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Democratic Debates

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Dec 29, 2014
United States
My point was mainly that Democrats say that Trump supporters are brainwashed, but brainwashed by who? Every public school from K-12 to State Universities are filled with Liberal indoctrination from the teachers/professors. The entirety of the entertainment industry including hollywood and music artist push the Democratic narrative. I just find it ironic that the Republicans are the brainwashed ones when literally every form of media goes against conservatism full force which is why GBAtemp leans so heavily democratic. Most people on this website are addicted to media in one form or another, even videogames push a liberal agenda.

They don't comply and stand up against the bullshit, so they should be targeted and destroyed by any means necessary for simply having their own opinion. I can definitely relate to that as having faith in God means I'm a ripe target. Liberals can't win using fair tactics or logic, so they try to play emotions and division. The let hatred control them and will burn eternally for it, unless they repent.

Well I disagree with the people on here that say that Trump is stupid. Nothing he has said or done show this to be true. Trump almost certainly has an above average IQ and he raised the hell out of his kids.It's funny how people can think a man as successful as Trump is of below average intelligence. If he is so stupid, why couldn't Hilary Clinton a skilled top tier politician defeat him in the general election? Now people in this thread are advocating that we change the rules of the game because they lost the election in 2016.

Yeah, the same people are blaming him for everything that goes wrong in their life like he's the "man" controlling everything. If that's true he's the smartest man alive. However, that's not the case. He's a successful business man, parent and our President, who did beat the competition. I didn't see the Liberals complaining about the electoral college when the candidates they support won nor would see it being any issue to them in they win the next presidential election. They are so blind and filled with hatred that they betray themselves, which makes them dangerous, not to mention lying scum that doesn't want to take any sort of personal responsibility for their own actions. They are a sick and need help.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
This doesn't even prove that he has low IQ. There are people on GBAtemp that use unnecessarily long words and spend hours proof reading to sound smart, trying to sound smart all the time doesn't actually make you smart. Even on reddit, people will try for hours to sound intelligent by asking for "sources" even though you can find sources for every opinion you have on the internet. If you know any high IQ people irl, they sometimes say or do stupid things. Those that are obsessed with always sounding smart, are usually pseudo intellectuals with average IQ that are insecure about their intelligence.
Oh okay. So the truly intelligent people are the ones who had their parents pay for good grades. And/or the town drunks. Makes sense. :rolleyes:

I can guarantee you that my vocabulary at age 7 was far more robust than Trump's is at age 73. Again, that's the consequence of being in an affluent bubble all your life.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
except that most yahoo news sources are from various journalist joints around the net. In turn that would mean you are calling the media at large biased towards liberalism.

to say that yahoo is liberal bias because they link to a few huffpo articles ( i dislike them myself by the way) is silly.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,


Dec 29, 2014
United States
"we have good x. the best x. Trust me i know x"
this is something he says often and while im not calling him low iq he doest tend to have a very limited method of communication when he says things.

(replace x with the topic at hand)

You're too caught up in small things like literal meaning when he's using words as a tool. Contradicting himself a lot plays out into a larger picture and if it's causing "Liberal Outrage" then I'm all for it. There is a method behind the madness, otherwise, we wouldn't be doing as well as we're doing. Not that I always agree with what he says, but that's illogical. You can't just blindly agree with what your leaders say because they are in your own political party or simply always disagree with others because they don't share your own beliefs. You'll get nowhere in life if you think everyone has to agree with you all of the time on every issue and your way is the only way and everyone else is to blame, but not you. Well, you'll get somewhere, to a place filled with hatred and misery. I hope you find your way out.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Yahoo! doesn't hide they are simply an entertainment company with a web portal. I find their variety of linked articles, which rarely are ever news, entertaining. I've never been to their comment section, so I can't comment on that. I find it a good place to read about current entertainment and popular events. If I want real news I'm not going to load up their site.
Last edited by cots,


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
You're too caught up in small things like literal meaning when he's using words as a tool. Contradicting himself a lot plays out into a larger picture and if it's causing "Liberal Outrage" then I'm all for it. .

You see i think this is the crux of my disagreement with you. I dont think its healthy trying to constantly provoke an opposing political party "because it triggers them". Thats just me though.

Yahoo! doesn't hide they are simply an entertainment company with a web portal. I find their variety of linked articles, which rarely are ever news, entertaining. I've never been to their comment section, so I can't comment on that. I find it a good place to read about current entertainment and popular events. If I want real news I'm not going to load up their site.

fair enough if you ask me.


Dec 29, 2014
United States
You see i think this is the crux of my disagreement with you. I dont think its healthy trying to constantly provoke an opposing political party "because it triggers them". Thats just me though.

It's not healthy to get triggered all of the time, but if you're going to allow yourself to do so I see no problem in the other side taking advantage of your personal weakness to get policies passed. Allowing yourself to become full of blind hatred and rage makes you a prime target for manipulation. Someone with a clear head and level mind doesn't have to worry much about that.

Personally, I enjoy when the Liberals don't get their way and throw hissy fits. That may be insensitive, but I don't care. What they are trying to push on me goes way behind on how I feel or how they feel. They are a dangerous cancer, so excuse me when I don't really give two shits about how the cancer "feels" when it's being removed.
Last edited by cots,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Contradicting himself a lot plays out into a larger picture and if it's causing "Liberal Outrage" then I'm all for it.
And there it is. Making the entire country look like fucking morons to the rest of the world is perfectly okay as long as some liberal somewhere is angry about it. Same deal with killing the planet through pollution and too much reliance on fossil fuels. Same deal with violating human rights and the constitution.

I'm glad you're willing to admit that Trump is a shit president who was elected for the sole purpose of pissing off more than half the country, rather than doing a good job of governance/legislation.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
It's not healthy to get triggered all of the time, but if you're going to allow yourself to do so I see no problem in the other side taking advantage of your personal weakness to get policies passed. Allowing yourself to become full of blind hatred and rage makes you a prime target for manipulation. Someone with a clear head and level mind doesn't have to worry much about that.

Personally, I enjoy when the Liberals don't get their way and throw hissy fits. That may be insensitive, but I don't care. What they are trying to push on me goes way behind on how I feel or how they feel. They are a dangerous cancer.

quite frankly people getting offended is silly to me but it is also juvenile to think that this is a worthy endeavour.

They are a dangerous cancer, so excuse me when I don't really give two shits about how the cancer "feels" when it's being removed.

you just called nearly half the peeps of the country that. ok.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,


Dec 29, 2014
United States
quite frankly people getting offended is silly to me but it is also juvenile to think that this is a worthy endeavour.

It's well worth the oppositions time to take advantage of their weakness (which is their hatred and outrage). We should remove the cancer at all costs to save the host, no matter how the cancer personally "feels" about it. Allowing themselves to become outraged is only going to help the opposition with this goal.


except that most yahoo news sources are from various journalist joints around the net. In turn that would mean you are calling the media at large biased towards liberalism.

to say that yahoo is liberal bias because they link to a few huffpo articles ( i dislike them myself by the way) is silly.

Yahoo picks what articles it puts on the front page, the commentators are regular users that complain about yahoo being liberal biased and your argument was that yahoo wasn't liberal because of the commentators.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
Yahoo doesnt pick the articles dude. its all handled by an algorithm based on what news stories you read.
Dont believe me? Load up opera and have a clean break. The page will reinforce based on what you constantly click...

hell got a mobile phone? you can personalize the stories you get on the front page.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,


Oh okay. So the truly intelligent people are the ones who had their parents pay for good grades. And/or the town drunks. Makes sense. :rolleyes:

I can guarantee you that my vocabulary at age 7 was far more robust than Trump's is at age 73. Again, that's the consequence of being in an affluent bubble all your life.

You didn't even reply anything remotely related to my post. I said that average intelligence people try to use big words to seem smart since that is what they are taught in school. Again,if Trump is so dumb why didn't Hilary beat him?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

And there it is. Making the entire country look like fucking morons to the rest of the world is perfectly okay as long as some liberal somewhere is angry about it. Same deal with killing the planet through pollution and too much reliance on fossil fuels. Same deal with violating human rights and the constitution.

I'm glad you're willing to admit that Trump is a shit president who was elected for the sole purpose of pissing off more than half the country, rather than doing a good job of governance/legislation.

Liberals make us look like morons/weak to countries in the middle east,Russia,South America, and Asia. If you even mention political correctness in those countries, they will laugh right at your face. In their eyes we are effeminate men that are easy to push over. Non European countries see us as weak, but not for the reasons you think and certainly not because of Donald Trump. This is the only place in the world were we encourage degenerates and pander to minorities.


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
since when the opinion of Russia, South America and Asia senpai matters to you?
I never thought I would see the day conservatives cared about what other countries thought about them.

Also someone who doesnt align with your views doesnt equal a degenerate. Never thought i had to explain that but here we are.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
You didn't even reply anything remotely related to my post. I said that average intelligence people try to use big words to seem smart since that is what they are taught in school.
Yes, people are taught big words in school. They're also taught grammar, pronunciation, history, the sciences, and critical thinking skills. Yet Trump's knowledge in all of these categories is extremely lacking, because he knew any F he earned would be changed into an A by the grace of his daddy's donations.

Again,if Trump is so dumb why didn't Hilary beat him?
Several reasons. Hillary was the worst possible candidate Democrats could have chosen to run against Trump. Far more intelligent than him, but still a terrible campaigner who failed to even visit the key states that ended up losing her the election. She was seen as a bureaucratic moderate, so she didn't inspire progressives to turn out and vote. Then there's that whole subsection of voters who would rather pick a president they can "have a beer with" instead of one who is smarter than your average dipshit. Y'know, the same ones that helped elect GWB to the office twice. There are several more reasons, but the bottom line is that intelligence isn't necessarily the key factor in getting elected. There are idiots out there who will vote based solely on who has the better four-word slogan.


since when the opinion of Russia, South America and Asia senpai matters to you?
I never thought I would see the day conservatives cared about what other countries thought about them.

Also someone who doesnt align with your views doesnt equal a degenerate. Never thought i had to explain that but here we are.

@Xzi said that we looked like morons to the rest of the world, I informed him the reasons as to why that was the case. This is one of the few places were degenerates are encouraged to do as they please with zero regards on the effect it will have on society as a whole. This country is the epitome of freedom and the only place were people of every culture are allowed to keep their traditions without assimilating. I know that not even in France do you guys have the amount of tolerance we do for different cultures. My understanding is that if you are not ethnically French you will never truly fit into French society as a Frenchman. In other words, there is no opportunity for Arabs born in France to assimilate as French. Why is the USA always held to a higher moral standard than any other country in the world?


Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
Just me but I like to believe this is one of the greatest countries in the world. A lot of people here believe that too.
Thats why.

Also this country was founded on the idea of immigration.

The US is a leader. The opinions of others competitors rivals should mean squat.
Last edited by WD_GASTER2,
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Liberals make us look like morons/weak to countries in the middle east,Russia,South America, and Asia.
Christ, so your primary concern is looking strong in front of dictators and despots? Even if that is the case, Trump looks like a whipped puppy whenever he's next to Putin. By no means has he ever been the picture of strength on the world stage.



Yes, people are taught big words in school. They're also taught grammar, pronunciation, history, the sciences, and critical thinking skills. Yet Trump's knowledge in all of these categories is extremely lacking, because he knew any F he earned would be changed into an A by the grace of his daddy's donations.

Several reasons. Hillary was the worst possible candidate Democrats could have chosen to run against Trump. Far more intelligent than him, but still a terrible campaigner who failed to even visit the key states that ended up losing her the election. She was seen as a bureaucratic moderate, so she didn't inspire progressives to turn out and vote. Then there's that whole subsection of voters who would rather pick a president they can "have a beer with" instead of one who is smarter than your average dipshit. Y'know, the same ones that helped elect GWB to the office twice. There are several more reasons, but the bottom line is that intelligence isn't necessarily the key factor in getting elected. There are idiots out there who will vote based solely on who has the better four-word slogan.

Regurgitating what they teach you in a liberal arts college doesn't actually make you smart though. Intelligence is hereditary and isn't something that an education can give you.You state that Hillary is smarter than Trump but completely contradict yourself with the rest of your paragraph.

The part of your quote that I highlighted is a mix of your opinion and slander. Repeating what your parents taught you at home and what you learned at school is NOT critical thinking at all, it's called indoctrination. It takes no critical thinking to memorize and regurgitate what you have been told. You haven't actually provided any proof that Trump has a low IQ. If Trump is so stupid and you are so smart, when are you going to become a billionaire president? According to you, an idiot can accomplish these things so why haven't you?
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
If Trump is so stupid and you are so smart, when are you going to become a billionaire president? According to you, an idiot can accomplish these things so why haven't you?
If I was born to an insanely wealthy family and willing to sell out all my morals and values to align myself with the Republican party, it would be easy. Neither of these things is true in my case.

The standards and expectations are much lower for Republican candidates than they are for Democratic candidates. Thus the reason Trump decided to switch party affiliation before running.
Last edited by Xzi,
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