Gaming Nintendo Confirms Wii U Has Flopped, Slashes Sales Forecast By ~70%

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
I fucking hate the "ALL FPS GAMES R SAME TING, FAK DEM" argument.
Have you ever Played Borderlands? Bioshock? Spec Ops The line? Amnesia the Dark Descent? Talk to me when you've played those fantastic FPS's and when you stop generalizing every FPS as a WWII/COD shooter.

And are you seriously trying to tell me I can't get good Platforming or any other experiences on other Platforms besides Nintendo ones? Have you Never played an Indie game in your life? Have you never Picked up Little Big planet on PS, or Played Splosion Man or Battle Block theatre on Xbox? That's your failure as a gamer too not open your eyes and see there's more to the gaming world then your precious Nintendo Games.

Technically Spec Ops is a TPS but otherwise I agree.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
I've argued my point before I'll go ahead and argue it again.
I always feel like I'm one of the few wii u owners that will actually own up and say "Uh yea... This little thing sucks big time."
I've had my Wii U since launch day.
On launch, I bought NSMBU, BLOPS2, Zombi U, and Got nintendo land with the system. That's 2 first party games, 2 third party.
In that time, I beat New super rehash in a week, played Zombi U for about a week, And didn't even touch Blops or Nintendo Land.
Since then, I have Played 2 other games on the system.
Sonic Lost world, which was a decent game, and the Wind Waker HD, a port.
Now let's think about that for a sec.
When did those games come out? Around September and October right? Both first parties? And I played the titles I got on launch right around launch which means I went, oh Hmm...
About NINE MONTHS WITH NOTHING TO PLAY ON IT. Nine freaking months of just having a brick sitting in my gameroom getting no action whatsoever.
You know where it is now? Back to being a brick in the gameroom. Why? Probably because again, No Games to play whatsoever.
Sure I could Play 3D Rehash as well, ok go ahead and throw that one at me.
Then what? Am I supposed to wait until May for Mario Kart 8 to come out? I'm supposed to just play My Wii u whenever it's ok for Nintendo to actually give me a game to play? Yeah no.
First party isn't going to save the Wii U this time, not by a long shot.
See the problem here is not only the fact that It has next to no library of games.
It's the fact that even if I did want to play their games, what replay value do I have? Most of their games are focused on Local Multiplayer because Nintendo is too Pigheaded to Bother making good online.
I own an Xbox One as well. On it I have about the same amount of games. But the difference in the games I have in Xbox One vs Wii U, is that my Xbox one titles stay fresh by having a constant multiplayer experience to keep things alive. Something Nintendo seriously needs to work on if they want to stay in the game.

Well I could tell you I didn't get my Wii U until March and got Zombi U, NSMBU, Batman, and Nintendoland.

Nintendoland was by far played the most along with NSMBU. The other games I still want to play but have not got around to. Maybe those first party launch titles are not as compelling single player games but they get played a ton for multi-player in my household.

I enjoyed and played a bunch of the 30 cent games and have various other VC games.

Lego City Undercover came out soon after and was very fun with tons of content. Played that a ton and barely put a dent in it as far as collecting all the stuff.

I got Pikmin 3 and Game and Wario which I also enjoyed and still need to play more but I have not had the time.

NSLU also came out and was fun too and I am still playing this and trying to grab all the star coins.

Wii Party U is good fun too and has sort of replaced Nintendoland in the multi-player games rotation.

I got Wonderful 101 which I have enjoyed so far but still need to play more and Rayman Legends is also a blast to play and we are still working our way thorough that.

Windwaker HD was awesome, I had played some on the gamecube version but am glad I did the remake because from what i can gather it is much improved. I beat it and enjoyed it very much and I still want to go back and explore the world more. Off tv-play was a huge benefit in me being able to play this game.

3D world is an amazing game and we are still working our way toward 100% completion of that game.

I also grabbed Wii Fit U by buying the meter and that is nice as well and I am using it to try and get in to better shape.

I also have Trine 2 which I got on sale but don't really like. Ducktales Remastered which is harder than I remember. NES Remix is great fun too as something to pick up and play.

I think many of these games I got a great value too. I have plenty of games still to go back to and the Wii U has been keeping me away from playing a bunch of PS3 stuff (and some 3DS stuff too) i have and want to get to as well. I probably forgot a few games I have on the Wii U as well.

Maybe some of you have a ton more time to dedicate to gaming but having had the Wii U for less than a year I have more to play on it than I can even handle and the vast majority of these games are ones I can not play anywhere else.

Yeah, I don't really enjoy FPS games or playing online very much at all. Is that something you want to criticize as well? And man, not even getting 3D world and bashing on Mario games as rehash.....why in the world did you buy a Wii U at launch then? Wanting to play NSMBU was a major factor for me in deciding to get a Wii U, and I loved it.


Founder of the Church of Renamon
Oct 31, 2011
United Kingdom
why in the world did you buy a Wii U at launch then?
To be fair, Chavo buys a lot of things at launch and is disappointed with them


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
Well I could tell you I didn't get my Wii U until March and got Zombi U, NSMBU, Batman, and Nintendoland.

Nintendoland was by far played the most along with NSMBU. The other games I still want to play but have not got around to. Maybe those first party launch titles are not as compelling single player games but they get played a ton for multi-player in my household.

I enjoyed and played a bunch of the 30 cent games and have various other VC games.

Lego City Undercover came out soon after and was very fun with tons of content. Played that a ton and barely put a dent in it as far as collecting all the stuff.

I got Pikmin 3 and Game and Wario which I also enjoyed and still need to play more but I have not had the time.

NSLU also came out and was fun too and I am still playing this and trying to grab all the star coins.

Wii Party U is good fun too and has sort of replaced Nintendoland in the multi-player games rotation.

I got Wonderful 101 which I have enjoyed so far but still need to play more and Rayman Legends is also a blast to play and we are still working our way thorough that.

Windwaker HD was awesome, I had played some on the gamecube version but am glad I did the remake because from what i can gather it is much improved. I beat it and enjoyed it very much and I still want to go back and explore the world more. Off tv-play was a huge benefit in me being able to play this game.

3D world is an amazing game and we are still working our way toward 100% completion of that game.

I also grabbed Wii Fit U by buying the meter and that is nice as well and I am using it to try and get in to better shape.

I also have Trine 2 which I got on sale but don't really like. Ducktales Remastered which is harder than I remember. NES Remix is great fun too as something to pick up and play.

I think many of these games I got a great value too. I have plenty of games still to go back to and the Wii U has been keeping me away from playing a bunch of PS3 stuff (and some 3DS stuff too) i have and want to get to as well. I probably forgot a few games I have on the Wii U as well.

Maybe some of you have a ton more time to dedicate to gaming but having had the Wii U for less than a year I have more to play on it than I can even handle and the vast majority of these games are ones I can not play anywhere else.

Yeah, I don't really enjoy FPS games or playing online very much at all. Is that something you want to criticize as well? And man, not even getting 3D world and bashing on Mario games as rehash.....why in the world did you buy a Wii U at launch then? Wanting to play NSMBU was a major factor for me in deciding to get a Wii U, and I loved it.
First and Foremost, If you're trying to tell me New Super Mario games aren't Rehashes, you need to take the titles and smack yourself in the face with them a few times and see all the rehashed glory.
Second, what you have given me in this description is a Play history of games you enjoy with Local Multiplayer, a thing I cannot exactly do because I have no one locally to play with. I have a friend with a Wii u... But he lives in Virginia and I can't exactly sit down and play Mario with him can I?
I can't even fathom how someone in this day and age says they don't enjoy online multiplayer. It makes gaming with friends so much easier to do.
I bought a Wii U because I was really interested in the ideas and games they had planned.
I didn't realize it meant I had to wait Years before I could even touch said games. I would have figured when A company says they have games coming out for their system, they'd deliver said games for system in a much timelier format as was the past ways of offering games. Now Nintendo is struggling so hard they can't even give out games to save their own platform. It's quite sad really.

To be fair, Chavo buys a lot of things at launch and is disappointed with them
Oh No, Black Ice is at it again.
It's ironic Too, The things I'm disappointed with at launch are the precious Nintendo games you go out of your way to blindly defend with no actual backup other then "I LIK DIS GAME AND DESE NINTENYEROLDS LIK IT, SO IS ALL GOOD"
Seriously, Grow up. Just because I don't have a positive outlook on the shit nintendo serves me on a platter doesnt mean I need you coming in to shovel it down my throat for me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
I fucking hate the "ALL FPS GAMES R SAME TING, FAK DEM" argument.
Have you ever Played Borderlands? Bioshock? Spec Ops The line? Amnesia the Dark Descent? Talk to me when you've played those fantastic FPS's and when you stop generalizing every FPS as a WWII/COD shooter.

And are you seriously trying to tell me I can't get good Platforming or any other experiences on other Platforms besides Nintendo ones? Have you Never played an Indie game in your life? Have you never Picked up Little Big planet on PS, or Played Splosion Man or Battle Block theatre on Xbox? That's your failure as a gamer too not open your eyes and see there's more to the gaming world then your precious Nintendo Games.

Why would someone who doesn't like FPS and thinks there all the same play all those games?

If someone states that opinion you "fucking hate" it but at the same time some one who enjoys Mario games is a fool who doesn't understand game mechanics? (sure I am combing points from different people but just role with it)

I don't see anyone in here saying non-nintendo games or consoles suck. I see a few people going on and on about how Nintendo fans are basically lesser entities than those proclaiming the greatness of non-nintendo gaming. It's freaking pathetic flame bait trolling trash, grow up and stay on topic.

everyone agrees Wii U is not doing well.

The only points I came in to this thread to make are that Nintendo is not in imminent trouble financially and in spite of the bashing and doom and gloom being spouted they have done quite well in this business even with their home consoles that are pointed to as flops. Nintendo will support this console and is not going to exit the business even if Wii U is their worst selling home console ever.

Geez man, I point to some data showing how much money they make in this business compared to the competition (which is basically a trump card for all the doom and gloom ranting) and people degenerate in to basically name calling (nintendo sucks, their games sucks, you suck if you like them, why would you like them when this other console is so much better and has such better games, blah blah blah).


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
Why would someone who doesn't like FPS and thinks there all the same play all those games?

If someone states that opinion you "fucking hate" it but at the same time some one who enjoys Mario games is a fool who doesn't understand game mechanics? (sure I am combing points from different people but just role with it)

I don't see anyone in here saying non-nintendo games or consoles suck. I see a few people going on and on about how Nintendo fans are basically lesser entities than those proclaiming the greatness of non-nintendo gaming. It's freaking pathetic flame bait trolling trash, grow up and stay on topic.

everyone agrees Wii U is not doing well.

The only points I came in to this thread to make are that Nintendo is not in imminent trouble financially and in spite of the bashing and doom and gloom being spouted they have done quite well in this business even with their home consoles that are pointed to as flops. Nintendo will support this console and is not going to exit the business even if Wii U is their worst selling home console ever.

Geez man, I point to some data showing how much money they make in this business compared to the competition (which is basically a trump card for all the doom and gloom ranting) and people degenerate in to basically name calling (nintendo sucks, their games sucks, you suck if you like them, why would you like them when this other console is so much better and has such better games, blah blah blah).
Because you literally devolve into calling anyone who doesn't agree with your statistics "freaking pathetic flame bait trolling trash/fanboys/etc."
it's the classic Victim complex.
The reason I respond much More Violently then someone like Foxi, Is because it literally irritates me to what lengths people will go to too prove Nintendo Is the God Of Gaming and completely dismiss all other games.
Hence why I started the FPS thing.
And don't get me wrong, I never said Mario games had bad Mechanics, they're always the most polished platformers and whatnot. The problem I have is how repetitive the games have gotten. I feel like I'm playing DLC expansions every time I pick up a Mario Game now, it's ridiculous.
Half the time they don't even bother changing the world or location, they keep everything almost completely the same and it's aggravating.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
First and Foremost, If you're trying to tell me New Super Mario games aren't Rehashes, you need to take the titles and smack yourself in the face with them a few times and see all the rehashed glory.
Second, what you have given me in this description is a Play history of games you enjoy with Local Multiplayer, a thing I cannot exactly do because I have no one locally to play with. I have a friend with a Wii u... But he lives in Virginia and I can't exactly sit down and play Mario with him can I?
I can't even fathom how someone in this day and age says they don't enjoy online multiplayer. It makes gaming with friends so much easier to do.
I bought a Wii U because I was really interested in the ideas and games they had planned.
I didn't realize it meant I had to wait Years before I could even touch said games. I would have figured when A company says they have games coming out for their system, they'd deliver said games for system in a much timelier format as was the past ways of offering games. Now Nintendo is struggling so hard they can't even give out games to save their own platform. It's quite sad really.

I enjoyed all the New Super Mario bros. games, and you know what I am not alone, look at their sales.

I just think it's weird for some one to buy a Nintendo console and complain about Mario games. Yeah maybe you like something else on the console but you bought NSMBU and got the thing at launch and are slamming 3D world even though you haven't played it yet.

I don't slam people for liking FPS games, why should I get slammed for liking Mario games?

Yeah, local multi-player is a strength of Nintendo consoles and online multi-player is not. I could have told you that before you bought a Wii U and don't much see that a reason to complain, you should have known what you were getting in to.

I find online multiplayer to basically be annoying. My son does plenty and he seems to me be angrier than happier when he does. I enjoy local multi-player leaps much better.

What games and ideas were planned that have not been delivered? Bayonetta 2? X? Mario Kart 8? Rayman and Pikmin got delayed (but I don't think you even said you have those games), Colonial Marines got cancelled, we don't get Madden....where is this bait and switch?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
Because you literally devolve into calling anyone who doesn't agree with your statistics "freaking pathetic flame bait trolling trash/fanboys/etc."
it's the classic Victim complex.
The reason I respond much More Violently then someone like Foxi, Is because it literally irritates me to what lengths people will go to too prove Nintendo Is the God Of Gaming and completely dismiss all other games.
Hence why I started the FPS thing.
And don't get me wrong, I never said Mario games had bad Mechanics, they're always the most polished platformers and whatnot. The problem I have is how repetitive the games have gotten. I feel like I'm playing DLC expansions every time I pick up a Mario Game now, it's ridiculous.
Half the time they don't even bother changing the world or location, they keep everything almost completely the same and it's aggravating.

That person was going on and on about how Nintendo is failing with their consoles since the SNES and how badly they are screwing up. Then when it's pointed out that they are succeeding way more than their rivals at the goal, making money, it shifted in to money doesn't matter....their consoles just aren't "good"...they need to be more like their competition because I like their competition better....their goal should be to be more popular and more like what I think they should be like.

Yeah all of that stuff after the money argument was dropped is just flamebait fanboy Genesis vs. SNES playground type of non-sense.

Its a bunch of crap. If you don't like Nintendo games or consoles I don't really give a crap. They make games, I like those games, they make money....what the heck does any of that other stuff matter for besides fanboy war type of garbage?


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
Have you seen my siggy? I'm not AGAINST Nintendo. I literally went out of my way to Buy the Limited edition Zelda XL at launch even though I already have the limited edition Zelda 3DS, and had a blue 3DS XL.
I really like Nintendo. But I feel completely BONED with the Wii U. I'm not saying it can't turn around for me as a Wii u owner (Needs moar Zelda, SMTxFE, X, Metroid, etc.)
Br I am saying they can't dig themselves out of the hole they're in now. Nintendo isn't doomed, but their Wii U sure as hecky is.

And also, I don't hate Mario games. I just Hate the New Super Mario line in general because literally every game has felt exactly the same.
As for 3D World, I've watched a full lets play of the game. It's 3D land with a little more exploration and characters thrown in. Still not my cup of tea.
Now if you give me an ACTUAL 3D Mario on Par with Galaxy/Sunshine/64, then I might be happy (as long as it's new, innovative, and has nothing to do with space please. Space was nice, time to move one please.)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
Ok, X is coming and we will probably get a more traditional 3d Mario. But neither of those, or the other things you want, were promised to you at launch so I don't think you have much reason to complain that you don't have those things yet.

I won't try to convince you should like the new series. I like getting one new series game per console, I like the formula and will play more and am glad for nslu too.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Criticizing someones taste in games is not an argument nimrod.
I don't think it's a matter of taste in games as much as it is a matter of expectations not being met, which is good grounds for criticism, and again, criticism, when constructive, is good (unless you criticize someone else's favorite company, in which case you're a bias flaming fanboy).

I vowed not to return to this thread anymore but for god's sake, stop throwing those terms around whenever someone disagrees with you. Having a different opinion doesn't make someone a fanboy - unconditional devotion regardless of circumstances and facts does.

There's nothing wrong in wanting X from Company Y - it's called demand. Companies meet their customer's expectations and their products sell... or they don't and their products do not sell.

Ray Lewis

Dec 30, 2012
United States
I want Nintendo to go power and have multiplayer and multiplats with their game lines. Not happening. So I enjoy my Wii U and hope games I want are not cancelled. PS4 or xbone will be a second system. I'll get it well below market value and will go with whichever one gets hacked first (to my liking). Hopefully people who hack them won't be selfish hypocritical pussies and they will fully hack them and release something useful. I'll get the best prices for games so I can blow shit up and use trainers. I don't have 16 hours a day to avoid my work/family to get good at games that are all the same to me.

I also won't pay for online gaming. Wii U is toast, and home consoles might be toast soon. Nintendo won't spend $ to dev a system like MS/Sony will. Those guys lose, bleed, $ and don't even care. Nintendo cannot do that and won't. I see a hybrid portable but nothing else. Numbers don't lie.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I want Nintendo to go power and have multiplayer and multiplats with their game lines. Not happening. So I enjoy my Wii U and hope games I want are not cancelled. PS4 or xbone will be a second system. I'll get it well below market value and will go with whichever one gets hacked first (to my liking).
See, this type of behavior is non-sensical. You want a good multiplayer infrastructure, you want multiplatform titles but you're not willing to pay for them, or rather, you're only willing to pay for them when they're on the Wii U - if it's a different platform, you're planning on hacking/pirating to your heart's content. What kind of a message is that to console and game developers?

There's a basement full of clerks with calculators somewhere out there who analyze the market 24/7 and customers like you steer them in the wrong direction. You want certain features, but they can't read your mind - they can only see what you're paying for and what you're not paying for. They see that you're buying mediocre rehashed first-party games with poor or no multiplayer and what do they think? "Damn, I guess our customers don't give a damn about multiplayer or multiplats!" and subsequently they don't care either. It's a vicious cycle. You should reward developers who give you what you actually want, not the other way around.
I also won't pay for online gaming. Wii U is toast, and home consoles might be toast soon. Nintendo won't spend $ to dev a system like MS/Sony will. Those guys lose, bleed, $ and don't even care. Nintendo cannot do that and won't. I see a hybrid portable but nothing else. Numbers don't lie.
Unless consoles go full-on TCP/IP, "quality free online" will never come back. Server maintenance costs, and it costs quite a bit. The more stuff is done on company servers instead of being done on the actual console the more server firepower you need.

Before someone mentions Steam, I'd like to point out that the infrastructure works completely differently than on consoles - usually the user is the host, so Valve cuts down on server costs. With PSN, XBL or NN it doesn't work that way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
I don't think it's a matter of taste in games as much as it is a matter of expectations not being met, which is good grounds for criticism, and again, criticism is constructive (unless you criticize someone else's favorite company, in which case you're a bias flaming fanboy).

I vowed not to return to this thread anymore but for god's sake, stop throwing those terms around whenever someone disagrees with you. Having a different opinion doesn't make someone a fanboy - unconditional devotion regardless of circumstances and facts does.

There's nothing wrong in wanting X from Company Y - it's called demand. Companies meet their customer's expectations and their products sell... or they don't and their products do not sell.

Well the communists point was more of the games you like stink and the games I like are superior. That's not a fanboy flame war topic?

As far as your point, sure, nothing wrong with it except that I don't think it's a valid point as far as saying Nintendo is screwing up. You want them to do things differently, fine, but it turns in to something else when you say they are failing because they aren't doing what you want them to.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Well the communists point was more of the games you like stink and the games I like are superior. That's not a fanboy flame war topic?

As far as your point, sure, nothing wrong with it except that I don't think it's a valid point as far as saying Nintendo is screwing up. You want them to do things differently, fine, but it turns in to something else when you say they are failing because they aren't doing what you want them to.
When "I want them to do things differently" can be equated to "I don't want them to do things poorly", the criticism is well-justified.

Their Online system is factually years behind the competition, their hardware is factually behind the times and doesn't follow industry standards and third-party factually doesn't support their way of conducting business - these are real-life problems one could complain about.

Just because someone's a Nintendo customer doesn't mean that he immediately has to bow to the might of the Big N and accept everything they do without question - when they make mistakes or do something poorly, it's the customers who are supposed to tell them about it, either by means of criticism (which, believe it or not, does get to them - see the XBox One and the PS4 case) or more importantly by means of using their wallets, or rather, not using them unless the product satisfies their needs.
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Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
Ok, X is coming and we will probably get a more traditional 3d Mario. But neither of those, or the other things you want, were promised to you at launch so I don't think you have much reason to complain that you don't have those things yet.

I won't try to convince you should like the new series. I like getting one new series game per console, I like the formula and will play more and am glad for nslu too.
Oh ok X is Coming. When? It's coming? Oh I'm k guess i shouldn't worry then.
Oh Zelda is Coming
Oh Yoshi Yarn is coming.
Oh Shin megami tensesi x Fire emblem is coming.
Oh Bayonetta 2 is coming.
Oh 3rd parties are coming.
Oh Nintendo Ip's are coming.
Yea that's great... Where the fuck are they?
when the fuck will I see them?
Am I even going to see them?
Hey remember when Nintendo said the gamepad would be used in innovative new ways? Okay that's great, when's that coming? Oh they're just now Going to Focus on their consoles main peripheral? No that's great I lived using a Map Pad for about a year and a half now.
Oh I'm going to experience console gaming like I've never experienced before? Ok when. Soon? Right gotcha. I see the trend now. Just wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Eventually I might get to play a game!


Cat's best friend
May 27, 2013
happy land
United States
The fact you think fighting games are all like Mortal Kombat and all FPS games are the same but say that Mario is "different" shows a clear delusional bias and lack of understanding of games mechanics.

Yeah, isn't there a fighting game where you don't have to chain combos and you can just mash buttons? I don't like thinking about what buttons I should push when I'm fighting; it kinda ruins the effect of pure, senseless button-mashing violence. About the only thing all FPS games share in common is their camera perspective; anything else is just stupid. And I'm pretty sure I've been reading some troll posts.


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
Yeah, isn't there a fighting game where you don't have to chain combos and you can just mash buttons? I don't like thinking about what buttons I should push when I'm fighting; it kinda ruins the effect of pure, senseless button-mashing violence. About the only thing all FPS games share in common is their camera perspective; anything else is just stupid. And I'm pretty sure I've been reading some troll posts.
The only troll here is you because you make no effort to even back up any claim you make or shitpost you throw out there.
If you're SERIOUSLY going to judge an FPS based on its camera angle and claim EVERYTHING ELSE is garbage, then it's time to GTFO.
Bioshock is one of this Decades most Fabtastic FPS's and you know what it doesn't do a lot of? Shooting. Yknow what it does do a lot of? Fantastic story telling with unparalleled gameplay and amazing visuals.
Seriously, stop Being stupid.
No one can take you seriously anymore.

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