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U.S. Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019

If I don't want to go to prison, then no, they aren't optional. I would probably end up even having to pay the taxes and additional fines if convicted of tax evasion. You also didn't answer my question.
They are optional. The question of whether they should be or not is redundant. Not paying taxes is a form of protest. People who are satisfied with their life and their government would happily pay taxes.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
They are optional. The question of whether they should be or not is redundant. Not paying taxes is a form of protest. People who are satisfied with their life and their government would happily pay taxes.
You are muddying the subject.

The issue was about whether or not your tax dollars should have to go to abortion (they currently don't). You seem to think that you shouldn't have to legally pay taxes towards anything you're morally opposed to. My point was that if everybody could just pick and choose the things their tax dollars pay for, on the basis of what they find moral, nothing would get funded. In other words, that'd be a terrible system.

Did I get everything right?


Master of Hounds
Dec 7, 2015
The topic is about abortion. My point was I am conflicted about the issue. I do not support casual abortion but I think sometimes abortion prevents other issues such as unwanted births and illegitimacy. You cannot mention illegitimacy without mentioning the sort of people most likely to have illegitimate children.

I was quite respectful about the matter and chose to not keep mentioning "black people" and instead referred to other races so make a point by omission. Then I stated my personal experience and being such it may differ from yours which is normal and that is ok.

I think perhaps something has hit a nerve, which is why you're reacting in this manner. If you think police as a whole is so against the darker skin colour (bearing in mind black people come from all parts of the world and have a varied and diverse culture, background, and faith system) that they're skewing stats to make everyone believe Black people committ the most crime, then perhaps you need to have a long hard think as to how you can come to such a conclusion. What would police have to gain from people believing such a thing?

Use the gov website link you posted as an example. If Pakistani and South Asian origin people live in poorer neighborhoods then you'd imagine poverty, scarcity etc etc to affect them also. Please explain how statistically they're not as likely as Black and Mixed (black and other race) kids to stab each other?

Why don't you see chinese immigrant families, Indian or other immigrant families (some of whom come from war torn countries and utter squalor) committ crime at a rate the same as black people. Or keeping it on point have illegitimite children like black people or abortions for that matter?

Let's not get oversensitive and virtue signal please. Its base level.

I'm not virtual signaling. You could never understand how I think if you're unable to put yourself in the shoes of another person. Maybe you're trying to figure me out via the same pattern of tribal nature by which racists view the world, like somehow me defending people from other ethnicities must come from some personal unbalance or ulterior motive. I happen to think it's basic human decency. It doesn't even occur to me to perceive anything through the lens of ethnicity.

You tell me to use the government page I posted as an example to consider why pakistani and south asian origin people live in poorer neighbourhoods and don't commit crimes at the same rate as black people. I assume you mean why pakistani and south asian origin people living in poorer neighbourhoods don't commit violent crimes at the same rate as black people. I presume there are historical and sociological explanations for the fact. We already verified that there's overrepresentation of black people in all stages of the criminal justice system, that black people are the most randomly approached by authorities in the street, and that black people are the highest victims of violent crime.

I believe in accountability. Anyone is responsible for their actions, no matter the color of their skin. There's plenty of fatherless children in every ethnicity, there's plenty of criminals in every ethnicity. We know for a fact that abortion, in the long term, prevents crime and poverty. Abortion is a last resort measure by women who believe they are not financially, professionally or psychologically ready to be a mother. When women can develop their craft, strengthen their finances and mature themselves in experience and personality, they'll be more attuned to estimate when and under what circumstances they want to have a child. When a woman is forced to become a mother against her will, or without her being ready, both herself and the child will be more vulnerable and with a higher potential for poverty and distress. People that grow up challenged by these difficulties, or in harsh environments, are more likely to resort to crime and to find themselves stuck to a community of crime.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
I'm not virtual signaling. You could never understand how I think if you're unable to put yourself in the shoes of another person. Maybe you're trying to figure me out via the same pattern of tribal nature by which racists view the world, like somehow me defending people from other ethnicities must come from some personal unbalance or ulterior motive. I happen to think it's basic human decency. It doesn't even occur to me to perceive anything through the lens of ethnicity.

You tell me to use the government page I posted as an example to consider why pakistani and south asian origin people live in poorer neighbourhoods and don't commit crimes at the same rate as black people. I assume you mean why pakistani and south asian origin people living in poorer neighbourhoods don't commit violent crimes at the same rate as black people. I presume there are historical and sociological explanations for the fact. We already verified that there's overrepresentation of black people in all stages of the criminal justice system, that black people are the most randomly approached by authorities in the street, and that black people are the highest victims of violent crime.

I believe in accountability. Anyone is responsible for their actions, no matter the color of their skin. There's plenty of fatherless children in every ethnicity, there's plenty of criminals in every ethnicity. We know for a fact that abortion, in the long term, prevents crime and poverty. Abortion is a last resort measure by women who believe they are not financially, professionally or psychologically ready to be a mother. When women can develop their craft, strengthen their finances and mature themselves in experience and personality, they'll be more attuned to estimate when and under what circumstances they want to have a child. When a woman is forced to become a mother against her will, or without her being ready, both herself and the child will be more vulnerable and with a higher potential for poverty and distress. People that grow up challenged by these difficulties, or in harsh environments, are more likely to resort to crime and to find themselves stuck to a community of crime.
Black people are approached in the street the same manner everyone else is.
Black people are also more likely to be murdered by other black people or suffer violence against them by other black people and this is EXPONENTIALLY higher than any other race.
I think you very much are virtue signalling, especially as you're bandying the word "Racist" around.
Do you know I am African by the way? No, because it doesn't matter.

My opinion was framed from my own experience, and in my experience, as an African, I have a lense on the situation which you couldn't possibly unless you were from a similar cultural background and perspective.

No, illegitimacy is absolutely not the same in every other race as it is in the American and British black and Caribbean community. Young black women having children out of wedlock is mostly not against their will. Its done because its simply easier to be a welfare queen. This isn't because society is bad, it is not because black people are bad its far from it. Its cultural. There are countless psychological studies which show young black people to culturally be incapable of foregoing a benefit right now to gain more from it in the future. When chinese, caucasian, middle eastern children were given the option of having a treat now or 5 later, they mostly chose to go for more later. The results were opposite for black people. Chinese people have lived through horrific oppression, the indians have lived through abject poverty the ikes of which unimaginable, but you know what? they have picked themselves up over the past 30 years and both countries are now superpowers. They haven't cried about being enslaved to this and that. You will never find chinese or indians obsessing about their race but with the black community it is all you ever hear. I should know, I am a part of it.

You also can't speak about believing in accountability and then turn around and say statistics on black crimes are skewed because police hates black people. Then claim black people are highly represented in the justice system despite making up a small fraction of the population because there are socio-economic reasons.

You may think you're being decent, but coming from an African person, what you have is very much the bigotry of low expectations. I feel you're young and whilst I think you have the best intentions here, I also think you're privileged and idealistically naive.
Last edited by MadonnaProject,


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
It's not about you, it's about what you did. We can clearly understand each other here, even the posts with broken english, and grammar nazism is one of the oldest cheap internet tricks people use when they don't have any other argument to use.
What I've done, oh boy... Makes me sound like a murderer or something. Neat.

I've been attacking people's perception and points just fine, even got one fellow to listen. The one who focused on my wee jab here was you, comrade. In a debate, it is important to get across your ideas clearly so people understand your point of view, and on a topic like this where there is an overwhelming majority of support for a standard upheld most everywhere else in the world, the burden of conveying reasons clearly falls upon the minority with great emphasis. That is why the leak was really such a big deal, because it flies against both the will of the people AND precedent, to say nothing of how it goes in the face of what several newer justices said during their confirmation hearings. Now they have to answer for themselves, and they erected a literal barricade to protect themselves rather than doing so.

She lives in a mansion, not a castle.
Yes, so much less elitist. My bad. :yay:

Why are you even picking on my avatar? you are acting like those obsessive people who go doxxing others and calling their work/bosses over internet comments.
You realize you aren't ACTUALLY Patchouli Knowledge, right? Just like I'm not actually a cat. I'm not doxing you, comrade, please turn the Karen down a notch.

Why not? Clinics performing illegal services in a state shall not be exempt from raids. You have just confirmed the government's involvement by abusing a wrong decision to shield them. I wonder how you would react if this about states trying to control/ban silencers and cripple magazines.
Shield them? The only time planned parenthood and other clinics needed protecting was when they were being assaulted for the crime of not breaking the law. The services weren't illegal then, because the government... wait for it... chose to not be involved with a women's health issue. When something gets made illegal, it requires enforcement, aka involvement, aka government steps in. If you actually want "big government" lessened, you would support Roe v. Wade, but that wouldn't be convenient.

As for free speech, I believe in consequences for people's actions should they choose to invoke hostility via speech. If somebody wants to post a rant about how they dislike the decisions of the courts, cool. If somebody else wants to reply by posting pictures of pornography and obscenities not befitting a child friendly website, I believe the platform management people where they post SHOULD remove the offender at least temporarily as per their terms of use. Totally only talking about youtube here, of course. Not like GBATemp has a standards and consistancy issue or anything. :rolleyes: Censorship has a place in society, it just needs to have a firm set of sensible rules and public support.

In the case of your arguments, you... don't really seem to have any aside from "baby murder bad!". The science goes against your stance, the people of the US don't approve of your position, and the world at large operates opposite of how you think things should be. If you don't have anything to add, you can use your freedom of speech to keep mouthing off, but all it will be is an exercise in ignorance.

If only there was a way for you to improve your ability to communicate with others AND reinforce your world view with facts and the skill to organize them for others to view so as to convince them you might have something worth contributing... oh yeah, I got an idea!


I'll take this as an admission that your previous claim is full of shit and that you are too proud to admit it directly. There is plenty that I disagree with, with everyone here, and that is the beauty of diversity. If you think Foxi, alone, single mindedly pioneered the rationale then he must be like a god to you. As someone who pays taxes, I feel a moral responsibility for how my tax dollars are spent. By that standard, you aren't anyone I'm trying to impress (and you know it).
If you say so, comrade. My comment was actually doing nothing of the sort, and if you failed to understand something please let me know.

I love diversity, but many folks on your side of this discourse use the same tactics and talking points, and it gets a bit hard to parse you all out sometimes. Good to see you join Bit in the "No but u" defensive strategy, by the by. I brought up Foxi because he at least tackles things from different angles and with some actual thought, and when he does the rest of the right wingers on this site flock to praise him like he was Ben Shapiro, as you've done. I like to think I give Lacius ass pats more often than other "lefties" on this site because I respect his efforts as a peer, but I don't think I've ever needed to quote him to make my own points.

Also, don't worry about impressing me. Everyone of age pays taxes. :grog:

I think you very much are virtue signalling, especially as you're bandying the word "Racist" around.
Do you know I am African by the way?
Irony intensifies. By the by, I think anyone who has ever followed a thread you're in knows you identify as black, you do kinda virtue signal a lot with it.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
So, then all these new laws passed legalizing marijuana in various states are what then?
It's illegal at the federal level, but the Justice Department has been instructed to not enforce those laws in states that legalize it. If it weren't illegal at the federal or state level, it'd be legal.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
It's illegal at the federal level, but the Justice Department has been instructed to not enforce those laws in states that legalize it. If it weren't illegal at the federal or state level, it'd be legal.

"The recreational marijuana law uses the definition of public place found in ARS 36-601.01."


So, you're telling me what I quoted doesn't exist and the laws passed in Arizona legalizing marijuana at a State level also don't exist?


"Under ARS 36-2852, for example, adults ages 21 and older can legally possess up to six plants, five grams of marijuana concentrate, or one ounce of cannabis."


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
"The recreational marijuana law uses the definition of public place found in ARS 36-601.01."


So, you're telling me what I quoted doesn't exist and the laws passed in Arizona legalizing marijuana at a State level also don't exist?


"Under ARS 36-2852, for example, adults ages 21 and older can legally possess up to six plants, five grams of marijuana concentrate, or one ounce of cannabis."
You weren't listening, so I'll try again. Marijuana is illegal at the federal level, as well as at the state level in a lot of states, which means marijuana has to be legalized in order to not be illegal anymore. In states where it is legal, a.) it only works because the federal law is not being enforced consistently, and b.) it's changing preexisting state law that criminalized marijuana. If it weren't illegal at the federal level, and if it weren't illegal at the state level, then it would be legal.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
You weren't listening, so I'll try again. Marijuana is illegal at the federal level, as well as at the state level in a lot of states, which means marijuana has to be legalized in order to not be illegal anymore. If it weren't illegal at the federal level, and if it weren't illegal at the state level, then it would be legal.

Yes, and you just said there's no laws that make things legal. Seems you're conflicted. I'll let you sit and figure it out for a while.


Master of Hounds
Dec 7, 2015
Black people are approached in the street the same manner everyone else is.
Black people are also more likely to be murdered by other black people or suffer violence against them by other black people and this is EXPONENTIALLY higher than any other race.
I think you very much are virtue signalling, especially as you're bandying the word "Racist" around.
Do you know I am African by the way? No, because it doesn't matter.

My opinion was framed from my own experience, and in my experience, as an African, I have a lense on the situation which you couldn't possibly unless you were from a similar cultural background and perspective.

No, illegitimacy is absolutely not the same in every other race as it is in the American and British black and Caribbean community. Young black women having children out of wedlock is mostly not against their will. Its done because its simply easier to be a welfare queen. This isn't because society is bad, it is not because black people are bad its far from it. Its cultural. There are countless psychological studies which show young black people to culturally be incapable of foregoing a benefit right now to gain more from it in the future. When chinese, caucasian, middle eastern children were given the option of having a treat now or 5 later, they mostly chose to go for more later. The results were opposite for black people. Chinese people have lived through horrific oppression, the indians have lived through abject poverty the ikes of which unimaginable, but you know what? they have picked themselves up over the past 30 years and both countries are now superpowers. They haven't cried about being enslaved to this and that. You will never find chinese or indians obsessing about their race but with the black community it is all you ever hear. I should know, I am a part of it.

You also can't speak about believing in accountability and then turn around and say statistics on black crimes are skewed because police hates black people. Then claim black people are highly represented in the justice system despite making up a small fraction of the population because there are socio-economic reasons.

You may think you're being decent, but coming from an African person, what you have is very much the bigotry of low expectations. I feel you're young and whilst I think you have the best intentions here, I also think you're privileged and idealistically naive.

Your ethnicity, skin color or place of origin don’t matter to these arguments. Some pages behind you made a point to base your opinion on the fact that you have a life in Britain. It looks like you’re assuming any arbitrary characteristic of yours to legitimize your empirical arguments. But I’m basing myself on factual information. I am not stating by empirical experience or personal prejudice the systematic unfairness to which black people are subjected, I’ve shown my respectable sources. As to my own personal character, I have explained myself. Repeating ad nauseam that I’m virtue signalling is useless if I’ve already refuted.

Children that grow up without one parent, I won’t call it illegitimacy, because these children are not illegitimate. Your points on myself, on welfare, single parenthood, as well as all those considerations on ethnicity loaded with prejudice that make more than half your post don’t have any relevance to the subject discussed. You’re already full of opinions about me, someone you don’t know. And I can absolutely talk about accountability and point out the unfairness to which black people are subjected, because they’re not contradictory. I already wrote that I believe that anyone is responsible for their actions, no matter the color of their skin.
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Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
I didn't say this. I said something is legal if it isn't explicitly illegal. :unsure:

If something is illegal, the law obviously has to be changed to make it legal.

Edit: Are you okay?

I'm fine, I was just responding to your post stating that I didn't understand how laws work when I stated that there could possibly be a law passed to legalize abortion and you said that's not how laws work, meaning laws aren't passed to legalize something.

Here, in case you forgot.



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I'm fine, I was just responding to your post stating that I didn't understand how laws work when I stated that there could possibly be a law passed to legalize abortion and you said that's not how laws work, meaning laws aren't passed to legalize something.

Here, in case you forgot.

The point of my response, which was clear, was that not having any laws about abortion whatsoever means abortion is legal. I'm not sure what's so confusing to understand.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
Your ethnicity, skin color or place of origin don’t matter to these arguments. Some pages behind you made a point to base your opinion on the fact that you have a life in Britain. It looks like you’re assuming any arbitrary characteristic of yours to legitimize your empirical arguments. But I’m basing myself on factual information. I am not stating by empirical experience or personal prejudice the systematic unfairness to which black people are subjected, I’ve shown my respectable sources. As to my own personal character, I have explained myself. Repeating ad nauseam that I’m virtue signalling is useless if I’ve already refuted.

Children that grow up without one parent, I won’t call it illegitimacy, because these children are not illegitimate. Your points on myself, on welfare, single parenthood, as well as all those considerations on ethnicity loaded with prejudice that make more than half your post don’t have any relevance to the subject discussed. You’re already full of opinions about me, someone you don’t know. And I can absolutely talk about accountability and point out the unfairness to which black people are subjected, because they’re not contradictory. I already wrote that I believe that anyone is responsible for their actions, no matter the color of their skin.
Hmm, ok.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
I don't know who you are.
Doesn't change the facts, though. It has been a while since I've commented, new job and living space and such, but we've spoken before and I've seen you around in threads. You've played your purported race as a reverse uno card a few times, to the point where it reminds me of the Quartering swearing he has a bunch of gay fathers so he can't be homophobic when he trashes on LGBT+ relationships. Even if its true, it just means you would be poor representation and willfully ignorant for the convenience of your world view. Try a new tactic, comrade.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
Doesn't change the facts, though. It has been a while since I've commented, new job and living space and such, but we've spoken before and I've seen you around in threads. You've played your purported race as a reverse uno card a few times, to the point where it reminds me of the Quartering swearing he has a bunch of gay fathers so he can't be homophobic when he trashes on LGBT+ relationships. Even if its true, it just means you would be poor representation and willfully ignorant for the convenience of your world view. Try a new tactic, comrade.
That's a lot. Thanks for being a fan tho.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2020
Puerto Rico
Well a new CNN conducted poll release and it seems the majority of people are in favor of overturning this and makes sense since even the late RBG say this thing was badly done.
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