Latest Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer shows off new Pokemon and Gigantamax

The next generation of Pokemon is nearly here, and with the games' imminent release means learning more about what the latest entries have to offer. During the pre-E3 2019 trailer, Nintendo explained the latest mechanic, Dynamaxing. In this video, we learn of how to go even further beyond, with Gigantamax, which not only changes a Pokemon's size, but also its appearance as well. Additionally, Sword and Shield will have differing Gym Leaders, with the former featuring the fighting type Gym and its leader Bea, while the latter instead has a Ghost-type Gym, led by Allister.

The newest reveals for the Galar Dex are Duraludon, a Steel/Dragon, Alcremie, a Fairy-type, Rolycoly, a Rock-type, and the Gigantamax versions of Corviknight and Drednaw.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Hahaha no, I do recall those! And don't forget the keychain pokemon and the chandelier pokemon. I know grimmer and muk looked bad but they weren't presented as "amazing new pokemon" back in the day, I mean, yeah there were only 150 and all that but come on... the ratio of bad pokemon you get for each gen is getting higher. Or maybe I'm just getting older and my nostalgia googles keep me looking at Red as the best thing since sliced bread... who knows?
Gen 4 had the worst Pokemon overall (some good ones in there like Garchomp and the rest were all forgettable, some like Bidoof were just upsetting), then it got much better with gen 5, stayed around the same with gen 6, and slightly worse again with gen 7.
So no, the ratio of bad Pokemon is not getting higher.


Technician of The Dead
Sep 14, 2009
New Jersey
United States
if you bought a bag of skittles and the company decided to remove all the reds and blues adding in idk black would you not say that they removed some contents even if they technically fill the bag back up to full a large part of what makes skittles good are the various flavors that come together to make a good candy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
Panama City, Panama
Gen 4 had the worst Pokemon overall (some good ones in there like Garchomp and the rest were all forgettable, some like Bidoof were just upsetting), then it got much better with gen 5, stayed around the same with gen 6, and slightly worse again with gen 7.
So no, the ratio of bad Pokemon is not getting higher.
Yeah, I might be exaggerating plus, as I said, I might be looking at it through nostalgia goggles
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
It amazes me that there are still people out there who get excited for these games. Every Pokemon game since maybe Emerald has been shittier than the last. Most developers make an effort to make new installments in a series better than the previous releases, but it seems like Gamefreak and/or Nintendo have been actively trying to do the complete opposite of that.

Who wants 10,000+ pokemon species? Who wanted a freaking keyring for pokemon? Why can pokemon still only learn 4 moves? Why are the games always so damn easy for anyone who isn't a genuine beginner to the series? Why are pokemon/attack types still just basic rock-paper-scissor equations which pretty much always end the same? Why are the graphics always so shit by modern standards? (except for maybe Let's Go) Why haven't they attempted to add any real depth to the gameplay? Why is it always the same shit every generation, except with more pokemon and 1 or maybe 2 shitty gimmicky mechanics like mega evolution or this "gigantamax" monstrosity of a name?!

I'm so damn exhausted with Nintendo's bullshit/laziness when it comes to Pokemon. Where's the creativity, innovation, and attention to detail we've seen in Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey?
It's not Nintendo's fault.
It's GameFreak who develops the games. Nintendo is only the publisher.
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Deleted User

Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves were also cheap crap, It's all gimmicks, personally I dont like any of this. They should just balance the pokemon out better.
Z yes. Mega's... No. Mega's did a whole lot more than what z moves or... this bullcrap. Mega's allowed pokemon to change base stats entirely, change their typing, and change their ability. Z's are just stronger moves of a type and that's it usually. And then this bull crap is even lazier. With mega's there came a level of strategy involved. You were only allowed one mega evolution per match. And with being able to change types and abilities , it's much much more valuable.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

It amazes me that there are still people out there who get excited for these games. Every Pokemon game since maybe Emerald has been shittier than the last. Most developers make an effort to make new installments in a series better than the previous releases, but it seems like Gamefreak and/or Nintendo have been actively trying to do the complete opposite of that.

Who wants 10,000+ pokemon species? Who wanted a freaking keyring for pokemon? Why can pokemon still only learn 4 moves? Why are the games always so damn easy for anyone who isn't a genuine beginner to the series? Why are pokemon/attack types still just basic rock-paper-scissor equations which pretty much always end the same? Why are the graphics always so shit by modern standards? (except for maybe Let's Go) Why haven't they attempted to add any real depth to the gameplay? Why is it always the same shit every generation, except with more pokemon and 1 or maybe 2 shitty gimmicky mechanics like mega evolution or this "gigantamax" monstrosity of a name?!

I'm so damn exhausted with Nintendo's bullshit/laziness when it comes to Pokemon. Where's the creativity, innovation, and attention to detail we've seen in Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey?
I argue gen 5 is the last stand. Biggest reason. Black 2 and white 2 added a easy mode and hard mode, added a sense of time passing vs their base, example case black and white have the ruins in a sandstorm, depending on which sequel you are playing, either the ruins are completely destroyed, or being refurbished. And that's one case of many examples of these tweaks for changes in regards to time progression. there was actually a reason for once other than (different pokemon) which was white forest and black city. There was a reason to actually spereate games other than "different pokemon". Which in the sequals you could get both in one copy through the key system. And gyms were completely redesigned in black 2 and white squeals. Let's not forget being able to fight every gym and champion from previous games in the squeals as well. And I could go on and on. Each leader getting their own gym theme, vs previous entries that got the normal one. Remixes and the music... I don't think I need to say that black and white hands down has one if not the best musics track in the Pokemon series in my opinion,
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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2017
United States
Half the PokeDex died because of Masuda’s laziness. This game is looking so soulless
Last edited by DuoForce,


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2017
United States
GameFreak needs to give up the Pokémon IP and give it to Nintendo. Nintendo cares about fans. GameFreak only cares about money. GF is lucky most of their fan base has severe autism otherwise the games would sell like shit


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
Yeah, I might be exaggerating plus, as I said, I might be looking at it through nostagia goggles
I love how you can admit that, and say that that may be the case. Too many people stick to their pride. Glad to know good people still exist in this world, :)

GameFreak needs to give up the Pokémon IP and give it to Nintendo. Nintendo cares about fans. GameFreak only cares about money. GF is lucky most of their fan base has severe autism otherwise the games would sell like shit
This is literally just you wearing nastalgia goggles. The "old ones" weren't better. They were different. They're not "lazy". They're just doing different things like they always do. Complain senselessly, with bias and assumption all you want, but this game still looks very fun. Just as with every iteration, it looks like a LOT of hard work had been put into it, and it looks really fresh and clean. I'm excited for it. I'm so tired of hearing the lame, biased, "OlD iS bEtTeR" bullshit.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
I love how you can admit that, and say that that may be the case. Too many people stick to their pride. Glad to know good people still exist in this world, :)

This is literally just you wearing nastalgia goggles. The "old ones" weren't better. They were different. They're not "lazy". They're just doing different things like they always do. Complain senselessly, with bias and assumption all you want, but this game still looks very fun. Just as with every iteration, it looks like a LOT of hard work had been put into it, and it looks really fresh and clean. I'm excited for it. I'm so tired of hearing the lame, biased, "OlD iS bEtTeR" bullshit.
GameFreak removed the National Dex for "better graphics and animations" when it's obvious they're using the same animations from the 3DS games and the graphics are absolutely horrid.
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Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
GameFreak removed the National Dex for "better graphics and animations" when it's obvious they're using the same animations from the 3DS games and the graphics are absolutely horrid.
I'm sure it was an excuse, yeah, but that doesn't mean the game is going to suck. See, people like yourself go and claim overwhelmingly nonsensical and simply 'wrong' things such as, "the graphics are absolutely horrid", no they're not. They look actually really good. I'm stoked. Sure some trees might lack PS4-looking textures, but the game itself still looks visually very gorgeous, and to try and bring it down by lying, and saying that they're "absolutely horrid" is simply false and a lie. The graphics look really good. You get salty over one thing that's taken away, and suddenly "everything is bad" about the new title. You're like those idiots who say, "Call of Duty sucks" or "Fortnite sucks" when you've never even played it. There's something about people trying to embellish the hell out of something popular, that actually is or looks good, and they try and make it out to be some sort of "fail". It's simple ego projection.

The game might not have the national dex, which, honestly, I'm pissed about. I agree there. But that aside, in no way does this game look terrible, visually, or as a game as a whole. And to say that it does is simple projection, in an attempt to nurture your frustration of them taking away the national dex. I don't understand why idiots try and embellish and lie like that to bring something down, when they're clearly and obviously wrong. It's the same "logic" that trump supporters use. It's silly. The game looks gorgeous. Stop finding reasons to hate on it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2017
United States
This is literally just you wearing nastalgia goggles. The "old ones" weren't better. They were different. They're not "lazy". They're just doing different things like they always do. Complain senselessly, with bias and assumption all you want, but this game still looks very fun. Just as with every iteration, it looks like a LOT of hard work had been put into it, and it looks really fresh and clean. I'm excited for it. I'm so tired of hearing the lame, biased, "OlD iS bEtTeR" bullshit.
Oh boy another shill that claims Pokémon hasn’t been in decline since B2W2. Care to explain to me how removing Pokémon and claiming it’s for better animations and balance when all the animations we’ve seen are recycled from Sun and Moon, as well as removing Mega Evolutions and Z Moves, is “different” and not less? Get GameFreak’s dick out of your ass. People like you would buy literal shit if it had the name “Pokémon” slapped on.


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
Oh boy another shill that claims Pokémon hasn’t been in decline since B2W2. Care to explain to me how removing Pokémon and claiming it’s for better animations and balance when all the animations we’ve seen are recycled from Sun and Moon, as well as removing Mega Evolutions and Z Moves, is “different” and not less? Get GameFreak’s dick out of your ass. People like you would buy literal shit if it had the name “Pokémon” slapped on.
Did you even read my message? I said I hate it too. I think it's an excuse, and I think it's dumb. Maybe next time actually reading my post before pulling out the ol' "shill" card, like an absolute fucktard? Thanks.

And no, it hasn't been "in decline" since B2W2. That's just you trying to "be cool" and claim that "new is worse". Sun and Moon were fantastic, and X and Y were okay. I didn't like gen 5, but I liked gen 6. It's all opinion, but in no way is "in decline" the right thing to say. You don't like the gens afterword? Fine, that's your right. But don't act like it's "been in decline", and try and be that idiot who thinks, "I'm so cool because I think Old stuff was better". And yes, while they're taking that away, which I even said I hate, and is a step back. I mentioned that they're just using an excuse. In that repspect, yeah, it's worse. But that doesn't mean that overall this new pokemon game is going to "suck". The game still looks good, despite any cutbacks. You might be salty about the national dex being cut, as am I, but stop being a fucking moron, and being overly salty, making that in your mind = "this game sucks". That's literally your only reasoning. You're a moron. The game will likely still be really fun, and it's still a core pokemon game. Can't bring your pokemon over? Sucks. I agree. But don't be a fucking idiot and try and convince yourself, before playing it, that it's going to be shit, prior to even knowing the full information about the game. Hell, it's not even out yet. We both know you'll still pick it up. I'm sure it'll still be a successful and great game. You're embellihshing and it's really childish. Fuck off.
Last edited by Josshy0125,


New Member
Jul 10, 2019
United States
Oh boy another shill that claims Pokémon hasn’t been in decline since B2W2. Care to explain to me how removing Pokémon and claiming it’s for better animations and balance when all the animations we’ve seen are recycled from Sun and Moon, as well as removing Mega Evolutions and Z Moves, is “different” and not less? Get GameFreak’s dick out of your ass. People like you would buy literal shit if it had the name “Pokémon” slapped on.
Have you ever considered that some people might enjoy Pokemon for different reasons than you? Or are you too full of yourself to give a shit about anyone else? I've have always enjoyed Pokemon for the new regions, new Pokemon designs, stories, and characters. BW/BW2 and SuMo are both in my top 5 favorite gens.

Sure I'll miss the national dex (yeah their excuse was stupid as fuck I agree), and sure sometimes the games can be a little hand-holdish, but nuzlocks exist if I want a challenge and I've always started new gens with a completely new team anyways. Mega evolution and z-moves were both the exact same type of gimmicks you're complaining to hell and back about with gigamax. Hell, I even think gigamax/gigantamax was meant to be a mix of the two to lessen work and keep things fresh tactically, and it's growing on me personally. I think the graphics look great too compared to all the past games that were at a 240p resolution or less. X and Y look like crap compared to SuMo and those games were only a gen apart.

You can get mad at gamefreak about their shitty decisions all you want, you're allowed to have your own opinion, but calling fans who enjoyed the last few games and just want a casual fun Pokemon game "retarded" is fucked up. The world doesn't revolve around you. It's possible to criticize a game and enjoy it at the same time. Grow up.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2017
United States
Have you ever considered that some people might enjoy Pokemon for different reasons than you? Or are you too full of yourself to give a shit about anyone else? I've have always enjoyed Pokemon for the new regions, new Pokemon designs, stories, and characters. BW/BW2 and SuMo are all in my top 5 favorite gens.

Sure I'll miss the national dex (yeah their excuse was stupid as fuck I agree), and sure sometimes the games can be a little hand-holdish, but nuzlocks exist if I want a challenge and I've always started new gens with a completely new team anyways. Mega evolution and z-moves were both the exact same type of gimmicks you're complaining to hell and back about with gigamax. Hell, I even think gigamax/gigantamax was meant to be a mix of the two to lessen work and keep things fresh tactically, and it's growing on me personally. I think the graphics look great too compared to all the past games that were at a 240p resolution or less. X and Y look like crap compared to SuMo and those games were only a gen apart.

You can get mad at gamefreak about their shitty decisions all you want, you're allowed to have your own opinion, but calling fans who enjoyed the last few games and just want a casual fun Pokemon game "retarded" is fucked up. The world doesn't revolve around you. It's possible to criticize a game and enjoy it at the same time. Grow up.
If you like playing rushed games then by all means go buy two of the same games for $60 each. I’m mad at the exclusion of the National Dex because they’re catering to competitive players, a minority. I along with several others want all Pokémon in the game so we can enjoy it fully. The game looks like absolute shit. What was the point of cutting out Z Moves, Mega Evolutions, and half the Pokémon? The game looks like garbage. By all means if you enjoy being a shill then I won’t stop you. I genuinely hope you enjoy the games when they come out.
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Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
If you like playing rushed games then by all means go buy two of the same games for $60 each. I’m mad at the exclusion of the National Dex because they’re catering to competitive players, a minority. I along with several others want all Pokémon in the game so we can enjoy it fully. The game looks like absolute shit. What was the point of cutting out Z Moves, Mega Evolutions, and half the Pokémon? The game looks like garbage. By all means if you enjoy being a shill then I won’t stop you. I genuinely hope you enjoy the games when they come out.
Wow. You really are an immature fuck aren't you? How are they "rushed"? Where is your basis for all these things you're stating? It just sounds to everyone who's reading like you're super salty about the national dex thing, and are assuming the whole game is trash, and are embellishing and lying about shit just so that you could find an outlet for your frustration. Fuck off, you absolute idiot. Seriously. Just get outta here if you're going to be a troll.
Last edited by Josshy0125,

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