Hacking FSEQ to MIDI?

I pwned U!

I am pleased to beat you!
Jun 14, 2013
United States
I spent a long time searching for a way to generate a MIDI from a FSEQ, but I have come up empty handed.

There are currently similar programs, such as rseq2midi and cseq2midi, but nothing for NW4F sequences.

If anyone is interested, I found some more recently updated code for rseq2midi. Perhaps it could somehow be modified to account for the small format differences between NW4R and NW4F sequences?

(Please note that I am not very experienced with programming and reverse engineering file formats.)
/* rseq2midi - RSEQ Conversion Tool   */
/* Copyright (C) 2010-11, Ruben Nunez */
/* Changelog:                         */
/*   16-09-01  -Valley Bell           */
/*     write mod depth as MIDI ctrl 1 */
/*     turn debug ctrls into option   */
/*     detect jump direction          */
/*   16-04-16  -Valley Bell           */
/*     added LABL support             */
/*     stop all notes on track end    */
/*     add ignoreJump option          */
/*     add debug MIDI controllers     */
/*   11-11-01                         */
/*     Revamped code.                 */
/*     Fixed up delta timing issue.   */
/*     Magic ID -> big endian.        */
/*     Enhanced readability.          */
/*     Slight optimizations.          */
/*   10-07-08                         */
/*     Original version.              */
/* Notes:                             */
/*   Command list:                    */
/*     80 - Wait [var. length arg]    */
/*     81 - Program [1-3 args]        */
/*     88 - Split [track, offset]     */
/*     89 - Jump [offset]             */
/*     8A - Call [offset]             */
/*     B0 - Unknown                   */
/*     C0 - Pan [0.127]               */
/*     C1 - Volume [0.127]            */
/*     C2 - Master volume [0.127]     */
/*     C3 - Transpose [-128.+127]     */
/*     C4 - Bend [-128.+127]          */
/*     C5 - Bend range [0.127]        */
/*     C6 - Priority [0.?]            */
/*     C7 - Polyphony [?]             */
/*     C8 - Tie ???                   */
/*     C9 - Portamento control [?]    */
/*     CA - Mod depth [0.127]         */
/*     CB - Mod speed [0.127]         */
/*     CC - Mod type [?]              */
/*     CD - Mod range [?]             */
/*     CE - Portamento [?]            */
/*     CF - Portamento time [?]       */
/*     D0 - Attack [0.127]            */
/*     D1 - Decay [0.127]             */
/*     D2 - Sustain [0.127]           */
/*     D3 - Release [0.127]           */
/*     D4 - Loop start [marker?]      */
/*     D5 - Expression [0.127]        */
/*     D6 - Print???                  */
/*     D8 - ???                       */
/*     D9 - ???                       */
/*     DA - ???                       */
/*     DB - ???                       */
/*     E0 - Mod delay [?]             */
/*     E1 - Tempo [0.65535]           */
/*     E3 - Sweep?                    */
/*     FC - Loop end [marker?]        */
/*     FD - Return                    */
/*     FE - Track usage [16-bit]      */
/*     FF - Fine                      */
#define DEBUG
#define CHNK_HAVE_DATA (0x01)
#define CHNK_HAVE_LABL (0x02)
#define BOOL_EQUAL(x,y) (((x)&(y)) == (y))
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
#define snprintf    _snprintf    // use _snprintf for Visual Studio 2013 and earlier
using namespace std;

typedef   signed char      s8 ;
typedef unsigned char      u8 ;
typedef   signed short     s16;
typedef unsigned short     u16;
typedef   signed int       s32;
typedef unsigned int       u32;

bool ignoreJumps = false;
bool debugCtrls = false;

typedef struct {
    u32 key; //! key
    u32 pos; //! end [tick]
} Note_t;


static inline u32 Swap32(u32 x) {
    return (x>>24) |
           ((x<<8) & 0x00FF0000) |
           ((x>>8) & 0x0000FF00) |

static inline u16 Swap16(u16 x) {
    return (x>>8) | (x<<8);


static inline u32 ReadLE(FILE *f, u32 b) {
    u32 v = 0;
    for(u32 i=0;i<b;i+=8) v |= fgetc(f) << i;
    return v;

static inline u32 ReadBE(FILE *f, s32 b) {
    u32 v = 0;
    for(s32 i=b-8;i>=0;i-=8) v |= fgetc(f) << i;
    return v;


static inline u32 ReadVarLen(FILE *f) {
    u32 t = 0;
    while(1) {
        u32 c = fgetc(f);
        t = (t<<7) | (c&127);
        if((c&0x80) == 0) break;
    } return t;


static inline void DebugMsg(const char *str, ...) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    static FILE *dstF = fopen("rseq2midi.log.txt", "wt");
    fseek(dstF, 0, SEEK_END);
    va_list myList;
    va_start(myList, str);
    vfprintf(dstF, str, myList);


//! compare function for sorting note order
static int NoteSortCmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
    return ((Note_t*)a)->pos - ((Note_t*)b)->pos;


typedef struct {
    u8             gIndx; //! self-index
    u8             gStat; //! on/off
    s8             gTrns; //! transpose
    u8             gRPNR; //! RPNs ready
    u32            gWait; //! waiting left
    u32            gDPos; //! data position [offset]
    u32            gGPos; //! global position [tick]
    u32            gRPos; //! return position [offset]
    vector<Note_t> gNote; //! notes
    vector<u8>     gData; //! midi data
    //! reset track
    void Reset(u32 idx) {
        gIndx = idx;
        gStat = 0;
        gTrns = 0;
        gRPNR = 0;
        gDPos = 0;
        gGPos = 0;
        gRPos = 0;
    //! start track
    void Start(u32 adr) {
        //! init struct data
        gStat = 1;
        gTrns = 0;
        gDPos = adr;
        gGPos = 0;
        gRPos = 0;
        //! debug stuff
        DebugMsg("  Trk %02u started from 0x%X...\n", gIndx, adr);
    //! write midi-style delta
    void PushDelta(u32 t) {
        s32 c = 0;
        u32 n = t;
        //! count bytes required
        while(n > 127) {
            n >>= 7;
        //! write individual data
        for(int i=c;i>=0;i--) {
            //! calculate value
            u32 v = (t>>(7*i)) & 127;
            if(i) v |= 0x80;
            //! push data to seq
    //! process delta
    void ProcDelta(void) {
        gWait = 0;
    //! write event to seq
    void Event(u32 ev, u32 argc, const u8 *argv) {
        //! process delta
        //! push back command + arguments
        while(argc--) gData.push_back(*argv++);
    //! note-on
    void mNoteOn(u32 key, u32 vel, u32 time) {
        //! write data
        //Event(0x90, 2, (const u8[]) {key, vel});
        const u8 edata[] = {key, vel};
        Event(0x90, 2, edata);
        //! push note into stack
        Note_t note = {key, gGPos + time};
    //! set panning
    void mGenCtrl(u8 ctrlType, u8 ctrlData) {
        //! write data
        const u8 edata[] = {ctrlType, ctrlData};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
    //! set volume
    void mVol(u32 vol) {
        //! write data
        //Event(0xB0, 2, (const u8[]) {0x07, vol});
        const u8 edata[] = {0x07, vol};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
    //! set panning
    void mPan(u32 pan) {
        //! write data
        //Event(0xB0, 2, (const u8[]) {0x0A, pan});
        const u8 edata[] = {0x0A, pan};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
    //! set expression
    void mExp(u32 exp) {
        //! write data
        //Event(0xB0, 2, (const u8[]) {0x0B, exp});
        const u8 edata[] = {0x0B, exp};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
    //! set program
    void mPrg(u32 prg) {
        //! write data
        //Event(0xC0, 1, (const u8[]) {prg});
        const u8 edata[] = {prg};
        Event(0xC0, 1, edata);
    //! set bend amount
    void mBnd(u32 bnd) {
        //! scale
        u32 n = 0x2000 + bnd*16384/256;
        //! write data
        //Event(0xE0, 2, (const u8[]) {n&127, n>>7});
        const u8 edata[] = {n&127, n>>7};
        Event(0xE0, 2, edata);
    //! set bend range
    void mBndRng(u32 rng) {
        //! RPNs ready?
        if(!gRPNR) {
            //! no, write them
            gRPNR = 1;
            //Event(0xB0, 2, (const u8[]) {0x64, 0}); //! low
            //Event(0xB0, 2, (const u8[]) {0x65, 0}); //! high
            const u8 edata2[] = {0x65, 0};
            const u8 edata1[] = {0x64, 0};
            Event(0xB0, 2, edata2); //! high
            Event(0xB0, 2, edata1); //! low
        //! write data
        //Event(0xB0, 2, (const u8[]) {0x06, rng});
        const u8 edata[] = {0x06, rng};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
    //! write RPN controller
    void mRPN(u8 msb, u8 lsb, u32 data) {
        const u8 edata2[] = {0x65, lsb};
        const u8 edata1[] = {0x64, msb};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata2); //! high
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata1); //! low
        //! write data
        const u8 edata[] = {0x06, data};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
        gRPNR = 0;
    //! write NRPN controller
    void mNRPN(u8 msb, u8 lsb, u32 data) {
        const u8 edata2[] = {0x63, lsb};
        const u8 edata1[] = {0x62, msb};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata2); //! high
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata1); //! low
        //! write data
        const u8 edata[] = {0x06, data};
        Event(0xB0, 2, edata);
        gRPNR = 0;
    //! set tempo
    void mTmp(u32 tmp) {
        //! calculate ms per quarter note
        u32 n = 60000000 / tmp;
        //! write data
        //Event(0xFF, 5, (const u8[]) {0x51, 3, n>>16, n>>8, n>>0});
        const u8 edata[] = {0x51, 3, n>>16, n>>8, n>>0};
        Event(0xFF, 5, edata);
    //! set tempo
    void mMetaEvent(u8 type, u32 len, const u8* data) {
        //! write data
        Event(0xFF, 1, &type);
        while(len--) gData.push_back(*data++);
    //! kill track
    void mEnd(void) {
        //! flush all running notes
        for(u32 i=0;i<gNote.size();i++) {
            //! fetch pointer to note
            Note_t &note = gNote[i];
            //! push delta
            gWait = 0;
            //! push note-off
            gData.push_back(note.key  );
            gData.push_back(0         );
        //! send kill command
        //Event(0xFF, 2, (const u8[]) {0x2F,0});
        const u8 edata[] = {0x2F,0};
        Event(0xFF, 2, edata);
        //! turn off
        gStat = 0;
    //! wait n ticks
    void Wait(u32 timeLeft) {
        //! sort notes
        if(u32 len = gNote.size()) qsort(&gNote[0], len, sizeof(Note_t), NoteSortCmp);
        //! final position after this
        u32 pPos = gGPos + timeLeft;
        //! process notes from front
        for(u32 i=0;i<gNote.size();i++) {
            //! fetch pointer to note
            Note_t &note = gNote[i];
            //! doesn't end this tick?
            if(note.pos > pPos) continue;
            //! take time until note ends
            u32 dif = note.pos - gGPos;
            //! push a delta that long
            //! push note-off
            gData.push_back(note.key  );
            gData.push_back(0         );
            //! destroy note
            gNote.erase(gNote.begin() + i);
            //! set new position
            gGPos    += dif;
            timeLeft -= dif;
        //! set new position
        gGPos += timeLeft;
        gWait += timeLeft;
} Track_t;


typedef struct {
    u32 id;     //! chunk ID
    u32 magic;  //! magic [0xFEFF0100]
    u32 size;   //! chunk length
    u16 cSize;  //! chunk header size
    u16 cBlock; //! chunk blocks
    u32 reserved[4];
} RSEQHead_t;


typedef struct {
    u32 id;     //! chunk ID
    u32 size;   //! chunk length
    u32 offset; //! seq data offset
    u32 fOff;   //! first track offset
} DATAHead_t;


typedef struct {
    u32 id;     //! chunk ID
    u32 size;   //! chunk length
    u32 labels; //! number of labels
    u32 lOff;   //! label base offset
} LABLHead_t;


typedef std::map<u32, std::string> rseq_label_t;


static struct {
    //! state
    u32 gStat;
    //! RSEQ chunk header
    RSEQHead_t gRSEQHead;
    //! DATA chunk header
    DATAHead_t gDATAHead;
    //! DATA chunk header
    LABLHead_t gLABLHead;
    //! RSEQ tracks
    Track_t gTrack[16];
    //! Label Data
    rseq_label_t gLabels;
    //! reset all
    void Reset(void) {
        //! clear state
        gStat = 0;
        //! clear chunk headers
        memset(&gRSEQHead, 0, sizeof(gRSEQHead));
        memset(&gDATAHead, 0, sizeof(gDATAHead));
        memset(&gLABLHead, 0, sizeof(gLABLHead));
        //! reset tracks
        for(int i=0;i<16;i++) gTrack[i].Reset(i);
} gData;


void rseqDo(FILE *midi, FILE *rseq) {
    u32 mdOff = gData.gDATAHead.fOff;
    //! debug
    DebugMsg("  Begin decoding...\n");
    //! start track 0
    //! process while there's tracks
    //! this setup is needed 'just in case'
    //! as tracks can spawn from *any* track
    bool gTrkCnt = true;
    while(gTrkCnt) {
        //! flip process flag
        gTrkCnt = false;
        //! process each track
        for(u32 i=0;i<16;i++) {
            //! verify track is active
            Track_t *trk = &gData.gTrack[i];
            if(!trk->gStat) continue;
            //! continue the main loop as we have a track
            gTrkCnt = true;
            //! seek to current track position
            fseek(rseq, trk->gDPos, SEEK_SET);
            //! loop until end of track
            bool loop = true;
            u32 lcount = 0;
            while(loop) {
                u32 curpos = ftell(rseq) - mdOff;
                rseq_label_t::iterator it = gData.gLabels.find(curpos);
                if (it != gData.gLabels.end())
                    std::string& data = it->second;
                    // Write Event FF 06 data.length(), data.c_str();
                    trk->mMetaEvent(0x06, data.length(), (u8*)data.c_str());
                //! note on [implicit command]
                u32 cmd = fgetc(rseq);
                u32 cdata;
                if(cmd < 0x80) {
                    //! read data
                    u32 key = cmd;
                    u32 vel = fgetc(rseq);
                    u32 len = ReadVarLen(rseq);
                    //! push note-on
                    trk->mNoteOn(key, vel, len);
                    //! continue loop
                //! switch command
                switch(cmd) {
                    //! rest
                    case 0x80: {
                        //! read time
                        u32 len = ReadVarLen(rseq);
                    } break;
                    //! program:bank
                    case 0x81: {
                        //! fetch tone
                        u32 c = fgetc(rseq);
                        //! read/skip bank select command if needed
                        if(c&0x80) c = fgetc(rseq);
                        if(c&0x80) c = fgetc(rseq);
                    } break;
                    //! split
                    case 0x88: {
                        //! fetch info
                        u32 trk = ReadBE(rseq,  8);
                        u32 adr = ReadBE(rseq, 24) + mdOff;
                        //! start new track
                    } break;
                    //! jump
                    case 0x89: {
                        //! fetch address
                        u32 adr = ReadBE(rseq, 24) + mdOff;
                        char msgbuf[0x20];
                        const char* jumpDirMsg;
                        const char* jumpMsg;
                        bool jumpDir;
                        bool takeJump = false;
                        jumpDir = (adr > ftell(rseq));
                        jumpDirMsg = jumpDir ? "forwards" : "backwards";
                        if (jumpDir)
                            takeJump = true;
                            //lcount ++;
                            //if (lcount < 2)
                            //    takeJump = true;
                        if (ignoreJumps)
                            jumpMsg = "ignored";
                        else if (takeJump)
                            jumpMsg = "taken";
                            jumpMsg = "Track End";
                        //! debug stuff
                        DebugMsg("  Trk %02u: Jump (%s) to 0x%X\n", i, jumpDirMsg, adr);
                        snprintf(msgbuf, 0x20, "Jump (%s, %s)", jumpDirMsg, jumpMsg);
                        trk->mMetaEvent(0x06, strlen(msgbuf), (u8*)msgbuf);
                        if (! ignoreJumps)
                            if (takeJump)
                                //! take forward jump: jump to + set new address
                                fseek(rseq, trk->gDPos = adr, SEEK_SET);
                                //! kill track, stop read loop
                                loop = false;
                    } break;
                    //! call
                    case 0x8A: {
                        //! fetch targe address
                        u32 adr = mdOff + ReadBE(rseq, 24);
                        //! set return address
                        trk->gRPos = ftell(rseq);
                        //! debug stuff
                        DebugMsg("  Trk %02u: Call to 0x%X\n", i, adr);
                        //! jump to + set new address
                        fseek(rseq, trk->gDPos = adr, SEEK_SET);
                    } break;
                    //! unknown - 1 byte?
                    case 0xB0: {
                        //! skip argument
                        //fseek(rseq, 1, SEEK_CUR);
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x26, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! pan
                    case 0xC0: {
                        //! set pan
                    } break;
                    //! volume
                    case 0xC1: {
                        //! set volume
                    } break;
                    //! master vol
                    case 0xC2: {
                        //! just read argument
                        //! unsure on how to handle this, tbh
                        //! maybe vol*mvol/127 on every call?
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        trk->mGenCtrl(0x27, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! transpose
                    case 0xC3: {
                        //! step amount
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        trk->mNRPN(0x00, 0x02, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! bend
                    case 0xC4: {
                        //! bend
                    } break;
                    //! bend range
                    case 0xC5: {
                        //! bend range
                    } break;
                    //! priority
                    case 0xC6: {
                        //! just read argument
                        //! AFAIK, has no meaning in midi
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x26, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! polyphony
                    case 0xC7: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x26, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! tie ???
                    case 0xC8: {
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x26, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! portamento cnt
                    case 0xC9: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        trk->mGenCtrl(84, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! mod-depth
                    case 0xCA: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        trk->mGenCtrl(1, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! mod-speed
                    case 0xCB: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x11, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! mod-type
                    case 0xCC: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x21, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! mod-range
                    case 0xCD: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x12, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! portamento
                    case 0xCE: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        trk->mGenCtrl(65, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! portamento-time
                    case 0xCF: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        trk->mGenCtrl(5, cdata);
                    } break;
                    case 0xD0: /* attack  */
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(73, cdata);
                    case 0xD1: /* decay   */
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mNRPN(0x01, 0x64, cdata);
                    case 0xD2: /* sustain */
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(91, cdata);
                    case 0xD3: /* release */
                        //! not bothering with this
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(72, cdata);
                    //! loop start
                    case 0xD4: {
                        //! just a marker command AFAIK
                        //! no arguments
                        trk->mGenCtrl(0x6F, 0);
                    } break;
                    //! expression
                    case 0xD5: {
                        //! set expression
                    } break;
                    //! print?
                    case 0xD6: {
                        //! yeah, no idea =P
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x26, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! unknown commands - 1 argument
                    case 0xD8:
                    case 0xD9:
                    case 0xDA:
                    case 0xDB: {
                        //! skip arg
                        cdata = fgetc(rseq);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x26, cdata);
                    } break;
                    //! mod-delay
                    case 0xE0: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        u16 cdata = ReadBE(rseq, 16);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x10, cdata & 0x7F);
                    } break;
                    //! tempo
                    case 0xE1: {
                        //! set tempo
                        trk->mTmp(ReadBE(rseq, 16));
                    } break;
                    //! sweep?
                    case 0xE3: {
                        //! not bothering with this
                        ReadBE(rseq, 16);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                    } break;
                    //! loop-end
                    case 0xFC: {
                        //! mark AFAIK
                        //! no args
                        trk->mGenCtrl(0x6F, 1);
                    } break;
                    //! return
                    case 0xFD: {
                        //! has return adr?
                        if(trk->gRPos) {
                            //! seek back
                            fseek(rseq, trk->gDPos = trk->gRPos, SEEK_SET);
                            //! clear old return adr
                            trk->gRPos = 0;
                    } break;
                    //! track usage
                    case 0xFE: {
                        //! has no meaning in midi AFAIK
                        //! one bit per track used
                        ReadBE(rseq, 16);
                        if (debugCtrls)
                            trk->mGenCtrl(0x70, cmd & 0x7F);
                    } break;
                    //! end of track
                    case 0xFF: {
                        DebugMsg("  Trk %02u End at 0x%X.\n", i, curpos);
                        //! kil trck, stop read loop
                        loop = false;
                    } break;
                    //! O_O
                    default: {
                        DebugMsg("  WARNING: Unknown command %02X\n", cmd);
                    } break;
            //! done \o/
            printf("  Track %02u OK\n", i);
            DebugMsg("  Trk %02u OK\n", i);
    //! write midi. yay.
    u32 trkMax = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<16;i++) if(gData.gTrack[i].gData.size()) trkMax++;
    //! MThd header
    //! 96-tick per quarter-note resolution
    struct {
        u32 id;
        u32 size;
        u16 format;
        u16 tracks;
        u16 time;
    } midiHeader = {
    }; fwrite(&midiHeader, 14, 1, midi);
    //! process each track
    for(int i=0;i<16;i++) {
        //! have data?
        u32 len = gData.gTrack[i].gData.size();
        if(!len) continue;
        //! yop, create MTrk struct
        struct {
            u32 id;
            u32 len;
        } trkHead = {
        }; fwrite(&trkHead, 8, 1, midi);
        //! dump all data
        for(u32 j=0;j<len;j++) fputc(gData.gTrack[i].gData[j], midi);
    } fclose(midi);


void rseqProc(const char *filename, FILE *rseq) {
    u32 tPos;
    RSEQHead_t &rcnk = gData.gRSEQHead;
    DATAHead_t &dcnk = gData.gDATAHead;
    LABLHead_t &lcnk = gData.gLABLHead;
    //! reset data
    DebugMsg("  State reset successfully\n");
    //! write out debug message - position in code
    DebugMsg("  Attempting to read RSEQ chunk...\n");
    /* read RSEQ chunk */ {
        //! save position + read header
        tPos        = ftell(rseq);
        rcnk.id     = ReadLE(rseq, 32);
        rcnk.magic  = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
        rcnk.size   = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
        rcnk.cSize  = ReadBE(rseq, 16);
        rcnk.cBlock = ReadBE(rseq, 16);
        //! validate
        if(memcmp(&rcnk.id, "RSEQ", 4) || rcnk.magic != 0xFEFF0100) {
            //! failed
            printf("Invalid RSEQ file (bad RSEQ chunk)\n");
                "  Bad RSEQ chunk\n"
                "    Chunk ID          = 0x%08X\n"
                "    Chunk Magic       = 0x%08X\n"
                "    Chunk size        = %u\n bytes"
                "    Chunk header size = %u bytes\n"
                "    Chunk block count = %u blocks\n",
        //! skip header
        fseek(rseq, tPos + rcnk.cSize, SEEK_SET);
    //! print off debug message
        "  RSEQ chunk OK\n"
        "    Chunk ID          = 0x%08X\n"
        "    Chunk Magic       = 0x%08X\n"
        "    Chunk size        = %u bytes\n"
        "    Chunk header size = %u bytes\n"
        "    Chunk block count = %u blocks\n",
    //! process other chunks
    u32 ckLen = 0; //! just to shut GCC up
    for(u32 i=0;i<rcnk.cBlock;i++) {
        //! save position
        tPos = ftell(rseq);
        //! read ID
        u32 id = ReadLE(rseq, 32);
        //! data chunk?
        if(!memcmp(&id, "DATA", 4)) {
            //! flag up data chunk
            gData.gStat |= CHNK_HAVE_DATA;
            //! DATA chunk
            dcnk.id     = id;
            dcnk.size   = ckLen = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
            dcnk.offset = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
            dcnk.fOff   = tPos + dcnk.offset;
            //! debug stuff
                "  Have DATA chunk\n"
                "    Chunk ID     = 0x%08X\n"
                "    Chunk size   = %u bytes\n"
                "    Chunk offset = %u bytes (relative)\n"
                "    Seq. offset  = %u bytes (absolute)\n",
        //! label chunk?
        else if(!memcmp(&id, "LABL", 4)) {
            //! flag up label chunk
            gData.gStat |= CHNK_HAVE_LABL;
            //! LABL chunk
            lcnk.id     = id;
            lcnk.size   = ckLen = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
            lcnk.labels = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
            lcnk.lOff   = tPos + 8;
            //! debug stuff
            DebugMsg("  Have LABL chunk\n");
            std::vector<u32> lOffsets;
            for (u32 i = 0; i < lcnk.labels; i ++)
                u32 lpos = ReadBE(rseq, 32) + lcnk.lOff;
            for (u32 i = 0; i < lcnk.labels; i ++)
                fseek(rseq, lOffsets[i], SEEK_SET);
                u32 seqpos = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
                u32 lbllen = ReadBE(rseq, 32);
                char* lbldata = new char[lbllen];
                fread(lbldata, 1, lbllen, rseq);
                std::string lblstr = std::string(lbldata, lbllen);
                gData.gLabels[seqpos] = lblstr;
                delete[] lbldata;
            DebugMsg("  Read %u labels\n", lcnk.labels);
        //! skip chunk
        fseek(rseq, tPos + ckLen, SEEK_SET);
    //! can be decoded?
    if(!BOOL_EQUAL(gData.gStat, CHNK_NEEDED)) {
        //! fail - not enough data to decode
        printf("Not enough data to decode with\n");
        DebugMsg("  Insufficient data (exit code 0x%02X, needed 0x%02X)\n", gData.gStat, CHNK_NEEDED);
    //! create target MIDI filename
    char *newFN = new char[strlen(filename)+1]; strcpy(newFN, filename);
    if(char *p = strrchr(newFN, '.')) strcpy(p, ".mid");
    else strcat(newFN, ".mid");
    DebugMsg("  Writing to %s\n", newFN);
    //! create target MIDI file
    FILE *midi = fopen(newFN, "wb"); delete newFN;
    if(!midi) {
        //! failed to open target
        printf("  Cannot open output Midi file\n");
        DebugMsg("  Can't open target\n");
        delete newFN;
    //! start processing
    rseqDo(midi, rseq);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int firstarg;
    //! need at least two args
    if(argc < 2) {
        //! print msg
            "Usage: rseq2midi [-i] file1.rseq [file2.rseq [file3.rseq [...]]]\n"
            "-i - ignore jump commands\n"
        //! failed
        return 1;
    firstarg = 1;
    ignoreJumps = false;
    debugCtrls = false;
        if (! strcmp(argv[firstarg], "-i"))
            ignoreJumps = true;
        else if (! strcmp(argv[firstarg], "-d"))
            debugCtrls = true;
    //! read every arg
    for(int i=firstarg;i<argc;i++) {
        //! print to console + debug
        printf("%s:\n", argv[i]);
        DebugMsg("%s:\n", argv[i]);
        //! open file
        FILE *rseq = fopen(argv[i], "rb");
        if(!rseq) {
            //! can't open - skip
            printf("  Couldn't open file\n");
            DebugMsg("  Failed\n");
        //! process file
        rseqProc(argv[i], rseq);
        //! close file
    return 0;

/* EOF                                */
These types of programs are very useful for me because I like to play MIDIs with VST plugins and other audio programs to listen to different combinations of instruments and special effects.

I especially want this for Mutant Mudds Super Challenge, because only the Wii U version uses sequenced music.
Last edited by I pwned U!, , Reason: I put the code in a spoiler box.

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