I will finish whatever paragraph you give me with ai...


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
send me anything and I will complete it using GPT-2... starter will be in bold.

I am not responsible for anything that it generates, I do not condone any actions that may be suggested by the ai either

The AI may produce offensive or sexual content. This is because it was modeled on a great variety of different web pages, some of which contained such content.

Costello shuts down the eof after 25 years.

Former congressman and former sheriff of Palm Beach County, Jim Barnett, admitted to the eof that the eof's demise was his fault.

"It was an expensive public relations operation to kill off this thing," Barnett told Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace. "A good public relations operation could have saved a lot of money. That's why we went after [Adelson]."

Adelson fired back on Monday night.

"County Commissioner Jeffrey Sheppard's comments regarding me are absurd and disgraceful," Adelson said in a statement. "The county attorney's office was required to report my involvement with the firing of a consultant for our non-profit for failing to provide proper documentation to pay his expenses for lobbying the state legislature, an oversight that has been corrected. We will vigorously contest his lawsuit and look forward to winning the lawsuit in court."

The ex-congressman added that his organization is responsible for one of the most extensive community services in the nation.

"We provide safe neighborhoods and effective services to hundreds of thousands of residents," Costello said. "We have a $100 million annual budget and our most important goal is to improve the quality of life for everyone in Palm Beach County."

Prior to the economic crisis in 2008, Costello's non-profit funded some of the most expansive services in the nation. However, he shut down the organization, only weeks after it was founded, after the county denied his request for a tax abatement.

"It's a sad day in our county," said Costello.

During the final 25 years of the eof, Costello and his wife, Jane, also spent millions of dollars supporting political candidates.

The former congressman is a private businessman. However, he spent $8 million in 2009 on the two local campaigns for governor that brought Rick Scott to office.

Reporter Michael E. Haydon contributed to this report.

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Update 1:40 p.
Last edited by Vila_,


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
One day Scott Pilgrim decided to
One day Scott Pilgrim decided to keep it that way. He stood up in his lab, walked outside, pulled a gun out of his pocket and started shooting the little potted plants off the porch, as he had done so many times before. That was the day he realized something else that he had forgotten before – that the reason he loved vegetables so much, the reason he had grown so close to them and the reason he was so angry when vegetables died in the garden, was that vegetables did not make him angry. In fact, Scott was overjoyed. He was so happy that he couldn't even feel the bullet. Then the bullet hit him in the side and he fell, crumpling into the earth, crying.

Slowly Scott started picking the vegetables from the ground with his bare hands and eating them. He laughed and laughed. They were so delicious. Then he felt that there was something wrong with that. That didn't seem right. He went back inside and washed off his hands. He tried to make the vegetables taste the way they did when they were growing in the garden but they were no good. Scott realized that he had made the vegetables into vegetables. But why?

When Scott went back out to the porch he found a knife and stabbed the knife into the ground. It was a long time before the knife came out again. And when the knife came out Scott saw a little man and a little girl. They looked like vegetables but they weren't vegetables. They were vegetables in the very beginning.


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
hockey, championship, gold, Colorado, St. Louis, coach, team, game, captain, national team , graduate, season, team

Posted Sunday, June 30, 2013 -- 9:13 p.m.

Colorado University graduate Braden Holtby won the bronze medal with the U.S. National Men's Hockey Team in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia.

Holtby, who played in the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, tied with fellow Denver area products Peter Forsberg and Brian Gionta for the bronze medal in the tournament on Sunday night. Holtby has played in 117 NHL regular season games, all with the St. Louis Blues, and posted a 93-38-9 record with a 1.94 goals-against average and a .930 save percentage.

For his season, Holtby led the NHL in regular season wins with 37. He also finished tied for first in wins, third in save percentage, fourth in goals against average and sixth in minutes played, tying Bruins goalie Tuukka Rask for the lead among all NHL goalies.


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
When the imposter
When the imposter found out there was a genuine Luke, he abruptly stopped the haircut, and headed back to his flat.

He spent hours there drinking, destroying his own property with his own hands. Then he changed his mind. He was Luke, and he was going to stay.

"That imposter is Luke. He is a much better fake than Luke, and that is a bloody miracle," Ms Wilson said.

"After the three weeks, we went to see him at his flat in Walthamstow.

"I had told him earlier about our planned escape, and we both agreed he had to let us leave if he knew he had a genuine Luke on his hands.

"It was a bloody miracle he let us leave, but a reward for his generosity is that no more fake Luke people need to go through that experience."

Image copyright Leo Wilson Image caption A glimmer of Luke in action.

Ms Wilson insists they have not come up against any further imposters since they left London.

"We got out safely, and we owe it all to Luke," she said.

"All the members of Luke's fake family are going to be living a miserable life. Luke has achieved more than he ever imagined, which is a miracle in itself.

"People have been asking us if we are going to come back to London. We are not sure. I love England, but I've had my fill of fake Luke."

The trial of Luke Gill is due to take place at Bristol Crown Court in September.

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Photographs: Jason Berg for the BBC; Leo Wilson and Collette Anderson
Read: NHS: Talking Health
Image caption Leo Wilson pictured as a member of the fake family.
Image caption Luke's fake mother standing outside her flat in Bedford.
Image caption Luke posing with fake family outside the church in Margate.


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
Suddenly Lilith showed up and
Suddenly Lilith showed up and wrapped her arms around Lilith’s throat.

The curly-haired woman began to struggle and soon he could hear her struggling in the breeze. Lilith gave up trying to shove him and grabbed hold of Lilith by the front of her dress and shook her. “You think you are so good and powerful, Lilith. You are not even a goddess and you think you are superior to me!”

Lilith continued to fight against Lilith and she gave her a good shove that sent her to the ground. A light lightheadedness soon overcame Lilith. She slowly crawled to the back of the village and into her home.

Lilith found herself in the darkness, but she felt her throat and reached her hands out. She could feel a warm energy flowing from her neck and she started to relax. The smell of sulfur filled her nose and she tried to spit it out but her throat closed and she could not get anything out. She felt herself grow tired and her mind drifted into the darkness of the Underworld.

In the light she saw the kneeling witch. Lilith used all of the power she had. She wished her powers were stronger, she wished to be strong enough to break her victim’s neck.

She was. The heat of the energy she used was intense, like the intensity of burning hot coals. The woman screamed and squirmed, but it was not enough. Her neck was almost broken but it didn’t matter. Lilith leaned back. She sat on her knees and pushed her fingers through the witch’s eyes. Blood leaked out of her nose and Lilith used her finger to rip the eye from her head.

A massive explosion of fire erupted into the air. The ground rumbled and fire shot out from the witch’s stomach. Then the ground cracked, the village slowly toppled and the village was destroyed. The smell of sulfur filled Lilith’s nose again and she pushed herself back from her knees. She looked at the fallen witch and watched as her body twisted and rose into the air. The witch was burned, and the fires burned until only the bones were left and they slowly sunk into the ground.

Lilith turned to Lilith and the sisters stared at each other. Lilith turned away from her sister and walked back to her home. The sisters sat quietly and waited for her to return.


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
Boys make the best Girls
Boys make the best Girls. If only they knew.

I turned my face away as she said it. She had no idea of how hurtful that comment was.

Because the truth of it is, she doesn't know my personal history. Not just the stories of my life that I've told her but the fact that I haven't been a boy for all my life.

Before I knew I was a girl, I thought I was one.

Sometimes I still do.

It was a Saturday in the middle of March. It had been raining for a week straight. I woke up in my room on one of the top floors of the dormitory at the university. It had been cold for a while, colder than usual. In the middle of the night, I had been woken up by a tap on my window. I had looked outside, and there had been a light shining underneath my bed. When I reached out my hand, I touched a cold, wet surface. The window was broken. It had rained and the rains had broken it.

I wasn't surprised. There had been no thunder or lightning to alert me to the breakage. It was raining heavily in the night, but none of the other girls had woken up, or even said they had heard a noise in their dormitory.

I walked through the corridor, passing the girls I had grown up with. We had all been given apartments here for the three months we spent in the dormitory. We shared the apartments with a boy or two, depending on who we got paired with.

I didn't think much of it when I found out my roommate was a girl. It was an easy assumption to make, especially since we were both in our late teens. I knew she would not get mad at me for sleeping with a boy, or in my case a girl.

I didn't know much about that roommate of mine before we got paired up. I knew that she was called Alissa. She was also my ex-girlfriend, and the best girlfriend I could ever imagine having. She knew everything about me, and she accepted me for who I was. She could read me like a book, and she never tried to change my story. She accepted my story, just as I did hers.

It was the best relationship I had ever had.

If only I had known that I would get to know her again, and that it was just a matter of time.

Alissa had decided to take a walk in the rain that day. She must have realised that she could not walk to the dormitory so late in the night, and she had decided to get out of the dormitory and walk back to her place.

My ex-girlfriend was an attractive girl. Tall, with long, wavy dark hair, and a perfect face that showed off her perfect lips. She had a slim body, and although her breasts were too big for her body, they still showed off the perfect curve of her breasts. Her long legs and slender body made her look younger than she was.

I hated the fact that she knew everything about me, but she also loved me unconditionally. She loved me so much that she would accept me even if I never told her the truth about my past.

I had left my ex-girlfriend alone. I had taken a walk around campus. I couldn't sleep. All of my thoughts were about that dormitory window. All of my thoughts were about that walk.

All of my thoughts were about my current situation.

None of them were about the path I was taking.

I had been walking for over an hour, and I was getting tired. It wasn't easy walking in the rain. It was impossible to get wet, but it was still raining hard. It had rained so hard that I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was that I was heading towards the dormitory. I had no idea where I was supposed to go once I got there. All I could think about was my ex-girlfriend, and that the rain would take her away from me. All I could think about was my future, and how I had to save my ex-girlfriend, and that was the path I had decided to take that day.

I kept on walking. I just had to get back to my room, and then I could figure out what to do. All of my thoughts had distracted me from what I had planned for the day. I had planned to spend the day sitting around my apartment, drinking beer and watching television. I had planned to take a walk to the campus grounds, and then I would find a nice spot to sit and relax and drink beer with the other students.

All of that had changed. All of that had changed the moment I decided to get up early and go on a walk in the rain.

I was trying to concentrate, but the reality was that I was just imagining myself meeting my ex-girlfriend again, and that was not going to happen. All of my thoughts about my current situation were still getting in my way. I couldn't concentrate on my surroundings. All of my thoughts about my ex-girlfriend had come to disturb me, and they wouldn't be gone for a while. All I could think about was saving her.

An hour had passed since I had decided to get up early and take a walk in the rain. I still had not reached my dormitory. It was getting dark, and it was getting colder. I didn't want to leave the dormitory. I had been on that path for almost an hour now. I knew that there was a path close by the dormitory. It was not a busy path, and I had walked along that path before when I had been going to the university.

The path wasn't as difficult to walk. I had taken a few steps down that path many times before. I knew it had a bench, and a lawn. There were also trees near the path. That path would have been an easy one to walk on. That was the path that I would have taken if I had been going to the university.

All I had to do was get to that path.


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
@slabhappygamer was better known for
@slabhappygamer was better known for his jaw-droppingly awesome artwork, but now he's following suit with his own novels. His first two stand-alone novels (Survivor Bloodline and Beloved) take place in the same fictional universe of Kat's Storm, and will be available as standalone short stories and as a Kindle series on Amazon.

Each of the novels focus on Kat and Hannah, but they also introduce a couple new folks into the mix: Madison (Kat's older sister) and Daniel (Hannah's boyfriend). As the titles indicate, the novels have sexy covers, but what's inside may be even better.

You can find the descriptions of the first two novels below (emphasis is ours):

Kat's Storm is a romantic suspense romance series written by Slab Happy. The first book, Survivor Bloodline, is a stand-alone story. You'll get to know Kat and Hannah as you follow their rocky romance. It's a gritty, sexy story with suspense and action and romance. The second novel, Beloved, is a stand-alone story about Madison, the abused girlfriend, and Daniel, the protective brother. You'll see a new light on Madison, and she'll face some tough choices. It's an emotional read, but it'll also be full of action and adventure. Be prepared for a lot of dark moments, as well as some exciting scenes of action and excitement.

In addition, Beloved is also available as a Kindle Collection, and the first book is also a Kindle Single. The novels are available in eBook format only.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

(note: I had to generate this one twice as the first time it came up with such an illegal story it would’ve probably gotten me suspended)

@Flame and @AmandaRose started to move out of the doorway as if someone had warned them of a danger. She shouted.

“First, run. I’ll watch you until you are sure.”

All of the girls dove into the crowd, tearing into the front room with eager eyes. I ran out behind them.

“Why are they running?” a man asked.

Flame grabbed his arm and spun him around. He looked confused but his eyes were glued to Flame.

AmandaRose stopped next to the window to watch the crowd from behind the curtains.

AmandaRose held a knife as she watched.

“Look,” AmandaRose said pointing to Flame. “She’s called the Flame.”

A man in the crowd shouted, “Call her Flame again and I’ll cut you all.”

“Who’s calling me that?” Flame said.

Flame walked into the room. She headed toward the man standing alone.

“I’ll cut you all if you call me again,” the man shouted.

Flame raised her hand and pointed the knife at the man. He glared at Flame and then disappeared into the crowd. The door to the room was closed behind him.

“We can’t be sure he left the room.” AmandaRose stood back from the door and watched the crowd for a moment. She had a wand in her hand.

AmandaRose’s eyes widened and she jumped back to the ground. “Climb up me,” she whispered.

AmandaRose helped AmandaRose climb up. They watched Flame for a few minutes.

AmandaRose wanted to scream but the thought that Flame had seen them made her hesitate. She wondered what she was supposed to do.

Then AmandaRose remembered. “If I think of a spell while they are talking, maybe they won’t notice me and I can use this spell to trick them.”

“You think this spell can fool them into thinking this is real?”

AmandaRose swallowed her words. The truth was not easy to explain. “I just hope they won’t see me.”

Flame and the man were speaking at the same time.

Flame raised her hand. “Flame spell.”

A green glow surrounded the man. His eyes were lost in the haze.

Flame’s eyes were locked on the man as she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the window. AmandaRose saw a flash of red and black coming from the other side of the window.

Flame jumped through the window. AmandaRose watched in horror as she disappeared from sight.

AmandaRose screamed as she stood with her hands wrapped around the curtain. “Flame!”

AmandaRose looked at the door to the room and jumped to the floor. She knelt behind the curtain and squeezed her eyes shut. The girl was gone.


Spanish code for Spanisher codecs
Jun 21, 2018
my villa
Furries are love
Furries are love able, silly-looking, closet-loving furry fans of anthropomorphised animal traits and situations. And if you want to learn more about it, look no further!

I’m a furry, and a big one at that. I’m not talking about the odd slipper-wearing cutie-pie wearing a furry costume. Rather, I’m talking about the kind of furry that goes way beyond the bounds of fur-ownership. Furries aren’t even really animals themselves; they’re like fictional creatures with secret things hidden inside their minds and in their hearts.

If you’re a furry, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

And if you’re not a furry and don’t understand it yet, then this should help a little bit:

Furries often call themselves “furries”, so as far as I’m aware this is a term that the fans themselves have actually developed. If you’re someone who sees themselves in it, or even recognises that you do have something in common with furries, then you can certainly appreciate the sense of community and equality that this term implies. There’s no denying that people that are fans of anime and comic books have a long and rich history of prejudice that has stemmed from that.

There’s even a modern online social network that has grown out of furry fandom, which I’ve taken the liberty of creating a profile on! (You can also see my chat logs here.) The social network, called FurAffinity, is the kind of social network I’d love to see as more than a little bit mainstream. It’s not just for furry fans anymore, it’s for everyone to join in on the fun and create awesome furry artwork, plus there’s an equal opportunity for furries to put their furry art on their profiles.

There’s even a modern online social network that has grown out of furry fandom, which I’ve taken the liberty of creating a profile on! (You can also see my chat logs here.) The social network, called FurAffinity, is the kind of social network I’d love to see as more than a little bit mainstream. It’s not just for furry fans anymore, it’s for everyone to join in on the fun and create awesome furry artwork, plus there’s an equal opportunity for furries to put their furry art on their profiles.

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    although im off school that day
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    today is the 7th anniversary of Captain Underpants, which was actually a surprisingly good movie
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That's been around since I was in elementary
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BakerMan, i recall watching it on fox
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Who watches FOX nowadays? Only reason to get alt-right viewers interested.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, that was like when i was 10
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, We didn't have FOX Kids over here, back then it was Jetix.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Similar to FOX Kids. I remember when Sonic X aired.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, the latin american fox feed doesnt air news, it airs movies and tv shows
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Ah, I see.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and i wasnt even born when fox kids/jetix was alive
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    also a couple years ago latin american fox got renamed to star channel
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, sorry
    i thought you didnt read the last couple messages before quoting you agin
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    ah sonic x, that show is valid
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    (of course the mf with a sonic pfp would say that 😭)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you are not dumb or stupid, you need to stop saying that, you are very smart, even about alot of things I have no clue about. We all love you here, like a big family.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah @BigOnYa love me so much he started yelling at me for having my shoes on in the bed when he caught me with his wife
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    True, I don't want mud crumbs in my bed, and btw you left without paying your tab. Ill add it to next month but getting tired of extending.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I hope silent hill 2 turns out good
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I seen that, hope so too, the first was so epic back then.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Didn't look into much is it just a remake
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Only thing drive me crazy is all these new horror games nowadays is its so dark, all time. I can't even play them. I understand they trying to create spooky but be creative a little, not just darkness with pop out scare scenes.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: Only thing drive me crazy is all these new horror games nowadays is its so dark, all time. I...