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  1. awssk8er

    Hardware Importing a PAL 3DS to North America

    For a while now, I've been thinking about importing a Japanese Ice White Nintendo 3DS... but then I realized. I don't know ANY Japanese, and that's just a plain stupid idea. I then realized importing one from Europe would make more sense. Especially with the fact that full games are going to be...
  2. awssk8er

    Gaming What did Nintendo do to my 3DS?

    I sent in my 3DS around two months ago for a broken-R button (Had amazing service, by the way) and found this. Nintendo! You forgot to clear the history! We're on to you. No but seriously. No idea what this is, haha.
  3. awssk8er

    Hacking Wii System Memory Full

    I just want to apologize in advance because I've been away from the scene from a while and don't really remember everything. On top of that, it's my sister's Wii so I don't really know what she did to it... Anyways, my sister's Wii I believe is 4.2U, the only things I put on there were the HBC...
  4. awssk8er

    Hardware The thing I don't understand about the WiiU

    Since we don't have a ton of information on the WiiU, I guess this thread is more speculation: What I don't understand is, how you can play games on the controller's screen. Nintendo boasts two things about the WiiU but they contradict each other: 1) The second screen adds to the experience...
  5. awssk8er

    Hardware So how many of you are using the Circle Pad Pro?

    Resident Evil: Revelations is out in all regions (I believe). Are you/do you plan on using the Circle Pad Pro with it? I'm playing the game without it and it plays perfectly. Just wondering how many are using it.
  6. awssk8er

    Gaming Nintendo Video Channel Corrupt Video

    I opened up the Nintendo Video Channel because I got a Spotpass update, and normally don't watch the videos. Every once there's a good one. So there's one about Gibson guitars which I wanted to watch... it plays for 11 seconds and it says the video is corrupt. I just wanted to know if it's my...
  7. awssk8er

    Gaming Facebook on the web browser

    Not sure how many people use Facebook, but the web browser used to not be able to run it well at all. It would only be able to load like 10 things on the newsfeed, and when you would click "More stories" it wouldn't do anything. I tried it today (Haven't used the browser for Facebook in like 2...
  8. awssk8er

    Hardware Nintendo 3DS Power-A Headset Review

    As many people here saw, there was a headset for the 3DS announced around a month ago. The headset features a removable microphone, and a music control button. It has been available online for a while (Except it says the released date is tomorrow in Europe), and no reviews have came up. The...
  9. awssk8er

    Gaming Anything else with Play Coins to do?

    I finished Find Mii twice (Got all the hats), finished all the puzzles, bought all the AR Games stuff, and just maxed out my Play Coins at 300. Anything I'm missing besides in specific games? Or does anyone know which games can use them? I want to finish everything before the update.
  10. awssk8er

    Gaming About to cancel my Netflix...

    I started my free trial of Netflix the day it came to the 3DS, and after a month liked it so decided to keep paying for it. I thought it was buggy just because it was knew... but honestly, it's ridiculous. One of the first things I started to watch was The Hard Times of RJ Berger, and two...
  11. awssk8er

    My (Short) Xperia Play Review

    I got it a while ago, and never had time to post this. I had a Blackberry for a long time. Loved it, but wanted something new. Something that you could actually do stuff with besides browse the web and check e-mails. Lol. I've always wanted a phone that could run android, and I'm a pretty...
  12. awssk8er

    Gaming 3DS Pedometer Bug? (2.0 related?)

    So, on Friday I got home from work at like 10:30, and had about 14,500. I went out to my car to get something, and did a few other things, and check again, I had 15,500. So I left it on my desk (closed during a video) for like a half hour probably, and checked again, and it was around 14,500...
  13. awssk8er

    Ummm... today was pretty amazing.

    Pretty much everything went perfect today. Really long story short: I went to Six Flags for my physics class today, and missed school. Our luck with everything was absolutely crazy. It poured after two hours of being there, so many of the schools left. The rain came and left at the perfect...
  14. awssk8er

    Gaming Nintendo 3DS Web Browser

    I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, or maybe it's just a given. I didn't think of it until a few weeks ago. But, with the web browser, you most likely will be able to open it without closing any open software. It makes sense, because everything else at the top can be opened at anytime, and...
  15. awssk8er

    This blows...

    Basically, around two-three years ago, my life turned around completely. Everything has been perfect because I just started looking at things more brightly, and I just started preparing for my future (Like, getting a job, saving up a ton of money for college, and I have a plan on what I'm doing...
  16. awssk8er

    Gaming Rayman 3D Glitch?

    Hey, I'm at the second to last level in Rayman 3D (The Prison Ship). The level starts out with you sliding on your feet, then the second part is the same thing. The third part is one of those flying rocket things, and you have to dodge all the pillars and stuff to make it to the end (Part 3...
  17. awssk8er

    Gaming Nintendo 3DS Games Available in US now

    Not sure if this is news or not, but: I just went to my local Best Buy to play the 3DS again, and I was walking around for a big. I stumbled across a little display type thing in the back with 3DS games on it. There were 6 or 8 different games (Rayman 3D, Madden, Bust a Move, Sims 3, Tom...
  18. awssk8er

    Like everyone else... I FINALLY got my hands on a 3DS

    Well, I played it yesterday (3/19/2011) but had absolutely no time to write this. My experience with the 3DS: I went to Best Buy expecting it not to be there because I called a few days before the Nintendo site's map was up. They said they didn't have it. I drove there, walked in and around...
  19. awssk8er

    Hardware Best Buy 3DS Demo Kiosk list.

    So, as most people here probably know, "most" Best Buys have a Nintendo 3DS kiosk in their store now. Since Best Buy's website does not have a list of locations or anything like that, I think it would be helpful to get a little list going. I just called four different Best Buys, and had to...
  20. awssk8er

    What do you think is worse? (Facebook related)

    Is it more pathetic that people update their Facebook statuses for the smallest thing ever (Ex. "omg! making a sandwich! urrrg were all out of mayo!!!!") or something ridiculously life changing (Ex. The Rutgers kid that jumped off the G.W. bridge and made a status about it because he was video...
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