TX Demos SX OS v3.0.0 Running On Switch Lite

In their Happy Holidays Greeting Today, TX Dropped a Bombshell of a Teaser Video

Never say Impossible, as it seems Team-Xecuter has done the impossible, as their Happy Holidays Greeting comes with a jaw-dropping video! :)
Happy holidays season from everyone at Team-Xecuter!

We rocked the Switch in 2019 and with the year soon over, here is a little teaser of one of the things to come early 2020!
YouTube Video Removed, watch this alt. mirror instead: --> https://www.bitchute.com/video/6xT9Zy7FN2tK/

:arrow: Source: MaxConsole
Last edited by garyopa,


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
United States
Why else would they BTFO the Switch, release a fucking CFW, but say NO NO NO YOU CAN'T PIRATE GAMES!! Come the fuck on... You have to be delusional if you think the people behind the CFWs aren't pirating games.
Thats not the point. XCI loading on its own is 100% used for piracy. Theres no other use for it other than that. It also uses shit that would be illegal to distribute. No one wants their name on that shit.
But hey, if atmosphere never was created SXOS wouldn't exist in the first place so :huh:


Active Member
Nov 1, 2019
sx os was cracked a long, long time ago.

The people who can do it have no intention of distributing it. Even though they have reservations against xecuter for its continued usage of prior work without attribution they don't wish to compromise their own ethical standards. Xecuter's DRM is nothing to talk about. We are not talking about incredibly secure hardware devices here.

Did you really think that the people who have reverse engineered really good security could not reverse engineer really cheap/poor security? Life isn't black and white. Making simple assumptions will usually result in wrong outcomes ;)
sure, whatever you say
if this was true you could post the cracked sx os on 4chan or pastebin or any platform that allows posting anonymously
No one wants their name on that shit.
they could post the cracked sx os on 4chan or pastebin or any platform that allows posting anonymously but they won't because they don't have a damn thing
Last edited by terraplen,


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2015
United States
The main issue I have is if you pause the video at 0:14, and you go frame by frame (on YouTube desktop, use the period key to advance, comma to go backward), it seems that the "Boot Custom FW" button is pressed before the finger hits the screen, which makes it seem that this is a pre-recorded video over-layed on the console or something, especially since the console didn't move at all. It looks fake to me, but who knows.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2015
United States
The main issue I have is if you pause the video at 0:14, and you go frame by frame (on YouTube desktop, use the period key to advance, comma to go backward), it seems that the "Boot Custom FW" button is pressed before the finger hits the screen, which makes it seem that this is a pre-recorded video over-layed on the console or something, especially since the console didn't move at all. It looks fake to me, but who knows.
Could just be the overly sensitive screen? Half of me wants to call BS on thia video but the other half of me wants it to be true. Only time will tell ig

Edit- you able to get a gif of those frames? :creep:


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
United States
Thats not the point. XCI loading on its own is 100% used for piracy. Theres no other use for it other than that. It also uses shit that would be illegal to distribute. No one wants their name on that shit.
But hey, if atmosphere never was created SXOS wouldn't exist in the first place so :huh:

You can say I'm sticking up for TX if you want, but this is an honest question. What you're saying is that if I want to back up the cartridge I paid for so that I don't have to carry it around and risk it being lost or broken, ie back it up to XCI, I am only doing that for piracy, but it's ok if I download an NSP and use that as my backup instead?


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
So why do they praise TX and shit Atmosphere? They are the ones who borrow, without warning, their open code to create TX trash
How is it trash? Youre so ignorant. Its far more user friendly, has more options and is far less buggy. I tried atmosphere the other day and it fucked up my system. Crashes, corrupting my games, etc. And yes i did it right. Had to do redownload games and some apps still dont work now. You can hate sx all you want, but its objectively far more user friendly, more features. easier to set up and use, and FAR less buggy.

Youre just salty because youve got a hate boner for SX like many here. Fuck off if youre going to argue with ignorance and bias.


The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
How is it trash? Youre so ignorant. Its far more user friendly, has more options and is far less buggy. I tried atmosphere the other day and it fucked up my system. Crashes, corrupting my games, etc. And yes i did it right. Had to do redownload games and some apps still dont work now. You can hate sx all you want, but its objectively far more user friendly, more features. easier to set up and use, and FAR less buggy.

Youre just salty because youve got a hate boner for SX like many here. Fuck off if youre going to argue with ignorance and bias.
Actually, it is "trash" compared to Atmosphere. TX claim it's finished while Atmosphere claim it's in Alpha. So yes, it's kind of correct that it's "trash". But it's functional.

TX have stolen a ton of features and code from Atmosphere, this is also known.
SX for me is as user friendly as Kosmos is. So for me that argument doesn't hold up as much anymore.

I however like the XCI format. It's the best archive format we got for Switch games. And archiving is always good. We know it's for piracy only. But so where the n64, z64, .nes etc. as well. And we use those files on emulators today. Tomorrow we mostly likely will use xcis to emulate the Switch.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Was he teasing ? Was he already suspected of stealing code before ? I'm not so sure about that, but whatever, keep thinking that "boo everything that happens to TX is so unfortunate, they don't deserve that", I'm done with it

The irony is that you see his fixed black/white position as wrong, but defend your own. Keep thinking "boo everything TX does is stealing or a lie".

The fact that the contributors towards the open source switch scene have done it only for attribution and have been deprived that attribution by a company doing it purely for economic reasons is fucked.

Everyone knows anyway. I personally would prefer for TX to not make it look like I was associated with them, because they are legally precarious.

This very same scenario has happened to me in my personal life. I've contributed labors that have taken me years and much stress/pain to the public freely given, only to have some well known individual take those contributions and "rebrand" them as his own, even making money off it.

Yeah, been there and done that.

Why can't people understand that some people just want to give to communities and receive respect, and thats it? Why must people exploit the most altruistic actors?

Human nature. You made your choice and only wanted people to like you, they wanted money and saw a way to do it.

Very difficult to understand your logic here. Atmosphere is not guilty of stealing anything from xecuter. What possible complaints could sx os users have towards atmosphere users? T

Atmosphere users troll SX threads about features that SX doesn't have, SX users don't do that to Atmosphere users.

Meh. I agree, however, to that statement about respecting the opinions of the devs who dislike sx...

There are some out there, who absolutely DO NOT deserve ANY respect - like that retroarch guy, mxw-whatever his name is, who not only dislikes sx, but has a hate boner for it, (and here's the kicker) anybody who uses it, simply because they use it... He wont hesitate to treat them like shit and talk down to them, and verabally abuse them. You see some of the angry shit I say, you should see this asshole. Dude's a cunt. I asked for help on the retroarch discord, and he (along with his piece of shit sheep) started making fun of me for using SX (calling me names, calling me stupid, telling me how much of a piece of shit I am, and that "im the problem", and that im "in the wrong" for using SX... among multiple other, worse things...), then he banned me for asking about help with retroarch, JUST BECAUSE I use SX. So they can not like it. Thats fine. But once you get asshole prick devs like that cunt, mxw-whatever, then its not okay. Just putting another shout out, out here in the open so that people can understand (at least the very few who dont already know...) how much of a shitstain, and an absolute waste of a human being, that prick is. Its one thing not liking or supporting sx, its another to be an absolute cuntbag toward people who bought it, followed by a barrage of insults and making-fun-of, toward people who just decided to buy a superior firmware.

Hes scum

Retroarch has no moral high ground in this either, they have license violations in some of their distributions. But they are good at trolling and shit posting though, they think they are superior and that rules don't apply to them because they are trying to do good. They don't get to decide that though.

Thank you for further contributing to my omniscience!
The fact that TX even considers their user base to be "sheep" and frequently mocks their intelligence is what further proves we are not dealing with the same people anymore.

When have they done that?

I however like the XCI format. It's the best archive format we got for Switch games. And archiving is always good. We know it's for piracy only. But so where the n64, z64, .nes etc. as well. And we use those files on emulators today. Tomorrow we mostly likely will use xcis to emulate the Switch.

It's not "for piracy only" as people can backup their own games. Anyone that could do XCI for atmosphere that is refusing to do it, is also enabling TX to keep selling SX OS. If it had no unique features then nobody would buy it.
Last edited by smf,


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2015
United States
Could just be the overly sensitive screen?

Yeah, that could be a reason, especially if they had to install a modchip of sorts. That could have messed around with a screen. Dunno how to make a .gif showing it frame by frame, but as I said, as long as you are on the desktop version of YouTube, you can simply advance the frame on your own (forgot to note that you need to have the video paused as well).

What you're saying is that if I want to back up the cartridge I paid for so that I don't have to carry it around and risk it being lost or broken, ie back it up to XCI

At that point, why wouldn't you just by the game digitally?


Otak Productions
Jun 29, 2017
How is it trash? Youre so ignorant. Its far more user friendly, has more options and is far less buggy. I tried atmosphere the other day and it fucked up my system. Crashes, corrupting my games, etc. And yes i did it right. Had to do redownload games and some apps still dont work now. You can hate sx all you want, but its objectively far more user friendly, more features. easier to set up and use, and FAR less buggy.

Youre just salty because youve got a hate boner for SX like many here. Fuck off if youre going to argue with ignorance and bias.
The ignorant telling other ignorant, without realizing that he uses an effusive CFW with malicious code able to bricked his Switch, which he pays for, even requiring him to enter a password to release it. Keep up with your SX Rasomware, I prefer to support those who do not steal another's work.
Last edited by Imancol,


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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United States
a joycon hack for the the switch lite (which has no detachable joycon)? must be a goodass hack

edit: to those writing paragraphs about this and that, just take the L and move on, this is sad at this point

There's nothing to "take the L" on. Team-Xecuter providing proof of their hack is simply them fulfilling their obligation. Team-Xecuter is not a SciresM, hexkyz, or fail0verflow (you know, respected hackers/groups in the Switch hacking scene). Those groups/individuals could get away with making a post saying "yeah, we hacked the newer Switches," and not providing any proof. Team-Xecuter is not in that category. They are a group who steals code from other developers/groups (without acknowledging that they do that, when even most of their supporters know that they steal code, and don't care), and who were once caught with brick code in their "software." The phrase "proof or STFU" will be applied to them, just as it would be applied to me, you, or 99.999% of people associated with the Switch hacking scene. Providing proof is the least that they can do since @garyopa insists on constantly spamming his junk website on these forums.

half of the posts in this thread are salty people saying they will buy a clone so they don't buy from TX and support "le evil Chinese men" directly

There is literally nobody in this thread that is claiming that...

You just admitted to exactly what I said was happening. You take issue with people pointing out bad ethics and you have a problem with it. It's people like you in society that I despise because you add to the negative outcomes.

You are cheerleading against people for pointing out wrongs? Where's your moral compass? You loose it in the shitter or something?

When people voice complaints over valid ethical violations you should be slapping them on the back ....not voicing against. By amplifing the negative side of it you are contributing towards the negative outcomes. E.g. you are part of the problem.

Not only do you have a completely distorted view ("it's not finished") but you want to lash out at others for pointing out wrong doing.

That's fucked.

Nothing is finished. It's a constantly evolving project. And the goal was never "let's be a pirate!" So the fact you call it "unfinished" (vs xecuter lolol) demonstrates exactly what your frame of mind is. You only care about the ability to pirate games.

I don't judge for people wanting to pirate ..I actually don't care if end users pirate. What I do care about is when corporations exploit good actors for economic purposes. And I get really upset when those end users who support those Chinese corporations for their exploitative practices try to shout down those who wish to spread light and education on what's clearly wrong and right.

This is my last reply to you because you've quite adequately demonstrated you have little moral compass or valid concerns. As usual it's just gaslighting, muddying the water, false premises and the other usual arguments coming from people who rarely question their own standards but love to lash out on those who have tried to stand up for good.

I appreciate your posts in this thread, but sadly, I think you are wasting your time with most of them. These fanboys will not address anything that you brought up in this post. They will just move the goalposts and use shaming tactics, like his next reply telling you that you "really need to get out more." Trying to imply that you, me, and others are bad people for even pointing it out...
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Otak Productions
Jun 29, 2017
There's nothing to "take the L" on. Team-Xecuter providing proof of their hack is simply them fulfilling their obligation. Team-Xecuter is not a SciresM, hexkyz, or fail0verflow (you know, respected hackers/groups in the Switch hacking scene). Those groups/individuals could get away with making a post saying "yeah, we hacked the newer Switches," and not providing any proof. Team-Xecuter is not in that category. They are a group who steals code from other developers/groups (without acknowledging that they do that, when even most of their supporters know that they steal code, and don't care), and who were once caught with brick code in their "software." The phrase "proof or STFU" will be applied to them, just as it would be applied to me, you, or 99.999% of people associated with the Switch hacking scene. Providing proof is the least that they can do since @garyopa insists on constantly spamming his junk website on these forums.

There is literally nobody in this thread that is claiming that...

I appreciate your posts in this thread, but sadly, I think you are wasting your time with most of them. These fanboys will not address anything that you brought up in this post. They will just move the goalposts and use shaming tactics, like his next reply telling you that you "really need to get out more." Trying to imply that you, me, and others are bad people for even pointing it out...
TX Ransomware I have realized that it is or comes from China, somehow it is associated with them, who do reverse engineering to "their competitors" to create their own "improved" system version. That they make their Dongle there is more than proven.

I don't really care what they do in the world of the Scene, but that they take open source code from others and sell it with illegal improvements, it's like throwing another's job. If it wasn't because nobody wants to get their hands dirty, there would already be many versions of that SX OS.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
United States
At that point, why wouldn't you just by the game digitally?

Sorta irrelevant because not all games come digitally on the Switch. There are plenty that are physical only. Also you cannot just keep downloading digital games from the eshop indefinitely. Eventually Nintendo will stop hosting the Switch games. So what do you do then with your digital only game if your SD corrupts or you deleted it at some point to make space?

My question is about backups specifically of carts and the XCI format being only for piracy if I am dumping it from my own cart. How is that any different than running an NSP backup on Atmo?

I understand if people say that TX is using Nintendo's own code to make XCI backups run is wrong and they should have developed their own way to load them, fine. I can get behind that, but to just say XCI backups are for piracy only doesn't really make any sense in my eyes since NSP are far more widely used for piracy than XCI's are. Look at any site you can download games or Discord server that has them. 99% of them will have NSP and now NSZ.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I appreciate your posts in this thread, but sadly, I think you are wasting your time with most of them. These fanboys will not address anything that you brought up in this post. They will just move the goalposts and use shaming tactics, like his next reply telling you that you "really need to get out more." Trying to imply that you, me, and others are bad people for even pointing it out...

So it's ok for you to come to an SX thread and call people fanboys just because they use SX and are involved in this thread, but it's not ok for an SX user to tell another person in here to get out side more? Yup, way to solve the problem.....


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018
United Kingdom
I appreciate your posts in this thread, but sadly, I think you are wasting your time with most of them. These fanboys will not address anything that you brought up in this post. They will just move the goalposts and use shaming tactics, like his next reply telling you that you "really need to get out more." Trying to imply that you, me, and others are bad people for even pointing it out...

your right about wasting your time.

Since the SX Pro came out certain people on here have constantly posted about stolen code, license agreements, how TX would probably abandon SX, people were stupid for paying for it etc . In fact any thread about TX or SX they were usually the first ones to reply to it. It's like an obsession for some of them, after 18 months they carry on like a broken record. How many SX users have stopped using it because of these posts :unsure:

in the PC warez scene those from CPY and CDX who have cracked Denuvo and other protection schemes don't ask for personal recognition or glory..


Otak Productions
Jun 29, 2017
your right about wasting your time.

Since the SX Pro came out certain people on here have constantly posted about stolen code, license agreements, how TX would probably abandon SX, people were stupid for paying for it etc . In fact any thread about TX or SX they were usually the first ones to reply to it. It's like an obsession for some of them, after 18 months they carry on like a broken record. How many SX users have stopped using it because of these posts :unsure:

in the PC warez scene those from CPY and CDX who have cracked Denuvo and other protection schemes don't ask for personal recognition or glory..
For those greedy people is that they leaked a Wip HACK from Need For Speed echo by CODEX. I realize that here in the Nintendo Scene it is the same, they ruin the open source environment, those who provide open code leave and those who ruin the Scene have nothing left but to buy the stolen code "improved" from those who only want Get money out of this.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

There will already be shit-free methods for less lazy people to modify the Switch Lite. All this of Tx remains a danger to the personal data of the users.

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