public Private Beta Program page, on this page it'll be under the "» arm9loaderhax for users with existing a9lh installs" section.
5. Extract GW's "arm9loaderhax.bin" file from their zip file to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
6. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "gateway.bin"
7. Make sure you have the latest GW's Launcher.dat on the root of your SD Card.
8. You are now done. If you followed this tutorial, holding DPAD-DOWN at boot time, will load up Gateway Mode.
However, if you are a SysNAND Only User, and on 11.1 and using the 4.2 Launcher.dat, you will be prompted to press 'L+R+SELECT' to boot SYSNAND.
GW EmuNAND users will automatically boot into their GW EmuNAND.

Notes: To Boot into the GW Menu: Hold L+Select, as soon as you see the Dragon Logo.
To Force a Manual Gateway3DS RedCard Update: Hold R+Select as soon as you see the Dragon Logo.

No Gateway Logo (Not Recommend - Only for those allergic to the dragon logo - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)

Notes: This version will de-init the screen by default, and as such you won't see the Gateway Logo. Don't worry it'll init once you land on the Home. Due to how this works, only GW EmuNAND users should consider using this. This is because SysNAND users will land on the SysNAND prompt nag.

1. Download the v2gw-de-init.zip attached to this post.
2. Extract the "v2gw.bin" from v2gw-de-init.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
3. Rename that very "v2gw2.bin" you just extracted to "down_v2gw.bin" or to whatever you want that is allowed by Luma3DS' payload chainloader.
Other button options: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Other-features-and-notes#payload-chainloading
4. Download GW's ‘arm9loaderhax.bin.zip‘ file.
You have to get this directly from Gateway's site. Which is either:
A) On their main home page.
B) Or on their openly public Private Beta Program page, on this page it'll be under the "» arm9loaderhax for users with existing a9lh installs" section.
5. Extract GW's "arm9loaderhax.bin" file from their zip file to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
6. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "gateway.bin"
7. Make sure you have the latest GW's Launcher.dat on the root of your SD Card.
8. You are now done. If you followed this tutorial, holding DPAD-DOWN at boot time, will load up Gateway Mode without the Gateway Logo.

Tested on N3DS and O3DS by me, 2DS by @Hayleia.
Should work on either screen-init or non-screen-init v2 A9LH.

Important Note: Never update your SysNAND in Gateway Mode. It does not matter what Launcher.dat version you use, if you go ahead and update while in SysNAND Mode, you will either brick or lose A9LH+CFW and be on the latest stock firmware. This is because GW Mode does not offer FIRM protection in A9LH. Updating your GW EmuNAND is fine and safe, and is what Gateway actually recommends you do and use even when using A9LH.

!~Getting Black Screen After Dragon Logo and After Following This Guide~! (PLEASE READ)
Sounds like someone hasn't properly removed their EmuNAND//RedNAND with EmuNAND9. The Black Screen problem is common to people who skipped doing it properly and used a third-party tool like EaseUS or any other partition manager.

Since EmuNAND//RedNAND wasn't removed properly, traces were leftover and GW by default sees it, and tries to boot into this non-existent EmuNAND//RedNAND and fails. So how do we fix it? We use EmuNAND9 to preperly remove traces of it.

Part 5, Section V of the old A9LH guide covers this. However, I will list all relevant steps here.
Link: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide_R...ax)#section-v---removing-rednand-from-your-sd

The new guide also sort of mentions if in this new page, and does show you how to setup EmuNAND9:
Link: https://plailect.github.io/Guide/move-emunand

Files we'll need:
Latest release of EmuNAND9: https://github.com/d0k3/EmuNAND9/releases/latest

1. Copy EmuNAND9.bin from the EmuNAND9.zip to the /luma/payloads/ folder on your SD card and rename EmuNAND9.bin to y_EmuNAND9.bin
2. Backup every file on your SD card to a folder on your computer, all files will be deleted in the following steps
3. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
4. Hold (Y) at boot time to open EmuNAND9
5. Go to "SD Format Options...", then select the "Format SD (no EmuNAND)" option, and wait for it to finish
6. Press (B) to return to the menu, then press Select to safely eject your SD Card
7. Put your SD card back into your computer, and copy all the files you backed up previously, back into your SD Card
8. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS, then press (Start) to reboot

Additional Note: You will still have to look into BootCTR9 if for some reason you want GW to be the default, as opposed to Luma3DS. This tutorial is meant more for the people who want Luma3DS as their main//default, and want to use Luma3DS' payload chainloader to boot into GW Mode.
Go to the following link for the tutorial on setting up GW as your main with BootCTR9.
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/using-gateway-on-a9lh-v2.431222/

All credits to @Hayleia for making both of these~! Thank you~ <3 ♥
Original posts:
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/using-gateway-on-a9lh-v2.431222/page-4#post-6464898
Link: http://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-using-luma3ds-with-gateway-on-v2-a9lh.431691/page-4#post-6472283


  • v2gw.zip
    6.3 KB · Views: 12,162
  • v2gw-de-init.zip
    9.1 KB · Views: 3,303
Last edited by Temptress Cerise,


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
Tkank you for your time. So, basically having one single nand for both is not possible for full 11.8 firmware (GWs fault).

BTW im wondering if luma3ds would work with 11.8 franken firmware..... I see no reason why not (abandoned GW can do it, no reason why advanced CFW couldnt do it) but then again, that would kill the main purpose of having a luma3ds/B9S setup (basically 100% secure and hassle free OFW-like CFW).

It's no problem, and yes GW left us out to dry sadly. Frankenware is possible on sysNAND too. I think the next time the system checks for updates it will end up updating all modules no matter what if they are outdated. With the new anti-piracy measures Nintendo is introducing however, I'm not sure if they can flag systems based on mismatching system modules.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2014
i want to do this with my gateway 3ds (Main reason is to transfer my MHG save to MHGU switch save) . Do i need to backup all my saves or nand? also my sysnand is on 9.0 and Gateway emunand is on 11.2 will that be an issue?i have never touch my N3DS ever since MHG and now i cannot install the MHGU transfer app nor MHXX app via FBI or Devmenu and the only reason i can think of is my 3ds is not on the latest firmware.
Last edited by chrisisx,

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Tkank you for your time. So, basically having one single nand for both is not possible for full 11.8 firmware (GWs fault).

BTW im wondering if luma3ds would work with 11.8 franken firmware..... I see no reason why not (abandoned GW can do it, no reason why advanced CFW couldnt do it) but then again, that would kill the main purpose of having a luma3ds/B9S setup (basically 100% secure and hassle free OFW-like CFW).
Well actually 11.8 does introduce a new TWL path that needs to be accounted for when dealing with CFWs. It's also one of the reasons why 11.8 broke Luma3DS and Rei-Six when it was released. Now Luma3DS should work with a Frakenfirm if the the paths are setup properly.
Although honestly continuing to use Gateway at this point honestly counters your second statement. Luma3DS already updated to support 11.8, if it didn't support the Frankenfirm, then it's not Luma's fault, it's your fault for still continuing to cling to a dead CFW instead of just moving on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
i want to do this with my gateway 3ds (Main reason is to transfer my MHG save to MHGU switch save) . Do i need to backup all my saves or nand? also my sysnand is on 9.0 and Gateway emunand is on 11.2 will that be an issue?i have never touch my N3DS ever since MHG and now i cannot install the MHGU transfer app nor MHXX app via FBI or Devmenu and the only reason i can think of is my 3ds is not on the latest firmware.
The firmware doesnt matter for save backup and you can spoof your GW emunand to 11.8 (from 11.2 to 11.8) and then do the save transfer..... you just need the cver, nver and eshop and eshop mint files from 11.8.

DONT UPDATE THE NATIVE_FIRM or you will brick your emunand.

BTW to acces eshop on 11.8 GW firmware, before entering the eshop app, first you need to open this and press start and it will automatically close https://github.com/hartmannaf/Free-multi-Patcher/releases

Or just upgrade to B9S and backup the GW emunand and saves with save data filer, Checkpoint app or whatever...
Last edited by deSSy2724,
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2014
The firmware doesnt matter for save backup and you can spoof your GW emunand to 11.8 (from 11.2 to 11.8) and then do the save transfer..... you just need the cver, nver and eshop and eshop mint files from 11.8.

DONT UPDATE THE NATIVE_FIRM or you will brick your emunand.

BTW to acces eshop on 11.8 GW firmware, before entering the eshop app, first you need to open this and press start and it will automatically close https://github.com/hartmannaf/Free-multi-Patcher/releases

Or just upgrade to B9S and backup the GW emunand and saves with save data filer, Checkpoint app or whatever...
I follow some youtube videos in how to update my GW emunand to 11.6 and it brick my emunand. But i have backup my MHG save prior to this. Now i just move to Luma CFW, updated my 3ds to latest firmware installed MHG and restored my MHG save. Now everything works fine including the MHG transfer save data tools. Goodbye Gateway!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
To split your sysNAND/emuNAND again and still use GW, you would have to restore back to an 11.2 or earlier sysNAND version, and create your emuNAND from that. Since you've injected your GW emuNAND into sysNAND, I'm not sure if it's possible to recover now unless you took a backup of everything before you started the process you're at right now (which it seems you have).

By splitting your NAND's, you're still able to have an 11.8 sysNAND with an 11.2 or lower emuNAND to still read your GW .3DS files. You can still do the frankenware for GW emuNAND too as you previously had (installing cver, nver, friends module and eshop).

I'm assuming what you're after is having CIA's installed to your sysNAND with your saves/ect, and being able to load .3DS files from GW which you would want to do from an emuNAND to not risk losing B9S and cause more work/restores for yourself down the line. It'll take some work but is possible. You would need to do the following:

1. Restore sysNAND to 11.2 or earlier backup (9.0 is even fine)
2. Create a fresh GW emuNAND from that sysNAND version
3. Unlink your NAND's (sys format) and update sysNAND to 11.8
4. Inject your 11.8 frankenware emuNAND to sysNAND
5. Reinstall the sysmodules to your new 11.2 (or lower) GW emuNAND (cver, nver, friends module and eshop) to get it back to 11.8 as you wish

I believe that will give you what you're after. A ssyNAND with CIA's and saves from your current emuNAND installed, and a seperate GW emuNAND for loading .3DS files and all your current saves in tact in both sysNAND and emuNAND.

Yes, this is exactly what I want..... I plan to do it now. but I have some questions (and bunch of backups btw :) )

You know the 32key hash folder which is tied to an specific nand (inside the "Nintendo 3DS" folder)...... I know that if I format/factory reset my sysnand and set it up again from scratch that it would change the value/hash folder name and unlink my multiple nands BUT just to make things clear, what will happen if I inject an nand backup (emunand or whatever) to that same sysnand after formating my sysnand? Will the 32 key hash folder change to some new value or will it keep the same value as before?


What is the use of thiss file: "v2gw-de-init" ?
Last edited by deSSy2724,


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
Yes, this is exactly what I want..... I plan to do it now. but I have some questions (and bunch of backups btw :) )

You know the 32key hash folder which is tied to an specific nand (inside the "Nintendo 3DS" folder)...... I know that if I format/factory reset my sysnand and set it up again from scratch that it would change the value/hash folder name and unlink my multiple nands BUT just to make things clear, what will happen if I inject an nand backup (emunand or whatever) to that same sysnand after formating my sysnand? Will the 32 key hash folder change to some new value or will it keep the same value as before?


What is the use of thiss file: "v2gw-de-init" ?

It's been a while since I've touched my 3DS after doing this, but I believe the zip file you linked is the payload used by B9S to launch the GW menu at boot. As for the hash folder, I don't think it changes regardless if you inject your sysNAND or emuNAND but I'm not certain. Best way to test would be to take a backup and try it. If anything you just have to wipe your sysNAND again like you would when you unlinked them anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
As I have assumed, if i inject/flash an old nand over the new nand(new/different 32key hash) it just generates the same old 32key hash folder which was previously tied to that specific old nand on the first boot (homemenu) and ignore the new 32key hash from the new nand..... so, I just need to copy the old 32kes hash folder (backup) back to the "Nintendo 3DS" folder and all my installed aps/game .cias will be back. Thank you, I figured it out and now my sysnand is on luma 11.8 and my GW emunand on 9.0 (ulinked nands).

Now, whats the best method to update my emunand to 11.2 manually? I know that I can update it via legit game cart or sky3ds/gateway with .3ds roms but I heard that some (if not all) game carts have only some parts of the firmware (not the whole firmware), is that correct? If thats true, what is the best app to update the whole 11.2 firmware manually?
Last edited by deSSy2724,


Oct 14, 2018
I kinda screwed up. basically I've modded my 3ds and have no clue what I did, it's been a year or two since I did it and didn't keep track of anything. I want to use my gateway card now but I'm not sure if I even set up anything to do that, I might have set a different button combo for booting into gw mode but I can't remember, so I'm wondering if it would be safe to follow this guide to install and/or reinstall mods.

I started a thread already looking for help, I made a list of what I was able to figure out about the system.


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
I kinda screwed up. basically I've modded my 3ds and have no clue what I did, it's been a year or two since I did it and didn't keep track of anything. I want to use my gateway card now but I'm not sure if I even set up anything to do that, I might have set a different button combo for booting into gw mode but I can't remember, so I'm wondering if it would be safe to follow this guide to install and/or reinstall mods.

I started a thread already looking for help, I made a list of what I was able to figure out about the system.

Sorry everyone is giving you opinionated support to drop GW instead of actually helping in that other thread. Do you have B9S installed? Also, what version is your sysNAND on? You may have A9LH instead of B9S. If B9S is installed you'd have two options available that I can think of:

1. Perform a full system backup (sysNANd and emuNAND), format it and start from scratch and follow this guide which is one route to take. You would need to backup your GW emuNAND and all of your sysNAND saves. emuNAND has to be on 11.2 since that's the last "officially" supported FW they offered, and you would simply re-inject it again after your system format.

2. Re-trace your tracks using https://3ds.hacks.guide/ - This site is not specific to GW, but only CFW methods. Once you get Luma/B9S running correctly, you can come back here to finish up the GW portion.

It seems you may be using A9LH with Luma instead of B9S though, so definitely make sure you have B9S running first as it's much better then A9LH for survivability of your console.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I kinda screwed up. basically I've modded my 3ds and have no clue what I did, it's been a year or two since I did it and didn't keep track of anything. I want to use my gateway card now but I'm not sure if I even set up anything to do that, I might have set a different button combo for booting into gw mode but I can't remember, so I'm wondering if it would be safe to follow this guide to install and/or reinstall mods.

I started a thread already looking for help, I made a list of what I was able to figure out about the system.
But why though? The team died 2 years ago and its becoming more and more complicated everyday to continue using it. I understand you want to use it, but it's just easier to update to B9S with Luma3DS than it is to try and get Gateway even remotely functional nowadays. Realistically the only thing it has left is .3DS ROM support, Luma3DS already added cheat support.
Sorry everyone is giving you opinionated support to drop GW instead of actually helping in that other thread. Do you have B9S installed? Also, what version is your sysNAND on? You may have A9LH instead of B9S. If B9S is installed you'd have two options available that I can think of:
Sometimes the most helpful thing isn't the thing someone wants to hear. We don't help RXTools users anymore, so why do the same with Gateway?
Last edited by The Catboy,


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
Sometimes the most helpful thing isn't the thing someone wants to hear. We don't help RXTools users anymore, so why do the same with Gateway?

This thread exists to help people with GW cards. RXtools doesn't exist because Luma/B9S are the superior CFW, so that's the upgrade path for those users. There's no replacement for GW (other than shelling out for a StarCard... lol), so helping people that have them is better then telling them to throw it away.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
This thread exists to help people with GW cards. RXtools doesn't exist because Luma/B9S are the superior CFW, so that's the upgrade path for those users. There's no replacement for GW (other than shelling out for a StarCard... lol), so helping people that have them is better then telling them to throw it away.
I won't really say "no replacement," the only feature it has left is .3DS ROM support. I can understand the appeal to such a feature, but that doesn't mean it can't be replaced with a bigger SD card and Luma3DS. I understand the point of this thread, but this thread was also made when we thought the 3DS was no longer getting updates, Luma3DS didn't have cheats, and when the Gateway team was still promising updates. Times have changed since those days and a lot has happened since this thread was made.
I won't interfere anymore here though since you seem to be the lone helper and I can respect that.


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
I won't interfere anymore here though since you seem to be the lone helper and I can respect that.

Thanks. And it's true everything being said on both sides. It's hard for me to explain my reasoning exactly, but its like if someone told you to throw your physical consoles away because emulators exist and they just take up space.

I personally haven't touched my 3DS in about a year and I'll have to play catchup as well with 11.8 (or 11.9 now?) and what that means for CDN and how to play online for the "backups" I have. I'm just not at that point yet to need to do it.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Thanks. And it's true everything being said on both sides. It's hard for me to explain my reasoning exactly, but its like if someone told you to throw your physical consoles away because emulators exist and they just take up space.

I personally haven't touched my 3DS in about a year and I'll have to play catchup as well with 11.8 (or 11.9 now?) and what that means for CDN and how to play online for the "backups" I have. I'm just not at that point yet to need to do it.
I fully respect that you want to help them because you want to help them directly. Whereas I want to help them indirectly. Neither of us are doing it personal gain, but because we both want to help the user. I mean you nor the user any disrespect, I just have a different approach to this situation.
Side note, I would never want anyone to literally throwaway their Gateway. I hate the team, but I am also a collector of flashcarts and personally see the value in holding onto them. They are neat little pieces of hardware, don't take up much space, and have historical value, there's no reason to literally throw them away.
My poor 3DS is mostly used and abused for testing. Monster Hunter Gen is on the Switch (and I own the Switch version) so there went the value in the system for me.
Last edited by The Catboy,


Oct 14, 2018
Sorry everyone is giving you opinionated support to drop GW instead of actually helping in that other thread. Do you have B9S installed? Also, what version is your sysNAND on? You may have A9LH instead of B9S. If B9S is installed you'd have two options available that I can think of:

1. Perform a full system backup (sysNANd and emuNAND), format it and start from scratch and follow this guide which is one route to take. You would need to backup your GW emuNAND and all of your sysNAND saves. emuNAND has to be on 11.2 since that's the last "officially" supported FW they offered, and you would simply re-inject it again after your system format.

2. Re-trace your tracks using https://3ds.hacks.guide/ - This site is not specific to GW, but only CFW methods. Once you get Luma/B9S running correctly, you can come back here to finish up the GW portion.

It seems you may be using A9LH with Luma instead of B9S though, so definitely make sure you have B9S running first as it's much better then A9LH for survivability of your console.

how would I determine whether I have A9LH or B9S and what version sysNAND I'm on? There is no retracing my tracks, I didn't even remember installing luma lol


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
how would I determine whether I have A9LH or B9S and what version sysNAND I'm on? There is no retracing my tracks, I didn't even remember installing luma lol

In your other post you said there was an Arm9LoaderHax folder, which makes me think you have A9LH. You'll need to migrate that to B9S using the 3dsguide website first. There's definitley some work ahead of you, as always is if you want to keep GW functionality around. It's personal preference, I personally still see benefit in GW for offline games or larger file games so I don't use up most of my internal SD card.
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Oct 14, 2018
look on your sd cards root . . . in fact just post a screen of the root

Will viewing it in ftpd work?


In your other post you said there was an Arm9LoaderHax folder, which makes me think you have A9LH. You'll need to migrate that to B9S using the 3dsguide website first. There's definitley some work ahead of you, as always is if you want to keep GW functionality around. It's personal preference, I personally still see benefit in GW for offline games or larger file games so I don't use up most of my internal SD card.

so judging by what I've mentioned and that screenshot above, use this guide? :

then proceed with the tutorial here in this thread?
Last edited by Patey07,


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
If I were you I would:

  1. Do this 3ds.hacks.guide/a9lh-to-b9s
  2. Keep your EmuNAND as it is
  3. Use this chain loader https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-the-bootctr9-release-thread.435347/ to run Luma.firm and the GW payload here >https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/gw-payload-converted-for-b9s.45065/
That should work great. If you need help let me know but I think it's fairly easy. Also if you look through my old posts I have written a ton on this subject.

Once you are done with step 1 you are on b9s so remember to get the b9s version of bootctr9...

Don't listen to the Gate-haters! Use your Gateway. They are irrational and suffer from some pretty advanced intrarectalcranialitis. I think GW stole their GF or something. The 3rd Reich Cry baby Anti Gateway Hate Crew ruins every informational thread about GW here. Same culprits. I don't know why they even come into these threads. I guess the empty can rattles the most. Gatehate Regime, You are not our Savior rescuing us from GW. Stay out of the thread. Go burn a book or something. And for the record, GW also gives you a SECOND SD CARD FOR GAMES not just .3DS loading.
Last edited by mikefor20,

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