Homebrew CaVE Database Manager - A SNES, NES, N64, Genesis Switch Online modding App


Oct 27, 2021
United States
Hey sorry for the dumb question.

The compatibility list says Diddy Kong racing 1.0 runs fine but there isn't a dtz file. Am i missing something?

That game does not run fine at all. For the most part, audio is good and game “speed” is fine but the entire screen is one epic polygon mess with the graphics. In other words you can’t see where you are going at all. In a nutshell, the game does not work. Best bet is to hope N releases it officially.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Hey sorry for the dumb question.

The compatibility list says Diddy Kong racing 1.0 runs fine but there isn't a dtz file. Am i missing something?


Yea, you are missing what the list actually says at all. It DOES NOT say 1.0 "runs fine". No comment and colored white, which as the sheet indicates means its undetermined.

1.1 has a dtz, but is marked/colored as "Has major issues", and the comment is "Major polygon issues".


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Is there a compatibility list for gba? Would gba rom hacks or translation patches work in NSO apps?

No. I saw no point because the vast majority of GBA games work. The exception is hacks/translations, which is a pita to track, and generally I just dont give a shit about hacks and translations. My goal with CaVE and NSO is to get legit official ROMs working, and that's it.

Hacks... may work, or may not. I don't play hacks myself, so don't care to look into it beyond the single hack I looked into. The issue with that was an improper file size/junk data embedded at the end of the ROM. I have no clue why it was like that, but figure users can find tools themselves to fix such hacks if its the same problem with others.

I feel like I have said this shit before... so please people... actually read this thread (and the FAQ) before asking questions!


Mar 26, 2018
Hello everyone, has anyone managed to make the BS-Zelda MottZilla Patch (v0.95) (NewEng).smc work? I'm trying to put it on the SNES NSO but it gets the black screen, has anyone ever managed to run this on the SNES NSO? I know this rom version can be used on cartridge on original SNES, I thought it might work on NSO emulator as well.

Deleted member 194275

Edson Arantes do Nascimento
Aug 19, 2009
Hello everyone, has anyone managed to make the BS-Zelda MottZilla Patch (v0.95) (NewEng).smc work? I'm trying to put it on the SNES NSO but it gets the black screen, has anyone ever managed to run this on the SNES NSO? I know this rom version can be used on cartridge on original SNES, I thought it might work on NSO emulator as well.

Just read the post before yours: rom hacks are not supported by this tool. Many of them work, many don't, but the developer will not give support for that.
Also, the first Legend of Zelda can be played on NES/Famicom app.


Mar 26, 2018
Just read the post before yours: rom hacks are not supported by this tool. Many of them work, many don't, but the developer will not give support for that.
Also, the first Legend of Zelda can be played on NES/Famicom app.
Thanks for your answer, but I just wanted to know if anyone has gotten it to work before, I know there is no CaVe support for hacks, but this game is a Satelaview game, adapted to work on the original hardware, so I thought maybe it will work , so I asked if anyone had already tested it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Just read the post before yours: rom hacks are not supported by this tool. Many of them work, many don't, but the developer will not give support for that.
Also, the first Legend of Zelda can be played on NES/Famicom app.

Could you stop putting it like that. That is wrong and misleading. THIS is exactly how bad information gets spread.

For one, the previous talk about ROM hacks was about GBA specifically. For two, "not supported" and "by this tool" is just plain wrong.

By "tool", you probably mean CaVE. But CaVE and NSO both DO support ROM hacks. It's not a black and white issue of either they are supported or they are not. It comes down to two things.

NSO is simply not designed to have ROM hacks used with it. Or put more accurately... its not designed for ROM's that aren't officially included as stock ROM in the app, to be used with it. But as we all know, other non-hack ROMs do often work. Hacks often work too. When they don't its because... just the nature of hacks. They are more likely to be unstable. They get blindly designed to only work with a specific emu. They don't get the same quality of play testing that the original ROM's did back in the day to stamp out bugs. The skill levels of the hackers can vary in degrees. And often they use less common features that while technically supported on the original system, Nintendo did not code into the NSO emu's because they had no immediate need to.

The other thing is... I PERSONALLY do not care to go out of my way to chase down support of every single ROM hack of various quality. If a ROM hack works with NSO, great! If it does not? Oh well! All I am going to give to help people with such games is some very general advise, and an occasional minor code tweak. I went above and beyond once (my Star Ocean patch for SNES), and thats was enough for me.

To be more clear, once and for all, to counteract this bad information you are trying to spread...

Common issues with hacks:
  • Hacks often expand the ROM's size in order to fit in extra text or whatnot. In the case of SNES, HiROM's get expanded to ExHiROM, and ExHiROM is not supported by the NSO SNES emu because only 3 officially released games support it, all 3 will never see release on NSO. GBA, at least with the one translation hack I have seen, POORLY expands the ROM. And I suspect this is the issue with others (please, bring me proof of this and I might make some minor code tweak to address it!)
  • I know there is a issue with the Ancient Stone Tablets BSX games, with SRAM size limitations. Again, SNES technically supports up to something like 256kb SRAM... but almost no games use that much, so NSO was not designed to support that. Similarly, GBA has some SRAM type/size issues.
  • Sometimes its special mappers, chips, microcode/engines, etc. Again. The emu's were designed to support the stock games and no more. It's hit or miss if such hacks will work. Sometimes mapper hacks mean a game will work that otherwise wouldn't, in the case of NES.

To sum this up. Hacks and translations working is NOT a black and white issue of "they are not supported" or "don't work". If new people need a common recited stance on the viability of hacks and translations its just "try it yourself, hope for the best, expect the worst. If it works, it works. if it doesn't, it doesn't". Don't expect to come to the forum to ask about and find some secret sauce to get it to work.

If you dont know WTF you are talking about, do not respond to people acting like you do. You are not helping, and instead doing more damage.
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Dec 29, 2022
hello, does anyone know why gba games that are fan translation don't work on nso? and if there is any way to make it work, the megaman zero 3, 4 and the castlevania aria of sorrow do not work with your fan translation


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Are people blind, lazy, idiots, or just assholes specifically asking these questions IMMEDIATELY after I go out of my way to provide as detailed info as I can on a topic just so they don't ask questions like this?

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Active Member
Jan 9, 2017
United States
Are people blind, lazy, idiots, or just assholes specifically asking these questions IMMEDIATELY after I go out of my way to provide as detailed info as I can on a topic just so they don't ask questions like this?

not everyone is there to ask dumb questions and treat you like crap when you're actually the problem i don't care someone has to tell you that you're wrong and not a good person at all all i did was ask a question in his server and you're like '"ignore time" like what a lame.. you deserve to have your server taken down cause you treat people like they're stupid all the time just for asking basic questions that can easily be answered.. i don't care everyone in his server rides his d*** too much and defends him for being a mean person to people all the time so yeah i'll just leave this here for people to read about you just wait he will treat you like this too in his server if you ask him simple questions i just got tired of his crap and left.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
not everyone is there to ask dumb questions and treat you like crap when you're actually the problem i don't care someone has to tell you that you're wrong and not a good person at all all i did was ask a question in his server and you're like '"ignore time" like what a lame.. you deserve to have your server taken down cause you treat people like they're stupid all the time just for asking basic questions that can easily be answered.. i don't care everyone in his server rides his d*** too much and defends him for being a mean person to people all the time so yeah i'll just leave this here for people to read about you just wait he will treat you like this too in his server if you ask him simple questions i just got tired of his crap and left.

You got ignored, not because you asked a dumb question. But because you have been consistently asking dumb questions for MONTHS! And doing so on a 1-2 times a week basis. You specifically asked for more support than ANYONE ELSE in the history of my channel! And quite often, you asked questions that were covered in the FAQ or guides. And sadly... often enough you would ask questions that would easily be answered by scrolling up a TINY bit both on this thread or in the channel.

Further, you did so in the channel despite me saying NUMEROUS times that its "NOT A HELP CHANNEL", some of which I am certain that you did read or had a reasonable amount of time to read before they were pushed up into the chat history.

I only have so much patience, respect, and civility... for people like you who disrespect me by ignoring me. And in general, only so much time/energy to spend on providing support for everyone that uses my programs. You have monopolized SO MUCH of it that I cant spend it on others. THIS is why I finally had to ignore you. For the benefit of others.

But... now you are banned for the way you acted there and here, so good riddance.


For everyone else. No. While I definitely can be an asshole... I am not one most of the time, or with most people. It takes a lot to get that out of me. Him? At least several months, if not a year or more. And the final straw was him asking a question that I JUST provided a response for here and discussed in my discord. Of which he should clearly know that I am sick of people disrespecting me, ignoring me and asking again anyway. 3 strikes, your out? With him... I let it get to like strike #30!

Anyway, while getting on my bad side takes effort (or a lack there of), staying on my good side is quite easy. Here's how [to do so when seeking support]:
  1. Read the FAQ. I put a lot of work into it, and it covers most issues and questions.
  2. Follow the setup guide. I put a lot of work into it too! It holds your hand through the setup process!
  3. Search though this thread for answers.
  4. Make at least SOME effort to figure out general CaVE usage and any issues on your own.
  5. Understand that my Discord channel is for development, beta testing, bug reporting and on topic casual chat. NOT SUPPORT REQUESTS!
  6. ...don't immediately post after this, ignoring me/what I have said, and asking a question about something I covered in this comment. (Seriously... This shouldn't have to be included on this list... but it's now happened several times...)

I have taken this issue as motivation to EVEN BETTER clarify some things. While the Discord link in the OP did clearly, brightly and boldly say not to go there asking for basic support/help... It now forces you to read the newly updated description of the channel, before entering. The description lays out the exact purpose of the channel, what NOT to do, and even... redundantly provides links to the CaVE FAQ, Setup Guide and this forum thread for those seeking support.

This thread should be used for ALL support/help requests. And only after you have made some real effort to look through it for your issue and answers already provided. This is why I prefer using a thread like this for support. So that any help you receive is easily available for others to benefit from with their own issues.

If I or others do not respond to such help/support requests here, its due to one of two reasons. Either you did not make the minimum effort to search through the thread for your question and answer, and we are sick of repeating ourselves for people who can't be bothered to lift a finger to use the resources provided... Or we genuinely do not have an answer to provide you.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2017
United States
You got ignored, not because you asked a dumb question. But because you have been consistently asking dumb questions for MONTHS! And doing so on a 1-2 times a week basis. You specifically asked for more support than ANYONE ELSE in the history of my channel! And quite often, you asked questions that were covered in the FAQ or guides. And sadly... often enough you would ask questions that would easily be answered by scrolling up a TINY bit both on this thread or in the channel.

Further, you did so in the channel despite me saying NUMEROUS times that its "NOT A HELP CHANNEL", some of which I am certain that you did read or had a reasonable amount of time to read before they were pushed up into the chat history.

I only have so much patience, respect, and civility... for people like you who disrespect me by ignoring me. And in general, only so much time/energy to spend on providing support for everyone that uses my programs. You have monopolized SO MUCH of it that I cant spend it on others. THIS is why I finally had to ignore you. For the benefit of others.

But... now you are banned for the way you acted there and here, so good riddance.


For everyone else. No. While I definitely can be an asshole... I am not one most of the time, or with most people. It takes a lot to get that out of me. Him? At least several months, if not a year or more. And the final straw was him asking a question that I JUST provided a response for here and discussed in my discord. Of which he should clearly know that I am sick of people disrespecting me, ignoring me and asking again anyway. 3 strikes, your out? With him... I let it get to like strike #30!


Anyway, while getting on my bad side takes effort (or a lack there of), staying on my good side is quite easy. Here's how:
  1. Read the FAQ. I put a lot of work into it, and it covers most issues and questions.
  2. Follow the setup guide. I put a lot of work into it too! It holds your hand through the setup process!
  3. Search though this thread for answers.
  4. Make at least SOME effort to figure out general CaVE usage and any issues on your own.
  5. Understand that my Discord channel is for development, beta testing, bug reporting and on topic casual chat. NOT SUPPORT REQUESTS!
  6. ...don't immediately post after this, ignoring me/what I have said, and asking a question about something I covered in this comment. (Seriously... This shouldn't have to be included on this list... but it's now happened several times...)
yeah whatever man nothing that i have asked is considered to be stupid maybe to you but not anyone that's actually a decent human being.. I don't care about what you have to say about me because you act like you're so entitled to everyone just giving you a pat on the back for your project efforts all the time like you're some celebrity or something I'm sick of it and I'm sick of people like you never want to help anyone that just asks a simple question but it's considered stupid to you on "multiple occasions" whatever that means because it's not even true even if I did scroll up and read the FAQ and guides or whatever it still didn't help me at all with the problems I was facing so yeah man you're full of crap and you have shitty people who support you because they're just like you, stubborn, smart aleck and just overall ignorant so yeah dude I don't care if I've been banned or whatever that server is filled with weirdos like you anyways so yeah bye dude peace good riddance.
Post automatically merged:

You got ignored, not because you asked a dumb question. But because you have been consistently asking dumb questions for MONTHS! And doing so on a 1-2 times a week basis. You specifically asked for more support than ANYONE ELSE in the history of my channel! And quite often, you asked questions that were covered in the FAQ or guides. And sadly... often enough you would ask questions that would easily be answered by scrolling up a TINY bit both on this thread or in the channel.

Further, you did so in the channel despite me saying NUMEROUS times that its "NOT A HELP CHANNEL", some of which I am certain that you did read or had a reasonable amount of time to read before they were pushed up into the chat history.

I only have so much patience, respect, and civility... for people like you who disrespect me by ignoring me. And in general, only so much time/energy to spend on providing support for everyone that uses my programs. You have monopolized SO MUCH of it that I cant spend it on others. THIS is why I finally had to ignore you. For the benefit of others.

But... now you are banned for the way you acted there and here, so good riddance.


For everyone else. No. While I definitely can be an asshole... I am not one most of the time, or with most people. It takes a lot to get that out of me. Him? At least several months, if not a year or more. And the final straw was him asking a question that I JUST provided a response for here and discussed in my discord. Of which he should clearly know that I am sick of people disrespecting me, ignoring me and asking again anyway. 3 strikes, your out? With him... I let it get to like strike #30!


Anyway, while getting on my bad side takes effort (or a lack there of), staying on my good side is quite easy. Here's how:
  1. Read the FAQ. I put a lot of work into it, and it covers most issues and questions.
  2. Follow the setup guide. I put a lot of work into it too! It holds your hand through the setup process!
  3. Search though this thread for answers.
  4. Make at least SOME effort to figure out general CaVE usage and any issues on your own.
  5. Understand that my Discord channel is for development, beta testing, bug reporting and on topic casual chat. NOT SUPPORT REQUESTS!
  6. ...don't immediately post after this, ignoring me/what I have said, and asking a question about something I covered in this comment. (Seriously... This shouldn't have to be included on this list... but it's now happened several times...)
makes me wonder who are your parents to raise you to talk like that lol.
Post automatically merged:

literally all I was asking and he goes "ignore time" like who talks like that? exactly. no one. except maybe assholes like you. period and bye. get blocked.


  • Screenshot_20230408-203549_Discord.jpg
    531.5 KB · Views: 49
Last edited by RetroGamer360,
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Oct 27, 2021
United States
You literally posted a picture of ONE question out of the hundreds in the discord channel that you have asked. So please, don’t act like the victim here. Regardless of it being stated over and over again that the discord channel is not a help channel, you thought you were the exclusion to the rule apparently. So do everyone a favor and just let it go and move on with your life. Stop being salty, stop throwing a tantrum. You were warned countless times that the discord channel was not to be used the way you were and you continued to break that rule.

What’s also comical is how you come here playing the victim by showing an image, yet you conveniently left out the last part of your message where you resorted to name calling to the DEV.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2021
United States
yeah whatever man nothing that i have asked is considered to be stupid maybe to you but not anyone that's actually a decent human being.. I don't care about what you have to say about me because you act like you're so entitled to everyone just giving you a pat on the back for your project efforts all the time like you're some celebrity or something I'm sick of it and I'm sick of people like you never want to help anyone that just asks a simple question but it's considered stupid to you on "multiple occasions" whatever that means because it's not even true even if I did scroll up and read the FAQ and guides or whatever it still didn't help me at all with the problems I was facing so yeah man you're full of crap and you have shitty people who support you because they're just like you, stubborn, smart aleck and just overall ignorant so yeah dude I don't care if I've been banned or whatever that server is filled with weirdos like you anyways so yeah bye dude peace good riddance.
Post automatically merged:

makes me wonder who are your parents to raise you to talk like that lol.
Post automatically merged:

literally all I was asking and he goes "ignore time" like who talks like that? exactly. no one. except maybe assholes like you. period and bye. get blocked.
oh so your the wolf guy, yeah you kept asking stupid questions OVER AND OVER...... it was literally the same question too to be honest. And you dont have to call other people shitty that are in the server just because your mad at him....

And sadly the question you asked has been answered numerous time over and over but you fail to help yourself. All you had to do was scroll UP, instead you wasted everyones time

Last edited by iiTzSamurai,
Previous News (04-09-23)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Moving on and getting back on topic...

I am aware of the upcoming N64 NSO update.

I predict that this will be a minor update for me. Sadly, as mentioned with small caption text in that video, the game will not support the TransferPak. And thus... it will more or less just be a refined version over the DTZ that I have already made for the game.

The lack of any sort of TransferPak support seems to be a big issue with people. So... maybe with enough feedback Nintendo will support it later. But not now.

CaVE has been undergoing a code revamp. What that means is... There was a lot of old code that was getting band-aids applied in order for more recent changes to be added. It was a mess... So I started a new project from scratch, and have been transferring code over and re-writing it... slowly.

In the process I am doing my best to more properly handle errors and output usable information that can be provided back to me by users to help debug. But of course I'm also cleaning up the quality of my code in general to better avoid bugs at all.

Additionally, I am making many changes, improvements and adding features. Things like:

New, better working, loading splash window (partly added now I think...)​
Revamped main games list.​
  • Removed and condensed some columns.
  • Rearranged some settings/info.
  • Added additional/optional buttons for selecting game "Files".
  • Stock games are now colored differently to be more distinct.
  • All usable options for a platform will now be listed, even if empty.
  • Such empty options will now display at least some text.
  • Stock games will now be listed first (if shown at all). Including those from manually adding.
Executable name shortened to CaVE.exe​
Renamed made old xtx.z resource pics to png.​
Database version numbers will now be tracked (again?)​
Identified and addressed issues with the Language option. Now "Default Language".​
Your Windows Locale will be detected on first boot, and you will be asked to set it to match your Switch's locale.​
You can use English or whatever language databases with the Japanese app (and vice versa).​
Database platform name, version and Language/Locale have been moved to the status bar.​
Added a Recent Databases menu. It lists the 6 most recently loaded databases for quick selection.​
Added a fun little Easter Egg game (Good luck finding it! Was at least fun for me to add!).​
And this is just what I have done so far! I have more on my TODO list!

No ETA on this... v1.5 revamp. V1.4 will remain and be updated as needed for now. Part of what Im doing with v1.5 is, taking all the time I could ask for to clean up my code and write things properly.

Here's a preview pic!



While there is nothing special changed in the general title info... Nintendo did change a lot in the strings.lng files. Enough that I am going to have to try and update a tricky part of my code. For that reason, I'll be working to update another part of the code that got broken... simply because Nintendo stopped being consistent and predictable with how they handle things.

No ETA for now.


CaVE has been updated. It's just a database update. Same rar file. v1.4.6. Just redownload it.

Everything about this is a cheap workaround, just to get something available. No automatic update, and I havent changed any code. I just dont want to spend any time on the old code branch. Least of all, with the complex issues with this particular code. with the v1.5 branch, I will be working on this stuff. I will just be taking my time, which this update does not permit. Annoying that now of all times is when this stuff comes up...

The PlayerIcon, Background and Widescreen mods have been updated! As normal, when I release mod updates its because updating is MANDATORY! Do not post about issues (like the app not booting) if you have mods installed, and have not updated them!
Last edited by DarkAkuma,

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