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Democratic Debates

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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
So, of course, you debunk the entire article based on the fact you don't like where it came from. Figures.
Just as you wouldn't accept an article if it came from CNN. It shouldn't be hard to find a more neutral source if your claims are accurate and not based entirely on opinion/hypocrisy.

Most of the stuff you mentioned is what you personally see are problems with the nation's well being and most are irrelevant to the survival of our country (on the contrary, a lot of the stuff you're personally concerned about would harm the country, not make it better). The issues you bring up are mainly personal issues you and your party share, which, aren't a single man's fault, so going around with your TDS and outrage isn't going to make anyone take you seriously, not even the people in your own party using you to get rich.
The only issues I've brought up in our discussion are issues relevant to the working class (most of America) and the economy. These are very much national issues. The right-wing ignores them at their own peril.

More white noise, I welcome you to my ignore list.
Oh boy, another Trump supporter triggered by level-headed discussion just because it isn't playing out in favor of his biases. :rolleyes:
Last edited by Xzi,


RIP Yuzu. "It is always morally correct..."
Jun 22, 2007
United States
Everyone is going to feel the same way after the Mueller investigations, the Debates, the clear proof of constitutional violations (hatch, emoluments,) everything that has come out....you're either for or against the Trump Adminstration

- Trump supporters will always look at him with no issues and will declare "fake news" when they see news that doesn't support their ideas. They feel the socialist left is out to get him and is fabricating evidence with witch hunts

- While the anti-trump resist group will always hate him and will want him ultimately impeached. They view him as a fascist and a threat to the rule of law.

Neither side will ever change their minds no matter what's presented. I will say that the NationalReview that cots posted has an is extremely right leaning bias so if you have an argument, you need to show evidence from a provider that is more balanced.

I'm not saying that discussions like this are futile but you could be blue in the face and minds will not be changed.

On topic...the debates were...Cringy. The Spanish speaking, the attacks Kamela had against Biden, Yang barely getting time, and the clear "open borders" ideals that they appeared to support. (even if it potentially came off the wrong way) Even our ancestors had to have a checkpoint via Ellis Island to America. They couldn't just go carte blanche on the boat to the USA. We should be a country of open arms of all types of people, I don't believe in deportation, but you should go through the process of being a citizen if you plan on staying here. We need more judges to review immigration cases and the process needs to be streamlined. People's future shouldn't be reviewed and judged in literal minutes because they have literally thousands of cases to review and the pressure from higher ups to review more and more cases only makes this worse.
Last edited by stanleyopar2000,


Dec 29, 2014
United States
Everyone is going to feel the same way after the Mueller investigations, the Debates, everything that has come out....

Considering, there was no evidence of collusion the democrats are holding onto a pipe dream lie they created and can't admit they were wrong, that just shows what sort of cowards they are. What you think about the debates isn't any sort of factual timeline of events and actions like the report, it's simply your opinion on the matter so there is no right or wrong answer.

- Trump supporters will always look at him with no issues.

This is also a major problem. Giving a President credit for the current economy whether good or bad or generally blaming him or giving him credit for everything that happens is batshit stupid. The economy is a living beast that is influenced by policies created by previous administrations and other factors that have nothing to do with either party.

Everything is Trump's fault - bullshit.
Everything is thanks to Trump - bullshit.

Anyone that think's either way shouldn't be allowed to vote until they take a basic economics course and don't cheat to pass it.

- While the anti-trump resist group will always hate him and will want him ultimately impeached.

These same morons going around stating "he's not my President". Unless you're an illegal alien and not a citizen you might be right, but if you're an actual legal American citizen he is your President and deserves respect. It shouldn't matter what political party the President belongs to for you to respect the office and position.

Both sides will never change their minds and will always declare "fake news" for stories that they don't like

Yeah, which is why I refuse to pick a side. I vote for who I think is honest and will do the best job. Seeings as most politicians are rich, lying scumbags that simply want power and can't relate to normal people, my votes usually don't impact elections much, but at least I'm not some sellout lying to my self and others for the sole purpose of doing what's popular to make me feel better and "fit in", which, for them, could change, on a moments notice, depending on those factors. Having "floating standards" simply means you have no standards and are full of shit. It means you'll change your position on the drop of a hat due to the fact you're lying scum.

It's easy to follow a party and be dishonest. Try following your heart and mind and be honest to yourself and others. It's not easy at all, but that's the point. Life isn't easy, unless you're a fake piece of shit and in that case I don't want anything to do with you. If that puts me at what you consider a disadvantage then so be it, because I consider it an advantage.

I will say that the NationalReview has an is extremely right leaning bias so if you have an argument, you need to show evidence that is more fair.

What do you suggest, a left leaning organization, because the numbers coming from either side usually don't line up? I tried to find an article that had the more correct factual data. I had no idea there were right leaning, but their logic is sound.

I read stuff from left sites all day long and a lot of it isn't simple "guess what this person said today on the phone" bullshit gossip columns marked as front page major headline news. There is actual real good content that can be found from either side (that includes on CNN and Fox), which if you read, sites from both sides that don't try to take things out of context, used made up numbers or try to skew the results agree that giving sole credit to the President for the economy, whether it's Obama or Trump, is fucking retarded.

People dislike me because I refuse to jump on the "let's hate the President" bandwagon. I had the same reaction from Republicans when Obama was in office. I simply won't hate on a man that should be respected. You know what, those kinds of people can hate me all day long and usually hate themselves and generally speaking hate everything around them. They are toxic trash, which, as you see, after trying to reason with, will be added to my ignore list on any site that offers me the functionality. I don't need that kind of trash in my life, virtual or real.
Last edited by cots,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
What's funny is that everyone at GBAtemp thinks they are these intelligent independent thinkers when in reality they follow the same political party that the Kardashians and other celebrities follow. It's absolute comedy :D

Let me know when a Kardashian gets the Democratic nomination for president. Then our candidate would finally have the same level of intelligence as the Republican incumbent for once.

I also find it ironic that Trump is the only president to invite them to the White House. Multiple times, none the less. Reality TV airheads tend to flock together, regardless of their stated political views.
Last edited by Xzi,


Let me know when a Kardashian gets the Democratic nomination for president. Then our candidate would finally have the same level of intelligence as the Republican incumbent for once.

I also find it ironic that Trump is the only president to invite them to the White House. Multiple times, none the less. Reality TV airheads tend to flock together, regardless of their stated political views.

Ah so now you are calling Trump dumb even though he has billions of dollars. How much money did you make last year?


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Ah so now you are calling Trump dumb even though he has billions of dollars. How much money did you make last year?
You're suggesting it requires intelligence to be born rich? The reality is quite the opposite: those who never have to lift a finger to survive tend to never develop proper critical thinking skills. Trump would have more money today if he had just taken what his dad gave him and stuck it in a savings account, rather than blowing it on so many failed business ventures.

And for a supposed "billionaire," he sure is secretive about who gets to see his tax returns.
Last edited by Xzi,


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
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Dec 29, 2014
United States
What's funny is that everyone at GBAtemp thinks they are these intelligent independent thinkers when in reality they follow the same political party that the Kardashians and other celebrities follow. It's absolute comedy :D


Well, considering I couldn't remember how to spell Kardashian let alone know anything about them, other than a lot of people tend to follow their every move, I don't really care about their views on politics, whatever they are. I believe, other than exposure to simple headlines about them, the most I've seen is around 2 minutes of some TV show featuring them, that I watched, unwillingly for those 2 minutes, after someone changed the channel from a movie I was watching to view the show. I'm not sure what the show was called nor do I care. I mean, I like actors, but I don't idolize them. They're just normal people who pretend to be other people, and some of them are good at it and entertaining, but I stop thinking about them the minute the movie or TV show is over. I personally rather not know the political identify of actors. I don't watch them pretend to be other people based on their personal beliefs. So I wouldn't want to know if someone I enjoy in movies is a Liberal or Neo Nazi. I rather enjoy their performance based on their acting skill, not who they voted for in reality.
Last edited by cots,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
The reality of the situation is we need to change voting laws from FPTP so that we have more options to choose from than the toxic R or D
I'm also in favor of that, but it's hard to see a path to get there, at least on a national level. Particularly when the Supreme Court is willing to allow gerrymandering to continue on unhindered. This not only locks us into the two-party system, it potentially locks us into minority rule. Feels like we're moving further away from the ideals of democracy and freedom every day, not closer.
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Dec 29, 2014
United States
Ah so now you are calling Trump dumb even though he has billions of dollars. How much money did you make last year?

Here's me thinking that someone involved in running for-profit businesses is doing a good job if they have more income than the competition. Silly me for thinking the business that makes the most money is doing better than the ones who aren't when the goal is to see who can make the most money. We live in a society based on money. The more you have generally means the better off you're going to be and if you don't have much that means you're losing and doing something wrong. Although, how you make that money is also important. If you're a lying scumbag ripping people off, like most politicians, then you are still winning, but you're doing it dirty.
Last edited by cots,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Here's me thinking that someone involved in running for-profit businesses is doing a good job if they have more income than the competition. Silly me for thinking the business that makes the most money is doing better than the ones who aren't when the goal is to see who can make the most money.
Running a country like a business is the quickest way to run it into the ground. The majority of the populace gets stepped on with stagnating wages to ensure that corporate interests and profit margins are prioritized. This should be common sense, but I guess some people think a few extra table scraps make it worth licking the corporate boot. It's almost like Stockholm syndrome.


Well, considering I couldn't remember how to spell Kardashian let alone know anything about them, other than a lot of people tend to follow their every move, I don't really care about their views on politics, whatever they are. I believe, other than exposure to simple headlines about them, the most I've seen is around 2 minutes of some TV show featuring them, that I watched, unwillingly for those 2 minutes, after someone changed the channel from a movie I was watching to view the show. I'm not sure what the show was called nor do I care. I mean, I like actors, but I don't idolize them. They're just normal people who pretend to be other people, and some of them are good at it and entertaining, but I stop thinking about them the minute the movie or TV show is over. I personally rather not know the political identify of actors. I don't watch them pretend to be other people based on their personal beliefs. So I wouldn't want to know if someone I enjoy in movies is a Liberal or Neo Nazi. I rather enjoy their performance based on their acting skill, not who they voted for in reality.

My point was mainly that Democrats say that Trump supporters are brainwashed, but brainwashed by who? Every public school from K-12 to State Universities are filled with Liberal indoctrination from the teachers/professors. The entirety of the entertainment industry including hollywood and music artist push the Democratic narrative. I just find it ironic that the Republicans are the brainwashed ones when literally every form of media goes against conservatism full force which is why GBAtemp leans so heavily democratic. Most people on this website are addicted to media in one form or another, even videogames push a liberal agenda.

Here's me thinking that someone involved in running for-profit businesses is doing a good job if they have more income than the competition. Silly me for thinking the business that makes the most money is doing better than the ones who aren't when the goal is to see who can make the most money. We live in a society based on money. The more you have generally means the better off you're going to be and if you don't have much that means you're losing and doing something wrong. Although, how you make that money is also important. If you're a lying scumbag ripping people off, like most politicians, then you are still winning, but you're doing it dirty.

Well I disagree with the people on here that say that Trump is stupid. Nothing he has said or done show this to be true. Trump almost certainly has an above average IQ and he raised the hell out of his kids.It's funny how people can think a man as successful as Trump is of below average intelligence. If he is so stupid, why couldn't Hilary Clinton a skilled top tier politician defeat him in the general election? Now people in this thread are advocating that we change the rules of the game because they lost the election in 2016.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
sacrificing the well being of your constituents for profit (which is the end result if you hit a recession if you run the joint like a business) is one of the quickest ways of getting the boot (as in voted out).

My point was mainly that Democrats say that Trump supporters are brainwashed, but brainwashed by who?

while im not accusing of saying anyone is brainwashed we do have the rise of the "internet cool kid, anti sjw" youtube personality host in the last couple of years and quite frankly they do spout a bunch of half truths that have not helped the situation(this replaced the AM radio talk show host format a few years back).

Not going to lie we have some of those on the left but holy crap, listening to those guys is like listening to the edgelord olympics. Its a race to who can be the biggest a**hole in the room sometimes.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Well I disagree with the people on here that say that Trump is stupid. Nothing he has said or done show this to be true.


I'll link you to the video if you need more proof that he said it. He also said of Puerto Rico, "this is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water."
Last edited by Xzi,
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sacrificing the well being of your constituents for profit (which is the end result if you hit a recession if you run the joint like a business) is one of the quickest ways of getting the boot (as in voted out).

while im not accusing of saying anyone is brainwashed we do have the rise of the "internet cool kid, anti sjw" youtube personality host in the last couple of years and quite frankly they do spout a bunch of half truths that have not helped the situation(this replaced the AM radio talk show host format a few years back).

Not going to lie we have some of those on the left but holy crap, listening to those guys is like listening to the edgelord olympics. Its a race to who can be the biggest a**hole in the room sometimes.

Youtube is banning most conservative channels from what I read on liberal Yahoo!. Before I even knew about politics, I became a republican by watching CNN and the debates. How would I get brainwashed into becoming a republican when I was a teenager watching a liberal biased channel(which I didn't know at the time, I had no idea news channels were biased) ? I used to watch CNN every day and even then I knew my values were conservative.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
you can be a marketing genius and still know nothing about running a place and be a "bull in a china shop" type of person.
if you think everything he has executed was "brilliant" then i dont know what to tell you

Youtube is banning most conservative channels from what I read on liberal Yahoo!. Before I even knew about politics, I became a republican by watching CNN and the debates. How would I get brainwashed into becoming a republican when I was a teenager watching a liberal biased channel(which I didn't know at the time, I had no idea news channels were biased) ? I used to watch CNN every day and even then I knew my values were conservative.
LMAO. sorry but calling yahoo liberal with the amount of deranged, lunatic heavy right wing comment section is silly.

i have seen people spout things that go beyond extreme in the comment section and its tolerated over there.

also if we are going to say how i became to identify as "X" politically speaking. the biggest factor tends to be your family.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,
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I'll link you to the video if you need more proof that he said it.

This doesn't even prove that he has low IQ. There are people on GBAtemp that use unnecessarily long words and spend hours proof reading to sound smart, trying to sound smart all the time doesn't actually make you smart. Even on reddit, people will try for hours to sound intelligent by asking for "sources" even though you can find sources for every opinion you have on the internet. If you know any high IQ people irl, they sometimes say or do stupid things. Those that are obsessed with always sounding smart, are usually pseudo intellectuals with average IQ that are insecure about their intelligence.
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Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
"we have good x. the best x. Trust me i know x"
this is something he says often and while im not calling him low iq he doest tend to have a very limited method of communication when he says things.

(replace x with the topic at hand)
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you can be a marketing genius and still know nothing about running a place and be a "bull in a china shop" type of person.
if you think everything he has executed was "brilliant" then i dont know what to tell you

LMAO. sorry but calling yahoo liberal with the amount of deranged, lunatic heavy right wing comment section is silly.

i have seen people spout things that go beyond extreme in the comment section and its tolerated over there.

also if we are going to say how i became to identify as "X" politically speaking. the biggest factor tends to be your family.

I am not sure if you are joking or genuinely ignorant. Yahoo shows liberal articles on their website and the website itself mostly has a liberal bias. You can look this up on google if you would like. The comment section is just what the people that read the articles comment and they are usually full of people raging at Yahoo for being liberal. They always complain that Yahoo is hiding the full story.

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