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Let's talk about suppression

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
The nazi movement as actually a very left-wing movement.
The Nazi was a far right wing movement.

Fascism/Nazi's are opportunist. They take whatever stance that will provide them support. Essentially they use their words to mask their actions or true intent.
As their actual polices are inherently unlikable to the masses.

From a historical point a view, Hitler killed socialist first. He also didn't follow up on any socialist polices that party was wanting to do at that time.

Now let's look at Trump. Who has called Liz Chaney a Rino. Even though she is as Republican as being an R goes for over 50 years.

Trump however, constantly changed his vote to the one that he thought would have the most sway.

The point I'm demonstrating here is that he is being hypocritical and opportunistic, and anyone that pushes against him to a single inch or degree, moderate to extreme, he will throw his followers at to attack. With him openly attacking (democrats, and to a different extent, leftist. And now old Republicans, pre 2016ish to earlier)

To keep such anger going, something new always has to fan the flames, some new group of people to get angry at. A new wedge every time.
For example. calling "illegals" saying trans people are a problem, moving on to homophobia with a newly released movie, or to being racist against a particular character in a medium, to back to saying "xyz group wants to brainwash your kids"
And then eventually, some group of people wakes up to it, realizes what that rehetroic means, and then a new wedge is thrown against them. "Your not a Republican, your a Rhino" and then the fire get's even hotter, and burns stronger. Under hitler the same thing did happen, over and over until if you didn't have blue eyes, you were shot and killed.

Because the far right burns red hot and cools fast, so the only answer is to put more flames in to keep it going. It's a inherently unstable, unmaintainable system that self destructs in it's own manufactured rage that leads to a ton of casualties.

Hitler and Trump also heavily practice what 1984 called double think.
Trump says he supports free speech, but then also supports banning books.

Hitler was also similar, infact, THE EXACT SAME. Claimed to be a supporter of free speech, and then when got in power, suppressed it, via banning books for starters.

Their words betray their actions.
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Also, the very notion of society is that of heirarchy. You can't have society without it.
yes you can. You absolutely can have a society without a hierarchy. It's called direct democracy. Aka, no person is elected, money is out of politics entirely, and it's a populous system, aka majority vote. No electoral collage.
It would be a policy based system, decided by people entirely.
No one person is the government, because the all is the government effectively. Creating a distinction without a difference.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
s your kind finds buzzwords.
Your othering right here in this statement. "your kind"
Othering is the term left leaning (or left leaning adjacent people, or even mid right) will and continue to use to demonstrate when a person tries to dehumanize a group of people.
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
The state is a goverment correct?
And the federal government is also a goverment correct?
If the federal goverment previously said "we can't even rule on that, it's a privacy thing, including the states"
Then HOW THE HELL IS REVERSING THAT STANCE AND SAYING "actually we CAN rule on it, but it's up to state governments"
What kind of backwards logic is that.
Quit trying to justify taking women's rights, and wanting an authortian goverment.

well... that doesnt make any sense, how can it be authoritarian if its up to the state? authoritarian would be your side of the sense saying " this is how it is or else, jail", Unless, you would be fine with the orange man having final say? and having it not be up to to the states? ok you maga extremist.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
The Nazi was a far right wing movement.

Fascism/Nazi's are opportunist. They take whatever stance that will provide them support. Essentially they use their words to mask their actions or true intent.
As their actual polices are inherently unlikable to the masses.

From a historical point a view, Hitler killed socialist first. He also didn't follow up on any socialist polices that party was wanting to do at that time.

Now let's look at Trump. Who has called Liz Chaney a Rino. Even though she is as Republican as being an R goes for over 50 years.

Trump however, constantly changed his vote to the one that he thought would have the most sway.

The point I'm demonstrating here is that he is being hypocritical and opportunistic, and anyone that pushes against him to a single inch or degree, moderate to extreme, he will throw his followers at to attack. With him openly attacking (democrats, and to a different extent, leftist. And now old Republicans, pre 2016ish to earlier)

To keep such anger going, something new always has to fan the flames, some new group of people to get angry at. A new wedge every time.
For example. calling "illegals" saying trans people are a problem, moving on to homophobia with a newly released movie, or to being racist against a particular character in a medium, to back to saying "xyz group wants to brainwash your kids"
And then eventually, some group of people wakes up to it, realizes what that rehetroic means, and then a new wedge is thrown against them. "Your not a Republican, your a Rhino" and then the fire get's even hotter, and burns stronger. Under hitler the same thing did happen, over and over until if you didn't have blue eyes, you were shot and killed.

Because the far right burns red hot and cools fast, so the only answer is to put more flames in to keep it going. It's a inherently unstable, unmaintainable system that self destructs in it's own manufactured rage that leads to a ton of casualties.

Hitler and Trump also heavily practice what 1984 called double think.
Trump says he supports free speech, but then also supports banning books.

Hitler was also similar, infact, THE EXACT SAME. Claimed to be a supporter of free speech, and then when got in power, suppressed it, via banning books for starters.

Their words betray their actions.
That's "You're". The rest? Just couldn't.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
It turns out that these people aren't against government setting rules for people, as long as it's the rules they agree with.

It's kind of a predictable attitude of people who vote.
Maybe we should vote on whether you're allowed to live? Some people won't want to live in a community with you.

If you believe that voting to end lives is ridiculous, I'd agree. If you believe that doesn't happen, then you haven't been paying attention to what your "democracy" does.
You understand I'm using his arguments against him, which shows my point? Right?

Are you disagreeing with something I said? It seems like you are trying to make it appear as so.
Last edited by tabzer,

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
well... that doesnt make any sense, how can it be authoritarian if its up to the state?
Last response to you as well since I really don't want to be spending days trying to explain basic concepts, and then get spat back on them.

Let's use the definition of authortianism:
favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.

Before roe v Wade's overturnal. There was no punishment to anyone's freedoms. People who wanted an abortion could get
it. People who didn't want it, didn't get it.

Then when it got overturned and became a states rights issue. You know what happened?
Doctors who do not comply get 10 years of jail. Are AFRAID of providing any medication or anything that be used for an abortion even if if it's different means. And mother's freedoms have been restricted.

A big government is not authortian in itself.a state government will not inhehritly mean it will not be authortian. To be considered as a authortian, (or authortian policy) both freedoms and strict laws have to come into play.

So when you got Texas and other states trying to pass laws for idk.
Preventing people from getting an abortion outside of state lines. And then also already blocking any protections in the Senate for those people to at least idk, do that.

That's authortian. It's reminiscent of fucking slavery.

Essentially roe v wades removal has enabled authortian moves. It removes both freedoms. And enabled strict laws with massive punishments.
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
It's kind of a predictable attitude of people who vote.
These are people who justify their voting specifically because they say they don't want government to control their lives.

So liars.

If you believe that voting to end lives is ridiculous, I'd agree. If you believe that doesn't happen, then you haven't been paying attention to what your "democracy" does.
It does happen, it's exactly what the death penalty is. The Jury votes on it.

Are you disagreeing with something I said? It seems like you are trying to make it appear as so.
Everything you say is ridiculous, so you could assume I will disagree with you on many things.

Specifically just because bigots don't want something happening in their community, it doesn't mean they should be allowed to prevent it. Right wingers tend to have ideas that are anti women (even the women....).
Last edited by smf,


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
Last response to you as well since I really don't want to be spending days trying to explain basic concepts, and then get spat back on them.

Let's use the definition of authortianism:
favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.

Before roe v Wade's overturnal. There was no punishment to anyone's freedoms. People who wanted an abortion could get
it. People who didn't want it, didn't get it.

Then when it got overturned and became a states rights issue. You know what happened?
Doctors who do not comply get 10 years of jail. Are AFRAID of providing any medication or anything that be used for an abortion even if if it's different means. And mother's freedoms have been restricted.

A big government is not authortian in itself.a state government will not inhehritly mean it will not be authortian. To be considered as a authortian, (or authortian policy) both freedoms and strict laws have to come into play.

So when you got Texas and other states trying to pass laws for idk.
Preventing people from getting an abortion outside of state lines. And then also already blocking any protections in the Senate for those people to at least idk, do that.

That's authortian. It's reminiscent of fucking slavery.

Essentially roe v wades removal has enabled authortian moves. It removes both freedoms. And enabled strict laws with massive punishments.

strict obedience like a mask mandate for example?

however your this being your last message proves that you know you are grasping at straws and are petrified.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
strict obedience like a mask mandate for example?

however your this being your last message proves that you know you are grasping at straws and are petrified.

Getting fined for not wearing a mask (in the middle of a pandemic)
(which also is not a criminal charge. It's civil) is not the same as getting a fucking felony for removing a fetus because the state said not to, and getting a prison sentence.

Only people who would want to intentionally confuse the two so they could get away with their bullshit would say something as dumb as this.

I rest my case and now I really will be leaving. As you're proving yourself to still fail to grasp basic concepts.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
You give one abortion as a doctor, get 10 years in jail up to a 10,000 dollar fine. For a mask violation, it's roughly 500 bucks for the first violation. And just increases for each additional violation.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Everything you say is ridiculous, so you could assume I will disagree with you on many things.

Specifically just because bigots don't want something happening in their community, it doesn't mean they should be allowed to prevent it.

So far, you haven't been able to articulate what you disagree with. If everything I say is ridiculous, then why are you supporting my statements? Are you a liar?

It's kind of cool that people you don't like are bigots and shouldn't be allowed to live life the way they want.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
Getting fined for not wearing a mask (in the middle of a pandemic)
(which also is not a criminal charge. It's civil) is not the same as getting a fucking felony for removing a fetus because the state said not to, and getting a prison sentence.

Only people who would want to intentionally confuse the two so they could get away with their bullshit would say something as dumb as this.

I rest my case and now I really will be leaving. As you're proving yourself to still fail to grasp basic concepts.

its nice to see you hid the fact people lost their jobs, gee i wonder why that is, but similarly, yea it is the same, i dont HAVE to wear a mask you dont HAVE to have an abortion. You and the rest of the 81 million told the government " please, decide everything for us" and they said " ok, no abortion" and now you are angry about it, maybe you need to reevaluate what you support.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
its nice to see you hid the fact people lost their jobs
if you work for government, yeah your going to have to follow their rules. If you work a company, and they fired you, well guess what? the company is a private entity, it can do whatever the fuck it wants regarding your employment (right to work laws) regardless if the government decided to do a mask mandate or not. The government didn't fire you. Your company fired you. The government didn't go look at you specifically working at Walmart and said "your fired"
They (your company) could tell you to wear a certain shirt, and if you didn't comply, well shit out of luck, you don't have a job.

Again, demonstrating that you don't know what the hell your talking about and still failing basic concepts.
yea it is the same, i dont HAVE to wear a mask you dont HAVE to have an abortion.
One is a prison sentence, the other is a fine.. One is a criminal offense, the other is a civil offense. One goes on a criminal track record, and bars you from voting for a period of time, the other doesn't.

They are very much NOT the same. Failing basic concept for how many damn times now?
You and the rest of the 81 million told the government " please, decide everything for us"
I'm feeling extra charitable. today.

you positive you want to make that argument?
Let's take a look at you,

Honestly, abortion isn't something im overly invested in ( as a man/incel) but i support the bans out of spite
I have no empathy for someone who out of spite, MAKES PEOPLE'S LIVES WORSE. In a subject, YOU have no investment in. YOU choose authoritarianism.

In your own backwards ass hatred of people different from YOU
because this wasn't a concern with the magic needle, and it wasnt a concern with gun control, its only a concern when liberals dont get what they want.
Wanted these bans. YOU CHOOSE that your stance was to "own the libs"
As someone who has no fucking partner (golly-gee I can't imagine why a women would possibly hate you for trying to make it so the state can own her fucking womb)


don't go lying your shitty ass decisions, on my doorstep.
You and the rest of the 81 million told the government
Because the majority of people didn't tell the government to do it.

YOU did.

You did it out of political manufactured spite, because some person up high in your information bubble told you to support it.
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
if you work for government, yeah your going to have to follow their rules. If you work a company, and they fired you, well guess what? the company is a private entity, it can do whatever the fuck it wants regarding your employment (right to work laws) regardless if the government decided to do a mask mandate or not. The government didn't fire you. Your company fired you. The government didn't go look at you specifically working at Walmart and said "your fired"
They (your company) could tell you to wear a certain shirt, and if you didn't comply, well shit out of luck, you don't have a job.

Again, demonstrating that you don't know what the hell your talking about and still failing basic concepts.

One is a prison sentence, the other is a fine.. One is a criminal offense, the other is a civil offense. One goes on a criminal track record, and bars you from voting for a period of time, the other doesn't.

They are very much NOT the same. Failing basic concept for how many damn times now?

I'm feeling extra charitable. today.

you positive you want to make that argument?
Let's take a look at you,

I have no empathy for someone who out of spite, MAKES PEOPLE'S LIVES WORSE. In a subject, YOU have no investment in. YOU choose authoritarianism.

In your own backwards ass hatred of people different from YOU


Wanted these bans. YOU CHOOSE that your stance was to "own the libs"


don't go lying your shitty ass decisions, on my doorstep.

Because the majority of people didn't tell the government to do it.

YOU did.

oh no i didnt choose authoritarianism at all, you did, you and the 81 million for a gun ban, you voted for a gas car ban, and you voted for a vaccine mandate that didnt work, if you guy said " no amendment is absolute" how on EARTH can abortion ever stand a chance, that was your guy that did that.

im also feeling extra charitable as well. Theres a certain irony that keeps me cheery these days, that when the orange man put the 2 supreme courts justices in power, they sat on their asses, then after project free and fair, and the biologist was appointed, all of the sudden its on the agenda, isn't it strange that as soon as you guys elect a radical politician, the supreme court got radical, i wonder why that is.

this is the problem with the libbies btw, you all say say we did it out of spite, gee, i can't imagine why we would be spiteful, its almost like our way of life is illegally being taken from us, and when we say anything about it, we are labeled extremists, well, the next time you want something done, try practicing something libbies dont know much about, its called empathy.
Last edited by lolcatzuru,


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
So far, you haven't been able to articulate what you disagree with. If everything I say is ridiculous, then why are you supporting my statements? Are you a liar?

It's kind of cool that people you don't like are bigots and shouldn't be allowed to live life the way they want.
It's kind of cool that you use disingenuously use left wing arguments of tolerance against people who are trying to end your right wing intolerance. What you fail to understand is that I'm not telling you how to live the life you want, I'm telling you that you are a bigot for preventing others from living their life the way you want. I have no problem if you don't want to have an abortion.

I've articulated what I disagree with perfectly well, it's you that is the problem as you are unable to comprehend the simplest concepts. Everything you say is ridiculous, I'm not supporting your statements at all.

i can't imagine why we would be spiteful, its almost like our way of life is illegally being taken from us
Sorry your police can't murder black people for fun anymore.
Or the orange criminal is being investigated for all his fraud.

What else have we illegally taken away from you?

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