
you fight like a dairy farmer
Apr 25, 2008
Downloading it right now, it's almost done, but a friend said it has a password on the .rar's. (random downloads on usenet ftw)
Let's hope not, and I'll be playing aaaaaaaaall night.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
brandonspikes said:
Hells Malice said:
brandonspikes said:
Enjoy a 60 dollar mod for Fallout 3

enjoy being retarded.

Same interface, Same graphical engine, Same concept, same weapon types, No online modes, Same phyics, No ladders, Same communication type, Same boring VATS.

Only thing that is cool about the game is the OldSchool Las Vegas feel.

Yup, Sounds like a 60 dollar mod to me.

Oh, and before you try and troll me, You can look up my Gamertag: Brandonspikes, I've played the first game and hit level cap and thought it was decent, Now this is a ripoff.

A game can run on the same basic engine and still be a different game. You don't fix what isn't broken.
It has an entirely new map, new NPCs, new quests, new weapons (not to mention a much bigger list), improvements to character development. I've heard they improved the gun mechanics is some ways as well. Several other mechanics were improved as well.

No online modes? Now you're just proving you're retarded. A game doesn't need an online feature in the sequel to qualify as a full-on sequel. There is already a Fallout MMO planned, because the game currently would never work as one.

The best thing about this though, is even though you're being a retarded troll, "enjoy your $60 mod" isn't much of an insult, considering even if it were a mod, it'd be worth $60.

Go play some CoD kid. Prepare for when that next CoD mod, black ops, comes out.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
@ BS (lol): Gonna have to ask you to rethink what makes a game great. Do you honestly think that great games survive on being different every time? There wouldn't be any strong foot hold in the gaming universe by any one franchise, not even the most iconic video game character would have survived without sticking to the tried and true. Is it a bad thing that it used the same engine? Is it a bad thing that it has the same weapon types with more added? I beg to differ, and it seems every time a popular new Xbox 360 game comes out you do nothing but shit on it. I bet you haven't even played it yet. If you have, you'll see that it has a whole different atmosphere, and has quite a bit on new features: Weapon attachments, ammo types, different damage system, totally different story. I myself didn't even like FO3 as much as I enjoy this right out of the box!! Having a tried and true formula doesn't mean its a bad thing, like you make it seem...

EDIT: Clarification.

Deleted User

Sterl500 said:
@ BS (lol): Gonna have to ask you to rethink what makes a game great. Do you honestly think that great games survive on being different every time? There wouldn't be any strong foot hold in the gaming universe by any one franchise, not even the most iconic video game character would have survived without sticking to the tried and true. Is it a bad thing that it used the same engine? Is it a bad thing that it has the same weapon types with more added? I beg to differ, and it seems every time a popular new Xbox 360 game comes out you do nothing but shit on it. I bet you haven't even played it yet. If you have, you'll see that it has a whole different atmosphere, and has quite a bit on new features: Weapon attachments, ammo types, different damage system, totally different story. I myself didn't even like FO3 as much as I enjoy this right out of the box!! Having a tried and true formula doesn't mean its a bad thing, like you make it seem...

EDIT: Clarification.
Look at my Xbox 360 Account, Look at my steam profile, Look at my PSN games, I don't crap on all new games as they come out, I crap on retarded cash-ins.

I play all the new games that come out, I play all the good indie games, so don't fucking tell me I talk trash on new 360 games, I just point out the truth.

Oh, And fallout 3 has terrible combat, A big turnoff for me.

These yearly Cashoff are getting fucking ridiculous. These boring generic FPS games are getting OLD.

I was forced to play fallout 3, I was under a bet that I would love the game after spending 50 hours and beating the game at least once, I hated every hour of it, But I stuck with the game to give it a chance.

I love RPG'S, I love FPShooter games, I loved borderlands, I love left 4 dead, I loved the original final fantasies, Call of duty 4 ect.ect

Fallout New Vegas, Looks and plays just like the 3rd game, To me its a 60 dollar expansion, Most reviewers states that they have experienced the same problems as fallout 3, the same bugs.

To be honest, I wouldn't be as upset if they just called it Fallout 3: New Vegas.

Oh, and I have the game on Steam.

Deleted User

QUOTE said:
Go play some CoD kid. Prepare for when that next CoD mod, black ops, comes out.

Don't worry, I wont be wasting my money on another Call of Duty Cash-in, after Modern Warfail 2.


Mar 18, 2010
If you didn't like Fallout 3 you most likely wouldn't like New Vegas.

Sure it's just an expansion on the old engine - but if that expansion has the same amount of gameplay as fallout 3 did then I have no problem with that.

Also, the big deal is that it's made by some of the original team from the old games, this is no cash in on behalf of Bethesda - this is the Van Buren that so many people were waiting for.

Deleted User

hybridreality said:
If you didn't like Fallout 3 you most likely wouldn't like New Vegas.

Sure it's just an expansion on the old engine - but if that expansion has the same amount of gameplay as fallout 3 did then I have no problem with that.

Also, the big deal is that it's made by some of the original team from the old games, this is no cash in on behalf of Bethesda - this is the Van Buren that so many people were waiting for.

I just think its too overrated, Man, Why cant we get things like a new Chrono Trigger or a new Vectorman


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
Dude, I don't give 3 flying fucks about how many indie games you play, or how many 360 games you try. The difference between what is a cash in, and what people want are two different things. What you don't seem to get is that you're not the only one person in this world, I bet right now the people that liked the 3rd Fallout don't think this is a cash in. You also don't seem to get how much work goes into this so called "Expansion". If you look at Hotel Dusk and it's sequel The Last Window, you'll notice that they are essentially the same game with the same art style. You don't see people complaining about that do you? Oh, and yes you do have nothing but negativity towards COD, and other games with essentially the same formula and gameplay (which consistent gameplay is not a bad thing). Another example is how many people complain about Sonic always sucking! They want... No, they expect the same gameplay. You seem to have an attitude that if something looks the same, it is just another attempt at a cash in. Me I say each to his own, and as long as there are people who want a consistent product with the same great gameplay there will always be games that look like a cash in. Also COD is as far away from shovelware as you can get, there is more thought and work that goes into these games than you give credit for.

Again since this is your opinion I can respect it. Even when you troll needlessly about how crappy a game you THINK it is. You can't really judge a game by it's cover, only by the experience you feel.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
United States
Sterl500 said:
Dude, I don't give 3 flying fucks about how many indie games you play, or how many 360 games you try. The difference between what is a cash in, and what people want are two different things. What you don't seem to get is that you're not the only one person in this world, I bet right now the people that liked the 3rd Fallout don't think this is a cash in. You also don't seem to get how much work goes into this so called "Expansion". If you look at Hotel Dusk and it's sequel The Last Window, you'll notice that they are essentially the same game with the same art style. You don't see people complaining about that do you? Oh, and yes you do have nothing but negativity towards COD, and other games with essentially the same formula and gameplay (which consistent gameplay is not a bad thing). Another example is how many people complain about Sonic always sucking! They want... No, they expect the same gameplay. You seem to have an attitude that if something looks the same, it is just another attempt at a cash in. Me I say each to his own, and as long as there are people who want a consistent product with the same great gameplay there will always be games that look like a cash in. Also COD is as far away from shovelware as you can get, there is more thought and work that goes into these games than you give credit for.

Again since this is your opinion I can respect it. Even when you troll needlessly about how crappy a game you THINK it is. You can't really judge a game by it's cover, only by the experience you feel.
i think i love you

Deleted User

Sterl500 said:
Dude, I don't give 3 flying fucks about how many indie games you play, or how many 360 games you try. The difference between what is a cash in, and what people want are two different things. What you don't seem to get is that you're not the only one person in this world, I bet right now the people that liked the 3rd Fallout don't think this is a cash in. You also don't seem to get how much work goes into this so called "Expansion". If you look at Hotel Dusk and it's sequel The Last Window, you'll notice that they are essentially the same game with the same art style. You don't see people complaining about that do you? Oh, and yes you do have nothing but negativity towards COD, and other games with essentially the same formula and gameplay (which consistent gameplay is not a bad thing). Another example is how many people complain about Sonic always sucking! They want... No, they expect the same gameplay. You seem to have an attitude that if something looks the same, it is just another attempt at a cash in. Me I say each to his own, and as long as there are people who want a consistent product with the same great gameplay there will always be games that look like a cash in. Also COD is as far away from shovelware as you can get, there is more thought and work that goes into these games than you give credit for.

Again since this is your opinion I can respect it. Even when you troll needlessly about how crappy a game you THINK it is. You can't really judge a game by it's cover, only by the experience you feel.

Listen, I don't need you to fucking tell me what I think is right or wrong, I can say whatever I want about the game, If I hate it, If I dislike it, If I think its a cash off, I have EVERY RIGHT to say that, It doesn't make it any less true if you say so.

You may think games like Call of Duty aren't cash offs, and if you do you are wrong, but you're entitled to think that.

I think it was Yahtzee (zero-punctuation) who said something about how people are mindless fucks, and standby the companies that milk games and continue to buy and support them, when all they do is just rehash the same shit with 1 new feature.

I find it very funny that you get upset on ones opinion, am I not allowed to say what I want on these forums? Is it against the rules to say the stuff I think about video games I don't like? If so, then whats the point of these threads?

I want game sequels to be sequels, you bring up Sonic, you know what was a good sequel. Sonic 2 to Sonic 3, Sonic Adventure to Sonic Adventure 2. Gameplay elements changed completely but felt familiar.

You don't get that with games now a days, you get these fucking sequels that should just be "Insert Disc 2 here".

However thats not true on some games, the Pokemon games do a GREAT job, The metal gear series, Fuck Yeah, each game felt fresh from the next, 4 was a masterpiece, and I'm looking forward to the hack and slash.

MegaMan however is an exception, those games just fucking rule, hell even the Metroid series did way more innovating things than games now a days.

Point is, I'm allowed to say what I want, I don't think this game is anything short of a Modded version of Fallout 3, End of story.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
xD I read the first 2 lines and said: "I totally agree, isn't that exactly what the end of my post said, and the whole point of arguing an opinion. :/" Then after reading the rest of your post it seems as if you still don't get why I say you're wrong. If you just look at the sheer amount of work it takes to make a whole new game on the same engine, then it cannot be a cash in. Now the shit on the DS and Wii, those are cash ins. Oh I also like the part about getting upset about one's opinion. Isn't that what you're supposed to do in a debate? Be passionate and convince others of your opinion? Yea, next time think the whole matter through, because there are some people who take the internet seriously (Me). Also the Sonic sequels are just that, but the reason they felt like that was because they matched the gameplay and feel of speed to the "t". Pokemon games do a great job because they don't make instant changes to their formula, they do this over time. I haven't really played MGS, so no comment there. Mega Man does rule, and I mean the handheld ones. I never got into the older console versions, or the 8 bit iterations either. I would have to say the .Exe series just about tops my favorites list.

Also the point is I have just as much right to argue that you are wrong. To me you still have not convinced me that these yearly releases of popular games as just simple cash ins (As with a lot more people who just say you're a troll). >.> Each and every one of these games have a lot of care, and effort going into them to make them palpable for the customer. So think more about why a person is arguing with you over how wrong or right you are instead of feeling like your rights as a free person have been violated through your panties.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
brandonspikes said:
These boring generic FPS games are getting OLD.

>generic FPS

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are about as much FPS games as Fallout and Fallout 2 were. If you think Fallout 3/New Vegas are about the first person shooting then you're just a retard. Hell most of the game can be played with VATS which basically takes away any first person shooting. Hell even turn it to a third person perspective and it's not a FPS.

Basically you're just trolling. Can it since you haven't got a leg to stand on.

And New Vegas may be a "shameless cash-in" but it'll be a fucking fun ass cash-in. No problem with that.

Deleted User

Guild McCommunist said:
brandonspikes said:
These boring generic FPS games are getting OLD.

>generic FPS

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are about as much FPS games as Fallout and Fallout 2 were. If you think Fallout 3/New Vegas are about the first person shooting then you're just a retard. Hell most of the game can be played with VATS which basically takes away any first person shooting. Hell even turn it to a third person perspective and it's not a FPS.

Basically you're just trolling. Can it since you haven't got a leg to stand on.

And New Vegas may be a "shameless cash-in" but it'll be a fucking fun ass cash-in. No problem with that.

Fallout 3 is nothing like fallout 1 and 2
Fallout 3 is an Action RPG FPS, Just like Borderlands

Oh and Btw, Fallout New Vegas in unplayable on PC and Ps3, shows how much work they put into the game, Forums are flooded with problems, People are crashing, have studdering problems, Horrible frame-rates, Quests instantly failing, saves deleting themselves, memory leaks ect.

I'm getting about 15-25 fps with any combo of settings from low to Ultra in NewVegas right now and my rig is able to push every other game I play at 60 FPS (W Vsync oc).

Shows how much work they put into developing a new game, I get better performance in Crysis.

Lazy game coders are lazy.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
brandonspikes said:
Guild McCommunist said:
brandonspikes said:
These boring generic FPS games are getting OLD.

>generic FPS

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are about as much FPS games as Fallout and Fallout 2 were. If you think Fallout 3/New Vegas are about the first person shooting then you're just a retard. Hell most of the game can be played with VATS which basically takes away any first person shooting. Hell even turn it to a third person perspective and it's not a FPS.

Basically you're just trolling. Can it since you haven't got a leg to stand on.

And New Vegas may be a "shameless cash-in" but it'll be a fucking fun ass cash-in. No problem with that.

Fallout 3 is nothing like fallout 1 and 2
Fallout 3 is an Action RPG FPS, Just like Borderlands

Oh and Btw, Fallout New Vegas in unplayable on PC and Ps3, shows how much work they put into the game, Forums are flooded with problems, People are crashing, have studdering problems, Horrible frame-rates, Quests instantly failing, saves deleting themselves, memory leaks ect.

I'm getting about 15-25 fps with any combo of settings from low to Ultra in NewVegas right now and my rig is able to push every other game I play at 60 FPS (W Vsync oc).

Shows how much work they put into developing a new game, I get better performance in Crysis.

Lazy game coders are lazy.

You've obviously never played Fallout 3 or Borderlands. There's huge differences between both. In terms of perks, leveling, and dialogue, it does keep quite a bit from classic Fallout, it just changes up the combat completely. That's not a bad thing.

And sorry if your system can't run it but going on this dead end rampage on how Fallout 3 is like every other generic FPS (which is bullshit) isn't gonna help. Maybe finding answers online or something will help.

Or buy it on the 360 if you can.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
He actually wasn't calling it generic FPS, just saying its a cash in.

Also BS, how many of these claims are you actually able to back up. Have you really bought the same game 3 times? Or are you just repeating things you hear on the internet?

Oh and if you really did buy it 3 times, you're not helping your point at all.


Jul 16, 2008
Visit site
Cote d'Ivoire
Guild McCommunist said:
brandonspikes said:
Guild McCommunist said:
brandonspikes said:
These boring generic FPS games are getting OLD.

>generic FPS

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are about as much FPS games as Fallout and Fallout 2 were. If you think Fallout 3/New Vegas are about the first person shooting then you're just a retard. Hell most of the game can be played with VATS which basically takes away any first person shooting. Hell even turn it to a third person perspective and it's not a FPS.

Basically you're just trolling. Can it since you haven't got a leg to stand on.

And New Vegas may be a "shameless cash-in" but it'll be a fucking fun ass cash-in. No problem with that.

Fallout 3 is nothing like fallout 1 and 2
Fallout 3 is an Action RPG FPS, Just like Borderlands

Oh and Btw, Fallout New Vegas in unplayable on PC and Ps3, shows how much work they put into the game, Forums are flooded with problems, People are crashing, have studdering problems, Horrible frame-rates, Quests instantly failing, saves deleting themselves, memory leaks ect.

I'm getting about 15-25 fps with any combo of settings from low to Ultra in NewVegas right now and my rig is able to push every other game I play at 60 FPS (W Vsync oc).

Shows how much work they put into developing a new game, I get better performance in Crysis.

Lazy game coders are lazy.

You've obviously never played Fallout 3 or Borderlands. There's huge differences between both. In terms of perks, leveling, and dialogue, it does keep quite a bit from classic Fallout, it just changes up the combat completely. That's not a bad thing.

And sorry if your system can't run it but going on this dead end rampage on how Fallout 3 is like every other generic FPS (which is bullshit) isn't gonna help. Maybe finding answers online or something will help.

Or buy it on the 360 if you can.
There are many reports of crashes on all three platforms, in fact some people are even getting corrupted saves on the PC & 360 ones.
So that wouldn't fix anything.


Gbatemp's Official Earthbound Maniac™
Aug 31, 2007
Rozen Queen Co, Chicago Branch
United States
brandonspikes said:

Left 4 Dead 2 = SO MUCH WIN.

Honestly, I would rather play that anyways. Is that Steam sale still going on?

And everyone who bought New Vegas, yeah, it sucks, but it is too late. Wait for an update to fix it and stop bitching. You already spent your money. =P

Deleted User

Schlupi said:
brandonspikes said:

Left 4 Dead 2 = SO MUCH WIN.

Honestly, I would rather play that anyways. Is that Steam sale still going on?

And everyone who bought New Vegas, yeah, it sucks, but it is too late. Wait for an update to fix it and stop bitching. You already spent your money. =P
I never said I spent my money on New Vegas :S, Yeah, I love Left 4 dead 2, I'm pretty competitive at the multi player, It just sucks there isn't a big community on PC anymore only about 10-20k people , and no, no more sale, It was 6 dollars last week tho :X

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