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The daily mail claims the N-word was found in emails on Hunter Biden's laptop

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Deleted User

... I've mentioned plenty of times that I've lived in Hawai'i; what I probably didn't mention is that I worked with the Local Government, Hawai'ian Tribal Elders, even heard what their Independence Movement had to say.

I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with prohibiting ownership of Land; it is practically the Hawai'ian way before the United States took over.
Their logic being no single Human can claim part of Mother Nature as their Property; they are, however, allowed to borrow it for a time, most often until Death and then it is given back to the Community to share around again.

This is one of the major Points of Contention between the Polynesian People, especially the Hawai'ians and the United States Government and is seen as disrespectful to their Ancestry and Indigenous Rights. I don't doubt the Native Americans have voiced similar protests to how their Land, i.e. the whole Mainland United States, should be managed equitably for themselves and all the Immigrants that now call it Home.

The problem with having a Black and White view of the World is that everything is either Bad or Good, which is a naive way to look at things, including Governments.
There will always be an argument for Negative Actions within every Government, which is what Governance is all about; the Human intent to do Good is eternally noble, but its Application is dependant on its Space-Time.
Last edited by , , Reason: Wording.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
you do know why people claim asylum don't you? one clear example is maybe a said ethnic group is being slaughtered by a ruthless fascist leader (it still happens even to this day) should the US just turn anti humanitarian?we've been humanitarian since our inception that's what makes us one of the best countries in the world, on the other hand security is important but as russia proved a few times you don't need to be in the said country to commit acts of terrorism

Yes I do know why lots of illegal immigrants claim asylum. It's because the Coyotes smuggling the people over the border instruct them to claim asylum if they get caught. It's a fallback plan only implemented if border patrol catches them.

Pointing out racism does not mean that I don't have criticism for the Chinese government.

I guess your confusion comes from black and white thinking.

Communism isn't necessarily as evil as people make out and certainly it can be less evil than capitalism.

Using racism because you disapprove of the CCP is kinda dumb, as you have become the bad guy.

It's the republicans who have double standards, for years they've demanded that the media overlook all of Trumps criminal activities & now they want a witch hunt against someone who isn't in government.

You either want people to be investigated or you don't & it can't be based on politics or it's double standards, so make up your mind.

ROFL. Claiming the media's lack of coverage of Biden's son isn't double standards. Also, what's with you and race. I didn't bring up anything to do with race in regards to China. You pull that non-sensual shit one more time and you're going on ignore.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
No country is completly one economic model. Even the U.S. isn't completly capitalism, it has many socialist policies.

Not being able to own your own property and it being in the control of the gov is a communist policy.

And the surveillance state can even exists even in communist societies. It can exist in any economic system. But China being a little differnt then western systems has more control.

China ever since adopting more capitalist ideals have greatly lifted themselves out of poverty. Prior to 1981 88% of the country was in extreme poverty. Then after economic reforms billions of people have been lifted out of poverty leaving it less then 2%. There is no denying what capitalism policies did to the country.

Also China isn't also completely capitalism either. It's capitalism differs from the west as there is more state involvement. One is the SASAC (State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission) where they report to China's state council. China's banking sector is also controlled by the state owned Central Huijin Investment that controls the big 4 banks. There's also the China's 5 year plan.

You can't call China purely capitalist either. There is more gov involvment in the system then the west.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
ROFL. Claiming the media's lack of coverage of Biden's son isn't double standards.

Right, it's funny how you want other people to investigate things that don't appear to exist and yet you don't want to look at your own prejudice.

I didn't bring up anything to do with race in regards to China.

Calling it china virus, kungflu etc is racist. You appear to not understand racism, which is no surprise, most people who are racist claim they aren't because they don't understand what it means.

You can't call China purely capitalist either. There is more gov involvment in the system then the west.

Sure, but my point is that when talking about communism is that you can't just point to China and say that is what communism means.

"I don't like the CCP therefore communism is bad" is a poor argument.

Every system requires a system for allocating resources, currently we do it mostly by numbers in a computer. It hasn't always been that way and I don't think it always will be.

At this rate it will be Jeff Bezos that controls the world.
Last edited by smf,

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Right, it's funny how you want other people to investigate things that don't appear to exist and yet you don't want to look at your own prejudice.

Calling it china virus, kungflu etc is racist. You appear to not understand racism, which is no surprise, most people who are racist claim they aren't because they don't understand what it means.

Sure, but my point is that when talking about communism is that you can't just point to China and say that is what communism means.

"I don't like the CCP therefore communism is bad" is a poor argument.

Every system requires a system for allocating resources, currently we do it mostly by numbers in a computer. It hasn't always been that way and I don't think it always will be.

At this rate it will be Jeff Bezos that controls the world.

I frankly don't care that you don't like the way I think and I just warned you about calling me racist. At least on ignore I won't have to listen to your "you're a racist" bullshit as it's like you and the rest of the liberals are a stuck vinyl record repeating the same shit over and over again. You really think people take your accusations seriously anymore after labeling everything you simply dislike as racist. Oh, don't bother to reply and if you do I won't be responding.


Dec 23, 2009
So, how does everyone like "Joe Biden is now officially the 46th President of the United States of America" Part 2?
It's part three, really. That 'conservative news corner' is part two.

I guess I could contribute to the OP, but seeing how it's evolved into something completely different (communism and anti vaccination), I don't see why I'd bother.

Deleted User

At least on ignore I won't have to listen to your "you're a racist" bullshit as it's like you and the rest of the liberals are a stuck vinyl record repeating the same shit over and over again. You really think people take your accusations seriously anymore after labeling everything you simply dislike as racist.
Hmm, maybe because you know, it's actually racist. I'll repeat this talking point again. A twitter developer literately stated they could not create a anti racist algorithm because Republicans would be mostly banned, this means Republicans are primarily racist
. Also, just as your attempting to call us out and say "oh your a liberal, therefore you hate me therefore your calling me racist, so therefore I don't need to listen to you" I think it's pretty clear the fact your taking issue with liberals seems to me like you ate the bait hook line and sinker. Your using this concept of "oh it's a liberal" to apply false statements.
such as
You can fall for the CCP bullshit and lick China's balls are you want, but I'm not going to. I do indeed understand that Liberals hate the USA so agreeing with China's lies is something I don't put past them.
I hate China. I also hate the United States. Why?
Because fuck capitalism. And fuck authoritarianism. And fuck capitalism fucking over democracy.
I'm not a liberal.
See, the reason I was pushing the issue so much about if you actually know what communism is and I found it very ironic that you were trying to originally imply that communism is something else. Which perhaps maybe that's a result of the United States Red scare propaganda that still lives on to this day.
But the reason I took issue with it is because I am a dirty commie. And I'm very aware of the fact that most people in the united states can't seem to separate their economic system from their governing.
Specifically in favor of anarcho communism (I'll pass on being a maoist or stalinist or tankie. fucking disgusting.)
If it's any thing stronger than a weak government, I hate it. If it's not democratic, I hate it. If it has a ruling class, I also hate it. Everyone should have equal power.
See the problem with previous implementations of communism is that it was closer to stalinism or maoism. In other words, not really communism. Communism requires to be both classless and stateless. China when it was communist, Russia when it had the USSR. Was both authoritarian, and fucking disgusting. And violated that part, because if you have a state, if you have a ruling class, it's impossible for it to be both classless and stateless. Which means someone is on top and someone is on the bottom.
If you support a ruling class of any sort, monarchies, dictators and etc. Then I hate it with a living passion.
But you may ask then why I hate the United States. I mean it's obvious that I hate china for both being authoritarian and also being capitalist.

Well the reason why I hate the United States is because, even though we call it a democracy. It isn't.
Companies have so much say over people, that if you don't have a company backing you, that bill you want passed as a person on the ground, it won't pass. And this is capitalism at it's truest nature. Infinite growth, infinite money, at the cost of everyone except the highest elites. Even if you were to press reset, and try captalism again, we will reach this same exact stage. Where companies get so big they control the government. And then fuck over the workers non stop, and we just have to eat it.
Captalism will never work in the interest of people. All it works towards is a infinite blackhole of profit and "growth" which is unsustainable in a world with finite resources. Exxon was the first company to discover that climate change was real. They then denied it's existence for over 16 years. And planned to use the knowledge not to help people, but for usage of the new water and paths created from it.
Then we have the shit show that is American "left" and American "right"
I put in it air quotes since well. Democrats aren't left. the term Liberal/ is applying to Neo liberal ideology... which is right wing ideology... So in other words, liberals aren't left at all. Which as a leftists, all their shit is very lukewarm, or just a couple of words but doesn't fix any of the issues I'm seeing with this country. Oh and, also while, slightly less racist xenophobic, they are still very much that. They like to provide lip service, but not much else.

Then you have Republicans, who are effectively the alt-right at this point. Suppressing people? Well given that some counties are really massive in Texas, and the governor was stripping ballot boxes, which really makes it harder for people to vote, unless they want to drive 2 hours to get to a ballot box. I'm pretty sure that's voter suppression.

You then have the whole LGBTQ war, which is really them showing their alt right colors. The alt right thrives on in grouping and out grouping. Sticking wedges between groups of people, and then the in group continuously getting smaller and smaller in groups until it self destructs, since that's the only thing they can do, and that's the only way of energizing their base.
I am bi, and I have two partners, consent is pretty important between the three of us. Those two know I'm dating them and the other and they gave the okay for that.
Those two partners gender is non binary. and I can tell exactly why that it is. They aren't exactly male, nor female. It's somewhere inbetween, and I'm not talking about what they have downstairs as that's sex. Their personality how they stand move, dress, and act is very far from the traditional manliness and womeness scope. With the Republican party they were actively trying to passing laws that essentially made it harder for them to get healthcare, or make it okay to discriminate them. Essentially trying to pass laws to fuck them over.
Now that they can't do it easily since they lost majority, so they moved the goal post to a new target, instead of focusing on current LGBTQ people and trans rights, they now moved it to make it harder for those to express being LGBTQ or trans with , "well it's for the children" defense. Which it isn't. My two partners knew something was up by the age of 10, that their gender greatly differed from their sex. But just because that is the case, shouldn't mean they should be treated less than human.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I like how Republicans go through mental gymnastics to say Trump isn't racist, but Hunter said the n-word makes Biden racist...while also ignoring the racist shit Biden has said and done.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
A twitter developer literately stated they could not create a anti racist algorithm because Republicans would be mostly banned, this means Republicans are primarily racist

So a Twitter developer calls all republicans racist and uses a fancy word like "algorithm" to do so, and that becomes proof to you.

I could make an anti-stupid algorithm but you and your friends would become silenced. I wonder if that's proof enough for you.

But the reason I took issue with it is because I am a dirty commie

I don't think you are a real commie. Or maybe you are during a sunny day when you are feeling generous.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Hmm, maybe because you know, it's actually racist. I'll repeat this talking point again. A twitter developer literately stated they could not create a anti racist algorithm because Republicans would be mostly banned, this means Republicans are primarily racist

According to Marxism I can't possibly be racist because I'm not white, but I don't believe in that form of racism. I believe that if you treat people differently because of their skin color and/or ethnicity you are being racist.

Reual said:
. Also, just as your attempting to call us out and say "oh your a liberal, therefore you hate me therefore your calling me racist, so therefore I don't need to listen to you" I think it's pretty clear the fact your taking issue with liberals seems to me like you ate the bait hook line and sinker. Your using this concept of "oh it's a liberal" to apply false statements.
such as

Liberals have only things in this life to hold on to. They are faithless and empty. They are filled with hatred and dismay. Liberals, when not under the influence of various substances are usually miserable people. I'm glad you're not one and I'm sorry I called you one. From all I've seen being a Liberal really sucks. I don't like being miserable and I'm not sure what attracts others to be that way.

Reual said:
I hate China. I also hate the United States. Why?
Because fuck capitalism. And fuck authoritarianism. And fuck capitalism fucking over democracy.
I'm not a liberal.
See, the reason I was pushing the issue so much about if you actually know what communism is and I found it very ironic that you were trying to originally imply that communism is something else. Which perhaps maybe that's a result of the United States Red scare propaganda that still lives on to this day.
But the reason I took issue with it is because I am a dirty commie. And I'm very aware of the fact that most people in the united states can't seem to separate their economic system from their governing.
Specifically in favor of anarcho communism (I'll pass on being a maoist or stalinist or tankie. fucking disgusting.)
If it's any thing stronger than a weak government, I hate it. If it's not democratic, I hate it. If it has a ruling class, I also hate it. Everyone should have equal power.
See the problem with previous implementations of communism is that it was closer to stalinism or maoism. In other words, not really communism. Communism requires to be both classless and stateless. China when it was communist, Russia when it had the USSR. Was both authoritarian, and fucking disgusting. And violated that part, because if you have a state, if you have a ruling class, it's impossible for it to be both classless and stateless. Which means someone is on top and someone is on the bottom.
If you support a ruling class of any sort, monarchies, dictators and etc. Then I hate it with a living passion.
But you may ask then why I hate the United States. I mean it's obvious that I hate china for both being authoritarian and also being capitalist.

I believe that you hate the USA because our enemies plans are to divide us and to cause chaos to the point where we do ourselves in. This has been a goal from other countries for decades upon decades and they are getting quite good at it. There's normal anger and frustration coming from younger generations, which is a normal thing older generations have already gone through. I see it as an adjustment phase ... adjusting from the fantasy and bullshit they taught in grade school/college to actual reality and the real world.

Reual said:
Well the reason why I hate the United States is because, even though we call it a democracy. It isn't.

I never said the USA was a Democracy. Actually, the USA is a constitutional republic that's adopted capitalism for an economic system and even though our enemies would have you believe that capitalism has failed it hasn't. Things are about the same as they are now then they were 20 years ago.

Reual said:
Companies have so much say over people, that if you don't have a company backing you, that bill you want passed as a person on the ground, it won't pass. And this is capitalism at it's truest nature. Infinite growth, infinite money, at the cost of everyone except the highest elites. Even if you were to press reset, and try captalism again, we will reach this same exact stage. Where companies get so big they control the government. And then fuck over the workers non stop, and we just have to eat it.
Captalism will never work in the interest of people. All it works towards is a infinite blackhole of profit and "growth" which is unsustainable in a world with finite resources. Exxon was the first company to discover that climate change was real. They then denied it's existence for over 16 years. And planned to use the knowledge not to help people, but for usage of the new water and paths created from it.
Then we have the shit show that is American "left" and American "right"
I put in it air quotes since well. Democrats aren't left. the term Liberal/ is applying to Neo liberal ideology... which is right wing ideology... So in other words, liberals aren't left at all. Which as a leftists, all their shit is very lukewarm, or just a couple of words but doesn't fix any of the issues I'm seeing with this country. Oh and, also while, slightly less racist xenophobic, they are still very much that. They like to provide lip service, but not much else.

Capitalism seems to be working just fine and I agree with you that the Left is very racist. Look at the lefties on this board that cry "racism" every time they run into something they simply disagree with. It's like wedged in their mind that the right are racist and they possibly couldn't be, yet all they do is think about race and treat people differently based on their skin color.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this to your or not, but I'm an Independent. I got sick of Republicans always compromising their values and beliefs each time the left pushes something illegal and immoral on the rest of us. They're always backing down allowing good things to be demolished and good people to get hurt yet then tell you they are for smaller Government while trying to pass just as many new laws as the other side does. They can get fucked too.

Reual said:
Then you have Republicans, who are effectively the alt-right at this point. Suppressing people? Well given that some counties are really massive in Texas, and the governor was stripping ballot boxes, which really makes it harder for people to vote, unless they want to drive 2 hours to get to a ballot box. I'm pretty sure that's voter suppression.

I can't comment on this because I'm unaware of the circumstances.

Reual said:
You then have the whole LGBTQ war, which is really them showing their alt right colors. The alt right thrives on in grouping and out grouping. Sticking wedges between groups of people, and then the in group continuously getting smaller and smaller in groups until it self destructs, since that's the only thing they can do, and that's the only way of energizing their base.
I am bi, and I have two partners, consent is pretty important between the three of us. Those two know I'm dating them and the other and they gave the okay for that.
Those two partners gender is non binary. and I can tell exactly why that it is. They aren't exactly male, nor female. It's somewhere inbetween, and I'm not talking about what they have downstairs as that's sex. Their personality how they stand move, dress, and act is very far from the traditional manliness and womeness scope. With the Republican party they were actively trying to passing laws that essentially made it harder for them to get healthcare, or make it okay to discriminate them. Essentially trying to pass laws to fuck them over.
Now that they can't do it easily since they lost majority, so they moved the goal post to a new target, instead of focusing on current LGBTQ people and trans rights, they now moved it to make it harder for those to express being LGBTQ or trans with , "well it's for the children" defense. Which it isn't. My two partners knew something was up by the age of 10, that their gender greatly differed from their sex. But just because that is the case, shouldn't mean they should be treated less than human.

I really don't care about your sexual preference, just know that when you're young you're still trying to work shit out. I wish you the best of luck in that regard.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2009
United States
I frankly don't care that you don't like the way I think and I just warned you about calling me racist. At least on ignore I won't have to listen to your "you're a racist" bullshit as it's like you and the rest of the liberals are a stuck vinyl record repeating the same shit over and over again. You really think people take your accusations seriously anymore after labeling everything you simply dislike as racist. Oh, don't bother to reply and if you do I won't be responding.

Maybe if you stop saying racist things, supporting racist politicians, taking racist stances on issues... You get the idea. You're a racist, you just hate being called out for it. Not that you'll see this. You're supposed to have me on ignore.
Last edited by vincentx77, , Reason: grammar
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
*Hops on the POLtemp board*
*Clicks on the N-word Hunter thread*
*Another discussion on the merits of communism versus the merits of capitalism*

Now I remember why I lost interest in this subforum. Y'all better behave - if you have nothing on-topic to post, perhaps you should close the tab.
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Deleted User

According to Marxism I can't possibly be racist because I'm not white, but I don't believe in that form of racism.
Please tell me where that's in the communist manifesto by Karl Marx.
Liberals have only things in this life to hold on to. They are faithless and empty. They are filled with hatred and dismay.
Why would faith matter here? Blindlessly following behind a group or idea or nation is never a good idea. It's how we got Nazi Germany. And I don't think I need to explain why that's bad.
Liberals, when not under the influence of various substances are usually miserable people.
I can provide a general reason as to why that would be the case of misery. We didn't just get here. Wages have stagnated, collage debt has exploded, housing market still continues to be far from reach. This isn't exclusive to "liberals." This is something my near age peers and my previous generation are noticing, and taking further liberal or even leftist ideology. All of us have caught on something isn't working, that something is broken, that our peers are in absolute pain with no way out.
That we are never going to be able to retire. That we won't own a home until our late 40s. And even then for some Millennials and my generation,Z, their idea of retirement is to go off of work from savings for a few weeks, and then kill themselves. Some of us joke about it, some of us say nothing, but in the end a lot of us are considering it. and there's very few things keeping us our heads above the water. Some might turn to marijuana, and honestly I don't have issue with it.I don't have any interest in it either though, come to find out my mother is allergic to pot, and odds are I might as well. And I already have enough shit to deal with knowing that if I have what my mom has regarding to health issues. Any day I could drop like a fly if my heart rolls on the wrong side of the dice.

Anyways,It's not really addictive, if it becomes legalized then we can prevent lethal doses or extra unwanted shit being thrown in. The only reason you may take issue with the more softer drugs is because they were illegal. However if you don't know the history about how they became illegal in the first place. Then I'd recommend you keep reading.

sorry this is just... painfully accurate. most american's who go to collage and finish it, don't get the job they want 55% of the time in the first year. And if we throw in information about pay, specifically if it's what they thought they were going to be paid, then this is even less.

Okay so why did it becoming illegal. It was mostly a racist thing. When mexicans started emigrating to the United States, they brought pot as tradition. However at this point, a fear of Mexican migrants was developing, those in fear hearing stories saying that pot was creating a lust for blood. Despite scientists efforts to tell everyone that there is no good reason to ban it, that it was safe. Harry J. Anslinger, who was the department of narcotic at the time, eventually classified it under the same banner as heroin and LSD. Which for Heroin specifically I do not argue that classification. (just to be clear encase you accidentally think that I am.)
Aslingers reasoning was very racist.
"Whatever the impetus, Anslinger sought a federal ban on the drug, and to this end he initiated a high-profile campaign that relied heavily on racism. Anslinger claimed that the majority of pot smokers were minorities, including African Americans, and that marijuana had a negative effect on these “degenerate races,” such as inducing violence or causing insanity. Furthermore, he noted, “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.” Perhaps even more worrisome to Anslinger was pot’s supposed threat to white women’s virtue. He believed that smoking pot would result in their having sex with black men." source:https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us
You can generally find the same thing stated else where either rephrased or quoted.
But yeah, I don't take issue with it. I bring pot up since let's be honest, that was probably what you were referring to about drugs. It's the first thing to come up to mind.

anyways history lesson over
I believe that you hate the USA because our enemies plans are to divide us and to cause chaos to the point where we do ourselves in.
What enemies? I am asking for clarity sake. Is it United States enemies such as China and Russia? or are there others.
But in truth no, I don't hate the United States because China or Russia told me so (I'm assuming that these are the enemies you are referencing)
I hate the United States for it's imperialism, for capitalism, for simultaneously being the richest nation, while having homeless people, while having the worst healthcare system, that is also the most expensive in the first world. I hate the United States that it's okay for employers to fire you without a reason, to fire you over you being gay, lesbian or trans. that last is still being contested despite the supreme court ruling.
I hate the low wages that don't make any goddamn sense to me. I recently learned that the subway I was eating at in my local walmart paid those workers 9.50 an hour. That's inexcusable, that's no where close to livable. I hate those that make "well it's just a starter job" argument. It does not excuse the poor pay and the large hours put in. And let's be honest with ourselves. Under capitalism, under this system, not all work is valued, or equal. There's a reason most people who bring up an idea to an small artist or musician that they can live off their work that they go to into a insane cackle, or laugh at you. Because they know and probably have tried to make that work, and failed.

I don't blindly hate the United States, I hate the material conditions provided. I hate that my peers are being robbed of their time, their money, their sanity. What are those billion or trillionare's going to do with all that money? not much. they horde it. and it goes nowhere fast. More money for the sake of more money. Most of my peers have some issue with their mental health. And are doing their best to take care of it, and most of them are realizing that working 40 hours a week, breaks them, they cannot do this work schedule as it sacrifices their health. I cannot work more than 24 hours myself. I already learned my limits. I'll start breaking down crying into fits of stress if I try to push myself harder. I cannot work multiple days in a row.

If your work is making you uncomfortable,causing you to idle to suicide, like my partner has. It's either too much work for too little pay. Or too monotonous of a task for a human being to be dealing 8 hours a day 5 days a week. And it's terrifying to know how many people actually do this, and the only way for those people to deal with it, is to day dream during the task, to try to ignore those kinds of thoughts, and not all can do that.

I hate the United States, and China for what they represent. Because they have the same system. Tirelessly going to work, grinding in a cog like a machine every day for not enough pay and no overtime. Giving up many hours of your life, years, for no real meaning other than the ability to live.
Watching your peers suffer, and see the world going to utter shit as a result of that same system. Climate change, if we had a economic system that prioritized human needs, would of been fixed by now. Keep in mind we also have the obesity crises here in the United States. Which will also never be fixed. Because it's too profitable for companies. Being fatter means often you eat more, and it just so happens to be the case that those companies pushed that message to eat more in the first place back during the cold war if I recall correctly as a result of people eating too little.And then you have the fad diets and programs that likely won't work.

Now scientists can't do anything about it. They can yell and scream and ask those companies to stop marketing so hard, but it will remain mute. And those scientists cannot turn to the government, as it's bought out or lobbied by those very same companies. The homelessness crises? Won't be fixed either.
Rather than doing the logical thing, of just providing homes to people who need it, and de-commidify-ing a home. The market will continue to charge out outrageous prices that very few can buy. The collage education system will remain broken, as the for profits have done everything they can to snuff out non profits.
As proof of this, the previous secretary of education, was actively making it harder for public school funding to occur. Stating that public education needs to go. Removing protect for those who have student loans. She also directed most of the aid that was supposed to go to public schools during the time when the pandemic initially hit, to private schools.

Healthcare is utterly busted as well. We pay the most in any country in the world, and also get the worst. Because with healthcare effectively a commodity, care becomes no longer preventive, but only when our condition gets to the absolute worst, which is when it will also be the most expensive. However most cannot afford a surprise medical bill.

All of these issues I have listed will inevitably become problems in other capitalist countries unless socialists fight or have a revolution. Capitalism will rot the governing system tied to it. It naturally seeps into it every industry, ever faucet of life it possibly can.

Capitalism seems to be working just fine
read above, it is not.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I believe that if you treat people differently because of their skin color and/or ethnicity you are being racist.

Right, the problem is you don't appear to understand what it means to "treat people differently".

Blaming china for the virus because that is where it (probably) first jumped from bat to human, but not taking responsibility for all the high rate of transmission within the US because republicans tend to be anti mask and anti vax, is treating people from china differently to people from america.

Trump knows that he's shifting the blame to china, he knows that he is treating people from china differently to people from america, he knows why it causes such an uproar in the media and yet he still does it. Because he is happy to say things which are racist & he knows that his supporters like to hear those things, when they don't hear them they get upset and demand to hear foreigners/immigrants being blamed for things.

Now we could argue that Trump isn't really racist, but arguably if you know that what you're saying is racist and you're happy to live with the consequences of it then you're racist.

I know that racism is bad and you don't believe you're bad, therefore you're not racist. But that isn't how things work, you don't need a white gown and go round setting fire to crosses in peoples front gardens to be racist. As you say, you don't even need to be white yourself.

It could just be blaming someone who has less overall responsibility for an outcome, just because of the country they are from.
Last edited by smf,


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Liberals have only things in this life to hold on to. They are faithless and empty. They are filled with hatred and dismay. Liberals, when not under the influence of various substances are usually miserable people.

The attack on the capitol on January 6th was people filled with hatred and dismay, they weren't liberal.

Matt Gaetz is not a liberal.

I think you're projecting & you're willing to discriminate against liberals for the same behavior that you overlook if people match your views.

I don't take drugs, but then I'm not under the influence of guns, racism and other far right ideologies either. Those things are like your crack cocaine.

I believe that you hate the USA because our enemies plans are to divide us and to cause chaos to the point where we do ourselves in.

I don't hate the USA, I'm disappointed that so many of you were prepared to vote for Trump.

Capitalism seems to be working just fine and I agree with you that the Left is very racist.

Racism is a default human trait due to the way the brain is looking for patterns, you have to be prepared to identify and override that behavior. People on the right tend to be less willing to do that.


Look at the lefties on this board that cry "racism" every time they run into something they simply disagree with.

It may seem like that, but it's not, it's just that one of the things we disagree on is whether it's ok to be racist. You think it's ok as long as you pretend you're not racist, while I think you have to look deeper into your thoughts and motivations.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this to your or not, but I'm an Independent. I got sick of Republicans always compromising their values and beliefs each time the left pushes something illegal and immoral on the rest of us.

So the republicans aren't far right enough for you? I'm not sure that helps your argument.
Last edited by smf,


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
It's part three, really. That 'conservative news corner' is part two.

I guess I could contribute to the OP, but seeing how it's evolved into something completely different (communism and anti vaccination), I don't see why I'd bother.

Don't blame ya. This has ballooned into a much bigger shitshow than I ever intended. I just wanted a small, on-topic shitshow lol.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Please tell me where that's in the communist manifesto by Karl Marx.

I'm referring to systemic racism in where it would be impossible to be racist against the majority in power.


"But those who came to Jeong’s defence argued that there is no such thing as reverse racism (the idea that other races can be racist to white people). Racism, the argument goes, is an institutional and systemic belief that is only a tool of the powerful – therefore Jeong is exempt from the charges laid out."

- https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/tv-radio-web/can-you-be-racist-against-white-people-1.3591110

Reual said:
Why would faith matter here? Blindlessly following behind a group or idea or nation is never a good idea. It's how we got Nazi Germany. And I don't think I need to explain why that's bad.

Without faith one is missing something, think about it as an incomplete drawing. What you don't want to do is put your faith in something that's flawed, such as humans or science.

Reual said:
I can provide a general reason as to why that would be the case of misery. We didn't just get here. Wages have stagnated, collage debt has exploded, housing market still continues to be far from reach. This isn't exclusive to "liberals." This is something my near age peers and my previous generation are noticing, and taking further liberal or even leftist ideology. All of us have caught on something isn't working, that something is broken, that our peers are in absolute pain with no way out.
That we are never going to be able to retire. That we won't own a home until our late 40s. And even then for some Millennials and my generation,Z, their idea of retirement is to go off of work from savings for a few weeks, and then kill themselves. Some of us joke about it, some of us say nothing, but in the end a lot of us are considering it. and there's very few things keeping us our heads above the water. Some might turn to marijuana, and honestly I don't have issue with it.I don't have any interest in it either though, come to find out my mother is allergic to pot, and odds are I might as well. And I already have enough shit to deal with knowing that if I have what my mom has regarding to health issues. Any day I could drop like a fly if my heart rolls on the wrong side of the dice.

Every generation I know of have faced hardships and loss. It's how you learn. The happy go lucky bullshit they teach in grade school and college has no real relevance in the real world. I'd just say you set your expectations too high and it's boring being miserable all of the time. Maybe you should invest in doing things that in the long run will make you feel better? Anyone can drop dead at any time, you're not the only one that has health issues.

Reual said:
Anyways,It's not really addictive, if it becomes legalized then we can prevent lethal doses or extra unwanted shit being thrown in. The only reason you may take issue with the more softer drugs is because they were illegal. However if you don't know the history about how they became illegal in the first place. Then I'd recommend you keep reading.sorry this is just... painfully accurate. most american's who go to collage and finish it, don't get the job they want 55% of the time in the first year. And if we throw in information about pay, specifically if it's what they thought they were going to be paid, then this is even less.

Okay so why did it becoming illegal. It was mostly a racist thing. When mexicans started emigrating to the United States, they brought pot as tradition. However at this point, a fear of Mexican migrants was developing, those in fear hearing stories saying that pot was creating a lust for blood. Despite scientists efforts to tell everyone that there is no good reason to ban it, that it was safe. Harry J. Anslinger, who was the department of narcotic at the time, eventually classified it under the same banner as heroin and LSD. Which for Heroin specifically I do not argue that classification. (just to be clear encase you accidentally think that I am.)
Aslingers reasoning was very racist.

"Whatever the impetus, Anslinger sought a federal ban on the drug, and to this end he initiated a high-profile campaign that relied heavily on racism. Anslinger claimed that the majority of pot smokers were minorities, including African Americans, and that marijuana had a negative effect on these “degenerate races,” such as inducing violence or causing insanity. Furthermore, he noted, “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.” Perhaps even more worrisome to Anslinger was pot’s supposed threat to white women’s virtue. He believed that smoking pot would result in their having sex with black men." source:https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us

You can generally find the same thing stated else where either rephrased or quoted.
But yeah, I don't take issue with it. I bring pot up since let's be honest, that was probably what you were referring to about drugs. It's the first thing to come up to mind.

anyways history lesson over

Marijuana is not a harmless substance. It's addicting and has more tar then tobacco has in it. I always chuckle when the woke politically correct people harass tobacco users then go consume something more harmful.

Reual said:
What enemies? I am asking for clarity sake. Is it United States enemies such as China and Russia? or are there others.
But in truth no, I don't hate the United States because China or Russia told me so (I'm assuming that these are the enemies you are referencing)
I hate the United States for it's imperialism, for capitalism, for simultaneously being the richest nation, while having homeless people, while having the worst healthcare system, that is also the most expensive in the first world. I hate the United States that it's okay for employers to fire you without a reason, to fire you over you being gay, lesbian or trans. that last is still being contested despite the supreme court ruling.

North Korea, Iran, Iraq ... (most of the middle east), China, Russia. There are bad people in this world that want to see us dead. There's really no other way to state that.

Reual said:
I hate the low wages that don't make any goddamn sense to me. I recently learned that the subway I was eating at in my local walmart paid those workers 9.50 an hour. That's inexcusable, that's no where close to livable. I hate those that make "well it's just a starter job" argument. It does not excuse the poor pay and the large hours put in. And let's be honest with ourselves. Under capitalism, under this system, not all work is valued, or equal. There's a reason most people who bring up an idea to an small artist or musician that they can live off their work that they go to into a insane cackle, or laugh at you. Because they know and probably have tried to make that work, and failed.

Unless you're interested in purchasing a franchise fast food jobs aren't meant to be something you can live off of alone. Saying you're a Mc Donald's employee at the age of 30 is laughable.

Reual said:
I don't blindly hate the United States, I hate the material conditions provided. I hate that my peers are being robbed of their time, their money, their sanity. What are those billion or trillionare's going to do with all that money? not much. they horde it. and it goes nowhere fast. More money for the sake of more money. Most of my peers have some issue with their mental health. And are doing their best to take care of it, and most of them are realizing that working 40 hours a week, breaks them, they cannot do this work schedule as it sacrifices their health. I cannot work more than 24 hours myself. I already learned my limits. I'll start breaking down crying into fits of stress if I try to push myself harder. I cannot work multiple days in a row.

It's their money, not mine so I really don't care what they spend it on.

Reual said:
If your work is making you uncomfortable,causing you to idle to suicide, like my partner has. It's either too much work for too little pay. Or too monotonous of a task for a human being to be dealing 8 hours a day 5 days a week. And it's terrifying to know how many people actually do this, and the only way for those people to deal with it, is to day dream during the task, to try to ignore those kinds of thoughts, and not all can do that.

Maybe you should try identifying the behaviors that lead your friend to try to take his life and then try to be a friend and tell him to stop.

Reual said:
I hate the United States, and China for what they represent. Because they have the same system. Tirelessly going to work, grinding in a cog like a machine every day for not enough pay and no overtime. Giving up many hours of your life, years, for no real meaning other than the ability to live.
Watching your peers suffer, and see the world going to utter shit as a result of that same system. Climate change, if we had a economic system that prioritized human needs, would of been fixed by now. Keep in mind we also have the obesity crises here in the United States. Which will also never be fixed. Because it's too profitable for companies. Being fatter means often you eat more, and it just so happens to be the case that those companies pushed that message to eat more in the first place back during the cold war if I recall correctly as a result of people eating too little.And then you have the fad diets and programs that likely won't work.

We don't live in a perfect world. You may earn for something that sounds perfect on paper, but once you mix human nature into those systems they all go to hell.

Reual said:
Now scientists can't do anything about it. They can yell and scream and ask those companies to stop marketing so hard, but it will remain mute. And those scientists cannot turn to the government, as it's bought out or lobbied by those very same companies. The homelessness crises? Won't be fixed either.
Rather than doing the logical thing, of just providing homes to people who need it, and de-commidify-ing a home. The market will continue to charge out outrageous prices that very few can buy. The collage education system will remain broken, as the for profits have done everything they can to snuff out non profits.
As proof of this, the previous secretary of education, was actively making it harder for public school funding to occur. Stating that public education needs to go. Removing protect for those who have student loans. She also directed most of the aid that was supposed to go to public schools during the time when the pandemic initially hit, to private schools.

Healthcare is utterly busted as well. We pay the most in any country in the world, and also get the worst. Because with healthcare effectively a commodity, care becomes no longer preventive, but only when our condition gets to the absolute worst, which is when it will also be the most expensive. However most cannot afford a surprise medical bill.

All of these issues I have listed will inevitably become problems in other capitalist countries unless socialists fight or have a revolution. Capitalism will rot the governing system tied to it. It naturally seeps into it every industry, ever faucet of life it possibly can.

read above, it is not.

The results of the USA adopting capitalism and other countries adopting facets of capitalism has been more positive then the past history of what happens with socialism and communism. It's not perfect, but what you seek for an alternative is far worse.

Thanks for sharing, I hope it helped.

Deleted User

According to Marxism I can't possibly be racist because I'm not white, but I don't believe in that form of racism.
Says "Marxism" I should of realized this was the rights straw man of "cultural Marxism"
You know, that very right leaning website with people who really have no idea what they are talking about. Who was founded by a conspiracy theorist
Ah yes.
Wait... I have a memory... folks I'm remembering something!
I'm not sure if I mentioned this to your or not, but I'm an Independent. I got sick of Republicans always compromising their values and beliefs each time the left pushes something illegal and immoral on the rest of us.
So... now that I caught you in the extreme right. linking pretty much to you know, an extreme right source. Did that mean you politically moved even further right? Actually you know what that would explain your backwards thinking, that Trump is okay, but saying Racism isn't. Despite Trump being very Racist, and also sexist. Actually, this would explain what you meant by "Marxism" you really meant "cultural Marxism" a term Steven crowder and other alt right individuals coined. That really has no meaning other than another boogie man to scare you of.
North Korea, Iran, Iraq ... (most of the middle east), China, Russia. There are bad people in this world that want to see us dead. There's really no other way to state that.
You make it sound like the united states is the only target, no correction, that the target is individual people and not the government, and also that it only effects the united states. Also further more, perhaps maybe WE SHOULDN'T HAVE INVADED THEM FOR OIL LIKE A IMPERIALIST
just a thought. Oh, and this was drived by you guess it, capitalism.
Without faith one is missing something, think about it as an incomplete drawing. What you don't want to do is put your faith in something that's flawed, such as humans or science.

Excuse me...
that is the most... I'm sorry but no I'm not really sorry.
Retarded logic I have heard up to this point, and that is SPECIAL.
I have seen many idiots come and go on these forms. And yeah you just took the cake, and ran with it.
Okay... first things first. Since we are in the discussion of "faith", and now that I realized your probably alt right. I'm presuming you were talking about faith in your country, undevoted faith into it. Aka ultranationalism, where you put your country above all else, and treated it as superior to everyone else, and if they don't comply, they get the axe. like nazi germany
Second, just because something is flawed, doesn't render it invalid. Everything in the world is flawed to a degree. Our sun is flawed, it won't burn forever, it doesn't burn at 100% efficiency. Robots are flawed as they two will never use energy at 100%I could go on about life itself being flawed that we need oxygen, despite the fact oxygen is a very powerful reactant, and essentially can help create cancer in living things. here's the dumb logic in this "humans are flawed so don't have faith in them"
We build problems and solutions to things we are flawed about. And even then, we can eventually create perfect systems, not through getting it right on the first try but trial and error
Science can be flawed, keyword can. And that's only really if their is unintended bias or skew or the methodology is nonsensical . Which always will be snuffed out when the next human being, retests that scientific process, they'll find the problems in that test, and either retry it, or completely rewrite it to improve it.
We keep trying, we keep testing, and eventually we reach an answer. I believe we can solve structural problems, if we can solve going to the fucking moon and beyond. A little bit more elbow grease, trial and error, and we can improve on society. Saying that things just "end here" or that, this is the best things can get is retarded.
We don't live in a perfect world. You may earn for something that sounds perfect on paper, but once you mix human nature into those systems they all go to hell.
False, human nature isn't naturally malevolent or evil. We have studies showing that children don't naturally like hurting others. The only malevolent thing that could be argue is lying, but lying a social tool, not naturally evil or good. If someone was on the cusp of suicide and I lied to them to make them feel better, that was a good lie. Especially if means that later on they live long enough to get the support they need. Humans don't lie to harm without incentive. And incentives are really just resources, which, we have more than plenty if we just slow the fuck down and recount what we really need. Another thing capitalism is bad at, as it'll pump waste and products that nobody wants, and then throw it in the dump, to never be reused again. Burning countless resources for no good reason outside of money.
Unless you're interested in purchasing a franchise fast food jobs aren't meant to be something you can live off of alone. Saying you're a Mc Donald's employee at the age of 30 is laughable.
Then it shouldn't be a job. We don't do jobs because we like them. We do jobs to get paid, to live, to eat. That's how it's always been.
Any saying that "well it's just a starter job and you shouldn't live off it alone" is fucking stupid. Those people are offering a service and their time and labor into that and should be compensated like a human being. MONEY IN THIS SYSTEM IS HOW YOU LIVE.
Unless your telling me that those people don't deserve to fucking live and should just die on the street because "ho they are working at that place, yeahh they should die" Even though hundreds, of thousands to possibly even millions eat there and have to be served by these workers.
It's their money, not mine so I really don't care what they spend it on.
Oh, then I guess your not aware of the fact that companies dodge taxes, get compensated by the government through rebates, take most of what your actually worth, you know, YOUR MONEY. Are you really saying that I or you should be able to own someones life because you or I have more money? take most of what that person added in value to the company, and give them a tiny wage they can't live on, or have to turn to government assistance, just to live, which is MORE PEOPLE'S MONEY BEING ROBBED.
Maybe you should try identifying the behaviors that lead your friend to try to take his life and then try to be a friend and tell him to stop.
Maybe you should reread what I said before making that response. Because I did identify them, and neither they or I can fix it. It's a system issue, specifically a economic system issue.
We don't live in a perfect world. You may earn for something that sounds perfect on paper, but once you mix human nature into those systems they all go to hell.
So? Should that mean we should not try new system? Try to get closer to perfection? Or are you arguing that we should stick with a rotting system that is clearly not working in the interest of mankind. I'd rather try a new system, and TRY to fix problems, rather than raising my hands in the air and just say "well that's that"

The results of the USA adopting capitalism and other countries adopting facets of capitalism has been more positive then the past history of what happens with socialism and communism. It's not perfect, but what you seek for an alternative is far worse.
Bullshit. Perhaps you don't know, but the united states is a large contribute to the reason why there's very few to no places that are actually communist or socialist.
Why do you think we invaded veitnam? Why do you think we invaded south America and placed a puppet president stand in?
Those countries where going socialist, and capitalism looses when another system changes away from it, as they cannot profit off of them. So we invaded them, broke their government, ruined their social structure, to send a message.
So no, communism and socialism can work. Infact multiple countries even if not full blown have proven this. Venezuela was socialist at one point, but then became capitalist. however the housing market and system still remains socialist, because it actually does better than the capitalist system. Other countries have made it illegal to have for profit healthcare and have it funded through tax payerdollars.
So your argument that I want something worst is dumb. So I rather not stand and sit in a rotting economic system, killing my peers via depression and suicide over a unlivable wage and inhuman hours.

very generation I know of have faced hardships and loss. It's how you learn. The happy go lucky bullshit they teach in grade school and college has no real relevance in the real world. I'd just say you set your expectations too high and it's boring being miserable all of the time. Maybe you should invest in doing things that in the long run will make you feel better? Anyone can drop dead at any time, you're not the only one that has health issues.
"Anyone can drop dead at any time, you're not the only one that has health issues."
I likely have Ventricular tachycardia. My heart fucks up once, and I die. I will be gone from existence without my own control. Every heart beat is another possibility of that fucking up.
As for "well every generation has hardships and loss"
So? My generation is about get bent over fucked because some old rich ass people, don't fucking care about the damn planet and cares more about money. Saying that other generations has had hardships literately changes nothing.
We are likely going to loose 40% of the planets ecosystem, and that effects us, that effects what food we can eat. and water is becoming less and less relevent, all because some rich asshole wants to profit on the decreased supply, rather than preventing it. This is capitalism at it's worst. It can't care if humanity is on the borderline of extinction if there is profit to be involved.
Last edited by ,

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Says "Marxism" I should of realized this was the rights straw man of "cultural Marxism"

You know, that very right leaning website with people who really have no idea what they are talking about. Who was founded by a conspiracy theorist
Ah yes.
Wait... I have a memory... folks I'm remembering something!

So... now that I caught you in the extreme right. linking pretty much to you know, an extreme right source. Did that mean you politically moved even further right? Actually you know what that would explain your backwards thinking, that Trump is okay, but saying Racism isn't. Despite Trump being very Racist, and also sexist. Actually, this would explain what you meant by "Marxism" you really meant "cultural Marxism" a term Steven crowder and other alt right individuals coined. That really has no meaning other than another boogie man to scare you of.

You make it sound like the united states is the only target, no correction, that the target is individual people and not the government, and also that it only effects the united states. Also further more, perhaps maybe WE SHOULDN'T HAVE INVADED THEM FOR OIL LIKE A IMPERIALIST
just a thought. Oh, and this was drived by you guess it, capitalism.


Excuse me...
that is the most... I'm sorry but no I'm not really sorry.
Retarded logic I have heard up to this point, and that is SPECIAL.
I have seen many idiots come and go on these forms. And yeah you just took the cake, and ran with it.
Okay... first things first. Since we are in the discussion of "faith", and now that I realized your probably alt right. I'm presuming you were talking about faith in your country, undevoted faith into it. Aka ultranationalism, where you put your country above all else, and treated it as superior to everyone else, and if they don't comply, they get the axe. like nazi germany
Second, just because something is flawed, doesn't render it invalid. Everything in the world is flawed to a degree. Our sun is flawed, it won't burn forever, it doesn't burn at 100% efficiency. Robots are flawed as they two will never use energy at 100%I could go on about life itself being flawed that we need oxygen, despite the fact oxygen is a very powerful reactant, and essentially can help create cancer in living things. here's the dumb logic in this "humans are flawed so don't have faith in them"
We build problems and solutions to things we are flawed about. And even then, we can eventually create perfect systems, not through getting it right on the first try but trial and error
Science can be flawed, keyword can. And that's only really if their is unintended bias or skew or the methodology is nonsensical . Which always will be snuffed out when the next human being, retests that scientific process, they'll find the problems in that test, and either retry it, or completely rewrite it to improve it.
We keep trying, we keep testing, and eventually we reach an answer. I believe we can solve structural problems, if we can solve going to the fucking moon and beyond. A little bit more elbow grease, trial and error, and we can improve on society. Saying that things just "end here" or that, this is the best things can get is retarded.

False, human nature isn't naturally malevolent or evil. We have studies showing that children don't naturally like hurting others. The only malevolent thing that could be argue is lying, but lying a social tool, not naturally evil or good. If someone was on the cusp of suicide and I lied to them to make them feel better, that was a good lie. Especially if means that later on they live long enough to get the support they need. Humans don't lie to harm without incentive. And incentives are really just resources, which, we have more than plenty if we just slow the fuck down and recount what we really need. Another thing capitalism is bad at, as it'll pump waste and products that nobody wants, and then throw it in the dump, to never be reused again. Burning countless resources for no good reason outside of money.

Then it shouldn't be a job. We don't do jobs because we like them. We do jobs to get paid, to live, to eat. That's how it's always been.
Any saying that "well it's just a starter job and you shouldn't live off it alone" is fucking stupid. Those people are offering a service and their time and labor into that and should be compensated like a human being. MONEY IN THIS SYSTEM IS HOW YOU LIVE.
Unless your telling me that those people don't deserve to fucking live and should just die on the street because "ho they are working at that place, yeahh they should die" Even though hundreds, of thousands to possibly even millions eat there and have to be served by these workers.

Oh, then I guess your not aware of the fact that companies dodge taxes, get compensated by the government through rebates, take most of what your actually worth, you know, YOUR MONEY. Are you really saying that I or you should be able to own someones life because you or I have more money? take most of what that person added in value to the company, and give them a tiny wage they can't live on, or have to turn to government assistance, just to live, which is MORE PEOPLE'S MONEY BEING ROBBED.

Maybe you should reread what I said before making that response. Because I did identify them, and neither they or I can fix it. It's a system issue, specifically a economic system issue.

So? Should that mean we should not try new system? Try to get closer to perfection? Or are you arguing that we should stick with a rotting system that is clearly not working in the interest of mankind. I'd rather try a new system, and TRY to fix problems, rather than raising my hands in the air and just say "well that's that"

Bullshit. Perhaps you don't know, but the united states is a large contribute to the reason why there's very few to no places that are actually communist or socialist.
Why do you think we invaded veitnam? Why do you think we invaded south America and placed a puppet president stand in?
Those countries where going socialist, and capitalism looses when another system changes away from it, as they cannot profit off of them. So we invaded them, broke their government, ruined their social structure, to send a message.
So no, communism and socialism can work. Infact multiple countries even if not full blown have proven this. Venezuela was socialist at one point, but then became capitalist. however the housing market and system still remains socialist, because it actually does better than the capitalist system. Other countries have made it illegal to have for profit healthcare and have it funded through tax payerdollars.
So your argument that I want something worst is dumb. So I rather not stand and sit in a rotting economic system, killing my peers via depression and suicide over a unlivable wage and inhuman hours.

"Anyone can drop dead at any time, you're not the only one that has health issues."
I likely have Ventricular tachycardia. My heart fucks up once, and I die. I will be gone from existence without my own control. Every heart beat is another possibility of that fucking up.
As for "well every generation has hardships and loss"
So? My generation is about get bent over fucked because some old rich ass people, don't fucking care about the damn planet and cares more about money. Saying that other generations has had hardships literately changes nothing.
We are likely going to loose 40% of the planets ecosystem, and that effects us, that effects what food we can eat. and water is becoming less and less relevent, all because some rich asshole wants to profit on the decreased supply, rather than preventing it. This is capitalism at it's worst. It can't care if humanity is on the borderline of extinction if there is profit to be involved.

If you go read about systemic racism there's information pertaining to the fact that the theory explains that it's not possible to be racist against the majority or ruling class and in Western Societies that happens to be white people. I'm sorry that you didn't like the link I found, but I read the story to make sure it was accurate when it came to addressing the topic of it not being possible to be racist against white people. I like you have some family members, albeit distant ones that are colored and hate white people. I don't agree that systemic racism exists and I believe it's possible to be racist towards any person, regardless of color.

As for the rest of your reply not only did that Foxi moderator come in here and tell us to get back on topic, but you were really fucking disrespectful in your reply so I rather not follow up on it. If you'd like to continue to converse then shoot me a PM with an apology regarding your language used against me. I live by what I preach so I rather not be exposed to negative energy especially since I've had a fever all day. That's the reason I have blocked a lot of liberals on this board - it's because they are never wrong yet cannot figure out how to not be a miserable bunch.
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