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President Signs Executive Order Abolishing Critical Race Theory


Deleted User

I just can not wait till he is out of Office. But you know, if the Votes are against him, he is going to cry and moan like a little bitch saying the Numbers are wrong, he wants a Re-Count (Florida. LOL).
But Biden is not any better. A few of the ones he wants to put in Office would try their best to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. The People have the Right to be able to Defend themselves AND help Defend this Country from Enemies, Foreign and Domestic!
Well unfortunately, he has everything setup to bitch and wine and try to attempt a coup. reasons why
1. His constant lies about mail in ballots
2. His interference with said mail in ballots, getting them delayed can help support his argument.
3.Bill Bar can help pull strings, such as arresting people. Not far off, already have a fun test run there with BLM and the secret police essentially.
4. Russia. I mean it's telling that the president told agencies to no longer focus on Russian activity, and only focus on China. And there was no attempt to prevent Russian interference this year.
5. Having control over agencies, I mean recently the cdc tried updating their page to suggest that it can spread further than 6ft. Hour's later it was retracted, and it's suggested that the President forced that.
6. Any person who publican disagrees with him without anonymity will get fired. So only the most corrupt remain.

Deleted User

@monkeyman4412 - Also, as far as I can tell, everywhere I looked, his Wife should NOT have Qualified for that damn EB1 Visa. So just what was the deciding factor for her being "Qualified" for it?????????
Well, she shouldn't, but I guess it gets a free pass because she's the president's wife. Though that's a thing I'm less worried/concerned about.

Deleted User

Thanks you two for helping me add to my ignore list! You two are spouting non-sense from CNN who admits they lie. Maybe try getting your heads of the sand and think for yourselves. You posted so much bullshit I'm not going to waste my own time trying to sort through it all. But I will point out where I laughed "he's trying to get rid of social security and medicare too!"

You're voting for Biden who is senile and will not last as President, this is done by design. I can't believe anyone with a brain would think Kamala Harris would make a good President but that is what we'll get if Biden is elected, or should I say Nancy Pelosi.

BLM = bullshit stirred up by Dems to keep Trump from getting relected. Around 13 black man were killed by police last year, and most of them were committing crimes. There is instances where the policeman used excessive force so why not, I don't know, blame the idiot policeman and throw his ass in jail? Nah let's blame Trump for that, he probably knew that cop personally. It's just an example of the idiotic logic going on here. Trump was never accused of being racist until he was President. He won an award from Jesse Jackson for hiring a high amount of black people. He was loved by the black community mostly overall until he ran Republican and CNN put the idea in people's heads he's a racist, so it must be true! If Trump was a Democrat now Liberals would love him he wouldn't even have to do anything different. He's been a Democrat 3 times in the past.

If Trump wins again your Liberal tears will be delicious. However, there absolutely will be mail in voting fraud (even certain Dems have admitted) so Biden may win because of this. This election is not about how great Biden is everyone knows he's terrible even Liberals. It's Trump vs I hate Trump. Many people will vote for a dead corpse over Trump and that corpse is Biden.

If you really think he has the mental capacity to run this country you are even more delusional than I thought. Hopefully you at least have enough sense to know Dems want him in there so Trump's not in there so they can make the decisions.
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Deleted User

Thanks you two for helping me add to my ignore list! You two are spouting non-sense from CNN who admits they lie. Maybe try getting your heads of the sand and think for yourselves. You posted so much bullshit I'm not going to waste my own time trying to sort through it all. But I will point out where I laughed "he's trying to get rid of social security and medicare too!"

You're voting for Biden who is senile and will not last as President, this is done by design. I can't believe anyone with a brain would think Kamala Harris would make a good President but that is what we'll get if Biden is elected, or should I say Nancy Pelosi.

BLM = bullshit stirred up by Dems to keep Trump from getting relected. Around 13 black man were killed by police last year, and most of them were committing crimes. There is instances where the policeman used excessive force so why not, I don't know, blame the idiot policeman and throw his ass in jail? Nah let's blame Trump for that, he probably knew that cop personally. It's just an example of the idiotic logic going on here. Trump was never accused of being racist until he was President. He won an award from Jesse Jackson for hiring a high amount of black people. He was loved by the black community mostly overall until he ran Republican and CNN put the idea in people's heads he's a racist, so it must be true! If Trump was a Democrat now Liberals would love him he wouldn't even have to do anything different.
Lmao, I don't support Biden or Trump. but okay buddy, somebody was watching too much fox news.

Deleted User

It's also pretty damn sad that a person just comes in. just to announce they are blocking people but then also spout their views. Like... what does that add to the conversation? What's the point of it? to announce that you got angry?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
Anytime people categorize ANYONE because of color, that's racist. Even if it's positive, if you say something like "I love black people" that's still racism. There will be no equality until we are all equal in our own eyes. Equality isn't a political issue. Or a religious one. Everyone thinks they are at least just a little bit better than the rest. They are not. Starts at birth around here. My baby is so smart. My baby is so beautiful. Lady that thing is ugly and stupid. People say this class/race can't be racist. They are. Everyone knows they are lying. They do it for their ego and their brothers. Until we see that we are all brothers it won't end. We are all in this Earth together. And the damn thing is breaking down. But we still can't even agree there is a problem. How can you guys politicize masks? Argue about feeding people in a country that throws away more food then our hungry need? Elect officials who divide and concuer our own people? Our own freedom? As if WE are the enemy. As if there isn't enough resources to go around?


All these movements are a joke. Protesting is good. People, rioting is not protesting. Defund the police? WTF? Who's gonna help you when some protester steals your TV and rapes your Mom? Your thug,prepper friends don't care stupid. All these fucking acronyms for people who can barely read. YOLO BLM ACAB GOP DNC all names for morons and their agendas,

Those 1% people with MOUNTAINS of cash. Complain about spending 2 Billion on Schools to benefit all of us but are A-OK spending twice the cash on cruises, golf trips, ego parties, mansions, jets, underage hookers, a big pile of blow and lawyers to cover it up. And that's just the current administration! Racism is just the tip of the iceberg. We turn on our own for any reason. Money, class, power,religion, arrogance sport, opportunity . Whatever it takes to motivate a handful of morons. Both sides are shit. Both sides are unrealistic. Both sides are corrupt. Anyone claiming that they are the ones with the soul, open your eyes. You soul is crying and covered in shit. Stop being so stupid to think any of us are different. You are all animals. Not special. Until we all see that this shit will never stop. If we were all purple we would war over who's junk is the biggest. Who cares. You snowflake, participation medal wearing, anti-real life, crybaby, cancel couture you tube dependent morons sure seem to care just as much as the money hungry greed machine fascist Nazi crew. All hypocrites. Everyone thinks they have it so bad. . People have it bad all over. You don't deserve respect. You're NOT SPECIAL! Your Grand Ma may have been victim to all sorts of atrocities. You deserve nothing. Racist white people deserve whats coming to them. Racist Black people deserve what's coming to them. All the other racists in all colors too. Equality should hit us all. Equal to the hate you put out. Because THAT"S FUCKING EQUAL. And you all deserve it in some capacity or another. All of you.

If you can't look at your enemy and see that they are just like you than you might just have your eyes shut and your head lodged in your ass. Tell-tale sign of a prejudice racist turd. Have some empathy.

All these people complaining about our country. Living in America and you're crying? You are better off than most of the world. My town is DIVERSE and they all worked hard to be here. More than most natural born Americans. You should consider yourself lucky your ancestors managed to get here before you had to actually work to achieve it.. Stop complaining.

Remember, China is the most populous, and women out number men world wide. In China chances are you would be dirt poor. And if you are a woman in China, less than human.

Next time you think you have it bad remember you could be a poor oppressed woman in China. Most people are!


***If you are a poor oppressed Chinese woman I meant no harm and my heart goes out to you.
Last edited by mikefor20,


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2019
racism < comes from ego we have all these problems because of ego
we are not humans we are souls having a human experience on this earth ,when the time comes to go back to the source
you can choose to do it all over again in the hope you learned something from your previous human experience
it all about love or 369


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
racism < comes from ego we have all these problems because of ego
we are not humans we are souls having a human experience on this earth ,when the time comes to go back to the source
you can choose to do it all over again in the hope you learned something from your previous human experience
it all about love or 369

Live for today or your future is doomed. Come on son. What's this? A rental existence? Fuck it up all you want,it's not yours? You're gonna take back to Enterprise anyway? SELFISH and LAZY! It's not a fucking car! Do something for your self or your fellow man and stop living for a prize you don't truly deserve. Make a heaven for all of us.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Good. But almost certainly the absolute wrong thing to try to do with any politcal edict.

You must be stupid to try to stop ideas from spreading that way. ;)

Better (less PR-y) discussion on the issue:

Conservative intellectual position on this is right around the same. Referencing probably some Douglas Murray interview I watched.

edit: Does anyone know if this extends to cases, where asian minorities would get an unproportionate amount of lets say 'education spots' as we discussed in the 'can racial discrimination be 'needed' on account of the state in some cases?' thread?

Does anyone actually know?

Last edited by notimp,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
A lot of people seem to forget that 200 some years ago that greedy black people were selling other black people to be slaves and that there was a global slave network. The USA wasn't the only country to have slaves and we got rid of that nonsense when the Republican party decided to do away with it. If you want to label some country racist due to past history then you're going to need to include a lot more countries than just the USA in your attacks and then don't forget about the black African slave dealers selling citizens from their own country. The Republicans in the USA fought a war against the Democrats to end slavery. Hundreds of thousands of white people died to make everyone man, women and child in the USA free regardless of skin color. Then after the war Democrats fought giving black people equal rights and equal treatment and they fought against colored people right up until the 1970's. Now we see the racist Democrats continuing their racist ways by wanting to reintroduce racism into Government institutions. The Democrats are a party of old racism. Since everyone is all on about cancelling old racist things that we should probably cancel the Democrats, because there was no party switch. A few Democrats converting to Republicans and shedding their old world views and picking up beliefs that Republicans have doesn't mean the millions of Democrats and hundreds of millions of Republicans switched places. The Democrats are racist. If you view yourself as not racist, yet support things like Critical Race Theory you're simply a racist hypocrite.

Anytime people categorize ANYONE because of color, that's racist.

I hold this view too. If you're basing decisions on someones race you're being racist, regardless if the choice you're making is harmful or not. If you're judging or treating people differently because they are black, white, yellow, orange, brown, etc ... you're being racist. There's no if's, and's or butt's about it.

All these movements are a joke. Protesting is good. People, rioting is not protesting. Defund the police? WTF? Who's gonna help you when some protester steals your TV and rapes your Mom? Your thug,prepper friends don't care stupid. All these fucking acronyms for people who can barely read. YOLO BLM ACAB GOP DNC all names for morons and their agendas,

There is a stark difference between protesting and rioting. I'm not sure why the Left has such a big problem admitting so.

Those 1% people with MOUNTAINS of cash. Complain about spending 2 Billion on Schools to benefit all of us but are A-OK spending twice the cash on cruises, golf trips, ego parties, mansions, jets, underage hookers, a big pile of blow and lawyers to cover it up. And that's just the current administration! Racism is just the tip of the iceberg. We turn on our own for any reason. Money, class, power,religion, arrogance sport, opportunity . Whatever it takes to motivate a handful of morons.

You may be envious that other people have more money than you, but it's their money and you don't get to spend other peoples money. If you want more money go out and earn it.

All these people complaining about our country. Living in America and you're crying? You are better off than most of the world. My town is DIVERSE and they all worked hard to be here. More than most natural born Americans. You should consider yourself lucky your ancestors managed to get here before you had to actually work to achieve it.. Stop complaining.

They are complaining, yet have running water, video games, computers, cell phones, nice shoes, food is readily available to purchase, gas isn't scarce, they have clothing, shelter, medical insurance, but somehow they are "poor"? It's more like they mismanage their money or spend it on things they don't need while neglecting their children. Even the poorest person in the USA has it much better than poor people do in some other 3rd world countries. Most homeless people are drug addicts and drug addiction is a disease you choose to have and can cure at any time you simply choose to cure it. If you're an able bodied person there's no excuse that justifies being poor. Clean yourself up, get educated any way you can and go out and make something of your life. No one is going to feel sorry for you if you just sit around and make excuses on why you can't do these things.

Even if the theory is complete nonsense, I think it's pretty fucked up for a leader to abolish any way of thought. I mean I think the KKK is godawful with the rhetoric they have, but I also think that as long as they aren't hurting anyone, that they have every right to still pursue their way of thinking.

Thought control is part of the Left's tactics. No one is saying you can't think that white people are evil, it's just being removed from institutions in the USA because the theory is racist against white people.

sorry to say, but that executive order does violate the constitution. Do I really have to say which one?
Also second off, I don't think the president holds the capability to abolish a line of thought. That is plain stupid, and not a power the president has.

The Critical Race Theory teaches you to hate a group of people due to the color of their skin. The Constitution doesn't guarantee you can be racist against a group of people. There's nothing stopping you from believing that all white people are bad and racist, but you seem to look white in your profile picture, so where does that leave you? Trump is simply removing racism from the Government. That's a good thing.
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Deleted User

don't bother responding to the OP. I just read what he said, and it has no substance to it. He's intentionally cherry picking arguments along with well, being factually wrong.
Take example for my quote for regarding cherry picking.
"sorry to say, but that executive order does violate the constitution. Do I really have to say which one?
Also second off, I don't think the president holds the capability to abolish a line of thought. That is plain stupid, and not a power the president has."
If you go to the first page,(which is where my quote comes from)
I also discuss that yes the united states is racist and sexist, giving out examples, they are only one comment apart. But since they don't fit his views on the world. they remain ignored. My point being, just let the thread die. He's clearly out to push an agenda without any substance to the argument.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
don't bother responding to the OP. I just read what he said, and it has no substance to it. He's intentionally cherry picking arguments along with well, being factually wrong.
Take example for my quote for regarding cherry picking.
"sorry to say, but that executive order does violate the constitution. Do I really have to say which one?
Also second off, I don't think the president holds the capability to abolish a line of thought. That is plain stupid, and not a power the president has."
If you go to the first page,(which is where my quote comes from)
I also discuss that yes the united states is racist and sexist, giving out examples, they are only one comment apart. But since they don't fit his views on the world. they remain ignored. My point being, just let the thread die. He's clearly out to push an agenda without any substance to the argument.

No one is stopping you from thinking that white people are evil and bad. Go ahead and hate your own skin color. It's foolish, but we live in a free country so you can hate yourself and others all you want.

Deleted User

Because of the BLM "cause" who's going to want to be a policeman anymore or in the future? They were already hated, now they are probably the most despised profession in the entire country. You might think it's "cool" to not want policemen, but when someone comes up and mugs you/assaults you or a female in your family such as your daughter/wife/sister heck rapes them robs your house, any crime you can think of and there's no consequence, good luck with that. Not to mention Liberals don't believe in guns even to protect themselves, so you're on your own. Seattle is defunding their police department decent people should run as far as they can and never look back, let the rest that asked for no police have it and see how they like it. It would be chaos.

This is what you're supporting in the Democratic party because that is what they support, no way around it. I don't care how much you support abortion or want hand outs or want rights for blacks and gays, this is part of the agenda to defund the police everywhere. Top 10 cities with the most crime in U.S. are all run by Democrats. Use common sense.
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Deleted User

Hating my own skin tone is not a belief I have. I hate those who view skin tone as important, those that believe that for whatever reason, that their skin tone, or their nationality, or religion makes them righteous or superior to other homo-sapiens. Unfortunately, the white race has a historical issue of that. And while it has lessened, it still exists to a fairly large degree. And due to history as well, this also applies to gender roles and sexuality. I think it speaks more on you that you think that people discussing these things are a problem. Because as I guess you believe the world is fair, and doesn't have wrongs such as that.
Tell me then.
Why does the word illegal have negative connotations to Mexicans?
When it is often said within the right it's not referring to illegal canadians, it's not referring to illegal asians or Europeans. It strictly refers to people beyond the south border. With a stereotype that they are uncivil.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Thought control is part of the Left's tactics. No one is saying you can't think that white people are evil, it's just being removed from institutions in the USA because the theory is racist against white people.

Yet the KKK haven't been abolished. I don't like the double standard at all. Either let it all be, or abolish all of it. Though the latter is far more concerning, at least there would be consistency, and the hypocrisy wouldn't be so blatant.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2020
United States
Hating my own skin tone is not a belief I have. I hate those who view skin tone as important, those that believe that for whatever reason, that their skin tone, or their nationality, or religion makes them righteous or superior to other homo-sapiens. Unfortunately, the white race has a historical issue of that. And while it has lessened, it still exists to a fairly large degree. And due to history as well, this also applies to gender roles and sexuality. I think it speaks more on you that you think that people discussing these things are a problem. Because as I guess you believe the world is fair, and doesn't have wrongs such as that.
Tell me then.
Why does the word illegal have negative connotations to Mexicans?
When it is often said within the right it's not referring to illegal canadians, it's not referring to illegal asians or Europeans. It strictly refers to people beyond the south border. With a stereotype that they are uncivil.

Conservatives don't share negative views about Mexicans. Most Mexicans and/or Latinos are very hard working and have great family values. Their food is pretty damned good too. Conservatives share negative views on anyone that would illegally sneak into our country and then either commit more crimes or sit on their ass and collect benefits. I'm not sure why the Left have such a problem differentiating between honest hard working citizens and criminal scum.

The world isn't fair. It never was and never will be. It seems though for you at least, it's okay to generalize and stereotype about white people. I've never owned a slave nor have any of my immediate relatives. I can't say if before both sides of my family migrated from over seas if their ancestors owned slaves, but that's centuries ago and long gone history. I'd be more concerned about what people are doing now as there's nothing you can do to change the past.

I know there's still racist people out there. It's apparent when you read about race issues and how the Democrats deal with them. They are very racist people. There's also racist Conservatives, but you know what, some of the racist people may be brown, black, yellow or white. You can be racist against white people and the executive order Trump passed deals with that. The thing is we fought a war to rid our country of racism and then even after we won the Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep colored people in the back of the bus. Nothing has changed regarding the way they handle race since the 1970's, they've just swapped one skin color for another. Honestly, most people on the Left think of colored people as less able bodied then white people. Look at how they claim colored people couldn't possibly figure out how to get an ID and register to vote legally. Critical Race Theory teaches that white people are bad people and that's just not the case. There's good and bad people all around us and your skin color doesn't automatically make you a bad person.

Yet the KKK haven't been abolished. I don't like the double standard at all. Either let it all be, or abolish all of it. Though the latter is far more concerning, at least there would be consistency, and the hypocrisy wouldn't be so blatant.

The Democrats started to KKK as a way to intimidate Republicans and black people from voting. They harassed, attacked in some cases lynched black people and anyone who supported them. They are the epitome of racism, but hate isn't something you can legislate and outlaw. Every single person hates something and when you start to legislate feelings you're always going to have groups of people that just don't feel the way others do. So it's really pointless to say it's okay to hate white people, but then not hate colored people. That's the same thinking from 200 years ago.

I don't believe the KKK should be able to go out and do anything criminal and we should encourage and educate others onto who they are, who created them and why it's a bad idea to join them. I don't believe in making more laws every time there's an issue someone doesn't agree with. If the KKK tried to teach their own "race theory" in government institutions I'd support the prevention or removal of their bullshit too.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Because of the BLM "cause" who's going to want to be a policeman anymore or in the future? They were already hated, now they are probably the most despised profession in the entire country. You might think it's "cool" to not want policemen, but when someone comes up and mugs you/assaults you or a female in your family such as your daughter/wife/sister heck rapes them robs your house, any crime you can think of and there's no consequence, good luck with that. Not to mention Liberals don't believe in guns even to protect themselves, so you're on your own. Seattle is defunding their police department decent people should run as far as they can and never look back, let the rest that asked for no police have it and see how they like it. It would be chaos.

This is what you're supporting in the Democratic party because that is what they support, no way around it. I don't care how much you support abortion or want hand outs or want rights for blacks and gays, this is part of the agenda to defund the police everywhere. Top 10 cities with the most crime in U.S. are all run by Democrats. Use common sense.

Most of these coddled kids would literally shit themselves in they had to stand up and deal with half the shit cops deal with on a daily basis. I'm not sure who they think is going to come rescue them when their lives are in danger if they defund the people who do that job. Though, you're correct. Most of the hell hole cities with major crime, riots and looting are all controlled by Democrats and it's their Liberal policies over the past 20-30 years that have drove them into the ground. California was once known as the Liberal experiment and we all see how their cities have turned into cesspools of crime, disease and perversion. I wouldn't want to live in those sort of places. The experiment failed, but people simply ignore the results. It's sad that the people who can escape and do so then move to places and then keep voting for the same type of assholes who created the mess in the places they left. I wonder what the result of that'll be?
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    although im off school that day
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    today is the 7th anniversary of Captain Underpants, which was actually a surprisingly good movie
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That's been around since I was in elementary
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    @BakerMan, i recall watching it on fox
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    Who watches FOX nowadays? Only reason to get alt-right viewers interested.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, that was like when i was 10
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    @Xdqwerty, We didn't have FOX Kids over here, back then it was Jetix.
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    Similar to FOX Kids. I remember when Sonic X aired.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, the latin american fox feed doesnt air news, it airs movies and tv shows
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Ah, I see.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and i wasnt even born when fox kids/jetix was alive
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    also a couple years ago latin american fox got renamed to star channel
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, sorry
    i thought you didnt read the last couple messages before quoting you agin
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    ah sonic x, that show is valid
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    (of course the mf with a sonic pfp would say that 😭)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you are not dumb or stupid, you need to stop saying that, you are very smart, even about alot of things I have no clue about. We all love you here, like a big family.
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    Yeah @BigOnYa love me so much he started yelling at me for having my shoes on in the bed when he caught me with his wife
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    True, I don't want mud crumbs in my bed, and btw you left without paying your tab. Ill add it to next month but getting tired of extending.
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    I seen that, hope so too, the first was so epic back then.
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    Didn't look into much is it just a remake
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