Homebrew CaVE Database Manager - A SNES, NES, N64, Genesis Switch Online modding App


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Well. All I can say to try for now is, redownload CaVE and add this param to the settings file before running it.

"debug_log": true

This will let CaVE output some information about where it fails, to a text file. You could simply post the last few lines to me so I can narrow down the fail point in code.

But I think the issue is that CaVE is unable to load the database.json because you have some weird permission issues, like needing admin privileges but not running as admin, or installing it to a folder thats protected. Or even a working directory issue.

Of course, you never responded to the "run as admin" suggestion I posted, so you can try that or simply installing to another folder instead to get past the issue if you havent yet.

Yeah, tried running as admin but the result was the same.

So I redownload the program and added the param you mentioned to the settings file. Here is the output:

[19/12/2020 19:01:16] -- New Session Initalized --
[19/12/2020 19:01:16] Entering Main
[19/12/2020 19:01:16] Checking cache directory for .bmps...
[19/12/2020 19:01:16] Entering SetTitlebar
[19/12/2020 19:01:16] Listing versions available in NewDatabase menu.
[19/12/2020 19:01:17] Entering LoadRegSettings

Tried again with the database path filled and the results in the log are:

[19/12/2020 19:08:52] -- New Session Initalized --
[19/12/2020 19:08:52] Entering Main
[19/12/2020 19:08:52] Checking cache directory for .bmps...
[19/12/2020 19:08:52] Using "H:/Nintendo Switch/SNES Online Mod/App 2.1/Database/01008D300C50C000" as default database.
[19/12/2020 19:08:52] Entering Platform Setup
[19/12/2020 19:08:52] Selected Platform: SNES
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Loading "H:/Nintendo Switch/SNES Online Mod/App 2.1/Database/01008D300C50C000\romfs\bootapp\resources\strings\en\strings.lng".
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] 1 language strings loaded.
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Current base database verison set to: v2.1.0.0
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Setting up language menu.
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Entering SetTitlebar
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Checking database for updates.
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Listing versions available in NewDatabase menu.
[19/12/2020 19:09:02] Entering LoadRegSettings
Last edited by marcioap1,


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
That's very odd. Failing at the database access stuff would have made more sense. But its clearly able to access the database.json as well as your custom titlesdb.

I only filled in basic debug info for a lot of the start up stuff. The LoadRegSettings message is the last message it would output before showing the UI... so I'm not 100% certain its the reg settings itself. It could be some issue with trying to display the UI itself, of which i cant comprehend.

Only UI things I added were, a few menu items, the ribbon icon for SP games, tooltips and right click menu items. I really cant imagine any of those causing an issue.

IDK... this doesnt make much sense, or get me closer to it. Atm... my only remaining best guess is, maybe its a installed framework issue? I believe I built CaVE v1.1.1.0 with .NET Framework v4.7.2, same as this... but maybe not. It was made one a previous OS install, so maybe. You can try downloading .NET Framework v4.7.2 Runtime files here. I seriously hope thats the issue.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
I installed .NET Framework v4.7.2, rebooted my PC and tested again, but the result is the same.
I noticed that the Cave Database Manager appears on the Task Manager for about 5~10 seconds then disapears.
What's weird is that it's not happening to the old version.
I guess I'll stick with the previous one until CaVE 1.2.1 comes out.
Thanks for your efforts and for providing us with this amazing tool.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
I installed .NET Framework v4.7.2, rebooted my PC and tested again, but the result is the same.
I noticed that the Cave Database Manager appears on the Task Manager for about 5~10 seconds then disapears.
What's weird is that it's not happening to the old version.
I guess I'll stick with the previous one until CaVE 1.2.1 comes out.
Thanks for your efforts and for providing us with this amazing tool.

Well, I'm sorry to say, this issue probably wont be fixed in v1.2.1+... if I cant understand the issue. I cant fix something if I dont know what it is thats broken.

IDK... Maybe Ill make some stripped down builds to send you later, just to help narrow down the issue.

For now I'll just have to hope it works fine for others. ATM, the success rate seems 50/50... not counting me. Kind of a disappointment for what I thought was going to be a well received update. Id really like to get this issue identified and fixed, if its something on my end to do so.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
[Update: Dec 20]

The new Full Unlock is fine. :)

Also the methods to hide the background and the player icon posted by AlanLC are working great.

To hide the background: in the file SYSMAIN.SCN, located in romfs\bootapp\resources\scenes\sys, search for "Background". It's the second occurrence, with a capital B. Change visible to "false".

To hide the player icon: in the file SYSUSERINFOLIST.SCN, located in romfs\bootapp\resources\prefabs\sys, search for "85308c1c-f69d-46c0-86d0-028289acde3d". Change visible to "false". Here it is in the first line.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
[Update: Dec 20]

The new Full Unlock is fine. :)

That's good to hear. Heard as much from a few people now. I didn't expect issues with it though, as I eliminated a lot of the chance for error in the development process.

Sadly though, I still havent heard a single success story for CaVE yet. ATM I only know of 3 people who have tried using it, 2 are me and Rad who tested it during development so of course it would work for us else I wouldn't have posted it. The other 1 is you (Im working on a debug build to send you!).

Everyone else is remaining silent, which is disappointing in multiple ways. One, I cant know if your issue is a major one effecting others or not, and two... I put a lot of effort into this update over the past few months, working on features I really thought were desired, only for the lack of reception to indicate otherwise and that it was all a waste. Its extremely frustrating...


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
The other 1 is you (Im working on a debug build to send you!).


Everyone else is remaining silent, which is disappointing in multiple ways. One, I cant know if your issue is a major one effecting others or not, and two... I put a lot of effort into this update over the past few months, working on features I really thought were desired, only for the lack of reception to indicate otherwise and that it was all a waste. Its extremely frustrating...

I think the addition of support for normal images and the option to create SP Games are great features for the CaVE app!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States

I think the addition of support for normal images and the option to create SP Games are great features for the CaVE app!

Yea. The image support is one I know people have been wanting from the start. Me too. It was just such a pita. Its what I spent most of my time on the past few months. Damn near everything else was done in the past couple weeks.

SP game support, for SNES in particular, is something I have been personally wanting to add since the start. but only realized I could like, less than a week ago. I liked the idea of supporting doing something that even Nintendo isn't officially making use of yet. Seriously, where are the official SNES SP games?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States

No. More like ;'s and ,'s...

But seriously, thats what this headache of a bug came down to. Not even my fault, but instead stupid pointlessly different regional settings.

I'm not even going to dignify this bug with a version uptick. Just download it again if you get such a crash.

Ill quote my release post since all this spammed it away.

CaVE v1.2.0.0, and the Full Unlock v2.1.0.0 have been released! As always they are available over at the homepage.

Additionally, this is not just a simple database update for CaVE. This is a full fledged new version, with many updates and fixes. Heres the entire change log:

Support for SNES/SFC Online v2.1.0.0 and NES/FC Online v5.1.0.0 databases.
Added support for in-app conversion of normal images to .xtx.z.
Added option to auto-scale images down to a more reasonable resolution. Enabled by default.
Added "Create SP Game Title" option. This is usable with NES/FC and SNES/SFC now too!
Overhauled the stock database setup. Now refereed to as Update History Database.
● All lclassics.titlesdb and strings.lng info from the old setup, are now in a single file.
● This single file removes the redundancy of the same data among versions and instead only lists the changes with each update.
● As a result, this new Update History Database file will take up around 25MB less disc space.
● Updates are more clearly organized using their update version.
● The "Stock Databases" menu has been removed.
● Now, when creating a new database, you can select to do so for clear specific versions.
Added support for remembering a couple basic window/control positions and sizes between sessions.
Added the ability to edit meta subtitles. (These are used with SP titles.)
Added option to allow you to suppress the update pop-up.
Fixed an issue with SFC/FC database selection not properly updating things.
Added fixes to make this more compatible with Yuzu.
Fixed some lingering issues with the move to require Title IDs in your selected databases path.
With the new database setup, I also fixed several errors found in the old stock databases.
Fixed some issues with switching languages not updating meta comments.
Cache images are now stored as png instead of bmp. All pre existing bmp cached images will be converted upon first run.
Added an appropriate Red ribbon icon thats displayed on SP titles.
Added tooltips to many menu items, to better explain their purpose for new users.
A lot of misc code changes that users shouldn't notice.

There a several big changes I could talk about, but I feel the SP Title support, and in particular its support for SNES could stand to be kicked off right.

A brief rundown on what the feature is for us SNES only people.

SP titles are "special" versions of a game already in the database. They are based on loading a save state on boot. Whats achieved by that save state has been up to whatever Nintendo felt was worth while. Historically, things like starting the game with a ton of Rupees and a few items/hearts, starting at a later boss, starting directly at the final boss with criteria met to see a special ending, starting at a challenging level/NewGame+, etc.

To get things started off for SNES, I created one for Super Mario World that I feel fits Nintendos themes. Starting with a 100% cleared map, and in the special Autumn or Halloween theme. For other games, not restricted to just stock games, I could see SP titles like... NewGame+ with characters maxed out to 999 in Chrono Trigger. Jumping right to the secret 1v1 battle mode in Megaman 7. Maybe a custom level in Megaman X using the secret level editor. Etc.

Here's my Super Mario World SP Title. And here's a quick overview of how to use it.

Extract it, right click Super Mario World in your game list and select Create SP Game Title, select the state file extracted from this zip, double click the Details Art image for the newly added item at the bottom of the list and select the details.xtx.z from the extracted zip, and save the database (Ctrl+S).

You could also copy my pre-made strings from the strings.lng to use with the meta comment/subtitle, but you would need to remove \n's and manually replace with starting next line on a new line yourself.

To make these yourself, you will need to be able to access the save states on your switch to make backup copies. I do not have directions for that, but I'm sure they exist somewhere for your CFW.

In the future I'll make a file format for SP title packages that includes the state, image(s), a meta comment and meta subtitle. A format that will allow for a 1 click import. I was going for that with the above zip file, but decided that it was to "last minute" and I didn't want to rush through designing a format that the app will need to support for its entire lifetime. Next time!

For now, keep these general rules in mind.
  • Provide a Details image. The image should be of the first area you see when the state is loaded, or something that conveys the purpose of the SP Title.
  • You don't need new box art. As like with Nintendos official SP titles, the box art of the source game is reused.
  • Provide a short Meta Subtitle, and a more descriptive Meta Comment string. You can use the CaVE edit windows for these to approximate the space you have to work with in the app dialog.
  • Aim for some quality with the timing of your state. Like during black fade ins, before music starts, at the musics loop point, the location of the character, etc. Just keep that stuff in mind and try to aim for something that might seem professional, or "official".
I hope to see a lot of people use this feature and share their custom SP titles! =)


As always, a huge thanks to RadMcFist for all his help testing the full unlock and this latest CaVE update! =)


Support for remembering window positions removed. I give up on it. It was far to much of a headache, for such a minor feature. I tried to keep at it, but it just wasn't worth it.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
No. More like ;'s and ,'s...
But seriously, thats what this headache of a bug came down to. Not even my fault, but instead stupid pointlessly different regional settings.
I'm not even going to dignify this bug with a version uptick. Just download it again if you get such a crash.

That point was a wrong post, but the forum didn't let me delete it.
Yeah, but I get your point, comma and semicolon, a silly thing not to let the program open. Glad that it is solved.
Thanks for your effort.


Dec 7, 2020
it doesn't works for me :(.
i have SXOS

I think I miss some step before put the folder into the directory, where i put the file pchtxt?

on other hand I converted to sfrom the game Mortal Kombat II import in the new 2.1.0 database an saved it, then transfer via FTP the folder to the sxos/titles/ but the game doesn't appear in the SNES Online


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
it doesn't works for me :(.
i have SXOS

I think I miss some step before put the folder into the directory, where i put the file pchtxt?

I'm not an expert on the CFWs, but I dont think pchtxt is what you want to be using on SXOS. I believe its the IPS or Cheat. I'm not really sure what supports the pchtxt, besides Yuzu.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
To make these yourself, you will need to be able to access the save states on your switch to make backup copies. I do not have directions for that, but I'm sure they exist somewhere for your CFW.

Regarding save states they are inside the save of the SNES Online app which can easily be extracted / restored with CheckPoint.
Last edited by marcioap1,


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
Regarding save states they are inside the save of the SNES Online app which can easily be extracted / restored with CheckPoint.
No "extraction" needed, the states are normal files which you can get easier.
Just use MTP responder with DBI and take the needed states out of the saves folder.
This way is much clearer in my eyes. Here you can see where and how the saves are managed.


Hoist the Colours!
Feb 9, 2017
United Kingdom
That's good to hear. Heard as much from a few people now. I didn't expect issues with it though, as I eliminated a lot of the chance for error in the development process.

Sadly though, I still havent heard a single success story for CaVE yet. ATM I only know of 3 people who have tried using it, 2 are me and Rad who tested it during development so of course it would work for us else I wouldn't have posted it. The other 1 is you (Im working on a debug build to send you!).

Everyone else is remaining silent, which is disappointing in multiple ways. One, I cant know if your issue is a major one effecting others or not, and two... I put a lot of effort into this update over the past few months, working on features I really thought were desired, only for the lack of reception to indicate otherwise and that it was all a waste. Its extremely frustrating...
Sorry to hear you aren’t getting much feedback. Just updated to the latest version today, had one error concerning a box art picture but worked it out now that I can just dump a .jpg in.

outstanding work - everything works perfectly on AMS 0.16.1.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Thank you! That means a lot. You are the first person to basically speak up to purely show appreciation. Bug reports are good and all, I don't want to encourage people to not make those. But I've been finding this experience EXTREMELY demotivating. I spent a LOT of time on some of the features in this update. Keep in mind, I have ZERO personal interest in developing/maintaining CaVE or the Full Unlock, nor do I personally own a Switch. There is NOTHING it it for me. There's no reason for me to continue working on them other then for the people who appreciate that sacrifice and effort. So when there are next to zero who do?

I'd rather not have to abandon projects I have started and put this much time into already. So if people actually want me to continue, there are ways to motivate me to keep doing so. The absolute bare minimum? Respond to such updates that contain the features you asked for! Or respond because new features you didn't know you wanted were added. Beyond that bare minimum? There are other ways to show appreciation too. Ways that are in your best interest by helping get me personally invested in the Switch and maintaining my projects. I wont directly ask for such things due to the nature of this stuff, but I can simply say that "I provide a link inside of CaVE and on my website". From there, you can figure out how to help get me personally interested and invested in this.


Regretfully, its actually come to this. Effective immediately, CaVE and the Full Unlock have been discontinued. All links to them have been purged from my site, and I absolutely do not condone their distribution elsewhere still.

My hope was that, making one last ditch effort by expressing my disappointment along with the reasons and mild expectations I had, would coax a response out of people to truly know what damage they are doing. This too utterly failed, and further proved what kind of people comprise this community. Pirates, through and through. Only concerned with what I can give to them, and not 1 iota of what simple basic thing they can give back to me to continue my work.

No, I will not open source my work or provide help for anyone to continue it. I gave FAR more than enough, and I'm not giving any more.

I'm truly not sure this can be reversed. Simply because, I don't believe the community is capable of actually expressing genuine appreciation at this point. At least not on a level required for the scales to tip back.

Some of you may me upset and blame me. I'll repeat again. I made these projects PURELY FOR YOU. I got NOTHING out of them myself. I don't own a Switch, so these existing does not benefit me in any way. The only thing I wanted out of my effort was simple... appreciation. There's a couple examples above of that that you can see, and for those that did show that appreciation, thank you! But for everyone else? Silence. Showing such simple appreciation was to much effort for them. SOOOO much more work than what I put in, am I right? lol. But seriously, who's to blame in this?

Honestly, I cant even believe I'm having to cancel projects for something like this. It never even occurred to me that there could be so little appreciation for my work that this would even become a consideration. Thats why it blindsided me so hard when I released the update, containing features you specifically asked for, as well as cool new ones that you didn't, and almost no one cared.

So here we are... The End.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,


New Member
Nov 6, 2019
Thank you! That means a lot. You are the first person to basically speak up to purely show appreciation. Bug reports are good and all, I don't want to encourage people to not make those. But I've been finding this experience EXTREMELY demotivating. I spent a LOT of time on some of the features in this update. Keep in mind, I have ZERO personal interest in developing/maintaining CaVE or the Full Unlock, nor do I personally own a Switch. There is NOTHING it it for me. There's no reason for me to continue working on them other then for the people who appreciate that sacrifice and effort. So when there are next to zero who do?

I'd rather not have to abandon projects I have started and put this much time into already. So if people actually want me to continue, there are ways to motivate me to keep doing so. The absolute bare minimum? Respond to such updates that contain the features you asked for! Or respond because new features you didn't know you wanted were added. Beyond that bare minimum? There are other ways to show appreciation too. Ways that are in your best interest by helping get me personally invested in the Switch and maintaining my projects. I wont directly ask for such things due to the nature of this stuff, but I can simply say that "I provide a link inside of CaVE and on my website". From there, you can figure out how to help get me personally interested and invested in this.


Regretfully, its actually come to this. Effective immediately, CaVE and the Full Unlock have been discontinued. All links to them have been purged from my site, and I absolutely do not condone their distribution elsewhere still.

My hope was that, making one last ditch effort by expressing my disappointment along with the reasons and mild expectations I had, would coax a response out of people to truly know what damage they are doing. This too utterly failed, and further proved what kind of people comprise this community. Pirates, through and through. Only concerned with what I can give to them, and not 1 iota of what simple basic thing they can give back to me to continue my work.

No, I will not open source my work or provide help for anyone to continue it. I gave FAR more than enough, and I'm not giving any more.

I'm truly not sure this can be reversed. Simply because, I don't believe the community is capable of actually expressing genuine appreciation at this point. At least not on a level required for the scales to tip back.

Some of you may me upset and blame me. I'll repeat again. I made these projects PURELY FOR YOU. I got NOTHING out of them myself. I don't own a Switch, so these existing does not benefit me in any way. The only thing I wanted out of my effort was simple... appreciation. There's a couple examples above of that that you can see, and for those that did show that appreciation, thank you! But for everyone else? Silence. Showing such simple appreciation was to much effort for them. SOOOO much more work than what I put in, am I right? lol. But seriously, who's to blame in this?

Honestly, I cant even believe I'm having to cancel projects for something like this. It never even occurred to me that there could be so little appreciation for my work that this would even become a consideration. Thats why it blindsided me so hard when I released the update, containing features you specifically asked for, as well as cool new ones that you didn't, and almost no one cared.

So here we are... The End.

Sooooooooooooooo sad!!! Well...I understand your fellings....so...good luck iin your life and thank for all the hard work you made so far.

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