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Let's talk about suppression


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
For fuck sakes, greek statues would be considered porn by your logic because of them being naked af. But discussion of those statues are permitted anyways (I mean for fucksake, we're told that Zeus was a fucking player who took advantage of victims. And that's taught in (high) schools, and all the fuck up shit things he did in Greek mythology. Are we going to count that as porn?)
We allready tried censored those those statues once, with leaves... It didn't help the discussion... If you get horny because of such a statue, it's f*cking not the statue you need to change. You'll need a good shrink.
The same goes for all the censoring.
Don't change the world if only you're the problem!


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
You know, I really enjoy reading how you have to consistently straw man because you have no other good argument. So let me spell it out nice and clear.

Us:"Stop banning lgbtq+ books. The ones you are banning are not pornographic. And the ones you've cited, not only aren't in kidergarden as you so claim or anywhere in the 5-15 age rating, but likely heavily moderated for it's content in libaries if in high schools. It's also not pornagraphic or designed to get the viewer off. excplicit material? sure, the very very tiny few. But it's not like plenty of other non porn books don't have explict material and also allowed in (high) schools that have nothing to do with LGBTQ+'"
I bolded the part where you are assuming something is happening when in reality, it is not.
"BUUUUUT BUUuT, POOOORN, you wAnT To MakE thEm SeE pORn"
Being LGBTQ+ is not porn. Kissing a romantic partner is not porn. If it was, you'd be screaming about how all the "media (movies, tv, and news)" Depics straight couples kissing each other as porn.
The example I used showed oral sex. Whether it is same sex or not is not the issue. I have never said anything about kissing. That's your strawman, not mine.
Two gay dudes, hugging because they love each other, is not porn. Two Lesbians kissing is not porn.
But a dude on his knees pleasuring another dude is porn. Once again, I never said anything about hugging. That's your strawman, not mine.
Allowing mediums to have such relationships, is not porn. I didn't hear you screaming about old practically every fucking Disney movie brainwashing my kids with straight propaganda, because all the relationships are straight, because the reality is, it's not propaganda, It's part of society, and should be accepted. So we're kindly asking that you do the same, but for relationships that are not explicitly or not explicitly, straight.

If this is the hill you want to die on, be my guest.
Show me a Disney movie where a the Little Mermaid is going down on the prince. I'll wait.

I keep being very specific about pointing out the oral sex in the book. I even showed pictures from said book and the best you can come back with is kissing and hugging, which I never mentioned. Don't ever talk to me about strawman again, because you have no idea what the term even means.

If showing pornographic images to minors and not informing parents is your hill to die on, then so be it. According the NYTimes/Sienna poll from a couple of days ago, you are in the vast minority. America doesn't agree with you.



Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
So you are ok with minors viewing pornographic material at taxpayer supported libraries. Weird flex.
We're not discussing whether I'm ok with it. But the fact you aren't means you support an authoritarian government.

But it's ok, because you agree with it. It's only bad when you disagree with it.

Maybe I have "shitty" attitude because the left is advocating exposing minors to pornographic images
No, you believe "the left" is doing it because of your shitty attitude.

Read my comments on the numerous abortion threads in this forum. It's literally all the left loves to talk about.
As you aren't prepared to disagree, I'll assume you support the authoritarian stance on preventing abortion.

Regardless, it is the parents job to raise kids, not society. We don't live in a commune.
That is a different argument & entirely irrelevant.
Last edited by smf,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2016
United States
Good lord, the cringe in this thread...

I've seen several examples of sources quoting right leaning mixed reporting, which shouldn't be considered a great source.

Yes, depicting a blowjob in a school library isn't good, and if you read through your biased reporting, the school wasn't aware of the book and pulled it, but it definitely wasn't geared towards Kindergartners.

as far as the parent knows better than society rule. that's completely asinine. ever heard of the phrase that it takes a village to raise a kid? I've known many MANY parents who have fucked up their kids just because "they knew best." Hell people who are really close to me are just now learning how to adult because their parents wanted to shelter them as children. Parents definitely don't have the right answers all the time and end up fucking up their kids because they think it's right, but society is wrong. This is just stupid.

I know plenty of adults who are still dealing with what's a healthy sexual life vs what's not healthy because their parents oppressed speaking about sexuality. if the parents aren't golng to do it, and you don't want teachers to do their job and teach healthy sex ed, then who is going to? them? I don't think so. I've seen many posts that dudes don't even know how a fucking period works. that's kinda stupid, don't you think?

banning LGBTQ+ books isn't a good thing by any means. and if you want to use the sexually explicit arguement, then why do we still have books talking about adultery and everything else? by your logic, stuff like the scarlet letter should be banned because it talks about an adulterous relationship.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
We're not discussing whether I'm ok with it. But the fact you aren't means you support an authoritarian government.
That is your argument? I don't want kids to be exposed to pornographic content, therefore I support an authoritarian government? Now I have to ask. Why do you want kids to be exposed to pornographic content? And why do you think that is freedom?
But it's ok, because you agree with it. It's only bad when you disagree with it.

No, you believe "the left" is doing it because of your shitty attitude.
I've supplied evidence that school boards provide these books, which are too vulgar to read at a school board meeting to minors. And now because of that, at least in Florida, school boards are flipping. You act like I'm in the minority, when in fact, I am not. Just check out the NYTimes/Sienna poll for more verification.
As you aren't prepared to disagree, I'll assume you support the authoritarian stance on preventing abortion.
I support the right to life for everybody, especially for those who have no voice.
That is a different argument & entirely irrelevant.
It's irrelevant to you because you know it's true. I know you support government cradle to grave control over us, but your utopia will never see the light of day. Americans will not allow the republic to be destroyed by authoritarian leftist control freaks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
There's a semi interesting aspect that I want to go ahead and talk about. Just a notice of two similar things.

Hitler became Hilter because he believed that the Jews were suppressing him and the German race. It happened to be that he got his information from a small "newspaper" business that primarily focused on anti Semite rehetroic.

We're going to be making a lot of pins here. So just remember that this point exists as we're going to come back to it later.

There's also another aspect

Primarily that he was a free speech advocate...

And then the moment he took power he no longer was. Or more accurately. Lied about supporting free speech.

And that text books were banned.
Pin this one as well.

Then you had all the means of propaganda

Let's also put a pin into this.

At this point, if your not brain fucked. All of these should be bringing very loud bells in your head.

Let's unpin from the same order.

Hitler believed that Jews where suppressing Germans, and used that hate back belief to suppress and kill Jews.

While it doesn't match one to one. That sounds awfully similar to republican/maga rehetroic. History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes. That it's leftists, those liberals ruining the world. (Using liberals in the way they would use it as leftist and liberal do not belong in the same sentence.)
But let's briefly identify "liberal"
Because liberal has become sonyonmus with a particular party in the United States. Democrats.

Take this a step further. They intentionally conflate leftist and liberal in the same sentence.

Why would this all matter?
Well, it wasn't the Jews Hitler went after first. It was the socialist party. Aka the left leaning party.
See fascists will do what is opportune to gain power. So their affiliation when getting to power doesn't matter. Their actions vs their words speak. Hitler killed socialist first. And the reason why is he did/facism looks to kill it's opposition first is because they are the most likely to counter it. then thre angry hatefilled cycle continues. Spiraling to with in grouping and out grouping once the first opposition is killed.

Again history won't repeat the same way. But it rhymes.
So I find it interesting that Republicans/maga are expecting a civil war, but also gearing up for it. But also sounding happy that it's going to happen.
Not a single inch or ounce of remorse. Not a single moment of thinking about how much that would suck or hurt.

Let's unpin the second one finally. Being a free speech " supporter" while simultaneously trying to censor and control.

For starters. Maga/Republicans trying to apply the first admendemnt to business. Claiming that their opposition supports and likes to suppress free speech. While simultaneously, banning people from saying certain words in schools, and banning books, specifically trans books.

Where have we heard this before?
Now someone is likely going to say "but it doesn't ban democrats though!!!"
No it doesn't explicitly ban them. But if your a party that already actively harms trans and gay people. They are going to go to the opposition and more likely be a Democrat. (If we ONLY had a choice between the two parties for this argument to be clear. As I know many would vote with their conscious)
Point being however, it's rhyming. Strongly with what Hitler has done.

Lets get to propaganda.

This part is multifaceted. I could look into malt Walsh libs of ticktock causing bomb threats on a specifIc hospital because of a trans pediatrician (or malt Walsh's argument that they do sex change surgies. Which they don't.) I could look into the fact that Trump is the only one with bumper stickers, hats, flags, and much more. Echoing
  • Glorifying Adolf Hitler by using his image on postcards, posters, and in the press;
  • Spreading negative images and ideas about Jews in magazines, films, cartoons, and other media;
Cartoons about how "how rediclous the 'left' is" painting trump in a good light. Or Trump being the face of maga and the Republican party still. Despite him no longer being president.
Or how about the rehetroic regarding maralgo? Every single maga person I have seen, doesn't even give a second to question the possibility that Trump did something wrong.
Because to them, trump is never wrong.

So I once again challenge maga/republicans. Are you sure your the one being prosecuted? Or are you looking to make an excuse to prosecute a group you don't like.

yes we are the ones being persecuted thanks.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
well a republican was struck down by a liberal in a car today after the geriatric who isnt in handcuffs called republicans extremists, not to mentioned be banned from social media 24-7, i mean the list really goes on.
First of all, source to the first claim. I didn't hear about that happening, so I am interested in knowing more.
Second, it could be possible that Republicans are constantly breaking the rules. Considering the vast majority tend to post unhinged shit that's almost always borderline (or even outright) racist, anti-LGBT+, and other shitty mentalities that people are trying to move away from. That being said, that's not really persecution. Violating a TOS and being banned isn't persecution, equally no one is required to provide a platform. A few instances here or there isn't persecution either. This isn't like there are mobs of people dragging Republicans out into the streets and beating them or killing them. No one is making laws that limit or remove the rights of Republicans. Republicans don't have to keep their identities secret from their family for fear of being rejected, assaulted, or thrown out. Having your day mildly inconvenienced or getting banned from social media isn't persecution


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
First of all, source to the first claim. I didn't hear about that happening, so I am interested in knowing more.
Second, it could be possible that Republicans are constantly breaking the rules. Considering the vast majority tend to post unhinged shit that's almost always borderline (or even outright) racist, anti-LGBT+, and other shitty mentalities that people are trying to move away from. That being said, that's not really persecution. Violating a TOS and being banned isn't persecution, equally no one is required to provide a platform. A few instances here or there isn't persecution either. This isn't like there are mobs of people dragging Republicans out into the streets and beating them or killing them. No one is making laws that limit or remove the rights of Republicans. Republicans don't have to keep their identities secret from their family for fear of being rejected, assaulted, or thrown out. Having your day mildly inconvenienced or getting banned from social media isn't persecution

well first off, you immediately invalidated yourself when you claimed rascism, next time dont give it away so quickly, secondly, yes being anti lgbt is generally a good idea


source from liberal website.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
well first off, you immediately invalidated yourself when you claimed rascism, next time dont give it away so quickly, secondly, yes being anti lgbt is generally a good idea


source from liberal website.
Thanks for the source, I am not a Liberal and don't care who's reporting on the news. I don't just settle with one news site or even the first reporting.

I am not sure how citing racism invalidates my points considering how often Replicaisn either dog whistles to racists or are part of racist groups. Equally, racists tend to vote Republican in far greater numbers than they do anyone else. Kind of strange that white nationalist groups tend openly support Republicans and how rarely you see Replucians denounce or distance themselves from those groups.
And why is being anti-LGBT+ a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
Thanks for the source, I am not a Liberal and don't care who's reporting on the news. I don't just settle with one news site or even the first reporting.

I am not sure how citing racism invalidates my points considering how often Replicaisn either dog whistles to racists or are part of racist groups. Equally, racists tend to vote Republican in far greater numbers than they do anyone else. Kind of strange that white nationalist groups tend openly support Republicans and how rarely you see Replucians denounce or distance themselves from those groups.
And why is being anti-LGBT+ a good idea?

ok lets say you were right, you arent, but lets say you were, isnt that discrimination? assuming an entire party is bad because a few bad apples are in it? after all there are a ton of hispanic and black republicans, are they racist against themselves? similarly, it wasnt all that long ago dems were saying some pretty not cool things to thomas so... yikes. As far as those groups go, im sure there are some bad people in them, but we know that the media isnt always the most... honest source.

The reason to be anti LGBT is that the organization is a cult, theres no way around it objectively, its a cult. I'm a republican or as biden would say, an extremist, and i absolutely 100% think gay people should be allowed to marry, as well as bi and even trans, but the group should be denounced entirely, when they allow children into a drag show, and antifa is there to protect them, i have a source on that if you need it.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
ok lets say you were right, you arent, but lets say you were, isnt that discrimination? assuming an entire party is bad because a few bad apples are in it? after all there are a ton of hispanic and black republicans, are they racist against themselves? similarly, it wasnt all that long ago dems were saying some pretty not cool things to thomas so... yikes. As far as those groups go, im sure there are some bad people in them, but we know that the media isnt always the most... honest source.

The reason to be anti LGBT is that the organization is a cult, theres no way around it objectively, its a cult. I'm a republican or as biden would say, an extremist, and i absolutely 100% think gay people should be allowed to marry, as well as bi and even trans, but the group should be denounced entirely, when they allow children into a drag show, and antifa is there to protect them, i have a source on that if you need it.
It's not discrimination to point out that the Republican party has a White Nationist problem. If anything, it should be seen as a problem within the party to weed out the worst to clear their image. It's a problem that Q supporters and White Nationalists have been openly supporting Republicans and Republicans haven't done anything to distance themselves from that. It's also worth noting that dog whistling and gathering support was even a known strategy of the Republican party called the "Southern strategy."

That's just flat-out wrong. There might be some cultish people here and there but you find that with any group of people. Drag queens do not represent the LGBT+ as a whole nor does anything going on with them have support from everyone. People who support anti-fascist political views tend to protect LGBT+ people, as LGBT+ tend to be targeted by Fascists. Antifa isn't some monolith or even an organized group. It's a political stance against Fascist and technically anything who opposes Fascism is holding at least some Antifa viewpoints.
You are talking a lot of buzzwords and a lot of talking points one would get off social media.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
It's not discrimination to point out that the Republican party has a White Nationist problem. If anything, it should be seen as a problem within the party to weed out the worst to clear their image. It's a problem that Q supporters and White Nationalists have been openly supporting Republicans and Republicans haven't done anything to distance themselves from that. It's also worth noting that dog whistling and gathering support was even a known strategy of the Republican party called the "Southern strategy."

That's just flat-out wrong. There might be some cultish people here and there but you find that with any group of people. Drag queens do not represent the LGBT+ as a whole nor does anything going on with them have support from everyone. People who support anti-fascist political views tend to protect LGBT+ people, as LGBT+ tend to be targeted by Fascists. Antifa isn't some monolith or even an organized group. It's a political stance against Fascist and technically anything who opposes Fascism is holding at least some Antifa viewpoints.
You are talking a lot of buzzwords and a lot of talking points one would get off social media.

i dont go on social media, not a democrat, so i cant relate there, how can they be anti fasicm when they are the fascist? that doesnt make any sense. You may say thats wrong, but when bad apples ruin it for the republicans, cultists ruin it for the LBGTers, sorry


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Thanks for the source, I am not a Liberal and don't care who's reporting on the news. I don't just settle with one news site or even the first reporting.

I am not sure how citing racism invalidates my points considering how often Replicaisn either dog whistles to racists or are part of racist groups. Equally, racists tend to vote Republican in far greater numbers than they do anyone else. Kind of strange that white nationalist groups tend openly support Republicans and how rarely you see Replucians denounce or distance themselves from those groups.
And why is being anti-LGBT+ a good idea?
Trump denounced racist groups many times after Charlottesville. Those denouncements were ignored like they never happened. In fact, Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants just continued the Charlottesville lie recently at his "Unity Summit". There are numerous videos and the transcripts of the speech and the left still lies about "fine people on both sides" hoax.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
i dont go on social media, not a democrat, so i cant relate there, how can they be anti fasicm when they are the fascist? that doesnt make any sense. You may say thats wrong, but when bad apples ruin it for the republicans, cultists ruin it for the LBGTers, sorry
I am sorry but do you know what Fascism is? Because it seems like you don't.
And it's not about a few bad apples, your denial doesn't change the reality that Republicans are still dog-whistling to racists, and still don't do shit to distance themselves from White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis who show their support. I hate to break this to you, but the LGBT+ isn't the same as the political parties. People who fall under the umbrella ended up there by happenstance. Someone's existence as an LGBT+ does not mean they have tethered the collective going on of everything else. Political parties are a collective organization and thus should care about the public image of their political ideas, philosophy, beliefs, and appearance. There are too many terrible people claiming to be Republicans and not enough public figures distancing from them. That's bad optics and it's something that should be criticized. You should be demanding better from the Republican party instead of trying to convince an outsider why they are wrong. Trying to convince me I am wrong is just going to result in a constant back and forth with nothing of value gained.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
I am sorry but do you know what Fascism is? Because it seems like you don't.
And it's not about a few bad apples, your denial doesn't change the reality that Republicans are still dog-whistling to racists, and still don't do shit to distance themselves from White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis who show their support. I hate to break this to you, but the LGBT+ isn't the same as the political parties. People who fall under the umbrella ended up there by happenstance. Someone's existence as an LGBT+ does not mean they have tethered the collective going on of everything else. Political parties are a collective organization and thus should care about the public image of their political ideas, philosophy, beliefs, and appearance. There are too many terrible people claiming to be Republicans and not enough public figures distancing from them. That's bad optics and it's something that should be criticized. You should be demanding better from the Republican party instead of trying to convince an outsider why they are wrong. Trying to convince me I am wrong is just going to result in a constant back and forth with nothing of value gained.

wel lyou are right on your last point, but mostly because you dont want your opinion changed, so you wont admit when you are wrong even when you are. I do know what a fascist is, i dont recognize the post supreme court definition of the term, and i hate to break it to you, the lbgt is worse.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
wel lyou are right on your last point, but mostly because you dont want your opinion changed, so you wont admit when you are wrong even when you are. I do know what a fascist is, i dont recognize the post supreme court definition of the term, and i hate to break it to you, the lbgt is worse.
I actually very much want to be proven wrong and want my opinion changed. I openly change my opinion when presented with new or better information on a topic. I don't care what the Supreme defines as Fascism but I do feel like you don't actually know what most of these words mean. Going over to here
why shocked, socialism has infected america like a plague for a long time.
You used Socialism but I can tell you don't know what Socialism is. If you did, you would realize that there is no active Socialist movement in American politics. The closest we've seen has been a handful of Centists with some swings into the Left-Wing, which has resulted in very little and often completely gutted policies. That being said, both parties are still deep into the upwards-right end of the spectrum, with Biden not very far behind Trump, only holding moderately socially Liberal views compared to Trump.
how can they be anti fasicm when they are the fascist?
Of course, there's this too, which makes no sense. Antifa would have to hold views like wanting an ultra-nationalist state, social hierarchy, pushing for a stronger military, wanting a single-party system with a dictator at the top, and so many other verities of political beliefs that are overall missing from any sensible person who supports Antifa-views. If that person supports Facistist values, then are not Antifa as they are not anti-fascist. Saying Antifa are fascists is like saying someone is a God-Fearing Atheist.
This is going to sound rude and I don't mean to but I really think you might actually want to consider spending some time researching these topics. You don't seem to be very well versed in these topics and it's kind of embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
I actually very much want to be proven wrong and want my opinion changed. I openly change my opinion when presented with new or better information on a topic. I don't care what the Supreme defines as Fascism but I do feel like you don't actually know what most of these words mean. Going over to here

You used Socialism but I can tell you don't know what Socialism is. If you did, you would realize that there is no active Socialist movement in American politics. The closest we've seen has been a handful of Centists with some swings into the Left-Wing, which has resulted in very little and often completely gutted policies. That being said, both parties are still deep into the upwards-right end of the spectrum, with Biden not very far behind Trump, only holding moderately socially Liberal views compared to Trump.
Imagine being so far left, that everybody is to the right of you.
Of course, there's this too, which makes no sense. Antifa would have to hold views like wanting an ultra-nationalist state, social hierarchy, pushing for a stronger military, wanting a single-party system with a dictator at the top, and so many other verities of political beliefs that are overall missing from any sensible person who supports Antifa-views. If that person supports Facistist values, then are not Antifa as they are not anti-fascist. Saying Antifa are fascists is like saying someone is a God-Fearing Atheist.
This is going to sound rude and I don't mean to but I really think you might actually want to consider spending some time researching these topics. You don't seem to be very well versed in these topics and it's kind of embarrassing.
Weird that Antifa utilizes fascist techniques. They are ultra violent, attack peaceful people with differing views, uses terrorism to silence people and rejected the legitimacy of an election. Sometimes a group's name can be a misnomer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
I actually very much want to be proven wrong and want my opinion changed. I openly change my opinion when presented with new or better information on a topic. I don't care what the Supreme defines as Fascism but I do feel like you don't actually know what most of these words mean. Going over to here

You used Socialism but I can tell you don't know what Socialism is. If you did, you would realize that there is no active Socialist movement in American politics. The closest we've seen has been a handful of Centists with some swings into the Left-Wing, which has resulted in very little and often completely gutted policies. That being said, both parties are still deep into the upwards-right end of the spectrum, with Biden not very far behind Trump, only holding moderately socially Liberal views compared to Trump.

Of course, there's this too, which makes no sense. Antifa would have to hold views like wanting an ultra-nationalist state, social hierarchy, pushing for a stronger military, wanting a single-party system with a dictator at the top, and so many other verities of political beliefs that are overall missing from any sensible person who supports Antifa-views. If that person supports Facistist values, then are not Antifa as they are not anti-fascist. Saying Antifa are fascists is like saying someone is a God-Fearing Atheist.
This is going to sound rude and I don't mean to but I really think you might actually want to consider spending some time researching these topics. You don't seem to be very well versed in these topics and it's kind of embarrassing.

well this proves you dont know what fascism means, you are using the wikipedia definition that was made up to support bidennarratives, an ACTUAL fascist is "
  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism." which directly ties to the left.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. "Oppressive, dictatorial control".
All of these things tie in to left wing politics, banning guns, censorship, claiming dissonance is extremism, and support violent groups like blm or antifa to get what you want.

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