Everything's meh.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Lali ho.

Well, I'm still on vacation. I called work on Tuesday to ask what time I was due in, only to find out that Wes had badly miscalculated things and it turns out I have another week off due to me. So I'm still off until next Tuesday. To be fair it's by no means a bad thing, being off work. For starters I've not heard Tony's voice in over a week, I'm hoping he'll have been sacked or killed by the time I return to make such a nice change permenant. I doubt it'll happen but hope springs eternal, right?

The thing is...I'm bored. Before I got my job at JJB I spent months on Job Seeker's Allowance, stuck in the house while my friends worked. It soon gets old. And being on vacation without any money to be going out anywhere, it feels like I'm back on JSA, which isn't pleasant. I'm just sat around, bored out of my mind. I start to write more of my fanfics, and I start feeling so lethargic, so 'meh', I just can't maintain my enthusiasm for anything. Even my games. I've finished a few games in the last week, notably Bayonetta, Arkham Asylum and Dead Rising 2 ready to trade in towards my 3DS. But I'm just not enjoying anything right now.

What can be done about this sudden lack of joy in my life? What's causing it? My life isn't particularly bad right now, at least no more than usual. I have everything I need right now. So why can't I focus on anything? I can't even play Final Fantasy 7 in anything other than short bursts right now, and that really is worrying since I've gone through it in one sitting before now. I don't feel particularly miserable or lonely, again no worse than usual. I'm still stuck with my family, but again that's always the case so no change there. So what the hell is wrong with me?

In other news,

- My dad's birthday present finally showed up today. Still no sign of my brother's half of the payment though. As usual he's asked me to loan him the money then suddenly remembered he just has to buy himself a new DVD box set, and a new plastic Dalek, and beer. Fucking prick. Pay your damn bills before you go out buying worthless shit.

- I get paid sometime soon, although I'm not sure exactly when. Might even be this Friday, I dunno. My plan this month is to transfer all, or at least the greater majority, of the money I need for my 3DS hardware onto a GAME gift card and keep it safe with the pre-order receipt. That way I don't accidentally spend all the cash on eBay or on cheese and have no way of getting the system. Depends on the state of my wages, of course. If they allow for big purchases I'll put the full £220 on the card, leaving the software budget down to my March wages and my trades if I have any left by then. If my wages are adequate to not need the trades I might pick up either Test Drive Unlimited 2 or Marvel VS Capcom 3. They're worth about £35, maybe £40 if I'm lucky. So I only need another £180 for the 3DS system. Would leave me with money to spend this month if I use that towards the gift card.

- I've been working on the final checks and alterations to the remaining chapters of my FF7 fanfic magnum opus, 'Requiem'. Chapter 7 is now completed and will be uploaded once I've spellchecked it and created the standalone file for upload. Regretably the other chapters will take some time. I wrote them on a DS text editor as I didn't have my netbook back then and my dad was being a dick about me using his laptop, and it didn't go as planned. Parts of them are corrupted, haven't come out right when viewed on a proper text program, or simply aren't there at all for reasons unknown. While most of the framework for each chapter remains, I need to restore a lot of the details, so it's gonna take much longer than a simple spell check.

Also note that chapter 7 is NOT FOR CHILDREN. If you wish to read it, then you forfeight the right to bitch about the graphic content within, 'k? Originally it was quite a slow chapter, mostly just talking and working on things that were said before. But then I gave a copy to my friend Kai, who called me on the lack of punch in the chapter and how it kinda killed the overall pace, and didn't quite work. So he added a little more...fire. Suffice as to say the scene on the gondola most certainly didn't pan out that way in my original draft. But his idea genuinely does improve the story, keeping the pace better, and it works much better from a character development standpoint. So we stuck with his idea but I rewrote it. He's good with ideas, not words. It works much better now. But it's certainly graphic. So no whining. Ye be warned.

- Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a suspicious number of emails from their female friends all of a sudden, with Valentine's Day closing fast? Seriously. Samantha hardly ever speaks to me unless it's close to her birthday or she wants something, but she's been very talkative recently. Sian's been making much more effort lately, even though she's thousands of miles away. Claire's been sending me messages quite regularly, showing much more interest in my daily routine. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Before I left for my vacation even the girls at work were being nicer than usual. What gives?

- It's come to my attention that I bought Infinite Undiscovery for my 360 months ago, and still haven't started it yet. I got it from Luton when I went over there on a work exchange program ages ago and just never got round to starting it. Shall I give it a shot or just add it to my trade-in pile? I've also got Star Ocean Last Hope sitting in standby. I did actually start that one, but then my copy of Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition showed up a few days later and I just kinda forgot about it. Now I don't know where I am or why, but I don't want to restart it.

Well, that's enough for now. There must be some way for me to enjoy my time off. Something that can keep me focussed. Maybe I'm just sick of being here on my own. I'm gonna go bust my friends out of work tomorrow. We'll all play hookie and go to the pub. Toodles.



GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
:lolwomen: Gotta say, I felt the same as you when I was sick for the last two weeks. One was a shed load of ice, and now there is more ice. >.< What gives, I need to work, and be able to travel to work with out the fear of total decimation. :/ Gotta read your fanfics soon, as they sound intriguing.
Good luck with finding an Assassin for that prick Tony.

//Damn it, I misspelled prick.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Well, my night hasn't been totally without achievement, I finally got the last Chaos Emerald on Sonic 4 and got a little further on Super Meat Boy. But now my lack of focus has kicked in and I can't even find the energy to lift the pad. Although there is some hope, I just discovered that my little brother accidentally left his copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day behind, the Xbox version. So at least I have something decent to get through when I can find the energy to do anything.

I'm also having more trouble with Requiem, I loaded the file up to finish the final check on chapter 7 and all of the line breaks have gone for the entire story. It's now one huge lump of text for no apparant reason. So I've now got to go through the entire story and restore the paragraphs to their former glory. It's slow work since there are 7 full chapters in the main file right now, split into several acts each. Will take some time. Thankfully it won't affect anyone's ability to read the first six chapters as they're already uploaded and this cock-up shouldn't have affected them. I just have to restore the line breaks in chapter seven, shift it into a seperate file, and upload it to fanfiction.net. Although I am considering taking one or two lines out of the final scene in the chapter, they're a bit TOO adult.


Aug 18, 2008
Visit site
Blaze163 said:
- Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a suspicious number of emails from their female friends all of a sudden
It's just you
..... ..

-Only thing you can do is wait to return to work and make the most of your remaining holidays, complete some games, go to the gym etc.
Do productive things like DIY or something?


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
I got so bored today I spring cleaned my entire room. Every drawer, every cupboard. Threw out a tonne of old VHS tapes that have either been replaced on DVD or just plain suck. Got rid of three big bags of clothes that don't fit me any more. My place is a lot easier to keep clean now because it's got no clutter left in it. It's so much nicer in here now. Although I did find a few rather odd things during the purge, notably a pink hair clip that nobody can account for, and a copy of Ferngully on VHS which my ex left here like, five years ago, it was here fave film, which is kinda sad. It was in a drawer I usually don't bother to check.

At least now that my room doesn't look like it was hit by a comet full of dog shit and corpses, I have a decent place to spend time with lady friends. All I need to do now is take my pick. Which is the problem. I never could. Too many. Incidentally, Sian's sister keeps inviting me to stay with her, under the pretense of me getting away from the family. Seems more than a little suspect that she should ask so many times without a response and so soon after a breakup with her fella...

I also downloaded an upgrade to my 360 so I can play MP4 files. Now I can use the video files I download for my PSP with my TV via my MP4 player, no more watching Scott Pilgrim on a tiny screen. There's obviously a drop in quality but it saves on eye strain overall.

Still no idea when Pay Day is. It might be tomorrow. It might be next week. I have no idea. Will find out in the morning. My plan is to go check my bank balance in the morning and either go buy shiny things and tasty food or sit and sulk all day and finish Conker's Bad Fur Day, assuming it doesn't glitch out on me again. I was halfway through beating a boss last night and it fucked up on me and went back to the startup screen for no apparant reason.

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Towelie runs my farm, he's awesome.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Polly is still around from what I've heard.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @SylverReZ, is Pollys alt I knew it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea I see him every once whi!e , incognito
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, I'm not him. Keep looking.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Still don't know why he left unless someone really hurt his feelings
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't know why people get so emotional online just get over it ffs
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    He was the ass of gbatemp, everyone knocked on him, I honestly felt bad, even though I was guilty myself, but he egged it all on himself,
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But he still here, but under dif name, he pm me sometimes still even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's like they think we'll be in their bed pissing on it the next day
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I feel like gbatemp should make t-shirts or memorabilia to remember the lost ones. I bet the Polly shirts would sell out quick.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nah that could actually bring lawsuits
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Your correct, Somebody would be guilty and there would be riots, then they storm the gbatemp capitol,
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Online or not there are still certain rights that judges would have no issue handing out a warrant over
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just look at Kim dotcom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Honestly I'm scared to, from you, but ok, lemme turn on vpn, virtual machine, private browser first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Remember that Alexa robot I gifted you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    And that laptop Webcam you never tapped up
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That robot is here somewhere, I hear it moving around at night, but I haven't seen it for months.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh that laptop I give to ancientboi, so you been watching him for months, and he's been watching you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh good more than enough material for the fbi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.
    AncientBoi @ AncientBoi: lol