Hacking Coding vWii 3-core support - everything you need to know.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Sure it could be using the kernel exploit, but that would require a TON of recoding etc to get it to work correctly in Wii U mode. I think it would be wiser to start by getting the current port (Wii) working with Tri-core first, and then porting over to Wii U mode could come after.

An alternative would be to just run a Ubuntu version of Yabause under Trinux (for PPC architecture), but to make it useful at all, we need tri-core SMP up and running. Otherwise, its a lost cause :P. Either way we need all three cores of the Espresso utilized to make it feasible.

I've been playing around with Yabause for Wii today (apparently, its been improved since I tried it years ago) and thus far, every game I've thrown at it boots either using the built in emulated bios or a dumped saturn bios. Some games are picky, some boot either way. That being said, its super laggy with lots of framerate issues due to the limited CPU and RAM of the original Wii.

With the right people working on this and access to the necessary swap space and/or additional ram, CPU cores etc, this has a lot of potential......

Converting/porting the opengl renderer to GX should free up some CPU cycles too... And possibly look nicer.


Licensed Nintendo (indie) Game Developer
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth :P
United States
Hey all,

I took Maxternal's code (found here: https://code.google.com/p/gbadev/source/browse/armboot/stubsb1/stub_sb_on.s )and uncommented out the sections under global init and per core init that were causing the linux kernel to hang just for experimentation. I also added Team f0f's code for "kickstarting" cores 1 and 2 using core 0 to trigger them. I'm brand new to ARM assembly so the syntax/placement of Team f0f's code maybe be wrong.

I don't have access to upload stuff directly to the google code page (hopefully somebody will fix that ;) :P) but here's my tweaks:

#TinyLoad - a simple region free (original) game launcher in 4k

# This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2;
# see file COPYING or http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt

# This code comes from the Twilight Hack
# Copyright 2008-2009 Segher Boessenkool <[email protected]>

# Slightly modified to imitate the homebrew channel stub

.set r0,0;.set r1,1;.set r2,2;.set r3,3;.set r4,4;
.set r5,5;.set r6,6;.set r7,7;.set r8,8;.set r9,9;
.set r10,10;.set r11,11;.set r12,12;.set r13,13;.set r14,14;
.set r15,15;.set r16,16;.set r17,17;.set r18,18;.set r19,19;
.set r20,20;.set r21,21;.set r22,22;.set r23,23;.set r24,24;
.set r25,25;.set r26,26;.set r27,27;.set r28,28;.set r29,29;
.set r30,30;.set r31,31;

#include "hw.h"

.globl _start

#lisr3,0x0d80#HW_REG_BASE physical address

#lisr3,0x0d80#HW_REG_BASE physical address

mfspr r3,944
oris r3,r3,0xc000
mtspr 944,r3
#hid5(944) |= 0xc0000000; # enable HID5 and PIR (upir?)

# At this point, upir contains the core ID (0, 1, 2) that is currently
# executing.

# Global init
mfspr r3,1007
cmpwi r3,0
bne endif1
if (/*upir(1007) == 0*/ r3)

mfspr r3,947
lis r4,0x4000
not r4,r4
and r3,r3,r4
mtspr 947,r3
scr(947) &= ~0x40000000; # scr, car, and bcr are global SPRs

mfspr r3,947
oris r3,r3,0x8000
mtspr 947,r3
scr(947) |= 0x80000000;

mfspr r3,948
oris r3,r3,0xfc10
mtspr 948,r3
car(948) |= 0xfc100000; # these bit assignments are unknown

lis r3,0x0800
mfspr r3,949
oris r3,r3,0x0800

mtspr 949,r3
bcr(949) |= 0x08000000;


# Per-core init
# these registers and bits already exist in Broadway

lis r3,0x11
ori r3,r3,0x0024
mtspr 1008,r3
hid0(1008) = 0x110024; # enable BHT, BTIC, NHR, DPM

lis r3,0xf
mtspr 920,r3
hid2(920) = 0xf0000; # enable cache and DMA errors

lis r3,0xb3b0
mtspr 1011,r3
hid4(1011) = 0xb3b00000; # 64B fetch, depth 4, SBE, ST0, LPE, L2MUM, L2CFI

# HID5 is new and unknown, probably mostly controls coherency and the
# new L2 and core interface units
mfspr r3,287
andi. r3,r3,0xFFFF
b endelse
if(/*pvr(287) & 0xFFFF*/ r3 == 0x101)

mfspr r3,944
oris r3,r3,0x6FBD
ori r3,r3,0x4300
mtspr 944,r3
hid5(944) |= 0x6FBD4300;

b endelse

mfspr r3,944
oris r3,r3,0x6FFD
ori r3,r3,0xC000
mtspr 944,r3
hid5(944) |= 0x6FFDC000;


mfspr r3,920
oris r3,r3,0xe000
mtspr 920,r3
hid2(920) |= 0xe0000000; # LSQE, WPE, PSE

mfmsr r3
li r3,0x2000
mtmsr r3
msr = 0x2000; # enable floating point

# boring TB, decrementer, mmu init omitted

# floating point reg init

mfspr r3,1008
ori r3,r3,0xc00
mtspr 1008,r3
#hid0(1008) |= 0xc00; # flash invalidate ICache, DCache

mfspr r3,1008
lis r4,0x10
not r4,r4
and r3,r3,r4
mtspr 1008,r3
#hid0(1008) &= ~0x100000; # disable DPM

li r4,0
mtspr 1017,0
#l2cr(1017) = new_l2cr(?) = 0

mfspr r3,287
andi. r3,r3,0xFFFF
cmpwi r3,0x100
bne endif3
#if (/*pvr(287) & 0xffff*/ r3 == 0x100)

ori r4,r4,0x8
#new_l2cr(?) |= 0x8;


mfspr r3,944
oris r3,r3,0x0100
mtspr 944,r3
#hid5(944) |= 0x01000000;

mfspr r3,1007
cmpwi r3,1
bne endif4
#if (/*core*/ r3 == 1)

oris r4,r4,0x2000
#new_l2cr(r4) |= 0x20000000; # probably has something to do with the
# extra L2 for core1

mtspr 1017,r4
#l2cr(1017) = new_l2cr(r4);

oris r4, r4, 0x20
#new_l2cr(r4) |= 0x200000; # L2 global invalidate

mtspr 1017,r4
#l2cr(1017) = new_l2cr(r4);

mfspr r3,1017
andi. r3,r3,1
bne loopstart
#while (/*l2cr(1017) & 1*/ r3); # wait for global invalidate to finish

mfspr r3,1017
lis r4,0x20
not r4,r4
and r3,r3,r4
mtspr 1017,r3
#l2cr(1017) &= ~0x200000; # clear L2 invalidate

mfspr r3,1017
oris r3,r3,0x8000
mtspr 1017,r3
#l2cr(1017) |= 0x80000000; # L2 enable

mfspr r3,1008
oris r3,r3,0x10
mtspr 1008,r3
#hid0(1008) |= 0x100000; # enable DPM

mfspr r3,1008
ori r3,r3,0xc000
mtspr 1008,r3
#hid0(1008) |= 0xc000; # enable DCache+ICache

#self note : 15-12,11-8,7-4,3-0

# optional: enable locked L1 cache as usual
# boring standard GPR init
li r0,0
# I think these 2 (r1 and r2) have other uses (stack pointer and something else)
# so I havent put thought into what to initialize them to yet.
li r3,0
li r4,0
li r5,0
li r6,0
li r7,0
li r8,0
li r9,0
li r10,0
li r11,0
li r12,0
li r14,0
li r15,0
li r16,0
li r17,0
li r18,0
li r19,0
li r20,0
li r21,0
li r22,0
li r23,0
li r24,0
li r25,0
li r26,0
li r27,0
li r28,0
li r29,0
li r30,0
li r31,0

# Core is now initialized. Check core ID (upir) and jump to wherever

mfspr r3,1007
cmpwi r3,0
beq stubend

# To kickstart the other cores (from core 0):
#core 1
scr |= 0x00400000;
# (wait for some flag set from core 1 when initialized)
# core 2
scr |= 0x00200000;
# (wait for some flag set from core 2 when initialized)

#Note: the Cafe OS kernel actually then uses core 1 as the main core
#after starting all three. This is because core 1 has more cache.

#include "wii-head.S"


# Note: the Cafe OS kernel actually then uses core 2 as the main core
# after starting all three. This is probably unimportant.

#uncommented global init and per core init stuff that was causing the linux kernel to hang and added in the code by Team F0F to kickstart the additional cores.
#syntax maybe incorrect with my placement of f0fs code. Im not all that familiar with ARM assembly to be honest
#need to recompile and cross our fingers :P

Anybody with more experience than me care to chime in? I've yet to attempt to recompile or anything, just wanted to get other's thoughts on this......


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
United States
All this code does is enable the hardware at the most basic hardware level. To my knowledge, you'd still have to have a thread handler (the xbox 360 code is a very good example), among other things. The current code doesn't actually kickstart the other cores (note the cmpwi r3,0 then beq stubend). This is Is 0 == 0? If so, branch to stubend, which is the end of the loader. There are several portions of code, deliberately commented out. So essentially, what you get is an infinite loop (which is fine) on two cores, and run all the current linux code on the third core (or core2), as stated above. As far as I know, the hardware gets enabled here, then later when the kernel is loaded the hardware becomes useful. You're looking at a very small portion of the entire picture. Granted, this was about a three minute look-through on the code, so there are portions that I could have interpreted incorrectly.

My advice, take a step back, look at the 360 code [link], learn how/why it works, then apply that knowledge to the wii u. Its not something that can be done overnight, unless you already have extensive knowledge about how the hardware works. Keep in mind, last I looked into it before my wii u got updated magically to 5.2, there were still significant portions of the codebase that was still a carbon copy of the wii linux version, meaning significant portions of hardware (such as the pci bus) still had old register values and didn't turn on the wii u hardware.


Licensed Nintendo (indie) Game Developer
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth :P
United States
All this code does is enable the hardware at the most basic hardware level. To my knowledge, you'd still have to have a thread handler (the xbox 360 code is a very good example), among other things. The current code doesn't actually kickstart the other cores (note the cmpwi r3,0 then beq stubend). This is Is 0 == 0? If so, branch to stubend, which is the end of the loader. There are several portions of code, deliberately commented out. So essentially, what you get is an infinite loop (which is fine) on two cores, and run all the current linux code on the third core (or core2), as stated above. As far as I know, the hardware gets enabled here, then later when the kernel is loaded the hardware becomes useful. You're looking at a very small portion of the entire picture. Granted, this was about a three minute look-through on the code, so there are portions that I could have interpreted incorrectly.

My advice, take a step back, look at the 360 code [link], learn how/why it works, then apply that knowledge to the wii u. Its not something that can be done overnight, unless you already have extensive knowledge about how the hardware works. Keep in mind, last I looked into it before my wii u got updated magically to 5.2, there were still significant portions of the codebase that was still a carbon copy of the wii linux version, meaning significant portions of hardware (such as the pci bus) still had old register values and didn't turn on the wii u hardware.

Thanks, I'm still in the process of learning the instruction sets for both ARM and PPC. I originally learned assembly with the PIC16 and PIC18 family of microcontrollers so this is an entirely different beast altogether XD. I really didn't do much at all. That's all Maxternal's code that he translated (by hand) from f0f's pseudo-c instructions for enabling SMP. There were certain portions of his translated code under global init and per core init that were commented out because they were causing the kernel to hang, which for experimentation purposes, I uncommented and put them back in. Looking back, I should probably uncomment each portion one at a time and recompile to find out exactly what's breaking the kernel boot process, although its going to be tedious as all heck, but we need to start somewhere.... I also just copy and pasted a portion of team f0f's code that Maxternal had ommitted at the very bottom there for "kickstarting" the cores after initializing them. That portion of code I copied in appears to be assembly (very low level) so I figured a copy and paste was fine, I just don't know if my placement was even remotely correct XD.

Thanks for the 360 code, that will be a HUGE help as the 360 was PPC based as well :).

EDIT: rumblpak the 360 code you linked to is just the kernel itself. The code I edited and pasted here was actually for the Trinux launcher itself (NOT THE KERNEL). The trinux launcher contains the instructions for the race attack itself (among some other things necessary to get the kernel up and running, including the loader for executing the ppcboot.elf file which is the executable kernel).

I'm going to inspect the original source code (unmodified) again for the trinux launcher and see, perhaps the issue lies in the kernel itself and the launcher is doing everything that needs to be done. I'm still not so sure about all those portions of code that are commented out though (that we're causing the kernel to panic/hang for Maxternal).

I'm going to look at the kernel 3.086 source code as well (written by @Deltaresero) which is what Trinux is currently using.... See if I can make sense of what's going on, because maybe that's where our issue resides, if the launcher is doing its job at initializing all 3 cores, but the kernel doesn't know what to do with core 1 and core 2 that would explain why those cores are essentially "ignored" and left untouched when Trinux is booted up. hmmmmm......

ANOTHER UPDATE: So I took team f0f's pseudo-c instructions for the race attack (just the portion for "kickstarting" cores 1 and 2 and converted it to PPC assembly as follows:

"//Initialize core 1
PPC Assembly:
li scr, 0x00400000

//Initialize core 2
li scr, 0x00400000"

Pseudo-C (Original by f0f):
// core 1
scr |= 0x00400000;
// (wait for some flag set from core 1 when initialized)
// core 2
scr |= 0x00200000;
// (wait for some flag set from core 2 when initialized)

From what I can see by Maxternal's code, it does still look as though he's only initializing core0

So I converted simply took Team f0f's code and converted it to ASM (nothing more) and put it after the initialization of core0. I'm going to recompile/assemble this (assuming there are no errors) and send the .dol to Goku Junior for testing as I'm waiting for my Wii U to come in still.

All that I want checked is that Trinux still boots with this minor modification. This WILL NOT bring about Tri-core SMP alone. I've yet to look at the kernel source code, but I'm willing to bet that needs to be tweaked quite a bit for the kernel to actually USE those additional cores as opposed to just ignoring them....


.dol file compiled/assembled okay, no errors spit out *crosses fingers*. Goku Junior boot.dol incoming via PM system :P

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