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U.S. Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
some of the vaccines you get a kid also need boosters. It doesn't have to be 100% effective to be a vaccine. the term vaccine is more about "training your immune system" than about "100% prevent of virus". If a booster helps, they recommend it. Every virus is different, so sometimes the approaches must be different.

The flu shot is also a vaccine, but flu is a pretty dynamic jerk and the vaccine is only effective against one or two strains. if that's the strain of the year, then excellent! This is why there was a lot of fear about the different covid strains. If covid continues to spread, it could mutate into a form the vaccine wasn't as effective against. Which happened. but the vaccine helped a great deal and continues to do so.
It's still not a vaccine, since the definition of vaccine (before the CDC conveniently changed the definition) is to make you immune to a disease. If a new strain emerges, then people need to figure out a vaccine for that. But boosting your immune system to make it less harder for the virus to infect does not equate to complete protection and immunity. It's a booster at that point, since you can still get sick.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
It's still not a vaccine, since the definition of vaccine (before the CDC conveniently changed the definition) is to make you immune to a disease. If a new strain emerges, then people need to figure out a vaccine for that. But boosting your immune system to make it less harder for the virus to infect does not equate to complete protection and immunity. It's a booster at that point, since you can still get sick.
[citation required]


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2008
United States
I do care about the child. If the parents don't want it, give it to someone who will love it. Better yet, don't conceive or get someone pregnant until you're mentally mature and selfless enough to actually care for one. Otherwise, it's no one else's fault for your mistake on not taking precautions and it's definitely not the government's job to bail your sorry worthless ass out for your own bad decision making.
You care, yet only the first sentence is about a child, the rest is you bitching (having a tantrum) over people for having sex.
And even then "give it to someone who will love it" exactly in what fucking reality do you live.
I am pro-life and you're just acting like a perpetual child having a tantrum. You showed you care very little for human life, not me.
LOL. See above for an honest answer. Unlike you I don't go around judging people lifestyles, especially when they have no impact on me. This again, all you talk about, judging people for what you consider to be unethical. There is no a little bit of pro-life in what you're saying. If life was all you cared about y'all wouldn't have a single issue with gay relationships since it can't lead to procreation. But you do, cause you can't fathom a world made of people who think differently or just enjoy life differently.
If the "vaccine" you took didn't work because others didn't take it, then it's not the other person's fault, it's the medical professionals who lied to you at fault for making you take an experimental booster that provides a temporary boost in protection at best. Not a vaccine or miracle sure. Don't talk about "my body, my choice" while at the same time forcing people to get a experimental jab that has little effect. You have no ground to stand on as that's clear hypocrisy. Either choose a side and be consistent or just shut your damn mouth.
It wasn't just the vaccine and you know it, even wearing a mask was met with pushback. I am consistent, I care about life, and I care about limiting my impact on other people lives. You are consistent in your attempt at meddling with other people lives.
Last edited by deinonychus71,


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
You care, yet only the first sentence is about a child, the rest is you bitching (having a tantrum) over people for having sex.
And even then "give it to someone who will love it" exactly in what fucking reality do you live.
The one we're living in now, not the fake one you're in, clearly. And why is it so hard for people to control how much sex they have? Are they really that weak willed and minded? Guess so.
LOL. See above for an honest answer. Unlike you I don't go around judging people lifestyles, especially when they have no impact on me. This again, all you talk about, judging people for what you consider to be unethical. There is no a little bit of pro-life in what you're saying. If life was all you cared about y'all wouldn't have a single issue with gay relationships since it can't lead to procreation. But you do, cause you can't fathom a world made of people who think differently or just enjoy life differently.
Projection, projection, projection. Tell me something new.
It wasn't just the vaccine and you know it, even wearing a mask was met with pushback. I am consistent, I care about life, and I care about limiting my impact on other people lives. You are consistent in your attempt at meddling with other people lives.
Not wearing a mask and not taking an experimental shot that has some serious side effects is different than plain murder. I don't care what people do with their lives, but murder is murder. Otherwise, let's just let all murder be legal then! If you really cared about life you would agree to no more abortion. You just constantly show consistencies and hypocrisies all over the place, just like many others. Bring something new to the table before we just go in boring circles.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Both of these things would be protected as private matters if there was a sweeping right to privacy as regards to our body - why should the government say under what circumstances I can have sex (for money or not) or whether I can smoke the leaves or buds from a plant. But here we are in a world where they can - because the right is vague and applies only in some circumstances
Except roe vs wade does not give you a sweeping right either. It only covers within the first 24 weeks.

Similarly sex for money in a marriage is fine, sex for money on a street corner is not.

It's still not a vaccine, since the definition of vaccine (before the CDC conveniently changed the definition) is to make you immune to a disease.

The problem is that the word Immune is misunderstood, people think of it in the sense of Immune from prosecution where it's impossible to be prosecuted.

But it is not so: immune means "resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells." You can be resistant to an infection, but fail to fight it.

All a vaccine ever does is trigger the immune system. Vaccines aren't 100% effective, so if you misunderstand "immune" and think "real vaccines" are 100% effective then you're wrong.

It appears the CDC were trying to clear up the confusion & conspiracy nut jobs seized on it. Of course the dumb people who misunderstood it in the first place, are the ones who turn into conspiracy nut jobs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
but murder is murder. Otherwise, let's just let all murder be legal then!.
Abortion isn't murder. Anymore than killing animals to eat them is murder. Because we define what murder is.

So if you want to hysterically say that killing a foetus is murder, then why can't we also say that killing animals for sport or food is murder too?

Using fossil fuels could also be considered murder, because of deaths caused by the pollution. It's funny how arbitrarily right whingers are.

Every time I hear something new about the U.S. it sounds more and more like a third world country masquerading as a first world country.

Please, don't insult third world countries.

Yes, it was.
No, vaccines have never made you "immune" and cdc never claimed they did. They triggered your immune system, which gives you a certain percentage of immunity for a certain amount of time.

Have you not noticed that vaccines have never made people "immune"? Why are you not worried about that?

There is research that predates covid by a long way that shows this.


Interestingly, the vaccine efficacy dropped over time. Although most vaccinees had binding antibodies, titers ‘collapsed’ after 24 weeks. The precise correlate of protection is under intense study, and the immune responses most consistently detected in this trial were CD4+ T cell proliferation, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, and binding of antibodies to HIV-1 gp120


Results Although the adjusted overall effectiveness of the vaccine was 87% (95% confidence interval, 81%-91%; P<.001), there was a substantial difference in the vaccine's effectiveness in the first year after vaccination (97%) and in years 2 to 8 after vaccination (84%, P = .003).

tl;dr A vaccine has never given absolute immunity that is unchanged over time, certain immune responses will persist longer than others. For covid 19 it is incredibly short, even for the same strain.

However vaccination has proven to be statistically effective against serious disease & hospitalisation, so deaths certainly were reduced even if people still got sick.

Maybe you should do better research next time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2009
United States
Umm... without going through the entirety of what is likely a shitshow of a thread (I've read through the first page)... how many of you actually have a clue what this particular action means?

I'll tell you: It's taking the Federal government out of the picture, and giving the power back to the States to decide.

Don't like what that means for the area where you live? Move. You speak your mind by voting, and if the outcome is undesirable to you, then there are more people in your area that disagree with you than there are that do. You'll likely have a happier life surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

@JonhathonBaxster You're dead wrong. There are MANY situations that will KILL THE MOTHER if the abortion isn't done. This is absolutely an excuse. And for the first several weeks, we are NOT talking about a human.

On the other hand, hearing (face it, mostly democrats) whining about being able to abort up to and including birth? Yea, those people are loony toons, and that is absolutely murder. My personal opinion is that an immediate choice is warranted and needed. But after more than 12 weeks? You've made your choice to keep it at that point, and should be jailed for aborting unless a Doctor deems it medically necessary to save the mother's life. <-- which, again, is absolutely a valid reason.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2008
United States
The one we're living in now, not the fake one you're in, clearly. And why is it so hard for people to control how much sex they have? Are they really that weak willed and minded? Guess so.

Projection, projection, projection. Tell me something new.

Not wearing a mask and not taking an experimental shot that has some serious side effects is different than plain murder. I don't care what people do with their lives, but murder is murder. Otherwise, let's just let all murder be legal then! If you really cared about life you would agree to no more abortion. You just constantly show consistencies and hypocrisies all over the place, just like many others. Bring something new to the table before we just go in boring circles.
The fake one I'm in? Seriously?? You think you find loving families at every corner willing to take someone else's child? Have you even looked at how many children are living in misery and/or waiting for adoption around the world? The fuck is wrong with you.

I'll tell you something new when you'll start making sense and actually address the problem instead of deflecting it. No child is responsible for the sins of their parents, so even if the parents are sinners in your eyes it doesn't matter, it doesn't solve the problem, a problem that you're making worse with your obscurantist takes about what is a life and what isn't.

And stop trying to justify endangering other people. If you can understand (and condemn) the danger of spreading diseases through sex you shouldn't have a problem understanding why protection matters for an airborne disease.
And for the record I don't condone having random hookups without using protection. No double standards.

I don't care what people do with their lives
You're not kidding anyone.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
The rate at which condoms fail is low and if you get a simple operation you can prevent pregnancies. There's also pills. The pill is 99% effective in preventing pregnancies. If you combine a male condom and a female pill the female is pretty safe from getting pregnant.
That isn't 100%. People get pregnant everyday despite being on the pill and/or using condoms.

There's also the issue of things like rape, health of the mother, etc.

There's also the option of doing none of that and not having sex until you're ready to care for a child. Many women wait to have sex until they get married. So there's plenty of ways to pretty much make sure the female doesn't get pregnant.
The vast majority of humans don't wait until marriage to have sex, since we are a sexual species. Funnily, when we're talking abortion, we are generally talking about responsible adults trying not to have children (or additional children, in the majority of cases) when they aren't ready.

Then don't fuck.
I'm sure that's easy, or even involuntary, for you, but it's easier said than done for most people. It's one of the many reasons why abstinence-only education doesn't work.
Last edited by Lacius,

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
The only take I have from this thread


Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
@JaapDaniels @Dr_Faustus @JonhathonBaxster

I think it's worth noting that both sides of the argument tend to believe that if the fetus has a soul, that it would be wrong to kill it, generally speaking.

So perhaps it's more of an empirical dispute about whether the fetus happens to have a soul, rather than a moral dispute about how souls should be treated.

I leave the word soul here to your discretion -- whatever it is about humans that gives them a different moral status to, say, plants, or other inanimate objects.

btw the word soul needn't assume mind-body dualism -- physicalists can use that word too, see here at around 9:40.
The problem is that such theological concepts are hard to weigh on when we ourselves barely understand it, not like we have tried in the past such as the experiment to see if the soul actually holds weight which to no surprise does not.

The thing with souls and the scales of belief are far more lucid than anything else. Depending on your belief they could just go straight to the afterlife, or limbo or whatever. Maybe they will get a second chance to try again, or perhaps they just don't obtain a soul until after they are born. The arguments about kicking/moving inside their mother is not a response of the soul or brain but are merely reflexes in the same way the body will still have reflexes even after death (you know, when the soul is supposed to leave the body). The human body is made up of a lot of fun tissues and small electrical pulses, biologically speaking we are the closest form of perfect technology when it comes down to it, and I do not think that it was just luck that we became what we are today because of it.

I don't want to argue the existence of a soul or not though, as I would rather believe in there being an afterlife for everyone. It would be far more peaceful to think rather than once you're dead that's it, your electrical signals in your brain cease and the biological hard drive and processor that is your brain ceases operation permanently with no ghost or presence of yourself afterwards. Its a depressing thought but one that has to be considered since the truth of truths is still vastly unknown to anyone, all we have is beliefs and the systems that they are structured on and to some that is enough.

That said we still should not put our personal opinions on the right and choice of the people involved in these situations. Manipulating the idea of the fetus being a lifeform harboring a soul is as groundless as saying that the trees and vegetables have a soul. Hell some religions don't even believe that anything but a human can have a soul, discarding whole lifeforms and species from the mere concept of having a soul and a chance in a afterlife. (something I find highly disrespectful to anyone who had pets they loved dearly and had passed on, the thought that you can't reunite with them in the afterlife is gut wrenching to me.) Every form of life matters and deserves a chance if that is the case, but this is of course not the reality that is presented to us.

If you want to be a protector of life, then it starts from the top to the bottom. All life is precious then, all animals, all people no matter the conflict of differences or beliefs, they all deserve to be protected as well. But this is not the reality here. Wars are still a thing and people die for far less, animals are killed for sport, kids are put into factories forced to make clothes until they die so you can buy your next cheap shirt from walmart. Major corporate entities are making entire villages suffer due to their push on resources and can get away with it because they have the money to while bribing third world hospitals to push their baby formula on babies so they become dependent on the substance regardless of its actual health. We even still have issues with getting kids back to their families who crossed the border here in this country. Tell me, of these things and more how does the priority of life matter most when it comes to something not even formative of a human or even formative enough to have a heartbeat yet? So determined to protect something to the point where radicals would actually threaten the life of those in clinics no less, tell me does that make any sense? It doesn't.

The Pro-Life movement is founded on hypocrisy and nothing more. A misguided effort of trying to protect something that barely exists and putting so much obscene effort behind it to the point that it circles back around and could end up taking lives to "help your cause". When human lives have to be put on the line to simply make your point you have already lost any credibility of your argument making sense. It becomes a question of mental deterioration or even illness, all for the sake of "being righteous in the eyes of God" let me tell you, if there is a hell those who do these things will be on the fast track there when they die.

Finally, missing another point is that a woman is just as much a human and a lifeform deserving respect as anyone else. They do not exist as a means of accessory to a man's life. They are not tools to use to your desire and then become vessels for making kids. They are as human as the rest of us and deserve just as much respect and choice in their lives as any one of us do. We do not hold the right to determine what someone can or can't do because of how we feel about it. Again, if that is the case then take responsibility for your actions, if not then stay the hell out of it and let them choose what they need to do in their life to survive.

If you feel the need to essentially "whiteknight" something that can't speak for itself basically, take up against animal abuse since animals can't talk for themselves. Or perhaps help those in other countries where the culture is so ass backwards that the idea of a woman speaking out can have her killed. Or maybe help bring attention to the slaves and the "reeducation camps" in China that have no problem forcefully sterilizing people of other beliefs/races so they could systematically erase their existence in a few generations. There are a lot of causes out there helping those who can't speak or defend themselves. Those deserve to have their lives protected before they are ended. There is no need to worry about a lump of underdeveloped cells when there is real trouble in the world worth defending life for.

So please tell me how anything I have stated here is invalidated to your core belief of protecting life, to protect the soul, to protect those who cannot speak for themselves or defend themselves. It does not. If you really care about any of these things, then be the good example in the world and help those who need it, not attack women in your own country because of something that has not even formed a life yet.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2022
New Zealand
I'm not particularly fond of promiscuity, but I think access to sexual health services for women is important.

Anyone who has had one will tell you that getting an abortion is an unpleasant experience, they carefully think it over and have serious reasons for doing so. Noone would willy nilly get abortions left and right as an excuse for promiscuity.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
The problem is that such theological concepts are hard to weigh on when we ourselves barely understand it, not like we have tried in the past such as the experiment to see if the soul actually holds weight which to no surprise does not.

The thing with souls and the scales of belief are far more lucid than anything else. Depending on your belief they could just go straight to the afterlife, or limbo or whatever. Maybe they will get a second chance to try again, or perhaps they just don't obtain a soul until after they are born. The arguments about kicking/moving inside their mother is not a response of the soul or brain but are merely reflexes in the same way the body will still have reflexes even after death (you know, when the soul is supposed to leave the body). The human body is made up of a lot of fun tissues and small electrical pulses, biologically speaking we are the closest form of perfect technology when it comes down to it, and I do not think that it was just luck that we became what we are today because of it.

I don't want to argue the existence of a soul or not though, as I would rather believe in there being an afterlife for everyone. It would be far more peaceful to think rather than once you're dead that's it, your electrical signals in your brain cease and the biological hard drive and processor that is your brain ceases operation permanently with no ghost or presence of yourself afterwards. Its a depressing thought but one that has to be considered since the truth of truths is still vastly unknown to anyone, all we have is beliefs and the systems that they are structured on and to some that is enough.

That said we still should not put our personal opinions on the right and choice of the people involved in these situations. Manipulating the idea of the fetus being a lifeform harboring a soul is as groundless as saying that the trees and vegetables have a soul. Hell some religions don't even believe that anything but a human can have a soul, discarding whole lifeforms and species from the mere concept of having a soul and a chance in a afterlife. (something I find highly disrespectful to anyone who had pets they loved dearly and had passed on, the thought that you can't reunite with them in the afterlife is gut wrenching to me.) Every form of life matters and deserves a chance if that is the case, but this is of course not the reality that is presented to us.

If you want to be a protector of life, then it starts from the top to the bottom. All life is precious then, all animals, all people no matter the conflict of differences or beliefs, they all deserve to be protected as well. But this is not the reality here. Wars are still a thing and people die for far less, animals are killed for sport, kids are put into factories forced to make clothes until they die so you can buy your next cheap shirt from walmart. Major corporate entities are making entire villages suffer due to their push on resources and can get away with it because they have the money to while bribing third world hospitals to push their baby formula on babies so they become dependent on the substance regardless of its actual health. We even still have issues with getting kids back to their families who crossed the border here in this country. Tell me, of these things and more how does the priority of life matter most when it comes to something not even formative of a human or even formative enough to have a heartbeat yet? So determined to protect something to the point where radicals would actually threaten the life of those in clinics no less, tell me does that make any sense? It doesn't.

The Pro-Life movement is founded on hypocrisy and nothing more. A misguided effort of trying to protect something that barely exists and putting so much obscene effort behind it to the point that it circles back around and could end up taking lives to "help your cause". When human lives have to be put on the line to simply make your point you have already lost any credibility of your argument making sense. It becomes a question of mental deterioration or even illness, all for the sake of "being righteous in the eyes of God" let me tell you, if there is a hell those who do these things will be on the fast track there when they die.

Finally, missing another point is that a woman is just as much a human and a lifeform deserving respect as anyone else. They do not exist as a means of accessory to a man's life. They are not tools to use to your desire and then become vessels for making kids. They are as human as the rest of us and deserve just as much respect and choice in their lives as any one of us do. We do not hold the right to determine what someone can or can't do because of how we feel about it. Again, if that is the case then take responsibility for your actions, if not then stay the hell out of it and let them choose what they need to do in their life to survive.

If you feel the need to essentially "whiteknight" something that can't speak for itself basically, take up against animal abuse since animals can't talk for themselves. Or perhaps help those in other countries where the culture is so ass backwards that the idea of a woman speaking out can have her killed. Or maybe help bring attention to the slaves and the "reeducation camps" in China that have no problem forcefully sterilizing people of other beliefs/races so they could systematically erase their existence in a few generations. There are a lot of causes out there helping those who can't speak or defend themselves. Those deserve to have their lives protected before they are ended. There is no need to worry about a lump of underdeveloped cells when there is real trouble in the world worth defending life for.

So please tell me how anything I have stated here is invalidated to your core belief of protecting life, to protect the soul, to protect those who cannot speak for themselves or defend themselves. It does not. If you really care about any of these things, then be the good example in the world and help those who need it, not attack women in your own country because of something that has not even formed a life yet.

"Soul" is neʹphesh and psy·kheʹ. They refer to the living body. Living creatures are "souls". If you are going to focus on ethereal aspects, then you have to have a form of measurement for the ethereal.

As for white-knighting, that's what is going on both sides of the aisle. If you need to get an abortion and your life depends on it, you will make the decision. The idea of "economic hardship" entering the decision making process seems to attempt to put a price tag on life and may be equally as bad as the systems that have promoted the circumstances in the first place.

Afaik, abortion isn't a constitutional matter. The connection to the 14th amendment makes as much sense to me as other stretches people take with other kinds of literature (ie. scripture). This "controversy" appears to be a smokescreen or a fool's errand.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
I'm not particularly fond of promiscuity, but I think access to sexual health services for women is important.

Anyone who has had one will tell you that getting an abortion is an unpleasant experience, they carefully think it over and have serious reasons for doing so. Noone would willy nilly get abortions left and right as an excuse for promiscuity.

You're wrong. Most abortions are done because the mother sleeps around (promiscuity) and doesn't want the kids they create. I linked to statistics in this post if you're interested in them.
Last edited by Deleted member 559230,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
Abortion isn't murder. Anymore than killing animals to eat them is murder. Because we define what murder is.
Yes it is. And we eat certain kinds of animals for survival and nutrients, like protein. That's why we have different classifications for animals: some are domesticated pets, some are wild animals, and some are livestock. Humans fit into none of those categories and babies lives are worth value.
So if you want to hysterically say that killing a foetus is murder, then why can't we also say that killing animals for sport or food is murder too?
Nope, it's not. Humans have been hunting for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years. Hell, animals hunt other animals for food. It's nature. But humans evolved to the point where we know it's ok to reasonably hunt animals, and not commit acts such as cannibalism if you're wondering why we don't hunt each other (at least, not any of us that aren't psychopathic killers).
Using fossil fuels could also be considered murder, because of deaths caused by the pollution. It's funny how arbitrarily right whingers are.
I think there may be more to it than people just croaking from air pollution, factors such as pre-existing conditions and such, that are not accounted for just for the sake of a convenient argument.
Please, don't insult third world countries.
Go live in one then if they're so great.

No, vaccines have never made you "immune" and cdc never claimed they did. They triggered your immune system, which gives you a certain percentage of immunity for a certain amount of time.

Maybe you should do better research next time.
Biden and a whole bunch of other supposed "scientists" said when the shot came out it would make you immune:


It's all right there in the open for you to look up. I did my research, these people didn't.

The fake one I'm in? Seriously?? You think you find loving families at every corner willing to take someone else's child? Have you even looked at how many children are living in misery and/or waiting for adoption around the world? The fuck is wrong with you.

I'll tell you something new when you'll start making sense and actually address the problem instead of deflecting it. No child is responsible for the sins of their parents, so even if the parents are sinners in your eyes it doesn't matter, it doesn't solve the problem, a problem that you're making worse with your obscurantist takes about what is a life and what isn't.

And stop trying to justify endangering other people. If you can understand (and condemn) the danger of spreading diseases through sex you shouldn't have a problem understanding why protection matters for an airborne disease.
And for the record I don't condone having random hookups without using protection. No double standards.
Damn, you sound like a miserable person who had a bad childhood or something. Yeah, not everyone is caring, which is why the kids should go to someone who is caring and loving to raise them. It's that simple. I'm not the one endangering people by wanting more murder. And it is a double standard to say "my body, my choice" for abortions but not for experimental injections with possible deadly side effects.
You're not kidding anyone.
Neither are you.

I'm sure that's easy, or even involuntary, for you, but it's easier said than done for most people. It's one of the many reasons why abstinence-only education doesn't work.
Talking about your non existent sex life again, huh, if we're going there? It actually is easy to say, "No, we cannot have sex tonight unless we're both fully protected." or, "No thank you I don't want to have sex." for whatever reason you have.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
I'll tell you: It's taking the Federal government out of the picture, and giving the power back to the States to decide.

"big government" doesn't mean "federal", and "small government" doesn't mean "state". It's about the size and breadth of the action.

We want government completely out of the equation. Just like with things like free speech and freedom of religion, we want to prevent the government from even being able to create laws restricting basic human rights. they're human rights, not rights bestowed by a government.

in this case, it's the right to personal autonomy. even if you believe a clump of cells is a human life, just like how you can't be forced to donate blood or a kidney, you can't force someone to give up their body to eventually grow a human.

a fair compromise is probably a month or two after conception.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2022
United States
Then don't fuck.

This reminds me of George Carlins comments on abortion and those who oppose it. After a comment as incredibly stupid as the one you made, I'm 100% positive you fit the bill from the first 20 seconds of this clip. Well, the entire thing actually. But the first 20 seconds is especially relevant to the quoted comment.


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