"Legendary" games or franchises you have not played.


GBAtemp Testing Area
May 14, 2006
United States
I'm going to get a lot of hate for this...

but the only MGS game I liked was Peacewalker. I couldn't stand the rest of them.

If you don't like conventional MGS games, try out Peacewalker. It's also fun to watch, FAST

For instance, here is a generic boss battle played under co-op http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceasWtS6DiY

Sausage Head

Lord Sausage LXIX
Oct 28, 2010
alanjohn check ur pm
I never played any game of the Ace Attorney series, but I'm almost done with the first.

Deleted User

FAST6191 said:
  • ...
  • fallout other than 3 (no expansions or New vegas,
Totally forgot about the Fallout series. I only ever played Fallout 3 (with Point Lookout and Broken Steel installed). I probably would've played the first two, but after buying the fallout collection I realized that they won't run on Win XP/7 and I didn't feel like buying them again from GOG. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure that they won't run, but I didn't get them to run. Any help is appreciated. As far as New Vegas is concerned, I wanted to wait for a GotY-like edition including all DLCs and (hopefully) bugfixes.

Another series I forgot was Baldur's Gate. I bought the first two for PC but never finished the first and didn't even install/play the second one. Since I still own them I plan on giving them another try after I'm finished with Oblivion and Torchlight.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Yeah I find it somewhat amusing that I am now applying my wait for the bugfixes/GOTY/gold version or expansion packs I used to use for the PC to consoles as well. It has a knock-on effect to that list as well as I forget about things.

As for old games I rarely bother with trying to install them (still http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=1593 was what I had linked from somewhere if you want to try) instead just going straight for dosbox, emulation (much like some of the MS office stuff working better in open/libre office WINE tends to do a fair job with some older games vs windows of the time) or a VM of some form. It does tend to remind me of http://xkcd.com/676/ but I guess otherwise I have a similar machine sitting there doing little other than allow me to collect hundreds of tabs and sit on IRC.

As for Bauldur's gate aside from the dark alliance games (got to love co-op games like that even if my mice and controllers do not) I think I missed out as well. Had the option but was busy doing other things.

@Linkiboy I admit that video did get me curious, time and bandwidth allowing I might give it a spin.

Deleted User

FAST6191 said:
Yeah I find it somewhat amusing that I am now applying my wait for the bugfixes/GOTY/gold version or expansion packs I used to use for the PC to consoles as well. It has a knock-on effect to that list as well as I forget about things.
I initially wanted to wait for these editions after Fallout 3, because I played it for about 120 hours but still haven't got around to buying the GotY edition. I bought the second add-on disc, because Broken Steel was the DLC I was mainly interested in. Since I'm buying most of my games from shops in the UK (they are often a lot cheaper than shops in Germany) reselling them isn't as easy and trading in, despite the fact that I've never done that (and probably never will), isn't possible.
What really got me thinking, though was the release of the Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition for less than 40 EUR after spending about 90 EUR on DAO and it's various DLCs (including Awakening). Another reason is that I'm not really a fan of digital distribution.

QUOTE(FAST6191 @ Mar 28 2011, 10:07 PM) As for old games I rarely bother with trying to install them (still http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=1593 was what I had linked from somewhere if you want to try) instead just going straight for dosbox, emulation (much like some of the MS office stuff working better in open/libre office WINE tends to do a fair job with some older games vs windows of the time) or a VM of some form. It does tend to remind me of http://xkcd.com/676/ but I guess otherwise I have a similar machine sitting there doing little other than allow me to collect hundreds of tabs and sit on IRC.
I tried to use a Windows 98 and a Windows 2000 VM for the Fallout games since the trilogy I bought contains the Windows versions, but I couldn't find any drivers for the sound card etc. in my MacBook. I may give Fallout a shot with Crossover Games which is based on WINE but tweaked for games. For Fallout 2 I may have to try running it in a VM (again), but this time using Windows XP and the installation instructions you linked. Although, I think I may have tried those before, but I can't remember.


Drops by occasionally
Sep 4, 2009
The Courtroom
United States
Metroid - I just can't get into it, no matter how hard I try.

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - I own it, but there's just something I don't like about this game that the there Zelda games don't have, and I don't know what it is.

Final Fantasy XII - a lot of people like this game, and I am a fan of FF, but I HATE XII, despite the fact that I own it.

There are more, but these are just off of the top of my head.


Credit: 0ml. Insert tea to continue
Dec 31, 2003
I've never played a Zelda or Mario game. I didn't grow up with Nintendo so I don't get that fuzzy warm nostalgic feeling that some gamers do when an old friend comes back with a new title, and just always found other games that interested me more. (edit: tell a lie, come to think of it I did play Yoshi's island. And it was good,)

Pokemon; I brought Silver, played it for a few hours but it just didn't grab me.

Guitar Hero; tried it at a friend's house, didn't see the appeal. It's fine as a quick pick up and play multiplayer but press the button at the right time in single player, kinda dull if you ask me. I wouldn't own it.


Beat it, son
Mar 14, 2009
Upstate NY
United States
GTA series. I want to get into it but just can't.

Mario RPG games. I started super paper mario, but never got back into it. even though i loved mario and luigi partners in time for ds.

final fantasy. i don't think i like RPGs but i kind of want to like them.

zelda twilight princess. i played up through wind waker, but now that i am older and work more, its harder to find time to invest in a new zelda.

metroid prime. I played through super metroid, but i don't think metroid works in 1st person, i've tried, just not for me though i hear its awesome.

basically all ds games. there are a lot of games for ds i want to play. but i never find myself playing it. i've tried dragon quest ix and i like the game play but its too much time to invest.

dead rising. i enjoyed it but hard to keep going back to it.

best game ive played in a long time is minecraft. i keep going back and spending many hours playing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
Okay, here goes. I'll probably miss some, but this'll have to do for now.

Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
Metroid series
Most of the Zelda series
Any NES, SNES, N64, PS3 or PSP game.
Most racing games.
Any shooter.

That, and much, much more.


Credit: 0ml. Insert tea to continue
Dec 31, 2003
Linkiboy said:
HI! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN A LONG TIME! I'm still wearing the avatar you made me!
Hi hi, lol I noticed
Haven't seen it in a while so I suspect it is you who has been gone
I'm still on here every day, don't have much to say but usually lurking around offtopic somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2010
United States
It's hard to think of a series, because I'm an open-minded gamer, and have played well over a thousand games in my lifetime, but if I had to think of one, it'd probably be the Mother series.

I tried a rom one time, but it wouldn't let me play. One day I'll get to it, but just never got around to it.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Haven't really dug that much into Final Fantasy. I've gotten pretty far in IV and I'm playing the remake now and I'm also playing 13. I've played a bunch of the spin offs too.

I tried Dragon Quest but it's so fucking boring. It feels like the same formula since before it was even Dragon Quest. God...
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Remember that death is not the end, but only a tra
Aug 26, 2009
New York
Visit site
United States
Shenmue - I really want to play it
Metal Gear Solid - Never really got into it, although I want to try it again.
Mass Effect - Couldn't get into it
Shadow of the Colossus/Ico - Don't have a PS2, but I want to play them
Viewtiful Joe - Want to play it
FF VII - Don't like turn based RPGs, ironic though as Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games ever.
Earthbound - Enjoyed what I played of it, but really hard.


Magnificent Bastard
Dec 23, 2008
United States
SubliminalSegue said:
It's hard to think of a series, because I'm an open-minded gamer, and have played well over a thousand games in my lifetime, but if I had to think of one, it'd probably be the Mother series.

I tried a rom one time, but it wouldn't let me play. One day I'll get to it, but just never got around to it.
Start with Mother 3 or Mother 2. The first one is a terrible example of the latter. I just finished Earthbound a few days ago and I beat Mother 3 a while back. Awesome games.

I've also never finished a Zelda game. Probably going to make OoT the next game I play through, though.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Some old "legendary", or well established Series in my own opinion: (some of them may be listed above. I leave this part out of spoiler as this is the list onTopic)
Albert Odyssey
Breath of Fire
Chocobo dungeon
Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy
Fire emblem
Front mission
Ganbare Goemon
Golden sun
Katamari Damacy
Legacy of kain/Sould reaver
Lunar & Lunar²
Metal Gear Solid
Ogre Battle
Persona / Shin Megami Tensei
Prince of Persia
Seiken Densetsu
Shining force/holy arc series
Silent Hill
Star Ocean
Suikoden & suikogaiden series
Tales of too many games
Tomb Raider
Valkyrie Profile
Wild Arms

NOTE : below content is OUTDATED, and not the best place to maintain such a list. Someday I'll relocate it and update it properly.

I'll try to maintain a list of games I always wanted to play, like for the completed games list I have in my signature.

It's the games I want to play one day or another, not legendary games everyone should play. (I didn't list only "the legendary games" I don't want to play, but all the one I want to play one day).

Most of the games I already played are incomplete because I don't have enough time to complete before another one get released, or it was only a rented games from shop or friend and I couldn't finish it in time, so I'm jumping from games to games to try the new most waited one and I end never playing all of them fully. Though, there are some games which I'm playing straight from start to end, these are special games or series. it depends on my interest for the game and if a new one get released before I finish it :P

Note: I don't have them all. It's just a list of games I would like to play one day.

Alone in the dark
Another world : I have the new HD version on PC
Dragon's lair
Some point and click games, like Sam & max, Gobliiins 2, Zak Mc kraken, Simon the Sorcerer 2
Another World HD
Baldur's gate
Diablo 3
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Fallout tactics
Fallout 3 (Play on PS3?)
Fallout Vegas (play on PS3?)
Half Life 2
Mech Warrior 3
Monkey Island 3
Ultima : all of them. I played only part of Ultima 1, underworld, 7 and 9
Vampire the Masquerade

A boy and his blob
Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3
Battle of Olympus : Never finished because I couldn't jump to the other side of a hole ... damn those pixel precise jumps were horrible.
Metroid : Played it a little on emulators, it's hard
Mother : didn't have time to finish it, I went up to the desert but enemies were really hard. (maybe I played the AP version)
Rad Gravity
Solstice : good game, never finished
7th Saga
Actraiser 2
B.O.B : yeah, I don't want to play only RPG :P
Bahamut Lagoon
Bishojou senshi Sailor Moon RPG : I played it almost at the end, but never completed it.
Breath of Fire 2
Chaos Seed
Dark Law
Demon's crest
Emerald Dragon
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 5
Front mission 1
Front Mission - Gun Hazard
Harvest Moon : I think if there's only one to play from the series, this is the one?
Idea no hi : no english ?
J.R.R. Tolkien LOTR Book1 : I never finished it, very good game
Lennus 1 & 2 : also known as Paladin's quest
Live a Live
Lost viking
Ogre Battle : March of the black queen
Romancing SaGa 1, 2, 3 : Only 3 in English ?. 1st one has a remake on PS2.
Treasure Hunter G
Rudora no Hihou
Secret of Evermore : I always stopped playing it in the first forest.
Shadow run : Just curious to test it
Shin megami Tensei : Curious to see the main series from Persona spin-off
Sky Blazer
Soul Blazer : always wanted to play it, but got bored too quickly each times
Star Ocean : (played it only in Japanese, I want to play it again in English. I don't like the PSP remastered version)
Super Drakkhen
Super Metroid 3 : Metroid super zero mission 2.0
Super Metroid 3 : Metroid redesign
Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together
Tales of Phantasia : I already completed it in Japanese, but I would like to play it again in english. Then I'll play narikiri on GBC.
Tengai Makyou zero - Far East of Eden Zero : Parody RPG. My cartridge is buggy with the batteries and loosing saves. :(
Traverse : Starlight & prairies
Ushi to Tora
Violonist of Hamelin : Curious to test it.
Wonder Project
Young Merlin
Ys IV & V : I already completed Ys 3
Castlevania 64 2
Mother 3 ... oh, wait, never released, but there were a playable demo :P
Ogre Battle 64
Paper Mario
Shadow gate 64
Wonder Project J2
Baten Kaitos
Paper Mario ~ The Thousand Year Door
Pikmin 1 : I played it without memory card, I went up to the big area with the lake (not the underground, the next one). I'll replay it on Wii one day.
Pikmin 2 : I'll play it on Wii
Sky of Arcadia
Super Mario Sunshine
Tales of Symphonia
The legend of Zelda ~ Master's Quest : Maybe I'll play master's quest on 3DS instead.
The legend of Zelda ~ Wind Waker : I'm ready to beat Ganon, but I don't have 100% items and sub-missions so I didn't want to kill him yet :(
Arc Rise Fantasia
Avatar: The Legend Of Aang : :yay: for Diablo like games
Chocobo Dungeon
Dead Space - Extraction
Epic Mickey : bad camera, and can't go back to complete missed missions :(
Harvest Moon ~ Tree of Tranquility
Kirby epic Yarn
No More Heroes 1
No More Heroes 2
One piece : Unlimited Cruise 2
Pandora Tower
Phantom Brave : exists on PS2 too.
Pikmin 1, 2 : I played the first one on GC, but I didn't have a memory card, so I never completed it. I would like to play it again
Rune Factory
Rygar : Played a lot but not completed yet.
Silent Hill - Shattered memories : hard
Super Paper Mario : I wanted to collect more items before completing the game, but then I never completed it :(
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Tale of Symphonia 2

WiiWare :
Toki tori
Final Fantasy IV-2
Final Fantasy CC - My life as a King
Beat trip series
Art style series
Cave Story
Pikmin3 (bought it, didn't play it yet)
ZombiU (bought it, got bored and never completed it)
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Metroid II
Gargoyle's quest
SaGa 1, 2, 3 : (Final Fantasy Legend)
Star Ocean ~ Blue Sphere : no english patch ?
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon
Zelda Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Time.
Advanced war
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance : One of the few Castlevania I never completed. I'm at the last boss but couldn't kill him.
Golden Sun
Golden sun 2
Kingdom Hearts ~ Chain of memories : I played the first 6 worlds only.
Mario And Luigi ~ Superstar Saga
Mother 1+2 : play Mother 1+english patch only on GBA (I'll play Mother2 on Snes).
Mother 3
Sword of Mana : seiken densetsu 1 remake. I completed the GB one, but I want to play the new remake too.
Alice in Wonderful world
Atelier Annie
Avalon code
A witch's tale
Black Sigil : Buggy ? too many enemies, too hard, can't be played even with Exp. cheats.
Blood of Bahamut : When there will be a translation.
Blue dragons
Castlevania : Order of Ecclesia : Last boss
Children of Mana
Chocobo Tales
Disgaea : Might be better on PS1 or PSP, bigger screen!
Dragon Quest 4, 5
Eco Creatures
Final Fantasy 3, 4
Final Fantasy Chocobo tales
Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy 4 heroes of light
Final fantasy CC Echoes of time
Geometry Wars
Ghost Trick (completed on 2011-04-04, in 2 months)
Glory of Heracles (completed on 2012-08, in 2 years aha!)
Golden Sun 3 : Waiting to play 1 & 2 on gba first
Heroes of Mana
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 day
Legendary Starfy : Too easy, and damn repetitive :(
Lufia 1
Mario & Luigi : Bowser's inside
Mario & Luigi - Partner in time
Megaman ZX
Megaman ZX Advent
Metroid Prime Hunter : Last boss
Monster Tale (completed on 2011-06-04, in 3 days)
My world, My way
Nanashi No Game [The noname game]. Thanks Nagato for the English patch :)
Ni no Kuni
9h, 9door, 9 persons
Radiant Historia

Rune Factory 1
Rune Factory 2
Scurge - Hive
Shin megami tensei : Devil Survivor
Shining Force Feather
Sigma Harmonics : no english patch :(
Soma Bringer
Suikoden Terkreis
Tales of innocence
The world end with you
Time hollow
Tingle's rosy rupeeland
The legend of Zelda - Phantom hourglasses
The legend of Zelda - Spirit track
Valkyrie Profile - covenant of the plume
Wind of Nostalgia
Rittai Picross 3D 2

beyond oasis
Story of Thor
Dark Savior
Dragon Force
Panzer dragoon saga
Shining force 3
Shining the holy ark
Story of Thor 2
Albert Odyssey : (or was it on Saturn ?)
Grandia 2
Panzer Dragoon
Shining series
Shenmue 1
Shenmue 2
Sky of Arcadia : I'll play the Game cube edition.

Alundra 2
Brave Fencer Musashi Den : never finished it, but I've reach the final stage. (the one on PS2 is not very good)
Breath of Fire 4
Chrono Cross : I went up to end of disc 1
Dark Cloud : I played it once, but I don't remember if I liked it or not (I think I didn't, or else I would have kept a copy).
Einhänder : I always wanted to complete it, because it's hard and challenging.
Fear Effect
Final Fantasy Tactics
Front mission 2
Front mission - alternative
Front mission 3
Heart of Darkness
Jade Cocoon : well, I'm not in the Catch'em all ala pokemon, but I have the retail game, at least I should play it :P
Legend of Dragoon
Marle's kingdom 1 (Rhapsody)
Marle's Kingdom 2 (Little Princess+1) : Waiting for Little princess from Devil hacker's translation project.
ODD World 1 & 2
Persona 1, 2.1, 2.2
SaGa Frontier 1
Star Ocean 2 : Last stage. Lost interest because of other games to play. I'll finish it later.
Suikoden 2
Tail's Concerto
Tales of Destiny 1
Tales of Destiny 2 : The real destiny 2, the japanese one....
Tales of Eternia
Thousand Arms
Threads of Fate (dew Prism) : I played it, never finished
Vagrant Story : One of the game from my most wanted list - Currently playing (2016 March) ..... Very hard games !! Sometime I want to stop playing it. edit: Completed with cheats...
Valkyrie Profile finally played it after 20 years !
.hack// series (first and GU series): There are too many x_x
Arc the Lad series : curious, never played yet
Ar tonelico ~ Melody of Elemia
Ar tonelico II ~ Melody of Metafalica
Atelier Iris ~Eternal Mana~ : I played it quite a lot, but still havent completed it. Episode 6
Atelier Iris 2 – The Azoth of Destiny : Episode 7. I didn't play it yet, waiting to complete episode 6 first.
Atelier Iris 3 – Grand Phantasm : episode 8. same as above
Atelier Judie ~The Alchemist of Gramnad~ : 4rth episode. 5th episode (atelier viorate2) never localized to english.
Baldur's Gate ~ Dark Alliance II
Breath of Fire IV
Breath of Fire V
Chaos Legion : never completed
Castlevania – Lament of innocence : One of the few Castlevania I still haven't completed.
Dawn of Mana : still waiting to complete it. I played a lot, but I don't like the battle style. unfortunately, FFCC on wii use the same one :(
Devil May Cry 3+ : I completed the first one. I played the 2, it was crappy story. The 3 was nice, the 4 was too hard to even kill the first boss x__x
Dirge of Cerberus : (FFVII spin-off)
Disgaea Heroe of darkness
Disgaea 2 – Cursed Memories
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Front Mission 4
Grandia 2
Katamari Damacy 2 – We Love Katamari
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of memories : Maybe I'll continue the one on GBA instead.
La Pucelle
Legacy of Kain – Blood Omen 2
Legacy of Kain – Defiance
Mana Khemia : Atelier episode 9
Mana Khemia 2 : Atelier episode 10
Odin Sphere
Persona 3
Persona 4 : I like it, but I stressed about the time limit, so I speed to the boss, but now I'm not powerful enough XD
Phantom Brave : I'll play the one on Wii
Prince of Persia ~ Warrior within
Prince of Persia ~ The two thrones
Psychonaute (almost at the end, but played at my friend's house)
Rogue Galaxy
Romancing SaGa ~ Minstrel Song
Rygar : I Played it on Wii too, still haven't completed it.
Shadow hearts series : Tried the beginning of each of the 3 games, I like the concept and story.
Silent Hill 4
Star Ocean 3: Almost at the end. I'm still playing it. Very hard, I think the battles are randomly hard and enemies strength is not progressive.
Suikoden 3 : Strange with the 3-scenario based thing. I don't know if I have to play them together or one after the each other.
Suikoden 4
Suikoden 5 : I played each of them only few hours (I need to complete previous games to have all 108 characters). I like suiko 5
Tales of Legendia
Tales of the Abyss
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Legend
Valyrie Profile 2
Wild Arms 3 : I played it a lot, but my memory card bricked and I lost my savegame.
Xenosaga 1, 2, 3
Zone of the enders 1
Zone of the enders 2
3D dot game heroes (completed)
Agarest ~ Generations of war
Alice: American McGee's
Alice: Madness Returns
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Atelier Rorona : Atelier episode 11
Atelier Rorona 2 : Atelier episode 12 ?
Atelier Totori : Atelier episode 13 ?
Castlevania Lord of shadow (completed on 2012/08)
Catherine (completed on 2012/08)
Dead Space
Dungeon Hunter ~ Alliance
Eternal Sonata
Fall out 3
Katamari Damacy
Little Big Planet : I'm just curious, but it's not the kind of game I want to play
Mass effect 1
Mass effect 2
Mass effect 3
Ni no kuni : Bought but never played yet
Prince of Persia : The cellshading one
Prince of Persia Trilogy
Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean 4 ~ first departure
Tomb raider underworld
Uncharted 1
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
Played on PS4 Uncharted trilogy - November/December 2015
Valkyria Chronicle

Lara Croft and the guardian of light : (the diablo-like view)
Lara Croft and the temple of osiris
The Witcher 3
Life is strange
Axiom Verge
uncharted trilogy Completed December 2015.
Beyond eyes
Gravity rush
fallout 4
uncharted 4
Witcher 3 : Blood and wine (Extension 2)
The Technomancer
Star ocean 5
I am setsuna
no man's sky
tomb raider 2
World of Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy 15

Gravity Rush 2
Hell Blade
Kingdom hearts 2.8
the last guardian

Nier 2 : Automata
Mass Effect : Andromeda
Persona 5
Horizon : Zero Dawn
Rime (??)
Final Fantasy 7 remake
Detroit : Become human
Vampyr (dont nod)
Robinson (PS VR)
Ni no kuni 2
Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep : I'm at 1/3 of the story (completed 1 character), I need to complete that game.
Loco Roco 1
Loco Roco 2
Parasite Eve 3 : I'm still at Chapter 1. I want to play it, but I don't have time.

Other consoles
I would like to try :
Virtual boy : maybe it will be ported to 3DS

Sea of Stars (switch, hollidays 22)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Sept 22)
Maybe Chrono Cross remake (Apr 22)

2011 04 07 : Ghost trick: Played for 2 months and completed it
2011 06 26 : Removed Earth seeker from the wish list. It's a boring game without story, only battles.
2011 08 04 : Removed Diablo III (DRM game).
2012 01 10 : removed Xenoblade and Little king Story on Wii (Completed).
2012 03 18 : Removed The Last Story on Wii (Completed).
2012 06 10 : Removed Kid Icarus Uprising (3DS) (Completed).
2012 07 11 : Removed Muramasa (Wii), Luigi's Mansion (GC), both completed.
2012 07 27 : Removed Starfox Adventure (completed)
2012 09 15 : Removed Castlevania Lords of shadow, Catherine, Glory of Heracles (completed)
2013 08 28 : updated the list to remove completed games.
2014 12 14 : removed completed games
2015 10 23 : removed completed games
2015 12 05 : removed Uncharted trilogy PS3/PS4
2016 04 17 : Removed games I completed since last update (Life is strange, Radiant Historia, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Toren, Scurge Hive)
2016 07 03 : Added new games to PS4 wishlist.
Last edited by Cyan,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Oh yeah- kirby. Never seem to have played one of them.

I probably could include guitar hero as well but I am well aware of my rhythmically challenged status so I figured I would just skip the lot.

The mana series I have just about played through although I would struggle if you asked me to recount the plot and some of the more subtle aspects of gameplay without a 5 minute go on the games.

Re console wars I somehow missed all this back when I was small. [rose tinted spectacles]Guess games were just games back in the day[/rose tinted spectacles]

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